[App Nov. 4 2009] ToDo List Program - Windows Mobile Apps and Games

Update 5/26/10The screen on my winmo phone broke about 2 weeks ago, and since then also one of the buttons on the front came off. I wasn't sure I wanted to continue with Windows Mobile considering their lack of support for older versions in Windows 7 phone, so I got an Android phone, a used G1. I'm not sure I'll continue to develop for Winmo.
So far I'm very impressed with what I see from the G1, but of course there are some apps missing, so my first priority will probably be to get some of my Winmo programs ported to Android. Sorry
This is a program to organize todo's/tasks in a treeview form.
It's a mobile version of the ToDoList program found at http://www.codeproject.com/KB/applications/todolist2.aspx
and http://www.abstractspoon.com/index.htm
Views based on grouping by date, folder etc.
Filter out completed task
Items can be Flagged so they stand out
Have priority and risk attached
Can be recurring
Can be exported to Pocket outlook
Can have status and categories
Can have completion percentage
Can have estimated time attached
If the list files are kept in the My Documents folder, they will be synchronized between the desktop and the mobile version.
In order to add categories and status options, you enter settings from the file menu. There you can also set whether you want to show the details or the comments (notes) for the item.
If the field is too short, it can be adjusted by dragging the divider line between the field and the list.
There is a shortcut toolbar that can be shown by clicking on the ^, next to Filter on the toolbar.
To edit an item, tap and hold to get the menu.
This is still being developed as a hobby, and is not a final version (in particular "filter", "group by" and list view need more work). It is being developed as I see fit, have time and am interested in doing it. THERE IS NO WARRANTY THAT THIS PROGRAM WILL WORK ON YOUR Pocket PC / Mobile phone. I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE IT MAY CAUSE.
That being said, it seems to be quite stable on my HTC T-Mobile Wing, Mobile 6.1 and an old Dell Axim, Pocket PC 2003.
I have used it for a couple of years and maybe someone else finds it useful.
This program was developed based on the source code found on http://sourceforge.net/projects/tdl-wm5/
Since the original desktop version of this program is constantly being developed, some of the features available on the desktop might not work on the Pocket PC version.
After unzipping the files, copy the "TdlToDo" directory to "\My Documents" on your Pocket PC.
The program file itself, "ToDoList.exe", can be anywhere on your Phone/Pocket PC (on a storage card if you want).
Delete the "TdlToDo" dirctory in "\My Documents".
Delete "ToDoList.exe"
Delete "ToDoList" directory under "\Application Data" directory.

thx pal this is awesome.

throw in a Finger Friendly interface and then we have a great app...

Hi, I've been working on a similar project, are you releasing the source for yours? It looks like it could be more complete although I would like to integrate some of my features if its open source...

foz1284 said:
Hi, I've been working on a similar project, are you releasing the source for yours? It looks like it could be more complete although I would like to integrate some of my features if its open source...
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I haven't decided on releasing the source code yet. I probably should....
I looked at your project with the listed features currently and in the road map. My program already have all those features you listed there. What other features were you thinking of?

ajige said:
I haven't decided on releasing the source code yet. I probably should....
I looked at your project with the listed features currently and in the road map. My program already have all those features you listed there. What other features were you thinking of?
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Fair comment although I have actually been working on a large button menu and the ability to focus the task list on a particular task also I was working on syncronisation with outlook appointments, not just export. I could really do with doing another release and updating the homepage as there have been several changes since it was last done.

foz1284 said:
Fair comment although I have actually been working on a large button menu and the ability to focus the task list on a particular task also I was working on syncronisation with outlook appointments, not just export. I could really do with doing another release and updating the homepage as there have been several changes since it was last done.
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Sorry, but I didn't mean my criticize.
As for large button menu, do you mean to make it more finger friendly like the commenter above was asking?
And synchronizing could be a good idea. So would you then be able to turn it on or off, considering you don't want all the lists/items synchronized? Synchronize individual tasks? Based on categories?
I haven't looked at the code in a long, long time, so if I release it, I need to clean it up a bit.

ajige said:
Sorry, but I didn't mean my criticize.
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dont worry about it, I realise you didnt mean it maliciously, I feel a bit like I've been re-inventing the wheel for the last few months
ajige said:
As for large button menu, do you mean to make it more finger friendly like the commenter above was asking?
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yep, essentially what I've done is place a load of large buttons on the screen that are visible as neccesary, nothing fancy but I think it works well
ajige said:
And synchronizing could be a good idea. So would you then be able to turn it on or off, considering you don't want all the lists/items synchronized? Synchronize individual tasks? Based on categories?
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Its just like you say on individual tasks although not based on categories, I've added two extra attributes to the XML one for enable/disable and one for the OutlookID.
ajige said:
I haven't looked at the code in a long, long time, so if I release it, I need to clean it up a bit.
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I'm sure my code wouldnt be much better and I wouldnt judge you on it, I've taken andy aspell-clarke's code and extended on it for my version, I'm not dissing his code at all but Its certainly not using coding standards that I would so I'm adaptable with it and would love to add to your code if you're interested?
BTW are you using C# or unmanaged code? my source is in C# and I'm not that familiar with C++(but would certainly have ago!)

this post keep grow intresting.
keep up the good work

foz1284 said:
yep, essentially what I've done is place a load of large buttons on the screen that are visible as neccesary, nothing fancy but I think it works well
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Do you have a screenshot?
Its just like you say on individual tasks although not based on categories, I've added two extra attributes to the XML one for enable/disable and one for the OutlookID.
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Is it then still compatible with the desktop version?
BTW are you using C# or unmanaged code? my source is in C# and I'm not that familiar with C++(but would certainly have ago!)
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Yes it's C#.

bear in mind the menu is still in private testing(although in full use)
the outlook integration has not been fully implemented yet and was a few months ago since I have done any work on it, although it was creating new appointments and updating them both ways on the mobile device,
IIRC the appointments transfer correctly to desktop outlook although there is no support in Dan.g's desktop todolist

BTW how are you handling the xml?
the source I started with is using xmlreaders and writers although I am currently in the process of converting the whole thing to XMLDOC as I find it more straightforward to work with.

foz1284 said:
bear in mind the menu is still in private testing(although in full use)
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I used a modified KList (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=1546662&postcount=1) in my hgAgenda and hgToday programs. Take a look, that might be something to use. It can be scrolled, so it could be long if necessary.
the outlook integration has not been fully implemented yet and was a few months ago since I have done any work on it, although it was creating new appointments and updating them both ways on the mobile device,
IIRC the appointments transfer correctly to desktop outlook although there is no support in Dan.g's desktop todolist
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Yes, I know it's not supported in the desktop program, but if you open a list in the desktop program, will it mess up the info for the outlook integration, or is that info kept intact?
foz1284 said:
BTW how are you handling the xml?
the source I started with is using xmlreaders and writers although I am currently in the process of converting the whole thing to XMLDOC as I find it more straightforward to work with.
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It's using XMLDoc, and that's not my code. As mentioned, the base code is taken from an open source project.

Support for hgtdlToDo
I just found this program, and WOW!
I have been using happyjackroad IdeaLibrary, which while a great program is "abandonware" and hasn't been updated in years. It also doesn't have any meaningful desktop support. So I recently went looking for a useful hierarchical list manager, with sync to desktop, and freeware versions for both PPC and PC. Print would be a plus as well. ToDoList fits the bill!
There are at least two ports from the PC to the PPC, and this one looks really good. I've been using it for a couple of days, and like it.
Three questions:
* It is at version .1 -- while the product is stable, that indicates to me that there have been exactly one public version, and it's not even a "final" version. While it be developed more?
* Is there a forum where it is discussed? This thread on XDA-Developers is about the only thing that Google found. It'd be great to find a forum.
* And, the reason I'm here. I installed it, and it works well. However, it will only open the last file saved (basically, auto-open on start). I can't get ANY files to show in the file open screen. Any thoughts? It's a HP HX2490b flashed to a custom WM 6.1 Classic ROM.
Thanks -- and keep it up!

HarryK said:
I just found this program, and WOW!
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I have been using happyjackroad IdeaLibrary, which while a great program is "abandonware" and hasn't been updated in years. It also doesn't have any meaningful desktop support. So I recently went looking for a useful hierarchical list manager, with sync to desktop, and freeware versions for both PPC and PC. Print would be a plus as well. ToDoList fits the bill!
There are at least two ports from the PC to the PPC, and this one looks really good. I've been using it for a couple of days, and like it.
Three questions:
* It is at version .1 -- while the product is stable, that indicates to me that there have been exactly one public version, and it's not even a "final" version. While it be developed more?
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It's working well for me, but I'm open to suggestions. However, there aren't many comments on the usability, so I assumed that people are either happy with the program as it is, or they downloaded it to try, but are not using it.
* Is there a forum where it is discussed? This thread on XDA-Developers is about the only thing that Google found. It'd be great to find a forum.
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I have a web page http://sites.google.com/site/ajiget/programs/home for the program, but otherwise this is the only place I know of that has any activity for my program. From what I understand, the program has been downloaded quite a lot, but not many people has any comments, so I think this would be the closest to a forum you'll get.
* And, the reason I'm here. I installed it, and it works well. However, it will only open the last file saved (basically, auto-open on start). I can't get ANY files to show in the file open screen. Any thoughts? It's a HP HX2490b flashed to a custom WM 6.1 Classic ROM.
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Yes, I'm not happy with the file manager part. This is how it was originally (not my code). So when you open up the program and you want another file, the program should go back to the program's file manager. There you have to add the tdl files, that you want the program to open. So are you saying that when you click file, and close that it doesn't go to the filemanager, or that you can only see one file there?
Thanks -- and keep it up!
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Without comments, I haven't been inspired to work on the program, but let me know what you think, and maybe I'll do something again.

Sorry, I dropped my post and ran! But I'm back.
I don't have any real comments on the usability, so your reasons for not updating seem fair enough. I'm learning more, and it is making more sense. Actually, I'm using the desktop version VERY heavily, and printing out hardcopy lists, and so the PPC version is becoming more of a handy reference for when I don't happen to have my list. Still, very helpful.
But with regard to the file manager, I figured it out, and it works fine. The file manager is not simply a list of compatible files, it is a list of "added" files. Once I realized that I have to "add" a file before I can see it, it works just fine.
Thanks for the response. And now that I've found you, I'll send you feedback if I come up with any.
Thanks for the program. I am a rabid WinCE user (that tells you how long I've been one -- 1998 was my first in black and white), and a key element of program selection for me is compatible desktop applications.


ROMS are nice OEMs are Better!

It seems like...we can all easily build ROMs....if you're in here, you're diggin in with dcd....
What we need is a list of OEMs that people can add into their ROMs.
For example...I found Arcsoft MMS: OEM.
Go grab it here:
Simply unzip and drop it into the OEM folder....
Be aware...you'd better know your Carrier MMS Settings before attempting this one......
sudermatt said:
Be aware...you'd better know your Carrier MMS Settings before attempting this one......
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actually, if youre using it with my kitchen, the carrier packages should do the mms configuration for you. I've not tested (i dont have vzw) but I was told it worked right off the bat.
It didn't for me....I had to dig around for a posting that gave the right settings.
Of course....with OEMizer....I can easily create an rgu file with the settings built into the OEM I make and Cook in!
sudermatt said:
It didn't for me.
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I will work on this. 3.0 and 4.2 must use different keys.
is there a cab for this version?
Here are some of the OEMs I use in my personal build...
Here is my mortscript OEM.
This binds the voice dialing key to a mortscript of mine for toggling the cellular data connection. Holding button 5 will connect if disconnected, or will disconnect (and disable) if connected. Script is included.
I use it to shut off cellular data at home, which is the only way ive found to make activesync use wifi for connecting back to mail2web.
Hi, how do you build an OEM, to insert in a rom? I would like to add aim 2.0 and a few other files
DCD, is there a OEM for HTC Home that you used to include in your custom versions? The one that has the today-settings panel?
Believe me...it's not drag and drop...you have to dig in and get your geek on.
OEMizer is an app (search for it) that seems to help the process. I haven't really used it yet to turn cabs or other folder apps (those that do not require installation), into cookable OEM folders. It looks like it will work. I hope to have some time this weekend (its raining all weekend in LA) to play with it.
I will put up some sort of tutorial when I get it figured out. At least covering the simple stuff I understand.
I'm no programmer. I dabble. My big brained friends say, things like, "you know just enough to really 'f' things up" "you code works...unintelligable...but it seems to work".
Go into one of the OEM folders in the kitchen. Find one that is pretty simple that you have a good idea what the app is about. Look at the Option.xml file. Open the rgu file in notepad.
In OEMizer, do something really simple, like owner information, and build the OEM....look at it....you'll see what's going on....
What I don't really get is, the folder apps....I will have to tinker
sudermatt said:
It didn't for me....I had to dig around for a posting that gave the right settings.
Of course....with OEMizer....I can easily create an rgu file with the settings built into the OEM I make and Cook in!
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Hmm, I couldn't get 4.2 to work on mine even using the settings for the 6700. I wonder what is different for you as compared to mine?
I can't remember all the steps I took....but here goes
The mms app only had one connection listed.
In the Registery, it was listed under some directory.
I remember seeing the registery directory "test" having the verizon settings...I modded those to match what the post said.
I copied "test" into the same directory as the default one.
Then I had to change a registry entry to show 2 connection settings in the application
Then I changed another registry entry to indicate which was the default connection I wanted to use.
Then I added a registry entry for my phone number.
Then I think it started working....
I cooked another ROM last night, so I have to redo all this stuff...I'll walk thru the steps again and repost.
But THIS time....I'm going to put it all down and use OEMizer so I don't ever have to do it again.
I'm really starting to see a LOT of value in that application....
working on integrating all my favs as oems into dcd's but I still have a way to go i suppose... keep getting the registry building errors.... blah
registry build error means you have non-unicode text in a reg file you edited somewhere. Make sure to open and save the file that causes the error with microsoft word, and save as, text, unicode encoding... That should eliminate those errors. a lot of text editor say they are saving as unicode, but don't stick strictly to the standard.
PackageCreater Rulez!
sudermatt said:
Believe me...it's not drag and drop...you have to dig in and get your geek on.
OEMizer is an app (search for it) that seems to help the process.
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Actually, there is an app out there which pretty much does make it drag and drop.
Search on this site for the phrase "packagecreator". It was originally written and posted in one of the other forums here (i think the last version was 5.4).
It will open a cab, and export it and all of it's keys into a neatly written OEM folder. It even has the ability to mass-rename files in an OEM to avoid name conflicts when cooking.
This little beauty has worked for me on well over 99% (I can't claim 100% because I'm sure there's something out there that didn't work) of the OEMs I've created.
I find the program to be almost as valauble as the kitchen itself.
dcd1182 said:
Here are some of the OEMs I use in my personal build...
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dcd1182 Thanks for all the work on this I have question about the oems you posted. I just started to play with the kitchen and when I add the HTC_XButton2_0_30995 the BuildOS gives me this error.
The file 'temp\dump\testsearch.bmp' already exists.
After doing some research it looks like the file is in both the HTC_XButton and AdobeReader is it ok to just delete one of them and try to run the BuildOS again?
dolivas said:
dcd1182 Thanks for all the work on this I have question about the oems you posted. I just started to play with the kitchen and when I add the HTC_XButton2_0_30995 the BuildOS gives me this error.
The file 'temp\dump\testsearch.bmp' already exists.
After doing some research it looks like the file is in both the HTC_XButton and AdobeReader is it ok to just delete one of them and try to run the BuildOS again?
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They are the same picture, it's fine to delete one, but this is a bug in buildos that should be fixed, it should prompt the user to keep existing, rename, or overwrite...
paynej said:
Actually, there is an app out there which pretty much does make it drag and drop.
Search on this site for the phrase "packagecreator". It was originally written and posted in one of the other forums here (i think the last version was 5.4).
It will open a cab, and export it and all of it's keys into a neatly written OEM folder. It even has the ability to mass-rename files in an OEM to avoid name conflicts when cooking.
This little beauty has worked for me on well over 99% (I can't claim 100% because I'm sure there's something out there that didn't work) of the OEMs I've created.
I find the program to be almost as valauble as the kitchen itself.
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Package creator 5.4 works great, I've been using it for quite a while creating my OEM's. I use this combined with Mobile Registry Editor to extract stuff from the registry to put into the OEM so I don't have to keep setting stuff up every time I flash. For instance I have Slingplayer mobile in an OEM all configured and ready to go.
htc home 2.0.814.722
paynej said:
Actually, there is an app out there which pretty much does make it drag and drop.
Search on this site for the phrase "packagecreator". It was originally written and posted in one of the other forums here (i think the last version was 5.4).
It will open a cab, and export it and all of it's keys into a neatly written OEM folder. It even has the ability to mass-rename files in an OEM to avoid name conflicts when cooking.
This little beauty has worked for me on well over 99% (I can't claim 100% because I'm sure there's something out there that didn't work) of the OEMs I've created.
I find the program to be almost as valauble as the kitchen itself.
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If your still looking for package creator heres a link. http://rs62.rapidshare.com/files/78803302/package_creator.rar

[APP] LightJacker, the ultimate backlight fix & more

LightJacker 1.0.3
Universal backlight fix / TomTom backlight fix
for WM5 & Up​
Hi guys! I just installed TomTom on my S740 and found it still has that annoying bug where the backlight keeps going off, so I decided I would write my own app to fix this problem.
It features completely transparent operation with backlight resuming normal function when the target app is not focused (i.e. when one minimizes TomTom), universal-ness so it can be applied to any app, lightweightness, and doesn't touch the system in any way.
In future, I may also expand it to support configurable key-to-key and key-to-mouse translation, to make some PocketPC-only apps usable also on the Smartphone.
For the interested, see all the details at the program's webpage.
And let me know what you think about it.
Thank you!
Thanks! I think it is a great idea!
I have been looking around for such app to keep the backlight always on when necessary - e.g. reading e-books, watching video and etc.
My feedback is it may be a little troublesome to do the link to each application you want to apply?
Is it possible to make it a background app, whereby when turned on it keep the backlight on always, but when turned off it revert back to the default setting in Power management.
zhuozhi211 said:
Thanks! I think it is a great idea!
I have been looking around for such app to keep the backlight always on when necessary - e.g. reading e-books, watching video and etc.
My feedback is it may be a little troublesome to do the link to each application you want to apply?
Is it possible to make it a background app, whereby when turned on it keep the backlight on always, but when turned off it revert back to the default setting in Power management.
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I've put on my web page an easier semi-automatic procedure for creating the link, you just have to enter the path to the executable and the name for your shortcut, and download the ready-made .lnk file (be warned that it doesn't work with firefox, though, but it does with IE and Opera.)
I don't think it's so difficult and time-consuming now
There already are apps or mortscritps that do what you want, I.e. changing the systemwide setting, but it is exactly what I don't want to do: impose additional hassle on the user having to start/stop an app, and mess with registry and systemwide settings... I wanted LightJacker to be as invisible to the use as it could.
Hi there thenext1, I tried your app and the set up was fine and it works great, so thanks very much for that. I like the way it picks up the icon from the original app, this got me thinking that you could make an adaption of your app that just injected a new icon into a shortcut for any app and that is all it would do, just to change the icon for any app and nothing else, if you see what I mean, sorry to be a little off topic but just a thought. I have some apps that have horrible Icons I would like a simple way of adding my own Icon into a shortcut. "IconJacker"
uniqueboy said:
Hi there thenext1, I tried your app and the set up was fine and it works great, so thanks very much for that. I like the way it picks up the icon from the original app, this got me thinking that you could make an adaption of your app that just injected a new icon into a shortcut for any app and that is all it would do, just to change the icon for any app and nothing else, if you see what I mean, sorry to be a little off topic but just a thought. I have some apps that have horrible Icons I would like a simple way of adding my own Icon into a shortcut. "IconJacker"
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That function is outside LightJacker's scope, anyway, you can try editing the .lnk file and changing the last path after the "?" mark to reflect a path to an .ico file on your phone, and editing the last number to be zero or remove it with the comma altogether.
I don't know if it will work.
Perfect idea! Sounds like a super program!! I have been looking for a feature like this!
A question: can it monitor several programs also? (e.g. Tomtom and igo and acrobat reader)? Seems like the shortcut generator can only support one program...
parkhaus said:
Perfect idea! Sounds like a super program!! I have been looking for a feature like this!
A question: can it monitor several programs also? (e.g. Tomtom and igo and acrobat reader)? Seems like the shortcut generator can only support one program...
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Just create a shortcut for each of your program.... be warned though, I didn't test multiple programs at once. It might not work.
Has anyone gotten this to work with an HTC Touch Pro? I've tried installing this - and after I create the shortcut, and click the master app I'm trying to keep lighted - I get the following error message:
"The file 'ljack' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file."
When I click on the ljack.exe file on it's own - I get the following message:
"LightJacker error 2"
I'd read that another program that requires a purchase, "smartlight" was incompatible with our phones, so I'm wondering if it's something unique to the Touch Pro.
P0ll0L0c0 said:
Has anyone gotten this to work with an HTC Touch Pro? I've tried installing this - and after I create the shortcut, and click the master app I'm trying to keep lighted - I get the following error message:
"The file 'ljack' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file."
When I click on the ljack.exe file on it's own - I get the following message:
"LightJacker error 2"
I'd read that another program that requires a purchase, "smartlight" was incompatible with our phones, so I'm wondering if it's something unique to the Touch Pro.
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Error 2 means that an incorrect command line was supplied - in your case, no cmd line at all.
The other error with the proper shortcut is a windows mobile generic error, and I don't know why it comes up, it should run fine as it does when start ljack.exe on its own....
Maybe your phone isn't fully app-unlocked?
A super idea for a program! however, a GUI would be nice....
command-line options are not very handy. And I think that is where the Error 2 comes from. I also had trouble using your .lnk maker.
Hmmm, your site seems to be down.
Any chance you could upload the cab here on xda?
Yes, I confirm...
I tried several times.... The website is dead since this morning. So, no chance to download this promissing application until now.
For a very similar app go here:
there is a version which prevents the PPC from entering standby, and one that does it only while wifi is on. Also a great app!
arturobandini said:
Yes, I confirm...
I tried several times.... The website is dead since this morning. So, no chance to download this promissing application until now.
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You are right! Will investigate the problem.
@parkhaus: what'd be the GUI for?
I would love to have a program that keeps the backlight on when certain programs are running (Adobe reader, Tomtom, ebook reader, etc).
A menu for defining those programs would be great! making shortcuts for each program is a bit too complicated for most users.
A solution in MortScript you can find here
Note: knowledge of german language is required
parkhaus said:
I would love to have a program that keeps the backlight on when certain programs are running (Adobe reader, Tomtom, ebook reader, etc).
A menu for defining those programs would be great! making shortcuts for each program is a bit too complicated for most users.
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An utility in .NET CF can be easily made, but I absolutely don't have any spare time to do it.
Or you can use the method provided by the above users, although it's the old method of changing values in the registry.
Thankyou very much, I needed an app like this for Memory-Map OS5 (App for Off-road satnav in the UK).
I don't suppose you use winmo 6.5 do you? I have another problem with that app in 6.5 where it has icons along the bottom like 6.5 does - however, as 6.5 changes the width of the icons at the bottom, I cannot see all the icons when in the app. If there is any chance you could also code something to alter the size of the bottom buttons whilst in a certain app, that would be even better!
There is a free trial @ http://www.memory-map.co.uk/ should you care to try and code this in.
OK, I used and tested this with TomTom and Memory-Map, and all seems good.
A couple of things, however.
As the size of the app is so small, why go around duplicating it?
Personally, I found that putting LightJacker in \Program Files\LightJack and then doing my app shortcuts like this:
107#"\Program Files\LightJack\ljack.exe" \Program Files\Navigator\TomTom Navigator.exe?TomTom Navigator.exe,101
Meant that I could:
a) Only keep one copy of lightjacker for multiple apps. If there is an update, you only need replace the exe and dll once.
b) Use the shortcuts anywhere. I have one shortcut in the start menu, and one in the app folder. That way, if you have to pick an app via a folder list that starts in the root, you do not have to navigate through the windows folder to get to the start folder, which takes ages
Working on Rhodium (ATT Tilt2 - WM 6.5)
This works on my Tilt2, but with the following tweaks.
The author's site recommends this format for the .lnk file, but this didn't work for me. It produced and Error 4:
123#"\Storage Card\Program Files\GoogleMaps\ljack.exe" GoogleMaps.exe?\Storage Card\Program Files\GoogleMaps\GoogleMaps.exe,101
But using the format in the previous post, it works - the backlight stays on while this program is the front program, and the backlight dims properly when the program goes into the background or is shut down:
123#"\Storage Card\Program Files\GoogleMaps\ljack.exe" \Storage Card\Program Files\GoogleMaps\GoogleMaps.exe?GoogleMaps.exe,101
The only thing not working is the icon. Following the advice on the author's site, I used Resource Hacker to find the Resource ID for the icon, which appears to be 800. But changing that in the link file stilll results in the link showing a generic icon.
Any suggestions on how to get the proper icon to show in the Start Menu for Google Maps?

[APP] Shopping List Mobile

Hello guys.
This is my first application for windows mobile. I developed this in a week or so. I used the Windows SDK 6, and I have only tested it on WM6.5 but I assume it will work on WM6.X.
This is a simple application to make lists of what you need to buy. So that way, when you remember to buy something, you put it in the list, and when you need to remember what to buy, you just have to load the list.
Pretty basic stuff.
How to use
It's pretty simple. When you open the application, you’ll have a text box and some buttons. The Add button will add to the list what is written in the text box. The Remove button will remove the selected item from the list. The Clean button will clean the list. Then you have the Save List, Load List, Delete list and About menus. Those are pretty obvious.
How to Install
Run the CAB file from your phone.
Windows Mobile 6 ( not tested with previous versions )
.Net Framework Compact 3.5
Download links
Latest Version
Download Here
Older Version
v1.23 ( February 10, 2010 )
* Check boxes added.
* When loading a file, and creating a new one after that, the filename would stay the one open previously, causing to save under the same filename. Fixed.
* Bug Fixes.
* Removed bye-bye.
* Can install on storage card again.
* Removed big button issue on WQVGA Screens.
v1.17 ( January 24, 2010 )
* Improved functionality, now you can save to the same list without having to rewrite the list name.
* Checks whether or not the list has been updated.
* Added a bye-bye screen.
* More verification before actions
v1.0.2 ( January 19, 2010 )
* Bigger Font to improve finger friendliness
v1.0.10 ( January 18, 2010 )
* First Public Release
* No Bugs Yet.
Note: this is my first ever release for the windows mobile platform. reply with bugs, suggestions, and criticism is greatly accepted, as long as it's to make my software better.
Thank you.
Not bad for a first app, but if you cold make items little bit biger(more finger frinedly) and little bit nicer graphics
Thanks Yes I know... graphics are not my thing either... I might ask for help from a friend thank you for testing
I was looking for something like this but (and i know this may be past you) I would love to be able to have the ability to share with other devices or pc's so say my wife who is at home can make the list on the pc and send it to my device (could be built in transfer or email somthing liek that) and then i can do the shopping.
that would be fantastic
it is a good start though
paperclip69 said:
I was looking for something like this but (and i know this may be past you) I would love to be able to have the ability to share with other devices or pc's so say my wife who is at home can make the list on the pc and send it to my device (could be built in transfer or email somthing liek that) and then i can do the shopping.
that would be fantastic
it is a good start though
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If you want something more sophisticated and with lots of options, like stores, categories, per item prices etc etc, try HandyShopper (free), it is my choice shopping app since years.
Well, as this is the first release its normal everything else might be better...
Thanks for your suggestions
best of luck, though there are alot of competing products out there.
Personally, I use GrocerySort from slimcode
Good App
I usually just use notes for shopping lists, this is a nice little improvment. Faster response than some of the fancy graphics shopping list apps I have used and when shopping basic and easy to use is all I want. Have had no probelms with it so far, the only feature request would be to be able to tick off or strikethrough an item so when in the store I can mark off as I go what I have and havent got.
A good first app, keep it up.
Snowdan said:
I usually just use notes for shopping lists, this is a nice little improvment. Faster response than some of the fancy graphics shopping list apps I have used and when shopping basic and easy to use is all I want. Have had no probelms with it so far, the only feature request would be to be able to tick off or strikethrough an item so when in the store I can mark off as I go what I have and havent got.
A good first app, keep it up.
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Thanks.. I appreciate that... the Remove button should delete the selected item in the list. I would like to make a checkbox next to the item but its not available in WinMobile SDK... so, waiting for new release from Microsoft.
Thank you for using
Hopefully I can make it better and better.
Pacman15 said:
Thanks.. I appreciate that... the Remove button should delete the selected item in the list. I would like to make a checkbox next to the item but its not available in WinMobile SDK... so, waiting for new release from Microsoft.
Thank you for using
Hopefully I can make it better and better.
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Great application. It's always inspiring to see a new avid developer in the community. I have no requests because this is your first release. I only wish you good luck and say try to remain motivated.
Thanks I will
There's a new version... be sure to check it out
Hello people. Just to let you know that there are been some changes here on my software. Now there are some check boxes.
Download is on first post. I've updated it.
Looks great, I gave it a try, but was sadden that hardware key support wasn't included.
never really thought about it I'll add on next release
Great app! Thank you.
Nice easy ad small ... need other ?
.. well maybe there a couple of function that you can evaluate to include in future realese:
1) Autoload a default shopping list.
2) hide/unhide marked item from the list
I downloaded the 1.23 today, I'll test the next time I'll got to shop.
I have a suggestion for a feature.
In order to always know how much you will have to pay at the end, you could add a column with allow entering the item cost, frequent buyer card discount, promotions...
This allow to show the grand total.
Just tried your app, and really like it. I do, however, have some suggestions which I think would make this a killer app, while still keeping it small and simple.
1. Ability to edit items
2. Ability to filter completed items
3. Delete items either individually or several at a time
4. Change the order of items
Good work, and thanks for sharing.
Some suggestions:
1.Have to be two modes - making list and shopping. Making list mode we are almost already have. Just no need to delete last time marked items and next time typing them again - it is possible to check-uncheck and if it wasn't before so add something new.
In shopping mode necessarily full screen without any buttons, fields ets. only list with check boxes.
2.Check box must be at the right side
3.Checked items - crossed out and moved to the end of the list

Looking for Developer to...

I was wondering how hard it would be to create a simple application that would connect to a server or website checking for updates. I plan on loading font .apk's on the server or website, and would like a application to periodically check for updates or manually check for updates, be able to preview the font, and then download the .apk if wanted. How hard would it be to create such an application?
jzero88 said:
I was wondering how hard it would be to create a simple application that would connect to a server or website checking for updates. I plan on loading font .apk's on the server or website, and would like a application to periodically check for updates or manually check for updates, be able to preview the font, and then download the .apk if wanted. How hard would it be to create such an application?
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Well, this depends on how you approach it, but I think the easiest way to do this would be to create a feed using XML. So if you were doing your font updater, you would load a file like this:
<Font name = "Font1" example = "http://www.myfontsite.com/FontExamples/Font1.png" location = ""http://www.myfontsite.com/Fonts/Font1.apk"\>
<Font name = "Font2" example = "http://www.myfontsite.com/FontExamples/Font2.png" location = "http://www.myfontsite.com/Fonts/Font2.apk"\>
The problem with this is that you will have to maintain this XML file, making sure its always up-to-date(Easily manageable with some simple scripts).
If you aren't willing to do this, you could go down the road that is wrongly mislabeled as "The Easy Way" and hard-code the locations of all your APK's and all of your example images, but I would only do this if you were planning on dumping all the APK's and images in the same place(For example, if all your APK's were here: http://www.myfontsite.com/Fonts/). You would request the directory information from the server and parse that into your list of font APK's and correspond them with their example images(probably by naming them the same; i.e. Font1.apk and Font1.png).
If you decide to use the first option, you could do a bunch of cool things with the organization, like break things into categories and apply taggings and it would only require one request to the server per update. If you go with the second method, organization is guaranteed to be a mess if you try anything large scale, and adds a layer of complexity if you try to break things into folders and categories. This would require a ping per folder you have to check, which can have a high complexity factor if you have a lot of folders.
I just want to point out that even though this is directly related to development, this is a type of question that belongs in the General section(Questions ALWAYS belong in General). I'm sure a Mod will come around, scold you, then move the thread.
Anyway, I do hope this helps,
Good luck,
Edit: Having a bit of problems getting the XML looking correct. Sorry if it looks ugly :S
Even easier would be to manage the updater as an RSS feed. Then it becomes quite trivial, as there are several examples of RSS readers online already.
Great! Thanks for the reply!
Yeah, the XML approach I think would be the better option as well, just because we could use this thread to hold everything I currently do no have any hosting at this time. Would you be up to making such a application? It seems you have the know abouts to so.... I would be the one to maintain everything and update it. I would monitor this thread and when new ones pop up, I wouldn't mind adding it to in the XML.
Also, how would the RSS feed work?
jzero88 said:
Great! Thanks for the reply!
Yeah, the XML approach I think would be the better option as well, just because we could use this thread to hold everything I currently do no have any hosting at this time. Would you be up to making such a application? It seems you have the know abouts to so.... I would be the one to maintain everything and update it. I would monitor this thread and when new ones pop up, I wouldn't mind adding it to in the XML.
Also, how would the RSS feed work?
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Wish I could...I've got about 50 projects already on the back-burner and no time to finish them Tell ya what though...I've finished a mini project a couple weeks ago with some buddies at school for my friends website. Its an Open-Source RSS reader that was made to read in the latest articles of his site. With some slight tweaking, I'm sure you(or some other dev) could mod it to work in your favor...Here's the github address:
I don't think this is the latest code, but all the working elements you need are in here.

New Office App in the works: SoftMaker Office 2012 free beta

Hi guys,
just found this app from a german software dev:
You can download it for free but you have to register with your email to get a licence key, after that its completely usable and free. Right now TextMaker (word), PlanMaker (excel) and Presentations are available.
I just installed it and took a first look at the TextMaker and it really seems better than anything else i used before. It has support for all common text files including .docx. It also seems to support keyboard shortcuts for our dock, for example Ctrl+A to select all text is available, something i always missed in Polaris. Also it has auto syllabification and support for auto correction.
When writing with the dock it seemed to have a little lag while typing though. But its still beta so i guess they figure that out until it gets released. Also it FC's sometimes and has some other bugs still.
Really looks promising though
I can only find Windows, Windows Mobile, and Linux.
I found info on the app, but nowhere to sign up for a beta.
wynand32 said:
I found info on the app, but nowhere to sign up for a beta.
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Only available from the German page
razgriz8426 said:
I can only find Windows, Windows Mobile, and Linux.
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Here we go, guys
The Presentation app renders PPT files pretty well, the best I have seen on Android.
Going to try this and see if I like it better, thanks.
An office suite with shortcuts similar to office would be great but what I really need is some reference manager software like endnote. Lots of PDF managers out there but nothing to get references formatted into documents.
clouds5 said:
Hi guys,
just found this app from a german software dev:
You can download it for free but you have to register with your email to get a licence key, after that its completely usable and free. Right now TextMaker (word), PlanMaker (excel) and Presentations are available.
I just installed it and took a first look at the TextMaker and it really seems better than anything else i used before. It has support for all common text files including .docx. It also seems to support keyboard shortcuts for our dock, for example Ctrl+A to select all text is available, something i always missed in Polaris. Also it has auto syllabification and support for auto correction.
When writing with the dock it seemed to have a little lag while typing though. But its still beta so i guess they figure that out until it gets released. Also it FC's sometimes and has some other bugs still.
Really looks promising though
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How about Ctrl-S for save? That is strangely a huge omission from many of the current Android Office suites.
Just signed up for the beta release, got the email with the install links hope to install tonight.

