Can some1 plz add a cab file to ext rom for me? - P3400 ROM Development

I dont know how to cook roms. But I have made for myself a cab package of a program which I want to add to my external rom so that it survives hard resets. If anone can build it for me I will be highly grateful. PLz reply and I will upload the nbh file of my rom and the cab that is to be included.

Here is the link for a program to unlock EXTROM and show it in the file explorer. Use it and copy ur cab on the extrom.
Then after you are done, use any registry editor like PHM Regedit or DotFred's task manager's regedit tab to go to the following location :
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\ ONDisk2]
and change the value of the DWORD value MountHidden to 1 in decimal or hexadecimal (since 1 is same in both ). That will take care of your problem.


Editing Atom Life Pagepool - HowTo at post #8

After months of learning and digging deep inside the Atom Life, I think now it's time for a newer Rombuild.
Cooking the imgfs is not the problem, but I didn't understand the XIP from Atom Life.
We have 2 XIP parts, compressed in SRPX format.
Grabbing them is no problem with Scoter Kitchen Tool MSFLSHTOOL.exe.
The kitchen contains 2 tools to change from SRPX to XIP and reverse.
As I described in the Atom Life Kitchen thread, repacking the XIP.bin to SRPX causes a smaler file than the source file.
The cooked OS doesn't boot.
That's the first big problem.
The second one are the two XIP sections. The first one is bigger and contains some files, the second one didn't has.
But some files are existing in both sections with different sizes.
So cooking the Atom Life XIP seems more complicated than in other devices.
Here are the 2 XIP sections. Hope someone has an Idea, how we can work with these files:
The first problem is solved. I have compared the original XIP part with the new one in a hexeditor.
I've simply hexedited the beginning and filled the end of the new file with FF to match the needed filesize.
After comparing both, now the new file is identical.
Maybe later, we can use the space of 300kb to encrease the memory of Atom Life .
I wonder, where all the ROM-Cookers for Atom Life devices are hidden.
Another positive aspect is, now we can change the Pagepool of the Atom Life.
After changing the PP from 8MB to 4 MB, my device has a total Program memory of 52.41 MB. After a fresh setup and some tweaking with SKTools, I have, after a softreset more than 29 MB free Programmemory.
I know someone who can handle these files,and he has cooked a 18538 rom for atom life,here is the link:, btw,can you tell how to change pageing pool of life?Thanks and sorry for my poor english,hope you can understand what i mean
qq108108108 said:
I know someone who can handle these files,and he has cooked a 18538 rom for atom life,here is the link:, btw,can you tell how to change pageing pool of life?Thanks and sorry for my poor english,hope you can understand what i mean
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Thank you for the hint.
As I can see (or guess, because I can't chinese) there are some ROMs for Atom Life. Even some Pagepool changed.
You can change pagepool only, if you extraxt the XIP, edit it and cook the new ROM and flash it.
But if there are already some ROMs, there is no need to explain, just download the OS of your choise.
I wonder, why nobody of the Rom cooker offers his work for english speaking people ?
As I can't read chinese, please can you or someone else post download links to the Atom Life ROMs of this site ?
Thank you
I want to help you,First,you should log in,use account:qq108108 password:aaaaaaaa,when you log in,simply chick the post,you will see the download link, you would not miss it!I have a problem:when I use Atom Life Simplified Kitchen - Sdh, I got a wrong message:The output sign-buffer is to smal for encrypted signs.Encryption from Unicode (UTF-8) in dodgeposition System.Text.DecoderReplacementFalback." I wonder how to solve this problem and make my rom bootable,Have you have a MSN or something,maybe we can talk about how to make a bootable using the rom Kitchen !!
qq108108108 said:
I have a problem:when I use Atom Life Simplified Kitchen - Sdh, I got a wrong message:The output sign-buffer is to smal for encrypted signs.Encryption from Unicode (UTF-8) in dodgeposition System.Text.DecoderReplacementFalback."
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Thank you for helping
That's the same problem, I have with my german XDA Comet ROM.
Unfortunatly I have no idea to fix it.
If I find further solutions, I 'll post it.
The Atom Life WWE ROM runns fine with the kitchen. So I'll use this ROM .
I will take o look at pdaclan. Maybe google translation gives me more informations.
So can you just tell me how to change the pp please?Thank you!!
Of course
Hope I can explain it that everybody can understand. Because it's hard for me to explain thinks in a foreign language.
1. You need an original Atom Life FLASH.dio
2. remove the 12 bytes header with a hexeditor and rename the file to AL1.dio (you don't need these step, if your file is already prepared for MiniSD card flashing. Only for original ROMs from official Updates)
3. download Scoter Romkitchen.
4. You need the SRPX tools from this kitchen.
5. put the ROM in the SRPX folder
6. in commandline change in SRPX folder and type:
msflshtool AL1.dio -d -p 1
7. You'll get a new file called AL1.dio.part1
8. Now type:
SRPX2XIP AL1.dio.part1 xip.bin
this will produce xip.bin
The SRPX compressed XIP will be changed in the regular XIP format.
9. Locate the following hexstring with an hexeditor:
One line below, you will see:
That's the actual pagepool from 8 MB
10. change the value to:
or an other prefered pagepoolsize. Save the file first.
11. Now the tricky part, I don't know an easier way yet.
12. type:
XIP2SRPX xip.bin
You will get a new file called: xip.bin.xiporg
13. As you can see the new file is much smaller than the original one part1.
So you must fix it with the hexeditor. You must compare the original file with the new one.
14. the beginning of the new file should look like the original one, so you must edit the values in the new one till the word SRPX.
After I take a learning lesson by my "teacher" ferryboat, I found out that steps 15 - 17 are not neccessary !! Jump to 18.
(Will edit the howto, after further compare)
15. the old file is bigger and the end is filled with the value FF.
16. just copy the FF -block and paste it to the end of the new one. Save it.
17. Compare if the new file has the same size like the old one.
18. type
msflshtool AL1.dio -r xip.bin.xiporg -p 1
19. the new file will be written in the AL1.dio ROM image.
20. put the image to the MiniSD . Bring the Atom Life in bootloader-mode and flash it.
Done and ready
You can test several pagepool sizes.
Thank you!!!Now I have download the new 18538 rom,BUT the Programmemory only have 22MB free,So I need to do something to make it larger.Thanks for you great work!!If you need any help,just tell me!!!And pdaclan have a new rom kitchen for atom life too.
After reading your stuff,It seem that a little bit diffcult for me to understand,But since you explain so well,I think i can make it happen!!
qq108108108 said:
After reading your stuff,It seem that a little bit diffcult for me to understand,But since you explain so well,I think i can make it happen!!
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You need only to copy and paste the quoted commands in commandline.
The whole procedure needs only about 10 minutest from editing the ROM till to the ready flashed device.
Even the hexeditor is included in Scoter Kitchen, so you have all tools that you need.
The hexeditor in Scoter Kitchen called XVI32. For editing, just open it twice and load the original SRPX.part1 in one and the edited in the other opened instance.
At the beginning of the file, you will see the difference. Only edit the values that are different, till the text "SRPX" (you'll see it).
To copy the "FF" block, just go to the end of the edited file, you'll see where the file ends.
At the original file, there is the beginning of the "FF" block.
Go to first "FF" value,
press CTRL+B , goto the last "FF" value, press CTRL+B again, you will see the block red marked.
Go to "copy to clipboard" button and push.
Now go to the end of the new file and press the "paste from clipboard" button and save.
Hope that some of the new ROMS, tools and knowledge from PDAClan find the way to XDA-Developers, because that'll be bring "life" in the Atom Life comunity.
Thank you for YOUR help.
I hope so,The one who made the 18538 atom life rom had ask you question before.If I meet him ,I will tell him to come here and teach both of us the method to port the xip!!
Done!!Thanks for your tutor!!
I don't understand what it's mean:"cut the 12 bytes header with a hexeditor and rename it to AL1.dio". Could you please explain it more? I'm a new with Atom Life. Thank so much Mr. scorpio16v.
nhathoa said:
I don't understand what it's mean:"cut the 12 bytes header with a hexeditor and rename it to AL1.dio". Could you please explain it more?
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Sorry, but if you don't know what an hexeditor is and how you should use it and you even can't simply rename a file, it's not the right thing for you to do these job.
Sorry, I tried to make everything you told, rename Flash.dio to AL1.dio and put AL1.dio into SRPX tools folder, then run cmd with command: msflshtool AL1.dio -p 1. Final, it show: "the file is not msflsh50 format" ??? and there is no file "AL1.dio.part1" was generated in SRPX tool folder???
Maybe I don't undersatand "cut 12 bytes header"
nhathoa said:
Sorry, I tried to make everything you told, rename Flash.dio to AL1.dio and put AL1.dio into SRPX tools folder, then run cmd with command: msflshtool AL1.dio -p 1. Final, it show: "the file is not msflsh50 format" ??? and there is no file "AL1.dio.part1" was generated in SRPX tool folder???
Maybe I don't undersatand "cut 12 bytes header"
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Just open the file with the hexeditor and cut the first 12 bytes to remove the header of the file. than save it.
For example:
You must delete the XX.
So the new file beginns now with E9.
Thats only an example, maybe your file looks different at the beginning, but you must cut the header.
(XX are only placeholder. You'll see other entries in Your file)
Okok just "remove" 12 bytes header, not "cut" 12 bytes header. Now I can do that. Thank you very much.
An idea: there is a simple tool to change papetool only for "Hermes". With this tool, just load Os.nbh and set 4/6/8/12 Mb, then you will get a new OS.nbh file with papepool you want. That's so easy... You will make a tool like that? I hope so, great man.
nhathoa said:
That's so easy... You will make a tool like that? I hope so, great man.
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I'm not a programmer or IT expert. So someone other will do that.
I was told that the guy who made 18538 ROM would make a WWE 18538 rom for atom life.So you can just wait for the new rom.Also ,he told me that if we want to edit XIP part ,just need to edit the part1.

3.2.0 VoiceCommand provisioning for BT?

This is a question for DCD or anyone who's cooked VoiceCommand into their 3.2.0 ROM and has tried it with Bluetooth. In version 3.1.6, BTAGExtModule in registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\AudioGateway was not properly set to \Windows\vcbthag.dll during the installation, requiring a registry edit later. If this is still the case with 3.2.0, I want to know in order to edit this into the kitchen provisioning so that I can forget about it and not worry about fixing the registry upon future hard reset (UC or Sashimi makes this a non-issue for me, but I am also flashing my fiancee's phone and want her to retain BT VC dialing functionality even if she needs to hard reset "in the field" without my being around to help her).
I'd look for the following entry in the *.rgu file
"BTAGExtModule" = "\\windows\\vcbthag.dll"
"Capability" = dword:00000065
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Should be in something like the:
KITCHEN\SYS\Voice Command\410788f1-acd5-457b-b9ea-df86ac7f990e.rgu
file ...
boggsie said:
I'd look for the following entry in the *.rgu file
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Thanks for the hints. I'd tried looking around a bit before posting but was encouraged to look again. Unfortunately, I find only a few .rgu files in the SYS subfolder of the kitchen and none contain the right key. The Voice Command folders (base program and language) don't even contain an .rgu file at all. At the same time, I've discovered the .rgu file that DCD uses to set up basic phone parameters, which may be a good place to transfer some registry tweaks instead of doing them in my UC provisioning. This .rgu file sets a "Capabilities" value in the AudioGateway key and might be the place to add the VC tweak, too (assuming it's not already in another, undiscovered .rgu file).

[Question] Cooking a personal Rom

Is it possible for me to cook a personal ROM? I have tried alot of ROMs here but ever since HTC's new official ROM was out (asia) , I find it really good for me. One thing i hate from the ROM compared to cooked roms are that everything is disorganised. Everything is in 1 program file. In cooked Roms, the chefs have already taken the liberty to assign each app to their appropriate folders (apps,connection,multimedia, etc)
I would like to do the same , however it takes alot of time for me to do so but I can manage that. What i really want to do is, after organising the apps to their respected folders, and installing all of my needed softwares on the phone, how do i make a complete backup of the ROM, and then save it on my computer perhaps. So then i could flash my phone with the backup ROM and the next time i were to flash my phone, everything would be there (my apps, my organised folder).
Will it be possible (i'm sure it's possible, i just need the right software / app to do it)
You're going to need a Kitchen to cook your own ROM; assuming you have a Raphael device, have a look at this thread:
Useful Links Thread
Many folks use Da_G's Kitchen ... but there are other great Chefs that have made their Kitchens avalaible.
Thank you for the link hilaireg. It's very helpful.
After reading the available tutorials, i have a question. Most of the kitchens are using pre-existing ROMS.
I would like to use a new official HTC ROM to start with. "-HTC Touch Pro-MRII-RUU_Raphael_hTC_Asia_WWE_5.07.707.2_Radio_Signed_Raphael_52.58.25.30_1.11.25.01_Ship"
I noticed that all the tutorial require a .nb file which they say comes in the package. However, when i extracted the .exe file , a few files were extracted alongside a .nbh file. But there is no .nb file. What do i do?
arvin2212 said:
Thank you for the link hilaireg. It's very helpful.
After reading the available tutorials, i have a question. Most of the kitchens are using pre-existing ROMS.
I would like to use a new official HTC ROM to start with. "-HTC Touch Pro-MRII-RUU_Raphael_hTC_Asia_WWE_5.07.707.2_Radio_Signed_Raphael_52.58.25.30_1.11.25.01_Ship"
I noticed that all the tutorial require a .nb file which they say comes in the package. However, when i extracted the .exe file , a few files were extracted alongside a .nbh file. But there is no .nb file. What do i do?
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You need to have NBHextract Tool it will be in include in too trying to cook on same build with no results. It's no easy try try that's it...
krish_nank, Is this your first time building a ROM?
If so, we're on the same boat...
I tried using NBHextract Tool but when i run the .exe a pop up cmd window comes out and then dissappears. I added the program manually in cmd, and here is what it says , but it doesn't do anything although i have place my .nbh file in the same folder with it.
=== NBHextract v1.0
=== Extract contents from HTC NBH files
=== (c)2007
=== by: pof & TheBlasphemer based on itsme perl scripts
Usage: C:\Users\xda\NBHextract.exe <nbh file> [-v]
arvin2212 said:
organising the apps to their respected folders, and installing all of my needed softwares on the phone
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If you just want to organize your existing app then all you have to do is go to this folder,
\\\Windows\Start Menu
This folder has all the icons for the programs. So now you can arrange/ rearrange icons, create folder and move the links to the respective folders as you see fit. Total Commander can be used for this.
If you want a way to install apps after installing a new ROM, you can use UC you can read about it here
But if you just want to build custom ROM then the easiest kitchen is Da G's. If you want a fully loaded kitchen try At0mAng - Advance Kitchen - V2
nnkumar73 said:
If you just want to organize your existing app then all you have to do is go to this folder,
\\\Windows\Start Menu
This folder has all the icons for the programs. So now you can arrange/ rearrange icons, create folder and move the links to the respective folders as you see fit. Total Commander can be used for this.
If you want a way to install apps after installing a new ROM, you can use UC you can read about it here
But if you just want to build custom ROM then the easiest kitchen is Da G's. If you want a fully loaded kitchen try At0mAng - Advance Kitchen - V2
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Both Da_g's & AtomAng kitchen or based on some OS build we ...we want to dump a ROM & Rebuild it on our own way we want.......
krish_nank said:
Both Da_g's & AtomAng kitchen or based on some OS build we ...we want to dump a ROM & Rebuild it on our own way we want.......
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okay, my bad. Then I am sure you have seen the ROM reconstruct thread. Hope that thread helps you.
Have a look at the first three posts in the following thread:
[TUT] Sous-Chef's Guide to Da_G's Simple Kitchen
Essentially, once you unpack the "-HTC Touch Pro-MRII-RUU_Raphael_hTC_Asia_WWE_5.07.707.2_Radio_Signed_R aphael_52.58.25.30_1.11.25.01_Ship" executable, you run a script that performs the actions required to prepare the NBH file for custom cooking.
That should get you started.
krish_nank said:
Both Da_g's & AtomAng kitchen or based on some OS build we ...we want to dump a ROM & Rebuild it on our own way we want.......
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With my kitchen do this...
Backup the OEM and SYS folder...
If you have the NBH file already place it in the BaseROM folder
If you do not have the NBH file then run the EXE downloaded from HTC, let it go all the way to the first install screen and dont do anything yet, go to your temp folder on the computer, dig around the folders if there are many, you will see ruu_signed.NBH, copy and paste into the BaseROM folder of kitchen.
Once NBH is in the baserom folder start my kitchen
Select 2, 1, 1 and let it do its thing
When extraction is completed and you are back at main menu select option 8, move dumped OEM/SYS from Temp
When that is done select option 6 Copy Extracted ROM XIP from Temp
When that is done your new dumped ROM is ready to be built.
Delete or do not select any duplicate packages
Clean out the new OEM/SYS folders. There is a lot of junk in there that can be removed, welcome folder, do a search in the OEM/SYS folders for *.3gp and remove the welcome movie and blah blah blah...
If you take the time to look at the folder structure of the OEM and SYS folder you should be able to figure it out pretty quickly.
If you need further help you may ask in my kitchen thread.
Hope this is a start for you guys...
nnkumar73, Thank you for your suggestion but i already known about manually doing it from the start menu folder. However it's not practical as , i would have to do it everytime i reflash my phone. If there is a new rom available, and i were to try it and somehow wanted to go back with my older ROM, i would have to do all the moving etc all again.
hilaireg once again, thank you for the link..
At0mAng, Thank you very much as well. I will follow your steps and see how it goes. I appreciate your effort of posting the right steps for it. Thank you.
Just an addition to previous posts
arvin2212 said:
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I can see u missed out the command : nbhextract ruu_signed.nbh
arvin2212 said:
3.If you do not have the NBH file then run the EXE downloaded from HTC, let it go all the way to the first install screen and dont do anything yet, go to your temp folder on the computer, dig around the folders if there are many, you will see ruu_signed.NBH, copy and paste into the BaseROM folder of kitchen.
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The easiest way is to use any packer apps like winrar. u can extract the nbh directly. if u r using total commander will be a lot easier. just press ctrl+pg dn & u can extract the file instantly.
Thanks to everyone's help especially At0mAng,
I finally extracted the ROM. I can see aloto of files in SYS and OEM folder.
What i would like to know now is, how do i create folders (icons are not neccessary for the folders) so that i can group installed apps in them according to category? Example is, A multimedia, navigation and games folder is created and , my apps are stored in the folders according to their functions. Like GPS tool goes into navigation and so on..
To simply copy files from \Windows to another directory, you can use an initflashfiles.txt in the OEM. Syntax is:
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools"):-File("Enable Proxy.lnk","\Windows\Enable Proxy.lnk")
If you are trying to just place Start Menu items in different folders, it's a bit more complicated. There are many places that this can happen.
1) In \OEM\OEM_Lang_0409\initflashfiles.dat
You can edit this file in Notepad if you remove the ReadOnly bit in Windows. Once you've edited it in Notepad and saved it, you need to re-open it in a Hex editor and delete the first 2 bytes "ff fe". Once you delete those first 2 bytes, save the file and reset the ReadOnly flag. In this file is where I define the Folders I want to use in my "Start Menu" folder like this:
; Start Menu contents
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu")ermDir("Programs")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu")ermDir("Settings")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Games")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Navigation")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Internet")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Multimedia")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Office")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Phone")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Tweaks")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Tools")​2) *.provxml files
You need to edit these files with a unicode editor. Personally I use EmEditor. You'll notice that in mose packages in \OEM and \SYS there is a _Lang_0409 dir that goes along with it. It's "usually" in this folder where you'll see a *.provxml file. If you open these in EmEditor you'll see that there are lots of file operations. You want to seach or the line containing the *.lnk. In that line you can set the patch of where you'd like the icon installed.
There may be other places that this happens as well, but that's just off the top of my head.
Good Luck!
eras2r said:
To simply copy files from \Windows to another directory, you can use an initflashfiles.txt in the OEM. Syntax is:
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools"):-File("Enable Proxy.lnk","\Windows\Enable Proxy.lnk")
If you are trying to just place Start Menu items in different folders, it's a bit more complicated. There are many places that this can happen.
1) In \OEM\OEM_Lang_0409\initflashfiles.dat
You can edit this file in Notepad if you remove the ReadOnly bit in Windows. Once you've edited it in Notepad and saved it, you need to re-open it in a Hex editor and delete the first 2 bytes "ff fe". Once you delete those first 2 bytes, save the file and reset the ReadOnly flag. In this file is where I define the Folders I want to use in my "Start Menu" folder like this:
; Start Menu contents
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu")ermDir("Programs")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu")ermDir("Settings")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Games")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Navigation")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Internet")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Multimedia")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Office")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Phone")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Tweaks")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Tools")​2) *.provxml files
You need to edit these files with a unicode editor. Personally I use EmEditor. You'll notice that in mose packages in \OEM and \SYS there is a _Lang_0409 dir that goes along with it. It's "usually" in this folder where you'll see a *.provxml file. If you open these in EmEditor you'll see that there are lots of file operations. You want to seach or the line containing the *.lnk. In that line you can set the patch of where you'd like the icon installed.
There may be other places that this happens as well, but that's just off the top of my head.
Good Luck!
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Somehow, i am not able to find this file , initflashfiles.dat in my OEM_Lang_0409 folder. :?
Do you have Windows Explorer setup to view all system/hidden files? (Tools->Folder Options-->View)
If using a kitchen that supports it (mine does for sure) you can create a new, blank text file in a package folder, initflashfiles.txt
it uses the same format eras2r posted above, but gets appended to initflashfiles.dat during the cooking process
in this manner you can have initflashfiles.dat changed on a per-package basis, it's also easier because you don't have to worry about the first 2 bytes etc.
e.g. \Packages\beer\initflashfiles.txt
When cooking rom check box next to package "beer"
now the contents of \Packages\beer\initflashfiles.txt get appended to initflashfiles.dat automatically during cooking, don't get applied if box is not checked
similarly this initflashfiles.txt can go in any folder in \OEM and \SYS as well
eras2r, yes , it has already been configured to show hidden files & folders
Da_G, i get what you mean, roughly. What you're saying basically is that i can manually create a txt file for initflashfiles and leave it in the packages folder?
Also i am not sure about the syntax that eras2r posted. I find it alittle well above my level of knowledge. Maybe someone can guide / explain to me regarding this?
Right right, an initflashfiles.txt can go in any subfolder under \OEM \SYS or \Packages
You can create the file with notepad, no need to worry about removing things with a hex editor or otherwise using anything other than notepad.
The syntax is as follows:
using this example to create a directory:
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Tools")
Directory("\Path\to\create\directory\in\goes\here"):-Directory("Name_Of_Directory_To_create_in_path") - essentially you're saying "Switch to the folder named \Path\to\create\directory\in\goes\here and create a new folder named Name_Of_Directory_To_create_in_path inside of it.
similar syntax to copy a file from one directory to another:
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\"):-File("Fieldtest.lnk","\Windows\Fieldtest.lnk")
Directory("\Path\to\copy\file\in\goes\here"):-File("destination_file_name.ext","\source\path\to\filename.ext") - here you're saying "navigate to \Path\to\copy\file\in\goes\here, copy file from source \source\path\to\filename.ext, rename it to destination_file_name.ext when copying (you can use the same filename here if you don't want it renamed, renaming is useful for files that might be indexed by windows media player, or the windows help system, etc.
That should clear it up a bit, let me know if it doesnt

[Q] can someone help me in configuring XDA_UC?

i have create the folder '\Storage Card\XDA_UC'
now, i dont know how to do with the following instructions.
can someone guide me with this?
maesus said:
XDA_UC installation tips are generally similar as listed here.
I made some modifications so that the sequence of the installation will be like this:
My.tsk file from "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
and if not present Cook.tsk from Windows Folder.
import *wifi*.*xml and *mail*.*xml provisional registry settings for WiFi and Email setup.
Copy Over User Files.
Check for "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root" if present, Disable Manila from Homescreen then Copy files from "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root" to the root of the device, Then checking for existence of wallpaper_TF3D.png or wallpaper_TF3D.jpg in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root\Windows" and adding that to
"HomeBackgroundPath"="\\Windows\\ g"
Import registry files from "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root\Windows\manila.reg" If present
Re-enable Manila on Homescreen and redraw it. Now also works for the Sense 2.1 and up versions.
.xdas files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
Silently run Legacy SDConfig.txt from Storage Card
(If your using RunCC.exe or Autorun you do not need to point to or use SDAutorun.exe or SDConfig.txt) Thanks to RoryB
Commands for SDConfig.txt can be found here....
.cab files in "\Storage Card\autoinstall"
This makes it compatible with your storage card's setup for Tom's Autoinstall.
.cab files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
.cab files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Storage", These cab files will be tempted to install to Storage Location. Not recommend using this method. Please use Manual instead.
.cab files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Manual",These cab files will start with Full User interaction capabilities to choose where to install to.
.reg files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
.xml files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
.mscr files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
.cer files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
Create Shortcuts and more from Registry Keys
More information here....
Copy over welcomehead.192.01.png & welcomehead.192.02.png present in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root\Windows" to the Windows folder.
Copy over welcomehead.96.01.png & welcomehead.96.02.png present in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root\Windows" to the Windows folder.
Actually everything is copied over from Copy2Root folder to root, but the above Splashcreens get their file atributes removed before this happens.
Add native support for .mscr, .mortrun, .xda, xdai, xdas & .xdaz files
Well, I hope this is good enough to explain everything. Good luck with setting up your XDA_UC!
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or is that i need to follow this? or
i'm a newbie, so, can someone explain more easily?
Try this one:
It's for Energy customized rom, but it will help you understand how xda_uc works.
Just a few tips:
-You can put all the .cab files of programs you want to install in XDA_UC folder, as well as all the .reg files
- Create the folder Copy2Root inside XDA_UC folder. Inside Copy2Root folder, put all the files and folders you want to be copied to their respective places in the phone memory. Use the same path that the original files have, including folders.
For instance, inside Copy2Root I have the folder "Windows" and inside "Windows" I have the folder "Rings" with all the sounds I want to restore at each hard reset.
Another example: if you want to copy something to the root of you phone's memory, just put the file in the Copy2Root folder. If you want to copy a file to the Windows folder, create the folder Windows in Copy2Root folder and inside it put the file you want to copy.
thanks for reply
joooe said:
Try this one:
It's for Energy customized rom, but it will help you understand how xda_uc works.
Just a few tips:
-You can put all the .cab files of programs you want to install in XDA_UC folder, as well as all the .reg files
- Create the folder Copy2Root inside XDA_UC folder. Inside Copy2Root folder, put all the files and folders you want to be copied to their respective places in the phone memory. Use the same path that the original files have, including folders.
For instance, inside Copy2Root I have the folder "Windows" and inside "Windows" I have the folder "Rings" with all the sounds I want to restore at each hard reset.
Another example: if you want to copy something to the root of you phone's memory, just put the file in the Copy2Root folder. If you want to copy a file to the Windows folder, create the folder Windows in Copy2Root folder and inside it put the file you want to copy.
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then no need to use these software?
* DoeDoe's SDConfig.txt creator.
* .reg -> xml conversion tool
* XML Notepad 2007
* CeRegEditor (can find registry changes)
* DaveShaw's Folder Copy utility
* Registry capture Logger
and, is that i need to locate those reg file from where the application folder in the device then straight away copy them to XDA_UC folder?
Stick with the basics, for now.
Here's what I do: I customize the phone to my needs in every option needed. Then, I grab a registry editor, and search for the entries that correspond to the changes I've made.
Once I find them, I export that registry key to the XDA_UC folder as a .reg file. Then I repeat for all the entries that matter to me.
When hard resetting, XDA_UC will enter those registry files into the wm registry to activate your options.
So, in teory, you will only need a registry editor.
i will try
thanks again..

[Q] Lost sense icon internet globe

Hi any help is apreciate on this issue
I' looking for a reg copy to these keysand subkeys with the values included [HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\] and [HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\] as text to compare with my reg.
The issue is that I've lost icon on internet tab sense on my HTC HD2 WM 6.5.
I have read many articles on internet about this issue and a guy write that value for key HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\Internet.BannerImage maybe delete.
Ok I was created that key and value manualy HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\Internet.BannerImage = "\Windows\opera_earth.png" and HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\Internet.BannerImage = "\Windows\opera_earth.png" and the file exists on directory with the dimensions as reg refer but result was the same [no internet globe].
Any one can put here a copy for the keys and subkeys with values that exist on a good reg? I'm not interested on a hard reset.
Many Thanks
Open regeditor go to:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\Manila] create the DWord : "Internet.BannerImage"="\Windows\HTC\Internet\Assets\Images\InternetPortal\_COM_banner.png"
It works to me!

