[Q] Lost sense icon internet globe - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi any help is apreciate on this issue
I' looking for a reg copy to these keysand subkeys with the values included [HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\] and [HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\] as text to compare with my reg.
The issue is that I've lost icon on internet tab sense on my HTC HD2 WM 6.5.
I have read many articles on internet about this issue and a guy write that value for key HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\Internet.BannerImage maybe delete.
Ok I was created that key and value manualy HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\Internet.BannerImage = "\Windows\opera_earth.png" and HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\Internet.BannerImage = "\Windows\opera_earth.png" and the file exists on directory with the dimensions as reg refer but result was the same [no internet globe].
Any one can put here a copy for the keys and subkeys with values that exist on a good reg? I'm not interested on a hard reset.
Many Thanks
Open regeditor go to:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\Manila] create the DWord : "Internet.BannerImage"="\Windows\HTC\Internet\Assets\Images\InternetPortal\_COM_banner.png"
It works to me!


Creating Own .cab files for settings etc...

Ive been messing about with my TyTN lately and just find it a right royal pain to put my settings back in etc...
...what im asking is is there any way to make a .cab installer that will let me reinstate all my GPRS/MMS/EMAIL settings etc... and copy a few files to the windows folders etc...(ringtones and sounds)???
Just in the event of needing to do a hard reset away from the PC a .cab installer on my SD card would be a godsend!
yes, WINCAB CE is a 15 use free application that lets you create and view .cab files. If you search the forums there a numerus threads that contain registry keys for your setings etc
If you download the .cab files for your network provider again from the threads on this forum you can then import them into your own custom cab file using this software.
attached is a file that i use to set name, brightness levels, pIE homepage, and a couple of other tweaks, just edit this one and/or add your own. this should work on all WM2005 devices as it uses the same program language. hope this helps....
I spent the first 3 days after having my tytn making a cab of all my programs and settings cos I hard reset quite a lot, I made a big cab file with everything i like to install on internal storage and with all the settings of the programs I keep in the storage card. I think it is worth to spend the time initially.
What i found most useful was RegDiff to generate .reg files out of two exported registry dumps, registry workshop to browse / export the registry on the PocketPC from the computer and compare current regitry settings on PocketPC with a previously dumped registry file and WinCE Cab Manager to combine the cabs of all the programs I install, set the registry settings, and put shorcuts to all applications into the right places.
Forgive me for digging up an old thread, but this is exactly what I need, a tool that can make a backup of my MMS, GPRS and Email settings. I just got my X01HT yesterday and I've been playing around with different WM6 ROMs and it seriously is a pain to manually enter all my MMS, GPRS, and email settings for every ROM install I do. I also plan on doing the keyboard layout registry fix for the slide out keyboard, and I would but a lot easier to have that registry fix backed up.
pof posted how to do it with three seperate programs, I'm just wondering if there is a program that can do it all in one? I know it's been over six months since this thread was started and I'm just hoping that a simpler way has been made to do this. Any input and help on this matter is appreciated, thanks
Does anybody have the Wincab ce program that they can upload, it seems that the download site is having problems, I am unable to download from them and I can't seem to find it anywhere else, googled and it brings up very little.
Lurch3559 said:
Does anybody have the Wincab ce program that they can upload, it seems that the download site is having problems, I am unable to download from them and I can't seem to find it anywhere else, googled and it brings up very little.
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Here is this great app at Megaupload
Thank you for the site.
Thanks for posting it.
Can anybody direct me to a thread or WIKI to get more on this. I tried searching but returned nothing helpful. I just want to create a simple cab file with my operator settings.
Lurch3559 said:
Does anybody have the Wincab ce program that they can upload, it seems that the download site is having problems, I am unable to download from them and I can't seem to find it anywhere else, googled and it brings up very little.
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Another alternative here:
Sniper258 said:
Can anybody direct me to a thread or WIKI to get more on this. I tried searching but returned nothing helpful. I just want to create a simple cab file with my operator settings.
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I have posted this under http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=299023&page=14
I found this one usefull too: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=295889
good luck!
what i did is google for wap-provisioningdoc gprs and got this
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa456052.aspx and around that area.
Further searches in the forum got me to look&browse in the other files already made; helped a lot in doing mine! credits to wpbear who lend me a hand!
It should get you to a xml file that can be tranformed into a cab.
A bit of warning: is a lot of trial&error and frustrations - took me about two weeks to make it from scratch. I am not specialist so a bit of luck is needed also. It is best to try on a fresh OS install or after a HR.
Hope it helps.
Thanks Dan for the info.
I'll look through it and repotr back.
Has anyone tried the airinstaller?
I saw this a while ago and dl the trial. You can only make one file in the trial and have not done it.
I will try it and post but just curious if anyone already has.
Hey Mr. Pof:
I used Registry Workshop 2.61 to export the following keys (for T-mobile US/Rogers Canada settings):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Comm\RasBook\ROGERS GPRS] (and subkeys)
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Comm\RasBook\ROGERS MMS] (and subkeys)
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Comm\RasBook\T-mobile GPRS] (and subkeys)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Destinations] (and subkeys)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Planner] (and subkeys)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections] (and subkeys, since below this had the 3 names of GPRS/MMS/GPRS as listed above).
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\MMSCSetting] (and subkeys)
Are there other registry keys that need to be exported via Registry Workshop regarding the settings for my 2 providers?
Assuming I have all the settings I need from the registry so that when I import them into a new ROM, the configuation is correct. How do I convert the .REG file from Registry Workshop 2.61 into some form that is or leads to a CAB?
pof said:
I spent the first 3 days after having my tytn making a cab of all my programs and settings cos I hard reset quite a lot, I made a big cab file with everything i like to install on internal storage and with all the settings of the programs I keep in the storage card. I think it is worth to spend the time initially.
What i found most useful was RegDiff to generate .reg files out of two exported registry dumps, registry workshop to browse / export the registry on the PocketPC from the computer and compare current regitry settings on PocketPC with a previously dumped registry file and WinCE Cab Manager to combine the cabs of all the programs I install, set the registry settings, and put shorcuts to all applications into the right places.
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i found this tool was awesome .................................
crazyut said:
How do I convert the .REG file from Registry Workshop 2.61 into some form that is or leads to a CAB?
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use wince cab manager.
pof said:
use wince cab manager.
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this program does not run using vista period i tried
every setting i could such as run as admin and also run as XP nothing seemed to work. does anyone know a cab maker that will run with Vista?
When I click on File, Import, Import from REG, it says 'The Data Is Invalid' then 'The .REG file could not be imported'
I tried it with the Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 line at the top of the .REG file and also without. Same results. I believe the files are saved in UTF-8 format.
The files contain numerous settings as one file instead of many separate files.
Any ideas, suggestions?
pof said:
use wince cab manager.
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Okay, I was able to add other .CAB files and my registry edits. Do I need to fill out anything regarding provisioning in order to run the .CAB file on a new ROM?
I don't quite understand what provisioning is for (Pre XML/Post XML).
Thanks again.
pof said:
use wince cab manager.
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This is how to create a CAB for your WIFI settings
Okay, so after fiddling about all day with various sample xml codes from MSDN, I was finally able to create a CAB to configure my WIFI connection to my home router (including WPA passkey), so that I can just run the CAB every time I flash / hard-reset.
STEP 1. Open Notepad and copy the code below to it
<characteristic type="CM_WiFiEntries">
<characteristic type="[B]SSID: REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_SSID[/B]">
<parm name="DestID" value="[B]Destination GUID: SEE NOTE 1 BELOW[/B]"/>
<characteristic type="Wi-Fi">
<characteristic type="[B]CONNECTION TYPE: SEE NOTE 2 BELOW[/B]">
<characteristic type="[B]SSID: REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_SSID[/B]">
<parm name="DestId" value="[B]GUID: SEE NOTE 1 BELOW[/B]"/>
<parm name="Encryption" value="[B]SEE NOTE 3 BELOW[/B]"/>
<parm name="Authentication" value="[B]SEE NOTE 4 BELOW[/B]"/>
<parm name="NetworkKey" value="[B]REPLACE WITH YOUR NETWORK KEY, SEE NOTE 5[/B]"/>
STEP 2. Replace the parameters in the sample code depending on the connection you want to configure:
SSID: Self-explanatory
Note 1
Destination GUID
For a connection to "The Internet", use this GUID
For a connection to "Work", use this GUID
Note 2
Connection Type
"access-point" for infrastructure connection
"ad-hoc" for computer-to-computer
Note 3
0 = WEP
1 = No encryption
4 = TKIP
Note 4
0 = Open authentication mode
1 = Shared authentication mode
3 = Specifies Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) authentication
4 = Specifies WPA-PSK authentication
5 = Specifies WPA-NONE
Note 5
Network Key
Put your WPA or WEP network key here, just as you would enter in the settings screen. However, make sure that the key does not contain either the ",< or > characters, since this will screw up the XML code.
STEP 3. Save the Notepad file as .provxml.xml
Choose "ALL FILES" in the "SAVE AS TYPE" box and "UNICODE" in the "ENCODING" dialog box
STEP 4. Open a command-line window, go to the folder where you saved the xml file and type:
makecab /D COMPRESS=OFF .provxml.xml wifi.cab
STEP 5. Copy the CAB file to your device and run it. You should now see your Wifi connection under the settings Wi-Fi control Panel
You will have to manually check the "Hidden Network" box if your router is hiding the SSID (I have not figured out the parameter to do this automatically yet)
Note: If you use WEP, you need some additional lines of code to specify things like the KeyIndex. See these pages for more info:
By way of example, below is a sample code for an access-point connection connection to the internet, using WPA-PSK authentication.
<characteristic type="CM_WiFiEntries">
<characteristic type="My_SSID">
<parm name="DestID" value="{436EF144-B4FB-4863-A041-8F905A62C572}"/>
<characteristic type="Wi-Fi">
<characteristic type="access-point">
<characteristic type="My_SSID">
<parm name="DestId" value="{436EF144-B4FB-4863-A041-8F905A62C572}"/>
<parm name="Encryption" value="4"/>
<parm name="Authentication" value="4"/>
<parm name="NetworkKey" value="My_Network_Key"/>
I hope this works for you. Let me know if you have any problems / questions.

Help finding "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE..."! (8525 WM5)

I'm so sorry if this is a newb question, but when I use Total Commander to go into the root directory I find:
Under which I find:
Under Registry I find
i can't seem to find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE... anywhere...hoping I'm just looking in the wrong place. The change I'm trying to make is to turn off the SMS Sent message...drives me crazy. I was able to turn off the ATT splash animation with TC and that was a Godsend.
Your help is appreciated.
Hklm = Hkey_local_machine
Thanks...I did figure that out DOH! Now the instructions are telling me to drill down to the folder "Inbox" which I have. I am supposed to "Edit", then "Add Key". I used the File, Edit at the bottom of the screen but it did not give me the option to add a key.
I know I'm close...thanks for the handholding.
Are you using a registry explorer?

3.2.0 VoiceCommand provisioning for BT?

This is a question for DCD or anyone who's cooked VoiceCommand into their 3.2.0 ROM and has tried it with Bluetooth. In version 3.1.6, BTAGExtModule in registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\AudioGateway was not properly set to \Windows\vcbthag.dll during the installation, requiring a registry edit later. If this is still the case with 3.2.0, I want to know in order to edit this into the kitchen provisioning so that I can forget about it and not worry about fixing the registry upon future hard reset (UC or Sashimi makes this a non-issue for me, but I am also flashing my fiancee's phone and want her to retain BT VC dialing functionality even if she needs to hard reset "in the field" without my being around to help her).
I'd look for the following entry in the *.rgu file
"BTAGExtModule" = "\\windows\\vcbthag.dll"
"Capability" = dword:00000065
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Should be in something like the:
KITCHEN\SYS\Voice Command\410788f1-acd5-457b-b9ea-df86ac7f990e.rgu
file ...
boggsie said:
I'd look for the following entry in the *.rgu file
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Thanks for the hints. I'd tried looking around a bit before posting but was encouraged to look again. Unfortunately, I find only a few .rgu files in the SYS subfolder of the kitchen and none contain the right key. The Voice Command folders (base program and language) don't even contain an .rgu file at all. At the same time, I've discovered the .rgu file that DCD uses to set up basic phone parameters, which may be a good place to transfer some registry tweaks instead of doing them in my UC provisioning. This .rgu file sets a "Capabilities" value in the AudioGateway key and might be the place to add the VC tweak, too (assuming it's not already in another, undiscovered .rgu file).

[Beta 0.1.4][25-Mar-09] UCMe2 - Selective backup and SDConfig tool for reflashing

Premise is that there are many backup utilities that will backup/restore either dirs or the whole ROM, but not just for a specific apps settings. There are many ways that dev could use to store their settings for a given app, but getting them all to do the same way is "difficult". However, if program A had it's settings in a settings.ini (or whatever name) and that specific file could be backed up and restored later after a hard reset or new ROM installed, it would make the flashing a ROM even easier since UC came out.
My idea is for an app that works sort of like AppToDate, in that it will parse a collection of ini files in a directory to determine what a given progam uses for it's configuation (files or reg keys) and will backup/restore them.
Basically all that someone needs to do is:
- Extract the UMCe2.zip to a folder on their Storage Card
- Register Mortscript (just click on it once, from this point on you can just click on a script and it will run.)
- Place the INI files that define the files or keys of the app that you'd like to backup/restore into the \Storage Card\UCMe2\ini folder. I have posted a small collection of some INI files as examples
- If you'd like startmenu shortcuts, I attached a few dummy.exe files that you can put into the UCMe2 folder so you can make shortcuts.
- Run the UCMe2_Backup and it will read every INI file in the ini folder and store the backup files in \Storage Card\UCMe2\Backup
- Run the UCMe2_Restore and it will read every INI file in the ini folder are restore the backups
I want the app do do a few things:
* to run start to finish unattended... start the program and it just runs, with no questions asked. (for scheduling purposes)
* the config ini for apps need to be simple to read/edit, so user community can post/share them, or be created by the original app devs
Feel free to create your own INI files and post them here for others to share
I have updated the scripts to include the SDConfigCE tool, to create a new SDConfig.txt based on the files that you have placed in the CABS subfolder.
Additionally, I have included XCopyCE support in the created SDConfig.txt file to copy files placed in the Files subfolder to the device.
(added test sdconfigce.zip to attempt to detect devices with internal storage vs. storage card and SHOULD manage other ROM languages)
Todo list:
add ProcKill and SuggestReboot options to ini file
-optional kill process before backup/restore
-optional suggest reboot after restore if suggested in ini file
add optional Disable parameter to ini file to "turn it off"
add section to backup/restore individual reg values (instead of entire subKey)
-Value1= root, subkey, value, data, type
Build in Restore script to run during UC to further automate UC
Provide bulk REG file import, over and above the scripted reg key values provided by INI files
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Bug List:
Validation key in ini files do not like LONG reg root names, workaround is to change them to HKLM or HKCU as necessary
- change: Validate = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,Software\Apps\Google Maps
- to: Validate = HKLM,Software\Apps\Google Maps
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Updates in version 0.1.4:
updated bug in restoring of backup files. Now it will create missing directories and actually copy in the files :-0
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Updates in version 0.1.3:
updated bug in validation logic on the restoring of backup.
Modified Backup script to automatically generate new SDConfig to make that "last minute" backup into a 1 step process.
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Updates in version 0.1.2:
Created tool to create SDConfig.txt file automatically based on the presence of CAB or XML files in the CABs subfolder
Provided XCopyCE support to do file copy of the contents of the Files subfolder to the device during UC
Updated Menu applet to call the SDConfigCE tool
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Updates in version 0.1.1:
Replaced dependancy of SKTools with DotFred Taskmanager for reg functions (it is even smaller and faster and freeware)
Changed display of progress in GUI
Added Version numbers in script and GUI
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Initial release 0.1.0
How to make your own INI file:
The ini file is a very simple thing to make as it is basically just a text file with a few bracketed headers (sections) and values in them.
The easiest way to do so, is to place a copy of the template on your PC desktop and open it with notepad.
Then use the freeware tool CERegEditor ( http://ceregeditor.mdsoft.pl/ ) to read your device's registry... MOST apps save their customization in:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ (App Publisher) \ (App Name)
There are plenty of sample files to use as references. If you need help, I'm certain that someone in this community can help.
Validate = HKLM,Software\Apps\SBSH.net PocketBreeze
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Validate=HKLM,Software\Apps\Google Maps
cache-GLM.dat=\Application Data\GoogleMaps\cache-GLM.dat
index-GLM.dat=\Application Data\GoogleMaps\index-GLM.dat
prefs.dat=\Application Data\GoogleMaps\prefs.dat
prefsext.dat=\Application Data\GoogleMaps\prefsext.dat
prefsext2.dat=\Application Data\GoogleMaps\prefsext2.dat
prefsfriends.dat=\Application Data\GoogleMaps\prefsfriends.dat
prefsfriendsmini.dat=\Application Data\GoogleMaps\prefsfriendsmini.dat
strings-all.zlb=\Application Data\GoogleMaps\strings-all.zlb
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Format of ini file is:
AppName = Friendly name for future use
subdir = subfolder to store the files
Validate = condition to look for before restoring (either a filepath and name or reg key... Reg key must be formatted like ROOT,KEY)
filename1 = regkey to backup
filename2= other regkey
destinationfilename1.ext = source filename with full path
destinationfilename2.ext = source filename with full path
Just create an ini file for each app to backup
**** Reserved for suggestions or requests
I'm thinking of adding a switch to the ini files as a block to prevent backing up certain apps...
It would be used to "install" an app that only needs file copy like an exe or shortcuts or similar... no sense of copying back those files for backup, as they would never change.
an entry in the ini like:
RestoreOnly = 1
Would it make a difference to anyone if I CREATED new app shortcuts, or just copied the old ones for backup/restore?
Another optional ini setting should be:
Validate = <fullpath\file> or Reg key
Which would only restore the backups of the appropriate reg key or path\file exists. No sense restoring data for an app if it isn't yet installed.
I've added a bit of a GUI to the backup process, just to see something while it runs. I'll get around to doing the same to the restore mode...
ScriptDir = SystemPath("ScriptPath")
IniFiles = ScriptDir \ '*.ini'
StatusInfo("UCMe2 Backup", "Backup process running")
ForEach F in files (IniFiles)
AppName = IniRead(F,"UCMe2","appname")
SD = IniRead(F,"UCMe2","subdir")
RestoreOnly = IniRead(F,"UCMe2","RestoreOnly")
StatusMessage( AppName, ST_LIST, TRUE )
If (RestoreOnly = False)
MkDir(ScriptDir \ SD)
ForEach K, V in iniKeys (F,"regkey")
RunWait(Scriptdir\"SKTools.exe","#REXP(" & V & ") #FNAME(" & ScriptDir \ SD \ K & ".reg)")
StatusMessageAppend( "." )
ForEach K, SettingsFile in iniKeys (F,"Files")
copy (SettingsFile, ScriptDir \ SD \ K ,TRUE)
StatusMessageAppend( "." )
StatusMessageAppend( "OK" )
StatusMessageAppend( " - Skipped by RestoreOnly value" )
StatusMessage( "Backup Complete" )
WriteStatusHistory( Scriptdir \ "BackupLog.txt" )
StatusMessage( "Window closing in 5 seconds" )
Sleep( 5000 )
Updated the scripts a bit and made a GUI menu... but that has limited value, beyond my playing with MortScript
here is a template of the current ini entires, but most of them aren't necessary... see the examples I already have in the zip.
appname = (descriptive Name)
subdir = (subfolder name)
RestoreOnly = 0/1 (1 = do not back up this app)
Validate = <fullpath\file> or Regkey HKLM,Software\appname\key (NOTE the comma in the reg key)
backupFilename.ext=Fullpath to sourcefilename.ext
anotherbackupFilename.ext=Fullpath to sourcefilename.ext
andanotherFilename.ext=Fullpath to sourcefilename.ext
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RestoreOnlyIfRegExists = 1
Validate = HKLM\Software\Apps\SBSH.net PocketBreeze
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Click to collapse
I see where I should make a subdir to hold the INI files, and another to hold the backup folders... the prog dir is getting cluttered
I can see another mini app for this process... one to enable or disable individual ini files... (probably just move them to a different folder instead of deleting the ini file)
I don't think Mortscript has that kind of support for forms, so it might remain a manual process for a while. Lemme see how clever I can be
attached pics to post 1
there is a minor issue in the restore script... I have to re-think my logic for the validation determination, but I'll get that
I fixed the restore mode problem. as well are eliminated 2 unnecessary fields from the INI files.. the RestoreIfRegExists (or file)... now it just examines the content of the validate field... if it has a comma in it, it assumes it is a reg entry.
I still need to put in error handling, but I have to figure out how that all works in MortScript.
I also am considering having it backup/restore specific reg values, in addition to the whole key, but much of will be based on MortScript... it is lacking in reg features and I'm currently dependant on SKTools to do the reg functions... I'd much prefer to do it internally, but MS doesn't have a way of determining the regtype that it is reading, so I can't store that so I can restore it to the correct type.
fixed a simple issue of the reg export grabbing the level higher and exporting from there.
let me be the first one to reply the app looks nice, isent it nice that MortScript can be used in many ways?
This is great, I will be watching on this
that's funny how this is like a 2-page OP
but this is a fantastic idea and crazy useful if it comes to fruition. between this and UC or sashimi, flashing roms would have so little downtime..wow....

Can some1 plz add a cab file to ext rom for me?

I dont know how to cook roms. But I have made for myself a cab package of a program which I want to add to my external rom so that it survives hard resets. If anone can build it for me I will be highly grateful. PLz reply and I will upload the nbh file of my rom and the cab that is to be included.
Here is the link for a program to unlock EXTROM and show it in the file explorer. Use it and copy ur cab on the extrom.
Then after you are done, use any registry editor like PHM Regedit or DotFred's task manager's regedit tab to go to the following location :
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\ ONDisk2]
and change the value of the DWORD value MountHidden to 1 in decimal or hexadecimal (since 1 is same in both ). That will take care of your problem.

