Make external ringer work while headphones plugged in - Touch Pro CDMA

Is this possible? I use a headset/mic for my phone while I am in the car driving. The problem is that I hate to keep the headset on my head unless I am on a call, but prefer to keep it plugged in for convenience.
I keep the phone beside me on the seat. When the phone rings, it only rings through the heads set, and I miss the call (unless I see the d-ring light up).
Is there any way (reg tweak), or software that will allow me to use the headset plugged in, and still have the ringer ring on the external speaker?
I used to own a treo (palm) and I had the ability to do this.

I think PhoneAlarm can do something like this, not 100% sure though.
I'll look this up myself as I'm interested in doing the same too.

Did anybody ever find out if this is possible I have hit nothing but dead ends.

same problem ... i miss the calls when headphones are connected. The external speakers dont ring/notify but only the headphones do..
any soln guys?
Sent from rooted x10i with 2.3.3



I searched and could not find any info on this, so sorry if it has been asked before.
When my ear piece is plugged in to the unit, the ringer will not ring (produce sound) through the speaker, it only rings (produces sound) through the ear piece. Is there a setting I am missing? Or, has anyone else had this problem...thanks!
That is normal, when you plug in the earpiece sound is diverted to the earpiece and the speaker is dead, once you remove it the sound will return to speaker, why would you want sound through the speaker while using the earpiece?
Thanks for the reply. I must not have asked the question very well.
I do understand that the sound is diverted to the ear piece while it is plugged into the phone. And I understand that voice needs to be because you want to hear what people are saying.
However, many times I carry the phone in my pocket with the earpiece plugged into it. When it rings, I can not hear the ring because the ringing sound is also being diverted to the ear piece.
If you take a look at the Handspring TREO or other non PDA phones, the ringer will ring through the normal speaker reguardless if the ear piece is plugged into the phone or not. This enables you to hear the phone ring if you have the ear piece plugged in. Only the voice sound is diverted to the ear piece, not the ringing sound.
The feature of being able to hear the phone ring while the ear piece isplugged in is important to me. It appears that it is standard on other phones and I was looking to see if there is a setting, hack or ajustment to make this happen on my phone.
Sorry for the long post and not explaining it well the first time.
All the best.
That would be so nice ... I miss this feature in my old Nokia 9210 where there was a "Headset" profile that you can customise.
There is a bit silly solution for this I use it when I 'm in the car. Keep the headset jack a bit loosy ... don't make it firmly connected to the XDA. This way the ringer will come through the XDA but you will get the sound in the headset but only in the right channel :lol:
I don't mind it since I don't use the 2 earpieces for only phone calls ... only for MP3 files :lol: ... hope that will help
Sorry I am without my XDA for a few weeks, so I can't tell you what to do, but I can offer you hope! You can make the phone ring through the XDA when the headset is plugged in.
Head over to and search through the forum there.
Thanks for that, I did go over there and could not find the subject, so I posted the topic there. Thanks again!
UPDATE....Updating the ROM to version A.20.17 fixed the issue
UPDATE # 2 Now I upgraded to WM2003 and I am experiencing the same problem...Any suggestions?

Sound is busted!!!

Before anybody says use the search......
I have used it, but did not turn up anything on this although I am sure its here somewhere
I plugged in the wrong cable into my XDA a while ago (Medion PDA car cable)
This blew the fuse in the lighter fitting on the cable.....but......
Ever since this happened, my XDA is broke. I can use it as a Pocket PC. I can use it for email and internet but I cannot use it for phone calls.
The unit seems like it is constantly on speakerphone or handsfree. I try making a call and can hear nothing, either thru the handsfree speaker OR thru the main ear speaker. Whoever I call cannot her me either!
Then, I tried the headest in it. Now...I can hear the call, but whoever I call cannot hear anything!
Is this a hardware problem or a software problem???
Its really annoying me as the XDA itself is in great condition but just won't work
Try inderting and removing the headset several times or poke a cocktail stick making sure it doesnt break, this is a known problem with xda and headphone socket, it becomes jammed in closed position. I have also used a spray can of "switchgear", this is a lubricant for switches and other electronic things.
wow! that was a quick reply
thanks a lot
i have tried that but still no luck. i also tried the cocktail stick.
i'll get a can of oil in the morning like wd40 or something as you descibe.
in the meantime any more suggestions are welcome
Same Problem!
Hey, I am having the exact same problem with my Qtek 1010.. everytime i try use the phone it stays permanently on speakerphone and i can't hear anything... did u ever manage to fix the problem? thanks alot
I never did have any success with it after. Ended up scrapping it
try blowing hard on the audio jack
been battling with this all day...
what fixed it is pluggin/unplugging the headset several times then removing the wired headset plug and blowing real hard inside the jack hole where u plug ur headset...common problem it seems, due to a hardware switch inside being stuck fooling the phone to think your headset is plugged wheb it is not.don't know if the rom can "sensitize" the phone to this problem i.e. make it more prone...

My Dream Pocket Pocket PC Phone Edition Setup

I currently have an XDA and want to upgrade to something but I want to get a device that can do everything I want it to. I am going to list a description of what I want and specific questions I have for you guys about how I can achieve each:
The Phone
It should have bluetooth, wifi, sd slot, integrated or detachable (but usable) keyboard would be nice. The speakerphone should work and should be able to get loud. The phone should sound good; people should not say to me "what's up with your phone?"
1) I am currently playing with an HP 6315 but the phone sounds like crap, especially if you turn up the volume all the way on the speaker phone. Do other devices sound good as a phone?
2) The keyboard on the 6315 is also pretty useless. The buttons are just too small. Has anyone used a detachable or bluetooth keyboard with usably large buttons that works well?
Car Kit
I would like to be able to get into the car, "dock" the PDA and have it charge and connect to my GPS (Tom Tom of course, it's the best right?). I do not want to have to manually connect the cable to the bottom of the PDA; I want a cradle type connection. I would like hands free cell phone access through this same connection. This same connection would also connect the PDA's audio output to my stereo via an FM transmitter or possibly a direct connection. I would also like a 2nd touch screen display (either wired or bluetooth) that could be mounted up on the dash to make GPS easier to view and use.
1) Are there any PPC PE car kits with a cradle like I am describing?
2) Do any of these have the ability to connect to a Tom Tom GPS receiver through that same base? I just need to break out a serial connection right?
3) If the answer to #2 is no, can I just take the car kit apart and connect some wires to my Tom Tom GPS receiver? Are there just TX, RX, and GND connections that I can just wire up?
4) If there is not an FM transmitter, are there audio connections that I can break out and wire up myself to do that too? Maybe just wire the hands free speaker to the FM transmitter?
5) Are there any external VGA screens for pocket PCs? I know WM2003SE supports VGA now but do they exist and are they touch screen?
Bluetooth Headset
I would like a headset that I can wear all day without looking like a major dork. I think it is impractical to have a headset in your pocket when the phone starts ringing. There is no way you can get that thing out and on your ear in time. Is there anything that I can just wear around my neck that could pickup me talking without wearing anything on my ear? I would also like this device to turn itself on as soon as it hears any audio output from the Pocket PC device, especially when the phone is ringing. I would like it to turn on quick enough that I can actually hear the audio, not 2 seconds later. I would also like it to turn itself off when I hang up. It should also have a button that can initiate Microsoft Voice Command. Ideally I would use the bluetooth headset as my phone. I would answer calls, hang up calls and initiate voice dial all with the headset. I would only pickup the PDA when I wanted to use it as a PDA. I would never again hold that screen up to my ear! I would also like this headset to be able to pair with my pc so I can use my VoIP softphone on the pc to make phone calls.
1) So is there a headset that you don't have to put in your ear?
2) If the answer to #1 is no, has anyone considered getting a hearing aid just for this purpose and getting a loop set? I just don't want to be carrying a headset in my pocket all day then having to fumble around for it when the phone is ringing. Maybe this isn’t as big of a problem as I suspect.
3) I have never used a bluetooth headset so I don't know much about them. Do bluetooth headsets turn themselves on automatically when the phone rings?
4) Is there a bluetooth headset that I can answer and hang-up the phone with?
5) Is there a bluetooth headset that I can initiate Microsoft Voice Command with?
6) Even if my "over the ear" phobia can't be resolved, is there anyone who never has to put the screen up to their ear because their bluetooth headset works so well?
7) Has anyone paired any bluetooth headset to their computer to make phone calls via VoIP?
I will be synchronizing with my exchange server with up to date notifications enabled. So WM2003 will be required. When I am at my desk I would like for the Pocket PC to stay on my belt, but detect that I am in the office and start doing desktop sync via bluetooth (or wifi). The device should be able to pair with the headset and the desktop computer at the same time.
1) Is this desktop bluetooth sync thing I am describing possible?
2) Can a device pair with multiple devices at the same time? How many can it pair with?
mate, some asnwers to your questions...others may have other opinions or ideas...
1) I am currently playing with an HP 6315 but the phone sounds like crap, especially if you turn up the volume all the way on the speaker phone. Do other devices sound good as a phone?
ANS - i use the xda2; though the loudspeaker isn't as good but generally i'm satisfied with it. but i never put the phone to my ear since i use a bluetooth headset (more comments on that one below)
2) The keyboard on the 6315 is also pretty useless. The buttons are just too small. Has anyone used a detachable or bluetooth keyboard with usably large buttons that works well?
ANS: which is probably one thing why i think i won't be getting the mda3...but i have used a foldable keyboard or used my laptop (with a 3rd party software) to use the keyboard and mouse to control the xda2
1) So is there a headset that you don't have to put in your ear?
ANS: i used to have the jabra but found it to be weird having to wear it on my ear all the time. plus if i wear it for long periods, i develop a "cramp" on my ear...and had some issues with bonding when activesync was being done. i NOW use the O2 headset; see attached pic. i like it because it's very discreet; it just clips on my collar / shirt and i let the headphone dangle inside my shirt pocket. or i can holster it on the clip-mike. the headset can receive or end calls, so when i'm driving i don't have to hold my pda. don't have any issues with it; no bonding issues, reception is great, mike is sensitive, etc.
23) I have never used a bluetooth headset so I don't know much about them. Do bluetooth headsets turn themselves on automatically when the phone rings?
ANS - yes, when the phone rings, it's immediately transferred to the headset and all i have to do is switch it on to receive the call (for my o2 the switch is on the headphone), or click it twice to reject the call.
4) Is there a bluetooth headset that I can answer and hang-up the phone with?
ANS - i think most of them do...
6) Even if my "over the ear" phobia can't be resolved, is there anyone who never has to put the screen up to their ear because their bluetooth headset works so well?
ANs - love my O2 headset and my bt is on 24 hours a day but when my headset is charging then i have to take the xda to my ear
1) Is this desktop bluetooth sync thing I am describing possible?
ANS - yes, you're talking about the bluetooth-activesync method. i'm using it via my diffusi bt dongle; works great and no need for cables. the only limitation i see is possibly the range since the xda and the laptop can't be separated for more than 30 or so meters. but syncing is very easy and convenient via bt...oh and the great thing about bt-activesync is that you can turn off the screen of your pda and still the laptop is synced. saves you on battery time...
2) Can a device pair with multiple devices at the same time? How many can it pair with?
ANS: not sure here but my xda is paired with my headset, my laptop and my tomtom...oh and my wife's ericsson...
hope that helps.
2 pence
zlester said:
I currently have an XDA and want to upgrade to something but I want to get a device that can do everything I want it to. I am going to list a description of what I want and specific questions I have for you guys about how I can achieve each:
The Phone
It should have bluetooth, wifi, sd slot, integrated or detachable (but usable) keyboard would be nice. The speakerphone should work and should be able to get loud. The phone should sound good; people should not say to me "what's up with your phone?"
1) I am currently playing with an HP 6315 but the phone sounds like crap, especially if you turn up the volume all the way on the speaker phone. Do other devices sound good as a phone?
2) The keyboard on the 6315 is also pretty useless. The buttons are just too small. Has anyone used a detachable or bluetooth keyboard with usably large buttons that works well?
Car Kit
I would like to be able to get into the car, "dock" the PDA and have it charge and connect to my GPS (Tom Tom of course, it's the best right?). I do not want to have to manually connect the cable to the bottom of the PDA; I want a cradle type connection. I would like hands free cell phone access through this same connection. This same connection would also connect the PDA's audio output to my stereo via an FM transmitter or possibly a direct connection. I would also like a 2nd touch screen display (either wired or bluetooth) that could be mounted up on the dash to make GPS easier to view and use.
1) Are there any PPC PE car kits with a cradle like I am describing?
2) Do any of these have the ability to connect to a Tom Tom GPS receiver through that same base? I just need to break out a serial connection right?
3) If the answer to #2 is no, can I just take the car kit apart and connect some wires to my Tom Tom GPS receiver? Are there just TX, RX, and GND connections that I can just wire up?
4) If there is not an FM transmitter, are there audio connections that I can break out and wire up myself to do that too? Maybe just wire the hands free speaker to the FM transmitter?
5) Are there any external VGA screens for pocket PCs? I know WM2003SE supports VGA now but do they exist and are they touch screen?
Bluetooth Headset
I would like a headset that I can wear all day without looking like a major dork. I think it is impractical to have a headset in your pocket when the phone starts ringing. There is no way you can get that thing out and on your ear in time. Is there anything that I can just wear around my neck that could pickup me talking without wearing anything on my ear? I would also like this device to turn itself on as soon as it hears any audio output from the Pocket PC device, especially when the phone is ringing. I would like it to turn on quick enough that I can actually hear the audio, not 2 seconds later. I would also like it to turn itself off when I hang up. It should also have a button that can initiate Microsoft Voice Command. Ideally I would use the bluetooth headset as my phone. I would answer calls, hang up calls and initiate voice dial all with the headset. I would only pickup the PDA when I wanted to use it as a PDA. I would never again hold that screen up to my ear! I would also like this headset to be able to pair with my pc so I can use my VoIP softphone on the pc to make phone calls.
1) So is there a headset that you don't have to put in your ear?
2) If the answer to #1 is no, has anyone considered getting a hearing aid just for this purpose and getting a loop set? I just don't want to be carrying a headset in my pocket all day then having to fumble around for it when the phone is ringing. Maybe this isn’t as big of a problem as I suspect.
3) I have never used a bluetooth headset so I don't know much about them. Do bluetooth headsets turn themselves on automatically when the phone rings?
4) Is there a bluetooth headset that I can answer and hang-up the phone with?
5) Is there a bluetooth headset that I can initiate Microsoft Voice Command with?
6) Even if my "over the ear" phobia can't be resolved, is there anyone who never has to put the screen up to their ear because their bluetooth headset works so well?
7) Has anyone paired any bluetooth headset to their computer to make phone calls via VoIP?
I will be synchronizing with my exchange server with up to date notifications enabled. So WM2003 will be required. When I am at my desk I would like for the Pocket PC to stay on my belt, but detect that I am in the office and start doing desktop sync via bluetooth (or wifi). The device should be able to pair with the headset and the desktop computer at the same time.
1) Is this desktop bluetooth sync thing I am describing possible?
2) Can a device pair with multiple devices at the same time? How many can it pair with?
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Interesting reading, you certainly have put some decent thought into this. Let me share my experience with a bluetooth headset:
I have the Jabra BT200. It is a very comfortable unit, more comfortable than anything I have tried out there. I am using it with my iMate PPCPE and it works pretty well. 1 out of 20 times when the phone rings, the call for some reason won't get transferred to the BT headset. -But I can live with that. The sound quality is not as good as a regular wired earpiece. Using the BT headset will put an additional and noticeable strain on your phones battery resulting in less battery life before you need to recharge. I can answer and end calls from the Jabra BT headset but it does not work with MS Voice Command (Which I would discourage use of for other reasons: It's Not stable on the iMate, makes it hang needing hard reset) meaning you can't press a button on the headset and speak to the phone through the headset. The battery life of the Jabra is about 1 hour of talk time or abuot 1 day of standby with a couple of brief conversations during the day. The only complaint about he Jabra BT200 pertains to how I choose to use it: I usually don't waer it unless I'm on a call. When the phone rings, it sometimes takes too long to get the headset out of my pocket and properly on / in my ear. The little gel-like thing that goes in the ear rotates too easily.
"The battery life of the Jabra is about 1 hour of talk time or abuot 1 day of standby with a couple of brief conversations during the day. The only complaint about he Jabra BT200 pertains to how I choose to use it: I usually don't waer it unless I'm on a call. When the phone rings, it sometimes takes too long to get the headset out of my pocket and properly on / in my ear. The little gel-like thing that goes in the ear rotates too easily."
i guess this depends on a mate's usage; but are you sure about the 1-day battery life? like i mentioned i used to have a jabra (bt200) and the standby would be around 3-4 days...that's why the bt250 came out which boasts a standby power of around 8-10 days. just curious...
oh and i didn't like fiddling around in my pocket when the phone rang...specially with the ear gel/bud sometimes rotating...or even coming off when i did get it out of my pocket.... that's why i changed headsets.
Robson said:
"The battery life of the Jabra is about 1 hour of talk time or abuot 1 day of standby with a couple of brief conversations during the day. The only complaint about he Jabra BT200 pertains to how I choose to use it: I usually don't waer it unless I'm on a call. When the phone rings, it sometimes takes too long to get the headset out of my pocket and properly on / in my ear. The little gel-like thing that goes in the ear rotates too easily."
i guess this depends on a mate's usage; but are you sure about the 1-day battery life? like i mentioned i used to have a jabra (bt200) and the standby would be around 3-4 days...that's why the bt250 came out which boasts a standby power of around 8-10 days. just curious...
oh and i didn't like fiddling around in my pocket when the phone rang...specially with the ear gel/bud sometimes rotating...or even coming off when i did get it out of my pocket.... that's why i changed headsets.
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Yeah, I'm pretty sure about the 1 day usage. I usually get right around 1 days worth of standby, talk w. BT headset, checking email and playing a couple of games. -But that's fine for me. I have never found myself in a situation where I couldn't charge my iMate overnight so 1 full day of somewhat serious use is just fine for me.

[Q] Speakerphone activated when headset connected in Car Mode

Okay, this one confuses me, just came from a Motorola Droid X and when I had the phone docked in my car with it connected to my stereo via 1/8" (headphones) jack it would feed the sound from any incoming calls through my car speakers. I really liked that as it made for an easy hands free system that I didn't have to pay any extra for.
I have noticed with the Rezound however that when I answer a call it uses the phone's speaker just as it would if I had the phone on speakerphone. This is annoying because the built in speaker is not that loud when you factor in the road noise. I find myself leaning forward to be able to hear the phone and not focusing on the road as much.
Is there any way to make the phone feed the audio through the headphone jack to the car speakers?
It seems like it would just assume that if you had a headset/speakers hooked up that you would like the audio to go through them, or there would be a setting somewhere but I haven't been able to find one.
The "headset" icon is displayed on the notification bar when I plug in the audio cable so that leads me to assume that the phone knows it has a "headset" connected even though there isn't a microphone.
It just worked on my previous two phones (Droid X, BB Curve), can anyone else tell me how to change this behavior? Or at the least test it for yourselves and see if you get the same results?
The only way I have found is to exit Car Mode.
Seems counter intuitive, maybe it will get fixed in a future update. Thanks for the reply, I will try it out.

Low In-Call Volume Wtih Wired Headset.

I am running CM10.1 WFTN with hboot 1.5 S-OFF on Sprint CDMA.
Every time i get a call or call out i can barely hear anything and im sure the speakers are worn out so i have new ones in the mail
however ive been trying to use speakers or headphones so i can actually have a conversation but even with the speakers plugged in or a headset its still very hard to hear.
I have found however that after i place a call or answer a call if I have the speakers plugged in and press the speaker phone on then off again the volume jumps way up and i can hear the other person. This is kind of a pain though and I'm not 100% sure that the speaker is worn out either considering that there is this problem with the headphone jack as well.
Does anyone know of any glitches/fixes for this issue ive tried everything i can think of and the volume is all the way up for everything.

