2 different problem vs 1.5modaco and all 2.1 - Hero, G2 Touch Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

On modaco 3.2 the GPS is not working at least for google map but meteo is ok?!
And for All 2.1 ROMS we have the green effects problem on recording video and photos?!
And also, not working playback videos for some of them!!
Plz guyz tell me i m not crazy lol cause i dont find any solution and I dont know now which rom is definitively really stable and full working.

mcr3.1 is stable and everything that is in there works. same goes for 3.2, but it lacks a few things since it is an operator tailored rom (namely there would be the "2g only" switch in settings, not sure about others). gps is working fine in both, if you have problems reflash your radio.
there is no bugfree 2.1 rom yet, as we are still waiting for the official release from htc.
if i say that this is the wrong category i will get bashed, so i'm not gonna say it. just gonna point out to you that there is a q&a subforum, which might be the better place for these types of posts.

Going from a 2.1 ROM to a 1.5 ROM appears to break GPS in some cases.
This can be fixed by reflashing the radio.

FunkTrooper said:
Going from a 2.1 ROM to a 1.5 ROM appears to break GPS in some cases.
This can be fixed by reflashing the radio.
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THX a lot
i didnt say it is working lol cause i didn t try yet but i mean if you say so, so it is working and i ll try like that.
If you just coul imagine how many times i changed roms on hero looool within 5 days!!!! you ld become crazy.


[Q] rom that fixes a2dp skip / speed / pitch problem ?

I have tried the official roms, villainrom 12 (excellent!) and cronos 2.1.3 (also excellent!). All have the horrible bluetooth problem of skips in the music, then a speed up/slow down that results in pitch changes.
I saw that Darchdroid got it fixed in the CDMA version and wondered if there are any roms for the GSM version that have it fixed too? Just in case I missed it!
nobody in this forum seems to know how to fix it. I've asked but nobody knows, i believe the only sense rom that i never had the skipping was behnaam's legend port.
I am not experiencing this with VillainROM 12. Didn't have it with CyanogenMOD by Elemag either...
none of the Aosp based roms have this problem it seems to be only sense related. I've had this problem with villain,cronos,chocolateeclair,etc and nobody had any idea when i asked the same question. I actually am going to try to move the bluetooth firmware and files from the legend rom i mentioned above into another newer sense rom I just have to read up on resigning the zip, I'm a super noob to all that is linux.
Moved to Q&A as not development. Temporary redirect put in place.
ggrammer said:
nobody in this forum seems to know how to fix it. I've asked but nobody knows, i believe the only sense rom that i never had the skipping was behnaam's legend port.
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Thanks, although I have also tried Cronos 2.2 (Froyo) that doesn't have sense and it still did the pitch/speed change.
kosmiq said:
I am not experiencing this with VillainROM 12. Didn't have it with CyanogenMOD by Elemag either...
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Can I ask what car head unit or bluetooth headset you were using? It definitely does it with my Sony BT2600 car unit and both Cronos & Villainrom.
ggrammer said:
none of the Aosp based roms have this problem it seems to be only sense related. I've had this problem with villain,cronos,chocolateeclair,etc and nobody had any idea when i asked the same question. I actually am going to try to move the bluetooth firmware and files from the legend rom i mentioned above into another newer sense rom I just have to read up on resigning the zip, I'm a super noob to all that is linux.
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Could you let me know an AOSP rom to try that you know it works in please? - although I really like sense, I hate this issue and could live without it to get it fixed.
I'm pretty much a noob at this too but I'll help as much as I can!
like kosmiq mentioned Elemag's CMH rom doesn't seem to have this issue (I've used this rom alot and I have a 2010 Mazda3 and the bluetooth in the mazda is wonky at best and this rom works perfectly with it). As far as cronos froyo I haven't tried the bluetooth in that yet in my car but that is still an alpha development so if you need something more stable and complete then stay away from it, It is a great rom and the one I am running now but I am probably going to flash over to Maxisma's newest legend+WWE combo rom.
Good to see Maxisma back.

New radio 0000.0321 observations

Just to let you all know how I have found this new radio on my TG01
I have tried changing to this radio with various roms but with no luck, however using Mirlog's new MiROM1_rel. 5 with this radio cooked into the rom I have not had any ARM FATAL messages.
I have also noticed that since using this rom the gps start-up is almost instant without having to use GpsMod. Previously on both 0016 and 0017 radio the gps would take a good 10mins to get a fix without GpsMod so good news
But I have also noticed that on this radio both with GpsMod and without after 10-20mins use the gps stops and does not restart. If I exit and restart IGo then it works for a few minutes and stops again and if I soft reset it works again for a bit longer but stops again so bad news
Call quality is better than previous versions but not brilliant however the quality is consistent no matter who I call so this is better overall
Mobile internet is faster, browsing sites, downloading and sending emails zips along now compared to before. I have to be honest and say I have not measured the speed but it is noticeable so good news again
So generally a much better radio all round but the gps dying all the time is too much so I will reflash and change my radio back to 0017
How has everyone else found this version?
dr_strangetrick said:
Just to let you all know how I have found this new radio on my TG01
I have tried changing to this radio with various roms but with no luck, however using Mirlog's new MiROM1_rel. 5 with this radio cooked into the rom I have not had any ARM FATAL messages.
I have also noticed that since using this rom the gps start-up is almost instant without having to use GpsMod. Previously on both 0016 and 0017 radio the gps would take a good 10mins to get a fix without GpsMod so good news
But I have also noticed that on this radio both with GpsMod and without after 10-20mins use the gps stops and does not restart. If I exit and restart IGo then it works for a few minutes and stops again and if I soft reset it works again for a bit longer but stops again so bad news
Call quality is better than previous versions but not brilliant however the quality is consistent no matter who I call so this is better overall
Mobile internet is faster, browsing sites, downloading and sending emails zips along now compared to before. I have to be honest and say I have not measured the speed but it is noticeable so good news again
So generally a much better radio all round but the gps dying all the time is too much so I will reflash and change my radio back to 0017
How has everyone else found this version?
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To be honest i have found GPS sucks except on official roms, strange i know, but always get loss of signal after so long and it never really recovers to be reliable until i restart my phone. Call quality is much better, closest competitor for us uk users is 0300 but this is definately better.
Which version did you use ? iGO Primo 1.2 ?
Primo but last years version, I did play with 1.2 but its rubbish (looses gps every few minutes, then reboots my TG01 and no TTS even following all the instructions)
When it stops even if I exit Primo and open GpsMod it shows nothing.
The original TG01 custom roms used to be like this but they were radio 0016
wow, your report seems great. I'll try out the radii tonight!
With Primo 1.2 and latest Radio 321 i loose GPS about 15-20 minutes...
My first test was made using 300.76... GPS works without problem...
But since 321, my latest test, i loose GPS like HTC device especially HD²...
Then i think you are right... everything is better but GPS loose every time...
I need make a test with other Navi software... or GPS tools...
i will ask Nokser NOW !
lesscro said:
With Primo 1.2 and latest Radio 321 i loose GPS about 15-20 minutes...
My first test was made using 300.76... GPS works without problem...
But since 321, my latest test, i loose GPS like HTC device especially HD²...
Then i think you are right... everything is better but GPS loose every time...
I need make a test with other Navi software... or GPS tools...
i will ask Nokser NOW !
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i test this radio also. germany,bavaria with d1 and e+ and mobile navigator. 17.03. i was in stuttgart. in 200 km i lost the gps signal all 10 min. this is directly causes with radio 0321. tuning or changes on radio version- i think is not possible
Damn, i need go back to 300.76 radio !
thx for advise and feedback !
i m waiting about Nokser Radio source !!
lesscro said:
Damn, i need go back to 300.76 radio !
thx for advise and feedback !
i m waiting about Nokser Radio source !!
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Maybe.. anyone test Navi etc. in my ROM, because in this moment me TG01 is dead ...
Dead, like real Dead ? or something can be made to restore device ?
@ Nokser Fan users...
I ask help about feedback with Navi software, can you confirm keep Sat fix is rubbish !!
To keep everyone updated, I used Mirlog's radio kitchen and switched to 0018 radio (which I have never used before) and the gps is working ok combined with GpsMod
In conclusion anyone wanting a good stable fast radio use 0321 but if you need a good working gps then switch back to 0017 or 0018.
Same conclusion !
To have a good issue with calling and browsing and something other than GPS... use 321...
if you want stable and good feature back to original Radio provided by Chef's...
If you use new RADIO-....0321, then you must try too new driwers+new apps..
I have this same problems in other radios..
Nokser... you share nothing with XDA... only ROM with new feature...
All users give not a good feedback about your latest ROM because you use a method to force user to stay with you !
Method does not really good, but your ROM seems to be good !
Then Where is New Drivers ? where is New apps ?
share something... or do not say : hihihhi ! use new 'from my rom'
But this all opinion isn't from my test ROM, only from test Radio...
So funny, i love You Nokser !
and about your GREATEST drivers and apps ?
You give something to communauty or always a Chef's Secret ?
forgive ... . I do not understand ...
lesscro said:
Nokser... you share nothing with XDA... only ROM with new feature...
All users give not a good feedback about your latest ROM because you use a method to force user to stay with you !
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I will be devils advocate. I do not know Nokser's roms but if they are really good , they are much more worth than all this idiotic animations, skins, pictures and other production for "children" so do no say that Nokser share nothing. Good rom is everything.
fxdjacentyfxd said:
I will be devils advocate. I do not know Nokser's roms but if they are really good , they are much more worth than all this idiotic animations, skins, pictures and other production for "children" so do no say that Nokser share nothing. Good rom is everything.
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i agree Fxdjacentyfxd. We should stop flaming other members... At least we have developers, lets not try to make our TG01 community any smaller... Be grateful. I know i cant exactly talk as i havent developed any thing for our device, but i try to keep things going Please everybody calm down.
• idiotic animations ? like bootloader !?
an exemple ? a rom ?
• Skins ? for what ?
• Productions for children ?
If you want be The Devil's Advocate With Al Pacino and Keanu Reaves...
Give an example , a name to purpose material comparison !
Other, i m not a Judge, i think you watch lot of series on Justice !
I m not an aggressor ! But when he asked me long times ago, i don't use his technic... then i ask him to share, to explain more about Radio version !
Answer : MY rom, MY drivers, MY apps !
Maybe i m an stupid idiot but i can't understand why it make it like that !

Which Radio to use

Hey guys,
in all recent roms Froyd Villain, Elelinux´s roms I experience that my data connection breaks down after some hours (sometimes days) and I have to restart my hero to get it going again. Additionaly my WiFi has similar problems too, just that it sometimes breaks down after some minutes so I looked for Radio updates.
All the radio threads I could find are older and it does not seem that there are recent radio updates out, so I wanted to ask which one do you guys use or where can I find recent ones?
I am European, from Luxembourg next to Germany so I guess the European radios should work
Thanks in advance
Have had this myself too. My theory is that its not radio related but maybe CPU settings. Radio flashing feels like russian roulette cos have done it myself a few times but not really sure if there was any difference. Heard that villain had a good list of radios, but don't be suprised if you already have the latest or that any make much difference : )
timbohobbs said:
Have had this myself too. My theory is that its not radio related but maybe CPU settings. Radio flashing feels like russian roulette cos have done it myself a few times but not really sure if there was any difference. Heard that villain had a good list of radios, but don't be suprised if you already have the latest or that any make much difference : )
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Yeah I checked it out but the post was around a year old so I don´t know how accurate it still is. For the rest I agree, radio updates are kind of russian roulette but atm its the only thing that I suspect could work (even though my issue is not a worst case scenario but I d still prefer it to work properly).
SchinTeth said:
Yeah I checked it out but the post was around a year old so I don´t know how accurate it still is. For the rest I agree, radio updates are kind of russian roulette but atm its the only thing that I suspect could work (even though my issue is not a worst case scenario but I d still prefer it to work properly).
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My radio
Flashed this about 4 months ago and was the very latest at the time,not sure if there are any more up to date than that. May still have the zip if you need : )
Thanks, no I have found it, I ll flash it and see how it works.
SchinTeth said:
Hey guys,
in all recent roms Froyd Villain, Elelinux´s roms I experience that my data connection breaks down after some hours (sometimes days) and I have to restart my hero to get it going again. Additionaly my WiFi has similar problems too, just that it sometimes breaks down after some minutes so I looked for Radio updates.
All the radio threads I could find are older and it does not seem that there are recent radio updates out, so I wanted to ask which one do you guys use or where can I find recent ones?
I am European, from Luxembourg next to Germany so I guess the European radios should work
Thanks in advance
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Latest radios are listed at http://www.villainrom.co.uk/forum/showthread.php/307-Gsm-Hero-Radio-Roms-Download-Links
Thank you, thats the site that I found but I wasn´t sure if it was still updated so...but thx.
Btw: Sorry for posting in the wrong section

unable to get gps to lock

Update: nevermind, i just flashed back to the rooted stock rom amd gps is working correctly..i guess i'm done with custom roms..they don't work as well as stock =).
Hey guys, I am currently running the black star xi rom. I'm having trouble getting my gps to lock. I have used the tools available in the system setting to install the att gps config and stock gps config, but both of those don't lock the gps when i running navigation. So, im unable to get voice navigation going. I would have posted this on the black star xi thread...but i don't meet the 10 posts requirement to post there.
simiwizard said:
Update: nevermind, i just flashed back to the rooted stock rom amd gps is working correctly..i guess i'm done with custom roms..they don't work as well as stock =).
Hey guys, I am currently running the black star xi rom. I'm having trouble getting my gps to lock. I have used the tools available in the system setting to install the att gps config and stock gps config, but both of those don't lock the gps when i running navigation. So, im unable to get voice navigation going. I would have posted this on the black star xi thread...but i don't meet the 10 posts requirement to post there.
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Haven't had any issues with really anything but the new camera not showing on SOA build 3. I was on Padawan v8 which was a really stable and nice and fast rom. No GPS issues ever and do not seem to have any on this new rom I just installed yesterday. Hopefully the official JB will be out soon we'll see.
For some reason none of the AOSP or AOKP ROMs (which sadly is a majority of them) work very well for the Note GPS. The only ROMs I have found with good GPS support for the NOTE have been either Stock ROMs or custom ROMs which were derived from a Stock ROM.
d00mz said:
For some reason none of the AOSP or AOKP ROMs (which sadly is a majority of them) work very well for the Note GPS. The only ROMs I have found with good GPS support for the NOTE have been either Stock ROMs or custom ROMs which were derived from a Stock ROM.
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Good to know. Which is why I guess Padawan v8 was so stable for me. Thanks for that info.
Demmonnixx said:
Good to know. Which is why I guess Padawan v8 was so stable for me. Thanks for that info.
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Honestly it kills me too. I LOVE the new features on ROMs like JellyBeer and other CyanogenMod types, but I'm a nerd and use GPS everyday, and it keeps pushing me back to the other ROMs for the GPS performance.
d00mz said:
Honestly it kills me too. I LOVE the new features on ROMs like JellyBeer and other CyanogenMod types, but I'm a nerd and use GPS everyday, and it keeps pushing me back to the other ROMs for the GPS performance.
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I understand that. Probably fixing to switch back to Padawan v8 if I cannot get the new camera options to work properly in SOA build 3.
Well idk if i should ask here or put a new thread sorry im such a noob! But i have the same problem but with ebery singls rom at this point! Even stock. Ive tried flashing radios, gps test apps to remove agps data, and almost every fix i could find but none work! I even flash from rom to rom the weurd thing is its just navigationaps can locate me easily as well as any app needing my location. Help? Please and thank you.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app
carol7611 said:
Well idk if i should ask here or put a new thread sorry im such a noob! But i have the same problem but with ebery singls rom at this point! Even stock. Ive tried flashing radios, gps test apps to remove agps data, and almost every fix i could find but none work! I even flash from rom to rom the weurd thing is its just navigationaps can locate me easily as well as any app needing my location. Help? Please and thank you.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app
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Maybe start by reposting your issue so others can understand it. If I understand what you wrote, you have the same problem but your navigation apps locate you easily. And that doesn't make sense. Are you trying your GPS outside??
Srry i type fast n misspelle loll (idk how to spell misspelle) okay so wat i meant was that the only app that just keeps sayin "searchin for gps" is the navigation app. The maps app pinpoints my location easily as dies fb n any other app requesting my location. Ive tried every fix i could find on the web and nothing has worked for me! Ive seen fixes with flashing a stock gb radio it didnt work. The gps test app fix didnt work. Ive flashed countless roms from gb to jb n still same issue. N yes im outside ive even been on the roof! (seriously ive been up there am terrified of heiqhts n was stuck for hours didnt think it throuqh lol) thnx for any help.
「¡sent from my phone cuz its better than my computer!」
---------- Post added at 09:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 PM ----------
So I finally got it to work I actually just pryed up the antennas a little bit just so that they would make contact with a top antennas as well I just thought I'd let you guys know in case you guys ever came across this problem as well thanks for all your help!
「¡sent from my phone cuz its better than my computer!」

[Q] Any ROMs?

Hello, I recently found a TP2 taking care of my dust and I was wondering if there are any Android ROMs for the phone. I know there are some, but I wanna know what's the ROM with the newest version of Android.
speakerstick said:
Hello, I recently found a TP2 taking care of my dust and I was wondering if there are any Android ROMs for the phone. I know there are some, but I wanna know what's the ROM with the newest version of Android.
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the newest android version you can get is 2.3.7 gingerbread
thanks to xdandroid
battery indicator is kinda broken and also my phone used to overheat.... alot. there's also the froyo build (2.2 version), which might be more stable.
you have to find out for yourself which one works the best.
there's also an android 4 rom, but lots of features are not working. check it out yourself.
CM7 for rhodium is interesting too, tho i couldn't get it to work somehow (difficulties flashing)
plrusek said:
the newest android version you can get is 2.3.7 gingerbread
thanks to xdandroid
battery indicator is kinda broken and also my phone used to overheat.... alot. there's also the froyo build (2.2 version), which might be more stable.
you have to find out for yourself which one works the best.
there's also an android 4 rom, but lots of features are not working. check it out yourself.
CM7 for rhodium is interesting too, tho i couldn't get it to work somehow (difficulties flashing)
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Ok, I did it, I used XDAndroid, but, is there a way to boot into android without Windows Mobile?
speakerstick said:
Ok, I did it, I used XDAndroid, but, is there a way to boot into android without Windows Mobile?
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Ok... I tried to install xdandroid GBX0, but wifi doesn't work, and then I went back to FRX0 and wifi doesn't work either... What do I do?
wifi problems?
speakerstick said:
Ok... I tried to install xdandroid GBX0, but wifi doesn't work, and then I went back to FRX0 and wifi doesn't work either... What do I do?
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Why do you say the wifi doesn't work? I've been using Android on my Rhodium since June 2012 and I don't have problems with wifi--bluetooth, yes, but not wifi.
What makes you say it doesn't work? Is it not showing any wireless networks?
what version of the rhodium do you have? RHOD100? RHOD400? I have a RHOD400, and the devs are also using RHOD400's. They don't guarantee complete functionality on non-RHOD400's (that's actually mentioned somewhat by wizardknight at the end of post #1 of the GBX0* thread that wizardknight linked above
Hello, I too am having lots of troubles with finding a ROM that will work on my RHOD300. I started the whole install with a GBX_3.4.35_Full, then the GBX_3.4.26.13_FULL then the OMGB 1.2.3 May 4 and finally the OMGB Jan 16, and all of them have given me a non-working wi-fi. When I enable the bluetooth it actually turns on ok.
I've been using my HTC TP2 for 4 years as a WinMO phone and finally decided that I'd give this Android thing a try. The wi-fi has been working for me all along.
When I first installed the GBX it was giving me Wi-Fi error (viewing in Wireless & network settings). After I switched to the OMGB ROM I'm now getting a Wi-Fi turning on... and the option is grayed out.
I've been searching around and reading through these forums and I'm trying to find solutions, but nothing seems to work. The wifi-nvram-generic.txt file option I wish I could try but unfortunately I don't know the phones mac address without booting back into a WinMo phone.
I would be grateful if somebody could help me sort this out as I really do need to have wifi on my phone, otherwise my smart phone isn't so smart after all...
I've taken my RHOD100 out of the dust, and fired it up to NAND flash it with te 2.3.7 xda ROM. I used the GBX0*+ Full for my device. Although it's not very snappy, it's acceptable after recalibrating the touch screen. Don't expect miracles. Wifi is working fine. Haven't tested BT yet.
The 3.4.35 version did boot a bit, but didn't get past the bootscreen, which seemed to be in an unending loop.
I doubt the GPS is working.. GPS test didn't get a fix in 15 minutes and did not see any satelites. Also no support for front camera... but hey.. who cares

