Old 8525 that I want to revive :) - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Software Upgradin

I have an old 8525 that I want to bring back to life... tired of the iPhone. It has Mobile 5 on it. Haven't used it in... oh, close to 2 years. Still powers up fine and all so I decided to try upgrading. I used Hard-SPL first and it errored out after the tricolor screen came up, saying it couldn't find the phone. So I popped the battery and went back in, and tried Auto Unlock v3a. Script failed, as did the manual method of copying up. Every time I get to the tricolor screen and it displayes HERM100 IPL-SSPL by Des and HERM100 SPL-1.09.ds. If I leave USB plugged in it says USB, otherwise it says serial. I do NOT have a SIM card in it right now. Am I missing something? It seems like I should have an option on the phone to do the upgrade, but I just have the colors I'd really like to get up to 6.5!


My XDA has stopped turning on after a day :-(

I bought my xda in working condition a few days ago from somebody I know. It's a month old, and worked fine for a day. I left it on while I went out and when I got back it was off. I assumed the batteries were dead and placed it in the charger.
When I got back, it was still dead. It wouldn't turn on. I have not tried to flash or tamper with my device in any way...
Here's what i've discovered so far:
- Soft and hard resets do nothing.
- When in the cradle, the charge lights do not come on.
- Bootlogger works, so the screen is alright and there is power to the device.
- I don't quite understand the stylus in the sim card issue, and how it damages the device. Since it's been broken, I have put the stylus in and pressed down the switch (I was told to and even the woman in the O2 shop did it when i took it in! lol). But as far as I can tell the reason you're not meant to is because you can break the switch - however the phone will only go into bootlogger mode with the switch depressed (the sim card door closed) so I assume that means I haven't broken the switch in any way. Also, I didn't touch the switch before this trouble started.
- I can connect with my device via activesync and browse the windows folder, etc.
So as far as I can tell - it isn't the sim card slot switch, it isn't the screen, it isn't the cradle, it isn't the battery, and there is no problem as far as connecting with my computer.
But my device still won't turn on when I press the on/off switch and hard and soft resets have no effect.
Please help me/give me suggestions/tell me if it's truly french connectioned so i can go batter the guy I got it from for my money.
This phone cost me 2 months wages and I waited forever and drove 600 miles to get it. And it stopped working after a day. It's proper depressing lol.
Oh alos, if the phone is fc'd, will the factory be able to repair it for me if I pay (i'm not sure I have the receipt for guarantee). If anyone knows, thanks.
Thanks a lot in advance;
i don't understand how you can browse the windows folder via active sync if you cannot turn it on.
have you tried a different sim card. ie was your 'friend' using it on o2 or something different.
the switch beside the sim card slot is a detector ie if the door is open - no power if the door is closed - power. possibly if the switch is broken - no power.
as to a factory repair - pass. it depends on the damage.
cheers - but the switch doesn't seem to be broken - because i can boot into bootlogger mode with the door shut, but not with it open. which suggests to me that the switch is alive and well. i've no idea what's wrong with it. gonna have to be a factory repair unless flashing the rom from bootlogger mode might help... that's the only thing i can see might be wrong with it.
There's no sim card in it, i haven't bought one for it yet. I don't know what network he used it on, but the phone came from europe.
I can browse the folder via activesync on my pc - when i go into the connect mode on bootlogger.
mr_mat_cool said:
There's no sim card in it, i haven't bought one for it yet. I don't know what network he used it on, but the phone came from europe.MaT.
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this is the answer to your problem, no sim card no power, if the 'phone is unblocked then any will do if not try any anyway, you never know.
phone always worked before without a sim card. i'll try it though, thanks.
no mate, still not working with a sim card - the phone is unlocked..
:-( thanks anyway;
What is being displayed on the screen during your resets soft or hard (details please)?
You say the bootloader is working, Right! So do us a favor and check your GSM and report what it says.
To get to the GSM settings "while in bootloader mode" just press the Calender button.
Looking forward to your reply,
sorry, i'm slightly technically challenged, but i'm getting there.
if i take the device from its cradle and perform a soft reset, the green and red hang up/answer lights come on together for a few seconds and then go off. nothing else happens and i cannot turn on the device. if i try to, nothing happens at all.
If I perform a hard reset, aboslutely nothing at all happens except that I have to put the device back into its cradle and take it out again if i want to do a soft reset. If i do a soft reset straight after a hard reset, it does nothing (the lights don't even come on).
if i load bootloader, it says "GSM ERROR" where it says "GSM OK". I assume this is because I have no sim card in my device.
Well, i'm finding out things as I write -it seems to behave differently every time. I put it in bootloader mode to find out my gsm settings, and placed it in the cradle whilst it was loading... and it said "GSM OK". I soft resetted, the lights came on for a couple seconds and i'm back to where i started.
Confused!! Thanks for all your help though
note: for some reason, after taking the device from its cradle or placing it in, after a period of about a minute, the device chimes. i've no idea why or what it's trying to tell me. (the red and green hang up/call lights also come on for a second when this happens)
alright, update...
if i go into bootloader mode, and at the screen where it says "wait" i put the device into the cradle, and take it straight out again, the device says "GSM OK" (maybe it confuses it.)
Otherwise, the device says "GSM ERROR".
i managed to get onto the flash menu, and copy "BOOT TO SD", and then i went into bootloader mode and downloaded it from the sd card and it said succesful, cold reset to complete...
my device is now in the cradle, the buttons are doing nothing when pressed and the call.hangup lights are permanently on.
if i press the calendar button, a menu comes up saying...
===GSM OFF===
GSM 900
GSM 1900
GSM 900 / 1800
this is really confusing me. i think i need to take this thing to O2.
yes? no?
thanks again;
"GSM Error" seems to indicate there's something trashed with your radio stack. I had this same problem this week with a failed update to the T-Mobile 6.24 radio stack. Even with no SIM card inserted, you should still get "GSM OK". The only time I saw "GSM ERROR" was while the radio stack was hosed.
Try this: First, take out your SIM card, and in the menu you describe above, choose TURN GSM OFF. Then, reflash the ROM via the SD/bootloader method (look for the thread in the ROM Updates forum for help). I recommend the 4.00.05 ROM (Windows Mobile 2003 from 02). Once that's done, you need to get it to boot into the OS. With a corrupt radio stack, this can take 15-20 minutes or more. Do a soft reset, then let it sit for at least 30 minutes or so, and see if it boots into the OS.
Once you are in the OS, you should be able to connect via activesync, and re-flash your radio stack. I don't know what carrier you're on, but I'd suggest getting the latest radio stack update for your carrier's network, and not using a radio stack for another network.
It's a long shot, but I think if you can successfully re-flash your radio stack, you might be back in business.
Good luck!
you are god mate :wink: .
First thing i'm gonna try is squaling like a girl for somebody else (O2 or an independant company) to fix it for me. Failing that, i'll try your method and anything else anybody suggests... Failing that i'll tell people it's some kind of space age weapon and hold up a bank for the money for a new one :lol:
here's what technical support said:
"It doesn't sound like anything I've come across before in the past. What I would suggest is for you to call the XDA warranty line anyway on the off chance that they can give you some advice."
Thanks a lot;
NEWSFLASH! Took my phone from the cradle, put it back in and the orange charger light came on... This is weird as i've done nothing to it. It seems to be recovering bit by bit as if it got wet and is drying out or something... but it didn't get wet. I hope this helps somebody, someone else must be having the same problem. I read about one other guy who's phone has gone tits up, and even though his problem is different from mine, it seemed to be caused by the same thing - just leaving the phone on until the batteries died.
aaaannnndd it's gone again. no charging light. it's weird, like my phone just decided it didn't wanna work for me any more and stopped.
i'll take it to get it repaired, see what they say. if not, it'll make a nice paperweight or maybe i can flog it to some blind kid

Disconnect during ROM upgrade

my USB cord disconnected during a rom upgrade, and I can't get back to the recovery screen on the computer. My phone is currently in the 4 color mode (red, green, blue, white), how can I get it out of that to continue my rom upgrade or start over?
att 8525
Mine did that a couple times, I just started the process over again and my phone is working great
but doesn't the ruuupdater.exe have to verify that activesync is running so it can connect to the phone? the phone won't even load now, just goes to the multi colored screen.
I've also tried restarting the update program for both the 1.50 rom and the wm6 and both cannot connect to the device, because it is stuck at the multi-colored screen (which currently says "usb" since I have it connected to the usb)
Have you try a soft reset? That usually works for me.
how do i do a soft reset if I can't perform any functionality on the phone? not a smart remark, I just can't perform any actions on the phone, doesn't even boot up, like i said, only the red, green, blue and white screen appears when i turn the phone on.
thanks for your help guys.
itsbrianwithay said:
how do i do a soft reset if I can't perform any functionality on the phone? not a smart remark, I just can't perform any actions on the phone, doesn't even boot up, like i said, only the red, green, blue and white screen appears when i turn the phone on.
thanks for your help guys.
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Get your stylus and poke the little hole next to the IR near the usb port. Check your manual if you can't locate it.
I understand where that is located though, when I click it, it brings me back to the multi-colored screen.
First of all do you have HardSPL installed? If yes there are no problems...just run the upgrade again and choose the SPL version you have (and not the SSPL, cause it hasnt`t worked for me!) and go ahead...it will work!...at work I have a bad USB cable and in last week have failed to upgrade about 3 times...every time can resume from the begining withouth problems...
Primoz, that was the info I was looking for, thank you so much. I received an error saying the image file was corrupt but I will continue working on it.
Now I'm having an issue when wm6 loads (still have not repaired the ROM update yet), it hangs at the Windows Mobile 6 screen and does not go to the today screen, any ideas?

Qtek 9100 USB no longer recognised!

Hi guys
Hoping someone here can help me
I have a Qtek 9100 G4 that currently has IPL 2.21.0001 and SPL 2.21.0lip with Slim Diamond WM6.1 Rom
This was running beautifully until i left the phone for a weekend plugged into the wall charger.
When i came back now whenever i switch on the phone it shows the Diamond splash screen, doesnt show the ipl or spl and just stays there indefinately.
I allowed the phone battery to drain for a week and when i turned it on it booted normally again, got to the main wm 6.1 screen, it automatically customised the rom and then rebooted. Then im back at stage one again! I can repeat this by leaving the phone with no battery to drain the internal one. Hard reset works so say but doesnt have any effect.
I have tried different techniques to reflash the phone but no matter which guide i follow the usb is never ever recognised as connected. All RUU say is error 260. Even Wizard Love is no go. I have tried the disabling usb connections and disabling the correct services, can happily get into bootloader mode but can do no more - says usb in corner but computer never registers anything attached
My only idea is that somehow leaving it plugged in has fried the usb - its weird tho as it still charges fine with computer or wall charger.
Im getting near to giving up with this phone now as no matter how many guides i follow none ever get anywhere with this phone
Has anyone had anything similar happen?

8125 G4 Not Booting or Connecting to ActiveSync

I have an 8125, IPL / SPL 2.25.0001 that has been working fine for over a year with the factory WM5 ROM. Recently, it started behaving badly, and thinking it was an OS problem, I restored a backup that I took using Sprite Mobile Backup. It worked for about 5 minutes, then started buzzing loudly, and the screen went dark. Now, if I try to boot normally, I get the blue splash screen, but after that the screen goes dark, and the bluetooth and wi-fi lights blink, but nothing else happens. I can get to the striped bootloader screen, and when I plug in the USB cable it says USB in the corner, but I can't get the Wizard tool or Hard SPL or any other tool to recognize it. It's not recognized by ActiveSync or WMDC, but Windows does realize that it is plugged in and adds it as a device to device manager. Am I suffering a hardware failure here? Is there anything I can try?
Nevermind, I figured it out. I found the information in the Wiki and got the Wizard Love ROM working. Seems a lot faster than it ever was before, might just stick with this instead of going to WM6. Or maybe not
There is so much information on here, and it can be overwhelming, no matter how much you try. But, I kept reading and reading and finally it all clicked.
so u figuered it out???
that's cool. i have similar problems. my os works but neither active sync nor wmdc can find the device.
at the time, the loading station is recognized by my pc.
how did u get them connected?
greetz tears

Wont boot past coloured bar screen (have olipro installed)

Juts soft rebooted my Tytn, and its not stuck on the initial boot screen (the four coloured bars).
Done a hard reset back to fatory defaults and still won boot past initial coloured screen. It says:
Any ideas?
have your tried taking the battery out and leaving it out for ten minutes then putting it back in and switching it on? IF you are still on the triolour bootscreen then you will just have to run a flash of a rom on it. That should get the phone back up and running
If you get it running though, do yourself a favour and install Hard SPL V7... You're running an older, less safe version. More chance for stuff ups...
Very odd
Hmm, well leaving the battery out for for a couple of minutes then rebooting makes it boot properley, but if I soft reset then it gets stuck at the coloured bars again unitl the battery is removed for a couple of minutes again.
I guess I will have to try flashing it later, but at least I have the phone running again so I can use it today, wil try flashing later.
Didnt last long
got stuck at the coloured sceen again no matter how long I left the battery out now, just flashed the ROM again (schaps, same as I have been using for a year OK), and still same problem. I cant update the SPL as even on the odd occasion I got it to boot, installing spl2.10 requires a reboot at which point it got stuck again, and I couldnt get it to boot before the SPL loader program on the PC timed out with a comms error.
I am wondering if it is an intermittent hardware fault like a stuck button, would that cause it to get stuck on the first screen?
just opened it up and a switch fell out, its the one from the comms button (just below the power button on the right hand side). Not sure my SMD soldering is that good to get it soldered back on again, must have hit it somehow or a previous drop and its just finally worked loose etc.
Although I find it har to believe that a switch would cause boot to fail, surley it just doesnt make a connection if its missing, just as if it wasnt depressed?

