Trust - Droid Eris General

Hi, this is my first post. I hope it doesn't come off the wrong way.
I am extremely grateful for the time and effort put into all of these ROMs and the original gaining of root access on the Eris. But part of me has been wondering... what's to stop a developer/cook from including some kind of script inside their ROM which will give them access to peoples personal information and passwords? How can the general public know that we can trust all of you?
Now, I must stress that I am not accusing anyone of malicious intent. However, I do think that it's a valid concern.

I was looking for a specific .apk the other day and did a google. After much digging I found it, but wasn't too comfortable with the site where it was located. Just didn't download it/install it.
As far as the ROMs here. I lurked and posted and visited the IRC to get a feel for those doing the hard work. Got a comfort level with them and have been ROMing like a mad fool since. Hell, my ex got my bank account so there ain't nothing there to take.
To each their own comfort level.

ahorriblemess, there is no way for you to truly know that none of the ROM cooks are putting anything malicious in their ROMs.
This community is based around trust though, and if a dev. put some malicious crap in their ROM it would be found and taken down.
I have been working with most of the devs since before we had root and I would trust them.

I kind of figured that... if someone was to include a malicious script or something that it would be found relatively quickly and they would alert everyone.
I was just curious. Thanks.

have faith in the community. Strength through unity, unity through strength!

All your CPU
are belong to us.

jcase said:
All your CPU
are belong to us.
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HAHA! That's great.

jcase said:
All your CPU
are belong to us.
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Someone set us up the ROOT?

letterboxdreams said:
HAHA! That's great.haha
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jcase said:
All your CPU
are belong to us.
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lol does that mean u will pay my bill ?

well pretty much all u can do is trust the Devs i trust all of them and apprciate all they do for the community especially being that they do not get paid to this for us. so all you can is trust them and either use the what they develope for us or dont its really ur decision. *~Dez~*


XDA Rom Dumps

I just got bored and going to start dumping roms and repackaging. Don't take it personally.
These include OEMs only. Double check the packages before cooking to make sure they are complete. All the extra files are in a folder called EXTRAS.
This is only the first...more to come
Thanks to all the cooks. Because if it wasn't for them, this community wouldn't be as good as it is now.
mod - links removed.
jmztaylor said:
I just got bored and going to start dumping roms and repackaging. Don't take it personally.
These include OEMs only. Double check the packages before cooking to make sure they are complete. All the extra files are in a folder called EXTRAS.
This is only the first...more to come
NRG Rom 2.0 Build 41609
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I hope you got permission from NRG . . . . .
The energy roms are protected.. It's protected for a reason: the chef doesn't want his hardwork get stolen. What you are doing here is very rude and I've seem people got offended like this and stopped releasing whatever stuff they were doing.
So you better stop been a smart ass and delete you post.
katsuya82 said:
The energy roms are protected.. It's protected for a reason: the chef doesn't want his hardwork get stolen. What you are doing here is very rude and I've seem people got offended like this and stopped releasing whatever stuff they were doing.
So you better stop been a smart ass and delete you post.
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have you ever downloaded a song, movie, or tv show off the net, that is stealing.
if this is your opinion then everybody on here should delete half the post on here as you are stealing from microsoft/htc.
what ever happened to freedom of information
btw, did i use any profanity towards you
i side with taylor, most of the work done here is stealing or borrowing from the work of others, to ask one person to stop but not all the others is absurd.
I do really think it is common courtesy to ask the chef if it is ok, They have put alot of time and effort into creating these ROM's and being this is a community, the proper thing to do is ask!
katsuya82 said:
The energy roms are protected.. It's protected for a reason: the chef doesn't want his hardwork get stolen. What you are doing here is very rude and I've seem people got offended like this and stopped releasing whatever stuff they were doing.
So you better stop been a smart ass and delete you post.
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thats pretty ironic in this forum , we've been breaking protections to flash roms on htc hardware, i don't think we asked their permission. People do this because they can, and people like to share their work.
there can be no honor amungst theives. to avoid arguments, take these links down. thank you.
rzanology said:
there can be no honor amungst theives. to avoid arguments, take these links down. thank you.
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Before we rush to this decision perhaps the OP can ask Arrupenthal and NRG if it is ok?
slawcop` said:
Before we rush to this decision perhaps the OP can ask Arrupenthal and NRG if it is ok?
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you do not take then ask, you ask then if ok you take what is given. Taking without asking is stealing. While this may not directly apply the principle should be the same.
Wow. You people asking him to remove his links are hypocrites. What are you even doing on this site!?
Everybody's willing to jump on a self-righteous band-wagon. Double-standard two-faced hypocrites.
Sure Taylor, why don't you ask permission if it's ok for you to post these because they stole them FIRST!
petermg said:
Wow. You people asking him to remove his links are hypocrites. What are you even doing on this site!?
Everybody's willing to jump on a self-righteous band-wagon. Double-standard two-faced hypocrites.
Sure Taylor, why don't you ask permission if it's ok for you to post these because they stole them FIRST!
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ur a moron for not understand what were saying its not about the act of stealing its about respecting the work the chefs put into there roms.....shesh...
petermg said:
Wow. You people asking him to remove his links are hypocrites. What are you even doing on this site!?
Everybody's willing to jump on a self-righteous band-wagon. Double-standard two-faced hypocrites.
Sure Taylor, why don't you ask permission if it's ok for you to post these because they stole them FIRST!
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What exactly did we steal, moron ?
Our hard work into customizing these ROMs ? No.
My custom graphics and icons, created BY HAND, BY ME ? No.
The core OS and some HTC OEMs... Yes, I guess we stole those.. but WAIT.. that **** was already on my phone, so I guess I stole from myself.
p.s. If you can't already tell, I'm not okay with someone just taking my stuff without asking first. Everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) I cook with is freely available on this forum if you search for it. The only thing I do is put it all together. And THAT's where the skill comes into play... and I don't appreciate THAT being stolen.
I don't know about this. I'm glad someone posted oems that I wanted. But not glad that you've posted the chef's work. I think you may be asked to remove things that the chefs have done themselves, such as NRGZ28's welcomeheads and graphics and icons and Aruppenthal's icons and graphics.
I've gotta jump in here. When a "chef" dumps the ROM from their device, is that not "stealing" from microsoft or HTC? There are people sitting at a computer coding all the software that work for these companies and putting in their hard work too. Did you ask them if it's OK to take their work, change it all up, then release it for free to the public? I think not.
That being said, I hardly think it is justified for ANYONE on this forum to release a customized ROM **(it's not THEIR ROM... In order for it to be YOUR ROM, YOU must hand write EVERYTHING from scratch, thus creating your own operating system)** to mandate to anyone that they must ask for permission to alter/relase anyones work.
Look at it this way - at least he mentioned whos ROM he dumpped! Many of the chefs here could take someone elses customized ROM, change it a little here and there, release it and call it their own.
QUOTE: rzanology "there can be no honor amungst theives"
I cannot agree more. Think of it this way. I break into a car and steal it. while I'm at the local stop-n-rob, someone hops in the car and steals it from me... I can't exactly report it stolen because I did not legally obtain it.
Make sense?
p.s. NGR, sorry to say but your argument is null and void.
"My custom graphics and icons, created BY HAND, BY ME ? No." - Were the original graphics not created by someone? You took THEIR work and altered/deleted it.
"The core OS and some HTC OEMs... Yes, I guess we stole those.. but WAIT.. that **** was already on my phone, so I guess I stole from myself." - I have a problem with this one too. Basically you are stating that once you buy something, you alone own every right to it. What's this RIAA thing... y'know, buying CD's and sharing them for FREE. Hmmmm. sounds kinda familiar wouldn't you agree? Oh posh, legalities.
Educate yourself.
i tried to avoid this. thread will now be locked. i hope to hear nothing more about this. have a great weekend folks.

Poll: Are you a dev and are you actually working on root

Since you don't want to stand up and be counted because you are afraid of being PM'd to death, take some time to answer the poll.
I suspect that the current root methods that are being worked on are being worked on by the rest of us and not being touched by the devs.
Prove me wrong, because as far as I can tell, all the devs are rooted and in ROM la-la land not giving two Sh!ts about the rest of us.
BTW - not a leaker. My phone was broken and replaced with a 2.1 RUU with 1.49.0000.
Father_Vic said:
Since you don't want to stand up and be counted because you are afraid of being PM'd to death, take some time to answer the poll.
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Who the hell are you to tell someone to take some time to do anything for you? Did your mother teach you ANY manners? These people do these things without any guarantee of payment, so unless your gonna put some cash up, I suggest you learn some of said manners.
Father_Vic said:
I suspect that the current root methods that are being worked on are being worked on by the rest of us and not being touched by the devs.
Prove me wrong, because as far as I can tell, all the devs are rooted and in ROM la-la land not giving two Sh!ts about the rest of us.
BTW - not a leaker. My phone was broken and replaced with a 2.1 RUU with 1.49.0000.
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So what? Because you ran into bad luck they OWE you something? I Hope everyone here who cares to support the devs submits a false answer to your poll so that it never does you one scrap of good. Maybe when you will learn some humility you can come back and PROPERLY ask them for something.
Morkai Almandragon said:
Who the hell are you to tell someone to take some time to do anything for you? Did your mother teach you ANY manners? These people do these things without any guarantee of payment, so unless your gonna put some cash up, I suggest you learn some of said manners.
So what? Because you ran into bad luck they OWE you something? I Hope everyone here who cares to support the devs submits a false answer to your poll so that it never does you one scrap of good. Maybe when you will learn some humility you can come back and PROPERLY ask them for something.
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Amen to that. This is the kind of bullsh** that makes devs run away from our community, not towards it. If you want to ***** at somebody, call up HTC and tell them you can't root your phone. I'm sure they will be VERY sympathetic and offer to send you an Incredible instead.
lol sucks for u
You are a prime example of a entitlement complex. Seriously, they already dedicate all their spare time to us and helping us. If you're so pissy about it, you find out a way and help the community, don't sit there and *****.
I can pretty much guarantee you the SECOND you get root, you won't give a **** about any non-rooted people and only focus on ROMs.
Do you also expect verizon to erect a cell tower near your house and a mini AP in your car so you have perfect service wherever you go?
+1 to everything said above, also learn to search, there is already a root method for 1.49 s-on you idiot. The great devs of our commmunity already found an amazing loop
I LOL at you.
if I were a dev, i would stop working on rooting 1.49 after a post like this.
As a non-dev, I am disheartened to see this type of post in the Development thread. Have you seen the number of posts in the 1.49 leak-root threads? There are currently folks working on two distinct methods of rooting - isn't that proof enough for you? Also, was anyone here responsible for "making" you go to the leaked version? No? Well then why are the dev's responsible for giving you a cookie for the decision you made?
Also, to all of the people that say, "I can't be bothered to read all 100+ pages" or similar - please do. 99.9% of the time you will find the answer to your question within those posts - or hey, try the magical search box.
I personally want to thank the dev's that have been helping us with finding just the right exploit. As you can see, there has been a lot of work looking at the leak, RUU, hboot, and various methods to finally achieve [an easy way to] root the Eris. This community has been extremely helpful, innovative, and downright awesome in helping folks like me learn the ins and outs of the Android System and the Eris. Don't screw it up for the rest of us.
Mean ol' devs..
Y'all BETTER be working on root for Eris, or I'll... I'll..
I'll get REALLY mad..
In all seriousness, the points made in the responses are valid.. Father_Vic chose poor wording to express frustration, and some of his frustrations are borne out of simply being unaware of some things..
Root for 2.1 in general is being sought actively by all sorts of devs and would-be devs. I'm pretty sure there are fewer and fewer devs working directly on Eris, other than to try to make holes found elsewhere a little bit more open to the masses, a la the efforts by Tereg and company.
Are they working on it night and day? Hellz no. After you've tried the same stuff over and over a few times, you move on to either new angles on old stuff, or new stuff, altogether. Otherwise, people call you crazy or naive.
This poll seems like it'd be helpful on the surface, if just to provide reassurance for us poor 1.49ers without root, but the ones that respond affirmatively may or may not be totally clueless when it comes to anything other that running downloaded scripts, and as for the devs that really do understand, well..
Don't worry about this stuff running devs off.. The real devs LOVE to solve problems, because it's like crack cocaine to figure stuff out, and what they really don't give 2 $hitz about is polls..
Can we get this thread moved to General? Not sure that just deleting it would help anybody..
+1 to all said
if you really wanted root than maybe you should learn how to develop and try and find it yourself
I have uncovered the PERFECT root method for 1.49 bootloader. BUT after reading this so called post, I now refuse to ever release it. bwahahaahahahahahahahahahaha
no seriously...come on dude. little...well rude wasnt it.
We (including myself) are all working on it. The root method that exists has an extremely low success rate. We are all trying different things, we are all trying different methods and we are all devoting hours a day to try to bust this thing open. The eris is one of the only phones not rooted by means other than a rooted link. Some of us feel we are going at this alone without any real help from the devs. Plus anytime we have asked if any of the silent devs are working on it or have any suggestions; "flame on" from the rooted majority.
Not entitlement - just wondering if those of us fending for ourselves are getting any help from those who can.
BTW - to assert that we just go ahead and learn what the devs know really is insulting to the devs. All the time, effort, education, and knowledge that they have is not something that we can all just learn to do in a couple of days.
I knew the flame was coming....
Keep going, it actually makes pretty fun reading.
Father_Vic said:
Since you don't want to stand up and be counted because you are afraid of being PM'd to death, take some time to answer the poll.
I suspect that the current root methods that are being worked on are being worked on by the rest of us and not being touched by the devs.
Prove me wrong, because as far as I can tell, all the devs are rooted and in ROM la-la land not giving two Sh!ts about the rest of us.
BTW - not a leaker. My phone was broken and replaced with a 2.1 RUU with 1.49.0000.
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u sir are a douche bag get a life and root ur own friggen phone , u need a tissue ? u need a hug? god damn ITS JUST A FRIGGEN PHONE !!!!!
tazzpatriot said:
u sir are a douche bag get a life and root ur own friggen phone , u need a tissue ? u need a hug? god damn ITS JUST A FRIGGEN PHONE !!!!!
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Have you got a hug for me...?
This is the most fun I have ever had on a forum. I love to watch this forum go apesh!t.
pass the popcorn.
Father_Vic said:
Have you got a hug for me...?
This is the most fun I have ever had on a forum. I love to watch this forum go apesh!t.
pass the popcorn.
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really ? ur doin it for fun ? looks to me all ur doin is pissing people off and not wantin to help people who want to be rooted .me myself , i am rooted but i was tryin to look into wayz to help u guys out , now i may or may not because of people like u
Father_Vic said:
We (including myself) are all working on it. The root method that exists has an extremely low success rate. We are all trying different things, we are all trying different methods and we are all devoting hours a day to try to bust this thing open. The eris is one of the only phones not rooted by means other than a rooted link. Some of us feel we are going at this alone without any real help from the devs. Plus anytime we have asked if any of the silent devs are working on it or have any suggestions; "flame on" from the rooted majority.
Not entitlement - just wondering if those of us fending for ourselves are getting any help from those who can.
BTW - to assert that we just go ahead and learn what the devs know really is insulting to the devs. All the time, effort, education, and knowledge that they have is not something that we can all just learn to do in a couple of days.
I knew the flame was coming....
Keep going, it actually makes pretty fun reading.
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I have a rooted phone, replacement on the way, I'm not getting my hopes up for a 1.47 hboot im sure 1.49 will come unfortunately, and seeing the low success rate with the current root methods I'm afraid im gunna hate my Eris again, and now any devs who were putting their FREE time in to help with something that doesn't even benefit them as they are already rooted. Thanks for pushing people away from helping us, and it's just great that it is all fun and games to u. I understand were u are coming from, but this is just bull crap. thanks for nothin.
Father_Vic said:
We (including myself) are all working on it. The root method that exists has an extremely low success rate. We are all trying different things, we are all trying different methods and we are all devoting hours a day to try to bust this thing open. The eris is one of the only phones not rooted by means other than a rooted link. Some of us feel we are going at this alone without any real help from the devs. Plus anytime we have asked if any of the silent devs are working on it or have any suggestions;.
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Up to this point you seem to almost have found some humility. Keep the attitude portrayed here and maybe send out a few PMs asking for help, politely, you may get somewhere, you may not... I GUARANTEE you get farther than your first post.
And as for some of the rest of your comments, MANY a "dev" has started not with college, but in the exact same place you are.
BlazeD OnE said:
I have a rooted phone, replacement on the way, I'm not getting my hopes up for a 1.47 hboot im sure 1.49 will come unfortunately, and seeing the low success rate with the current root methods I'm afraid im gunna hate my Eris again, and now any devs who were putting their FREE time in to help with something that doesn't even benefit them as they are already rooted. Thanks for pushing people away from helping us, and it's just great that it is all fun and games to u. I understand were u are coming from, but this is just bull crap. thanks for nothin.
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If it is a referb phone, you have some hope. I just got my Eris replacement (after rooting 2.1), and it was 1.5 with a 1.47 bootloader, so there is some hope.
i was working on root until i saw this post. its idiots like you that piss off the devs and make us go elsewhere.
if you are posting this just for fun, to get the laughs and eat your popcorn, then f&%# off. we dont want you here, demand things from the devs, demanding we speak up so you know who we are. if you really want to know who the devs are, that will most likely be anyone on there with more than 200+ posts. the ones that you know there nicks to because they spend most of their time on here posting to help n00bs like you out getting root, or answering the question of which rom is the best or how to install your bootanimation file.
you really want to know who the devs are? they are the ones that sit in the irc channel all day ( and are any of the ops on there, or have a uptime of 72hours straight.
you want me to compose a list of all the devs, and then another list of all the devs working on root for you?
here is that list for you:

I will pay developers to help me

Any developers out there that would like to help me learn to develop
help in any way......
roms, kernels etc
metalman3797 said:
Any developers out there that would like to help me learn to develop
help in any way......
roms, kernels etc
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Are you a software engineer? Do you actually know how to program? If so, what languages? You'll have to tell us your current knowledge level. There's a big difference between 'how do I set up the Android SDK on my computer?' vs. 'what's C++?'.
skoalbandit123 said:
google will help for free
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This,first off, develops won't spend large amounts of time helping you out to learn to develop (assuming you have some knowledge of C++ and Javascript) which would still take forever.
Second, you can learn to develop by yourself by using google.
metalman3797 said:
Its a development topic sooooooooooooo dont be a ****!
People like you are the reason i hate asking stuff..... If you know the answer or can help, then do so. If not dont respond.
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Yes it was rude of him. However it is correct, you could post this in the general forum or in the question for if you re word it to a question. There are plenty of free tools out there that will help you learn to develop. Like stated earlier, Google is your friend.
mhousser said:
Are you a software engineer? Do you actually know how to program? If so, what languages? You'll have to tell us your current knowledge level. There's a big difference between 'how do I set up the Android SDK on my computer?' vs. 'what's C++?'.
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I work for a software development company but as tech support
I dont know how to program.
I took C++ a few years ago but forgot everything. I am very knowledgeable with computers, just a noob on android development.
People read this :
I'm thinking he put this here to grab the devs attention probably assuming they don't spend much time in the general section I could be wrong though and until development is actually being discussed this is not a development thread its a question I'm not trying to be rude I'm just looking at this from an outside view carry on
egc+voodoo jl1
bobbbb said:
This,first off, develops won't spend large amounts of time helping you out to learn to develop (assuming you have some knowledge of C++ and Javascript) which would still take forever.
Second, you can learn to develop by yourself by using google.
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So basically they develop for android in C++ generally?
And i just need a push in the right direction.
Everyone here is usually very helpful, i dont expect them to hold my hand through it
metalman3797 said:
Its a development topic sooooooooooooo dont be a ****!
People like you are the reason i hate asking stuff..... If you know the answer or can help, then do so. If not dont respond.
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Could you answer the questions I asked in my last post? I think it'll help you find help faster.
(Sorry for the prick who first answered you - ignore him.)
EDIT: nvm, I notice you answered my original post already.
will everyone settle the f down about the section. god you guys are like flies on sh*t. if a moderator feels this is the wrong section, it will be moved. DONE
to answer your question man: i hate to break it to you, but youre not likely to find much personal help here, much less on any forum. mainly because of what you are seeing in this thread: people are d*cks online.
like many people have said, and i know this isnt the answer you want to hear, youre probably gonna have to teach yourself. only because i guarantee you, even if someone taught you the steps on how to code, build, compile etc, you still probably wouldnt fully understand why it works the way it does.
i recently developed the desire to learn how to build kernels, but i never even began to think about asking for help here because i knew i would get the type of idiotic responses youve received, so i faced the music: if i want to learn, im gonna have to start reading.
metalman3797 said:
I work for a software development company but as tech support
I dont know how to program.
I took C++ a few years ago but forgot everything. I am very knowledgeable with computers, just a noob on android development.
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So you want to know how to work on the Android OS, but don't know how to program? It seems like you'd first need to learn how to program.. and there are certainly better ways to learn than from an XDA developer!
willsnews said:
I'm thinking he put this here to grab the devs attention probably assuming they don't spend much time in the general section I could be wrong though and until development is actually being discussed this is not a development thread its a question I'm not trying to be rude I'm just looking at this from an outside view carry on
egc+voodoo jl1
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Makes sense, my mistake Please move MOD
TopShelf10 said:
will everyone settle the f down about the section. god you guys are like flies on sh*t. if a moderator feels this is the wrong section, it will be moved. DONE
to answer your question man: i hate to break it to you, but youre not likely to find much personal help here, much less on any forum. mainly because of what you are seeing in this thread: people are d*cks online.
like many people have said, and i know this isnt the answer you want to hear, youre probably gonna have to teach yourself. only because i guarantee you, even if someone taught you the steps on how to code, build, compile etc, you still probably wouldnt fully understand why it works the way it does.
i recently developed the desire to learn how to build kernels, but i never even began to think about asking for help here because i knew i would get the type of idiotic responses youve received, so i faced the music: if i want to learn, im gonna have to start reading.
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Yeah thats what im starting to see and think
mhousser said:
So you want to know how to work on the Android OS, but don't know how to program? It seems like you'd first need to learn how to program.. and there are certainly better ways to learn than from an XDA developer!
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Exactly, just looking for a direction to take besides....
download the SDK and bla bla bla and mess with it
briankao1992 said:
You're ???
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Im on the floor! I love it!!!!!
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Cyanogen started a very helpful thread in the android dev forum. It's stickied.
From a phone
You have a large amount of fundamentals to learn first. Software development courses are quite easy to find online. You'll want to learn C++ and Java... since Android apps are written in Java.
After you have learned the fundamentals of software development, *then* you might be ready to learn how to get the Android OS source on your computer to start playing with it.
I'm very inyerested in learning also and would gladly pay for a develepers time
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
mhousser said:
You have a large amount of fundamentals to learn first. Software development courses are quite easy to find online. You'll want to learn C++ and Java... since Android apps are written in Java.
After you have learned the fundamentals of software development, *then* you might be ready to learn how to get the Android OS source on your computer to start playing with it.
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Ok thats what i was looking for. Thank you, I appreciate it!!
Also note that if you learn one programming language - i.e. C++ - other programming languages will come more easily to you. Regardless of which language you're using, 60%+ of everything is the same - i.e. for loops, if statements, classes, inheritance, etc. Syntax is largely similar.
Also keep in mind the high level differences between languages like C++ (which is a very low level language) and Java (a higher level language).. for example, in C++ you *really* need to worry about disposing of objects correctly, whereas languages such as Java and C# have their own Garbage Collector which does these things for you. This is just one example.. there are many many others.

Lets just do it right and get a unrevoked method for simple [email protected]

I just had a suggestion, we should just make it simple for this fine phone and devs
or someone should develop a simple unrevoked root and unlock method just like the evo uses.
Current methods are rediculous, all though i got it done,its a hassle for others.
We need to get clockwork through rom manager and get this phone goin with some rom development
the hassle of unlocking bootloader is to much!!
Cmon devs make a one click tool!!
oh mercyful lord, please forgive us, for we have forsaken the most sacred rule!
we have so forgotten that in hacking a device we must not only defeat all security measures on said device, we must do more then include instructions for free on how to do it yourself. we must make it so it does it for you.
seriously dude? you think that this thought hadnt crossed anyones mind? unrevoked does htc, hence why there is no unrevoked for all the locked moto bootloaders. rather then complain about it take a dive, learn some code figure out how things work and try helping.
and in case you didnt pick up on the irony of it all, check teh dev section i have a one click... just need to fix it thats all >_>
shabbypenguin said:
oh mercyful lord, please forgive us, for we have forsaken the most sacred rule!
we have so forgotten that in hacking a device we must not only defeat all security measures on said device, we must do more then include instructions for free on how to do it yourself. we must make it so it does it for you.
seriously dude? you think that this thought hadnt crossed anyones mind? unrevoked does htc, hence why there is no unrevoked for all the locked moto bootloaders. rather then complain about it take a dive, learn some code figure out how things work and try helping.
and in case you didnt pick up on the irony of it all, check teh dev section i have a one click... just need to fix it thats all >_>
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Well said!
lojak29 said:
I just had a suggestion, we should just make it simple for this fine phone and devs
or someone should develop a simple unrevoked root and unlock method just like the evo uses.
Current methods are rediculous, all though i got it done,its a hassle for others.
We need to get clockwork through rom manager and get this phone goin with some rom development
the hassle of unlocking bootloader is to much!!
Cmon devs make a one click tool!!
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Dude No!
Look im here to learn android roms but been in IT computer and networks for years (im a WAN networks guy right now, mostly Cisco for the IP, contractor for AT&T and should be preping for my CCIE RS lab) you have no idea how cluless your post is..." I snap my fingers and I get a one shot "shrink wrap solution"...4 free..."
lojak29 said:
I just had a suggestion, we should just make it simple for this fine phone and devs
or someone should develop a simple unrevoked root and unlock method just like the evo uses.
Current methods are rediculous, all though i got it done,its a hassle for others.
We need to get clockwork through rom manager and get this phone goin with some rom development
the hassle of unlocking bootloader is to much!!
Cmon devs make a one click tool!!
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yeah way to bite the hand that feeds you...where i come from a dog like that gets put down for that sort of thing...
It takes some nerve to start a topic like this. If you don't like what it takes to unlock this phone feel free to find a better way yourself or move on to another phone.
Sent from my Motorola Photon using Tapatalk
Mods please close this thread.
Guys, let's not let this forum get away from us. I've been apart of other forums that have been ruined by this same sense of entitlement. This stuff will all happen but you have to be patient. The Photon has only been out a very short time.
Besides, rooting is a very simple procedure with ADB. As Shabby said, the one click is on the way. Ticking off the developers is not the way to get things done faster. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Please remember that before posting nonsense like this.
This thread is hilarious.
Sent from my PHOTON cannon
I am by no means a dev or any major IT training, but I found the dock root very easy. I rooted 2 phones in about 10mins and it was my first time.
ptfdmedic said:
Mods please close this thread.
Guys, let's not let this forum get away from us. I've been apart of other forums that have been ruined by this same sense of entitlement. This stuff will all happen but you have to be patient. The Photon has only been out a very short time.
Besides, rooting is a very simple procedure with ADB. As Shabby said, the one click is on the way. Ticking off the developers is not the way to get things done faster. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Please remember that before posting nonsense like this.
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Dude please tell me you have a photon some midnight rom goodness in the future will be wonderful
Sent from my PHOTON blaster!
inimitableac said:
Dude please tell me you have a photon some midnight rom goodness in the future will be wonderful
Sent from my PHOTON blaster!
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He does. \orgasm\
lojak29 said:
I just had a suggestion, we should just make it simple for this fine phone and devs
or someone should develop a simple unrevoked root and unlock method just like the evo uses.
Current methods are rediculous, all though i got it done,its a hassle for others.
We need to get clockwork through rom manager and get this phone goin with some rom development
the hassle of unlocking bootloader is to much!!
Cmon devs make a one click tool!!
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Obviously written by someone who didn't have an Evo on launch day, and doesn't remember that Unrevoked wasn't out until the phone had been out for quite some time. The original root method for the Evo was considerably more difficult than the new Photon method.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA Premium App
jwischka said:
Obviously written by someone who didn't have an Evo on launch day, and doesn't remember that Unrevoked wasn't out until the phone had been out for quite some time. The original root method for the Evo was considerably more difficult than the new Photon method.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA Premium App
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Exactly.....I seem to remember it being like 16 or 18 steps, with some flash websites and and several reboots involved......I remember it took me like 3 hours...this one took me all of 5 minutes following the instructions so graciously provided.....I personally would like to thank Shabby, Y4J, and Caulk, and everyone else for even getting root and an unlocked bootloader option so quick.....OP be thankful for what you got, when I was your age there wasnt even such a thing as a cell phone.....let alone a smartphone that can run NORAD off half of its CPU ....seriously
how did u get yours unlocked, i couldnt figure it out
unsane said:
Exactly.....I seem to remember it being like 16 or 18 steps, with some flash websites and and several reboots involved......I remember it took me like 3 hours...this one took me all of 5 minutes following the instructions so graciously provided.....I personally would like to thank Shabby, Y4J, and Caulk, and everyone else for even getting root and an unlocked bootloader option so quick.....OP be thankful for what you got, when I was your age there wasnt even such a thing as a cell phone.....let alone a smartphone that can run NORAD off half of its CPU ....seriously
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actually i didnt have anything to do with it i just got a request to come over and see if i could help out
after looking up the photon and the issues ive been having i want out of my ns4g
lojak29 said:
I just had a suggestion, we should just make it simple for this fine phone and devs
or someone should develop a simple unrevoked root and unlock method just like the evo uses.
Current methods are rediculous, all though i got it done,its a hassle for others.
We need to get clockwork through rom manager and get this phone goin with some rom development
the hassle of unlocking bootloader is to much!!
Cmon devs make a one click tool!!
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By the way you type and spell, maybe you are just too dumb for a method like this. I am a complete noob when it comes to rooting and didn't have a single problem following the instructions. Don't assume that others are as stupid as you are. Most people here are happy with what has been given to us.
Im sorry. I know the question wasn't great. But if its really ok for this guy to be torn a new one for a simple question then xda has really changed for the worst.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
rrmzr1 said:
Im sorry. I know the question wasn't great. But if its really ok for this guy to be torn a new one for a simple question then xda has really changed for the worst.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
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Totally agree. He had a suggestion, he did not insult anybody's intellectual property, nor did he directly or indirectly insult any dev for not putting out good work. He simply indicated that current methods are a little involved and that in an ideal environment, we should strive for simplicity. I don't know any dev worth their salt who isn't compelled to debug their code, to improve it, and to learn from their mistakes. Frankly I'm a little surprised at the reaction. Especially the comment about wanting to put the OP "out of his misery." Where I come from, any analogy to terminating somebody's life is incendiary and uncalled for.
no it wasnt a suggestion, it was a call to the devs to hurry up and make things.
I just had a suggestion, we should just make it simple for this fine phone and devs
or someone should develop a simple unrevoked root and unlock method just like the evo uses.
Current methods are rediculous, all though i got it done,its a hassle for others.
We need to get clockwork through rom manager and get this phone goin with some rom development
the hassle of unlocking bootloader is to much!!
Cmon devs make a one click tool!!
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would you rather not have a way to unlock it?
again my issue with it is here is a guy who hasnt done anything saying this needs to be done. if someone steps up and says hey i wanna do this or starts to ask question so they can contribute. ive no issues with helping them, but to bold face claim that things need to be done, and on a timely schedule is an issue for me.
why? coming from the epic im sure a lot of users can agree with teh issues that phone had, too many people were run off by people demanding crap.
Guys please ignore these type of threads.... Comming from the epic i would hate for 99% of users to lose great amazing devs because of the demanding 1%
You guys are doing great please ignore the non sense.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA Premium App

Good diagram program

Anyone try any of the diagram programs out there?
I'm currently testing out Dianoid Lite ( and with the exception that it doesn't export to Visio, it's ok. Has anyone tried any of the others like Smart Diagram ( or the others?
DigitalMD said:
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Thanks Digital. Giving it a try now.
GrandAdmiral said:
Thanks Digital. Giving it a try now.
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Any chance someone could post the APK ?
The app is free, but it isn't appearing in my market :-(
MaxiJavi said:
Any chance someone could post the APK ?
The app is free, but it isn't appearing in my market :-(
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I can't post the apk without the developers permission. Here's the website, maybe they can help.
DigitalMD said:
I can't post the apk without the developers permission. Here's the website, maybe they can help.
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An unfortunate and condescending response considering that a that good part of this site is APKs redistributed or modified without permission in ROMs or for those in regions arbitrarily without access to the latest and greatest apps.
Thankfully I know how to look up modifying my build.props to get it installed, I was just hoping to avoid the hassle by finding someone helpful out there.
I guess that as is increasingly the case one will have to go and help themselves.
Off I go ...
MaxiJavi said:
An unfortunate and condescending response considering that a that good part of this site is APKs redistributed or modified without permission in ROMs or for those in regions arbitrarily without access to the latest and greatest apps.
Thankfully I know how to look up modifying my build.props to get it installed, I was just hoping to avoid the hassle by finding someone helpful out there.
I guess that as is increasingly the case one will have to go and help themselves.
Off I go ...
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DigitalMD’s response was the correct one. There was nothing unfortunate or condescending about it.
He went to the trouble to locate the author’s web page in an effort to help you.
As far as developers incorporating apks in their roms, all of them secure permissions before using someone else’s work
MaxiJavi said:
An unfortunate and condescending response considering that a that good part of this site is APKs redistributed or modified without permission in ROMs or for those in regions arbitrarily without access to the latest and greatest apps.
Thankfully I know how to look up modifying my build.props to get it installed, I was just hoping to avoid the hassle by finding someone helpful out there.
I guess that as is increasingly the case one will have to go and help themselves.
Off I go ...
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If you expect people to break rules and pirate stuff because you are too lazy, then Yeah off you go.
Impressive ...
I posted a response to the accusations to piracy and laziness, and a suggestion that maybe the reason why many users are here is to run unsupported stuff on their phone. I also stated that to suggest that all those HTC/Sony/Sammy variant ROMs are done with the full permission of the manufactures is also patently false.
My post got deleted and I have 6 months of infraction points ...
XDA really has gone down the toilet.
Anyway, the important piece of information that I posted is that DroidDia runs fine on at least two unsupported devices (Galaxy Tab and Galaxy Note) ... I extracted the APK from a Nexus One and installed directly.
Feel free to abuse me again for as long as this post remains ...
As apparently it is OK
Not that I expect this post to last much longer than the last one
Hmm.. interesting debate you guys are having in here. Here is how this is supposed to work:
MaxJavi, believe it or not, is not in fact asking for warez at all since the app is free (just restricted in its distribution due to Market's policies). Reposting the apk needs to be done with the developer's permissions but as it is not a paid app nor does it use any kind of licensing model such as Swype, it should be ok to post under our rules (of course, unless the IP owner complaints, in which case it has to be taken down).
On the other side of the coin, the answer provided to him was neither wrong, unfortunate, or condescending. It was in fact 100% correct. @MaxJavi, you were provided with the correct answer and your response to a helpful post (not too many of these around these days) was far more condescending, inflammatory, and filled with disdain than what you claim the other response was. A simple "thanks for the response" even if it would have meant for you to have to go to Google for 15 seconds to find the apk or ask the dev if you could have it would have been the correct venue. The infraction that you received was for the attitude you had towards someone simply taking the time to reply to you in a courteous manner, who even went as far as searching for the company in Google and posting a link for you to contact them.
I hope the OP doesn't mind, but I am closing this thread now as answers have been provided.
Thread closed.
Hi, I am DroidDia developer.
I don't understand your problems with APK on Android Market. I added APK on market for all devices and all regions. But, maybe I am doing something bad.
Best regards
Ondrej Janovsky, Alarex-Group.
It was solved. I disabled "protect copy" on Google Play.

