Bricked my eris but not how your thinking - Droid Eris Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I couldn't find my phone last night so I decided to change the loads in the washer and look for it in the morning. I put the jeans in the dryer and it starts making this loud thump thump thump. I stop the dryer and look inside and guess what I found, you guessed it, my phone. Gotta smile. Now my options are as slim as my wallet. I can replace the eris with an old Palm treo or I can try and find an eris for cheep. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. Guess I won't have to patiently wait for 2.1 OTA now.

All depends on your budget. An Eris on ebay can be had for around $200
Plenty of decent verizon phones exist out there depending upon your needs though

we actually have a sign next to the start button of our washing machine saying to make sure you have your phone in your hand before starting. We lost 2 dumbphones last year to that happening. Try the sign. I have an HTC Touch Pro for big red if you want it (which you don't).

UPDATE! Got home from church and the phone powered up. Unfortunately it is showing an error screen. I am just going to leave it off for the next 24 hours and see what happens. A few years ago I dropped an old phone into my dad's pool and thought is was a goner but after a couple of days of drying it came back to life.
Here is a pic of the error message

Not sure if this is too late, but pull the battery and leave the cover off. Put the phone in a jar of rice for a day or two. The rice will help pull out the moisture. Good luck...

Try the rice thing it might still work.
Sent from my Eris using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk

So as of last night the phone powered up but after a few minutes it shut down and wouldn't power back on until I removed the battery. So I stuck it in a cup of rice and am now just letting it sit. Thanks for the suggestion Elementix makes perfect sense (no pun intended). Also, thanks walkingtaco for the idea and offer for the phone. I have an old Palm treo 700p that I am muddling through with right now.

Well, even if the rice doesn't work you still might want to see about trying a different battery. The phone may be fine and it could be the battery's fault. Who knows..

Good point. My wife has an eris as well. I will steal her's to "test" then I might need to consider an extended battery. If that is the case anyone got any suggestions of a good quality extended battery.

anything by seido
Sent from my Evil Eris v1.1 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk

If the rice doesnt work, flush it out with 90% isopropyl alcohol and then let it dry in rice or near a fan.
The alcohol will evaporate any water and get rid of any contaminants. This usually works for most phones. I saved two or three dumbphones like this.

The rice should work. Make sure you take out the MicroSD card. That may be your problem. I completely submerged a G1 in water for 5 minutes as a test, then I washed it with 70% alcohol and stuck it in a zip-lock bag of rice for 2 days. The G1 still works perfectly and the rice pulled out all the moisture from everywhere... even the screen which looked terrible before and perfect after =)
Note: you may need to factory reset the device if the SD card was the problem.

Thanks for all the advise and suggestions. I am happy to report that after a day of testing the eris seems to be back to 100%. I do think I am going to purchase an extended battery for it though at some point. Maybe if we ever get 2.1 to see how battery life does with the new os.


Got my Eris wet

Went swimming last and forgot my phone was in my pocket, it was only underwater for a minute till I pulled it out. I dried dried it off the best I could and even used a hair dryer but I think the screen is ruined. When I power it on it vibrates and the lights flash on like normal just the screen is blank.
Am I screwed?
Yes. Don't try taking it to Verizon either. Time to get on eBay
Sent from my nonsensikal froyo using XDA App
at this point I screwed up and have to but a new phone.
Sent from my nonsensikal froyo using XDA App
Here's a fix...
First, your battery is definitely done. But the phone is not. Take the phone apart. Don't get too crazy just separate the main screen piece from the backing and battery cover. Then, fill a sandwich baggie with dry rice and put all the pieces in with it. Let it be for about 24 hours (longer is better). Put it back together. You should be good to go (hopefully your new battery has arrived). If there is moisture left in the the screen, it'll look funny but it dried out for me after a couple more days and looked normal.
Obviously, no guarantees here, but this has worked for me...twice. It's not a perfect fix but it'll save you a few bucks.
Thanks for the advice! everything is working but for some reason 3G is not which is very strange.
Don't leave the phone on the bed while you are having fun with your wife. Oh wait. Whenever I go to the steam room or next to a pool I keep my phone away from humidity.
lol ill keep that in mind, Right now I'm having a connection problem. wifi seems to work but really slow. Also I am unable to connect to 3G or any other network. I cant make or receive calls or surf the web. I tried wiping and flashing the newest TazzFroyo rom but I still have the same problem. Any ideas?
Maybe your radio was affected. The rice may not have helped it
Sent from my FroyoEris using XDA App
Threeball said:
First, your battery is definitely done. But the phone is not. Take the phone apart. Don't get too crazy just separate the main screen piece from the backing and battery cover. Then, fill a sandwich baggie with dry rice and put all the pieces in with it. Let it be for about 24 hours (longer is better). Put it back together. You should be good to go (hopefully your new battery has arrived). If there is moisture left in the the screen, it'll look funny but it dried out for me after a couple more days and looked normal.
Obviously, no guarantees here, but this has worked for me...twice. It's not a perfect fix but it'll save you a few bucks.
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Best advice ever given on xda. Im an electronics repair guy for the army and whenever someone brings us a wet device we do exactly this. Take it apart as much as your skills allow and you are comfortable with, then leave it in rice for a couple days. After all this take some canned air and blow it out to make sure there isnt any dirt or particles in there and put it back together...
悲剧,i am sad
I have dropped my phone in water for 30 seconds or so and pulled the battery as fast as I could, then placed everything (taken as far apart as I could) on my radiator on top of a couple of pencils (to avoid direct contact) for a couple days and my phone has never shown any problems including battery.

Thunderbolt in the pool.

Like the stupid idiot I am, I took my phone for a swim while it quietly rested in my pocket. It's been in my pocket for about 5 minutes until I had noticed. I quickly jumped out, tried to turn it on, but it didn't want to. I took it to my house and took out the battery, the sd card, and the sim card for it to dry as well. However, I heard that if you put in your charger, it messed up everything? If it does, I'm so done for. My warranty doesn't cover water damages. Other than letting the phone and battery dry out in the sun, is there any more advice I should follow? It won't turn on at all. When I take out the back cover, I do see some water drops INSIDE the phone, and I can't get that to dry at all.
Put it in rice?
shadowskorch said:
Put it in rice?
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I was told that method doesn't work and it's risky
EDIT: I guess I'll give it a try.
5 minutes is way too long for it to work. I lost a phone least year in less than 30 seconds in the pool. Sorry but i truly think you need to figure out how to get a new phone.
Sent from my thunderbolt
I'd say it may work but it may take a while. A couple years ago I accidentally took my phone swimming with me. It was in a while, too. Probably 10-15 minutes. It wouldn't work. Dried. It wouldn't work. For some random reason, months later I tried firing it up. It worked. It's now been donated to the kids to play around with. When it decided to start working again, I'm not positive, but it's still working 2 years later.
For those wondering, it was... I believe.. a Motorolla Krazr. Not exactly a smart phone, though. Best of luck.
khanam said:
5 minutes is way too long for it to work. I lost a phone least year in less than 30 seconds in the pool. Sorry but i truly think you need to figure out how to get a new phone.
Sent from my thunderbolt
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Yeah when phone is on/ battery in it and water hits it for more the 20sec ur screwed. I dropped my tbolt in sink immediately pulled battery and stuck in rice after a couple hrs It worked.
Sent from my Thunderbolt using XDA Premium App
Took mine swimming 3 weeks after i got it and didn't have insurance. For whatever reason it didn't carry over from my dinc. After a few days in the sun and a few days in rice I was able to boot it up just long enough to unroot.
Went *****in at vzw store that my insurance should have been on my account. They treated it as a manufacture warranty, I forked over the 90 bucks like it was an insurance claim and walked out the store with a brand new bolt.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
Just toss the phone and claim it lost.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA Premium App
ddgarcia05 said:
Just toss the phone and claim it lost.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA Premium App
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Lol +1
Sent from my Thunderbolt using XDA Premium App
I think my warranty covers only hardware or software problems.
If I send it in and lie that it's either one of those, aren't I done for? I'm continuing you dry it, however, it's rooted. If they manage to get it on, aren't I screwed?
Prouder said:
I think my warranty covers only hardware or software problems.
If I send it in and lie that it's either one of those, aren't I done for? I'm continuing you dry it, however, it's rooted. If they manage to get it on, aren't I screwed?
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Just to double check, you aren't paying for insurance are you?
Sent from my ThunderBolt using XDA Premium App
Whatever you do don't plug it in. Let it thoroughly dry out for at least a couple days, possibly using the rice method or placing it near a household item used to remove moisture from the air (sodium hydroxide if you have it). After a good few days try powering it on with just the battery.
It could also help to put a fan by it.
This worked with my friends iphone.
Note: anything you do is at your own risk.
Let it dry. My son went swimming with his nexus one and didn't notice until an hour later. We pulled the battery, used a vacuum to suck out any water and let it sit in a bowl of rice for 3 days. After turning it on it would not hold a charge. Replaced the battery and bingo good as new.
Your phone will mosf likely short circuit and kill power immediately when water hits it. This why you should not try to turn it on until you are certain it is dry.
Sent from my thunderstick
Time to get a new phone.
Did both of the things you told me not to do: tired to turn it on when it was wet and put it in the charger when it was SLIGHTLY wet, it was before i put it in rice.
Still gonna keep it in the rice and pray tho.
yeah, you did about everything you shouldn't do with wet electronics.
My wife washed my phone a few years ago in the washing machine. Pulled the battery, put everything in a bag of rice for a week. Charged it up and it came back to life. Screen was a little off for a while, but over time it came back to normal.
I've read you can also put it in the oven on warm for a couple of hours.
I put my old Motorola Q in the oven after my mom made a Turkey and it was cooling down... worked like a charm after
Edit: I wouldn't recommend it unless your careful
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
My wife dropped her Samsung i730 in her glass of ice tea. It was only in there for a few seconds, but it was long enough. I dried it out the best I could, and put it in a bag of rice for 3 days. After the 3 days, it fired right up! I had to take a toothbrush and a little water to un-stick the buttons, but we used it for another year.
I was separating all of my old cell phones a few weeks ago to donate, and I came across my i730. I plugged it in, and it still works!
Give it time, you may be surprised that it will be ok.
On another note,
I fried my TB a month after I got it. Swimming as well. Tried drying it fast, vacuum and heat. Let sit for few hours and my patience ran out. Turned it on, and a sizzling sound came from the phone. Yup, bad news. I had insurance though so I shelled out the $100 for a replacement and chalked it up as a lesson learned.
Sent from my thunderstick
Missing out on RC4.. I guess it's a lesson learned for me as well

water damage

Last night i was out, and well basically my phone isnt working and im 90% sure its water damage now, the screen has little white bits round the end, whats the best way to get it working again, because it wont turn on :/
sell it on ebay for parts and buy another one.
pcdocta said:
sell it on ebay for parts and buy another one.
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I concur.
My girlfriend knocked her phone off the counter into the toilet when she was sick (needless to say phone had some chunks on it as well). It was game over. luckily in US we are able to insure it and we are now getting a new one for the one time "low cost" of $125. 125 is better than a full retail, thats for sure. I made her call AT&T before just to see if we could weasel a SII on early upgrade, no dice.
Moral: Insurance ftw
First suck all the beer out of it! Want not waste not!
Assimilated via WinBorg 4G
Best thing to do would have been to take out the battery/sim/sdcard and put in dry rice immediately, then leave overnight. Might not be too late either, but def should have done that right away. Right after I got my Captivate I got really drunk and accidentally soaked it, I didnt even realize it had gotten so wet until I woke up the next morning and tried to turn it on. It even tried to boot, showing the Samsung screen briefly then immediately turning off. Taking the battery door off there was water drops inside. After about 18 hours in rice I was soooo surprised that it booted right up and I havent had a problem out of it to this day!! I still use it all the time.
CaelanT said:
First suck all the beer out of it! Want not waste not!
Assimilated via WinBorg 4G
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It wasnt even beer, it was just raining loads so it got soaked in my pocket
Thanks for the advice guys, i put it in dry rice so we'll see how that goes *fingers crossed*
So i have put it in dry rice, and well it booted up but the touch screen was unresponsive, and so was the fingerprint sensor leaving me with no way to actually use any of the phones features, i think there is a tiny bit of water left so im going to stick it in rice a bit longer but try and get the screen repaired if that doesnt help,
Is there anyway i can access the stuff on my phone using the usb connection maybe?
Sorry to hear about your phone. My son got pushed into a swimming pool with his Atrix in his pocket. It is fully functional today.
What we did.
Rice and a warm spot. Not for hours... It took a whole week before everything straightened out. There was an issue with the sim and sd card readers, but nothing an emery board didn't fix.
First mistake, you turned (tried to) it on. Second turned it on too soon after putting it in rice.
One day in dry rice is not enough. If you read guides about water damage you will see that you really should have the phone in dry ice for 5 days. Never ever plug it into the charger or turn it on before you do this. Only takes one wee drop of liquid to short something out.
Next, you should strip the phone down and clean everything internally to make sure you will not suffer from oxidation and corrosion in the future. Many phones will work after being in dry rice, only to succumb to corrosion after a few weeks or months because all the connectors inside became oxidized.
In short, water damage is horrible, but there are many guides on the internet specific to this outside of XDA which can help you. The iPhone water damage guides are especially useful, even though the hardware is different. The concept is exactly the same.
First rule is always do not attempt to turn the phone on, and do not plug into a charger.
malfuncion said:
I concur.
My girlfriend knocked her phone off the counter into the toilet when she was sick (needless to say phone had some chunks on it as well). It was game over. luckily in US we are able to insure it and we are now getting a new one for the one time "low cost" of $125. 125 is better than a full retail, thats for sure. I made her call AT&T before just to see if we could weasel a SII on early upgrade, no dice.
Moral: Insurance ftw
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SII isin't an upgrade.
Thanks caelan, cant change what i've done now, so maybe ive ruined my phone my turning it on multiple times, ive left it in the dry rice which im gooing to do for the rest of the week and if it isnt then working im going to take it to repair shop, thanks for all your guys help.
King_MSD said:
Thanks caelan, cant change what i've done now, so maybe ive ruined my phone my turning it on multiple times, ive left it in the dry rice which im gooing to do for the rest of the week and if it isnt then working im going to take it to repair shop, thanks for all your guys help.
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Hope this helps, the phone that I mentioned, was turned on immediately after getting wet. His girlfriend was the smart one and pulled the battery for him.
We sat it in the rice and checked it every day by turning it on. (I am in no way recommending this btw, simply reporting an experience.). Each day it seems like it got better and better. The last two days everything was working, but there was still evidence of moisture on the screen. So we baked it for a few extra days. I did have an advantage over you. The outside temp was 100 plus and I sat his, in that bag of rice, on the hood of a red car everyday for most of the afternoon. It will most likely take longer with a cooler temp to work with.
We may have been 'lucky'. But this is so you know that there is a great chance that everything will be fine.
well, an update on my girlfriend's PUKE phone:
The day I posted that was I think thursday, we let is sit all thursday- friday- saturday. On sunday (around noon) she couldnt handle the Nokia 3360 any longer. When she left for her "mani/pedi", I sat down with the poor phone. After a little cleaning of contacts and such I was able to get it to boot and come up. When she got home it was up and going. She was thrilled and I got a "reward".
She used it all Sunday and today until the insurance joint came in. The only thing that didnt totally dry was the screen. It looked like pure hell, but worked. She said anythign was etter than the old green screen nokia
PS- she had tried to turn it on friday and got a "Modem Failed to Initialize: Starting RSD". Sunday it worked fine.
i dropped my phone in the toilet. managed to take it out. it was still in the power on state. removed battery asap! whats next?? shall i get it some heat, hair drier or bulb ?? how many day do i need to keep this phone in the rice? also im not an expert in disassembling!!! any suggestions?
I've heard up to a week but a couple days will probably work. I would probably just use a can of compressed air. Hair dryers can create enough heat to loosen the adhesive for screens on phones. Maybe place it near a vent or put it on a window sill with sunlight?
njarun said:
i dropped my phone in the toilet. managed to take it out. it was still in the power on state. removed battery asap! whats next?? shall i get it some heat, hair drier or bulb ?? how many day do i need to keep this phone in the rice? also im not an expert in disassembling!!! any suggestions?
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[Q] Atrix Won't Boot - Juice Spill..

Had a small amount of juice spilled onto my Atrix.. won't boot anymore, just get the solid green light any nothing further..
Tried battery out many times obviously, trying to let it sit in the sun to dry.. no SIM, even no battery and on A/C to no avail..
Any ideas?
Had a spill on mine before. For future reference immediately remove battery sim and sd and toss it in some rice. Leave it for a long while mine worked fine after at first it was convinced it had headphones in had to had to jam a qtip with rubbing alcohol got it cleaned up works good as new
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Thanks - how long is a long while? I've left it for 1.5hrs this time round. Does it "reset" any of the moisture timers if you attempt to boot it?
I've tried leaving it for 10-20 mins at a time before checking.. as I say though this time I've left it for 1.5hrs so far. There was barely any juice inside the handset and I opened it up immediately.. no rice though..
It can take a day or two to completely dry and function normally.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
Well, after 24 hours my Atrix would still not boot. The moisture stickers were still normal, and aesthetically it is still in mint condition.
I took it into my carrier this morning, and they had a look and the "engineer" said the motherboard must be faulty, and replaced it on the spot..!
I am not back on Froyo, applying the 2.3 OTA.. time to unlock/ROM when I get home.
callsignapollo said:
Well, after 24 hours my Atrix would still not boot. The moisture stickers were still normal, and aesthetically it is still in mint condition.
I took it into my carrier this morning, and they had a look and the "engineer" said the motherboard must be faulty, and replaced it on the spot..!
I am not back on Froyo, applying the 2.3 OTA.. time to unlock/ROM when I get home.
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Good that you got a replacement. Note that liquids in electronics can take a LONG time to dry. I washed an iPod Nano once and stuck it in a bag of rice to dry. I tried turning it on every day and after day 6 it finally worked.
cjrhoades said:
Note that liquids in electronics can take a LONG time to dry.
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Yeah, I mean I figured I was just going to send it for warranty (and hope), given the situation.. but a replacement well, can't complain.
It was under 3 months old, there was some sort of special warranty period under 3 months on the form, and plus as I say there was no visible damage on it so perhaps that is why they just replaced it.
My Atrix 4g thinks it has headphones after a juice spill...
freshbakd said:
Had a spill on mine before. For future reference immediately remove battery sim and sd and toss it in some rice. Leave it for a long while mine worked fine after at first it was convinced it had headphones in had to had to jam a qtip with rubbing alcohol got it cleaned up works good as new
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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Hi freshbakd,
I had a Mango juice (natural one) spill into my Atrix 4G and the Mobile is working good but as yours, it thinks it has the headphones plugged in :S. Could you describe how did you clean it, where did you insert the qtip and what kind of qtip (by the way, what is a qtip? ).

Dropped Galaxy S II in water Help!

Okay....i have a black international galaxy s II converted to white and i dropped it in the water last night I was fairly intoxicated and my friend immediately helped me put it in a bowl of rice battery out etc....I left it like that overnight then tried to turn the phone on (not smart)wasn't turning on.....i came to my senses and disassembled the phone right away this morning and saw it was still a bit wet, immediately stuck it in the bowl of rice.
What it's chances at survival?? lol it was legit in water submerged for a only 1 sec if anything, i immediately snatched it out and saw that it was still turning on etc...
Also, what are warranty options? You think they'd know it was water damage after i put it back together? I also have a custom ROM and kernel and stuff but if it doesn't turn on would they be able to find out?
Hopefully the bowl of rice fixes it -.- I've had the phone for maybe like 1 month tops
Ugh so sad
Edit: fully functional luckily, no water damage, no eroding, litmus indicator is still fine and didn't change colors to indicate water damage. Close call but 100% perfect
The prognosis is not good. Warranty does not cover water damage unless you have insurance on the device. Sorry, I hope I'm mistaken for your sake!
pewpewbangbang said:
Okay....i have a black international galaxy s II converted to white and i dropped it in the water last night I was fairly intoxicated and my friend immediately helped me put it in a bowl of rice battery out etc....I left it like that overnight then tried to turn the phone on (not smart)wasn't turning on.....i came to my senses and disassembled the phone right away this morning and saw it was still a bit wet, immediately stuck it in the bowl of rice.
What it's chances at survival?? lol it was legit in water submerged for a only 1 sec if anything, i immediately snatched it out and saw that it was still turning on etc...but i could see it getting a bit wonky and crap.
Also, what are warranty options? You think they'd know it was water damage after i put it back together? I also have a custom ROM and kernel and stuff but if it doesn't turn on would they be able to find out?
Hopefully the bowl of rice fixes it -.- I've had the phone for maybe like 1 month tops
Ugh so sad
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Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App doesn't look like theres any water damage since i have a feeling the rice soaked a lot of water initially.
lol been going all over the web watching youtube videos etc....seeing ppl freaking submerge their galaxy s II and it still working damn.
Gonna leave it in the rice for another like 2 hrs probably then see how it does, was barely any water when disassembled, droplet here and there but that doesn't mean jack sh*t.
Im really praying it survives and works
a couple of things...
1. The battery might need replacing. Batteries are easily damaged by water.
2. Leave it rice for 4-5 days. It can never be too dry.
I would try someone's battery to see if it is still working in a couple of days.
It's not the amount of water, it's where it gets to - even a single droplet can kill a device if it shorts the right (or wrong) circuits.
Also even if it's completely dry and left in rice for a month you probably can't warranty it as there's water sensitive tabs all over modern smartphones. On the battery, usually near the headphones jack and others inside.
bunnybash said:
a couple of things...
1. The battery might need replacing. Batteries are easily damaged by water.
2. Leave it rice for 4-5 days. It can never be too dry.
I would try someone's battery to see if it is still working in a couple of days.
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Good thing i have my OEM battery and an extra anker 1900. The first anker was in the phone so if thats messed up, I have 2 other batteries to try.
Damn 2 days -.- I'm probably gonna end up trying it tonight or something lol. Im in college and flying home on tuesday so i kinda need to find out if it'll work or not. Thanks for the help.
But damn, all those survival stores of the galaxy s II is making me both sad cuz if mine doesn't work, how the hell did theirs survive and hopeful it may work. Lol some dude had his in a full cycle washing machine, left the phone in rice for 7 days and it worked
Cactus42 said:
It's not the amount of water, it's where it gets to - even a single droplet can kill a device if it shorts the right (or wrong) circuits.
Also even if it's completely dry and left in rice for a month you probably can't warranty it as there's water sensitive tabs all over modern smartphones. On the battery, usually near the headphones jack and others inside.
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Yea i know, I'm just trying to be hopeful lol but I'm expecting the worst, and thats that it doesn't turn on
Time to turn it back off and let it soak more in rice just in case. So happy right now I'm tearing
Im still gonna buy the AT&T Galaxy S II tho from craigslist lmfao and then just sell headphones plus cash for it haha
You might want to give it a blow with a hair drier.On the lowest temperature,try to make the air stream hit the whole of the board.Just to be 100% sure.
tolis626 said:
You might want to give it a blow with a hair drier.On the lowest temperature,try to make the air stream hit the whole of the board.Just to be 100% sure.
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i've heard a hair dryer is a bad idea, reading about it on the webs. Apparently it messes with the circuit boards or w/e......air dry is the best, i just let it sit in rice for a bit longer, pretty confident all of it is dry since i took the phone apart and let it sit in the rice.
Running it now and everything is working perfectly.

