lil info about titanium and some thing other - P3400 ROM Development

Hello all again
i had seen some of threads here saying "Titanium" sort of word
could you guys tell me what is it. Is it any sort of GUI like manila2D
Next my question is that many people have their Taskbar at the bottom of the screen like the start button appears in fasionable way at the bottom of the screen
so what is that software
plz clear my doubts
thnx in advance

aman11dhanpat said:
Hello all again
i had seen some of threads here saying "Titanium" sort of word
could you guys tell me what is it. Is it any sort of GUI like manila2D
Next my question is that many people have their Taskbar at the bottom of the screen like the start button appears in fasionable way at the bottom of the screen
so what is that software
plz clear my doubts
thnx in advance
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titanium is the default today screen GUI that you get bundled with the windows 6.5 which makes use of the new scrolling system in it...check the picture...
it consumes a little less RAM then manila but it isn't better than it imho...
and having the start menu button at the bottom doesn't require any external get that with the newer 6.5.x builds i.e. the build number has to be something like 23xxx or higher...
you can check this in the specifications posted with the ROM you want to flash or if you're gonna cook for yourself you can pick up the latest builds from Duron's thread...
just keep searching for stuff or go through some thread on this amazing site if you want to know more...
the awesome senior members are extremely helpful!!

Thanks a lot dude for your help
i had been looking here a lot
could you give me the thread link for the titanium if possible

the titanium comes as a SYS package in the rom builds used in cooking...
i haven't run into it in the .cab form yet, themes for it however are available...
if you want to check the titanium UI out, i suggest flashing one of the WM 6.5 roms from the many posted in the forum..
just go through the thread posted by Karan, Krazy, Vaibhav, Duron, and all the other great chefs out here...
most of the rom threads have a [ROM] in front of the name...
here a link to a rom which has a start menu at the bottom like what you wanted...just flash it onto your device and enjoy!!
NOTE:- i hope your familiar with the flashing process, if you aren't i suggest going the Krazy's post

Thnx a lot for it


Titan M2D Round 4 ROM (DCD 3.2.6 and TouchFlo 2D)

******NOTE: Round 4 Reloaded is out! Check there for the most current vesion!
Hello, I just finished working on my Round 4 ROM. Many people have looked at and downloaded some of my earlier rounds in this thread
This is a continuation of that project on a new thread.
Here is the ROM that I have been working on for the past week. Its a one size fits all ROM. I started doing this at the request of Grimstar8402. He asked if someone could create a ROM with M2D cooked in. I cooked him a ROM and it took off on that thread. I created a couple more rounds with user feed back incorporated and had mixed results for some users and while great results with other users. We soon realized a single ROM could not fit everyones needs because each user wanted different features or other features removed.
Obviously I couldn't accommodate all the request with just one ROM... Or Could I?
Introducing my Titan M2D Round 4 ROM. A ROM designed by many people and for many people!
Some of the highlights of the ROM....
+Based on DCD Kitchen 3.2.6 CE OS 5.2.20275 (Build 20275.1.3.3 dcd)
+Manila 2D - White Diamond Theme with 7 additional themes cooked in!
++Manila styled application CABs are INCLUDED but NOT INSTALLED. Apps include Opera 9.5.2392, HTC Album, HTC Audio Manager, You Tube with fix, Large Title Bar, X-Button (HTC Task Manager), and more (Opal title bar and Vista Hide Battery Gage) in the My Documents folder. All tested and working. You choose want you want to install or not install.
+Free RAM at Boot with stock configuration: 22.25 Megs. M2D enabled, nothing loaded, Oxious Hibernate ran before testing
+Free RAM at boot with minimal configuration: 25.6 Megs. M2D disabled, nothing loaded, Oxious Hibernate ran before testing
+Pre-loaded with all carrier cabs for DCD 3.2.6
+nueLED Control
+Adobe Reader 2.5 (DCD)
+Camera 4.05.xx The older one with flash (DCD)
+HTC 10 Button Comm Manager (DCD)
+HTC Vouge Phone Canvas (DCD)
+HTC Start Animation(DCD)
+Psshut Modified Black theme by me
+Calibri System Font
+iContact 1.02
-Google Maps and Live Search not included. They change too often to cook into a ROM. Most users prefer to stay up to date with those two programs on there own.
*The carrier cabs were graciously provided by DCD as well as the kitchen. Many Thanks to DCD for the kitchen usage and the usage of the carrier cabs!
* On first boot open File Explorer and navigate to \My Documents\ROM Pack\Carriers\ and select your carrier CAB. YOU MUST DO THIS FOR YOUR PHONE TO HAVE A DATA CONNECTION! *
*Your phone is now up and ready to go as a bare bones M2D ROM with some special features in control panel such as nueLed and nueFonts and my custom Silver Windows theme and matching PsShutdown. From here you can install your choice of the pre-loaded apps.
** As with all custom ROM's I am not liable for anything you do or try to do or anything that happened because of your use or attempted used of my ROM** You agree to this when you download it! Sorry but a disclaimer is standard on most all custom ROMs.
Make sure you read the stickies at the top of the forum if its your first time flashing a custom ROM. Another good place to read is the GA Medic post over at about flashing custom ROMS. Its a step by step walk through. If you have flashed a custom ROM before this one is no different ;c)
** Always remember this should be considered beta quality because a lot of these apps were simply not designed for our phones. The developers below did awesome jobs porting them over and tweaking them to work. Every once in a while something quirky could happen when running memory hungry apps like Opera and M2D at the same time. For example M2D may shutdown temporarily until you quit out of Opera. This is due to high memory requirements of M2D and the levels of low memory on our devices (64 Megs on our device vs 128 Megs and higher on the native devices). There is not a whole lot that can be done about these very minor issues and most users do not mind or even notice or have experienced them at all based on feed back that I received in the thread that started this series of the ROM
*With all things said this is a pretty stable ROM with or with out the add on pack I created. I think your going to like.
Please make sure you have your phone preloaded with the following before attempting to flash:
NueSPL2.47 or OliPro 2.40
GPS Radio 3.3x.xx or higher
I use nueSPL2.47 and Radio 3.42.50 on a Verizon XV6800
And finally thanks to all the following people who wrote the following great programs!
DCD 3.2.6 Kitchen and carrier cabs
Manilla 2D Customizer (M2DC)
Manilla 2D - Skins
Manilla 2D Apps
Manilla 2D OEM
YouTube Fix
Opal Title Bar
VistaHide Battery Gauged (CAB'ed by me)
Various Tweaks and Utilities - No2Chem
Great Ideas and lots of knowledge
The people that gave me the ideas behind the ROM and helped drive its development through feedback in the forums.
And Finally the Link to the ROM!
Please Read Posts 1 through 4 before downloading! Lots of great info and may save you some time!!!!
-=+ +=-
If you choose to link from other sites then you may do so. I will have a return link here to this post. Please do not deep link directly to the ROM's.
Older ROM's will be organized and posted soon under new locations.
Thanks for any feedback you can provide.
Remember: Always hard reset after a flash! If anything else its good luck!
**Screen Shots - More will be posted at my download link as well.
Row 1
Preloaded Apps, Preloaded carriers, Preloaded M2D Themes
Row 2
Three of the 7 pre-loaded M2D Themes from ROM pack. You can find tons more where these all came from at
All made simple buy the Manila 2D Customizer found here! Consider donating to him as well.
** Note: You must install the M2D Customizer from the Apps folder then add the themes using the Customizers "add" feature. The themes are located at \My Documents\ROM Pack\M2D Themes\. Some themes don't like to switch back and forth very well. Take it all in stride and for what it is.
** Note: All pre-loaded cabs can be deleted from the My Documents folder. Just delete the ROM Pack folder or anything inside you don't want. Its that simple. If you must know... A hard reset WILL bring the files and folders back that you be deleted from the ROM Pack folder (but of course you know all your other data is gone!)
Sorry this is such a long post. Wanted to make it as informative as possible and give the proper credit to the people who made all this possible.
Have fun and enjoy and of course if you read this far down and like this ROM and are in a position to donate then please feel free to do so ;c)
Ok, I finally got around to posting updates to post 2, 3 and 4.
Post #2 will be for Tips, Tricks, and How To's.
Post #3 will be for Bugs and fixes (none as of yet)! Before you post saying something is a bug please research it. I tested and cant find any REAL bugs with this ROM (Woot goes out to DCD) other than user preference not being what they like.
Post #4 will be for two things:
1. Upcoming features that I will integrate
2. Download stats from my website.
Remember If you like my work say thank you in to forum and if you are in a position to, say thank you via Pay Pal Donations :c) Im not in this for the money but will contribute back to everyone's work I used and keep my website up and running. Im not getting rich off this trust me! ;P
Tips, Tricks, and How To's
Tips, Tricks, and How To (Updated 7 Nov 2008 at 7:30 PM)
0. Pay attention to this from the first post!!!! It will answer alot of your questions --> +Manila styled application CABs are INCLUDED but NOT INSTALLED. Apps include Opera 9.5.2392, HTC Album, HTC Audio Manager, You Tube with fix, Large Title Bar, X-Button (HTC Task Manager), and more (Opal title bar and Vista Hide Battery Gage) in the My Documents folder. All tested and working. You choose want you want to install or not install.
1. Install the Manila 2D customizer before you try to customize M2D first! The files is in the Rom Pack folder.
2. Pictures Tab How To make it work properly: Install Album application from ROM pack. Use Customizer to turn on the Pictures Tab. Now open the pictures tab and press the ALBUM softkey. Now click the ALL menu button. Now go to the Menu soft key on the right. Select Set as Default Album. Now exit application and it works as it should.
3. Internet Tab - Install Opera from ROM Pack. Now use customizer to add the Internet Tab. Done! You will not have You Tube on the Internet Tab!
4. Music Tab - Install HTC Audio Manager from ROM Pack. Now use customizer to add the Music Tab. Done!
5. Scroll Bar Thickness - Posted a cab below to reset the scroll bar thickness back to the stock width of 12 pts. Just download and apply then SOFT REBOOT. This will also be in the next ROM / ROM Pack.
6. M2D Tip - Try disabling the extra tabs on newly selected themes as most themes leave all tabs enabled by default. This causes memory issues. Also try a soft reboot after changing a theme. A theme is composed of nearly 400 individual files. That bogs down the phone OS. I wish the author of M2D forced a reboot after a new theme was used but it doesn't.
7. You Tube - Install both files in the YouTube Folder. Soft reset and enjoy!
8. Kitchen files are posted. The files are a DCD 3.2.6 kitchen linked up above and the custom OEM's I used to build the ROM. I also included the latest OEMizer. Read my read me file for more info. Your own your own with the kitchen. Too big to support! Have fun and iuf you cook up something you want to share I will post it to my website. Just let me know!!!
9. Verizon Add On Pack Added - See this post for details and downloads -
Bug Reports and Fixes (if available)
Bug Reports and Fixes (if available)
1. M2D Maps doesnt link to Google Maps when searching....
Status: Seeking resolution
2. Camera not seeing storage card correctly in the Album application
Status: Confirmed NOT TRUE. Follow the directions above to make the Pictures Tab work properly!
3. At random the all programs button may not activate the all programs screen after exiting an application such as google maps. Rarely happens. Seems to be glitch in M2D. Oh well.
Status: Workaround: Slide the slider one to the left or right then back again. Its glitch I found on all builds of CE OS so all I know is that it is not windows or the ROM. Maybe the OEM
4. Gradient color bar across the top of screen.
**Not a bug or a glitch. You installed VistaHide Battery Gauge from the ROM Pack Apps folder. If you dont like it just delete the entry from start up or uninstall the app
Note: Considering a new OEM for Manila to make it more "Compatible" with the above apps "hopefully!" Will try creating one and see.
Thanks to all who pointed these out. I would consider these bugs. The intent was for them to work. I will look into a varios things to find a resolution. If you have one please feel free to post it tin the forum!
Upcoming features and current site stats
Upcoming features:
Im still alpha testing and doing daily rebuilds of "Round 4 - Media Edition" Its basically the same ROM, but with Album, Audio Manager, Google maps and You Tube all built-in and working 100%.
Full integration with M2D. Fixes all the bugs that have been reported about the integration failures.
+You Tube and Internet Tab Integration - YouTube link on the Internet tab and it works like it should.
+Google Maps and location Tab integration - Searching using the Location Tab now works. Had to build in Google Maps to make it work.
+Album and Audio Manager will be built in and integrated with the tabs
+Added device lock.
+Added a couple more themes and removed one or two.
+Added nueWiFiSwitch - Lets you reprogram the WiFi on/off switch for other functions like ringer.
+Reset the default tabs to add Location, Internet, Album, and Audio Manger.
+++Cleaned Up ROM Pack. Now just one CAB file with a shortcut in My Documents. Single CAB file will unzip all apps and themes to the My Documents folder. Very similar to original Round 4 but easier to manage and delete. Excluding carrier cabs. Frees up a lot of space that way!
Remember this is still in alpha testing. Need to work on the Album and Audio manager OEM's. Once that it done I am DONE!
Interesting site stats for the download link ( since Novemeber 2nd at 12:00am midnight.
37 Gigs total data Downloaded !!!
520 Roms and kitchens Downloaded!!!
8 Pay Pal Donations!!!
9.25 Gigs a day average download rate!!
104 ROMS a day average download !!!
3.3 ROMS an hour average download rate!!!
A total of 8 Pay Pal donations! *Thank you much!!!
1 Pay pal donation per every 64 downloads average!!!
Two pay pal donations per day average!!
Almost 1000 page hits!!!
More than 50 percent of the people that go to the site download the ROM or the kitchen!!!
+ Dont deep link my ROM anywhere! I need the page counter to keep track of things. Deep linking will force me to post to RapidShare for accountability. No one wants that. My site is stupid fast and unlimited downloads to you. I do have to pay $15.00 a month but that is OK with me as long as I don't have to bump up my plan or pay any overage fees from Yahoo. You can how ever post links to (Just don't deep link please!).
And most importantly, Thank you for taking the time to download my work and more importantly trust my work! Thanks!
If you would like to donate to keep the site up please donate via paypal at If you are not in a position to donate then please leave some positive feedback in the thread. Either would make me happy and motivate me to continue this project! I am also donating part of the proceeds to DCD and the M2D teams that made this possible!
woo hoo first reply
downloading as we speak
cant wait to rip into round 4!
thanks heaps in advance scott.
very informative first post also!
Damager said:
woo hoo first reply
downloading as we speak
cant wait to rip into round 4!
thanks heaps in advance scott.
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Great let me know what you think! I am going to stay up for a while to see who if any one replies back to night. Please do.
Thanks for being the first to check it out!
Downloaded.... Installed... Customized.... Running GREAT!!!!
Thanks Scott!!!!!!!!
kmagn13 said:
Downloaded.... Installed... Customized.... Running GREAT!!!!
Thanks Scott!!!!!!!!
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Thanks glad to hear!
flashed to new rom #4
installed all included programs except youtube.. no problem.. runs sweet.
touchflo picture tab says "cant find album searcher" .. no biggie ill look into later
had a go at installing all the included themes, all good, especially liked manila 2d white v2.. nice clock in that one. the blue theme came up with an error during the apply but didnt seem to be any probs after? also added my fav themes.. all installed fine.
installed all of my usual fav applications eg sms chat, tcpmp, skyfire and others.. no problem at all
speed is good everywhere.
rom 3 was good, but rom 4 is definitely a step up unquestionably.. have given the phone a good thrashing tonight with things open etc.. no auto shutdown of programs.. nice
opera doesnt shutdown touchflo.. might be just my good luck but nice surprise!
i cannot really fault this build. bloody awesome scott..
cheers and thanks!.. now i can go to bed
Nice work!
scrosler said:
NueSPL2.47 (OliPro 2.40 will more than likely work but I have not tested).
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Confirmed, it works fine with Olipro 2.4.
Flash in progress, will give you some feedback shortly.
Flashing now.
flashing now round 4, i had round 3 ,btw 3 issues i found on round 3:
1.this rom is too fast!!!
2. everytime my finger slides to the right and left i get exited.!!!
3. your effort and hard work has paid off!
not to bad for round 3 issues uh?
lets see how round 4 makes me feel
Edit: why does this rom feel faster than DCD 3.2.6? any changes in registry?
Edit 2: i did find a problem "minor problem" with the text messaging, everytime you go to a text it defaults to the top text before responding to a text, then you must type 1 letter to activate the text input in the SMS window, then you can send a message.
Sorry i thats the only issue i found.
Looks good Scott, my only request is that you release the kitchen files. I have several OEM only games and apps I install that I can't find in CAB format and lack the ability to convert to CAB myself.
Any chance you can RAR up your kitchen folder and post it as well?
- touchflo doesn't seem to be working in the start menu programs or any applications besides M2D
santisurf said:
- touchflo doesn't seem to be working in the start menu programs or any applications besides M2D
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You need TouchFloSL.
Make sure you set manilla exe in the exclusion list tho.
can we get a release for the dcd kitchen files?
Scott, I would also like to see a release for the dcd kitchen files? I have some personal files and have grown to like and use "UC Autorun" to do an automatic install of all my cab files and personal settings. Love you M2d Roms.
I just noticed that DCD 3.2.6 has an additional 30-something MB free total. I assume that all the extra's that you cook into the rom bring that total down?
i installed it it runs great..however is there anyway to make a button...such as center middle button on the device go back to the home screen on touchflow?
Damager said:
flashed to new rom #4
installed all included programs except youtube.. no problem.. runs sweet.
touchflo picture tab says "cant find album searcher" .. no biggie ill look into later
had a go at installing all the included themes, all good, especially liked manila 2d white v2.. nice clock in that one. the blue theme came up with an error during the apply but didnt seem to be any probs after? also added my fav themes.. all installed fine.
installed all of my usual fav applications eg sms chat, tcpmp, skyfire and others.. no problem at all
speed is good everywhere.
rom 3 was good, but rom 4 is definitely a step up unquestionably.. have given the phone a good thrashing tonight with things open etc.. no auto shutdown of programs.. nice
opera doesnt shutdown touchflo.. might be just my good luck but nice surprise!
i cannot really fault this build. bloody awesome scott..
cheers and thanks!.. now i can go to bed
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Thanks! Glad you liked it!!! I liked the Manilla Ver 2 as well! I also liked the OS X style theme. I'll look inot the Album issue. I was up till 4:00am working on this thing. Its inevitable I make one mistake ;p Heheheh....

Themes and TF3D, the hurdles

I've been around the TP forum since almost day one and I am also watching closely the Diamond one. My question (and I put it in the ROM development area for a reason) is as follows:
Why is it so difficult to change themes in TF3D manila?
It is difficult and with issues most of the time and many flaws occure when using any of the programs available by pretty capable guys around here (eg. diamond config, manila customiser, cabs etc.)
Please don't get me wrong, these programs DO WORK, but WITH FLAWS. I tried many themes and ways and I find problems most of the time. One problem for example would be speed in people tab, in NATF 1.1 ROM, att people tab is as fast as hell, but try to change the theme and you will get the shock of your life in the time it takes to open that tab. The same (even worse) would be said for RomeOs 1.40.
Why can't we just do: start>settings>today>themes and choose the theme (which should be there by the way but never is) >items>tf3d only
I know that the themes tab is for the whole interface of windows, but why is there no link between themes and tf3d, a real and correlative link i.e. one would change the other?
Sorry for the long story but would any one be interested to discuss that??
- i dont quiet understand what the issue you seem to comming across using the TF3D Customizer, if u could be a bit more specific i could possibly help..
BUT from the jump i did notice was made known not to use on the 1.93 rom, is that an issue here?
i flashed NATF's rom and all seems to be working just fine. Themes take about 1-2 mins to fully load..then i get the soft reset prompt and theme loaded
- honestly..i think using manilla on these devices which are TF3D .. makes no sense, i could be 100% wrong..but it seems like a step backwards.
i was involved with the release of TF2D and i can honestly say TF3D is better..and no not the throttle launcher version knock there..just doesnt compete with the real thing.
The thing is, whenever you temper with the original (ROM TF3D) in any way, and that I noticed in all my instances and in all the roms I used, you always get a different, primary lousier responce in the performance.
about 1.93, no that was not the issue.
Correct me if I'm wrong in these:
1- tf3d is a user interface created by htc to be used on wm6.1 touch flow devices
2- this created 2 kinds of themes:
a- windows theme for the original interface
b- tf3d themes only
3- link between the 2 does not exist, or is to be made manually i.e. change wm theme & tf3d theme
4- when you change tf3d theme you almost always fall into flaws (and not to mention trying to add tabs which is another story altogether), interface flaws and performance flaws
5- no theme exists that combine both worlds in one and that you can use from the normal windows themes tab in settings (except the original shipped one in the rom of course)
1. correct.. pretty obvious there
2a. this 2nd theme u speak of.. the .tsk file, is a simple a "background so to speak, to add a bit of flare to plain. if u opted out in using TF and and just went with the today screen add-on's.
2b. well if its TF3D then i would presume u would make themes that are TF3D compat. ? call me crazy lol
3. if you want to be technical, there is a link..when u access ur start menu..while in TF3D..ur accessing theme 1 and 2. hence a link being created.
4. on an ORIGINAL STOCK ROM..of course your going to run into issues. Its made by service providers to do just that provide service, not get ur optimal performance..hence why apps such as Kaiser Tweaks, and Advance Config were get that optimal performance.
on another persons created rom..the issues u generally run into will be short lived, considering they too..are tryin to edit out the bugs that u would normally run into.
once again..i really dont know where or how ur running into that TF3D theme issue..i just cycled thru 5 diffrent themes, with no issues to report.
5. u lost me
just a fast Q; Where to place the .theme files?
steps plz for the noobie.
- And do i have to use Diamond TF3D Config, or just from the setting?
JstarLuvsTina said:
1. correct.. pretty obvious there
2a. this 2nd theme u speak of.. the .tsk file, is a simple a "background so to speak, to add a bit of flare to plain. if u opted out in using TF and and just went with the today screen add-on's.
2b. well if its TF3D then i would presume u would make themes that are TF3D compat. ? call me crazy lol
3. if you want to be technical, there is a link..when u access ur start menu..while in TF3D..ur accessing theme 1 and 2. hence a link being created.
4. on an ORIGINAL STOCK ROM..of course your going to run into issues. Its made by service providers to do just that provide service, not get ur optimal performance..hence why apps such as Kaiser Tweaks, and Advance Config were get that optimal performance.
on another persons created rom..the issues u generally run into will be short lived, considering they too..are tryin to edit out the bugs that u would normally run into.
once again..i really dont know where or how ur running into that TF3D theme issue..i just cycled thru 5 diffrent themes, with no issues to report.
5. u lost me
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Have you found any flip clocks that work?
One other issue I'm waiting to see figured out is the background image changing on all TF3D tabs, not just the home tab. There has been some progress on the Diamond forum, but I understand there are still issues there..
k9tim said:
Have you found any flip clocks that work?
One other issue I'm waiting to see figured out is the background image changing on all TF3D tabs, not just the home tab. There has been some progress on the Diamond forum, but I understand there are still issues there..
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This is already working with no problems......go over to PPCGeeks and there are threads on it and how to....I would link you but I cannot remember the exact thread....
Thanks for the heads up, I'll bounce over there and check it out!
really dont have to go so far.. theres a few themes here that have flip clocks ive found on here already..
check out these links..
1. The Diamond Theme And Etc Forum -
2. TF3D Clocks ( in that forum ) -
good luck!
Yeah been thru those posts quite a bit. Tried a cpl themes that looked great but the flip clocks never told the time. They just sat on "000".
The slider icons and stuff worked great though
any news yet..for u
i was just browsing thru and theres been a few reports in those threads about working flip clocks.
I still believe that this tf3d themes issue is not purely resolved by the developers. I'm trying to have a smooth theme transition (i.e. change from theme to another) but am failing most of the time. Each and every (and I mean it) theme has at least one flaw that render the theme lame, sometime in the interface and some time in the performance. Am I the only alien around here???? Do I really miss something????
karimartine said:
I still believe that this tf3d themes issue is not purely resolved by the developers. I'm trying to have a smooth theme transition (i.e. change from theme to another) but am failing most of the time. Each and every (and I mean it) theme has at least one flaw that render the theme lame, sometime in the interface and some time in the performance. Am I the only alien around here???? Do I really miss something????
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i think u may be missing a step. ill try to help u get things right!!
what rom are u running?
what are u using to switch themes?
what are u using for your tweaks on your device?
JstarLuvsTina said:
i think u may be missing a step. ill try to help u get things right!!
what rom are u running?
what are u using to switch themes?
what are u using for your tweaks on your device?
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rom... u name it cause i tried them all (literally)
using manilla editor & tf3d diamond config
for that advanced config 3.3
ok so start from skratch..reflash the original rom, then go from there.
-use the hardspl provided in this forum.
-then flash NATF's rom ( i use that one with no issues to report..may be flashing again tonight tho, if that TIR ROM is ready. )
after your flash of the ROM HARD RESET, i know ur probably thinkin i know all this..but alot of the times ppl skip that step and it it does!
-install NET CF 3.5
-install Diamond Tweak
-install Diamond TF3D Config
u dont need advanced config if ur using Diamond Tweak.
then we'll get a theme and go from there.

[Idea]Transparent a.k.a glass borders and scrollers n drop down menu!!

hey first of all thanks to all the experts for giving us wm6.5 for Gene.
My idea :
To actually have all the menus, scrollbar, default program backgrounds,the dropdown menu(the 1 on which we click when in File-explorer to jump from My Device to Storage Card),the Contacts Background,the Messaging Background..etc.
All of them transparent like Glass..This is just a Personal thought as in to change the feel n look of the OS.
WM6.5 all ready has titanium with the kind of glass panels m talking about.
Due to which it enhances the Wallpaper used i mean u can use almost any wallpaper.
And about the Visibility issue which will occur in almost everyone's mind after reading this post i think we can make it translucent the same way it becomes in wm 6.5 when we click on start menu..the icons r very much visible even with a completely white background.
So i think the backgrounds in the programs like file-explorer,windows media player-library,my pictures,SMS,Contacts etc. can be made the same.
I Wish some expert graphic designers and Programmers make my imagination come true and give all us Windows users a completely new interface.
I think for this .pngs & .jpgs of the system will have to be altered or replaced with the new ones and program them accordingly.
I am not at all good at programming and neither Graphics and i dont even know whether my idea can actually be implemented or no?
Actually this idea must be shared from themes section.
hey i dont know i had put the same post in Development and hacking section now the post has disappeared suddenly..:-(
sure waiting for the same thing?
i don know no1 from the developement section has replied to my post...i got the inspiration from wm 6.5 titanium which is packed in the new wm6.5 if this can be made possible then we will have a great UI much much bettr than an Iphone also..coz there r N number of things which a WindowsMobile can do but an Iphone cant.
The only plus for an Iphone is its Screen which has now been compited by Touch HD and the GUI which we can improve if my idea can be implemented.
I myself m tryin2 learn programming and designing..but that will take double the efforts and time experts would take2 implement.

[Q] Please help

hi , iam a new user of htc hd2 and i want to know what should i do to make my mobile better
i want to know how to install themes and how to change home appearance
Hi and Welcmome
Roushdii said:
hi , iam a new user of htc hd2 and i want to know what should i do to make my mobile better
i want to know how to install themes and how to change home appearance
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Hello and welcome to the XDA Forum. At first i think you had to read the threads there are always much info´s.
Theme, Slider and etc mostly are .cab files. Thes .cab files you put on your storage card and then tab on it. After tab on it, it will be install the theme or slider.
And after restart you device you shoule see it.
And here we have an question and answer thread:
I think here you should find information to.
Hope this helps a little bit. Have Fun
Agree with Dic3Ptor,
Also take a look to CHT:
and CHT Editor:
very recommendated of different users, and useful.
Also very useful; a small application if you will changed your Icon style.
JWMD Icon Changer:
Now about witch theme? Difficult to help you with that part, depends of your taste.
But if you need some ideas on what is possible/exist, take a look here.
Hope it help's you.
thanks alot for you both ,,, i will look at these links
thanks again
welcome and read the Sticky FAQ...its a good way to start!
make sure you make use of the Q&A section in the HD2 forum area and search

i have new beta icon pack & taskbar mod ready 4 cab conversion!

HI I have new beta icon pack & taskbar mod ready! for conversion to custom .cab update files!
I say beta because i still have work to do but not much 4 or more custom icons to finnish not a big deal my taskbar & icon mod pack is pritty much done
I know as much as you would love to see pictures im not in the mood to have anymore work stolen leeked from em ME!
xbmod helped me get started about to months ago & sead he could make the cabs for me if I made the icons wich are now completed!
the packs consist of totaly new defalt icons for default applications and taskbar dark theme
I dont know how to edit the light theme taskbar icons so I did not edit those!
I have made nice new marketplace icons full color but used the winmo6.5 marketplace icon as a starting point in the final verison i plan on
1 making full color wp7 marketplace icon
2 making new sms icon
3 making new linkedin mail icon
4 making new microsoft exchange mail icon
then i can relese final version
that is all I have left to do all other icons are done and ready to be converted to custom cab update files
I am not intrested in learning the making of custom cab updates and have much other inportent work and projects on my hands if someone could be so kind to do the convertions and send me the cabs for testing i would be very greatful
please pm me if you can help.
looking forward for you job....
looking forward too
post it when your finished, this is useless, just filling the forum, and people expect real development here.
I need my mods bult to cab files!
weeezel said:
post it when your finished, this is useless, just filling the forum, and people expect real development here.
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i am finnished have ben finnished now i need someone to make the cab files!
thats why im posting! Your post is wrong mane!
The post is not useless but insted urgent!
you expect real development but I dont see you offer anythang but negitivity!
I will repeat my self once more so you can hear it with your eyes!
and I wil post it when i feal like it dont be ordering me about! with your 45 posts!
ware is your develpment threads mane ? mr people expect real development hear???
have some respect to developers who are giveing away free blood and swet!
use ya head mane!
Please keep flaming out of XDA. If you need use the report button. You both are warned.
poyensa said:
Please keep flaming out of XDA. If you need use the report button. You both are warned.
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Thats funny I did use the report button!
jackrabbit72380 said:
Thats funny I did use the report button!
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And he saw the problem without first seeing the report.
That's active moderation.
overground said:
And he saw the problem without first seeing the report.
That's active moderation.
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good to know and thank you! for cleaning this mess!
can built theme windows 7 alike windows 6.5 ?

