Facebook Contacts in Android 2.1.... - Hero, G2 Touch Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Sorry if I have posted this in the incorrect area....
I have just installed Android 2.1 on my Hero and I am having a few problems with Facebook syncing.
Every single one of my Facebook contacts appears in People. So I select "View" and uncheck the Facebook tick box. Only my Gmail contacts now appear - great problem solved.
However when I go into "Messages" and select "People" all of my Facebook contacts still appear. Does anyone know how to get rid of these to only show Gmail contacts in Messages?
Thanks in advance.

sorry to be the arse that tells you this, and as you correctly mentioned, you posted this in the incorrect area, also would be helpful if you mentioned the ROM you are using etc

Really sorry. Im using Villain 6.2 but I think this is a general 2.1 issue rather than a specific ROM.


Hero2.1 1.7 ROM - Linking Facebook Contacts

Okay so I'm using the 2.1 ROM, mainly for the use of bluetooth and I want to intergrate my facebook with my contacts to let me use their photos and birthday.
The problem is, when I sign in to Facebook via the contacts it intergrates ALL my facebook friends to my contacts! I end up with about 300 people in the list!
Are there any solutions to this, or is anyone else experiencing it?
Same problem. I did find a way to change it, but do not ask me what the chuffing heck I did to do that :S
i think the best way is to not sign in to facebook during the initial set up. once you are all set up, launch the facebook app that comes with 1.7, and select sync with existing contacts only.
seems to work ok.

[Q] Facebook Sync

So This is Quite Odd....Not Only Is FB not synching but i have to go one by one in Contacts----> history..and then select ah friend and then add friend and THEN and ONLY THEN is the contact synced but.....here is the confusing part in History when i hit Menu and selct "View by" and check off Facebook....i see NOTHING.... but......wen i select Myspace it shows all the Facebook history... and when i check off Myspace only my FB history shows i am Thoroughly Confused
have you tried removing the account and adding it again? that help me before..
yea i tried that....Nothing has seemed to work for me...the adding one by one thing is the ONLY way that seems to work for me but "get friends" nothing seems to work at all
this might ba stupid question but simples thing are always missed.. have you configure your facebook to sync contacts?
go to your apps.. select Account and Sync.. select the facebook acount and see if you have sync contacts check..
I also heard that FB was total shutdown for four hours yesterday.. this might cause the problem to..
Not trying to hijack this thread but i too have a question regarding FB...
Anyone know of a way to have more than one FB account on their phone?

[Q] Contacts Links To Facebook

Hi Guys,
I have Upgraded to Generic 2.1 and i am very impressed by 99% of the update.
I am trying to link some contacts to facebook, most of this is trial. However, contacts that are not saved under the same name as in facebook, are trickier?
It used to be a case of just clicking link contact, and choosing a facebook profile, but i can not find this option.
Can anyone help please?
Solved.. Thanks!
Im too having problems with this,
i dont really want my phonebook to be full of firstnames and surnames just so i can see facebook updates,
Press menu once inside the edit window of the contact u want to pair and press join and just choose the profile that fits better then choose the pic to show or just change it by clicking over it.... For me its workin great i dont c the big deal... Good luck
Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
well, i've tried this metod and the problem basically remains.
- you long click on your friend name in the contact list and choose "join..." (friend listed here as for example "kleenex")
- you pick your friends facebook profile (he entered on facebook "Kris Leenox")
- the profiles are joined BUT are displayed in contact list as "Kris Leenox".
the name is there, the surname is there, the nickname is set, BUT you see Facebook's name on the list. And editing this joined contact gives under "facebook" - "you cannot edit facebook on this device" or something like that.
so, basically, it sucks.
I AM choosing my names on contact list, F..k Facebook, i wont surrender my freedom just like that
ahh thanks for your help, ive linked them all now,
but yeah i know what you mean about the names thing
I dont mind somepeople having full names, like there are about 7 adams in my phone so its usefull there, but i dont want my mom and my girlfriend to have their fullnames displayed too
damn you 2.1 update,
i love you but you dont half make things a ballache
I notice there is another problem, I have 2 same names of my contact which is as below :
1) Jason
2) Jason
[email protected]
So which is the correct one?
If we link to the correct facebook profile, when we click on their picture from the phonebook, should it appear the Facebook icon from the options?
Damn phonebook
Here I was, thinking that the "social phonebook" would work wonders.
Sort of, yes, but the naming thing is a real pain in the neck. Pleeeeeze, if only I could control which name is shown in the phonebook. So, actually, this doesn't merge contacts, rather it just mixes them into big contact cards, with possibly duplicate numbers. The worst is, apparently the new details, from facebook or twitter aren't synced back to the contact details e.g. in your gmail contacts.
Still stranger, the contacts on the phone don't even exist? I mean, the gmail contact cards reside "somewhere" and are not the same as those saved on the phone. That's not syncing, either.
What to do?
In the interim, I'd be happy with a 3rd party app that merges & syncs back & forth, but.... which one delivers? (The ones I've seen so far just mess up your contact cards, sometimes very badly).
Just to add to the confusion... I seem to have two Facebook phonebooks on my X10:
For some contacts, when I enter edit mode, there is first the section from my gmail account, then there's the section from Facebook Timescape, then there's the section from Facebook [my email]!
Anyone know why that is? Is facebook in timescape treated as a different profile from the built-in facebook app?
The two facebooks situation comes from a) timescape and b) the facebook app, which asks initially if you want to sync your fb contacts to the phone. These are shown as facebook ([email protected]) in the phonebook.
Defaulting to the fb name is super annoying. What's even more odd is that for some friends, it does default, for others, your gmail contact name is "the stronger one". What gives?
Does anyone has a solution for the problem with the names (forced Facebook names)? Or is it a bug, too?
Like most of the users here, I love the 2.1 update, and HATE the names-problem. Really really HATE IT.
So far, all I've been able to deduct is that the shown name is decided alphabetically. The name that's further down in the alphabet will be shown. So, if your contact name is aJhon, the facebook name is bJhon, twitter is zJhon, the shown name would be zJhon.
Hope someone finds a solution or SE releases a patch or something.

2.1 Contacts + Timescape = aaaargh!

I seem to have found an Android 2.1 bug, and it's due to the supposedly improved integration with Timescape and Contacts..
Timescape now automatically updates your contact list with facebook and twitter contacts. That's nice, isn't it?
Unfortunately, I don't know anyone on my twitter account (it's all software houses and product updates and stuff), and I don't know (or want to know) the phone numbers of most of my facebook friends.
Luckily, there is an option in contacts to only show contacts from certain sources, so you can tell it not to show contacts from facebook or twitter, or even google or the phone.
Alas, you can tell it until you're blue in the face, but it still shows them, no matter what you yell it to show. :|
But fear not; there is also an option to hide contacts who have no phone number! Sweet, huh? Well, no - that doesn't work, either. :'(
So now my contact list is full of people I don't want to phone, and the only way to get rid of them is to sign out of my accounts in Timescape, meaning Timescape is useless. I'm just glad I'm not one of those people with hundreds of random facebook friends!
Yep. I have exactly the same problem. It's weird though - I have a Google contact, and a facebook contact. The FB contact is correctly linked to the google contact but in some situations (Usually where the FB name has a nickname or summat) they're displayed again. But you can 'delete' them.
I'm just dealing with the Big List. I came from a Palm Pre so I'm fairly search oriented anyway.
same problem here; i don't think this bug is related to Timescape... the whole options screen is buggy, you can see the "google", "facebook", etc labels go away when you select one of them.
Dr.Pat said:
same problem here; i don't think this bug is related to Timescape... the whole options screen is buggy, you can see the "google", "facebook", etc labels go away when you select one of them.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i have no problem with that on my phone, i have link my contacts with timescape, facebook and twitter and i still only have my google contacts shown in contacts
Did you upgrade to 2.1? Does the "hide contacts without phone number" (or whatever it is in english) option also work?
Dr.Pat said:
Did you upgrade to 2.1? Does the "hide contacts without phone number" (or whatever it is in english) option also work?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yes all works
i also noticed that the starred (favorites) contacts tab disappeared from the contact list.
...ok, solved! It's a Launcher PRO default shortcut bug. If you open the contact list from the applications list, all the problems (missing starred tab, messy list) go away. So... delete the default contact list icon, and recreate it.
Dr.Pat said:
i also noticed that the starred (favorites) contacts tab disappeared from the contact list.
...ok, solved! It's a Launcher PRO default shortcut bug. If you open the contact list from the applications list, all the problems (missing starred tab, messy list) go away. So... delete the default contact list icon, and recreate it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Erm... i think i love you
Dr.Pat said:
i also noticed that the starred (favorites) contacts tab disappeared from the contact list.
...ok, solved! It's a Launcher PRO default shortcut bug. If you open the contact list from the applications list, all the problems (missing starred tab, messy list) go away. So... delete the default contact list icon, and recreate it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I want to have your babies!
Thank you so much!!!

Litening 2.2 Issues

does anyone have issues with messaging when adding a recipient the names are showing double? So basically seeing 2 contacts for everyone on my list.
Not sure what you mean - but maybe its caused by having facebook app installed and also a facebook account set up in Accounts in settings. I you have booth the Samsung and the official facebook then you might see things double.
It could also be caused by having both contacts in Gmail/Google and Facebook/Samsung/Exchange etc.
Try and explain the problem a bit more.
in 1.5, i didnt have this issue. I had facebook and gmail accounts under 'Accounts and sync'.
Try this.
Go to Messaging icon -> Click on the top right envelope -> Click on the top right portrait icon
This will now show you a list in your contacts. My list is coming up with 2 of everyone
In my contacts icon, i only see 1 entry for each person. So i am not sure what is going on
edit: Deleted all my contacts from my contact icons. Went to messaging icon and i see only 1 of all my contacts. So does this mean its reading my sim card? I cant find any settings to disable it and read phone only
ye i got the same problem..also...when i go into the application menu and rotate my phone horizontally the icons all cluster into one and it only clears up once i touch the screen..is it just me?
maybe i should rename this to litening 2.2 issues to help give feedback to litepro and help others with same issues.
I even put back 1.5 MMS.apk but it still reads everything twice

