Very Annoying Problem with quicklinks on Homescreen after a Hard Reset - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Following a HR after developing a problem with Sense not loading I now have an annoying problem concerning the quicklinks on my home screen which I'm hoping someone can help me with.
I have my quicklinks set out in a 4x4 format with the first 2 rows of icons visible on my screen. Prior to the HR it was simply a case of swiping my finger in an upwards motion, this then removed the clock from the screen and the bottom two rows of icons slid into view ready for me to use.
Now, for some unknown reason, when I swipe my finger upwards, the first two rows of links are still visible, but the bottom two rows don't now move up. What happens is that I'm taken to another screen which is blank except for a notification bar that shows the current date and time. This is really annoying and means I can't now access the bottom two rows of icons.
After the HR I installed CHT 1.8.5 & editor, I had an earlier version installed prior to the HR. So I'm wondering if it's got anything to do with this. I've spent hours meticulously going through CHT settings and still can not correct this problem.
Any help would be much appreciated.

sounds like your home screen is messed up.
Click on Menu, Edit home layout and make sure you are on level 1 main home.

nrfitchett4 said:
sounds like your home screen is messed up.
Click on Menu, Edit home layout and make sure you are on level 1 main home.
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Thx for the reply.
I've gone into edit home layout, level 1 main home and everything appears to be fine. However after clicking ''done'' the same problem still remains. I'm stumped??

Problem sorted!
I went into CHT Editor and selected ''Restore Defaults''. This took my quicklinks to a 3x3 formation but when I swiped my finger upwards everything worked as it should. It was then just a case of re-selecting 4x4 formation and the issue was sorted.


Magic button 2.1

I read from Magic Button's official website that they have a new version 2.1 that resolves the task bar color problem. However, when I followed the link to, it is 2.0 that get downloaded, and this version mess up my task bar.
Google on "Magic Button 2.1" does not yield any result.
Has anyone got version 2.1 or is able to post a link?
Edit: Found the link. It is on the official webpage itself! The's copy has not been updated.
Hmm... it's a shame that even version 2.1 mess up the color. My black task bar color is no longer black. It's today icon is also in the wrong position, covering half of my network signal (in 128dpi. Did'nt try the other dpi yet)
What a pity. It has been my favourite task manager for a long long time, and was given up when I moved to WM6. I was so excited when I saw the version update history, and thinking that 2.1 would work without problem in WM6. Looks like we have to wait for version 2.2 and see if it works.
Fortunately, pBar is working. It does not show the running tasks on the taskbar, but that's the next best thing now.
Thanks for the tip. The taskbar colors are much improved, but not perfect.
Here's a link to my previous post on fixing the placement of the Today icon when using 128dpi:
SteveD01 said:
Thanks for the tip. The taskbar colors are much improved, but not perfect.
Here's a link to my previous post on fixing the placement of the Today icon when using 128dpi:
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Thanks for the solution regarding Today icon position. Came across your post before, but didnt remember it untill you mentioned it. Thanks
But the color is outright the wrong color at the moment. It is the default blue whereas my task bar is black. Is there a way to fix the color? I really like the glossy black task bar, and unless MB can blend in, I would stick with pBar.
Sorry, I'm using the default blue theme, so MB looked pretty good to me.
Do a search on using UITweaker to fix the MB colors... not sure how it will work with the new version though.
With further investigationk, I found out that magic button is not actually showing only in blue color. It is able to use any WM6 color. The reason it does not blend in to my black task bar was because my black taskbar was "painted over" by Tweak2k2 rather than part of a black theme.
I tried it with other colors besides blue, and found out that it can blend in with any color.
Now the logical thing for me to do is to come up with a glossy black taskbar WITHOUT using Tweak2k2.
Can someone give me some pointers on how I can change my taskbar to glossy black ?
BTW, Steve, your tips on changing the Today icon position works beautifully. Thanks for that.
Still lots of bugs?
Magic button 2.1 seems to be quite buggy.
The position of the today icon just randomly moves about. It even moves all the way to the right, completely wipe off my clock and date, network signal, and other icons. When it is not doing that, the position of the today icon does not seem to stay at the same position. I notice that the registry value changes by itself as this happens.
Any idea what causes this and if there is a cure?
eaglesteve said:
Magic button 2.1 seems to be quite buggy.
The position of the today icon just randomly moves about. It even moves all the way to the right, completely wipe off my clock and date, network signal, and other icons. When it is not doing that, the position of the today icon does not seem to stay at the same position. I notice that the registry value changes by itself as this happens.
Any idea what causes this and if there is a cure?
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I use this program as well and it's also my favorite. I'm considering putting it into 3.0 of AP when released.
Yes it's a little buggy and I've noticed that the fix for color blending isn't working very well, nor is the placement of the house icon. I've e-mailed the developer to see if they can resolve this. If they fix both issues it would be a perfect addition to the ROM as it would replace xbutton and batti (buggy batti btw and I've disabled it for now with a tremendous improvement).
Thanks for noticing the registry value changes on it's own. Maybe we can lock down that value some way so this doesn't happen but it may cause an issue. Not sure if there is a way to lock down registry values or protect them in WM6 but it's worth a look into.
eaglesteve said:
Magic button 2.1 seems to be quite buggy.
The position of the today icon just randomly moves about. It even moves all the way to the right, completely wipe off my clock and date, network signal, and other icons. When it is not doing that, the position of the today icon does not seem to stay at the same position. I notice that the registry value changes by itself as this happens.
Any idea what causes this and if there is a cure?
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There is some slight movement of the Today icon upon closing all active tasks, but not enough to cause problems for me.
I suspect when the Today icon moved all the way to the right (covering all your taskbar info) you may have inadvertently changed the registry setting by selecting Magic Button 'Settings.' If you go into Settings, it will overwrite the hack, and if you don't select "Show clock and 4 icons" it defaults to 0, moving the Today icon all the way to the right upon exiting Settings. I think if you do the hack last, after getting all your other options set, the hack will hold... at least it seems to for me.
I think the flaw is too serious
Icon position
I tried the registry edit, and found out that in 128dpi, the smallest value for the position (as described in Steve's post) is 06. That would place the today icon immediately to the left of the phone signal icons, and would cover up any mail message and vueflo icon. If you make it 08 so as to enable the vueflo and mail message icons to be visible, then when you move to 192 dpi portrait mode, the today icon would be completely off to the left of the screen (i.e. does not appear on the device at all).
This means that with value of 08, magic button is completely non-functional in 192 dpi.
Even with value of 06 (which still covers some icons in 128 dpi), at 192dpi it is no longer possible to close an application. This is because we need to press and hold the running icons on the task bar in order to close it. At 192 dpi, the runnng icon is no longer visible on the taskbar, thus you can longer press and hold in order to close it. Even if there is only one application running, as long as you are not on today screen, the running icon would not appear on the taskbar. If you're on today screen, because the today icon shifts unexpectedly to the right by one position, then it is possible to close the running application if you have only one application running. However, if you have more than one running, then even on today screen, you could not close any application. The only way around this is to switch to the landscape mode so that running icons have room on the taskbar to appear.
The color blends better in 96 and 192dpi. In 128, the look is bad. Unfortunately, most of the time I'm using 128dpi.
I think pBar is still the one.
But seriously, I do not say that pBar is perfect. In fact there are a few problems, as listed below:
1) the date and time color is not right. My solultion: don't use it.
2) the favourites items could not be rearranged. The move button does not work. My solution: not a big deal. I don't need to move them.
The only regret is that it does not put up the running icons on the task bar, therefore, switching/closing program is a two click process instead of one click. Similarly, going back to the today screen is a two click process instead of magic button's one click.
Its advantages are also plenty:
1) it is very space efficient.
2) it solves the problem of comm manager in realVGA display.
3) it allows up to favourites program to be quick launched.
4) it really has no problem in realVGA environment. Magic button does not handle realVGA very well, in terms of icon positioning.

[Q] Help - lost enlarged scroll button + Sense background

I went to Settings/Manage Applications/Remove Programs and removed several listed items, which I thought just related to unused colour schemes, in order to free up some storage memory. However, I now find that two unintended changes have resulted.
1. The main one is that I seem to have lost the enlarged scroll button that previously appeared when I tapped the right-hand side of long windows. All I have now is the default grey slider bar.
2. The other, less important, is that after the screen display times out and I press a button to restore the display with the 'slide padlock', the background has changed from the original Sense colours to a plain 'gradient blue' background. This is not inconveniencing me at all, but it would be nice to restore the original background.
i think both problems, especially the FIRST one, can be fixed by simply going to Windows Mobile Settings->Home and choosing a different OK...and then repeat the same steps and NOW choose the stock HTC theme (don't know what its called! sorry!).
after all of the above, set a wallpaper from Windows Mobile Settings->Home, check the box at the bottom that says "Use this picture as the background" and select a file. after this step, set a home screen and lock screen wallpaper from Sense. if you use CHT (cookie's home tab), you will get even more options and control over your wallpaper.
ASCIIker said:
i think both problems, especially the FIRST one, can be fixed by simply going to Windows Mobile Settings->Home and choosing a different OK...and then repeat the same steps and NOW choose the stock HTC theme (don't know what its called! sorry!).
after all of the above, set a wallpaper from Windows Mobile Settings->Home, check the box at the bottom that says "Use this picture as the background" and select a file. after this step, set a home screen and lock screen wallpaper from Sense. if you use CHT (cookie's home tab), you will get even more options and control over your wallpaper.
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Many thanks for your reply. Your advice got me on the right track to resolve both problems.
I went to Settings->Menu->All Settings->Today and changed the theme, then repeated the sequence and changed it back to 'HTC Black'. I then chose the 'Items' tab and changed the checkbox from 'HTC Sense' to 'Windows Default' (ignoring a warning not to move away from Sense). Then I repeated the sequence and changed the 'Items' checkbox back to 'HTC Sense'. This seems to have restored both the Sense wallpaper and the enlarged scroll button.
Thanks again.

Go Launcher Pad Version out

Found this at the Go Launcher website:
GO Launcher v2.69
Someone try it out.
It seems the same except the icons are bigger/closer together and there is a half inch gap at the top of the screen and also between the bottom apps and the launcher bar at the bottom. :-(
Now the status bar at the bottom doesn't cover part of the options on the home screen too
other than the gap I like it
little8020 said:
It seems the same except the icons are bigger/closer together and there is a half inch gap at the top of the screen and also between the bottom apps and the launcher bar at the bottom. :-(
Now the status bar at the bottom doesn't cover part of the options on the home screen too
other than the gap I like it
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I think you just need to adjust the amount of rows/columns, it works pretty well for me!
Vdek said:
I think you just need to adjust the amount of rows/columns, it works pretty well for me!
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How many rows and columns are you using every one I tried is the same, just makes the icons smaller to fit, and not any closer to the top or bottom
I tried it, and switched back to the "non-pad" 2.69 pretty quickly. I really don't like how restrictive the home screen real estate is on the pad version. Basically removed one row at the very top and another one right above the dock bar. Also, my widgets seemed to be acting funny. Hopefully they will straighten it out A Pad version seems like a good idea.
edit: And yeah, whatever combinations of rows / columns I tried it seemed jacked up

Resize stock picture frame

I was never clear on this. If I am using the stock picture frame widgey, how do I resize it to make it bigger? I tried holding my finger etc. And the red grid to resize it wont show up. Sorry for such a noobish question. My apologies!
1) Hold your finger on the picture/widget on one of your homescreens until the background drops away and the remove option comes up
2) Without dragging the photo anywhere, remove your finger. The grid should now show up, You resize the picture by moving the little grey triangle around until it uses up the grid squares you want it to use. If you have other widgets on the page, you wont be able to go over the top of them. You won't be able to go further left or up than where you first put the widget either - to do that you'll have to hold-press and drag to another clear spot
3) If you find the background returning without the grid getting a chance to show up, tap the photo to reset the image from the gallery, and then try steps one and two again
Good luck
I am using the balancer launcher and it doesnt allow widgets to resize! No wonder I couldnt get it to work. thanks for answering my question!

[Q] Frozen split screen no settings icon

●●●●● I managed to get the settings icon back! I rearranged my icons a few times and put it next to one of my double clock icons and there it was! I did a factory reset. So far so good...... not sure what causes the problems below but I will leave this post unless a moderator wants to delete this thread for me ●●●●●
Hi all. Got a few problems with my Gear Fit... I want to do a factory reset but cannot! Honestly want to upgrade to a different smartwatch soon but for now I will have to work with this. I am disappointed in lack of apps that work with this but I LOVE the touch screen and features it does have...
1. No settings icon to factory reset my device. Thought there was a physical reset button on underside which I pressed in with a pin but nothing happens when I do. I held it down too... maybe not long enough? Does anyone know how long?
2. When I scroll in one direction its an infinite loop. Does not even show home screen with clock on it most of the time... instead there is an infinite loop as in the same 3 icons show over and over and over as I scroll....
3. Sometimes when scrolling, part of the clock shows on left half of the screen and its stuck there while the other half scrolls. Still no settings icon!
4. Also when I use the Gear Fit Manager on my S3, it shows 2 clock icons which I can drag and reorder but it only leaves a gap in the icons on the Gear Fit itself... looking at it horizontally should show 3 icons across but it will show 2 with a blank spot where 3rd icon would be.... sometimes I can see the clock but most times I cannot.
I wanted to contact samsung about these issues through email but I cannot seem to get there. I dont see any choice for smartwatches and model number so therefore I cant seem to figure how to send an email to the correct department.
Hope I can reset and start over before I end up getting mad and throwing it across the room!

