[Q] Probs updating radio - something i'm missing? - Hero, G2 Touch Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi - long time lurker, first time poster...
This issue goes back to the first time i rooted and installed a custom rom on my G2 Touch... any attempt to update the radio version was met with the message E: Can't read MISC...
Anyway, following instructions i found elsewhere, (but using the latest version of the Amon_RA recovery) i managed to make the message go away. Went ahead and flashed another custom rom, and then went to try and update the radio again (following the usual procedure) - appears to be successful (no error messages) but upon booting into the rom the radio version is exactly the same as it was - no change. Am i missing something glaringly obvious?
Just to outline what i'm doing - boot into recovery, select 'flash zip from sdcard', select the radio.zip stored on the card, and then follow the instructions...
It says 'writing radio image', reboots to a logo of green arrows, reboots again into the recovery screen with the message 'formatting CACHE:...' on the screen.
That should be it, right? Reboot and all is done. Well, as many times as i've tried it, it's still not working. Anyone got any suggestions of things i could try?
*edit* the radio version is - what was on the phone initially... i'm running ChocolateEclair 2.0 and the latest Amon_RA recovery...

Might be a bad flash (the radio not being flashed at all) try flashing again

Have done - several times now - should i be renaming the zip to anything in particular? I've tried radio.zip, update.zip (and also leaving the file with it's original name)...
I'm stumped, dunno about u

El_JimBob said:
Have done - several times now - should i be renaming the zip to anything in particular? I've tried radio.zip, update.zip (and also leaving the file with it's original name)...
I'm stumped, dunno about u
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No name doesn't matter. I've tried something similar where I flashed stuff and it said OK but in reality it wasn't flashed... Try reflashing your recovery image and flashing it again

Try downloading the latest radio from here: http://www.villainrom.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?307-radio-roms-download-links
After downloading, be sure to check the MD5 hash -- if they don't match, you have a bad download so you'll need to try downloading again.

Try re-downloading it. Could be a corrupt download?

Thanks - i'll try re-downloading. As per C0mpu13rFr34k's suggestion to reinstall the recovery, can that be done with flashrec (what i used in the first place)? All that command line stuff scares the hell out of me...

El_JimBob said:
Thanks - i'll try re-downloading. As per C0mpu13rFr34k's suggestion to reinstall the recovery, can that be done with flashrec (what i used in the first place)? All that command line stuff scares the hell out of me...
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I don't know actually The commands are really easy BTW

Ok... MD5 hash checked ok... trying to update again... aaaaaaaand... nope.
Right, will try re-flashing the recovery and then try again (again)...
*hmm... something's definitely not right here... flashrec refused to install the recovery and attempts to do it from adb gave me an error - mounting /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 on /sd-ext failed: No such file or directory*
Might try a full wipe and start again... oh well...
*edit* Ok, downgraded (with goldcard), flashed recovery, flashed radio from recovery and nada... so what am i doing wrong? i can't have the only phone in the world that can't update its radio... worried that anything further i have to try might be right out of my depth...


If you are having issues with Clockwork Recovery....

Update from koush:
@clockworkmod Hey all, flashing recoveries through ROM Manager is busted. We hit a bandwidth/CPU quota on Google App engine.
If you are trying to flash Clockwork Recovery for the first time, it appears that a lot of users are having issues over the past 24 hours.
Normally, you would:
download Rom Manager
Click Flash Clockwork Recovery
it will ask for root privelages
you would select the Vibrant as your phone
after it downloaded CWR you would get a successful pop-up....
you could then click on reboot into recovery (and since it was the first time you would go to the stock recovery, click reinstall packages, and THEN you would go to Clockwork Recovery)....
well.... people can't seem to get there now. I am NOT having issues as I already have CWR. However, if you are, please download this file on your phones browser (just so you dont have to mount your phone to your pc.... which you can do if you prefer)
FILE DOWNLOAD HERE: View attachment update.zip
Move this file to the root of your internal memory. If you have any other update.zip file you can just overwrite it, or delete it prior to moving this file over, your choice....
NOW, go back to your stock recovery and press reintall packages.... you should go to CWR, if not, press to reinstall again... still no luck? blasphemy.
With all of that said, I need someone to post that this successfully works (it should, and you really can't lose anything)
I am contacting koush for an explanation of what's wrong....
i will check this out
everytime i boot into recovery and press reinstall packages my just restarts phone and i can't get into clockwork.
You generally have to tell it to reinstall packages twice.
^ that has not been the case for me.. but try it twice if if doesn't work the first time!
Yeah, it may depend on the ROM being run or something, but I've noticed it quite a bit.
yeah, something happened when rom manager updated in the last day where flashing recovery isnt compatable with galaxy s devices anymore. drove me freakin crazy cuz i just dl'ed nero and went to install and couldnt.
thank you again. +10 internets to u.
I started having an issue after flashing eugenes super kernel. I did a.clean install of axura and problem went away.
Powered by Axura
^ the rom would have nothing to do with it.
Koush has fixed this, it was server related.
As of 10mins ago i was having this problem.
But thanks to this post and installing the downloaded update I'm back up!
Rom manager gave me errors when flashing the clockwork recovery
so had to go to the update.zip and i'm now back!
Dont think rom manager in the market has been updated
[i was coming from a odin[ed] JFD stock.
hope this helps someone else!
Thanks... this works for me :\
I flashed to JL4 and had a freaking wifi boot loop and gotta go back to Eugene's does not brick ROM and found out can't install CWM via ROM manager
I don't know if its supposed to fix it, but even after flashing this Im still having issues with ROM manager. Get an error every time I try to update the recovery. Also, I can't remember the last time fix permissions actually worked (eclair maybe?).
Anyone else feel my pain?
This is a fix, and you trying to update the recovery is no different than those who have issues not even using my .zip....
I updated the op with a tweet from koush. He has a fix on his site too (might as well download it from here though?
I downloaded the new update, still can't get into clock work. When I hit reinstall packages it says ... E: error /cache/update.zip
Installation aborted
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
^^^ I'm having the same problem as well right now.
reinstall off market and it works
I thought I was sunk until an hour of searching found this post. Thank you all so much!
I have after upgrade to K6 the error messeage:
E:failed to verify whole-file signature
E:signature verification failed
Installation aborted
I've try the update.zip from the 1st post,
reinstalled via market
update und select the Vibrant modell
everytime the same...
the phone is rooted via SuperOneClickv1.5.5-ShortFuse
Any help ?
None of this works because none of it addresses the real problem ,3E signature. Way to much trouble to go thru.
^ This thread was created when the Clockwork servers were down... it has absolutely nothing to do with 3e recovery... as that didnt even exist when this thread was created... hopefully others are not confused now that it was brought back to the top.
I didn't update it yet, because the thread was dead.
And to be fair the OP did have this:
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I cannot access recovery anymore

Tuesday night I loaded CM7, and then the Market wouldn't update my apps so I decided I would restore BAMF 1.5. After doing so, the Market just gave me "Fails" trying to update, and I could not access recovery, as I was going to do a complete wipe and reflash. Most of Wednesday, an extremely helpful & knowledgable member, Mattgyver83, tried diligently to help me rectify the situation, but to no avail. We tried to Fastboot, tried flash_image, tried fix permissions...shoot, I practically wore out adb..anyway, I ended up reverting back to stock and unrooted. I used jcase's method to revert back to stock, and that was painless, and successful. I decided last night to try rooting again, thinking a fresh root would solve my issue of not being able to access recovery. Root was successful, but I still cannot access recovery, through rom manager, or through bootloader. When I attempt it my Tbolt goes to white HTC screen, and stays there. All functions of my phone now work, and all aspects of root work, except I cannot flash anything. Rom manager shows I have clockwork recovery, but I just can't get to it.
Sorry for the long ramble. If anyone has had this issue, or if anyone knows a fix, I would appreciate it. Otherwise, I wait for Gingerbread.
Happened to me with CM7 builds. For some reason they were erasing the recovery. Just have to reflash the recovery in Rom Manager and you'll be all set in the future.
do what i do pull batt leave out for a min, then put the batt back in and connect usb right away.
travishamockery said:
Happened to me with CM7 builds. For some reason they were erasing the recovery. Just have to reflash the recovery in Rom Manager and you'll be all set in the future.
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Tried that, but thanks. Still just goes to white HTC screen, and stays there until I do battery pull.
jr4000watts said:
do what i do pull batt leave out for a min, then put the batt back in and connect usb right away.
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I can get to bootloader, just not able to get into recovery.
I'm stabbing in the dark at this, but this did work for me with my Droid...
I had a similar issue with my Droid. Someone recommended that I flash recovery multiple times before trying to reboot. The comments were basically that you need to flash recovery 3-5x until the flashing process is a mere few short seconds. Evidently that is an indication that the flash has occurred correctly.
Ie. Flash recovery and wait until the confirmation pop-up/message only takes a few seconds to pop up. If the message takes longer than 5 seconds or so, re-flash recovery and repeat until the confirmation comes up quickly.
This sounded retarded to me, but I was at the end of my rope so I tried it. It worked like a charm.
monolithic said:
I'm stabbing in the dark at this, but this did work for me with my Droid...
I had a similar issue with my Droid. Someone recommended that I flash recovery multiple times before trying to reboot. The comments were basically that you need to flash recovery 3-5x until the flashing process is a mere few short seconds. Evidently that is an indication that the flash has occurred correctly.
Ie. Flash recovery and wait until the confirmation pop-up/message only takes a few seconds to pop up. If the message takes longer than 5 seconds or so, re-flash recovery and repeat until the confirmation comes up quickly.
This sounded retarded to me, but I was at the end of my rope so I tried it. It worked like a charm.
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Thanks, but that didn't work. I think something in my os got lost when I restored BAMF from CM7.
Yea I spent a good few hours yesterday trying to help Orio out and we attempted a ton of things to try and fix the recovery issue, this post should offer a bit more insight to the methods used, this is running off memory;
adb reboot recovery failed
Reinstall latest Rom Manager apk and Flash CWM
flash latest rom manager via fastboot (CWM only)
(fastboot flash recovery /sdcard/recovery-clockwork-
**did not do fastboot erase recovery first**
"return to stock safely and properly" XDAthread by jcase
return to stock image [RUU], reroot, try again
try to boot into recovery via hboot
manually installed fix_permissions.sh script and busybox on rooted stock, ran.. didnt fix
tried to see if flash_image method would work, didn't
All of the above have failed and we basically tried almost all combinations. Not once would this phone get back into recovery, even after flashing the appropriate RUUs which include either stock android or CWM recovery. The only thing we have not currently attempted which might be the last thing left is to do is manually install the nandroid.sh script and do an advanced restore of the recovery image only from a nandroid backup on SD. I would rather not go down this method as it could have an undesired result, I have done it to restore a G1 back in the day but not 100% if its gonna work on a tbolt. Thankfully his phone boots, and we can get into hboot, but yea.. pretend recovery just doesnt exist at all...
Curious if anyone has any knowledge above what we have already tried.
monolithic said:
I had a similar issue with my Droid. Someone recommended that I flash recovery multiple times before trying to reboot. The comments were basically that you need to flash recovery 3-5x until the flashing process is a mere few short seconds. Evidently that is an indication that the flash has occurred correctly.
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I recall the same thing and its a good thought however that was mostly a generic error due to a CWM update and CM6 (I think) but either way flashing an RUU should override this shortcoming and im pretty sure that issue was worked out in CWM as well.
Not to be rude, but I don't think this question belongs in the development section.
Orio56 said:
I can get to bootloader, just not able to get into recovery.
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do you still have the P zip file for the radio (baseband) on your SD card? if you do....try to delete it...then hold power and volume down button down....then see if you can get into recovery....
probably not going to work...but it is worth a try......
hogowner said:
do you still have the P zip file for the radio (baseband) on your SD card? if you do....try to delete it...then hold power and volume down button down....then see if you can get into recovery....
probably not going to work...but it is worth a try......
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Thanks, but no, I deleted that after loading it. I actually reverted back to stock/unrooted last night and rerooted and the problem still remains. It's quite strange.
maybe i missed it if someone suggested this but what about flashing an older version of CWM?
shelooga said:
maybe i missed it if someone suggested this but what about flashing an older version of CWM?
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That is what I was going to suggest. In ROM Manager at the very bottom try and flash an older version.
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I fixed it !
Apparently, when I loaded up cm7, files showed up about the same time on my sdcard in clockworkmod download file. I deleted those files, and reflashed clockworkmod in rom manager, (which this time took like 3 - 4 minutes), and rebooted into recovery and it worked...did it again, just in case it was a fluke and it worked.
All is well now...the planets are realigned !!!
Thanks everyone for your ideas and especially thanks to mattgyver83 who helped me for something like 4 hours yesterday. Exceptional kindness !!
mods...you can close this thread.
This may help out other members with the same problem!!
now go ahead and start playing with your T-BOLT again!
That's a very odd solution. My first two things to try would have been:
1) fastboot:
fastboot erase recovery
fastboot flash recovery C:\some\local\path\recovery.img
You can't, well, probably shouldn't, flash a recovery from the /sdcard. When in fastboot mode I don't think the sdcard is even mounted. Either way, I think fastboot needs the img file on the local file system.
2) Create a PG05IMG.zip file with the recovery.img file in it, and flash that through HBOOT. Although this should have been done in some form or fashion when you downgraded or re-rooted, so YMMV.

[Q] How do I update Clockwork Recovery/ROM Manager?

Okay, here's the story.
I rooted my phone, turned S-ON, and installed Cyanogen 7 RC-1. So far so good.
Next I threw on ROM Manager, and got the premium version. I updated CWR to And then went to play.
Well, first thing I noticed was ROM Manager kept erroring out when it rebooted into recovery. The error report is something about being "unable to locate dev/tty0". That was when I noticed something.
In ROM Manager, it says Clockwork is updated to
But in Recovery Mode it says
So far, I've tried "Erase Recovery", flashing to and seeing if that worked (it didnt'). Then i tried going back up to That didn't work either.
I tried a manual instal of and the system didn't even recognize the file, so I probably did something wrong there.
I'm just lost. Can anyone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong? I just want to flash some ROMs with up to date soft-/firm-ware.
new version is buggy
i had an update for my clockwork mod when i tried to download a rom so installed the updated clockwork but in the end i found the new version 5 to be very buggy but if you want to try just try installing another rom (do a nandroid backup first) and it should install the new recovery but in my oppinion i wouldnt bother upgrading why update something that works thats the common saying
Well, in this case, I'm trying to upgrade from Cyanogen (which I've backed up), to Synergy's GingerSense RS1 for the Droid Incredible. However, while it flashes the ROM, it hangs on the boot up screen when rebooting, so I have to go back to Cyanogen. What got this whole thing started was figuring out what I had to do to get that working.
I'm on HBOOT 079, CWR, and none of ROM Managers automated features work because of the "Can't located /dev/tty0" function. The only advice I could find online for that was that 2.5.x is too old, and I need at least to load some of these ROMs.
Small error, I didn't run "unrevoked-forever" so I'm not S-OFF yet.
shadowfyre26 said:
Small error, I didn't run "unrevoked-forever" so I'm not S-OFF yet.
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You did say you "turned S-ON" but really you just, as you said, didn't have S-OFF. So I'm guessing your problem was solved when you got S-OFF and tried again right?
Yup, I just fixed the S-ON issue into S-OFF, and lo and behold it worked.
*looks around sheepishly* Let us never speak of this again.

I think I killed my phone...

I have a Galaxy S 2, I777 from AT&T. I had been running UnNamed 2.0 for a while. I started messing around with different modem files trying to get my data rate a little higher. When those failed to work, I decided to go back to stock and start from scratch. This is where my trouble begins:
I flashed with ATTGalaxyS2Unroot_SGH-i777.tar using Odin 1.85. I've used that before and all was well. After this flash, I'm stuck in a boot loop. The galaxy s 2 logo just keeps recycling.
I have tried a lot of other items I've found on here in various threads about getting out of a boot loop, but have not been successful. I was able to get to the stock recovery mode, chose to wipe user data and did the "yes I'm sure" option. The phone rebooted and I have not been able to get back to it. When it tries, I get in yellow "deleting cryption meta data" and then the phone reboots.
My last attempt was flashing with i777uckh7-cl503881 full. Odin writes everything, says pass and the phone reboots. After it restarts, it quickly goes through some items:
-- Intalling package...
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
Installing update...
Successfuly installed package...
-- Copying media files...
successfully copied meida files (yes, media is misspelled on the screen)
-- Wiping cache...
Formatting /cache...
Cache wipe complete.
--Updating application...
Successfully updated application.
--Appling Multi-CSC...(again yes, applying is mispelled on the screen)
installing Multi-CSC
Can't access to '/system/csc/02U/system/'.
Successfully applied multi-CSC
then I get the boot loop all over again. I am still able to get to download mode using the volume button, and my jig still boots to download mode too, so I think there's still hope, but I don't know what to do next.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The "deleting cryption meta data" error has been a particularly difficult one to get out of. I only remember seeing one person solve the problem, and I believe that the solution was to flash the siyah kernel. But you may find more details if you search on "deleting cryption meta data xda" or possibly "deleting cryption meta data siyah" as keywords.
Thank you for your post. I didn't find anything searching for that, but, I downloaded and flashed siyah kernel and was able to get to a recovery mode.
I am now restoring the nandroid backup that I made (luckily I was smart enough to do that) before I started messing with modems and stuff.
We'll see how this goes
you sir are a life saver. I was able to restore the nand backup and boot into the os again.
creepyncrawly said:
The "deleting cryption meta data" error has been a particularly difficult one to get out of. I only remember seeing one person solve the problem, and I believe that the solution was to flash the siyah kernel. But you may find more details if you search on "deleting cryption meta data xda" or possibly "deleting cryption meta data siyah" as keywords.
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I think (but I'm not sure), but any custom kernel with CWM should be able to do this... It's only the stock kernel that has a recovery which does anything when device encryption is found.
Entropy512 said:
I think (but I'm not sure), but any custom kernel with CWM should be able to do this... It's only the stock kernel that has a recovery which does anything when device encryption is found.
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I did not think of that, but it makes sense now. At the time, I figured I would stop and get help before I made it worse. Why I didn't restore to my backup to begin with is beyond me.
Do you think I could return to stock now, or is it more of a "once you have this problem you always have it" type thing? I'm going to leave it as is for now because it seems to be working fine. There may come a day though when I need to return to stock.
For those who are experiencing the "Deleting Cryption Meta Data" problem, creepyncrawly is correct, it is difficult to solve, but the following steps seem to solve it reliably:
Download and install the I777UCKH7-CL503881 Stock Binaries from creepyncrawly's download repository. Use heimdall or odin to load the stock binaries. You may need to load the param.lfs and/or the bootloaders. However, it may work without loading these files (and loading the bootloaders can be in the "danger zone")*.
With the stock binaries installed, the device will be in a boot loop, and entering recovery mode will either indicate that the device is installing CSC (unsuccessfully), or indicate that it is "Deleting Cryption Meta Data". In either case, you will be unable to actually access anything in the recovery.
In order to get to a working recovery, load the SGH-I777_ClockworkMod-Recovery_5.0.2.3. You'll need to untar this file to get to the zImage kernel file*.
With the CWM kernel installed, you should be able to actually enter recovery mode by holding down Volume Up + Volume Down + Power until the Samsung logo appears for a second time. Note: In this version of CWM recovery, the home button is the 'select' button and the power button acts as the back button. This is different than most versions of CWM.
Using the recovery run both clear data/factory rest and format sd card (in mounts and storage).
Finally, install the Siyah Kernel, using either heimdall* or CWM.
At this point, the phone should be restored, and you can re-flash the I777UCKH7-CL503881 stock kernel (on any other compatible kernel).
onecoolpilot said:
Do you think I could return to stock now, or is it more of a "once you have this problem you always have it" type thing? I'm going to leave it as is for now because it seems to be working fine. There may come a day though when I need to return to stock.
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You can re-flash any kernel you like.
Thanks everyone who directed me to the steps for solving this problem!
* To load these kernel files, put the phone in ODIN mode by holding down the "Volume Down" button while the phone is connected to USB. Use either the ODIN or Heimdall tool to actually flash the device. See this post for complete instructions on flashing the files.
I've followed these directions multiple times but I can't seem to get past the Rethink Possible screen.
Steps I have taken:
Flashed full binaries
Went back into download mode with no reboot and flashed CWM (listed above)
Went straight into CWM
Wiped Data
Formatted SD
Flashed Siyah via CWM
Saw I was stuck at Rethink Possible
I seem to get stuck at the boot screen on ANY Gingerbread rom I flash. I can flash ICS roms and they boot successfully. However, my device has the 0x19 FW bug and I would like to not make it a paperweight.
Red_81 said:
I've followed these directions multiple times but I can't seem to get past the Rethink Possible screen.
Steps I have taken:
Flashed full binaries
Went back into download mode with no reboot and flashed CWM (listed above)
Went straight into CWM
Wiped Data
Formatted SD
Flashed Siyah via CWM
Saw I was stuck at Rethink Possible
I seem to get stuck at the boot screen on ANY Gingerbread rom I flash. I can flash ICS roms and they boot successfully. However, my device has the 0x19 FW bug and I would like to not make it a paperweight.
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Is this the "Oh crap its stuck in a bootloop I'll sell it cheap on eBay" SGII that you bought on ebay for cheap, or a different phone?
Do you know the history of this phone? Knowing it can help with troubleshooting.
Did you ever see the "Deleting cryption meta data" error message?
As far as having vulnerability to the eMMC firmware bug, you are safe as long as you don't use the buggy kernel, which is pretty much out of the picture by now.
LOL, you read my other post. It is one and the same. The standard story from the seller. "I gave it to my Brother in Law and now it is like this." He stated it did boot properly before. Liquid indicator checks out (haven't pulled the back off to check the full indicator).
I don't get the "Deleting cryption meta data" but I do get the "multi-csc error". Wiping data doesn't seem to take care of that one.
It's really odd because I can flash ICS roms with no problems, but the GB ones stick at the bootscreen every time. Even CM7 stuck there.
I may have to try to rule out hardware damage at this point
OK, so you don't really know exactly what was done to the phone. I wouldn't rule out hardware damage, but I seriously doubt it, at least let's assume that there is some explanation in firmware. Really, the only things that could be wrong:
Which stock package did you flash, the one from the return to stock guide (that doesn't have bootloaders, etc.) or the one from the Download Repository that does have bootloaders?
And where exactly is the phone right now firmware wise?
creepyncrawly said:
OK, so you don't really know exactly what was done to the phone. I wouldn't rule out hardware damage, but I seriously doubt it, at least let's assume that there is some explanation in firmware. Really, the only things that could be wrong:
Which stock package did you flash, the one from the return to stock guide (that doesn't have bootloaders, etc.) or the one from the Download Repository that does have bootloaders?
And where exactly is the phone right now firmware wise?
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The one from the repository with bootloaders. I tried the one without bootloaders first, but it did not fix it.
Currently I flashed over to ShoStock2. However, I'm getting alot of problems on that too (Com.android.phone not responding).
I can try to flash back to stock at any moment because I have no data on the phone.
I did try using the latest version of Heimdall, but it kept crashing at 42% (from what I read that is a known bug)
So the one thing you have not tried is flashing PIT? I wouldn't try that next if it was my phone, however, since it is the area I know the least about. There is not a whole lot of information available about using PIT with the I777 (as in nothing I could find).
The behavior of flashing to ICS and running OK but bootlooping on Gingerbread is new to me.
If you have a jig, does the jig boot the phone to download mode?
The phone should be recoverable. If it was mine, I would start by flashing the full stock package with bootloaders and param.lfs again. Then wipe data/factory reset from 3e recovery. Then flash the Gingerbread Siyah kernel. And then wipe data/factory reset from CWM Recovery.
Actually, I thought I typed that before.
I did flash the PIT file at one point out of desperation.
I have a jig that works beautifully (wipes the counter too) and has been a big help through this whole thing. That tells me I should at least have the correct bootloaders.
Do I need to let it attempt to boot between each flash or just go directly one to the other?
After a little Google, I think your phone has a problem with efs, corrupted or some such. Read this.
creepyncrawly said:
After a little Google, I think your phone has a problem with efs, corrupted or some such. Read this.
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I actually found and tried that a few days ago. Never got that error message before. But I flashed the repair anyway. No change.
I did manage to just let the phone run for a while and all the process error messages went away, but the dialer refuses to start. I also noticed I don't think I'm getting any sound out of the earpiece.
I think I'm going to have to take the back off to check for water damage and to make sure they didn't bleach the dot.
I'll attempt to do some more flashing later tonight if the wife lets me.
Under normal circumstances, if you get the multi csc error after flashing back to stock, a wipe data/factory reset will clear it, and it will boot successfully.
creepyncrawly said:
Under normal circumstances, if you get the multi csc error after flashing back to stock, a wipe data/factory reset will clear it, and it will boot successfully.
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Lol. Under normal circumstances indeed. I appreciate all the help so far. I wonder if there is something borked with the chip.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA
Not sure if it helps much since you said you think the correct bootloaders are there but I had the exact same problem as you a couple months back. Like an idiot I flashed the original "one click" ATT ICS leak from Rootzwiki that updated my bootloaders. After this attempting to go back to CM7 resulted in me soft bricking the phone. The ONLY rom that would flash and work was that same ICS one click. Everything else Odin just failed on. Eventually I managed to get the complete stock GB back on it by flashing the full package in creepys guide several times. I gave up on Odin on my pc and had to remove Kies from my Mac so Heimdall would work but it flashed finally and I was saved. If you search through my posts here and find that thread maybe there's something in there that will help cause it sounds like you're having a bootloader issue like I did..
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk
Thanks. I'll take a look.
On a side note.... I can't get any sound from the device. I'm thinking now that it might be hardware related.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium

CWM recovery

Hello everyone,
I'm having problems when I'm trying to install 4.4 roms I keep getting this error
set_metadata_recursive: some changes failed
E:Error in/sdcard/cyanaosp-v3.4.0_2.zip
(Status 7)
Installation aborted
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After looking into it most people say it's cause by old cwm version. However I couldn't find a newer version of cwm for my vibrant.
I currently have semaphore cwm recovery v6.0.3.8
Please help
SoulEater- said:
Hello everyone,
I'm having problems when I'm trying to install 4.4 roms I keep getting this error
After looking into it most people say it's cause by old cwm version. However I couldn't find a newer version of cwm for my vibrant.
I currently have semaphore cwm recovery v6.0.3.8
Please help
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Have you tried reflashing right after that error? Please do so. Worked here.
CWM version doesn't have to do much if at all with this if you are above Sometimes I use a March 2014 kernel (Semaphore) which has an older CWM (still above 6.0) and everything flashes just fine.
Quick question for you that I didn't want to put in the CM11 thread. I have my old Vibrant that I gave to my son and it has Slim 4.3 build 1, Semaphore and CWM on it. I wanted to put him on CM11 but when I flash it I get a Status 7. Normally, I know how to get around this but for some reason it is not letting me flash it because it says that my device is a I-9000. I've checked Settings>About Phone and it shows T959 and I've even checked my build.prop and nowhere does it say I-9000. The only thing that I have from the I-9000 is the GB Bootloaders.
Any ideas?
Woody said:
Quick question for you that I didn't want to put in the CM11 thread. I have my old Vibrant that I gave to my son and it has Slim 4.3 build 1, Semaphore and CWM on it. I wanted to put him on CM11 but when I flash it I get a Status 7. Normally, I know how to get around this but for some reason it is not letting me flash it because it says that my device is a I-9000. I've checked Settings>About Phone and it shows T959 and I've even checked my build.prop and nowhere does it say I-9000. The only thing that I have from the I-9000 is the GB Bootloaders.
Any ideas?
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Status 7 sometimes tends to be the assert lines inside the ROM .zip. Check inside the zip (I use 7Zip on my PC): META-INF > com > google > android > updater-script. Check in that script (I use Notepad++ on my PC) the first lines. In the picture I attached, I show you an example of the assert lines. Delete those if present. If that doesn't yield resuls, it could be the GB Bootloader. Although I could flash the newer CM builds with them by deleting the assert lines I showed you. I no longer have the GB Bootloader, so I had to flash my way through JFD to ICS and then to KK again.
nirogu325 said:
Status 7 sometimes tends to be the assert lines inside the ROM .zip. Check inside the zip (I use 7Zip on my PC): META-INF > com > google > android > updater-script. Check in that script (I use Notepad++ on my PC) the first lines. In the picture I attached, I show you an example of the assert lines. Delete those if present. If that doesn't yield resuls, it could be the GB Bootloader. Although I could flash the newer CM builds with them by deleting the assert lines I showed you. I no longer have the GB Bootloader, so I had to flash my way through JFD to ICS and then to KK again.
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I just did it in Root Explorer. Anyways what I did was I deleted those Assert lines, rezipped it up and flashed. Got a failure due to partition errors (probably because for some reason it was still reading as an I-9000) and said if I wanted to continue to reflash the package. So I flashed my "rebuilt" package and gapps. Was faced with the Set-Up Wizard FC issue, so I thought that maybe I would try to reflash the unaltered CM11 zip to see if it fixed it (before I searched for the solution). It went through the first time with no errors. Still have the Set-Up FC issue, but once I get in my house where there is wifi (no sim in this phone), I can fix that right up, cause I know how to use the search function.
Anyways, thanks for your help. If it came down to it, I would have flashed the Froyo BLs, but this was just as easy. If the next time the ROM updates and I can't get past that, I may have to flash them but I doubt it since I "sort of" tested that philosophy with my reflash from above.
Woody said:
I just did it in Root Explorer. Anyways what I did was I deleted those Assert lines, rezipped it up and flashed. Got a failure due to partition errors (probably because for some reason it was still reading as an I-9000) and said if I wanted to continue to reflash the package. So I flashed my "rebuilt" package and gapps. Was faced with the Set-Up Wizard FC issue, so I thought that maybe I would try to reflash the unaltered CM11 zip to see if it fixed it (before I searched for the solution). It went through the first time with no errors. Still have the Set-Up FC issue, but once I get in my house where there is wifi (no sim in this phone), I can fix that right up, cause I know how to use the search function.
Anyways, thanks for your help. If it came down to it, I would have flashed the Froyo BLs, but this was just as easy. If the next time the ROM updates and I can't get past that, I may have to flash them but I doubt it since I "sort of" tested that philosophy with my reflash from above.
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The Setup Wizard FC only occurs if you flash everything at once (ROM + GApps). It's been happening since 4.4.4 was released a month ago. To bypass that you either:
1. Lower the notification panel and press the date on the upper left side. Calendar should open prompting you to enter your Google credentials along with Wi-Fi if not connected. Do so, then tap Back until you go back to the Setup Wizard. No more FC.
2. Flash the ROM alone without GApps. Let it settle for 10 minutes after boot. Then you proceed to flash everything else.

