[Q] Bricked HD2 with HSPL HELP!! - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Yesterday I bricked HD2 trying to install this htc.com/europe/SupportViewNews.aspx?dl_id=839&news_id=485.
Its a TMOBILE-US and I installed hard spl on it as well as a custom rom.
The device wouldn't go to bootloader mode (vol down + restart) it will not start, will not charge, nothing.
I also tried hard resetting with no success.
I did some reading, but everything I found required having access to bootloader mode.
Can I unbrick from this situation? is there some way to flash from the SD WITHOUT having access to bootloader mode.
Please help me rescue my 2 months old baby!

nope, dead, gone and bye bye.
The link you posted i couldnt get to work, however i notice it has europe in it,(plus there are NO tmous compatible roms on eth htc website) meaning a rom for a regular leo, meaning a radio with ..51.. in the version, meaning dead tmous hd2.
Warranty return it, dont mention flashing.

Ouch. I thought HSPL would save me.
Anyway, warranty is currently out of the question since I don't live in the US.
Thanks samsamuel for the reply

no worries, sorry it was such grim news.


My SPV M3100 won't start...

I have a problem I hope someone here can help me to solve..
I have an Orange SPV M3100 that hangs on the Windows Mobile screen when I try to start it.
I'm able to go into bootloader mode, and i have tried using mtty142.exe with the set 14 0 command. It still won't boot. I've also tried to hard reset it.. still won't boot..
What I did was trying to unluck the SIM-lock with the Universal unlocker (HTC_Uni_Unlock_v1) from buzz. At the time I thought universal meant that it worked on all HTC devices (stupid, I know)... And I also thought it was harmless to just try and see if it worked. But I got an error around 92-93% and after that my device won't start. So my radio ROM might be screwed.
I'd like to flash my ROM with the i-mate one (JASJAM_WWE_1.20.305.3_1.20.305.104_1.07.03.10_ship.exe) and then add the ext-rom. But how do I do that when I can just access the bootloader screen? And do you think it will boot again if I'm able to flash it?
Here's some more info about my device:
Thank you very much in advance. Help will be highly appreciated.
No your rom *is* screwed. You can get into bootloader, you can even get to 11% of a dopod etc rom upgrade if you try, but you will not flash a new radio.
You CAN boot the device.
Do a hard reset, but do not press spacebar to reboot after. Instead, do a soft reset. The unit should boot but as you've screwed the radio you will not get a gsm signal and the phone will say unknown sim status.
I know this as I bought one cheap after the owner had done exactly the same as you.
IMEI-check's unlock solution is the only one that works IIRC, and in some cases this re-writes the security area of the phone and repairs similar issues, but in this case I could not get the prog to read.
You need to return the device to HTC - you'll need to pay approx £35 for reflashing back to the orange rom. This is what I had to do.
Currently you cannot book the m3100 in through the web as it's too new, instead email / call them.
edit - or if you're an orange customer ring 150 and act dumb saying it ' won't work'.... :wink:
What happens if you just leave the phone in bootloader mode and then try to flash any ROM (imate, dopod, htc...)? run 2 times the RomUpgradeUt.exe if you get an error on the 1st try.
If you get an error while running the rom upgrade utility you can monitor the USB port while upgrading (you will see the real error from the bootloader then), there's some more info on this wiki page:
good luck
pof said:
What happens if you just leave the phone in bootloader mode and then try to flash any ROM (imate, dopod, htc...)? run 2 times the RomUpgradeUt.exe if you get an error on the 1st try.
If you get an error while running the rom upgrade utility you can monitor the USB port while upgrading (you will see the real error from the bootloader then), there's some more info on this wiki page:
good luck
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No, if you want to send it back under warranty do not try to run a rom update as there are no orange rom packages. As described in my post above, it will get to 11% and stop. The device will be in the same state as before, with the same ext rom, but the splash screen and bootloader will have changed.
i.e: it will be bloomin obvious you tried flashing it and failed. Not what you want if you try for a warranty repair....
There is no error from the bootloader - as there is no radio rom present and no security area the upgrade process just hangs.
fluffcat1 said:
No, if you want to send it back under warranty do not try to run a rom update as there are no orange rom packages.
i.e: it will be bloomin obvious you tried flashing it and failed. Not what you want if you try for a warranty repair....
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That's true, do not try to flash any other roms if you want to use the warranty or send the device back...
Thank you very very much for your help guys.
As I'm the administrator of these devices in the company I work for I just grabbed a new SPV and will send this thing back to Orange. It sounded like I'm getting a new one..
Well, I think I've learnt my lession.
Oh, and I have another question. Is there a reg editor I can install on this one so I can remove the app lock? I know I can install java apps, but it's a bit grumpy about apps that needs installation (the developer must be certificated).
Cheers guys.
Try to flash a new rom using the SD card method described here:
The rom must match your CID. Let us know if it works
pof said:
Try to flash a new rom using the SD card method described here:
The rom must match your CID. Let us know if it works
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Errr, did you read the last post? He sent it back......
I just wanted to let him know there's a possible solution, it just in case he still has the unit
pof said:
I just wanted to let him know there's a possible solution, it just in case he still has the unit
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Maybe his search is broken as well as his old phone eh?.... :roll:
fluffcat1 said:
You need to return the device to HTC - you'll need to pay approx £35 for reflashing back to the orange rom. This is what I had to do.
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Sorry to take the thread a bit OT, but just wanted to confirm this again.
So, if I flashed my M3100 with a different ROM, and then had to return the phone to Orange for repair for a different reason, I can send it back to HTC just to have the ROM reflashed, and then send the phone to Orange to get the repairs done?
I've been hesitating on whether to flash the phone with a non-Orange ROM because I didn't want to give up the ability to obtain warranty repair (as there is no ROM upgrade yet). If it's just a matter of £35 and then everything else as normal, maybe it's not so bad...
My SPV M3100 won't start!!!
I also did this, so if anyone can find a solution it would be greatly appreciated.
Also tried this and it didn't work for me:
Try to flash a new rom using the SD card method described here:
"I have a problem I hope someone here can help me to solve..
I have an Orange SPV M3100 that hangs on the Windows Mobile screen when I try to start it.
I'm able to go into bootloader mode, and i have tried using mtty142.exe with the set 14 0 command. It still won't boot. I've also tried to hard reset it.. still won't boot..
What I did was trying to unluck the SIM-lock with the Universal unlocker (HTC_Uni_Unlock_v1) from buzz. At the time I thought universal meant that it worked on all HTC devices (stupid, I know)... "
rachelm700 said:
I also did this, so if anyone can find a solution it would be greatly appreciated.
Also tried this and it didn't work for me:
Try to flash a new rom using the SD card method described here:
"I have a problem I hope someone here can help me to solve..
I have an Orange SPV M3100 that hangs on the Windows Mobile screen when I try to start it.
I'm able to go into bootloader mode, and i have tried using mtty142.exe with the set 14 0 command. It still won't boot. I've also tried to hard reset it.. still won't boot..
What I did was trying to unluck the SIM-lock with the Universal unlocker (HTC_Uni_Unlock_v1) from buzz. At the time I thought universal meant that it worked on all HTC devices (stupid, I know)... "
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the above link doesnt work?
zohaer21 said:
the above link doesnt work?
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IIRC it is this link on the new forum:
spv m3100 don't start
hello guys
I have the same problem about spv m3100. I used "universal unlock tool" to unlock my device and now it don't start,don't boot...I tried the Hermes SD Card flashing methods with qtek001 rom and, a white screen with "loading...." appears for 2 second and then nothing else appened. I think that the method is right but I need to use a different software. what do you think about?
please help me
My SPV M3100 won't start
SD card method is no good as there is no upgrade from Orange until January.
Tried to do a radio upgrade explained here:
But it didn't work just came up with connection error, tried to monitor USB but nothing showed up to find out why, althouth mtty commands always do show up in USB Monitor.
Still have a brick and looking for a solution, hopefully, someday, please someone help me I am loosing my mind.
How to enter boot mode on HTC 200 ?
My htc hangs on HTC screen.
I'm trying to reflash it.
@chrisro, Please read the wiki:
Thank you very much.
Greets form Poland !

"no GSM" problem. All workaround posted doesn't work! Pls HELP!!!

Hi all,
First of all I want to let you know that I did search the forum for a solution. In fact, I found a lot of workarounds but none of them actually worked.
Let me give some details about my problem: My Hermes was working fine. I was running the official WM6 ROM supplied by HTC, so no customized ROM here.
It was going fine until the WM frozed. Then I soft reset the device and after that I never got cellular signal again.
While booting the device I got the message: "no GSM".
First thing I tried was to flash a new radio ROM. In all the attempts the progress bar never moved from 0% and after a while I got the communication problem error.
Then I tried flashing a whole ROM. This time the progress bar stopped at 81%. Apparently in the first 81% it flashes the OS and in the last 19% it writes the radio. Anyway, I tried this a few times and never finished.
In fact, after every communication error message I got stuck in the bootloader screen.
The only thing that works is to flash a ROM WITHOUT the radio!!
Is there anything I can do to save my phone or am I condemned to use my Hermes as a phone-less pda?
I tried everything I found in the wiki/forums, but I couldn't find a working solution.
I suspect that the blocks of memory where the radio data reside got corrupted, could that be possible?
thanks in advance!
A similar thing happen to me several months ago. While on a call my phone froze and when I soft-reset it the dreaded 'No GSM' issue appeared. I tried flashing radios/full roms/etc, but nothing worked. I ended up sending my phone to the htc repair facility and they fixed it at no cost. (Other than not having a phone for ~10 days)
Thanks dang, but I don't have a HTC service center where I live (Argentina, LATAM)
I'm faithful that the people of this wonderful community will be able to help me.
Just for curiosity, where did you send your device? Is it in the US?
sounds like a hardware problem to me...
Hi, there! I found that a lot of us who have bricked our Hermes, don't have a responsive radio bootloader, so when they try to flash a full rom, the progress bar hangs to 13%, or 81%. This is because at that time the flasher is trying to enter the radio bootloader, but because it's corrupted, it hangs. Till today there is no known solution to this one. I'm far away from England where I bought my Hermes, so I'm not thinking to send it back for repair. I'm a programmer, so my knowledge may be usefull here. The first thing I must know is if i can use the "lnb" command without being SuperCID. I mean if there is something like a Hard-SPL with an "lnb" command - (or renamed for security reasons). Maybe there is hope!
How can I try that?
windshearx said:
The first thing I must know is if i can use the "lnb" command without being SuperCID. I mean if there is something like a Hard-SPL with an "lnb" command - (or renamed for security reasons). Maybe there is hope!
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You can use 'lnb' in HardSPL without having a real SuperCID; however you will not be able to flash a radio with 'lnb' command. The radio chipset has its own bootloader, the and the SPL just acts as a pass-through sending the data directly to radio chipset through the s2410 UART.
I had one device with non-responsive htc_boot and tried all kinds of SPL patches to flash htc_boot again on radio, without success. The only known method to fix this is to take the BGA chip out with hot air and reflash it with special hardware, as it is not common to have this equipment at home, your only option is to send it somewhere to do it for you.
However, I don't want to discourage you to research on it, maybe you find something i didn't
I have a similar problem
I also have a NO GSM and corrupted CID but I can access KITL and use it with PB 5.0. and I followed this steps here but the phone doesnt boot completely. It stops just after the two boot screens on Black WM6 ending on a white screen and the debug window on PB after loading all sort of things begin showing these lines over and over:
@@@@@@ HUB state changes now @@@@@@
[HDC]HubStatusChangeThreadPN TRUE
[HDC]HubStatusChangeThreadPN FALSE
Is there any hope for me? I have the cingular 8525
Gents, do you think the solution presented in http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=280425 could help me?
Please advise.
thanks again
chriscec said:
Just for curiosity, where did you send your device? Is it in the US?
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I sent it to the HTC service center in Texas, US.
I just got my replacement from ATT.. Had the same problem. Its a hardware problem.. I wouldnt waste anymore of your time.
first, i'm sorry for my english
I've the same problem with a V1605 (french SFR), i've tried every solution but flash radio doesn't work.
I can flash cooked os without any problem, but it's impossible to put official
It's only a pda now, it's better than a brick
My hernes use to be the same as you 'NoGSM'.I tried to install the official rom,but it 's not work at all.I called to service center ask this problem,so they said that it must be only changed the mainboard. That 's terrible!!!
for ALL -that has NO GSM and stuck at OS boot,
please follow this link -
the link above help me to bring back my hermes alive (about four hours work).
otoro_315 said:
for ALL -that has NO GSM and stuck at OS boot,
please follow this link -
the link above help me to bring back my hermes alive (about four hours work).
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That only works with phones with KITL...which I don't seem to have.
Sorry, how to config the phone with KITL and solve the no gsm problem.
No GSM but when sim inserted
Hi all, First sorry for my bad english.
I also have 2 bricked Tytn Hermes 200. Its not my personal ones Its my company's property, which pple were using this phones. So i'm facin with problem which many pple here having but with exception. both phones having no gsm error when sim inserted but without sim its fine. In other words , device info showing every info including IMEI when sim unavailable. And some times works with sim but after making few call and receiving phone hangs(not system) and goes off from network but anthena signal still showing few bars. I'm thinking maybe the radio hangs totally and goes off, and after soft restart NO GSM. I also tried many flashing upgrading those things nothing can really help me.
When im flashing original rom from HTC (the latest one HTC_TyTN_WWE_3.54.255.3_6275_1.48.00.10_108) its hanging on 12% and doing 3 or 4 times recovery , but its finishes succesfully. So what exactly happening in 12th%?. Maybe its started flashing radio and stopped on bad block ? But then why its finishes succesfully after few retry?. Ok so if any one wants to experiments on the phones except radio welcome. I'll help. And some can give me quick example of how to check bad blocks?.
@akarandomjames -
#1. have you try the comm button+reset button hold for 2-3 seconds
#2. OR try the comm button+OK button+reset button hold for 2-3 seconds
anyway, i'm not sure if KITL is dependend on the ROM version. because when my device was in NO GSM status, SPL is 1.04, HTC bootloader is 0108, and lost SuperCID. Because of my device is still has SPL 1.04, i was able to load WM5 full ROM upgrade using WWE HTC English QTEK_001 01/17/07 version (ROM available on this site under HERMES Upgrade link), run it twice. once you have successful load the WM5 ROM then try to do step #1 or #2 above to get KITL USB display on your screen device.
Note: i don't think KITL mode is not available once your device is in Production Mode. anyone here can verify this?
otoro_315 said:
@akarandomjames -
#1. have you try the comm button+reset button hold for 2-3 seconds
#2. OR try the comm button+OK button+reset button hold for 2-3 seconds
anyway, i'm not sure if KITL is dependend on the ROM version. because when my device was in NO GSM status, SPL is 1.04, HTC bootloader is 0108, and lost SuperCID. Because of my device is still has SPL 1.04, i was able to load WM5 full ROM upgrade using WWE HTC English QTEK_001 01/17/07 version (ROM available on this site under HERMES Upgrade link), run it twice. once you have successful load the WM5 ROM then try to do step #1 or #2 above to get KITL USB display on your screen device.
Note: i don't think KITL mode is not available once your device is in Production Mode. anyone here can verify this?
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My device is still SuperCID and I know I don't have KITL...I have SPL 1.04 as well and HTC Bootloader is 0108. I can't install any ROMs with radios as they will hang at 11/12%. I will attempt this "overload" method where it seems some people have had luck with it...after a few recoveries it just finally installs...but I don't think that will be the case.
If I can't fix this in a few days, I will most likely use my warranty or just wait for the Kaiser.
My variation of No GSM
I feel like I have problem 1A...where I am able to boot into OS but no GSM.
I am still SuperCID, SPL 1.04, HTC Bootloader 0108. Last known radio before corruption was ROM where this problem occured: VP3G 3.60.1.
I was not even in the middle of an upgrade...just a soft reset after my phone ALREADY lost GSM capabilities during a tether session. It was stuck with no signal in Phone Mode...I put it in Flight Mode...then tried to move it back to Phone Mode and it wouldn't do so. I soft reset...and the no GSM stuck.
I tried to reinstall radio...many errors...stuck on bootloader. At first, OS's only were not installing as well but I got past that. Now I am able to boot into OS's with limited capabilities...and they will NOT ACTIVESYNC at all. Regardless of how old or new the ROM is. I tried older OS's that I knew worked in the past for me...but they refused to activesync.
Due to that, I am not able to install latest HardSPL 2.10Oli via SSPL. That seems to be the only way to do it according to my knowledge and what I've read. Maybe mtty was capable but I'm not sure. HardSPL 1.40Oli wasn't giving me any problems though, but I just wanted to have the latest one so I can avoid IPL damage.
I can only install anything if I start the device in bootloader...and I'm only limited to the OS since my Radio Bootloader seems corrupted.
I'm not sure what caused the corruption in the first place...but I feel annoying now posting on different parts of the forum with a problem that seems to be growing in the community.

Hermes does not work anymore

i am trying to install a the old WM 6.0 on my O2 XDA because the Hermes does not start every time i turn it on. The Problem is that the install stops at 12 %. After five our six trails the install rans through this point and completes the install. But this WM 6.0 has the problem that it will not boot every time, the phone-functions does not work every time and so on. So i tried to reinstall the OS and now i'm standing on 12 %.
The WM 6.0 install comes directly from O2.
Here the dates out of my bootloader:
Sorry if my question is a little bit stupid. But my english is very bad (as you can see ) and so i can't find an answer.
Can someone help me?
Try to reinstall the shiiped carrier rom. The rom it originally came with.
Do this using the sd card method. Its safer, especially if you are flashing a radio rom.
Check for bad blocks. This could cause the original symptoms you said. Look in the upgrading ection for instructions...
Thanks for the infos, but i have phoned with O2 today. They will repair or exchange my device.
No my question is if i am allowed to change the bootloader to "SPL-2.10.Olipro" because i have done that
Or should i try to downgrade to an older version? Do you know which version was first on the device?
push. Could someone help me plz?
If you're trying for a warranty service then it would be best to downgrade spl. However, you may not be able to....
Search the wiki for instructions, they are there...
Hmm damn, do you think they won't exchange the pda with the changed bootloader?
As you remarked it semms to be hard work to replace the bootloader by an old version.
There is a chance they MAY charge you for repairs or replacement. This can be VERY ouchy....Lotsa $$$.
Perhaps i should ask the hotline if it's okay or not. Even better than paying bills for sending in an bricked Hermes.
NOT OK... Changing the SPL on your Hermes is instant void warranty. You need to change it back.
Any idea on which version?
No one any idea which SPL original is on a Hermes?
Now i have tried to downgrade to 1.10 Olipro, have installed a WM 6 Rom from HTC but nothing happend. The device works for the moment, but i am sure that the device will break down the next days again.
Any other idea how to downgrade to SPL 1.11? I am running out of time
No idea? Anyone? Running out of time (warrenty) ^^

Plz help Brick Hermes, I've read and read and still can't fix

Hey, my phone is an At&t 8525 and after finally fixing the white screen problem and flashing hard-spl v7 and a couple of roms I bricked the phone when flashing the last touch flo rom. During the flash the ruu wrapper stopped and indicated there was an error. I did the recovery and it supposedly completed succesfully if I can remember right. When it reboot it would not get past boot loader. And thats where I am now, the phone will not get past boot loader.
I've tried every method on these forum I could found
SD card flashing dosent work, I get the 002..... error in red.
Flashing the factory an at&t rom dosent work either, gets the same error
As for as I know the MTTY method dosent work, I don't know how to type in commands into bootloader and when I type in 14 0 in MTTY nothing happens
KITL is not enabled
The phone does not boot into bootloader when I hit the power button, I have to hold the comm button, power button, and soft reset in order to bring up bootloader.
When bootloader is up and the phone is connected to the computer via usb bootloader displays usb on the screen and windows detects the device as an HTC device.
Again i've spent about a week and a half trying to fix this phone and I don't know what to do anymore, i've tried more methods than listed above I can't remember though. If anyone can give me a hint on what to do I would highly appreciate it. Thanks
P.S Can someone please tell me how you type commands in bootloader or MTTY
You DON'T have Hard SPL V7 installed..... Otherwise your SPL would be 2.10.
Connect the Hermes to the pc, make sure active sync has benn disabled - got to settings, untick connect by USB. It should register on the pc. Go to bootloader then run the .nbh file for your stock rom... Make sure its the carrier rom that it was shipped with. It doesn't have to be WM05 but it DOES have to be your ORIGINAL carrier rom. Let it run through, you may gewt lucky.....
If it works, INSTALL HARD SPL V7....... Makes it so much easier to fix then...
Good luck...
Thanks for the reply, much appreciated
I tried downloading and sd card flashing a stock rom from a list of factory roms of all Hermes that I found here on xda. It gave me the same error though. I'm not exactly sure which exact rom to download from that list either. Any more help would be appreciated, thx
Wow I feel retarded, I used the wrong factory rom. After I used the right one it worked perfectly, I now have my 8525 back! Thx so much man, ur the friggin man!
Congrats bro you got it atlast. good luck & take care your baby in future. try to help others with your experience.
Glad you fixed it mate, but if I were you I'd also make sure you have Hard SPL V7 installed. It is the safety net to help when things go wrong... Never gonna be 100% safe but better odds with Hard SPL V7...
SPL - 2.10 oli
Ok... Rejoining the 8525 Clan
Is this Forum still alive???
Been a while guys, figured I would break out the 8525... charge it up and see what kind of things are new in this community. Unfortunately, it looks as if the radio is bricked on it. Seems like it will install ROM's that the radio is not included on. NO GSM is on the boot display, which is strange as I was using this phone until I got the Tilt about 1 1/2-2 yrs ago. I was a hardcore flasher back then... every other day it seemed, so I know it has (or had) everything it needed like the Oli 2.10 SPL... but it seems like I cannot recover this radio issue.
I am messing with the different original OEM and Carrier ROMs hoping I can get passed the 11-12% mark, and I will let you know if something changes. Any idea if un-installing SPL 2.10 Oli, and then trying to walk back through the old SPL steps could help? I am just trying to figure out another way to get around this radio issue... or basically I have a PDA, no phone Damn phone hasn't been touched in like 2 years, you think it would be just as fine as it was when I took the SIM out.
Can u plz tell me how do you fix the white screen problem ?????
kashifmehmood said:
Can u plz tell me how do you fix the white screen problem ?????
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Please try searching before posting.
Your answer lies within
Thread closed

Upgrading my Jasjam HREM100 Failed with Error [262]

Dear Members,
I tried to upgrade my JasJam with "838Pro_HK_ENG_WM6_Upgrade_20070712"
Which worked with other JasJams (Many of my friends has it working).
On upgrading, it stucked on 11% saying Error [262]
I went through recovery, and it said remove the USB cable, remove the Battry, Return it, start the phone, connect the USB, and its recovered.
After that Its again stucked in 100% and the same senario is happening.
Please tell me is there any possibility to restore my phone working.
Its stuck now, and only the (Three color screen) is on the screen.
Hard reset, soft reset is not functioning, and the phone refused to show anything except the three color screen.
I searched the forum, but found no relative article, I am searching since two days your forum and I know that no other forums can help me in this as I was always getting my help from yours.
Thanks for your time.
SPL-1. 40. 0lopro
If you're using XP then untick "Allow USB Connection" in activesync.
Reset to bootloader on your Hermes, Hold power, OK button above flywheel and reset with stylus.You will get the same screen you have now but it won't be a f*&%ed up version of bootloader. Connect to PC by USB and Install Hard SPL V7, found here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=296722
After this, use the sd card method to install the ROM.
1. Format a 2Gb or less sd card FAT32. ?CFopy the .nbh file of the rom you want to it and rename to hermimg.nbh .
2. Insert into phone and reset to bootloader.
3 If you did everything right then follow the prompts...
Again problem!
Dear ultramag69,
Thank you for your fast reply.
I did (untick) that option in the ActiveSync.
And also did reset to the device by holding the Power + Ok (under the flywheel) with Stylus reset.
After that I downloaded "Hard SPL V7" and tried to update.
First of all, in the "Hard SPL V7" there was only the last option active, and there was down a checkbox also active, but when choosing the last option, checkbox bocomes like everything else disabled.
However, I got the erro 286
I felt like the Device disconnected from USB and reconnected again (Windows gave me the sound when you remove some USB device and you re-connect it again) :-|
I don't know what to do with this dead device now !
Thank you very very much for your time and help
Don't quote me on this as I suspect you need Hard SPL V7 but, as yo've tried things out and you're about to quit anyway, Try using the sd card to update the Stock rom, the rom that came on your Hermes, or updated version. It might let you do it if the CID matches.
I don't believe SPL 1.40 allowed you to flash ANY rom but it may let you re-install the stock rom BUT it must be the original carrier software it came with. If you had Telstra rom on it when you got it, it must be a telstra rom you flash. Make sure its for the right country too as some carriers are all over the world.
Hello ultramag69,
Thanks alot for your reply.
Having my i-mate dead, is really interesting.
I am trying to recover it up, Mine came with (HTC) logo when booting, and I did flushed it with Dopod.
But recently, the network stopped, and I asked some experts, they said it need new OS (They ment to re-flush the ROM).
I tried with the same Dopod that was successful before, and its now stucked on 11%.
I even downloaded the Telstra but the same, it stucked on 13%.
This is my entire story, and still I am trying to get it up.
Thanks alot for your helping. nice of you.
And for all who read my post, if they had such experience before, please help.
Hello ultramag69,
Thanks alot for your reply.
Having my i-mate dead, is really interesting.
I am trying to recover it up, Mine came with (HTC) logo when booting, and I did flushed it with Dopod.
But recently, the network stopped, and I asked some experts, they said it need new OS (They ment to re-flush the ROM).
I tried with the same Dopod that was successful before, and its now stucked on 11%.
I even downloaded the Telstra but the same, it stucked on 13%.
This is my entire story, and still I am trying to get it up.
Thanks alot for your helping. nice of you.
And for all who read my post, if they had such experience before, please help.
If you can, try to find the original SHIPPED STOCK ROM. It may be your Hermes won't be recoverable as the flash stopped in the radio rom part. Most people use a cooked rom as this has the radio rom part out.
I personally use the sd card method to flash my roms so there are no sync errors or accidents with my PC. But you need Hard SPL V7 installed to get that to work with any but the shipped rom.
DON'T try flashing anything but the shipped rom or you will loose all chances of recovering your Hermes.
The only other suggestion would be to flash the SHIPPED RADIO ROM, but you need to know what radio it was before you flashed it with the dopod rom.
Unfortunately the radio rom is the Achilles heel of our phone series. Any problems during flashing of that means we pretty much end up with a brick 99% of the time. Most people are stuck and the rest seem to have limited success reflashing the radio. AVERY small percentage get it working with no trouble, but its a REALLY small amount of people.
Good luck, Make sure you flash with the SHIPPED STOCK ROM to improve your chances of success.
Ultramag69, Thanks alot for your consideration.
Flusching using SD card didn't success with SPL V7.
I formatted my MicroSD card, 2GB with Fat32 FS.
After that I copied the file that came with the zip archive (RUU_signed.nbh) and renamed as required: (herming.nbh).
And I put it in my i-mate, and holded the (Power + OK under flyweel) then restarted using the stylus, It showed me the tri-color screen, then it shows (Loading...) with Gray background screen (Which is normally the flusching screen) but it returned to the tri-color screen.
Any suggestions to get this SPL V7 installed successfully ?
I tried with all my (.nbh) files that I have downloaded from all sources, but its the same screen.
I think something is really wrong with me i-mate, should I take it to some Hard-ware service center ? and what can be damaged and need to be replaced in such cases ?
I am very excited in getting it working again.
Thanks alot.
I had bricked my Hermes a couple o' times, because of a rom I cooked half-way ( LOL ). Each time I had to flash back to the stock rom as suggested. Don't lose hope, cuz there's some people who will tell you just to accept it as bricked. You could also take the sucker apart and use jtags to flash. Most types of bricks can be solved when it comes to the Hermes. There's a thread somewhere that polled the different types of bricks, and except for radio bricks, most can be solved. If you unbrick it try 6.5 .... !!! My rom is cooked all the way now
Arwany, did you run the SSPL.exe file in the sd card instructions for Hard SPL found on page 116, post 1160 of the Hard SPL thread? You need a version of Soft SPL (SSPL) to flash using the sd card as the CID must be bypassed. The reason we Hard SPL our Hermes is because its safer. Its worthwhile flashing the SPL using unsafe SSPL (even if you use the pc you have Soft SPL installed) as its a short flash, flashing a rom (especially stock roms with the radio rom inside) is a riskier and longer flash.
I had the same problem.. All you have to do is establish a connection with Actisync, then run the Updater. There will be 3 colors on your Screen, sont worry, just wait 10-15 min and your should be done with the setup.
Want to help
Arwany said:
Ultramag69, Thanks alot for your consideration.
Flusching using SD card........ with the zip archive (RUU_signed.nbh) and renamed as required: (herming.nbh).
And I put it in my i-mate..........
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi,Just to tell You that I've noticed a little spelling mistake.You've written "herming.nbh" But it should be "Hermimg.nbh".
Not the 1st person to make that mistake, and probably won't be the last.....
Hi All,
Yeah, that worked out for me, I could successfully flush my JasJam with that.
Thanks for your reply.
I am still facing problem when trying to flush with other OS, its always stuck on the GSM line.
I am using the SD flush method.
Any suggestions ?
THank s alot for your help!
If you have the no GSM problem the only way to, maybe, fix is to flash the original SHIPPED STOCK ROM, or the original radio rom. Flashing anything else may result in a permanent brick...
If it doesn't succeed then, sorry, its not repairable. Can be used as a PDA but not as a phone ever again.
Thansks Ultramag69, for all the helps, It solved my main problem.
You also Ekonkar, your comments was so helpful.
I will try to do some hardware repairing in some Mobile shop, they may get it up again !
To fix it will cost more than to get a new device... They'll tell you they can't fix it or it needs a new mainboard. Will still cost you for this nugget of info. My advice, buy a Hermes off ebay, either working or not. If its not, make sure its screen related problem cos you have the parts to fix... Unless your screen has gone bung too...
I gave it to the repairing guy, he replaced the GSM item and its up and running now for only 20$.
Prost :-D
Sweet, You should post where and what country so others in the same situation might be able to get their Hermes up & running.

