[Q] PSfreedom and the Eris? - Droid Eris Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I found this online (and I'm sure many know about this already): See attached image for links.
I was wondering if anyone knew if this would be possible with the Eris? There is a compatibility chart with the Eris listed, but it shows "In Progress." I'm not entirely sure how similar the Eris and the Hero are when it comes to the hardware, but if you click on HTC Hero on the attached compatibility chart, you will see this...
"HTC Heros come with 2.6.2x Kernel kernels thus use the USB driver "msm_hsusb" (confirm in /proc/config.gz) and is not currently supported."
Currently, I am running KaosFroyo v32 - Kernel version 2.6.29-bfs302. Would that mean the Eris using 2.6.2x kernels will not be supported by PSfreedom? If any devs (or others with knowledge) can give some input as to what they think in regards to the Eris being able to use PSfreedom... I greatly look forward to all responses. Thank you.

Ianio said:
I found this online (and I'm sure many know about this already): See attached image for links.
I was wondering if anyone knew if this would be possible with the Eris? There is a compatibility chart with the Eris listed, but it shows "In Progress." I'm not entirely sure how similar the Eris and the Hero are when it comes to the hardware, but if you click on HTC Hero on the attached compatibility chart, you will see this...
"HTC Heros come with 2.6.2x Kernel kernels thus use the USB driver "msm_hsusb" (confirm in /proc/config.gz) and is not currently supported."
Currently, I am running KaosFroyo v32 - Kernel version 2.6.29-bfs302. Would that mean the Eris using 2.6.2x kernels will not be supported by PSfreedom? If any devs (or others with knowledge) can give some input as to what they think in regards to the Eris being able to use PSfreedom... I greatly look forward to all responses. Thank you.
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The Hero and Eris have identical hardware

so if it's the same hardware as the hero then the compatibility list for the psfreedom is incorrect? Do you know if any eris Devs are currently working on this at all? thanks!

Ianio said:
I found this online (and I'm sure many know about this already): See attached image for links.
I was wondering if anyone knew if this would be possible with the Eris? There is a compatibility chart with the Eris listed, but it shows "In Progress." I'm not entirely sure how similar the Eris and the Hero are when it comes to the hardware, but if you click on HTC Hero on the attached compatibility chart, you will see this...
"HTC Heros come with 2.6.2x Kernel kernels thus use the USB driver "msm_hsusb" (confirm in /proc/config.gz) and is not currently supported."
Currently, I am running KaosFroyo v32 - Kernel version 2.6.29-bfs302. Would that mean the Eris using 2.6.2x kernels will not be supported by PSfreedom? If any devs (or others with knowledge) can give some input as to what they think in regards to the Eris being able to use PSfreedom... I greatly look forward to all responses. Thank you.
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I've been looking for a port for the eris as well, but I have been waiting patiently. You shouldn't come here and nag the Devs. When it comes out, it comes out. If you are impatient, then just buy the usb board.

The psfreedom site is down. I did try some of the other ports for other phones with no success. Thought I bricked my phone trying. Got lucky I guess so save your time and energy and don't try the other ports
Sent from my Eris using XDA App

I dont think we will be seeing this on the eris for sometime as the USB driver used is actually the msm_hsusb driver. This was verified last night when i was in #psfreedom where someone was trying to get psfreedom on an eris and kept running into a problem and it turned out to be because of the msm_husb driver was in use. so until that msm_husb driver is working with psfreedom we are probably SOL.

Well I would not give up hope yet. With our usb boards the Eris and the incredible are the only HTC boards without psgroove. Just a matter of time
Sent from my Eris using XDA App

well the hero is now done. so i wonder if it'll work on the eris im at work now so i'll have to check it out later.

This is now working on the Eris i tested it for the dev waiting for him to officially release it should be this afternoon.

should be working. any questions i'll do my best to answer but i am not the dev just a tester. rgov gets all the credit.

hay just wondering where to start id like to try this but have no idea bout the phone done other kinds of flashing but never my phone do i need to get Android-SDK installed then kaosfroyo should i figuer out how to back up my phone first i know im a noob but hay never really thought about my phone as a toy its just a phone

so there aren't 2 post open with this go here,

Literally just rooted 2 PS3s, thanks guys!

refthemc said:
Literally just rooted 2 PS3s, thanks guys!
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with an Eris?

rgov should be linking the files again here shortly from the wiki. it's his baby and i'll let him release it how he pleases. sit tight guys should be soon.

Well, I am unable to get this to work properly. My Eris is set up EXACTLY the way it needs to be (kaosfroyov34 with the proper kernel). I can fastboot the boot.img and my phone reboots (like it is supposed to) then I enter the information into the terminal like stated on the directions. When it comes time to plugging it into the PS3, I am met with failure as the new folders do not show up. No way to install the backup manager or anything for that matter.
Here is the crazy part... last night (before the directions were posted on the droid eris psfreedom wiki) there were files listed. I downloaded them and was able to jailbreak my PS3 using those files. I was able to install backup manager and even manager to backup my copy of Oblivion to an external HDD. But every time I attempted to load it, it would return me to the XMB but not show Oblivion. Instead it showed me the game I had in the disc drive (Super Street Fighter IV). After trying several times, I called it quits and went to bed (waiting for the eris psfreedom wiki to be updated with instructions.)
This morning, I followed the new instructions to the "T" but cannot "root" the PS3. It just will not work. The PS3 keeps loading like it normally should. Yes, I am unplugging the console (I have a Slim), yes I plug in the phone before plugging the PS3 back in. Yes, I press "power" then "eject" immediately. Again, I got this working last night. And yes, my firmware is still 3.41.
One thing that I noticed with the updated wiki... the .zip that I download now contains 4 files rather than the two I had from last night.
So, does anyone have any idea as to what is going on? Did the files on the wiki get changed so dramatically that they do not work anymore? I've also noticed that on the ps3-hacks.com - PSFreedom for HTC Droid Eris Released section, there are comments from other users that are experiencing the exact same issue I am (folders not appearing on the XMB.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated... this is giving me quite the headache.
UPDATE: I decided to try the files I acquired last night (from filevo.com/z67xy48mjoe6.html) and I can jailbreak the PS3 once again... but backup manager isn't supported. I try and load a game from HDD, reboots back to XMB, but only shows the game I have in the disc drive. So, I'm guessing that the files on (psfreedom.com/wiki/HTC_Droid_Eris) do not work or I am just not doing something...
UPDATE #2: I decided to start mixing and matching files... as a means to see exactly what is going wrong. This attempt, I used the boot.img that I got from (filevo.com/z67xy48mjoe6.html) with the newer psfreedom.ko file from (psfreedom.com/wiki/HTC_Droid_Eris). The PS3 will not boot into "root" mode. This leads me to believe there is something wrong with the newer psfreedom.ko file.
Since I can "root" the PS3 using the original files I grabbed, but playing backup games is not supported... does anyone know if it's possible to edit the psfreedom.ko file to allow backup support? If so, then how?

Ianio said:
Well, I am unable to get this to work properly.
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I a in the exact same position as you, after I asked for th files lastnight , I visited the change log at the wiki and saw the post they removed, and I grabbed those files I was able to jailbreak but running backups were not supported
With the new ko file, it doesent jail break at all for me either. and I downloaded a dozen different ( or same) backupmagaers, including the rdx and some give me black screens, but none work with the 1st posted .ko
anyone make any headway? how to we specify the other payload?

There is another "older" version of the files that work, I am new and cannot post a link, but if you google "eris psfreedom" and look through the comments you shall find what ye seek

Ianio said:
Well, I am unable to get this to work properly. My Eris is set up EXACTLY the way it needs to be (kaosfroyov34 with the proper kernel). I can fastboot the boot.img and my phone reboots (like it is supposed to) then I enter the information into the terminal like stated on the directions. When it comes time to plugging it into the PS3, I am met with failure as the new folders do not show up. No way to install the backup manager or anything for that matter.
Here is the crazy part... last night (before the directions were posted on the droid eris psfreedom wiki) there were files listed. I downloaded them and was able to jailbreak my PS3 using those files. I was able to install backup manager and even manager to backup my copy of Oblivion to an external HDD. But every time I attempted to load it, it would return me to the XMB but not show Oblivion. Instead it showed me the game I had in the disc drive (Super Street Fighter IV). After trying several times, I called it quits and went to bed (waiting for the eris psfreedom wiki to be updated with instructions.)
This morning, I followed the new instructions to the "T" but cannot "root" the PS3. It just will not work. The PS3 keeps loading like it normally should. Yes, I am unplugging the console (I have a Slim), yes I plug in the phone before plugging the PS3 back in. Yes, I press "power" then "eject" immediately. Again, I got this working last night. And yes, my firmware is still 3.41.
One thing that I noticed with the updated wiki... the .zip that I download now contains 4 files rather than the two I had from last night.
So, does anyone have any idea as to what is going on? Did the files on the wiki get changed so dramatically that they do not work anymore? I've also noticed that on the ps3-hacks.com - PSFreedom for HTC Droid Eris Released section, there are comments from other users that are experiencing the exact same issue I am (folders not appearing on the XMB.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated... this is giving me quite the headache.
UPDATE: I decided to try the files I acquired last night (from filevo.com/z67xy48mjoe6.html) and I can jailbreak the PS3 once again... but backup manager isn't supported. I try and load a game from HDD, reboots back to XMB, but only shows the game I have in the disc drive. So, I'm guessing that the files on (psfreedom.com/wiki/HTC_Droid_Eris) do not work or I am just not doing something...
UPDATE #2: I decided to start mixing and matching files... as a means to see exactly what is going wrong. This attempt, I used the boot.img that I got from (filevo.com/z67xy48mjoe6.html) with the newer psfreedom.ko file from (psfreedom.com/wiki/HTC_Droid_Eris). The PS3 will not boot into "root" mode. This leads me to believe there is something wrong with the newer psfreedom.ko file.
Since I can "root" the PS3 using the original files I grabbed, but playing backup games is not supported... does anyone know if it's possible to edit the psfreedom.ko file to allow backup support? If so, then how?
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here's the fix for backupmanager just replace the psfreedom.ko with this one i edited and you will have backup support

you rock! I will be trying it soon as my wifes done with the tv..


[Q] A great problem of problems.. Seriously stumped. Would appreciate any help.

First off, I want to thank the wonderful amount of knowledge and help here at XDA! Not to be impolite to anyone else, but through all my searching, I have yet to find anything like this forum (and I come from a number of forums); but none have had quite the caliber of kind, knowledgeable, and often humorous: people. So thank you all. Also, another disclaimer is that I've only been on Android for about a month and half, so please bear with me as I might (and probably) misuse vernacular and/or might not completely understand some of the technical lingo' (at least the first time through, but I have spent much time here reading through help guides and threads).
Alright, here's the problem: I cannot get a computer to recognize the Vibrant. Installed all the drivers I have found thus far, followed a number of guides from here at xda, and have tried a number of different computers (two Win7 machines, a Vista, and even two XP machines); all of which recognize my personal Vibrant without a hick-up. Here is perhaps the biggest, and main, problem: the computers/odin won't even recognize it in Download Mode. That is what is stumping me..
If you do not care to know about how I got to where I am, please jump to the 'Question:' part.
Here is the back-story:
I bought a used Samsung Vibrant that came with the JI6 build. This was the second vibrant I had purchased as it was for my sister; and for the most part (other than it being horribly slow on the 'stock' build) it was running, and perfectly functioning.
However, I did notice that it was not able to connect it to a computer; usb debugging, mounting sd, and all the guides I found for troubleshooting just didn't seem to do the trick. Still no connection to the pc. I eventually educated myself on Download and Recovery mode, both of which I could execute without really any problems.
But since I wanted to run a faster OS (And I had already successfully flashed my personal Vibrant to Froyo (Build 21VE) (Here)) I decided to flash my sister's vibrant as well. And since I was unable to connect via usb to use odin to flash to the JFD build (per highly suggested here on xda), I used a nandroid image to flash the stock JFD build from Samsung (I can't find the link at the moment, but it was here from the xda forum). All went well, I was on JFD. I then used the above link to flash the Froyo21VE build via clockwordMod; again, it went smoothly. Only one problem persisted at this point: the wifi would not work.
My brother had experienced a similar issue with his Vibrant's wifi a few weeks previous, but had resolved it by flashing a different Froyo build. Naturally I thought I might do the same. This is where things went South.. Perhaps I was multi-tasking too much at the time, or possibly I just wasn't paying attention, but after a quick google search I found this Froyo build here on xda: [ROM] Froyo (RS)JP5 - "K9" [25/11/2010]. Moved it onto the internal sd card; flashed via clockworkMod; and then it froze on its boot-up after installation. Not cool..
Unfortunately, I was not aware that the build was for the Galaxy S i9000 rather than a Vibrant branded Galaxy; once realized though, my gut sank.. As now I am wondering if I completely tanked this Vibrant; or perhaps it had a problem from the bigging in that the usb wasn't connecting?
First and foremost, is there an 'advanced' way of connecting via usb from a computer, or some other way of doing it? I have tried numerous usb cables (as I've read a couple different people were having success with that) on several different computers (all of which, though, seem to be working perfectly on my personal vibrant, just not this one). Or is there a special driver that allows for just the 'Download Mode' on the Vibrant to communicate to the pc? But from my understanding, it seems as though the 'download mode' is pretty much as basic as you can get, am I correct in that assumption? Additionally, would using the android sdk help at all? (Or again, doesn't it have to be able to be recognized from the computer first?)
And lastly, just in case I thought it wasn't complex, when I had a functioning OS on the Vibrant: when I plugged in the usb, the Vibrant would show that it recognizes the pc; I even could 'mount the sd', but the computer still wouldn't recognize it apart from a few times that it would show it as 'unknown device' and would not seem to load any drivers; and I was having difficulty locating the device in Device Manager. (But that only seemed to work when I had a functioning OS, now that it only can go into ClockworkMod or Download Mode, I have yet for the computer to acknowledge its presence)
Alright, there it is. Please let me know if I missed something, or if more information would be helpful. Again, I want to thank anyone who would be able to help me out, or give suggestions. I really am at a loss for ideas; and the past week of analyzation is hardly showing any signs of improvement.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
EDIT: it occurred to me that I didn't mention that I am unable to load any *.zip files while in ClockworkMod (thus being able to flash a different build). It continually gives a 'No File Found' or Error/Wrong command. I believe that was caused by the i9000 firmware messing up the file system on the Internal_sd, does that seem logical?
Have you installed kies from samsung? I tried installing just the drivers on my win 7 pc and they wouldn't take either. I then downloaded kies and installed and it seemed to properly install the needed drivers.
Sent from my Axura injected voodoo possessed Vibrant.
I believe I have installed it twice now, but I will try again. Thanks for the suggestion, I'm pretty much all ears at this point.
EDIT: Well I installed the Samsung Kies mini Apllication and it did its update thing and now I have v1.0.0.10104_1. Doesn't appear to have helped the drivers out..
Question: would anyone think that this particular Vibrant has a defective usb port? I realize that's a long-shot, as well as I would definitely not like hearing that.. but any thoughts?
shalom24 said:
I believe I have installed it twice now, but I will try again. Thanks for the suggestion, I'm pretty much all ears at this point.
EDIT: Well I installed the Samsung Kies mini Apllication and it did its update thing and now I have v1.0.0.10104_1. Doesn't appear to have helped the drivers out..
Question: would anyone think that this particular Vibrant has a defective usb port? I realize that's a long-shot, as well as I would definitely not like hearing that.. but any thoughts?
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It appears that you have a defective USB port on the phone.
Do you have an access to a Linux box? If a current linux distro cannot see your phone via USB it will confirm the DOA USB port on the Vibrant.
Thanks for the reply lqaddict, although it's somewhat sad to hear.. Forgive my ignorance, but by 'Linux Box' you are referring to a Linux machine, correct? If so, then I do not have access to one. Again, forgive me for not knowing, but would running linux (possibly via a bootable Linux cd) on a computer be equivalent?
Since I purchased it used (through Craigslist about three weeks ago (which he said he had purchased two weeks previous)) do you think I might be able to retrieve the receipt from the original owner and perhaps Samsung would be able to help with some sort of warranty?
Thanks again for your response.
EDIT: Well I am running Live CD of Ubuntu 10.10 on another one of my pc's, however, I'm not quite sure I know how to 'check' to see if usb port is properly functioning (sorry I'm not very familiar with Linux, but I imagine I will become increasingly more accustomed to it in the near future). Any ideas for trying out connectivity on Linux?
shalom24 said:
Thanks for the reply lqaddict, although it's somewhat sad to hear.. Forgive my ignorance, but by 'Linux Box' you are referring to a Linux machine, correct? If so, then I do not have access to one. Again, forgive me for not knowing, but would running linux (possibly via a bootable Linux cd) on a computer be equivalent?
Since I purchased it used (through Craigslist about three weeks ago (which he said he had purchased two weeks previous)) do you think I might be able to retrieve the receipt from the original owner and perhaps Samsung would be able to help with some sort of warranty?
Thanks again for your response.
EDIT: Well I am running Live CD of Ubuntu 10.10 on another one of my pc's, however, I'm not quite sure I know how to 'check' to see if usb port is properly functioning (sorry I'm not very familiar with Linux, but I imagine I will become increasingly more accustomed to it in the near future). Any ideas for trying out connectivity on Linux?
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When you connect your phone via USB, does a USB connected symbol show up on your phone? Does the battery start charging?
You can issue the following command in the terminal window - should be in Applications->Accessories on Ubuntu (it resembles MS-DOS window under Windows OS)
If the Samsung device shows up the USB port on your phone should be working, if however it is not showing up you might have a bigger problem with your phone
Thanks again lqaddict, I'll give it a try..
EDIT: Alright, to answer your first question: yes when I plugged it in while off, it does give the battery charging icon, as well as it does give juice to the battery.
Additionally, I ran the suggested "lsusb" in the Linux Terminal while the Vibrant was in Download Mode, and I didn't seem to get too much in the way of interest of the Vibrant except this line:
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
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Would that possibly be the Vibrant? Does "Linux Foundation" refer to a Linux device? Then again, I just ran it another time without the Vibrant plugged in, and it yielded the same results.. So, most likely.. dead usb port?? Or perhaps is this just a weird phenomena? Thanks again, for all the suggestions and comments; hopefully I'll be able to one day return the favours to others here on xda.
Sorry, looks like you have a faulty usb port on your phone
Sent from my Nero powered Vibrant
Thanks for helping troubleshoot that, however unfortunate it was to hear... Perhaps one last question though, as I would like to make sure I 'cover my basis', so to speak, would anyone have suggestions as to what to do when I talk to Samsung? Or would anyone know what the procedure is like; I have dealt with a faulty iPone 3gs before and basically all I did was wait for the replacement in the mail, and ship the faulty one in the same packaging. I realize I will need to contact them, but would anyone know what information they might need from me? (as in would it be a problem that I might not have an original receipt? (I contacted the seller about that, and have yet to hear back))
Simply put, while I have had Samsung products in the past (and have been for the most part very satisfied with said products); I would, however, like to make sure I don't mess something up within the warranty process for the Vibrant (at least in consideration that I wasn't the first purchaser; then again, I would hope that they would cover the 'basic' quality issues of their products for at least the normal 90 days.. but what do I know..).
Whatever the case my be, I greatly appreciate the help I've received here; if for nothing else, perhaps it will be useful in someone else's mishaps in their Android journey. Thanks again, and I will be exceedingly grateful for any further suggestions on the matter.
shalom24 said:
Thanks for helping troubleshoot that, however unfortunate it was to hear... Perhaps one last question though, as I would like to make sure I 'cover my basis', so to speak, would anyone have suggestions as to what to do when I talk to Samsung? Or would anyone know what the procedure is like; I have dealt with a faulty iPone 3gs before and basically all I did was wait for the replacement in the mail, and ship the faulty one in the same packaging. I realize I will need to contact them, but would anyone know what information they might need from me? (as in would it be a problem that I might not have an original receipt? (I contacted the seller about that, and have yet to hear back))
Simply put, while I have had Samsung products in the past (and have been for the most part very satisfied with said products); I would, however, like to make sure I don't mess something up within the warranty process for the Vibrant (at least in consideration that I wasn't the first purchaser; then again, I would hope that they would cover the 'basic' quality issues of their products for at least the normal 90 days.. but what do I know..).
Whatever the case my be, I greatly appreciate the help I've received here; if for nothing else, perhaps it will be useful in someone else's mishaps in their Android journey. Thanks again, and I will be exceedingly grateful for any further suggestions on the matter.
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Contact Samsung what have you got to lose? The phone comes with 1 year manufacturer warranty, and it has been on the market since mid July 2010, so it is not even 6 month old.
Yea, I don't mean to be too non-committal, I just don't want to mess up a warranty; if that makes any sense. And hopefully the ~210 people who have viewed this thread thus far will find a conclusion of the situation somewhat helpful. I'll update this thread once some of the dust settles.. I'm most definitely a fan of xda! Thanks for all the help everyone!
EDIT: Contacted Samsung, and after listening to the 'did you check this list' for about five minutes, I received a free shipping label and they said it was covered by the 'repair warranty'. I'm optimistic that something good will come of it...
Well, what do you know, just got the package/phone a little under an hour ago. First of all, compliments to Samsung! Fantastic communication and customer service! I really thought that the Vibrant was unrecoverable and that I would most likely have to pay for a new one; but I was wrong! Opened the sealed package with the original Vibrant (I knew it was mine since I had already but a BestSkinsEver skin on it) and plugged it into the computer at, Wohla!, Odin recognized, Windows/drivers recognized, and I'm up and rolling!
Thank you once again everyone for the comments and helpful input! And know that Samsung rocks! (I won't be going back with apple products anytime soon..)

Atrix Won't Launch Entertainment Center! HELP!

I was foolishly trying to do the hack for webtop over HDMI, and most likely messed up the files in ADB for the entertainment center.. now when I plug in the phone to the TV via the included HDMI, it won't even show the option to launch entertainment center. If anyone could help me, it would be VERY appreciated!
did you backup the files you replaced? Did you take notice of what you were doing and which files? If so just replace those off the DUMP from the SBFs.. if not then titanium backup, flash the SBF, adn start over.
Well I dont even think the files got replaced, cuz the command window kept saying it couldn't find files to even replace them with. I unrooted the phone, thinking that would solve my issue.
Did you try the steps in the thread to "undo" the webtop mod? If so, best bet at this point is just SBF back..
Those won't work for me. :/ and could you please help me with flashing the SBF? Would that fix my problem? I really dont want to mess up this phone.
thats the guide to flash the SBF... i jsut gave another guy hell for not searching- consider yourself lucky lol. By flashign the SBF it will take you back to "retail" load. Make sure you phone is charged before starting as it takes about 20ish minutes or so to complete and doesnt charge during the time its doign the business
Alright haha, thank you so much Now on that page it has 2 downloads at the time.. I'm assuming I'll get the 1.2.6 download right? My atrix's build number says OLYFR_U4_1.2.6
macperson123 said:
Alright haha, thank you so much Now on that page it has 2 downloads at the time.. I'm assuming I'll get the 1.2.6 download right? My atrix's build number says OLYFR_U4_1.2.6
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Yeah, you're gonna want the 1.2.6
But I do suggest that you install GingerBlur actually and have the hack readily available without having to do much yourself, and also be able to do the HDMI Mirroring. Unless you want to keep the look of motoblur (blech).
Hm... I'll have to think about it.. My phones about dead, so I have time to decide. I honestly like Motoblur and would prefer to keep it.. But I want the Webtop hack to work so bad, but I can't get it to work :/ ugh
RSDlite won't install.. it says "This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package."
Ibelieve have joind this forum in error as we r not developers but offline artist...ie wood paint metal that sort of thing...do not have a website for that matter. feel as if i m intruding w.o. @least saying hello & read thru posts b4 figuring out error. Sorry. Was looking 4 expl.of what an installed app does on the fon or what is supposd 2 do...have an Atrix...thats how ended up here. Did have som1 sending files 2 our fon via possibly dlna found active (not by us).some1may have hacked our fon that is 2 day....it was already done 2 our account,email acct and potentially 1 or more of our other fons...that is 2 say, some1 had sent a text even @ one point 2 our other fon coming from my email p.w. ..had 2 hav a tech xplain 2 me that this called spoofing. We unfortunately have far 2 littl comprehension of phones attributes 2b in such a forum let alon probabl 2 own fon smarter than us...did find the atrix setups esp the video version rather crafty,did great work on those...only a fon here & barely using its features....if n e 1 is bored n e time and has time, what is rooting and how can we know if some1 has done such a thing 2 our fon without our knowledge or consent? Not obligatd 2 answer. Sorry 4 intruding. Hav purchasd several apps and occasion 2 seek out devs various pts, mayb this how routed here? The app was discovered on the fon called HD entertainment ctr....thinking it only activ8s, or needs 2, once hooked 2 larger screen...have not found info on this. it is not somethg we may even use, just wondering...probably a forum 4 such things ptecisely, cant find 1.
Same Issue - Help Needed
My phone has the same issue as well. When I plug in my phone into my TV, all that shows is the Motorola symbol. It does not launch the entertainment center menu. Is there a way to fix or download an app to fix?
FYI, I'm not a developer. I came across this from a google search so I wouldn't know how to do any install, reboot, etc. As well, I bought this from another person who was an app developer. I'm assuming it's been rooted and I'm assuming that's why the entertainmnet center menu won't launch. Thank you in advance for your time and help!

[Q] Help-Errors, Not Normal Behavior

I have been overloaded with so much information here on XDA, I'm having a huge issue being able to follow the tons and tons of steps I've seen in the forums.
The issue I am having,
Pressing the the camera and power buttons don't bring up fastboot options
it only brings a screen with a list of tests
If I hold down the Vol.Down&power buttons, it boots with:
From here my Device Manager (Win 7) shows:
ADB Interface-
Android Sooner Single ADB Interface
I've tried to type in the commands on CMD
I get nowhere after typing in the Vendor ID: Expample:0x413c?
says not found or something like wrong command
I am at worlds end, I don't want to give up trying to flash a new rom on here.
Again I seriously am lost and I can't say I haven't Searched because I have!
My take on modding the Streak is here and a howto on using Streakmod recovery.
It sounds like the Streak has been put into native engineering mode. Does your screen look similar to the following video?
Thank you, I will read up on your links here. I hit the thanks too.
BTW I have some pictures of what I am seeing and hopefully the link will assist me greatly.
Does it matter that the Dell Streak is an Engineering Model? lol sorry if I didn't mention this before...Just found out.
It makes a huge difference. Read this thread. The TL;DR version: before bricking his unit, the user rooted the phone but could not install any ROMs.
lilrepo said:
Thank you, I will read up on your links here. I hit the thanks too.
BTW I have some pictures of what I am seeing and hopefully the link will assist me greatly.
Does it matter that the Dell Streak is an Engineering Model? lol sorry if I didn't mention this before...Just found out.
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Engineering models are in general not compatable with retail roms. If it stopped booting it might be a full brick now.
Which would be rather tragic. While I know I wouldn't be able to update an Engineering sample, I wouldn't want to anyway. I'd love to have one simply because they're scarce.
If it wasnt for the fact it was bricked and the rom nuked I would have asked for details of the pre-installed rom as eng streaks are exceedingly rare in working condition now seeing as the streak is (in phone years) very old.
Unless he finds a magic way to make it boot again it's likely completely worthless now. The amount of work to find out why it differs from retails streaks and porting a rom over would be much greater then buying another streak/phone
Well damn, I'm glad that I still have it but I Never said it was bricked.
It is fully functional with everything original from the the engineering desk with all the Dev apps!!!!
Here's the link to the pictures I took today, disregard the date and time on the main screen of the dell streak as it is wrong.
Seems I am going to be helping you guys instead lol
It's all good, XDA has been great in providing so much help with nothing back from me, so whatever I can do, let me know!
I've accidently assisted in helping brick a few eng s5's before trying to flash a retail rom on them.
Good thing you didnt go though with (or at least get far enough) bricking it
Would you be willing to dump the rom? While you cant run any custom rec on it, you could use an older root tool (or newer one if it works) and root and manually dump it.
Just like previously stated working eng s5's are really rare.
I dont recall if i have that rom, I will check later today
oh well, I was really hoping on gutting it inside out.
Don't mind dumping the rom but there has to be some way to push the file to the device and have it install automatically because there are issues with the D.S.
I'm sure you know this but this device is not a stable model, it's really sensitive and I wouldn't be surprised if it had split personalities
There are Errors!
We're talking- app errors and os errors. I got the streak like this and this is why I wanted to flash it.
I've tried installing apk's to the device and I get an error "No activity found to handle intent"?
This is on every file I try too open using the file explorer.
Either way let me know and we'll see what happens...
Wouldnt be surprised if the rom was feature incomplete. It may very well not have a complete set of frameworks/stuff since it's not ment for general use.
Does sound like the situation here....
Wonder if there's a way to even implement a fix or patch to address that issue...
If it was true it would require working on the code, which is what happened towards a release rom.
As an aside I checked and I do not have this rom either. Unless you're willing to spend years working on getting your eng s5 to work it's a waste of time.
As the retail streaks arnt even fully cracked when it comes building it from source, then multiply that by the fact eng ones are different and noone else owns one, much less would be willing to port a rom to it.
There might possibly be a simplier explanition in the rom, but without all the details it's somewhat hard to call
Like I said before, if you explain to me how to do a dump then I'm sure we can find out but I'm in no way savvy to software coding/writing...I wonder if a call to them would help? lol (if only it was that easy)
You will first need to root your device, i would recommend using one designed for 1.5/1.6 like universal androot or something for that era
slight problem, did you notice the apps in the link?
there's no Market app, I also mentioned that I get errors when trying to install from sd....
Unless there is someway to cmd or adb into it and manually push it then I'm SOL
Well they wouldnt be available on the market anyway, you would have to sideload it manually even on a normal functioning device.
if you have adb set up it's: 'adb install <path to apk>'.
Thanks for the info but unless you can spell it out for me, adb is my weekness.
I tried to look up ways to put that command in adb and have gotten no where. I'm putting this device up for sale...I'll see if it sells.

[Q] Impression i7 Tablet

I was recently shopping for a knock-around tablet and came across leaderinternationalinc dot com this little guy at Kmart. Yep, I said Kmart. When I asked the price and they told me $129, I said SOLD!.
So far it's been average in performance and had to do some trickery to get some apps installed (Android/Amazon Market, Pandora, Google Talk, etc.) and am still having some difficulty installing other apps. It seems as if they really want you to use their market and apps, some of which are okay, I guess. I got Netflix installed, but the audio/video isn't in sync and everything is a hue of blue. Might be a Flash Player issue - also which I can't seem to update.
Anyway, the bad news is I can't find a way to get in to bootloader or able to root this tab with oneclick. Hopefully they didn't lock this thing down to hard.
Additionally, since the screen is resistive, using a stylus makes it a bit easier to navigate. Worth the money so far!
I'm praying the brilliant dev brains here at XDA will purchase this one and create a simple root/rom that allows me to take this thing to the next level!
Anybody out there?
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
Sorry... Still a bit of a noob in forums. Where exactly was this moved to? Search provided no results. On a side note, did you buy one of these yet? ;—)
Sent from my i7 using XDA App
Woostyle said:
Sorry... Still a bit of a noob in forums. Where exactly was this moved to? Search provided no results. On a side note, did you buy one of these yet? ;—)
Sent from my i7 using XDA App
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He's a mod and he already moved it to the correct forum.
Sent from my i7 using XDA App
i need link too same as my issue ?? Sent from my i7 using XDA App
??????? please give me link
We're heeeerrrree
Looks like it's the same, but in a new place.
We're heeerreeee basit....
Were you able to get the standard Market installed on it? I was able to get it along with Pandora, Google Voice and a couple others (Netflix not working well) with a little trickery. Still can't get Google Talk and a few other things like an updated Flash.
If I can get a plain vanilla Froyo on this I would give this cheap little tab a solid B.
I know this doesn't have anything to do with my original [Q], but I thought I would share anyway...
I contacted Impression about another AC adapter... 1 isn't enough...
After I registered my device, they shipped me another for free!
Any devs out there for this one?
just return it and get another one, a tablet thats $129 is probably not going to be great at that price.. other than the time hp touchpads were $99
Yeah, it's not the snappiest device I've owned, but makes a great desk-side companion. Mainly use it for Pandora, Weather, IM and a few other things...I'm generally still happy with it although I know it won't replace my primary device. Having the (free) second AC adapter is nice so I don't have to carry that back and forth. 2 hours of streaming music kills the battery dead.
Stay plugged in with this one.
Still hoping, praying that a dev picks one of these up...
Theonew said:
He's a mod and he already moved it to the correct forum.
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I don't see a mod link. Any help? I just want market. Thanks.
skank_boy said:
I don't see a mod link.
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Mod link? His post is the 2nd post and as I said, he already moved it to Android Q&A: http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1236.
You can install the Android Market without any funny business. Just download the apk and install. Still think this device can perform much better if it just had vanilla froyo... Hope someone cracks it.
Sent from my Droid Incredible using XDA App
I have an i7 and I got it rooted, what factory installed .apk's are safe to remove? I prefer my own music/movie players etc....
Thanks in advance
What did you use to root? Superoneclick didn't work for me the last time I tried... Did it unlock the bootloader?
Sent from my Droid Incredible using XDA App
Woostyle said:
What did you use to root? Superoneclick didn't work for me the last time I tried... Did it unlock the bootloader?
Sent from my Droid Incredible using XDA App
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I used super1click, the newest version. It didnt work the first few times, i ended up doing shell root first, then was able to achieve root as normal. It did seem to take a while.
Edit: I just rooted a 2nd i7.... had the same trouble with it just hanging during root. When it hangs, quickly unplug the usb the replug it in. Once it detects usb debugging again it will root properly and pass the verification at the end.
Hope that helps
sactownsav said:
I used super1click, the newest version. It didnt work the first few times, i ended up doing shell root first, then was able to achieve root as normal. It did seem to take a while.
Edit: I just rooted a 2nd i7.... had the same trouble with it just hanging during root. When it hangs, quickly unplug the usb the replug it in. Once it detects usb debugging again it will root properly and pass the verification at the end.
Hope that helps
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Just attempted rooting it myself with Superoneclick.
Did shell root first and that went fine. Attempted normal root right after and it hung right at the end when it said the device was rooted and would restart. Unplugged and replugged the usb quickly and then it rebooted.
My i7 was definitely not rooted when it rebooted. Not sure what went wrong. Attempted it numerous times with the same result sadly. Did it hang right at the end for you or at a different point during the root?
sactownsav said:
I used super1click, the newest version. It didnt work the first few times, i ended up doing shell root first, then was able to achieve root as normal. It did seem to take a while.
Edit: I just rooted a 2nd i7.... had the same trouble with it just hanging during root. When it hangs, quickly unplug the usb the replug it in. Once it detects usb debugging again it will root properly and pass the verification at the end.
Hope that helps
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Can you detail the process that worked for you? soon as I click root it goes to not responding??????
dustomcgee said:
Just attempted rooting it myself with Superoneclick.
Did shell root first and that went fine. Attempted normal root right after and it hung right at the end when it said the device was rooted and would restart. Unplugged and replugged the usb quickly and then it rebooted.
My i7 was definitely not rooted when it rebooted. Not sure what went wrong. Attempted it numerous times with the same result sadly. Did it hang right at the end for you or at a different point during the root?
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When it hangs at the end it never worked for me. Id suggest trying the different methods to root instead of auto....i just pretty much tried everything until i goot root to stick...if it hangs during root steps thats when to unplug and replug.
Sorry i dont have a more speific solution, but i did get two rooted like this
Oh and obviously double check usb debugging is enabled
Sent from my A500 using xda premium
Alright. Thanks for replying. Assumed if it was hanging at the end then it wouldn't work. Just wanted a confirmation on it.

[Q] Anyone Offer A ROM Flashing Service On The XDA?

Curious for those of us without the proper tools or the know how to do this properly. This works for the Note but can also work for any other device.
Just study up. Read the instructions. Visit the general section and read. Flashing is easy. Best to just learn. Watch some YouTube videos. Be careful. Have fun.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
NightHawkUndead said:
Just study up. Read the instructions. Visit the general section and read. Flashing is easy.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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You missed the part in the OP about not having the proper tools. No amount of reading or studying or preparing can help when the tool is made for Windows and you're running a Mac (or no computer at all).
OP -- I'm sure there's plenty of people on here who do (or would help you with) flashing ROMs but a lot of that is going to depend on where you live. Best bet: Craigslist and see if you can find someone in the Cell Phones section who does that. Denver (yes... where I am) has a ton of shops that will flash custom ROMs for you - but of course they want you to pay for the privilege.
However - I would really recommend finding someone local and trustworthy. Don't EVER send someone your device, because let's be honest - you'll most likely never see it again unless you're sending it to a real business.
bmstrong said:
Curious for those of us without the proper tools or the know how to do this properly. This works for the Note but can also work for any other device.
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First....start off at YouTube, and watch people root the Nexus One over ADB. You'll learn a few tricks...but most importantly, you'll learn your way around the device manager and the command prompt in windows. While it may seem daunting at first...there are only a few commands you'll need to learn.
That solves the problem you'd have with rooting and installing Clockwork Mod (the basis for flashing any new ROMs.
Lastly...if you can find a valid windows installation (or you can even use a 90 day trial version of windows 7 enterprise) you'll want to install boot camp on your Mac...which allows you to run windows on your Mac. Easily.
By no means am I an android powerhouse, but I do work in IT and am handy with a device manager, various hosts, and windows and Mac.
The next best option would be to offer someone here 10-20 bucks to show you over Skype, or do it for you using go to meeting.
Remember 1 thing. Its actually hard to brick a device if you do a few things.
Only flash RC or final versions of ROMs. In general. These have been THOUROUGHLY tested. The more feedback for a ROM the better. Learn to search threads here frequently.
Don't go about customizing the software by flashing mods (until your more comfortable). Android provides a perfect host system for providing customization via the Play store. Widgets...toggles...backgrounds. Notification tweaks, and almost everything else you'll need can be found on the play store and easily uninstalled.
Lastly...always keep a backup of you're system
via Nandroid, and keep a backup of your apps with Titanium backup.
If you have any more questions....feel free to ask them here or PM me.
You can start by researching "how to do a Nandroid" and "what is clockwork recovery mod" in your favorite search engine.
If you think you can follow the simple steps of performing a Nandroid and you can find your way around Clockwork Recovery Mod....there really isn't much to worry about.
Bricking your device can usually be fixed in the case of a soft brick or boot loop. The real bricking usually happens when you flash software meant for another device, or don't follow instructions.
Once you've flashed your first ROM...you'll find that the process is remarkably similar for all mods ROMs and other packages.
Appreciate the replies. The largest problem I have is the computer itself. I have whole rooms of computers sitting across the street at KSU. Not a problem to use and my pick of OS. The problem lies in they are public and get wiped on shutdown. So no backup. Thoughts?
I've done updates across various Mobiles for years like that.
bmstrong said:
Appreciate the replies. The largest problem I have is the computer itself. I have whole rooms of computers sitting across the street at KSU. Not a problem to use and my pick of OS. The problem lies in they are public and get wiped on shutdown. So no backup. Thoughts?
I've done updates across various Mobiles for years like that.
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Honestly - Once you get CWM setup on the phone there's very little if any need for a computer. I'm not sure what you mean by "backup" but since you're talking about public computers - let's just run through this scenario:
Go across the street and install CWM. Now, let's say a few days later a new ROM comes out. Woohoo! Assuming you've already flashed CWM, all you need to do is shutdown your phone, backup it up in recovery. This saves to your external SD. Reboot. Download new ROM save to internal SD. Shutdown, pull external SD, boot to recovery, flash away.
If you're worried about it - buy a USB external drive and use the university computer to copy the contents of your external SD across to the hard drive every one in a while.
netsyd said:
Honestly - Once you get CWM setup on the phone there's very little if any need for a computer. I'm not sure what you mean by "backup" but since you're talking about public computers - let's just run through this scenario:
Go across the street and install CWM. Now, let's say a few days later a new ROM comes out. Woohoo! Assuming you've already flashed CWM, all you need to do is shutdown your phone, backup it up in recovery. This saves to your external SD. Reboot. Download new ROM save to internal SD. Shutdown, pull external SD, boot to recovery, flash away.
If you're worried about it - buy a USB external drive and use the university computer to copy the contents of your external SD across to the hard drive every one in a while.
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Now that sounds like a plan. Hmmm. Maybe I can do this myself. Now I need to find a stock stable ICS with NFC enabled. Even better would be one to take advantage of the radio hidden by AT&T. It would be nice to have the option to pop and flop.
Exactly. Once the initial root and new recovery menu is done then you are set. Between a CWM nandroid, Titanium Backup, MybackupPro, and even Appsaver your only real limitation is set by how large your external sdcard is.
You can even use online storage sites like Minus, Google Drive, Drop Box etc to host all of the files so that you can access them anywhere.
Hmmm. What's the closest stock ICS out there right now, if I may?
I am running Flapjaxx Unofficial ICS and it is super smooth. I plan on switching to his latest though once it is finished downloading.
netsyd said:
Honestly - Once you get CWM setup on the phone there's very little if any need for a computer. I'm not sure what you mean by "backup" but since you're talking about public computers - let's just run through this scenario:
Go across the street and install CWM. Now, let's say a few days later a new ROM comes out. Woohoo! Assuming you've already flashed CWM, all you need to do is shutdown your phone, backup it up in recovery. This saves to your external SD. Reboot. Download new ROM save to internal SD. Shutdown, pull external SD, boot to recovery, flash away.
If you're worried about it - buy a USB external drive and use the university computer to copy the contents of your external SD across to the hard drive every one in a while.
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+1 on any Flappjaxxx ROM btw. So you pull your external sd? Have you ever had an issue or is it just a precaution?
Sent from Galaxy Note
bmstrong said:
Appreciate the replies. The largest problem I have is the computer itself. I have whole rooms of computers sitting across the street at KSU. Not a problem to use and my pick of OS. The problem lies in they are public and get wiped on shutdown. So no backup. Thoughts?
I've done updates across various Mobiles for years like that.
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I wonder if it would help you to back up on google drive? Ive never tried it or anything but it could possibly give you some cloud space. Maybe a good option?
Yayodroid said:
I wonder if it would help you to back up on google drive? Ive never tried it or anything but it could possibly give you some cloud space. Maybe a good option?
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Yeah. I use both Drive and Dropbox, so no worries. The larger question I have is why do I need to back some of this stuff up? I've never been a big application guy. This Note has 4? Maybe 5 apps on it, aside from the stock Google services. SMS/MMS get deleted instantly or saved into the Cloud. And email moved with my Gmail account and that gets barfed back into each Mobile I use very easily.
Titanium backup seems like a pain in the ass. All I'm after is a clean stock ICS build, a way to shut off the hard keys and replace them with soft buttons, and that MHL works. Turning this Note into a portable LTE MHL Chromebox with a fantastic screen. The option to flop and plop would be nice...
you dont have to back up, but personally i would like to have my own personal backup of stock. of course there are stock odins around here. but in your situation it might be more handy on the cloud to access anytime. you might want to use the back up to flash back to for when they release ics over the air.
Service makes some sense
If you've read many of the questions that some poeple ask on these forums, it really makes me think that certain people really shouldn't be trying some of these things themselves. Most of us have no problem reading and understanding rudimentary steps to get us going, but some people come in with little to no foundation in these matters; what we're saying really is Greek to them. I feel bad, but for these people, I encourage them to seek out someone that knows, at least on a basic level, what they are doing.
I've written looooong, detailed tutorials for people and I'm glad to do it. But sometimes even after that, I get the feeling that these people will still end up messing their phones up. I've been proven right on at least two occasion and I can't help but feel bad... So maybe a pool of people in each area capable and willing to do these kinds of things might make sense. Haven't thought through how that would work, but maybe. Hmmm...
bmstrong said:
Hmmm. What's the closest stock ICS out there right now, if I may?
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Im using team perfections ics ucle2 objection with rc1 its great as well as fj's
sent from team perfections ics rom
Extremely interesting process and results. I still have a host of questions, why certain things are done in a certain order, what exactly some of the things do that I did, and why when I did not make a back up of anything, it said specifically that it failed, some of my apps and vids are still here in the new FJ ROM. Just a fasincinating first time experience from someone who has always used stock Nexi. The ROM isn't really my taste, I hate Apex and there is bloat apps in it. But!
I feel like the old Quantum Leap show...
You can debloat with tibu. Also, you can use any launcher you want.
Sent from Galaxy Note

