App Connectivity Problem! like WebSharing, RemoteSMS. - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i cant get my apps like WebSharing, RemoteSMS, Remote Notifier to work. My phone says the service is running but i cannot connect to the address on my browser.
But the site works on my phone if i go to the address on my phone. So somehow i cant access the ip that goes to my phone. I can see my phone on my router page, but i cannot ping it.
Im using HTC HD2 with mattc's nexusleo 1.1
does anyone have any solution!?!?


[Q] HTC hero wifi

hi there. i bought a 2nd hand htc hero yesterday and it is rooted. i can connect to the wifi but once i start browsing, i cant browse, webpage unavailable. when i try market. sometimes i connect sometimes i cant. but most of the time i cant.. i access the 4636 and saw
ping ippdr: unknown "sometimes unreachable"
ping hostname( unknown
http client test: unknown "sometimes IOException"
im on rom fusion. what should i do? should i flash other radio?
can anyone help me? i cant get my hero wifi to work. i can connect to the wifi but i cant send dat over the internet
Try resetting your router and try again.
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
i tried other wifi spots but still i got same results.. what seems to be the problem? do u think its hardware issues? i can detect all the wifi connections available but once i got connected, i cant browse or use the market. is it hardware?
also to add to the problem, i tried the bluetooth, i cant receive files but i can send files to others..
i think best way is to flash another ROM .. Wipe everything before you flash & see it it works otherwise flash Radio if you not having latest one Radio for Hero GSM Then i think VillainROM Guys are having you can check their forums ..and try that
i think i have issues with my wifi at home.. because when i try public wifi's i can connect to some but i also cant to some free wifi. which is weird. i have a wildfire before and this was not an issue for me
Last year I had a similar problem that I fixed by assigning my hero a static ip address. For some reason dhcp did not work.
Strangely enough I don't have that problem anymore.
Back then I had stock 1.5 OS. Now I have every ROM. Well, you know what I mean.
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
saj222 said:
Last year I had a similar problem that I fixed by assigning my hero a static ip address. For some reason dhcp did not work.
Strangely enough I don't have that problem anymore.
Back then I had stock 1.5 OS. Now I have every ROM. Well, you know what I mean.
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
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i tried doing that but still i get connected, the router gives me an ip but when i start browsing, the wifi drops then reconnects, i dunno what to do anymore its really frustrating
asalus said:
i tried doing that but still i get connected, the router gives me an ip but when i start browsing, the wifi drops then reconnects, i dunno what to do anymore its really frustrating
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This could very well be an issue with your router firmware. Some routers are just plain ****ty.
Can you maintain a connection without any encryption (WEP,WPA,WPA2,etc)?

[Q] Remote Router Access

I've got my home router (Linksys WRT160Nv2) set up for Remote Management So I can access it through the internet. I found however that I cant access it through any of the android browsers and I cant figure out why. The security cert pops up and I accept it, takes me to the login page, put in my info but the login box just pops back up. Is there something in the browser stopping it from working because it works from other computers.
Yeah happened to me. On axuras rom. I had to unlock the security to get wifi.
I got it good on jk6. Working great.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

[Solved] Gtab android tethering

Hey guys, been away on holidays for about a week, while our little family was away i planned on using my gtab to access facebook and some of the facebook apps i use (and no im not playing mafia wars ). I was not able to do this, ill explain and hope someone may be able to help me sort this out for next time.
To start with i tethered my gtab to my android phone, this worked great for internet access, it wasn't till i tried to access facebook on my gtab as per normal that i ran into trouble.
Now to point out i run facebook normally on my gtab using my home wireless network ok. But as i was using my phone to tether and provide internet access to the gtab, it didnt work out as i planned.
Instead facebook would not load on my gtab, it simply would not fully load, so i tried using the facebook mobile app, this worked the first time i used it while being tethered to my android phone, but it meant i was not able to access other facebook apps, as they r not available in the facebook mobile version, also to top it off, the mobile version only worked once, and would not fully load again from that point on.
Now lucky for me, my wife brought her win7 laptop along on our holiday, so i was able to tether her laptop with my android phone, and to make it more interesting, i was fully able to access facebook and the apps i needed through her windows based laptop.
So what i took from this was as long as my gtab is tethered to a mobile phone for internet access, it acted like a mobile phone and required the use of the facebook mobile phone version instead of the full browser based version.
I need to be able to use the full browser version of facebook to be able to use other apps provided by facebook, so im hoping someone knows how i can configure either my phone or the gtab so i can overcome this issue, any help please ?
What app are you using to tether? Is it the standard 3g hotspots or are you rooted and running something else?
have you changed the user agent to desktop on your Gtab? if not go to settings of your browser and do so.
Thanks guys for the replies.
Im using the default phones tether option under
wireless & networks.
Tethering & portable hotspots
portable wifi hotspot
Ive also tried to find this desktop setting in the browser, but i must be blind, i cant see it anywhere. Im using the default browser that cames with Vegantab 5.1.1
"about:debug" in the browser url window. Settings and scroll to the very bottom. You have to set it every time you reboot
Thanks guys for pointing me in the right direction, once i knew about the desktop setting for the browser, i was able to do a bit of reseach and found out that you can set this permanently in Dolphin HD. So thanks to you guys im now able to do what i need to, thanks heaps.

Authentication via the proxy server was not successful

Thought I'd post this in case it helps someone else out...
Did the HC update last night and all appeared to go fine. However, I was not able to access the Internet or any app that uses it, such as the Market. I got my e-mail, so I was obviously connecting to the Wi-Fi signal at home and work, but when trying to go to the 'Net I got the above message.
I got a question from a user on another forum asking if I had ever used PDANet to tether my Flyer to a phone. Why, yes I have. *Light bulb moment*
I went into PDAnet on my Flyer and cleared the proxy setting. Voila! Instant Internet access! I haven't used this program in months and totally forgot it had proxy settings. Before the HC update it hadn't affected my 'Net access at all.

Question with WiFi hotspot

hi, I have a weird question. I currently have ATT DSL service at home. I am curious is there anyway that I can use my existing free WiFi account from my DSL with my phone or tablets?
Do you mean connect to your home wifi with your phone?
That's easy, just turn on wifi in Settings and connect to your home network.
oh no, what i mean is if I am on the go, I will e able to get WiFi access on these mobile hotspots using my existing DSL account. I konw that with ATT DSL, they provide us free WiFi access on our laptops. I am curious if that can also be used on my mobile device like phone and tablets.
The reaons I ask is because I do not currently have any data plan on my phone so I cannot use any of the phone's hotspot feature. So I am thinking if I can just use DSL accoutn for WiFi so I can still access the net via my phone or tablet as oppose to laptops.
I think I know what you mean now.
If you sign in through the browser on a laptop then you can probably do the same thing with your phone browser.
If they try to block mobile devices you might have to use desktop mode in your browser.
Sent from my Clean ROM DE 1.4 Rezound
thank you for the reply. Mmh, I do not think that it works as it will not display the log in screen. I will try the desktop version to see if it works.
anyone has tries this?
When I connect to a wifi network that requires web page login, as soon as I connect, it tells me I have to login and you can tap it and it will take you to the web page.

