[Q] Remote Router Access - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've got my home router (Linksys WRT160Nv2) set up for Remote Management So I can access it through the internet. I found however that I cant access it through any of the android browsers and I cant figure out why. The security cert pops up and I accept it, takes me to the login page, put in my info but the login box just pops back up. Is there something in the browser stopping it from working because it works from other computers.

Yeah happened to me. On axuras rom. I had to unlock the security to get wifi.
I got it good on jk6. Working great.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App


App Connectivity Problem! like WebSharing, RemoteSMS.

i cant get my apps like WebSharing, RemoteSMS, Remote Notifier to work. My phone says the service is running but i cannot connect to the address on my browser.
But the site works on my phone if i go to the address on my phone. So somehow i cant access the ip that goes to my phone. I can see my phone on my router page, but i cannot ping it.
Im using HTC HD2 with mattc's nexusleo 1.1
does anyone have any solution!?!?

[Solved] Gtab android tethering

Hey guys, been away on holidays for about a week, while our little family was away i planned on using my gtab to access facebook and some of the facebook apps i use (and no im not playing mafia wars ). I was not able to do this, ill explain and hope someone may be able to help me sort this out for next time.
To start with i tethered my gtab to my android phone, this worked great for internet access, it wasn't till i tried to access facebook on my gtab as per normal that i ran into trouble.
Now to point out i run facebook normally on my gtab using my home wireless network ok. But as i was using my phone to tether and provide internet access to the gtab, it didnt work out as i planned.
Instead facebook would not load on my gtab, it simply would not fully load, so i tried using the facebook mobile app, this worked the first time i used it while being tethered to my android phone, but it meant i was not able to access other facebook apps, as they r not available in the facebook mobile version, also to top it off, the mobile version only worked once, and would not fully load again from that point on.
Now lucky for me, my wife brought her win7 laptop along on our holiday, so i was able to tether her laptop with my android phone, and to make it more interesting, i was fully able to access facebook and the apps i needed through her windows based laptop.
So what i took from this was as long as my gtab is tethered to a mobile phone for internet access, it acted like a mobile phone and required the use of the facebook mobile phone version instead of the full browser based version.
I need to be able to use the full browser version of facebook to be able to use other apps provided by facebook, so im hoping someone knows how i can configure either my phone or the gtab so i can overcome this issue, any help please ?
What app are you using to tether? Is it the standard 3g hotspots or are you rooted and running something else?
have you changed the user agent to desktop on your Gtab? if not go to settings of your browser and do so.
Thanks guys for the replies.
Im using the default phones tether option under
wireless & networks.
Tethering & portable hotspots
portable wifi hotspot
Ive also tried to find this desktop setting in the browser, but i must be blind, i cant see it anywhere. Im using the default browser that cames with Vegantab 5.1.1
"about:debug" in the browser url window. Settings and scroll to the very bottom. You have to set it every time you reboot
Thanks guys for pointing me in the right direction, once i knew about the desktop setting for the browser, i was able to do a bit of reseach and found out that you can set this permanently in Dolphin HD. So thanks to you guys im now able to do what i need to, thanks heaps.

WiFi issue - it isn't working

I have problem with my P500.
I connected to my wifi router without any problem, but internet doesn't work for me.
Facebook aplication works fine - i can share posts and talk with friends, but when i want login to Android Market or enter to webpage - is't not working.
Wake up.
The issue is still disturbing me...
I can open 1, 2 or 3 pages, but no more. It's still loading, and loading... In this time youtube/android market/messenger works fine...
what rom and kernel? is this an issue with your rom? maybe u need to configure something under wireless&networks (I've seen people having issues like this because of there access point name)
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
Rom: default, 2.2.1. kernel
I set manually IP etc. but no effect.
Try changing the channel on the router
Yay, i don't know pass and username to my Edimax EW7206APg. Now it's set on 11.
Wifi on PC and notebook works fine.
OMG, this is the basic thing. You should know this...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
wow it didn't work because you didn't put your password in, ask your network administrator (or am guessing one of your parents) for it. also sometimes they are left on the router themselves I know Virgin UK leaves the password for there routers on the router itself
its usally username - admin, password - admin
or username - admin, password - password
try these....
im having troouble with dolphin hd and it always says unable to load page...but dolphin mini works fine....

[Q] Need help getting past web login

Okay. So it seems like this has been asked before but nobody was sure of how to do it.
At work I can connect to a open wireless network, however there is a web login required to get connected to wifi. I have a company login/password for this but was wondering how to get past the login webpage. I've tried all the setup and options in settings > wireless. I am forced to go to a Cisco login screen and enter my username/password every time. This is a problem because every once and a while I go into a area where the building has no wifi signal and am forced to enter my credentials over and over.
A app that manages networks, or anything would be better than entering my login/password about 10 times a day. Thanks in advance wise XDA masses!

[Q] Getting web authenticated wifi to stick without reauthenticating

Howdy all. I have a wifi at home which works with web authentication i.e. you connect your phone to wifi and on opening a browser, it redirects you to an authentication site wherein upon entering your username and password, you get connected. The authentication page requires you to keep the tab open and work with another tab, otherwise you lose the connection. When working on a PC, it works like a charm. I keep the tab open and wifi sticks for long even when you're not active. But on a smartphone (I have a Galaxy S3 here), it's a living hell trying to keep it stay connected. I've tried keeping the browser app resident in memory, created a tasker script to browse the URL and reconnect on certain intervals which honestly is too tedious and needs a better solution, used wifi web login apps which don't work to my satisfaction i.e. don't connect just when connection is lost; but in all these cases, the connection just seems to disconnect making me reconnect time and again :/. I would be utterly grateful to anybody who could suggest a solution for me for this as this is seriously making me lose my sleep.
ubz91 said:
Howdy all. I have a wifi at home which works with web authentication i.e. you connect your phone to wifi and on opening a browser, it redirects you to an authentication site wherein upon entering your username and password, you get connected. The authentication page requires you to keep the tab open and work with another tab, otherwise you lose the connection. When working on a PC, it works like a charm. I keep the tab open and wifi sticks for long even when you're not active. But on a smartphone (I have a Galaxy S3 here), it's a living hell trying to keep it stay connected. I've tried keeping the browser app resident in memory, created a tasker script to browse the URL and reconnect on certain intervals which honestly is too tedious and needs a better solution, used wifi web login apps which don't work to my satisfaction i.e. don't connect just when connection is lost; but in all these cases, the connection just seems to disconnect making me reconnect time and again :/. I would be utterly grateful to anybody who could suggest a solution for me for this as this is seriously making me lose my sleep.
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what is the reason you don't want to use wpa2 for a home network?
mjz2cool said:
what is the reason you don't want to use wpa2 for a home network?
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Dunno much about wifi security protocols but this is as my ISP provided. I've tried modifying the router protocols but nothing seem to make the web authentication go away.
ubz91 said:
Dunno much about wifi security protocols but this is as my ISP provided. I've tried modifying the router protocols but nothing seem to make the web authentication go away.
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ah, ok, what kind of router is it?
mjz2cool said:
ah, ok, what kind of router is it?
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A Motorola SBG901 wireless router.
ubz91 said:
A Motorola SBG901 wireless router.
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is there any security settings tab? or maybe it's under the wireless settings tab
mjz2cool said:
is there any security settings tab? or maybe it's under the wireless settings tab
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Nope, even setting security protocol to open shows the auth page. Might have to find a different solution for this.
ubz91 said:
Nope, even setting security protocol to open shows the auth page. Might have to find a different solution for this.
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it could be the provider is forcing it, have you tried another router? normally, the web authentication is a proxy, so that could be the modem, or at the provider's end
mjz2cool said:
it could be the provider is forcing it, have you tried another router? normally, the web authentication is a proxy, so that could be the modem, or at the provider's end
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Don't think the router has anything to do with this. Only the provider URL loads in the browser for authentication. So yeah, would know if it had something to do with the router.

