registry path to one special setting - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hey mates,
i havent got always a data plan for my phone.
so normally, the mobile internet is disabled.
i do that with the following setting:
WinMo Settings - Connections - Connections - More - Choose Networks
-> programs with automatical internet access use "firmennetzwerk"
as you know, this is wireless lan.
when i change it to "E-Plus Internet", my device of course makes a data connection.
i dont use the data connection very often, so its mostly disabled. but when i wanna use it, i've always to do what is mentioned above
i guess there must be a registry value, which changes it from "Firmennetzwerk" to "E-Plus Internet" and vise versa.
can anyone say me, which one it is?
so i could make a little programm, to enable/disable it.
i tried many programms with data on/off options, but non of them really disabled it.
any other advice?

DN41 said:
WinMo Settings - Connections - Connections - More - Choose Networks
-> programs with automatical internet access use "firmennetzwerk"
as you know, this is wireless lan.
when i change it to "E-Plus Internet", my device of course makes a data connection.
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you dont need to swap them, if you can manage to get the mobile connection disabled, it will automatically switch to using wifi so long as wifi is connected.
I use THIS. I dont use teh auto data disconnect feature of it, but the on off toggles work flawlessly for me. Flick my 'mobile web' (my default data connection) to off, and it stays off no matter what tries to connect. When i am connected to wifi, everything routes through that unless i turn the data switch back on.

you could try finding if and where the registry is changed using Kheb,
also (and pardon me, if I misunderstood your problem) why switch networks in such a tedious way?
it seems much easier to either
- enable networks (Wi-Fi or cellular) directly in the settings / comm manager
- or use quicklink switches like HD2connections?
so there's no need to dive into settings then...

i'll give it a try.
for example with "nodata (modaco)", i could disable the data connection by pressing the button..but surprisingly, it only disconnected it....when the next program wanted a connection, it was just there you understand?

i think you missunderstood it
i wanna enable it sometimes to update my facebookstatus ( is free for e-plus user), of course i only do it when i sit in a bus or something like home i use wifi instead..
things like hd2connections didnt work for me..
maybe kheb could be the solution.

DN41 said:
i'll give it a try.
for example with "nodata (modaco)", i could disable the data connection by pressing the button..but surprisingly, it only disconnected it....when the next program wanted a connection, it was just there you understand?
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I understand, and yea, many of the data apps dont always work as expected, but the toggle in that app seems to work for me. (The timed disconnection is a little ropey, as with all apps, but the toggle works)

i'll test it. if it works for me like for you, its fine
if not, i'll make my one "program".

it seems that the toggle simply switches THIS key 1 or 0
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{long hex number, yours wont match mine)}\Connections\NAME OF YOUR DATA ACCOUNT\Enabled

you're always a help, samsamuel

heh, i dont like to not know stuff, cant move on till ive looked it up and tested it. Thank you ceregistryeditor compare!

DN41 said:
things like hd2connections didnt work for me..
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why not? what I like in hd2connections is ease of usage - two quicklinks on homescreen ("Wi-Fi on/off" and "Data on/off"), when in need of internet switch on the preferred one, switch it off afterwards -> quick/selective and does not eat battery

because it does not block the data connection.
if a program has to download something, the data connection is made.
thats what i dont want.

Bsb tweaks? I used to use that to block the data connection then enable it when I wanted a quick surf


Anyway to disable data conn on phone?

I leave data conenction off, but somehow I'm still using data from time to time. I don't have an unlimted data plan and so any usage is to much. I'm running dcd 2.3.2 vzw. I'd rather not disable data via VZW network in case I need data but normally would never use it.
Anything I can do to disable data connection on phone to stop completely any data being pulled OTA and be able to enable when/if I need it?
I use my wifi so I'd still want that to work, but this shouldn't be affecting my data connection, right?
Thanks everyone in advance?
mc6800 said:
I leave data conenction off, but somehow I'm still using data from time to time. I don't have an unlimted data plan and so any usage is to much. I'm running dcd 2.3.2 vzw. I'd rather not disable data via VZW network in case I need data but normally would never use it.
Anything I can do to disable data connection on phone to stop completely any data being pulled OTA and be able to enable when/if I need it?
I use my wifi so I'd still want that to work, but this shouldn't be affecting my data connection, right?
Thanks everyone in advance?
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What I did was go to settings, connections, connections, manage existing connections, data network, select data network, then edit, Next, delete #777 and then enter 1 then hit next, and finish.
From then on it will show you the login screen but cannot connect.
Hey man, I had this VERY issue with my xv6800.... You have 2 options.... You can call every month and ***** that the phone automatically connect and uses data by itself, which it does.... or you could delete your data connection setup but this will disable your MMS.... There is nothing on their end they can do.... I went thru this just like you are... SUCKS.... I ended up getting the unlimited data plan because: A) it allows me to game at work, Corp network is firewalled for the ports I need... B) FTP ports are also firewalled so I use the phones data.... works excellent.... I had to have them take 111 bucks off my bill the 1st month because the phone used 6.7 megs in 2 weeks by itself, then I got the 24 dollar 10 meg data plan, but when it went to 10 megs and I still had 2 weeks left to go, I called and had them add the unlimited plan..... My bill would have been 1400 bucks without the unlimited plan..... So now I USE THE CRAP out of the data side..... screw em......
You could also call VZW and ask them to put a DATA BLOCK on your account so that no matter what your phone will not be able to use data.
I deleted the data password (vzw) on my phone so whenever it tries to connect it asks for the password. I also changed the default "for programs that connect to the internet" to use work network instead of the data connection and then setup my mms to use the data connection to pull pictures from. I only use the data side for mms and wifi for everything else.
Cool - knew I wasn't the only one with this issue.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll see about getting vzw to credit me and I'll turn off the connection by changing the #777 or password.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
You can disable your connection in the registry. On the flip side I set mine to "Always on" in the registry.
Try this
I use an app called "NODATA" you open the app, select your "CDMA1X" or what ever and toggle it off. you can toggle it on when you need it by opening the app and selecting it. I don't have the link but I found it here. So you shouldn't have any trouble.
Sirhcchris said:
I use an app called "NODATA" you open the app, select your "CDMA1X" or what ever and toggle it off. you can toggle it on when you need it by opening the app and selecting it. I don't have the link but I found it here. So you shouldn't have any trouble.
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I've been using that program for a year now it's easy to use no need to keep entering ur password with the #777 method or having to edit ur registry everytime u want to go online... I live on US canada border and roaming charges were killing me first 2 months I had this phbone because it would bounce back and forth between verizon and telus... this proggie saved me tons of cash and hassles with telus... well worth the download
Completely disable 3g data connections forever, save wifi
This is my first contribution to xda-forums! I'm glad I can help at all when I've benefitted so much... Thanks to all!
NOTE: After the following steps, Modaco's Nodata doesn't even register that a data connection exists! For this reason, if you occasionally use 3g, you probably will want to use Nodata, and NOT the following solution. You just might have to open Nodata and disable the data connection every time you soft-reset.
I was finally able to completely 100% block the 3g data connection on my Verizon XV6800 (aka Mogul aka Titan) was the following three steps:
1. The key culprit is HTC_CM_Guardian.exe in the windows directory. I couldn't edit it or delete it via Total Commander file explorer, but I was able to rename it! This makes the OS unable to find the program when it tries to re-set the Data connection settings.
2. Under Settings > Connections > Connections > Advanced > "Select which networks are automatically used," hit "Select Networks."
3. Under "Programs that automatically connect to the Internet should connect using:" hit "New...".
4. Enter any name you want (mine's "nodata!") and leave all the other settings blank.
5. To be safe, you may have to delete the Verizon Or "Internet" Connection on the Tasks Tab of Settings > Connections > Connections. Save and exit.
Voila! Wifi, yes; 3g, no! No more nasty billing surprises.
Modaco's Nodata program is awesome, but the problem was that HTC_CM_Guardian.exe re-enabled the data connection every time I reset the phone. Plus, HTC_CM_Guardian.exe would also thwart any effort to block data via the "Connection Settings." By renaming HTC_CM_Guardian.exe and creating a "nodata!" connection that programs auto-connecting to the internet would try to use (and fail), we get three results:
1. Modaco's Nodata doesn't even register that a data connection exists! For this reason, if you occasionally use 3g, you probably won't to use this solution.
2. When you reboot, the OS is unable to mess-up your "Connection Settings", so
3. Unless you have an active wifi connection, programs will try to connect to the Internet using the "nodata!" settings, which, being empty, will fail, exactly as planned.
Hope it helps.

How to disable data from auto-connecting?!

I've been using DCD 3.0.1 for a bit now, it's the only custom ROM this phone has seen, and I use TomTom Navigator 6 for trips, it works great! However, anytime I try to use TomTom Navigator 6, something in my phone tries to connect to #777 (data), then, because I don't have a data plan, it comes at me with a 'cannot connect for an unknown reason' bubble, which disables TomTom and freezes it in the background.. the bubble doesn't go away on it's own and I get this annoying 'cannot connect for an unknown reason' bubble at least 15 times per minute.
Anyone know how I can fully disable (not permanently) the phone from attempting to connect to the wireless data network?
I disabled the DATA connection (not wifi) on my HTC P4000 by modifying the registry. Look here:
Looks great! How do I access the registry on this phone?
EDIT: Downloaded an app, done.. seems to be working well, thanks!
slimcode said:
I disabled the DATA connection (not wifi) on my HTC P4000 by modifying the registry. Look here:
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Hmmm, I didn't have that CDMA1X key, but that may be because I had already gone into into the Advanced Settings under Connections, edited my provider's internet connection, deleted its entry under Modem, and then deselected its connection to the internet under Proxy Settings.
If lacking a registry editor, that also disables automatic network connectivity.
Software App
Try NoData - This utility allows you to toggle the data connection when needed. However, it resets itself to "enabled" on a soft reset.
This might be a little too much but hey it works.
What I did was to go into the EPST settings by dialing ##778 ( Verizon -- Sprint or other might use a diffrent one )
and went into the modem settings and changed the Preferred mode to CDMA only.
This will kill all data connections and leave your normal voice / sms connection intact.
Once again this might be too much. ( I don't use the data connection that much / pure WiFi)
But if you want to disable wireless data on TOM TOM
go to the Main Menu -- Tom Tom PLUS Services -- and once your in this menu you will see an option to Disable or Enable Wireless Data.
Just disable it and you should be good.

HOW TO DISABLE THE "Data connection automatic" in Athena

I have a issue here.
Whenever I open my athena, it always connect to Data connection automatically ( I am using T-mobile). Even if I try to turn it off, but asap after that it try to connect the data.
(i had the same problem with Kaiser. I could not turn on TOMTOM7 only until I try to turn of Data connection, then asap turn on TT7 it would work).
But actually I only use the phone's calling function.
I don't care about other services from T-mobile, especially I don't know the useness of Data connection in my phone.
So, could u tell me the way to turn it of and only turn on when need.
Probably the best way is to go to Start > Settings > Connections tab > Connections icon > Advanced tab > Select Networks. Select "My Work Network" for both drop-downs. This should force it to only use wifi and not the cell network data connection. However, it may then turn wifi on - I don't know for certain since I use the cell network for data 99.9% of the time.
You could also try to delete the data connection info. I don't know if it will let you delete all connections.
I don't think there's a way to completely stop it from trying to connect to something, as long as some program is requesting a data connection. So the first option might still give you a dialog box telling you it can't connect, and I'm guessing the second option might ask you to set up a data connection.
I use this little tool. Place it in your SD Card and use File Explorer to create a shortcut in Windows/Start Menu/Programs/"to whatever folder you want". Run the application and disable anything you don't like in TMobile Services.
thank you friend.
i will use it.
it will help me to keep energy, because when we don't use data connection automatic, it will let the phone stay longer.
Wonderful program
thanks so much
this program is wonderful.
it disable GPRS automatic stupid function that we don't use with Tmobile.
Recommend for other friends.
This program is useful when use it with Kaiser, cos I always have to turn of data connection manual and then asap try to turn on TOMTOM7. Now it is free.
That's a great app! Will save me some $$$.

[ISSUE] How to prefer Wi-Fi to 3G

I have a HTC Fuze. The last few ROMS that i have been using (Energy, RRE, Tael), all the Apps always use the 3G internet to do their work even if a much faster Wifi is connected. Is there any way to make all apps(including things like email) globally prefer the Wifi when available? Also I dont want to have to keep changing settings to do this, It simply needs to be "If Wifi available use it, else use 3G"
Thanks in advance.
What i did was to go to start>settings>connections>advanced>select networks and change the default connection to the internet to "My work network", rather than my 3G network. This way, if theres any connection to the internet needed, my phone will use my wifi connection. The problem with this, however, is that when you dont have a wifi connection available, the phone will not connect to the internet unless you change the above setting back to your 3G network. If anyone knows a better way, please let us know
no i cant keep switching. thats too much trouble. there must be a better way.
redskilldough said:
What i did was to go to start>settings>connections>advanced>select networks and change the default connection to the internet to "My work network", rather than my 3G network. This way, if theres any connection to the internet needed, my phone will use my wifi connection. The problem with this, however, is that when you dont have a wifi connection available, the phone will not connect to the internet unless you change the above setting back to your 3G network...
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Does it automatically connect to WiFi when a known network is within range even when the phone is in sleep? If yes, does it disconnect once not in use for a while?
k.electron said:
no i cant keep switching. thats too much trouble. there must be a better way.
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As far as I know there is no way to do it automatically. You can use one or the other but they must be switched manually. All HTC phones have always worked this way. Maybe if the demand was high enough which apparently it is not a Chef could come up with an app that would do it. But for now you must do it manually.
rexian said:
Does it automatically connect to WiFi when a known network is within range even when the phone is in sleep? If yes, does it disconnect once not in use for a while?
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no i leave wifi off normally to conserve battery.
Solarenemy68 said:
As far as I know there is no way to do it automatically. You can use one or the other but they must be switched manually. All HTC phones have always worked this way. Maybe if the demand was high enough which apparently it is not a Chef could come up with an app that would do it. But for now you must do it manually.
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that is extremely failurous. not preferring the fastest internet connection is major fail. did not know that.
My phone does this automatically. It uses the WiFi whenever it's on. If the WiFi is off, it uses the data connection.
Maybe I'm understanding it wrong?
|Jason8| said:
My phone does this automatically. It uses the WiFi whenever it's on. If the WiFi is off, it uses the data connection.
Maybe I'm understanding it wrong?
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what the heck? how? u must help me find out..
i think it does prefer wifi over 3g in WM 6.5...!!
to check it out here is wt i've done....turn data connection off...check that its on in the notification manager "when u click on the task bar"..then run any app that needs internet " opera, msn messenger, email...etc" while this app is online..
now there r two ways to check it
1-the notification manager & see if it turned to 3g data connection...if so u should find a timer running in ur service provider section, if not then its only using wifi
2-check the communication manager & see if it turned the data connection on, if its off then its using wifi...
thats how it is with my touch pro...i'm using energy rom nov. 08 build
Indeed it prefers wifi connections 2 data, but You have to :
1. Have Known wifi spots in range
2. Keep wifi connection on, while in stand by
Keep in mind that if a program starts to use the data connection it wont change to use the wifi one. So firstly connect and then open programs.
wakady said:
i think it does prefer wifi over 3g in WM 6.5...!!
to check it out here is wt i've done....turn data connection off...check that its on in the notification manager "when u click on the task bar"..then run any app that needs internet " opera, msn messenger, email...etc" while this app is online..
now there r two ways to check it
1-the notification manager & see if it turned to 3g data connection...if so u should find a timer running in ur service provider section, if not then its only using wifi
2-check the communication manager & see if it turned the data connection on, if its off then its using wifi...
thats how it is with my touch pro...i'm using energy rom nov. 08 build
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firiel said:
Indeed it prefers wifi connections 2 data, but You have to :
1. Have Known wifi spots in range
2. Keep wifi connection on, while in stand by
Keep in mind that if a program starts to use the data connection it wont change to use the wifi one. So firstly connect and then open programs.
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apparently its some sort of combo of this. i am using 6.5. any apps that have been using 3g continue with it. and i have to go to the comm screen and turn off data to force new apps to consume wifi. which isnt too bad, certainly not as bad as going to the network options. i would wish they made this a bit more seamless like with the desktop technology, i can switch from wired to wireless lan without even dropping a skype call.
firiel said:
Indeed it prefers wifi connections 2 data, but You have to :
1. Have Known wifi spots in range
2. Keep wifi connection on, while in stand by
Keep in mind that if a program starts to use the data connection it wont change to use the wifi one. So firstly connect and then open programs.
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now i have discovered a new problem. even if i open the app after i have wifi turned on and data turned off, some apps just dont want to use the wifii.
Bing maps and google maps for example just tell me there is no internet.
this is really pissing me off, whats the point of having wifi on a phone if the apps wont use it. i dont really care about the google location service if the data is through the internet, but atleast turn on.

[Q] Connects to mobile network even when wifi is available

Hi all
Not a power user's dilemma I'm afraid but I hope someone can help me out...
What's bugging me is that my wife's LG-P500 incurs a small charge every day because, despite all the settings telling me it should NOT connect to the internet via the mobile network at any time, it somehow still connects - even when wifi is available like at home.
This wouldn't be a big deal normally but because she's on a pre-pay txt only plan her credit gets used up quickly.
My HTC Wildfire uses NO mobile connection at all when I have wifi available. Any ideas why this should be happening with our LG-P500?
Great forums by the way and I'm slightly embarrassed to be raising this probably noob topic here but I can't find an answer anywhere else...
Thanks in advance!
I haven't seen that problem on my P500, with the void echo ROM (the stock firmware didn't stay on the phone long enough for me to try that).
The option to disable it is in:
Settings -> Wireless and network settings -> Mobile networks -> Data enabled (should be unchecked)
Or in the drop-down menu of the notification bar.
I'm not sure about the stock ROM, but on void, an additional icon appears on the notification bar whenever the mobile network is active.
You could also try disabling the option:
Settings -> Accounts & sync settings -> Background data (should be unchecked)
Thanks. I already did all the obvious stuff you mention, having seen it work fine on my Wildfire... Any other ideas out there?
Might this be related to Location Services using Cell tower information ?
Could try turning that off anyway.
If you don't want to use the mobile network for internet access, than go to Settings > Wireless & network settings > Mobile networks > Uncheck Data enabled .
If the network allows you, you can also select Network mode > GSM only, this will also save you some battery. For example, I only use wifi to connect to Internet on my phone, and I also checked the option "Use only 2G networks" (also saves battery), I'm connecting to my operator only for phone calls
What is your Wi-Fi sleep policy settings? Try setting it to Never.
When the phone goes into sleep mode, wifi is turned off to save on battery. May be that's the reason mobile network is getting connected in sleep mode. If u enable wifi policy to never sleep that will drain the battery. You can disable the mobile network from th3 notification bar that should help.
Many thanks for the help guys!
Wifi sleep: good idea, I'll look at that!
Location services: good idea, I'll look at that!
Data enabled: unchecked already.
The problem still strikes me as odd because although I have ALL the same apps (and quite a few more...), I don't have this problem with my little HTC Wildfire...
Update: the only way I could find to resove the issue was to invent and use a nonsense APN...
Wifi sleep was already ticked as "never" by the way.
Thanks again everyone who gave advice.
Yeah, I've also had reason to use an APN named "fake" with a proxy named 'fake", although i use "Z" now to save typing, LOL.
This is one of many things i would do when changing SIMs. I have had one SIM and phone that always set a new APN and this ended up costing me a few bucks in data fees before I re-changed the APN info.
I would also disable the data services, make sure WiFi was on (to provide priority data access) AND enable airplane mode.
Anyway, your experience has inspired me to check more deeply about my data usage. I don't like the idea of my phone doing data without my knowledge while it's in standy.
I prefer to manually choose which connection I would like to use, so if I'm using my data plan such as when I'm out, I go to notification and enable data. I only get 200mb a month so its easier for me than to always keep networks on even when I'm not using them. It also saves on the battery as well.
EDIT: you can check your data usage using 3g watchdog app, find it in android market
It easy to solve. Just install APNdroid
It also has a widget. Works very well.

