[Q] Broken battery connector HD2 - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi from Australia.
One of the three battery connector fingers has broken off in my HD2, rendering it useless. Telstra, as per usual, refuses to do anything about it under warranty and wants just under $400 to fix it. So I have a number of questions.
1) This appears to be a design flaw. Has anyone else had this problem?
2) Is there documentation to show how to pull the phone apart?
3) Does anyone know if the pcb that the battery fingers are on is available anywhere, except from HTC?
4) Does anyone know of a company that might fix this problem without it costing as much as a new phone?
Thanks in advance.

PeekRhol said:
Hi from Australia.
One of the three battery connector fingers has broken off in my HD2, rendering it useless. Telstra, as per usual, refuses to do anything about it under warranty and wants just under $400 to fix it. So I have a number of questions.
1) This appears to be a design flaw. Has anyone else had this problem?
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loads of people have bent them, and yesterday i saw another post where it had snapped off.
2) Is there documentation to show how to pull the phone apart?
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http://pocketnow.com/hardware-1/official-htc-hd2-disassembly-assembly-training-videos-leaked - gaze in wonder at the 8 minute dismantle, a joy to behold.

A workaround for the time being would be to get an external battery charger, you get one built in to most cradles. You can pick them up for ~£10 on eBay and you can also pick up a spare battery for £5.
I know it's not an ideal solution but for ~£15 it may well see you though until you can get the problem sorted.


Probs with XDA Display - important

I have troubles with my XDA-Display.
After Installation and Start of a Autoroute Program my Display has many Strips in all Colors and will not return to normal-mode.
HW-Reset, SW-Reset, New Flashing brought no result.
After opening the equipment I had briefly again a normal picture, but since that have I again only strips on the XDA.
Synchronise is okay, Backup i can make, but I have still no CE-Screen, only stripes. it would be beautifully if someone the problem knows and me thereby help could
Best regards
If opening it temporarily helped, then I would suspect the screen cable may be loose. That is the large brown flat ribbon on the motherboard. The socket it goes into releases by flipping up the dark brown strip on top of it. Then remove and reinsert the cable, close the socket, and see what happens.
Thanx Carlos for your Reply - I tried to reconnect the brown Screen-Cable, but still its the same Problem. The Screen is nowere broken and the XDA did no fall down .
Perhaps Somewhere has(d) the same probleme ?!
Sounds like the display drivers (the hardware) have failed. I think it's warranty return time, but maybe someone else can come up with an idea.
Warranty return is when the little sticker isn't broken, and you need to break it to get to the display connector.
Doesn anyone have a good source for warranty stickers? There must be special factories that make them. I'd like to convince one of these factories I do procurement for some major electronics firms, and get tons of different samples.
It's a common xda problem
I had the same problem and it was a return under warranty job for me - luckily I still had 1 month left on the warranty.
Googling around we're not the only people to suffer from this, it seems to have happened to quite a few xda owners.
See http://groups.google.com/[email protected]&rnum=1
and http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=...-8&[email protected]
and others.
It'd be nice to know what percentage of XDA's go like this- I get the feeling it's quite a few.
This is a know problem. I am now on my 4th XDA, all have had the same problem with the screen. o2 seem happy to swap it out each time. Does anyone know if re-placing the screen will fix this?
Warranty return is when the little sticker isn't broken, and you need to break it to get to the display connector.
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Two answers...
Do companies in Europe really check this? I've opened exchanged quite a number of products that I've opened, never a question. I always figured those were there as a deterrent, nothing else. Actually come to think of it, I'm not sure that US laws would allow a company to void a warranty for opening a product unless it could be proven that it caused the failure.
On my US unit, the only sticker is on the screw on the MB at the top of the unit. You don't have to remove this to remove the display cable from the MB, only to remove the MB from the device.
XDA Display Problem
Now, after 4 days my XDA I switched off and on -> HAPPY - my XDA has the normal screen
Perhaps only Revision-Series have the problem ?
Obermaus :lol:

Question about powering an HTC HD2...

Is it possible to power an HTC HD2 without a battery or the back cover? I found one about an hour ago in my downtown area, missing a SIM card and missing the microSD card. As noted it doesn't have a back cover or a battery, so my intention was to attach a "standard" 5V/1A cell phone battery charger. I figured out from a picture of the battery that if I've got the HD2 flat on the display and I'm looking at the back, the positive terminal will be the one on the left but, when I attach the power supply (which I tested before this attempt, it works) leads using micro-alligator clips and push the power button (front of display, button furthest on the right, I think, never used one of these HD2's before) I get no response.
Now, the question is either a) am I not getting any response at all because the HD2 can't be powered up in this manner because there's no back cover or b) it's more likely to be completely toast because of the damage it apparently suffered in the drop that shattered the glass. The only damage (aside from the glass) is a very tiny scrape/scuff mark on the top right corner of the bezel - obviously that's where it hit the ground.
I don't own any of these apparently micro-USB style connectors (or is it mini-USB, I can't figure out which is which I suppose). Bleh, I just looked at a pic I found with Google Images, apparently it IS a micro-USB connector.
All blabbering aside, even if I had such a connector or a power supply using such a connector, is the phone going to even power up without a back cover on it or battery inside? I know a lot of devices become totally disabled when the back cover is removed (as my Dell Axim X51v does; as soon as I even throw the lock switch to unlock the back cover that disables the device totally.
Anyone able to provide some tips or suggestions? I have no way of knowing who it belongs to so I'm claiming it, and if I can verify it might work or does still function I might be willing to put some money into getting the glass/digitizer replaced, a new battery, power adapter, etc.
Anything at all would probably be quite helpful.
The HD2 works without back cover!
The HD2 doesnt work without battery...!! I've never heard of a mod to enable switching it on through micro-usb.
Be carefull you could be scammed...buying a phone in that state, because of the hit some other components may be damaged!! It depends on the price and money you're willing to risk!
no problem with powering on without the backcover. did that many times before.
but i guess its not possible without a battery...
Ah, ok, so the fact that there's the two metal 'dots' on the HD2 that apparently become a connection when the metal battery cover is in place don't affect powering it up, but no battery keeps it dead? Hrmmm...
Ok, if someone that owns an HD2 can confirm that it becomes very useful info. Take the back cover off, take the battery out, and tell me if plugging in a micro-USB cable (either from a computer USB port or from the AC adapter) allows it to function at all, and then try the same thing with the cover on (don't put the battery in, however).
So there's 3 possibilities:
1) It'll work off the micro-USB power with no battery and no cover
2) It'll work off the micro-USB power with just the cover installed but no battery
3) It'll work off the micro-USB power with no cover but with a battery installed
and actually the fourth possibility which doesn't matter in my case:
4) It'll work off the micro-USB power with the cover and the battery installed
Dammit I hate it when I find stuff like this and can't get it functional.
Again, thanks for any suggestions - and I didn't buy this phone, I found it a few hours ago, on the ground as I was walking home. I wouldn't buy something in this cosmetic condition unless I knew it was working even in spite of the cracked glass. I've owned iPhones with horribly shattered glass on them but they still function, even all the multitouch functionality is still working - that's my hope here, that this device will still work just fine and if it does then I'll pay to replace the glass/digitizer.
I think I just realized that the metal contacts on the inside of the back cover and those 'dots' could be because the HD2 is using that battery cover as a Wi-Fi antenna, plate-style antenna.
I just tested it for you. Without the battery in there is no starting it, period.
Might I suggest though that you ask around and find a mate with a microUSB, (you must have someone that has one), and plug it in when the battery contacts are jumped. It will probably work that way. I'm not going to try it because I have a perfectly good phone and have always mistrusted elec-trickery...
those spring loaded studs have been the subject of much discussion, with no definitive answer,, stop the cover rattling, grounding plate for the antenna, remnants of an unreleased car kit,,, who knows. certainly signal doesn't appear diminished with the cover off, and on the inside of the cover there is no coating on the metal where they connect, indicating a signal being passed so who knows.
i suspect simply attaching power to two contacts isn't enough because the third contact is expecting a signal of some kind? perhaps a connection from the battery charge protection circuits?
you could always buy a cheap copy battery from ebay, and just resell it if it doesn't work, or run a scam on your insurance with it? (did i just say that out loud??)
I'll say this again: I found the phone on the ground on the side of the street while walking home a few hours ago.
I don't use T-Mobile service and I have no intentions of using it as a phone; I already have a phone so I was going to use it as a portable media player sorta like an iPod touch if I can verify it works 100% and just needs a battery/back cover/replacement glass and digitizer. That's my intention at this point.
And I was thinking that yes it won't work at all without a battery so, thanks again for the info. I'll head out this morning to a T-Mobile store (actual T-Mobile and not a reseller) and see what they can tell me. Surely they'll have a battery/back cover and potentially an AC adapter to verify if it's 100% dead of somewhat functional even in spite of the busted glass.
Let's hope it works...
what about searching the owner?
Well, let's see:
- I can't power it up
- It has no SIM card
- It has no microSD card
- The only way to track the owner would be using the IMEI and I'd have to go to a T-Mobile store to do that, when that's done and they get the number, if the phone was stolen and then dumped in the trash/on the street where I found it, they call the police and I get in a bit of trouble for no good reason
That pretty much covers it.
okay, you're right...
i cant imagine how it landed there...
who would throw it just away?
sure that its a real phone and not a dummy?
DN41 said:
okay, you're right...
i cant imagine how it landed there...
who would throw it just away?
sure that its a real phone and not a dummy?
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i was in a thread yesterday where some guy talked about how he dropped his phone by accident whilst 'driving along with it in his hand, with his arm out of teh window', so yea, some people are , , well, insert your own noun here
oh no...how can you hold your arm out of the windows with a 500€ phone in your hand?
i just cant understand some people...that doestn go in my mind...
samsamuel said:
i was in a thread yesterday where some guy talked about how he dropped his phone by accident whilst 'driving along with it in his hand, with his arm out of teh window', so yea, some people are , , well, insert your own noun here
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I thought the same!
br0adband said:
they call the police and I get in a bit of trouble for no good reason
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Not really mate. I found an iphone 4 yesterday and managed to get it back to its rightful owner. Took a couple of hours out of my day but what else could i do?
sike222 said:
Not really mate. I found an iphone 4 yesterday and managed to get it back to its rightful owner. Took a couple of hours out of my day but what else could i do?
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Well, Yeah, with an iPhone 4 what else WOULD you do if you don't want the surgery to be able to use it! LOL
Also think if it was your phone! I'd be absolutely gutted, and very glad to get it back. But maybe it's unregistered (through the IMEI) or not been reported as missing.
In the UK (don't know about elsewhere) if you report that you found something to the police (I found a £50 note) and no one can show that they own it then it's yours after about 28 days.
Unless you have really dumb cops then you shouldn't get into trouble if you take it in!
On the other hand you may find the battery and/or cover if you look carefully in the area where you found the phone.
br0adband said:
Ah, ok, so the fact that there's the two metal 'dots' on the HD2 that apparently become a connection when the metal battery cover is in place don't affect powering it up, but no battery keeps it dead? Hrmmm...
Ok, if someone that owns an HD2 can confirm that it becomes very useful info. Take the back cover off, take the battery out, and tell me if plugging in a micro-USB cable (either from a computer USB port or from the AC adapter) allows it to function at all, and then try the same thing with the cover on (don't put the battery in, however).
So there's 3 possibilities:
1) It'll work off the micro-USB power with no battery and no cover
2) It'll work off the micro-USB power with just the cover installed but no battery
3) It'll work off the micro-USB power with no cover but with a battery installed
I think I just realized that the metal contacts on the inside of the back cover and those 'dots' could be because the HD2 is using that battery cover as a Wi-Fi antenna, plate-style antenna.
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I think those contacts are just to ground the back cover to stop it causing interference. It doesn't seem to affect the phone if I don't have it on or am using the plastic cover with my big battery.
On a similar theme, does anyone know if it is possible to power the HD2 from the micro USB supply while I swap batteries. I don't want to have to do a soft reset which loses what you are doing. But I'm worried that without the battery to absorb the power there is a risk of damaging the circuits?
I don't want to just try it because I already blew my main board by powering the USB through a cheep adapter and a Nokia charger that supplied too much power and had I to get it repaired/replaced. I'm hoping someone already knows
samsamuel said:
i was in a thread yesterday where some guy talked about how he dropped his phone by accident whilst 'driving along with it in his hand, with his arm out of teh window', so yea, some people are , , well, insert your own noun here
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did we ever get an answer as to why that, im going to select the noun "twat" was dangling his hd2 out of the window @ 40mph??
I need closure on that one.....

[Q] Sorry if this is in the wrong place, X10 Help?

I checked out a few other threads, on a couple forums and dont think anyone has been stupid enough to do this so far...
about 4 months ago, I was lost and my phone was dead, having bodged a car charger together I plugged it in.
The phone turned on, booted up and I got the SatNav software running, but before I could drive off it started flashing.. screen, lights, like a tiny disco....
Then it smoked, quite a lot for a second or two, by this time I'd took battery out and dis-connected the charger but it was too late, the phone was dead.
I got home, put the battery in a desktop charger til it was full and the phone has remained at it's current condition since.
So; it won't turn on, vibrate or flash any lights. The ONLY thing it does, is power up the right hand side bottom white light between the home key and back button.
I've been Ebaying since the day I killed it for a spares one, tried buying a main board but no joy anywhere without paying over £70 (and that's for a complete but knackered handset).
My dad's good with phones, his mate better also both of which said i've burnt out some chips. Some do kinda, have small 'holes' in, and I wiped a 2GB card too, wont work in anything else.
Without spending silly amounts on a new phone can I not do anything with this? Apparently everything except the main board should work (screen, digitizer etc)..
Help anyone please? -ta.
I suggest that you contact your local support team because I think this is something that needs to be examined at a repair center.
I dropped my X10a, and cracked the screen/digitizer. Is it easier to replace the whole housing or just the digitizer? Any suggestions on which company supplies OEM parts at the best prices?
agentJBM said:
I dropped my X10a, and cracked the screen/digitizer. Is it easier to replace the whole housing or just the digitizer? Any suggestions on which company supplies OEM parts at the best prices?
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I've found some an i will keep looking but here is some at the bottom of my post and if you know of some please do post them here and all update this. good luck

[Q] Battery problems after water damage

I am having a problem after my phone was dropped in water. The phone is now fully dry but I am having battery issues. It seems that the phone believes the battery to be empty all the time. I can charge it whilst the phone is off until it states it is at 100% but as soon as i turn it on it says the battery is at 0% and turns off even whilst plugged in.
I have flashed a few different roms to see if the software had any bearing on it. The only difference I got was with CM 10.1 I was able to run the phone whilst it was plugged in but as soon as I unplugged it died.
I have tried the battery in other phones and it works fine and I have tried batteries from other phones (ones that I know are fine) and it says they are empty.
I did have one case when the phone came on and stayed. The battery level stuck at about 70% and never decreased over 24 hours. As soon as I rebooted it it said it was empty.
To me it seems like the bit of hardware that checks the battery level is failing. I have opened up the phone and given it a clean but no joy.
Any Ideas?
Yes since sensitive electronic components dont seem to mix well with water youll have to replace them.
Start with the usb board,then maybe motherboard if nothings changed.
Can anyone point out on the boards which bits are responsible for power management.
Also where would I be able to get replacement boards from?
TheUnderling posted a link to the service manual a week or so ago, search through his recent posts to find it. That has schematics/parts lists in it.
Re: getting another board, your best bet is to find a screen damaged phone on eBay or similar, Samsung aren't in the business of selling just motherboards (they'll charge you maybe half of what a new phone would cost to replace it).
You could see if Kevin Costner is going to make Waterworld 2,then he could maybe buy it off you.
You can get a new s2 now for £199.99 from Orange.
theunderling said:
You could see if Kevin Costner is going to make Waterworld 2,then he could maybe buy it off you.
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theunderling said:
You could see if Kevin Costner is going to make Waterworld 2,then he could maybe buy it off you.
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Not funny and not useful
Sorry,I shouldnt make jokes about it.What to do is take it to the man from atlantis and get a quote for a repair.
I don't mind you making jokes actually. It means you keep bumping my question to the top of the boards and then maybe someone who actually is helpful may help me out.
You got your help. The motherboard (at the very least) is cactus. And maybe other components. What else are you hoping for anyone else to tell you ? You dropped the phone in water, think about it. Ain't rocket surgery.
MistahBungle said:
You got your help. The motherboard (at the very least) is cactus. And maybe other components. What else are you hoping for anyone else to tell you ? You dropped the phone in water, think about it. Ain't rocket surgery.
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Hes got to start "splashing" the cash on a battery>usb board for starters.
And whos to say it aint going to end up in water again.
Best to sell the phone on and hope a mug buys it.
I guess I was juts hoping for more positive suggestions rather than sarcastic comments
Theres no point in having a go at me or mistahbungle,its "water off a ducks back" to us.
Youve been advised what to get(if you must)....in cheapest order.You can hit the search button and see threads about water damage which will give you an idea of solutions.
Ive read 100's of posts about water damage and some people have not had any problems.
So as things stand,your looking at spending between £8 to £150.

[Q] VS985 USB Charging Port Fix?

Hey guys, I have an LG G3 with a broken charging port (does not appear to accept a charge from the original cable).
I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem and has been able to fix it?
I am capable of taking the phone apart and experimenting, however it seems as if the port itself is more difficult to access, even after disassembling the phone.
Let me know if you have any fixes I can try to attempt to get the phone to receive a charge once again, thanks!
TyWillems19 said:
Hey guys, I have an LG G3 with a broken charging port (does not appear to accept a charge from the original cable).
I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem and has been able to fix it?
I am capable of taking the phone apart and experimenting, however it seems as if the port itself is more difficult to access, even after disassembling the phone.
Let me know if you have any fixes I can try to attempt to get the phone to receive a charge once again, thanks!
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Send it back to be fixed or replaced. Phone hasn't been released for a year yet, so its still under warranty.
Ahh thank you for the info. You see I actually have two of these now. Mine, which is in excellent condition, and a second one I received that has a cracked top glass screen and damaged rear cover.
Do you know if they will fix the USB for free if I replace the glass and back cover? I don't see why that would make a difference if I am not asking them to replace either of the obviously broken-by-use components.
I guess I will give them a call and find out for myself. I'll edit this post if I find out news, just for anyone else who may encounter something similar.
Thank you.
So I've decided not to send the phone back to be looked at. After examining the port, it is clearly broken, and while it still appears to allow the cord to plug-in, it is obviously broken. I've decided to just spend 18$ on Ebay for a new Backdoor with wireless charging compatibility and see how that works out.
TyWillems19 said:
Ahh thank you for the info. You see I actually have two of these now. Mine, which is in excellent condition, and a second one I received that has a cracked top glass screen and damaged rear cover.
Do you know if they will fix the USB for free if I replace the glass and back cover? I don't see why that would make a difference if I am not asking them to replace either of the obviously broken-by-use components.
I guess I will give them a call and find out for myself. I'll edit this post if I find out news, just for anyone else who may encounter something similar.
Thank you.
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i would defiantly repair the other items before sending it in. no reason to give them an excuse to not repair the port, if you are going to fix the other items anyways.

