Eris automatically scrolling to the left.... - Droid Eris Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I was up one night, with my rooted eris. Lying in bed, texting my girlfriend because she refused to let me sleep, I thought nothing of it. My phone was plugged in, and I fell asleep on top of it >.<
Now most of the time my phone will automatically scroll to the left.
I have reset my phone and tried other ROMs and it's all the same. I read in the forums that there is no fix but that was as of 5-xx-10
So i was wondering.... Is there a fix now or am I going to have to get a new phone??
And if i do have to get a new phone Would it be a refurb or would it be a NEW phone???
I would prefer to get a new phone... My Eris just doesnt seem to cut it anymore.

I had this issue and it turned out being a hardware issue. I traded it in for a replacement. It was refurbished from different parts. I haven't had any problems with the one I have and I have had it longer than my first Eris.

synesthete said:
I had this issue and it turned out being a hardware issue. I traded it in for a replacement. It was refurbished from different parts. I haven't had any problems with the one I have and I have had it longer than my first Eris.
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Yeah same is happening with my Girls non-root eris, looks like its time for an upgrade.

8on3s said:
Yeah same is happening with my Girls non-root eris, looks like its time for an upgrade.
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Lucky you, i haven't even got a year into my NEW contract with this phone yet. I would love to have verizon give me a new phone, but somehow im doubting they will

my wife's eris was doing the same thing, but when we took it to verizon they it didn't do it in front of them (kinda like how a car's "doing something" until you take it to the mechanics... figures) and so they told her they can't do anything about it
this is actually the 2nd phone to do it, the first was brand new this one is a refurb

Zerox8610 said:
Lucky you, i haven't even got a year into my NEW contract with this phone yet. I would love to have verizon give me a new phone, but somehow im doubting they will
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Lol ok well upgrade was the wrong word we're on the same we got ours in February, but perhaps she could be lucky and get something newer, if not the Eris is still a killer phone once you get Froyo on it.
Sent from my Tazz Froyo using XDA App

tfitzger said:
my wife's eris was doing the same thing, but when we took it to verizon they it didn't do it in front of them (kinda like how a car's "doing something" until you take it to the mechanics... figures) and so they told her they can't do anything about it
this is actually the 2nd phone to do it, the first was brand new this one is a refurb
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When I took mine in, they replaced it with no questions asked. It is a known issue that many people have had. In that situation I would probably try to speak to someone else. Also, I remember that the problem seemed to happen more when charging.

it is an issue with the trackball and the insulation around it in some eris's. take it in and verizon should give you a replacement.

Customer Support
I'm on my 3rd Eris now, after having the left scrolling problem on both phones. My first was not rooted, second was, and ultimately proved to be a common hardware issue. In my experience, the store itself can be quite difficult to deal with. What I have done, which has yet to fail me, is call technical support and go over your symptoms. They connected me, both times, with someone from the more advanced technical assistance. I told them that I had the latest update and had no physical damage, and they told me it needed to be replaced. Ask them, and they happily agree, to call your local store and see if there are any replacements available in stock. They will then put an indication on your account that a replacement is necessary and when you arrive at the store, you will not have to go through the staff in the stores judgement. Just let them know they will need to replace the phone and to look at notes on your account. Otherwise, the techie will simply send you a phone from the warehouse and you must send back the defective one, charging you nothing in the process. I know some of that is repeat information, but unfortunately have not had much luck with this phone. I mentioned the issue to the tech support and they mentioned that you can usually claim a new upgraded phone after 4-5 warranty replacements. Just some FYI from my unfortunate experience. Good luck all!

mjb413 said:
it is an issue with the trackball and the insulation around it in some eris's. take it in and verizon should give you a replacement.
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Sent from my Tazz Froyo using XDA App

I started having this problem a couple days ago on my 2nd Eris. I called Verizon and explained the problem in a calm manner and they denied any knowledge of this being an issue with Eris. Naturally they are sending me a replacement Eris but the weird thing is they agreed to send me an Incredible at no charge if I have any trouble with the Eris that is en route to me. So, um yeah, they know this is a known Eris problem.

gospodinwizard said:
I started having this problem a couple days ago on my 2nd Eris. I called Verizon and explained the problem in a calm manner and they denied any knowledge of this being an issue with Eris. Naturally they are sending me a replacement Eris but the weird thing is they agreed to send me an Incredible at no charge if I have any trouble with the Eris that is en route to me. So, um yeah, they know this is a known Eris problem.
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So, I'm assuming you need to have insurance on the phone in order for them to replace it??? Or will they simply replace any defective Eris??
I bought my Eris virtually unused from a guy on craigslist (he, obviously, bought it through Verizon) there any chance they would replace it?

Zerox8610 said:
So I was up one night, with my rooted eris. Lying in bed, texting my girlfriend because she refused to let me sleep, I thought nothing of it. My phone was plugged in, and I fell asleep on top of it >.
Try plugging it in and wiggling where it plugs to phone with power and screen on, tell me what you get, happened to me scrolling to left on 2eris'
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OK so Verizon is sending me a replacement for my auto-scrolling phone. Of course, the phone was next to unusable in the interim until I re-installed Launcher Pro and set it to have just one homescreen. Kind of annoying only having one screen but at least I can use my phone until the replacement arrives.

Ddukes76 said:
Zerox8610 said:
So I was up one night, with my rooted eris. Lying in bed, texting my girlfriend because she refused to let me sleep, I thought nothing of it. My phone was plugged in, and I fell asleep on top of it >.
Try plugging it in and wiggling where it plugs to phone with power and screen on, tell me what you get, happened to me scrolling to left on 2eris'
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Well i got a replacement. And 2 days later. SAME GLITCH.
Going to try and go in tomorrow and get yet ANOTHER phone... its not just when charging but, i think the charger is the cause of all this.... idgaf really, a few more Eris and they'll have to upgrade me >.<
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I found one way to fix this issue temporarily. If you wipe your phone few times with a hand or against your jeans...this issue dissapears....for few minutes, sometimes hours, simetimes a day or two....
clearly hardware replacements does not work. any techies here to fix the issue on a hardware level?

Totally agree as YOU will find many others that have been cursed with the ERIS
Trackball. It has a mind of its own. I spans from inadvertently making phone calls you dont want to, to locking the whole damn thing.
I still myself have not decided on what to do.
Zerox8610 said:
So I was up one night, with my rooted eris. Lying in bed, texting my girlfriend because she refused to let me sleep, I thought nothing of it. My phone was plugged in, and I fell asleep on top of it >.<
Now most of the time my phone will automatically scroll to the left.
I have reset my phone and tried other ROMs and it's all the same. I read in the forums that there is no fix but that was as of 5-xx-10
So i was wondering.... Is there a fix now or am I going to have to get a new phone??
And if i do have to get a new phone Would it be a refurb or would it be a NEW phone???
I would prefer to get a new phone... My Eris just doesnt seem to cut it anymore.
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I fixed mine by replacing the usb port and cleaning the Tball rollers with alcohol.
But what I think was most helpful in correcting it was;
The usb port and Tball are on a separate daughter board, held down by 2 screws. When removing it, I noticed the screws seemed loose. Putting it back together, I made sure they were tight.
Replacing the usb port (daughter board) was just because I had a spare. I think its a matter of the board coming loose and maybe dirty rollers.
At the same time the Tball started messing up, I noticed the usb port was getting wiggly.
Sent from my GSBv1.2 using XDA App

amfetamine said:
The usb port and Tball are on a separate daughter board, held down by 2 screws. When removing it, I noticed the screws seemed loose. Putting it back together, I made sure they were tight.
Replacing the usb port (daughter board) was just because I had a spare. I think its a matter of the board coming loose and maybe dirty rollers.
At the same time the Tball started messing up, I noticed the usb port was getting wiggly.
Sent from my GSBv1.2 using XDA App
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Ah! That's a very enlightening observation. Thanks for the info.

I think I may have found a fix for this, can you guys confirm.
Did it 2 days ago, issue did not come back.


Weird Phone Behavior USB Port Related

So ive had my eris for about a year now. And now when i plug the usb in to charge the phone, the touchscreen goes all wacky. The phone basically loses full functionality. The light up buttons dont function, you have to try multiple times to get the screen to recognize your finger swipes, etc. If you press on the plastic of the phone around the trackball/usb port the phone goes wacky on screen clicking stuff itsself.
Im guessing something is weirding out with the connections in that area or something making the phone do stuff itsself. I bought the phone from a person online about a year ago, would HTC covery this faultyness of the phone? If so how would i go about the process/how long does it take, etc. Are there any home remedies(taking apart the phone and doing something, etc.)?
Bump. My bros Eris does the same. Plug it in and the screen will go all the way to the left and select things. Would really like to see an answer to this
Sent from my Eris Lightning 3.02
Mine does the same. I have noticed that if you unplug it and hit the end call button twice to turn the screen off and then on that it behaves again.
Does not matter which ROM I use, I see the same behaviour.
Sent from my FroyoEris using XDA App
Well my phone started scrolling by itself when on the charger. I googled it and apparently the charger port is messing with the trackball. I called verizon and have a warranty replacement on the way.
To emerica243, sorry to say you have no warranty on the phone since you didn't buy it from verizon so your kind stuck unless you have insurance on it, then you could just file a claim. You'll have to pay the deductible but its cheaper than buying a new phone.
To everyone with this problem that bought from verizon, I suggest calling verizon and getting it replaced. I also suggest reverting your phone to stock just in case (see sticky in development forum).
Sent from my leaked rooted HTC Droid Eris with Sense-Able 3.1 using Swype
orkillakilla said:
Well my phone started scrolling by itself when on the charger. I googled it and apparently the charger port is messing with the trackball. I called verizon and have a warranty replacement on the way.
To emerica243, sorry to say you have no warranty on the phone since you didn't buy it from verizon so your kind stuck unless you have insurance on it, then you could just file a claim. You'll have to pay the deductible but its cheaper than buying a new phone.
To everyone with this problem that bought from verizon, I suggest calling verizon and getting it replaced. I also suggest reverting your phone to stock just in case (see sticky in development forum).
Sent from my leaked rooted HTC Droid Eris with Sense-Able 3.1 using Swype
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This. It is a known hardware issue that HTC didn't forsee happening where the trackball sensors aren't quite insulated enough and make contact with the charger sleeve when it is plugged in. It will escalate to a permanent problem and there isn't a solution except to take the phone back in to Verizon and have it replaced. I'm on my second Eris because of this problem.
zerocool79346 said:
This. It is a known hardware issue that HTC didn't forsee happening where the trackball sensors aren't quite insulated enough and make contact with the charger sleeve when it is plugged in. It will escalate to a permanent problem and there isn't a solution except to take the phone back in to Verizon and have it replaced. I'm on my second Eris because of this problem.
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Up and I'll tell you if I have to keep getting a replacement cause of this I'm going to raise hell with verizon tell they either give me a diff phone or I'll just go to sprint
Sent from my leaked rooted HTC Droid Eris with Sense-Able 3.1 using Swype

Could i get this replaced?

I bought my Eris off of a friend who bought it from Verizon. so im not the original owner. But when i bought it he thought it was broken because it wouldnt turn on but for a sec (long enough to see 3 androids skateboarding for like a half second) and then turn off. Turns out it was just the battery ($20 for the phone, another $18 for batteries, i got a deal ) but before we realized it was the battery, i went all surgeon on it and took it apart to see if the charge port was loose (the battery wouldnt charge) in the process i ****ed up the track ball and the microphone (still worked, just mic would go in and out, and trackball only scrolls left and right.) Now the microphone has stopped working completely, could i call verizon and say my microphone doesnt work anymore and they replace it? Or would they not do that because im not the original owner/the phone has been taken apart (of course i wouldnt tell them that, but would i have to send them the phone first, thus they discover it had been)
The warranty is void if the phone has been taken apart (yeah they could tell real easy). Besides, the warranty doesn't transfer if the phone is sold to someone else. Only the original purchaser has the warranty. Sorry but seems like your screwed. Good thing you didn't put too much money into the phone.
Sent from my rooted HTC Droid Eris with Tazz Froyo Vanilla 17
Alright :\ thanks for the info, im due an upgrade so i guess i better start savin up for the droid 2. back to the Touch Pro for now :'( lol
Was this a question or wishful thinking? I'm pretty certain that they have a very tiny sticker on there somewhere that says if it is removed that your warranty is void, and you have to take that sticker off to take the phone apart because one of the screws in below it. I recall seeing it when I was considering taking one of many of my Eris's apart to fix the track ball issue.
a little bit of both, however the piece of black adhesive over the screw on mine said nothing, it was just black plastic with adhesive backing. its alright tho, incidentally after leaving it off for a week, i picked it up to play with it and the microphone works again. so whatever, ill use the wonky thing til it freaks out on me again i suppose, or til i get the droid 2 in white
botnryan said:
Alright :\ thanks for the info, im due an upgrade so i guess i better start savin up for the droid 2. back to the Touch Pro for now :'( lol
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Put Android on your TP. The XDAndroid project is very nice for that.
Yeah I had it on my tp but its not very stable plus battery life sucks even more than the eris
Sent from my Eris using XDA App

[Q] Banging my head on my desk over moral dilemma

I just can't freaking stand it.
Starting about three weeks ago I have been having major problems with my Streak doing spontaneous restarts. I tried everything. Nothing worked.
I went as far as to use the Wiki instructions to install a version one generation old on the phone so that it would do an over the air update to the current release, which it did. Didn't help. Whenever I used the phone for a long call or to play a game or use navigation, anything that kept it actually doing something for several minutes, it would start rebooting. Sometimes it would freeze to where I had to pull the battery. I even bought a disposable phone while on vacation so I could have something I could count on.
So last week I called Dell support and described what is going on. When the tech heard the symptoms and that I had already done a factory reset and fresh loads and more factory resets, he quickly decided to replace the phone.
I have had the phone since April 2011 and in May I dropped it in my living room. It has worked perfectly but does have a crack in the glass that is purely cosmetic and is not why I tried to get it replaced. The phone has worked perfectly until recently.
I'm banging my head on the desk because, wouldn't you know it, the phone has been working perfectly since I called in. We didn't do anything, just talked about the phone, and it has had one restart in the last week. As a test, I used the Navigator for the 30 mile commute home from work. My wife called me, the phone answered, worked flawlessly on speaker, and when she hung up the Navigator came right back up as smooth as you could ask for. The one game I play right now (Grave Defense) has worked flawlessly except for one restart in the middle of a game. I couldn't ask for the phone to be better.
So what do I do when the replacement arrives? I'm not sure if I trust the phone not to start screwing up again, but I'm going to be sending back a phone that is apparently working fine but has a cracked glass. We all know the entirely reasonable conclusion they will come to.
So what should I do?
Maybe you should call Dell and tell them that the screen is cracked. Find out if they will even take it back. They may not, and wind up charging you for the new one. I've not heard of them doing this, mind you, but it sounds possible.
They may just tell you to send in the old one anyway, but you may as well let them know that the screen is cracked, since they are going to find out when they get it. Hopefully since you already have a return authorization, it wont matter...
Has anyone noticed it seems to be easier to get a replacement since they EOL'd the Streak?
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk
Maybe they're trying to clear out stock?
I had no problem sending it back with the cracked glass as long as the problem had nothing to do with the glass. Now the damned thing is working, so I have an issue with it.
I really don't understand this phone. I didn't change anything and it is like a different phone.
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
Oh, I thought the screen cracked after you called them.
Nevermind. As long as you disclosed the cracked screen, don't hesitate to send it back. If it was bad once, no reason to think it wont be again.
There are definitely some flaky ones.
From some posts I've read, it does seem as though they are being unusually friendly about returns lately. Prolly just my imagination...
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk
slaydog said:
As long as you disclosed the cracked screen, don't hesitate to send it back.
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Oh, I never said I did that. I don't want people to think they are knowingly taking back units with cracked screens. The tech didn't ask if it had ever been dropped and I didn't see the point in volunteering the information as it had nothing to do with the problem I was having. I know that is not exactly taking the high road, but as I said, the screen isn't why I'm exchanging it. I considered swapping my cracked screen and the unbroken one from the replacement and sending my flaky phone back with the good screen, but they would probably notice that the phone had been dismantled and assume that is the source of the problem. I'm between a rock and a hard place here, but it's my own fault. I'm probably going to end up with a bill for the replacement phone, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
I'm mostly just astonished at how freaking strange the behavior of this phone is. It was working fine then lost its mind for about three weeks and then decided that it was going to start working the way it is supposed to again with no interference from me. It was flaky in the morning, I did nothing to it, and that afternoon it started behaving itself.
Well, it froze up good yesterday. Tried everything short of swinging a dead cat over my head in a cemetary at midnight and got it working again, just in time to retire it.
When I got home the replacement was waiting for me. Smooth as silk. I played the hell out of my new favorite time sucking game last night (Stupid Zombies) and not a single hiccup. I'd love to lose some of the extra apps, but I think I am going to leave well enough alone this time. Now I need to find out how much Dell is going to bill me for returning a unit with a cracked screen, but I'll worry about that when it happens.

[Q] GALAXY S2 thinks its PLUGGED IN WHEN IT ISNT!! help please

hey guys
my galaxy s2 has been on the fritz with the power cord recently. it thinks its plugged in when it isnt and i cant use usb mode
any help?
much, much appreciated.
yashimototumah said:
hey guys
my galaxy s2 has been on the fritz with the power cord recently. it thinks its plugged in when it isnt and i cant use usb mode
any help?
much, much appreciated.
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ruh roh. Did this behavior just start on its own randomly? Sounds very similar to what mine was doing due to a failed USB port. I think there is at least one, maybe a couple more, other users on the forums here who also experienced USB port hardware failure. ended up doing a warranty replacement for mine.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA App
Ya it completely started happening on its own.
Definitely seems to be the usb port.
Thanks for the heads up, gonna be contacting att in the morning
yashimototumah said:
Ya it completely started happening on its own.
Definitely seems to be the usb port.
Thanks for the heads up, gonna be contacting att in the morning
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Yea that's a common problem. USB port defect.
Sent from my A500 using xda premium
I've already brought back 2 of these because of the same exact problem. I'm really starting to think it's because there is no cover/door over the USB port. Loved the slider on the cappy. Need a case that covers the port
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
There's a few threads on this. I personally started one. Best thing to do is just take it back to att.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
Cdub5 said:
I've already brought back 2 of these because of the same exact problem. I'm really starting to think it's because there is no cover/door over the USB port. Loved the slider on the cappy. Need a case that covers the port
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
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While I certainly can't argue that covering the USB port is a bad thing, I carried an HTC aria (same port location, same type of case, same pocket) in a construction environment for more than a year with no USB port problems. While it certainly could be caused by lack of protection (pocket lint was my first thought when mine happened) I suspect a bad batch of Ports made it into the assembly line, due to the number of reports I've seen here. My bad one was purchased on launch day - anyone else have one go bad on a significantly more recent purchase?
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA App
Mine was doing the same thing, as well as going into "car mode" randomly and freezing up completely. I found a thread that suggested swabbing out the port with rubbing alcohol and a small paint brush. I did that and it cured the problem, but I also bought a case that covers the usb port (otterbox).
This all went down about three weeks ago and it hasn't happened since.
Racer447 said:
Mine was doing the same thing, as well as going into "car mode" randomly and freezing up completely. I found a thread that suggested swabbing out the port with rubbing alcohol and a small paint brush. I did that and it cured the problem, but I also bought a case that covers the usb port (otterbox).
This all went down about three weeks ago and it hasn't happened since.
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Wow, good to know...I was getting the car mode deal too. I'll be keeping this in mind for post-warranty issues. Thanks.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA App
Seems like a common problem from a specific batch of them, so shouldn't be an issue to get a replacement.
Good luck!
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
dandrumheller said:
While I certainly can't argue that covering the USB port is a bad thing, I carried an HTC aria (same port location, same type of case, same pocket) in a construction environment for more than a year with no USB port problems. While it certainly could be caused by lack of protection (pocket lint was my first thought when mine happened) I suspect a bad batch of Ports made it into the assembly line, due to the number of reports I've seen here. My bad one was purchased on launch day - anyone else have one go bad on a significantly more recent purchase?
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA App
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Got my first one on black Friday, second one two weeks later, third one, a week or so after that. First two were a 1108, and 1110 builds from what I recall. Not sure what my latest build is, but I got this one at a different best buy (first two from the same best buy) so hopefully if it was a bad batch it won't happen to me with this new one. Knock on wood. This time I got best buy insurance. Seems good, $9.99 a month, no copay for replacement.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
same usb problems
I am having some of the same problems. My phone thinks it is always charging, the fully charged notification is almost always up, and my computer cannot recognize the phone. I would send my phone in for a replacement, however the water indicator sticker is red (it got slightly wet).
Does anyone have any idea on what to do. Has anyone else had the rubbing alcohol method work?
I just went through this same issue, but I managed to fix mine on my own. I don't have the phone insurance through ATT, and the overseas warranty support center did everything that they could to deny service. Every time that I would call, they would repeat the steps that we had already been through in troubleshooting. I knew from reading here and other sites that the usb connector, or usb board was my problem. I started out cleaning it with alcohol and that seemed to help a little bit. The ultimate answer was to bend the pins in the middle of the USB connector in the direction of my screen, just a little bit. I have been three months now with no problem whatsoever. I didn't tell ATT that I did this, but I wanted to get a new phone, thinking that this fix would eventually cause the port to break altogether.
This ordeal was extremely frustrating for me, because I have been into phone hacks/flashing roms since the WinMo days. They tried to tell me on one of the calls that they had pushed an update to my phone that would fix it. I promptly told the lady on the phone that she was full of @#$#, as I knew the phone had obviously not been flashed or updated by her text message. She finally backpedaled and admitted that she was lying. It was hard to deal with this conversation without admitting what I knew about these phones. The sad fact is that at this time, my phone wasn't even rooted yet.
In the end, I did get a new, factory battery out of the deal. These idiots thought that a new battery would resolve the issue, even though I told them exactly what the problem was.
I was really pissed about the service I received. I am over an IT helpdesk for a software company. If any of my employees treated our customers like I was treated, they would be looking for work. I expect that they are just doing their jobs as supportbots, just like ATT wants them to.
I decided that if I ended up having to replace the USB board on my own dime, I was going to fix it, root it, unlock it and fleabay the thing. I was going to use the proceeds to pay the early termination fee and say goodbye to ATT forever.
I know that this was longwinded, but I have been holding this in for a while now. I posted this in one of the earlier threads, but then deleted it, thinking that I might need to reference the thread to show ATT that the USB issue was a known problem.
I don't have this issue, but a friend does. What would one do if this happened while their phone was rooted? How would you get back to stock with a dead port?
I had this issue a few weeks ago. About 100 times a day the phone would chime, thinking it had just been plugged in/unplugged. I cleaned out the USB port very well with rubbing alcohol (used a small paintbrush), as well as the internal battery contacts. I also stopped taking the phone in the bathroom while I showered, thinking that perhaps steam from the shower could be causing the problem. I'm not sure if the alcohol or keeping it out of the bathroom did it, but within a day or two the problem stopped, and hasn't repeated itself for 3 weeks or so.
candersonosu said:
I am having some of the same problems. My phone thinks it is always charging, the fully charged notification is almost always up, and my computer cannot recognize the phone. I would send my phone in for a replacement, however the water indicator sticker is red (it got slightly wet).
Does anyone have any idea on what to do. Has anyone else had the rubbing alcohol method work?
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There was somewhere on XDA a thread on how to make the moisture indicator white again. Bleach or something i believe, Maybe someone else here knows/remembers?
L8sho said:
I just went through this same issue, but I managed to fix mine on my own. I don't have the phone insurance through ATT, and the overseas warranty support center did everything that they could to deny service. Every time that I would call, they would repeat the steps that we had already been through in troubleshooting. I knew from reading here and other sites that the usb connector, or usb board was my problem. I started out cleaning it with alcohol and that seemed to help a little bit. The ultimate answer was to bend the pins in the middle of the USB connector in the direction of my screen, just a little bit. I have been three months now with no problem whatsoever. I didn't tell ATT that I did this, but I wanted to get a new phone, thinking that this fix would eventually cause the port to break altogether.
This ordeal was extremely frustrating for me, because I have been into phone hacks/flashing roms since the WinMo days. They tried to tell me on one of the calls that they had pushed an update to my phone that would fix it. I promptly told the lady on the phone that she was full of @#$#, as I knew the phone had obviously not been flashed or updated by her text message. She finally backpedaled and admitted that she was lying. It was hard to deal with this conversation without admitting what I knew about these phones. The sad fact is that at this time, my phone wasn't even rooted yet.
In the end, I did get a new, factory battery out of the deal. These idiots thought that a new battery would resolve the issue, even though I told them exactly what the problem was.
I was really pissed about the service I received. I am over an IT helpdesk for a software company. If any of my employees treated our customers like I was treated, they would be looking for work. I expect that they are just doing their jobs as supportbots, just like ATT wants them to.
I decided that if I ended up having to replace the USB board on my own dime, I was going to fix it, root it, unlock it and fleabay the thing. I was going to use the proceeds to pay the early termination fee and say goodbye to ATT forever.
I know that this was longwinded, but I have been holding this in for a while now. I posted this in one of the earlier threads, but then deleted it, thinking that I might need to reference the thread to show ATT that the USB issue was a known problem.
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Awesome help mate. Got me going. Alcohol, toothbrush and bending the pin up with a needle.
JeremyLeroy96 said:
I don't have this issue, but a friend does. What would one do if this happened while their phone was rooted? How would you get back to stock with a dead port?
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I had the same issue and I manage to get to stock usingh Mobile odin, I went to the DSC or how ever is spell The repair center for att. and the guy took it tried to fix it but was no good, so he gave me a new one. And as the chatter kept going he said they would still take them even if there rooted becouse Samsung can just restore them back to stock much easier than we can. Maybe he was blowing smoke but sounded kinda true.
he said mine hjad some sort of corrosion on the USB port that made it think it was connected that's why it showed that.
I am currently having the same issue. I have an SGH-S959g, which is Straight Talk/Net 10's S II. I'm posting here because my phone is physically identical to the AT&T S II. At the suggestion of multiple forums, I've tried cleaning it out with rubbing alcohol. I even took apart the phone and cleaned the soldered connections to the logic board. There was virtually no corrosion on any of the port. I tried bending the pins slightly forward as well, because that has helped with other phones (Samsung and otherwise). None of this is solving my problem and, unfortunately, my month-to-month service means I have no option of being sent another phone. Any help would be immensely appreciated (especially if it contains a new idea or two to try).
Thanks in advance.
camkatastrophe said:
I am currently having the same issue. I have an SGH-S959g, which is Straight Talk/Net 10's S II. I'm posting here because my phone is physically identical to the AT&T S II. At the suggestion of multiple forums, I've tried cleaning it out with rubbing alcohol. I even took apart the phone and cleaned the soldered connections to the logic board. There was virtually no corrosion on any of the port. I tried bending the pins slightly forward as well, because that has helped with other phones (Samsung and otherwise). None of this is solving my problem and, unfortunately, my month-to-month service means I have no option of being sent another phone. Any help would be immensely appreciated (especially if it contains a new idea or two to try).
Thanks in advance.
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Had same issue, fixed it with ebay item 270993875674. I can't post links so you will have to search. I bought my S2 in fall of 2011, tried a different board it did not work. The Q&A forum led me to this ebay item to fix it. It's an easy fix, takes maybe 15-20 mins if you are being ultra careful.

Droid DNA Wont Power On

So I have seen several threads on this. Need your guys help.
This is what I had before **** hit the fan.
Droid DNA
CM 10.2 Nightlies
In working condition when I went to sleep....
So what happen, who knows. I was playing D.O.T before hitting the sack. Battery was at 48% before locking the screen. Thought about charging my phone but decided that my HTC One needed to be charged first. Fast forward 6hrs later, HTC One giving me the green light that its good to go but my Droid is not tuning on. NO CHARGE Light, NO USB CONNETION, NO LIFE. I thought that maybe phone must have died. Bit weird though as it was only 6 hrs and I have never seen any of my phones die in 6hrs and screen off.
I did all of the available troubleshooting as I can think of.
Hold Volume - & Power Button - 30 Secs NO GO
Hold Volume + & Power Button - 30 Secs NO GO
Hold Volume +&- / Power Button - 2 mins NO GO
No go... thought maybe system may have been stuck or super deep sleep.
Apparently i dont have warranty with Best Buy. they scammed me, screw them, for another topic... So
Pulled back battery cover...
Unscrewed the screws that hold battery cable. Pulled out and waited 10 min before replugging it back in. NO GO.....
Took apart phone, took MOBO out, USB chip, top chip that hold the SIM, left everything out for about 12hrs, took a break and put everything together NO GO
So I consolidated with some friends and they had some success on their about this matter.....
Connect USB into Computer for 10 min then battery reset by Volume -+ and Power Button for 2 min NO GO
Charged for 12rhs Via Computer and did above NO GO
Charged for 12hrs via Power outlet NO GO
At this point Im leaning towards hard brick but idk how, didnt really do anything last night. Just sat there next to my other phones. No auto updates or anything that would require system reboot of anything of the sort.
At this time I have no charge light, no sign of life, and im about out of options at this time. I would send out to JTAG team to get it fixed but I dont have the cash to send out. My concern is that I recently bought the phone back in July and now Im bummed that it deosnt work. Money well spent but now a brick. Reverted back to my Note 2 and Moto X for the time being but would like to have her back up and running as I personally liked the phone.
Anyone recommend any option that I havet listed above or is there a way I can JTAG the sucker at home?
Also, as you can imagine from the the above, I have no way to adb and try to force something in it if software related....
Sounds like its becoming a normal......
Tell verizon your charger port just stopped working and you tried multiple chargers and it still won't charge until it powered off. They'll replace it.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
Wow, you've got an HTC One, Moto X, Droid DNA AND a Note 2?
Sorry, not helping.
Sounds like the board possibly took a dump... Just speculation...
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using XDA Premium HD app
So called Verizon and told them that my phone has does not turn on at all. they troubleshooted with me on the phone.....
Nothing worked......
They said that they would send one out but I had to ask....
I have a small crack on the screen and that it didn't affect the phones ability to be used right. They said that well they could replace it but if the phone is serviced and they find out that the crack was some how the main reason that it was the problem (Keep in mind this is Verizon we're talking about) they would slap on the the full price of the phone on my bill.....
To my knowledge and experience sounds like the board took a crap and even if the replaced the screen, the board would still need to be changed out. If they say it was the screens fault, I cant say it wasn't it was the board because they'll question why I think that and how would I know, did you open it?
I did save the void sticker and it does show small signs that I was in there but I hate to risk having my account charged at full price for a phone.
Such a dilemma as its a brand new phone besides the crack in the screen. I talked to my coworkers about this and they said I could wait for a DNA to come in as a sale or total lose and try to snag the MOBO but who's to say that phone isn't blacklisted or worse.
All of the phones I have are what I call Frankenstein phones. I work in a shop that repairs cell phones/xboxs/ps3/computers and we pay for broken crap. Most of the time its a screen problem. They dont get insurance and dont take care of their phones so I scrap them and use different parts from other phones to build one. The only phones I eve bought was the DNA, Droid Razr, well most droid serious going back to OG..... just a Droid person.... stick it to IOS and Apple, lol.....
But back to the problem, I could wait for something to come in but again, they usual call VZW and blacklist it and then only good for screen, usb chip, and SIM/earphone jack chip.
What bothers me is that I bought the phone with my own money versus having parts come in and just putting them together so having a brand new toy break hits hard.....
I tried to see if there is any at home JTag is available but all i find is links to send it out to online place that services everyone....
Try a different battery. Maybe in those 6 hours the battery the battery discharged below the "point of no return". No battery, no nothing... Even a super bricked DNA will light the led when charging... But take out the battery and you dont get anything...
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 4
masterchiefb117 said:
So called Verizon and told them that my phone has does not turn on at all. they troubleshooted with me on the phone.....
Nothing worked......
They said that they would send one out but I had to ask....
I have a small crack on the screen and that it didn't affect the phones ability to be used right. They said that well they could replace it but if the phone is serviced and they find out that the crack was some how the main reason that it was the problem (Keep in mind this is Verizon we're talking about) they would slap on the the full price of the phone on my bill.....
To my knowledge and experience sounds like the board took a crap and even if the replaced the screen, the board would still need to be changed out. If they say it was the screens fault, I cant say it wasn't it was the board because they'll question why I think that and how would I know, did you open it?
I did save the void sticker and it does show small signs that I was in there but I hate to risk having my account charged at full price for a phone.
Such a dilemma as its a brand new phone besides the crack in the screen. I talked to my coworkers about this and they said I could wait for a DNA to come in as a sale or total lose and try to snag the MOBO but who's to say that phone isn't blacklisted or worse.
All of the phones I have are what I call Frankenstein phones. I work in a shop that repairs cell phones/xboxs/ps3/computers and we pay for broken crap. Most of the time its a screen problem. They dont get insurance and dont take care of their phones so I scrap them and use different parts from other phones to build one. The only phones I eve bought was the DNA, Droid Razr, well most droid serious going back to OG..... just a Droid person.... stick it to IOS and Apple, lol.....
But back to the problem, I could wait for something to come in but again, they usual call VZW and blacklist it and then only good for screen, usb chip, and SIM/earphone jack chip.
What bothers me is that I bought the phone with my own money versus having parts come in and just putting them together so having a brand new toy break hits hard.....
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I have had similar issues. This has happened to me at least twice with the same dna I have. When I tried to charge it the orange light would not even come on.
My solution was to open it up and unplug the battery. If you have not done this yet you probably should. There are two tiny screws holding it onto the motherboard, take those off and pop the ribbon off the motherboard. After that, put it back together and try to turn it on. Make sure your power button gets lined up correctly. If you need to, check some tutorials on youtube on how to take the dna apart.
masterchiefb117 said:
I tried to see if there is any at home JTag is available but all i find is links to send it out to online place that services everyone....
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might try to PM @Zarboz .. beens is you fix stuff and he has a JTAG service maybe youll can work something out or if you read his profile he will do it for free with some conditions ... sorry .... and good luck
i have taken the phone apart already, down to the last bolt and sticker in there. nothing..... I tried a different battery from another DNA, no dice. So I can rule out that battery didnt past it point of no return but also means Im still stuck with a brick phone.....bwaaaaaaaa
To anyone who has this problem
I've repaired my DNA two times for this reason. I've try everything, I've taken it apart completely and reassembled and nothing. I end up buy one with a broken screen to salvage the motherboard and BINGO. Got it back to life. (about a year ago)
The second time I got the same problem and just ordered a salvaged motherboard from EBAY. Got it working back again (this was 3 or 4 months ago).
Today guess what happend again??... It died yet again. Same thing... No life whatsoever.
After this I'm pretty sure this is the same fault over and over again. Just a poor quality motherboard, it just dies after some time. For me it took from 1 year to 3 or 4 months. Every time the only component that I swapped was the mainboard, nothing else.
I'm tired of spending money on a phone that by now I'm sure i'll die again. :crying:
This is very sad because I love this phone too much just to let it collect dust on the bottom of a drawer. It reminds me of my old HD2.
I will probably try and find yet another board for it on EBAY.
I know it's stupid to fix something that will almost inevitably die again. But thats love I guess.....
This is just my personal experience with this issue. Please try every other solutions before you buy a replacement board.
PS: sorry about my english. It is not my primary language.
Its sad how common ive seen this issue around the Internet and still no straight forward fix or reason. Just casjy playing some og angry birds and my DNA just decides to turn off. RIP I guess, it was a good run.
My dna died today.
I have not taken it apart yet, but I guess I have tried all the other alternatives.

