Maybe it's just me, but I'm so underwhelmed by the communit(ies) for the MoPho. Coming from a Pre, I'm used to a passionate and active community of near-fanatical phanboys waxing poetic on the delights/disasters of their phone. But there's so little excitement/action/enthusiasm around the MoPho. I'm really surprised. Personally, I'm happier with this phone than any other tech gadget I've used. Period. The signals are great - Phone, Wifi, GPS. The battery life is by far the best I've seen on a smartphone, there's no lag, the screen is easily seen in sunlight, the speaker is loud. Without root and just adding some widgets and a new launcher, this thing kicks A$$!
So why is it so dead in MoPholand? Where's the developer action? Am I the only one who loves this phone?
Maybe it's just the nature of the fragmented Android universe?
Or are people just ho-hum about the MoPho?
Or is everyone so happy that they're not spending time on forums b1tching about it?
C'mon mophos! Represent!
I don't frequent this board as much as some others as the Photon works so well with just the stock software and the few modifications posted in the DEV section. I am tired of trolling people that are talking about the SGS2 and I've got my theme how I like it (save for a few xml edits that I am too lazy to try and figure out).
There are two things that I would LIKE but I know will be harder for ME to figure out then its worth. Reboot options (have to edit android policy jar) and power control widgets in the pulldown bar (inb4 widget locker)
I totally see what you mean. However, I do remember when I first got my EVO it was a good 3-4 months before any activity started to pick up.
Honestly, I could care less. With my EVO I was looking forward to developments simply because ..... well there were many flaws with that phone.
The photon stock is sufficiently acceptable for me. Great battery, great speed, i really dont care about roms/kernels etc... All i care about is launchers, widgets and aps thats more than enough for me to customize
And with Android 4.0 coming out, anything I do to it now wont matter because I'll be one of the many curious people to upgrade
I say give it a couple of months at least until after the 4.0 comes out.
Two things I'm looking forward to: Android 4.0 and Nexus Prime.
gomopho said:
Or is everyone so happy that they're not spending time on forums b1tching about it?
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This ^
Also, getting an unlocked boatloader with 4G (without having to jump through hoopes to make work) and other custom recoveries might help as well. It will happen...just very early for this device yet. In my opinion is moving along very nicely.
[email protected] said:
I don't frequent this board as much as some others as the Photon works so well with just the stock software and the few modifications posted in the DEV section. I am tired of trolling people that are talking about the SGS2 and I've got my theme how I like it (save for a few xml edits that I am too lazy to try and figure out).
There are two things that I would LIKE but I know will be harder for ME to figure out then its worth. Reboot options (have to edit android policy jar) and power control widgets in the pulldown bar (inb4 widget locker)
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The Photon is such a kick ass phone all I really needed was root. Now if someone makes a cool and stable (or more stable) as the stock rom, that has a cool theme or offers me some neat functions I will flash it. Other then that WTF else do I need. If you are not happy with the phone or development then GTFO! Don't waste your time or ours *****ing.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
Good to know things are likely to pick up over time. I'm glad to see everyone else generally very happy with the phone. There are some tweaks to do - but that's true of every phone. The MoPho has its issues down to things I'd call minor annoyances. It's got all the major issues covered. And they are totally on top of it with the updates. I think we will start getting big bonuses from the Googlerola combination.
I'll keep talking the phone up to everyone on my own.
This phone is so fantastic that I only need root. If some cool rims are developed with working 4g I will surely go that route, but for now I am fine with the way it is.
Sent from my MoPho using xda premium
Things are still in the baby stages here and with the coming of the new Sammy phone I am sure a lot of people are undecided what they want to do. Once the line is drawn in the sand and folks make their decision on if they are staying with the mopho or going to Sammy things will pickup.
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk
Bigjim1488 said:
Things are still in the baby stages here and with the coming of the new Sammy phone I am sure a lot of people are undecided what they want to do. Once the line is drawn in the sand and folks make their decision on if they are staying with the mopho or going to Sammy things will pickup.
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk
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Yea, I agree. Fact is that the SGSII Epic Touch 4G is a killer phone and once released, this place will be almost a ghost town.
Sent from my stale MoPho...
I disagree. This phone is very well done stock. But in comparison it has its weakness to other phones and when the sammy comes out more of those will be pointed out. But so will some of the places it shines. Give it time and the dust will settle. As of now there is no clear winner, but going either route you cant lose IMHO.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
I would have to agree with everyone as well, has the pho even been out for a month yet?
I am very excited about the prospect of the unlocked bootloader w/4g as that is the only thing stopping me from going buck-nutty on this thing with new Roms. Motos have been hacked for so long im sure its only a matter of time before the flow of devs come back once the SGS2 hype dies down.
as for now all I need is root, since 4g is way too much fun to not have at the moment.
jamesdwalters said:
The Photon is such a kick ass phone all I really needed was root. Now if someone makes a cool and stable (or more stable) as the stock rom, that has a cool theme or offers me some neat functions I will flash it. Other then that WTF else do I need. If you are not happy with the phone or development then GTFO! Don't waste your time or ours *****ing.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
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Exactly. I LOVE this phone Out OF The Box. Great/Amazing Battery Life. Stock ROM is fine with me. I finally feel I have NO need to put on another ROM. With Google Buying Moto Mobility, sky's the limit for our Super Phone. I can see it in Broad Daylight. I have the Sprint Hotspot on it (for Xoom, HP Touchpad, 3DS and Netflix) it works just Great with only 3G, 4G is Lighting Fast.
I am a happy customer. My wife liked it so much she gave our daughter her EVO Shift 4G and I got her a Photon. Everyone is Circle Jerking with the SGS2. Let them have it. When Sammy does not deliver (like usual) and we have Ice Cream before everyone else, they will be jealous of us and not the other way around. This is the BEST phone I have EVER had. I'm Rooted for My Backup Pro and Titanium Backup and that's it.
ghodzilla5150 said:
Exactly. I LOVE this phone Out OF The Box. Great/Amazing Battery Life. Stock ROM is fine with me. I finally feel I have NO need to put on another ROM. With Google Buying Moto Mobility, sky's the limit for our Super Phone. I can see it in Broad Daylight. I have the Sprint Hotspot on it (for Xoom, HP Touchpad, 3DS and Netflix) it works just Great with only 3G, 4G is Lighting Fast.
I am a happy customer. My wife liked it so much she gave our daughter her EVO Shift 4G and I got her a Photon. Everyone is Circle Jerking with the SGS2. Let them have it. When Sammy does not deliver (like usual) and we have Ice Cream before everyone else, they will be jealous of us and not the other way around. This is the BEST phone I have EVER had. I'm Rooted for My Backup Pro and Titanium Backup and that's it.
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Honestly I couldn't care less what phone someone else has or what they think of mine. If everyone else in the whole world dropped the photon for the SGS2 that is fine with me. I will still love my Photon. If I wanted to have the same phone as everyone else I would have an Icrap phone.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
I love this MoPho! It's working its way to becoming the best phone I've ever had.
Sent from my MoPho using the XDA Premium app
This is the first android phone i didnt have to root to be happy with lol (out if abt 15 difficult devices). Im rooted now but stock rooted just for cache cleaner and titanium backup. Its definitely the best android device ive owned...
The only thing I dislike about the Photon which is really minor anyway is the pentile screen. The gloss effect is annoying.
mrinehart93 said:
The only thing I dislike about the Photon which is really minor anyway is the pentile screen. The gloss effect is annoying.
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Peeps keep talking about the problem with the pentile screen, I've never seen it. Do I just have bad eyesight? Everything looks sharp and clear to me.
Torisen said:
Peeps keep talking about the problem with the pentile screen, I've never seen it. Do I just have bad eyesight? Everything looks sharp and clear to me.
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You have to really pay attention to see it
Sent from my PHOTON blaster!
The display is very sharp but the Pentile effect is very obvious. It's like a dithering effect. Everything has this grainy effect to it. Charge your battery full and look at the battery meter. If you don't see a large green icon full of tiny black specks, you are in denial. You don't see a solid green icon, it's got that dithering effect. And so does everything else on the screen, but the screen is still sharp and vibrant.
Sent from my stale MoPho...
HondaCop said:
The display is very sharp but the Pentile effect is very obvious. It's like a dithering effect. Everything has this grainy effect to it. Charge your battery full and look at the battery meter. If you don't see a large green icon full of tiny black specks, you are in denial. You don't see a solid green icon, it's got that dithering effect. And so does everything else on the screen, but the screen is still sharp and vibrant.
Sent from my stale MoPho...
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Your high, and no I am not in denial. Blind? maybe but it looks about as good as any other screen I have seen and better by far then some I have had.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
I have always been a little confused by some people that by and HTC phone. You see it in every HTC phone forum. People by the latest and greatest HTC phone just to get rid of Sense. You know going into buying an HTC phone it has Sense but you don't like it. Why not just wait for the GNEX? I had an ERIS. I understand trying to get every inch of speed out of your phone. This phone doesn't need that. With the Eris I even ran a Sense based ROM because it just seemed to actually be the smoothest thing to run on it. This phone was built for Sense. It just needs to be optimized and tweaked a little. On my ERIS I flashed pretty much every ROM made for that guy. Always went back to Sense. Just felt right. But if I didn't like Sense, I would have never bought this phone. I am just trying to get some feedback from the rest of you guys/girls to get a better understanding of this trend.
Well in my case I got the sensation because it was dual core. Solid screen size and it was out about 6 months before the gs2. I never had much of a problem with sense other than the fact that it's a ram hog. I would imagine people buy HTC products because of the hardware.
Sent from my Sensation 4g using XDA App
So that you have less programs taking resources from other programs.
HTC makes good hardware. Up until they started being strict about locking the bootloader, you get the phone for the hardware, design (prefer theirs over Samsung), you could buy the phone and put other roms on there that are faster. Nexus phones are good only because of the software, but hardware wise its usually a little behind. So if you could put the same software on better hardware, its a better option.
Because HTC has some decent phones, but Sense is an abomination. We want the hardware, but not the ****ty software. It's a pretty simple concept.
Sent from my Transformer TF101
Replace sense with a different launcher and watch how much more battery life and snapper the phone runs and you'll understand too.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
Gary13579 said:
Because HTC has some decent phones, but Sense is an abomination. We want the hardware, but not the ****ty software. It's a pretty simple concept.
Sent from my Transformer TF101
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What do you find an "abomination"/"****ty"? I just find that most people end up running a CM ROM then re-sense it with second had apps or built in features of the launchers they are using.
jim_0068 said:
Replace sense with a different launcher and watch how much more battery life and snapper the phone runs and you'll understand too.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
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I have run different launchers. I actually did before I my OP. I personally didn't feel like that phone was super "snappier" or that battery changed much. Battery has been more of a screen/radios issue. I have been averaging 16 hours with normal use on the regular battery.
dpiddy14 said:
What do you find an "abomination"/"****ty"? I just find that most people end up running a CM ROM then re-sense it with second had apps or built in features of the launchers they are using.
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I could rant for hours about why I hate Sense. It breaks compatibility, removes features, generally looks completely fugly (not so much now a days but on my Evo 4G, it's terribly ugly), performance issues, battery issues, closed nature is against my GNU ways, severely ****s up contacts (embeds notes into your Google Contacts in the cloud, often times doesn't sync properly etc), spams you about some ****ty HTC Sync option every time I plugin to my PC which is 300% useless as I run Linux on my desktop, and the list goes on and on.
CM7 is overall just a huge improvement. I love not being tied to HTC's garbage, being able to build and tweak my own ROMs *from source*, getting updates for newer versions before 99% of phones have them, etc.
Sent from my Transformer TF101
Hardware duhh.....are u seriously asking this...cmon
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
squidder said:
Hardware duhh.....are u seriously asking this...cmon
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
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That's like buying a new car for the the power train only. There is going to be something comparable to the rezound in no time. If you hate HTC's twist on android why support them by buying there phone? Business see numbers, if they are selling their phones like hot cakes they think you pretty much like the overall phone. They are gonna just keep expanding and refining sense.
HTC isn't suddenly going to stop using Sense because I didn't buy their phones (which, btw, I've already stopped doing, samsung > *), and if we think that sense is total **** (which it is), why shouldn't we remove it? We're not paying for the OS, we're paying for the phone.
Sent from my Transformer TF101
Gary13579 said:
I could rant for hours about why I hate Sense. It breaks compatibility, removes features, generally looks completely fugly (not so much now a days but on my Evo 4G, it's terribly ugly), performance issues, battery issues, closed nature is against my GNU ways, severely ****s up contacts (embeds notes into your Google Contacts in the cloud, often times doesn't sync properly etc), spams you about some ****ty HTC Sync option every time I plugin to my PC which is 300% useless as I run Linux on my desktop, and the list goes on and on.
CM7 is overall just a huge improvement. I love not being tied to HTC's garbage, being able to build and tweak my own ROMs *from source*, getting updates for newer versions before 99% of phones have them, etc.
Sent from my Transformer TF101
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I understand the whole being able to fully customize to your liking. That's why I am asking, iF you have such a hate for Sense why would you financially support what they are putting out? I also understand your a dev so you love linux and the more pure android experience. Would you buy and iPhone if you like the specs on it? I hate apple products personally, if their specs on somthing was awesome and I could change their OS to my liking I still would not but and apple product!
Hrmm... Let me see if I can figure this out.
Post a message on a developer-centric website.
About an Android Phone.
Wondering why people would want to customize the software to their liking.
I smell Troll.
It's not only the internal hardware, but the overall quality of HTC phones is great. Compared to Samsung phones, these are much more solid. Also, until this phone, HTC has been extremely friendly for devs. Nobody expected this phone to be locked down for this long.
And don't even start with apples way overpriced locked down phones.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
I think we can see where you are coming from, but it's really not as simple as you are making it out to be. There are really only a few choices out there, so there might not be one that fits exactly what people want as a whole. So we make do with what we can, like buying an htc phone for the hardware and updating the software to our liking.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
Zaphod-Beeblebrox said:
Hrmm... Let me see if I can figure this out.
Post a message on a developer-centric website.
About an Android Phone.
Wondering why people would want to customize the software to their liking.
I smell Troll.
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I totally understand about customizing your phone. I actually asked why do you hate sense. So far I got I F*ing hate it and it's ****ty. Gary did have some valid points. I prefer a Rom based on the Sense framework with the bloat gone. It can be a pleasant experience. It seems more like a troll to me to not read everything and post what you did!
danutzz said:
It's not only the internal hardware, but the overall quality of HTC phones is great. Compared to Samsung phones, these are much more solid. Also, until this phone, HTC has been extremely friendly for devs. Nobody expected this phone to be locked down for this long.
And don't even start with apples way overpriced locked down phones.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
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LOL, sorry for bringing apple into it! I totally agree for the most part HTC makes solid phones. Thats the main reason I buy them also. I have sammy tv's but I have had nothing but problems with their phones.
ozzyager said:
I think we can see where you are coming from, but it's really not as simple as you are making it out to be. There are really only a few choices out there, so there might not be one that fits exactly what people want as a whole. So we make do with what we can, like buying an htc phone for the hardware and updating the software to our liking.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
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I see that. I just wanted to know why all the hate for sense. If it is so bad, why is their pretty much and app for everything that sense has?
Also I am laid off right now, so I have nothing better to do than start a thread about this. I knew there was going to be a bunch of hate directed blindly towards me for starting this but I honestly want to know why the hatred for sense.
dpiddy14 said:
I totally understand about customizing your phone. I actually asked why do you hate sense. So far I got I F*ing hate it and it's ****ty. Gary did have some valid points. I prefer a Rom based on the Sense framework with the bloat gone. It can be a pleasant experience. It seems more like a troll to me to not read everything and post what did!
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Your question was why buy a phone that had sense on it, knowing it was there, rather than buying another brand and supporting HTC Financially when you didn't like the software.
For me, I didn't really know if I would like Sense or not. Having not run Sense on an Android phone, I was at least interested to try. I had Sense on an old Win-Mo phone, but had not had a chance to try the latest/greatest.
I suspected that I wouldn't like it (and I don't ... I'm not into social media, and I like to tweak my launcher bar, screen size, etc .. things I can't do with Sense), but this particular phone is still the best you can buy at this moment. Best screen, CPU, etc. While the G-Nex has some appeal, I had hoped this phone would give me the best of all worlds (Try Sense, if I don't like it, unlock, go AOSP, etc.).
My 'dig' at you was simply that on this type of site, in this type of environment, we aren't just 'users'. We are tweakers at a minimum, and some even hav dev skills. So the concept of taking ANY phone and not 'ripping it apart' doesn't fit. If it was a Samsung phone, we'd be trying to get rid of Touchwiz, if it was Motorola, we'd want free of MotoBlur.
dpiddy14 said:
I totally understand about customizing your phone. I actually asked why do you hate sense. So far I got I F*ing hate it and it's ****ty. Gary did have some valid points. I prefer a Rom based on the Sense framework with the bloat gone. It can be a pleasant experience. It seems more like a troll to me to not read everything and post what you did!
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Did I use troll right? I don't usually use the little kid, tattle tell, words like noob, or troll.
Zaphod-Beeblebrox said:
Your question was why buy a phone that had sense on it, knowing it was there, rather than buying another brand and supporting HTC Financially when you didn't like the software.
For me, I didn't really know if I would like Sense or not. Having not run Sense on an Android phone, I was at least interested to try. I had Sense on an old Win-Mo phone, but had not had a chance to try the latest/greatest.
I suspected that I wouldn't like it (and I don't ... I'm not into social media, and I like to tweak my launcher bar, screen size, etc .. things I can't do with Sense), but this particular phone is still the best you can buy at this moment. Best screen, CPU, etc. While the G-Nex has some appeal, I had hoped this phone would give me the best of all worlds (Try Sense, if I don't like it, unlock, go AOSP, etc.).
My 'dig' at you was simply that on this type of site, in this type of environment, we aren't just 'users'. We are tweakers at a minimum, and some even hav dev skills. So the concept of taking ANY phone and not 'ripping it apart' doesn't fit. If it was a Samsung phone, we'd be trying to get rid of Touchwiz, if it was Motorola, we'd want free of MotoBlur.
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If you have never had a sense phone I could understand trying it. Thanks for posting what you don't like about it too. I am not against switching ROM's customizing to your liking. I am totally for it. Like you said if we are here we are tweakers at minimum. I was more questioning the people the first day it was out wanting s-off to get ride of sense. Then recently the desense utility came out. It just sparked my interest. Who knows when ICS comes out if I will still want sense myself.
HTC Dialer sucks. It will be highly desirable to replace it with aosp ones. There is currently no one working on it. I am surprise.
crazypotato said:
HTC Dialer sucks. It will be highly desirable to replace it with aosp ones. There is currently no one working on it. I am surprise.
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Interesting. Glad it surprises you. Why does everyone assume that developing is so easy? I bet I can get you the standard dialer pretty quickly. Use craigslist and post the following:
HTC AMAZE 4G for a cheap non-HTC device.
Seriously. I don't understand why people spend so much for a device to want to go for AOSP stuff.
Besides... check the Market. You might find dialer alternatives. Worth a shot.
Binary100100 said:
Interesting. Glad it surprises you. Why does everyone assume that developing is so easy? I bet I can get you the standard dialer pretty quickly. Use craigslist and post the following:
HTC AMAZE 4G for a cheap non-HTC device.
Seriously. I don't understand why people spend so much for a device to want to go for AOSP stuff.
Besides... check the Market. You might find dialer alternatives. Worth a shot.
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Folks, quit peeing in Binarys cereal... dammit
zPacKRat said:
Folks, quit peeing in Binarys cereal... dammit
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Oatmeal. I don't eat cereal. I eat oatmeal.
Quite a few decent dialers out there. There are even a few on XDA....
This one is free on the market and has a presence on XDA with themes as well. It's rated highly.
jeepers007 said:
Quite a few decent dialers out there. There are even a few on XDA....
This one is free on the market and has a presence on XDA with themes as well. It's rated highly.
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I like this one better, I tried dialer one, now I use exDialer, its awesome AND themable.
currently I have the ICS theme, I'm just loving it
seansk said:
I like this one better, I tried dialer one, now I use exDialer, its awesome AND themable.
currently I have the ICS theme, I'm just loving it
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I'm not a critic of the original dialer, nor am I a fan.. but the ics theme looked good enough I am giving it a try, thanks for pointing it out, nice find It IS good that it has a contacts replacement, I DO HATE the htc contacts!
Silentbtdeadly said:
I'm not a critic of the original dialer, nor am I a fan.. but the ics theme looked good enough I am giving it a try, thanks for pointing it out, nice find It IS good that it has a contacts replacement, I DO HATE the htc contacts!
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yea with the stock sense dialer its was hard to get to my faves, but this one makes it much easier combining the goodness of snese ui dialer with the goodness of AOSP dialer, and ICS theme looks great.
Binary100100 said:
Interesting. Glad it surprises you. Why does everyone assume that developing is so easy? I bet I can get you the standard dialer pretty quickly. Use craigslist and post the following:
HTC AMAZE 4G for a cheap non-HTC device.
Seriously. I don't understand why people spend so much for a device to want to go for AOSP stuff.
Besides... check the Market. You might find dialer alternatives. Worth a shot.
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Amen to that ! If you want the AOSP look... get a non HTC device and leave us, HTC and HTC Sense lovers, alone! hehe
NRGZ28 said:
Amen to that ! If you want the AOSP look... get a non HTC device and leave us, HTC and HTC Sense lovers, alone! hehe
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theoretically what if I like everything about the amaze besides sense UI?... I love the camera, design, build quality, screen, speed, 42mb hsdpa, etc...there are not other phones on t-mobile or other carriers that come close to this phone, or that i like that come AOSP. the only phones with true AOSP are the google flagship phones, and probably G2x and I can't think of other ones.
seansk said:
theoretically what if I like everything about the amaze besides sense UI?... I love the camera, design, build quality, screen, speed, 42mb hsdpa, etc...there are not other phones on t-mobile or other carriers that come close to this phone, or that i like that come AOSP. the only phones with true AOSP are the google flagship phones, and probably G2x and I can't think of other ones.
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So by that logic, I would like a Ford Mustang Shelby with a 4 cylinder engine because it's better on fuel.
No I want the 454 big block blower
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Binary100100 said:
So by that logic, I would like a Ford Mustang Shelby with a 4 cylinder engine because it's better on fuel.
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you're assuming that sense is a 8 cylinder engine and aosp is a 4 cylinder engine. In terms of cars you have the choice of getting a regular mustang which looks the same, can get all the same interior features of the car, but with a different engine...this is not possible with phones...analogy is not the same...I'm not saying I hate or like sense, as I've said before there are parts I like and parts I don't like...but trying to create a compelling argument.
If I wanted an AOSP device on T-mobile, my only choice would be a G2X. I'd rather get the better phone and sacrifice things I don't like about sense than get a older crappy phone like the G2X...all I'm saying is that options are very limited when it comes to AOSP. you cannot make the same analogy for cars.
I myself don't like sense, touchwiz, nor the True AOSP. In my personal opinion, there are a lot of things about sense UI that slow the phone down and also drain the battery, the interface however looks great and has many neat features. Touchwiz is a piece of crap but it is lighter so it doesn't bog down the system as much. I was using CM for the longest time and was very happy. I am not a big fan of True AOSP either, I actually like a modified and more customizable yet light, version of AOSP. In my opinion this is why CM has been so successful. I'm sure xboarder's release will be amazing and make a lot of people happy on this forum. everyone has personal preferences and it's is not fair to say they should have gotten a different phone, since there are no other options...believe me after my nexus one, the nexus s pissed me off, cause it was not a big upgrade...and I waited another year for the next nexus, galaxy nexus, which also didn't impress me. I knew I wanted a good camera on my phone, fast, a better screen, and as you know at first I went with samsung galaxy s II, but hated everything about it. I can happily live with my phone with a 3rd party launcher lockscreen and dialer for the next two I'm not complaining at all.
I understand when people come and complain when the AOSP from xboarder is going to be released, it get's frustrating. But I don't regret this is the decision I made based on the availabe phones on the market and I'm not one bit unhappy about it...doesn't mean I wouldn't be happier with a different rom that is more AOSP like, that is why we have XDA right? so we can have options in terms of roms, kernels, and more control of how we like to customize our phones. That is why we unlocked it and possibly voided warranty.
Binary100100 said:
So by that logic, I would like a Ford Mustang Shelby with a 4 cylinder engine because it's better on fuel.
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I think a better analogy is... why would you buy a shelby mustang, only to put a ford fiesta body on it ? Yes, it'll be fast as hell, but it sure won't look like it
NRGZ28 said:
I think a better analogy is... why would you buy a shelby mustang, only to put a ford fiesta body on it ? Yes, it'll be fast as hell, but it sure won't look like it
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looks is a matter of opinion , besides I usually run 3rd party launchers anyways...with 3rd party lockscreens and 3rd party dialers!!! I just don't like a lot of sense stuff bogging down my system...although this is easily taken care of in Titanium backup, i usually freeze i said its not a biggie...everyone has their own preference...I'd rather run 3rd party things on a lighter system, Sense has some great features for me and some that I care not about...again personal preference...I get it you guys are big sense fans , I guess what I'm trying to get at atleast for me I wish I was a developer myself and could make a rom to my own liking lol...things I want from sense and things I don't want...and I'm sure its not as easy as i just described it...People come in to the office and ask to put gold crowns on their perfectly healthy teeth!!! do I agree with it? NO, its retarded and as a doctor i know it can jeopardize the integrity, lifespan and durability of the tooth...Do I still do this for them? yes, its their choice, and I explain everything to them and make them sign papers and make detailed notes about the situation...ultimately everyone has personal opinions about everything...It's not fair to shoot down people's opinions, just respect them...some people love tattooing their body and having lots of piercings, would I do that? NO. would I become friends with someone like that, enough each their own I guess...
Binary100100 said:
So by that logic, I would like a Ford Mustang Shelby with a 4 cylinder engine because it's better on fuel.
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Ford kinda did that with the SVO in the early 80's
NRGZ28 said:
I think a better analogy is... why would you buy a shelby mustang, only to put a ford fiesta body on it ? Yes, it'll be fast as hell, but it sure won't look like it
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In the auto enthusiast world we call that a "sleeper". Usually it just means a highly modified car that you didn't MAKE look like it is highly modified. Not everyone wants to look like the fast and the furious.. but I think we are getting off topic a bit now.
I kind of understand why someone would want some AOSP goodness.. I replaced the launcher, the dialer, the contacts menu, and I'm happy. Sense is still there, I'll bet you it is still taking up processor, bogging things down, when I don't really like the majority of it. I am all about trying to create a custom look/feel, and AOSP for me would just mean there isn't a lot of extra bling/extras in the background I don't even use.
If I could modify the number of tiles on the stock launcher, theme it and dialer/contacts, change the dock(more buttons), change the screen animations.. then I wouldn't mind the sense part so much
For the past week or so I've asking myself if my Android is better or worse than my friend's iPhone with respect to hardware, aesthetics and user-freindly-ness. There are more than a few ways to tackle this question as different features appeal to different people, which is why I present this question to the whole of xda (or just the X2 forum lol) : Which one do you think is better and why?
A couple things: 1.) Im relatively new here and I dont know how often this question is askedso I'll understand if this question starts a riot and is taken down and 2.) I know there will be some bias, but I feel as this forum in particular will be honest in answering my question.
Many to thanks to anyone that happens to read this and many more to anyone that bothers responding!
Android, cause I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. The thought of clouds and cloud connect must really suck not being able to see our hear when your in a building, elevator, tunnel out remote location. Plus only $6.99 a month for insurance, iPhone is $10.99 and I prefer a one year warranty over Apple 90 day warranty.
Yes Apple is simple, simple is as simple does. Simple people like simple things!
I like to unleash, and have the option too change whatever.
Dee Ex Two - See Em Seven
Pixelation said:
Android, cause I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. The thought of clouds and cloud connect must really suck not being able to see our hear when your in a building, elevator, tunnel out remote location. Plus only $6.99 a month for insurance, iPhone is $10.99 and I prefer a one year warranty over Apple 90 day warranty.
Yes Apple is simple, simple is as simple does. Simple people like simple things!
I like to unleash, and have the option too change whatever.
Dee Ex Two - See Em Seven
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So Im assuming iPhone's cannot run different ROMs in the way Androids can? Forgive me if I sound clueless; I have ~20 minutes of experience with Apple's phones.
thelowend said:
So Im assuming iPhone's cannot run different ROMs in the way Androids can? Forgive me if I sound clueless; I have ~20 minutes of experience with Apple's phones.
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Here's the thing. Iphone must jailbreak to do many of the things that android can do out if the box.
But! Iphone does one thing out of the box that android typically has to root to do: run buttery smooth, all the time. Everything Iphone does, it does better stock for stock.
But I cannot own an Iphone for one reason, if no other: the ui is SO boring it puts me to sleep. Android is much more entertaining just swiping home screens and widgets and notification panels, etc.
Just my two cents...
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
I guess it boils down to what you want out of a smrtphone. If you don't care about physical keyboards, interesting ui's, screen size, you just want it to WORK, then I think you're better served by an Iphone. Not me.
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
If they are better you wouldn't see us here.
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
Okay, the iPhone vs. Android debate is just silly.
It all boils down to what you like.
If you don't care about customization, don't want to worry about having to set things up, want to ensure that your phone works the same as everyone else, then the iPhone is the phone to get. You know that your iPhone 4s will be the same as everyone else who has an iPhone 4s. You all will run the same OS version and get the same update at the same time. No issues with "Hey how come you have ICS and I still have Gingerbread?" No issues with waiting for your phone manufacturer to release a certain version of the OS (like we have with all the different phone manufacturers and carriers for Android).
But, if you want to customize, you want to change the UI, you want flexibility, don't mind researching which phones might best fit you, understand what the different Android OS versions are, etc, then the Android is your way.
It all depends on how much control you want over your phone. Even with Android, though, carriers make it difficult at times to allow you to have that full control. That is the current issue with the X2 and many other Motorola phones - no unlocked bootloader which makes it more difficult to upgrade the phone to the latest Android OS. But, if you have developer support, then chances are, you'll see some great things come. Fortunately, with the X2, we have some great devs out there - Nitro, Dragonzkiller, Aceoyame - that are creating some excellent custom ROMs for the X2.
But, with Android, you have to keep up with what is out there IF you want to keep customizing. You could still get an Android, not root it and not customize it and you might be fine, but you really need to investigate which phones work the best out of the box. The X2 doesn't. Too much BLUR crap in it, hence that's why we like to put on custom ROMs that remove that BLUR which in turn, helps the performance of the phone.
Okay, that was long, but it pretty much sums up that it all boils down to each persons personal preference. Just because I like Android over iOs doesn't mean it's right for the next person. You just have to investigate it and choose the one that best fits you. If you like what you chose, then it was the right choice for you. I just can't stand when people try to just say things like "Android is the best. iOs sucks" without backing it up with any facts other than personal opinion. That is NOT fair to the next person looking for a phone.
I had iphone for 5 years, starting with the first one and then the 3g and then the 4! I always jailbreaked it and it was a pain to use itunes! I loved it b4 but now with my gNote i can never consider byuin an iphone again! Too simple for me! This comes down to what u want to do with the phone, my parents use iphone cause its simple, but for somebody who wants to modify his phone, iphone is not the phone for those people! Android is developing much faster than iphone, and for me, that somethin i appreciate alot!
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
iPhones are for the people who don't understand nor want to understand the technology they are holding in their hands, they just want to go as far as jail breaking their phone. Android users are the ones that tend to be more into the technology in their phones. But then there are those iPhone users who think they know technology, yet they have a hard time understanding the difference between hard drive and SD card. So I think it boils down to the person, to their interest and how much time they want to spend on their phone besides texting and playing angry birds haha
Don't hate me, I just see a lot of people with iPhones thinking they know more about this stuff while spitting out words at random like "my CPU is better than yours!" Yet they have no idea what a CPU is.
Sent from my MB870 using XDA App
Many thanks to everyone for the great insight. So the conclusion I draw from this thread and other deabates on the topic is that: iPhone: user freindly (not to say the Droid isn't) and simple thus making it very very appealing to the masses. It also is very limited when it comes to making modifications (which to me is quite a downfall to us but enables a Droid user to ultimately push past the iPhone user).
The Droid: Huge selection of phones. Can be modified to all hell assuming your model is fairly unlocked and if I might add, the only option for a man with big hands. Our major downfall is that some phones fall behind in development whereas the iPhone os is functionally consistent across most models.
So sorry if that was long but I really enjoy getting as much info as possible on a certain subject and presenting it to those better than me to make sure its accurate is important soooo please correct me if anything I said was wrong!!!
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
I believe you now understand better than most.
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
I chose the x2 OVER the I phone based on performance and customization differences IN STORE, which means I felt the x2(or any Droid in store) offered more for me to do/play with right out the box.
That's the basic difference, whether you root or jailbreak or not the DROID DOES...plain and simple
Widgets widgets widgets
many different launchers you can custom fit to your liking
Many more options
And wow its a whole new world, get ready
Just my thoughts
Not to mention this awesome community, for the most part....
Just for the sake of rebellion I refuse to join the technologically and possibly mentally inferior software users...(iPhone) I do more than use software, I mod. And experiment
Sent from my MB870 using XDA App
I've never actually played around with a jailbroken iPhone but from what I've read, the only perk is a nice app store. Can anyone shed some light on this?
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
thelowend said:
I've never actually played around with a jailbroken iPhone but from what I've read, the only perk is a nice app store. Can anyone shed some light on this?
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
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That's basically it. For the iPods, you can change wallpaper and stuff and font and transitions and stuff. Basically what they have when they jailbreak, is what we have out of the box with android. But when we root, we have even more haha
Sent from my MB870 using XDA App
That's basically it. For the iPods, you can change wallpaper and stuff and font and transitions and stuff. Basically what they have when they jailbreak, is what we have out of the box with android. But when we root, we have even more haha
Sent from my MB870 using XDA App
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They still don't get cool widgets and launchers tho
ashclepdia said:
They still don't get cool widgets and launchers tho
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I could'nt survive without a good weather + clock widget. And I NEED my app killer widget.
thelowend said:
I've never actually played around with a jailbroken iPhone but from what I've read, the only perk is a nice app store. Can anyone shed some light on this?
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda premium
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Until they started monitoring it, jailbreaking an iPhone also meant you could enable tethering for free.
thelowend said:
I could'nt survive without a good weather + clock widget. And I NEED my app killer widget.
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I like weatherbug. Its has the temp for your area at the left of the status bar. If you pull down the status bar, it has weather info right at the top. Not sure if it has any widgets though.
Sent from my MB870 using XDA App
ashclepdia said:
They still don't get cool widgets and launchers tho
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I've only used the Google music widget, I put all the icons on the left and right side of the center home screen and keep the wall paper visible haha
Sent from my MB870 using XDA App
... and before I continue I know that the overwhelming consensus is WE WANT ICS! I'm not trying to convince anyone that you shouldn't want it or that it's not gonna be the shiznit. I actually hope it will be great, and for all you Android old timers, congrats.... but...
Maybe its b/c I am fairly new to both Android and Gingerbread. Having grown tired of the jailbreak cycle of the iPhone, I switched (reluctantly b/c Google == Skynet) to the Skyrocket late last year. Rooting, kernels, and custom ROMs were all new to me. Heck, the screen size was new. But, I am glad I switched. Now that I have the GNote exactly how I want it with a whole slew of custom things (OC kernel, V6, 14 toggles, etc) I can't help but be apathetic to ICS... it's gonna take me back to square one.
ICS may make my apps start FC'ing, Samsung's implementation of ICS on the GNote may be buggy, etc. My GNote is faster than stock, no FCs, and all my apps work. ICS is gonna mess all that up (IMO), just like new releases of iOS on my jailbroken 3GS. There was always something that would never work again even after I re-JB it and reinstalled all my JB apps. So after awhile I just stopped updating my 3GS.
I'm positive ICS is gonna be great, but I'm probably still gonna slap the same 3rd party home screen launcher on it and try my best to get things back to the way they used to be... so what's the rush?
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BlackZenith said:
... and before I continue I know that the overwhelming consensus is WE WANT ICS! I'm not trying to convince anyone that you shouldn't want it or that it's not gonna be the shiznit. I actually hope it will be great, and for all you Android old timers, congrats.... but...
Maybe its b/c I am fairly new to both Android and Gingerbread. Having grown tired of the jailbreak cycle of the iPhone, I switched (reluctantly b/c Google == Skynet) to the Skyrocket late last year. Rooting, kernels, and custom ROMs were all new to me. Heck, the screen size was new. But, I am glad I switched. Now that I have the GNote exactly how I want it with a whole slew of custom things (OC kernel, V6, 14 toggles, etc) I can't help but be apathetic to ICS... it's gonna take me back to sqauare one.
ICS may make my apps start FC'ing, Samsung's implementation of ICS on the GNote may be buggy, etc. My GNote is faster than stock, no FCs, and all my apps work. ICS is gonna mess all that up (IMO), just like new releases of iOS on my jailbroken 3GS. There was always something that would never work again even after I re-JB it and reinstalled all my JB apps. So after awhile I just stopped updating my 3GS.
I'm positive ICS is gonna be great, but I'm probably still gonna slap the same 3rd party home screen launcher on it and try my best to get things back to the way they used to be... so what's the rush?
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IMHO, you are on the right thought path here, which I say only from some past experience with ICS. <-- I realize this is a totally subjective statement, but you have to understand that ICS essentially turned my dying Captivate into a very nimble little device, so if anyone should be singing the praises of ICS, you'd think I would, but not so much...
The user experience is nice, fluid and definitely different from GB, but it does not turn GB on its head from any perspective or by any means.
I do like the different alternative launchers (Trebuchet to a degree and Nova for sure) and I also like the clean look of ICS as well as that it ran smoother and with fewer hiccups on my old Captivate than the damn stock firmware had. lol
However, I think a lot of the core functionality that I liked of ICS came from the Cyanogen underlayment (in other words, all the custom tweaks such as status bar, notification widgets, etc.) but a lot if not all of the same custom tweeks I'm sure will be available in any developed ROM for the Note, whether GB or ICS. Matter of fact, we're already seeing a lot of this in the couple of ROMs that are out there (Saurom, etc.)
At this point, I'm more curious and interested to see what JellyBean (5.0) has in store, and am anxious for Q4 to roll around which I believe is when it's tentatively scheduled for release.
BlackZenith said:
... and before I continue I know that the overwhelming consensus is WE WANT ICS! I'm not trying to convince anyone that you shouldn't want it or that it's not gonna be the shiznit. I actually hope it will be great, and for all you Android old timers, congrats.... but...
Maybe its b/c I am fairly new to both Android and Gingerbread. Having grown tired of the jailbreak cycle of the iPhone, I switched (reluctantly b/c Google == Skynet) to the Skyrocket late last year. Rooting, kernels, and custom ROMs were all new to me. Heck, the screen size was new. But, I am glad I switched. Now that I have the GNote exactly how I want it with a whole slew of custom things (OC kernel, V6, 14 toggles, etc) I can't help but be apathetic to ICS... it's gonna take me back to sqauare one.
ICS may make my apps start FC'ing, Samsung's implementation of ICS on the GNote may be buggy, etc. My GNote is faster than stock, no FCs, and all my apps work. ICS is gonna mess all that up (IMO), just like new releases of iOS on my jailbroken 3GS. There was always something that would never work again even after I re-JB it and reinstalled all my JB apps. So after awhile I just stopped updating my 3GS.
I'm positive ICS is gonna be great, but I'm probably still gonna slap the same 3rd party home screen launcher on it and try my best to get things back to the way they used to be... so what's the rush?
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Yeah, that's not the case. Root is already out for the GSII ICS build. There's no reason to not demand ICS as soon as possible, it really is better in every way, and it's ridiculous that the US Note didn't come with it.
and it's ridiculous that the US Note didn't come with it.[/QUOTE said:
Although i stand by my earlier statement, I do agree with this...
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Gingerbread was juste not made for those 720p screen, believe me, I come from a GNexus and ICS is going to be alot better for the note than GingerBread, ICS is alot more fluidband more interactive too.
Returning to Gingerbread when I got ICS since day one (I also had a Nexus S ) is a pain.
BlackZenith said:
I'm not trying to convince anyone that you shouldn't want it or that it's not gonna be the shiznit. I actually hope it will be great, and for all you Android old timers, congrats....
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Many of us are coming from devices that had ICS, so we know what we’re waiting for and that we like it.
BlackZenith said:
(reluctantly b/c Google == Skynet)
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You’re right, they should be more like apple and charge you for having their nose in all your data and activity (BTW, everything you whisper to siri goes straight to apple servers for translation, same for all major voice recognition software)
BlackZenith said:
Rooting, kernels, and custom ROMs were all new to me. Heck, the screen size was new. But, I am glad I switched. Now that I have the GNote exactly how I want it with a whole slew of custom things (OC kernel, V6, 14 toggles, etc) I can't help but be apathetic to ICS... it's gonna take me back to sqauare one.
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If you don’t like going back to square one, why in the world are you messing with customizing your phone? It’s a fact of life, that’s why the android fairey invented Titanium Backup and external SD cards!
BlackZenith said:
ICS may make my apps start FC'ing, Samsung's implementation of ICS on the GNote may be buggy, etc.
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Yea, the phone could have been buggy when you bought it (some peoples were actually) and any ROM you load could be buggy, any mod you make could make it buggy, flashing kernals and radios and ROMS can brick your phone, this is ok but a factory OS update scares you?
BlackZenith said:
My GNote is faster than stock, no FCs, and all my apps work. ICS is gonna mess all that up (IMO)
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Not trying to nit-pick here, but how can you predict the future as an opinion? And even better, follow it up with...
BlackZenith said:
I'm positive ICS is gonna be great,
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BlackZenith said:
but I'm probably still gonna slap the same 3rd party home screen launcher on it and try my best to get things back to the way they used to be... so what's the rush?
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Then when the update is out, don’t update it. Rooting generally breaks the update anyways, so you should be good if you’ve already done so. If not, then simply flash back to stock. Eazy Peazy.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m really not harping on you. Your post is a rarity here in that it speaks of ICS and not belly aching about what you were told and that you demand it and then all the international owners chime in and say “BUT BUT BUT THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT OURS NOT YOURS…cause cause cause ours is ba-ba-better!!!!”. I’m just trying to share my take on this after I peeled my palm from my forehead as there is a lot of conflicting opinions in your post. Going from one OS to the next is the lifecycle of android. I remember getting 1.5 (cupcake, first named release), it took me by surprise, I thought “a phone that’s getting a major face life? Cool” and the addiction was all down hill from there. Each iteration represents all new cool things to discover, reasons why I lay down in bed at 10, but don’t put my phone down till 1230 then drag myself out of bed at 430 the next morning cursing my ADD mentality in relation to tech. It’s just the way it is for a lot of us.
Chief Geek said:
You’re right, they should be more like apple and charge you for having their nose in all your data and activity (BTW, everything you whisper to siri goes straight to apple servers for translation, same for all major voice recognition software)
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Good grief, my reference to Skynet was a joke. If I truly believed that I would have never bought a Android phone. Besides, even in the Driod Bionic commericials they say the it's the first phone to be "self aware". And who said anything about Apple or Siri being apart of the human resistance against the machines?
Chief Geek said:
If you don’t like going back to square one, why in the world are you messing with customizing your phone? It’s a fact of life, that’s why the android fairey invented Titanium Backup and external SD cards!
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And how are my statements "conflicting"? You ask why would I customize my phone (i.e. anything non stock) if I am worried about going back to square one? Your statement is conflicting when in the same sentence you speak of using TB. How in the world can I use TB if I am stock??? If anything the only way I can keep from updating my phone is by being non-stock before AT&T attempts to push an update to my phone.
Chief Geek said:
Yea, the phone could have been buggy when you bought it (some peoples were actually) and any ROM you load could be buggy, any mod you make could make it buggy, flashing kernals and radios and ROMS can brick your phone, this is ok but a factory OS update scares you?
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Yes a factory update "scares" me (lol good one) only b/c my custom setup is working great... better than it did factory.
Chief Geek said:
Not trying to nit-pick here, but how can you predict the future as an opinion? And even better, follow it up with...
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You are nit-piking lol. You've dissected my ENTIRE post smh. I will answer your question with a question: "How can I predict the future as a fact!?" I only say "IMO" b/c I have not used ICS. I can predict the future based off the past. Android is known for being "buggy" with a fragmented ecosystem and marketplace. As far as I am concerned Gingerbread is a mature OS compared to ICS.
Chief Geek said:
Then when the update is out, don’t update it. Rooting generally breaks the update anyways, so you should be good if you’ve already done so. If not, then simply flash back to stock. Eazy Peazy.
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How about I do you one better. I have frozen the "Device Management" app on my phone. The day you guys stop complaining about ICS problems (Stock/Custom) is the day I will unfreeze it...
Chief Geek said:
Don’t get me wrong, I’m really not harping on you. Your post is a rarity here in that it speaks of ICS and not belly aching about what you were told and that you demand it and then all the international owners chime in and say “BUT BUT BUT THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT OURS NOT YOURS…cause cause cause ours is ba-ba-better!!!!”. I’m just trying to share my take on this after I peeled my palm from my forehead as there is a lot of conflicting opinions in your post. Going from one OS to the next is the lifecycle of android. I remember getting 1.5 (cupcake, first named release), it took me by surprise, I thought “a phone that’s getting a major face life? Cool” and the addiction was all down hill from there. Each iteration represents all new cool things to discover, reasons why I lay down in bed at 10, but don’t put my phone down till 1230 then drag myself out of bed at 430 the next morning cursing my ADD mentality in relation to tech. It’s just the way it is for a lot of us.
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*Sighs* Even after all that you have given me no tangible features ICS has over GB. You sir need to put your phone down and get some sleep.
Wonder if a metal battery door would serve as a tin foil hat for your note just incase the ics invasion does happen.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk
mark1s said:
Gingerbread was juste not made for those 720p screen, believe me, I come from a GNexus and ICS is going to be alot better for the note than GingerBread, ICS is alot more fluidband more interactive too.
Returning to Gingerbread when I got ICS since day one (I also had a Nexus S ) is a pain.
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Totally agree, gingerbread absolutely blows after having a factory ICS device.
Chief Geek said:
Wonder if a metal battery door would serve as a tin foil hat for your note just incase the ics invasion does happen.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk
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Haha that was funny. This may be extremely farfetched, but i wonder if we could port ICS off of the vivid. It may be possible... Same processor and all. Rest will be different though.
Lol but why does it blow. ... Im kinda with OP but dont mind setting phone up 3 times a day but still the point stands what is so much better with ICS i just here "it just is" come on now we are all android fans and that is the arguement iphone fans try and use that we tease about lol. So lets get some real life experience to really say what makes it head over heals better .
Sent from my SGH-I717R using XDA App
u921333 said:
Lol but why does it blow. ... Im kinda with OP but dont mind setting phone up 3 times a day but still the point stands what is so much better with ICS i just here "it just is" come on now we are all android fans and that is the arguement iphone fans try and use that we tease about lol. So lets get some real life experience to really say what makes it head over heals better .
Sent from my SGH-I717R using XDA App
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Ok, i guess I'll bite.
First, and foremost, it is far faster and smoother. You can interpret this as being more efficient depending on your definition. When ICS ROMs began maturing into daily drivers, it knocked the dust loose off of alot of our phones. My Vibrant, a first gen Galaxy S device, was given a great breath of life when it first saw the light of ICS. This alone is worth wanting ICS. My Vibrant became snappier and all together a pleasant experience again.
Second, it takes alot of the features that were in Honey Comb (a tablet only OS) and rolled them into a handset OS. This includes a bunch of small features that include things like Roboto Font and improvements in cameras and radios.
As iterations go by, you will notice alot of "add on" features become stock components of the OS. This is by no means exclusive to android, all OSs of all platforms do it. Its giving the customer what they want. Things like Screen shot and voice commands have long been missing and were added ala cart via the market and some specialty oem features (like us using the S-Pen to take screen grabs). So more and more of these are rolled into the OS to make it a smoother overall experience.
Next lets talk about NFC. It is, in my opinion, under utilized piece of technology that has been ignored for too long due to peoples fears of their data being stolen (while leaving other far more susceptible techs wide open like BT). ICS brings NFC to the table so those who have paid to have it in their device (hello note users) have the option of playing with it and even using it if in an area where this is possible.
Past the above, there are other refinements such as the cut and and paste being much easier, menus being easier to navigate, and an overall better experience. There really is nothing ground breaking like when multi touch entered the scene and other great new advances. ICS offers us a much more fluid OS to dive into. Yes it may be buggy when we first start playing with it. The experienced among us already know why, it's because we'll likely be running custom ROMs far before it's officially released or atleast before it gets pushed out to the masses. It won't be earth shattering, but it will be awesome to get alot of the cool features on a great device. It'll be different things to different people. Some may not even notice it other then it's bluer then normal.
Oh yea, and it's much purdier...
I think you mean drooling.
californiarailroader said:
I think you mean drooling.
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or trolling
This has my vote for the "thread of the week"!
I love it when phone geeks go back and forth......cause I find out things I never knew about...and everyone makes good points so we are all winners!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
Chief Geek said:
Ok, i guess I'll bite.
First, and foremost, it is far faster and smoother. You can interpret this as being more efficient depending on your definition. When ICS ROMs began maturing into daily drivers, it knocked the dust loose off of alot of our phones. My Vibrant, a first gen Galaxy S device, was given a great breath of life when it first saw the light of ICS. This alone is worth wanting ICS. My Vibrant became snappier and all together a pleasant experience again.
Second, it takes alot of the features that were in Honey Comb (a tablet only OS) and rolled them into a handset OS. This includes a bunch of small features that include things like Roboto Font and improvements in cameras and radios.
As iterations go by, you will notice alot of "add on" features become stock components of the OS. This is by no means exclusive to android, all OSs of all platforms do it. Its giving the customer what they want. Things like Screen shot and voice commands have long been missing and were added ala cart via the market and some specialty oem features (like us using the S-Pen to take screen grabs). So more and more of these are rolled into the OS to make it a smoother overall experience.
Next lets talk about NFC. It is, in my opinion, under utilized piece of technology that has been ignored for too long due to peoples fears of their data being stolen (while leaving other far more susceptible techs wide open like BT). ICS brings NFC to the table so those who have paid to have it in their device (hello note users) have the option of playing with it and even using it if in an area where this is possible.
Past the above, there are other refinements such as the cut and and paste being much easier, menus being easier to navigate, and an overall better experience. There really is nothing ground breaking like when multi touch entered the scene and other great new advances. ICS offers us a much more fluid OS to dive into. Yes it may be buggy when we first start playing with it. The experienced among us already know why, it's because we'll likely be running custom ROMs far before it's officially released or atleast before it gets pushed out to the masses. It won't be earth shattering, but it will be awesome to get alot of the cool features on a great device. It'll be different things to different people. Some may not even notice it other then it's bluer then normal.
Oh yea, and it's much purdier...
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Thank you .... that helps a lot better for someone who hasnt personally used ICS. Better then the "its just better" responses I heard.
Next Question I have is I know comparing Stock Gingerbread to Stock ICS the more Fluid response stands out from what I hear but what about Custom Rom Gingerbread to Stock ICS would we really get a smoother feel. I know that this all an opinion but man I am on the DAg's custom and I cant picture it getting much smoother.
u921333 said:
Thank you .... that helps a lot better for someone who hasnt personally used ICS. Better then the "its just better" responses I heard.
Next Question I have is I know comparing Stock Gingerbread to Stock ICS the more Fluid response stands out from what I hear but what about Custom Rom Gingerbread to Stock ICS would we really get a smoother feel. I know that this all an opinion but man I am on the DAg's custom and I cant picture it getting much smoother.
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The reason most people say "its just better" is because they dont realize all the little things done to make it better, they just realize the over all effect of being better. Perfect example is the new Roboto font, people dont realize its a new font, they just have an easier time reading.
As for my experience a mature custom rom is always better then a factory rom. They are slimmed down with little to no bloat and have been tailored to work better. But with all that said, you can't really pick a winner without knowing he contestants. I've used some awesome ROMs and some down right buggy ones, and the same goes for OEM ROMs. That's the great thing about ROMs though, you DL a hand full and start flashing untill you find yourself saying " this is niiice"
My only thought from this thread is how much I hate the acronym "SMH".
On topic, coming from my captivate with CM9 Alpha, I personally, am drooling for ICS.
jwood55812 said:
My only thought from this thread is how much I hate the acronym "SMH".
On topic, coming from my captivate with CM9 Alpha, I personally, am drooling for ICS.
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I agree with both of your points, so much.
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