HTC HD2 Builds and Problems - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have just bought a HTC HD2 and have tried 3 different android builds and all seem to have there problems. But the most thing that is bugging me is the sound on all the builds is the same robot sound. I have looked through all the forums and threads and have not found a clear cut solution. I am hoping someone could help me to the best build and how to fix the sound problem while making and receiving calls.
I also changed the radio
Radio_2_12_50_02_2 (1)

Nileprince26 said:
I have just bought a HTC HD2 and have tried 3 different android builds and all seem to have there problems. But the most thing that is bugging me is the sound on all the builds is the same robot sound. I have looked through all the forums and threads (that is a lie as this was your first post and you have been signed up for at least 3 minutes!) and have not found a clear cut solution. I am hoping someone could help me to the best build and how to fix the sound problem while making and receiving calls.
I also changed the radio
Radio_2_12_50_02_2 (1)
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Learn to read, then learn to search...
It is a proven fact that the robot voice is related to your windows ROM.
Find one that is compatible and stop creating redundant threads please.
Try this.

What wm are you using?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

ROM Version
2.13.531.1 WWE

Nileprince26 said:
ROM Version
2.13.531.1 WWE
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There is your problem. Google it.

Could you point me in the right direction plz

Can you see post number 2? Click on the words 'Try this'.
I am assuming you know how to flash a ROM and Radio... if you don't, you might want to read this thread, see post number 2.
Do not rush this, or do anything you do not understand.

I just stick with the ChuckyROM. Probably the best one out there that gives you the least problems for android. I like the way Cruzer ROM looked, but I kept getting the robot voice when using android..

+1 for chukydroid , ZERO problems with this one, set excellsior android autoboot to 3 seconds and you don"t even have time to type your pin code in WM.
you can get it here :
in the tools "menu" you ll find the "format sdcard" tool, never ha a problem using this one , and the "WM Storage" tool to activate USB sharing so you can copy your android build to the card

Nileprince26 said:
ROM Version
2.13.531.1 WWE
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This is your problem. You must at least have a custom ROM. Remember to flash compatible ROM tovyour phone, otherwise you will risk bricking your phone.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

You don't need a custom rom to run android on your htc hd2. The rom you need is the leaked t-mobile hd2 update. You can get that here...
The radio has been upgraded to and has fixed the robot voice that I ALSO have encountered in the past. Btw im using mattc leo v1.8. Im going on over 1 week without a freeze or mishap.
So flash this stock wwe rom and have android running the way it should.
Have fun!

Everything works great now thanks guys, one problem is the speaker is low on the speakerphone option and pretty much the volume in general is low even when turned all the way up.

Nileprince26 said:
Everything works great now thanks guys, one problem is the speaker is low on the speakerphone option and pretty much the volume in general is low even when turned all the way up.
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To increase the speakerphone's volume, you can turn on speakerphone and then turn it off and turn back on. The volume will increases.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

Now my battery life is going down quick any ideas?

I didn't need to do any flashing or ROMs either. 2 builds had the robotic voice until I tried mattc's. Since then I've had no issues with the sound at all.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

I had this same problem and had a hard time trying to fix it. Searching these forums is a pain, a clear and easy way to fix the issue should be posted and sticky it so that its easy to find.
so, learn to think.

stop this thread
it is good to help others but you can get all the info on an another thread called definitive guide for android on htc hd2 ,it has all the details.
if your phone is us htc hd2 then use us htc hd2 based wm6 roms like energy leo/elegancia/chucky rom along with 2 10 56 radio this is the be best for me i dont have any echo or robot voice, my htc hd2 is as follows
latest build of energy leo standard wm6 rom
darkstone froyo v 3.1
radio 2 10 56

Thread moved to Q&A.


New Touch Pro - Requesting Help!

Hi all!
I'm picking up a hopefully gently used Touch Pro tomorrow to replace my HTC Mogul. Very excited to have some extra RAM to work with, as well as the capability to try out all of these great ROMs.
As I have no experience with the Touch Pro, I am hoping you all can tell me what Radio and SPL I will need to begin my journey, and hopefully where to find them!
If you can offer any additional advice about this phone, any tips, tweaks, or general recommendations, I'd be very appreciative.
Thanks in advance!
I forgot to add that I'm going to be on the Sprint network!
I found the unlocking guide above which includes info on obtaining a HardSPL version. I hope this is the best one available.
I have not been able to find any information about updating the radio of the device so it works best with Sprint.
Hopefully someone can shed more light on this for me.
xiton said:
I found the unlocking guide above which includes info on obtaining a HardSPL version. I hope this is the best one available.
I have not been able to find any information about updating the radio of the device so it works best with Sprint.
Hopefully someone can shed more light on this for me.
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You should have everything you need on my guide. As far as radio, what you could do is after unlocking the device, flash a Sprint stock rom (the latest available), which will likely have the latest radio that Sprint released as well. Once you have flashed this package, simply flash another rom (whichever one you like) on top. The radio will remain the same and only your rom will change. Hope this helps.
egzthunder1 said:
You should have everything you need on my guide. As far as radio, what you could do is after unlocking the device, flash a Sprint stock rom (the latest available), which will likely have the latest radio that Sprint released as well. Once you have flashed this package, simply flash another rom (whichever one you like) on top. The radio will remain the same and only your rom will change. Hope this helps.
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Thanks for the reply. I was able to find more for our device on another popular forum. It seems that XDA has more of a GSM focus for the Touch Pro. I appreciate your guide as it has helped me expand my knowledge of the device. I feel like I'm all set now.
I did the same thing a few months ago. There is everything you could ever need to unlock and flash to what ever rom you want. After flashing just about every rom here, my problem is that I want to combine about 3 different roms to make the one I want, The only problem is I have no idea how to use a kitchen or build a rom hahahaha.
Glad you were able to find everything you needed. Holler if you need anything else, we here and over at PPCG are always ready to help someone else... Just remember, there will always be nOObs out there and it never hurts to share the knowledge you have received.
Take care man.
EDIT 1: To the post above mine, try if you are not sure how to cook a rom, this kitchen is made for people with little to no experience... Experiment with it, build your own rom with your own options. Just make sure you do the update first...(it takes forever for the update to complete.) There are also other kitchens out there, but this is the one I first started out with. (Sorry for advertising other sites...)
mapaz04 said:
Glad you were able to find everything you needed. Holler if you need anything else, we here and over at PPCG are always ready to help someone else... Just remember, there will always be nOObs out there and it never hurts to share the knowledge you have received.
Take care man.
EDIT 1: To the post above mine, try if you are not sure how to cook a rom, this kitchen is made for people with little to no experience... Experiment with it, build your own rom with your own options. Just make sure you do the update first...(it takes forever for the update to complete.) There are also other kitchens out there, but this is the one I first started out with. (Sorry for advertising other sites...)
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There are a LOT of issues with the rom kitchen for the Herman in PPCK. A lot of reports of roms simply getting stuck at the initial boot-screen. You can try Ervius or one of the newer Visual Kitchens. Good luck!
xiton said:
Thanks for the reply. I was able to find more for our device on another popular forum. It seems that XDA has more of a GSM focus for the Touch Pro. I appreciate your guide as it has helped me expand my knowledge of the device. I feel like I'm all set now.
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the pro is a good phone as long as you have a good rom.
i am currently using the new xxxRootRom which can be found on the forums. i have tested about 6 - 8 different roms so far and found this one to be very stable and snappy.
maybe try a few so you can compare.
only thing i would recommend is to change the pagepool on the xxxrootrom because for some reason it was set to 6. change the value to 0 and you will be very happy with it.
hope that help.
New to Touch Pro (former Mogul User) - Many Issues - Verizon
I just got a new Touch Pro from Asurion as an insurance replacement to XV6800. I am not new to these forums and have, over the years, applied many hacks and flashed many ROMS to my Mogul.
I'm currently using the stock ROM from Vzn (full device details in my sig) but I'm experiencing too many issues to address in a single post perhaps, and I researched and tried many solutions for hours. My biggest issue is Bluetooth related.
I am using the Bluespoon Spider stereo headset which worked great on Mogul. On TP I cannot get any settings to not cause skips and lags on locally stored music playback. I use both Adv Config 3.3 and Total Commander to adjust bitpool Min/Max bitpool. sample rate, & audio gateway settings. The best I've gotten is clear, mostly uninterupted music with the TP sitting in my lap, BUT if I turn my head to the right (the AVRP controls are in the right earpiece) I get serious skips & lags. I used to go about 100 ft clearsight from my Mogul before experiencing drops! Now with TP a matter of inches and my own head blocks the signal?
Anyone else experince this issue? What are you best results with BT seeings? I remember dumping M$ Bluetooth Stack for Widcomm's on Mogul and that made all the difference - can I / should swap out stacks on the TP? My headset won't even properly coonect, I must continually choose "set as wireless stereo" each time I turn on BT.
As for players, Ive used WMP, HTC player and S2P all with the same poor results. I hate that with TouchFlo 3D off, WMP insists on opening and assuming control of AVRP (play/pause/next) features. I tried one hack to break that and it nearly bricked my phone and it caused my SD card to become unreadable AND unformattable. I'll address that in the proper forum
I was so psyched about getting the Touch Pro, but I think I'm gonna have to cook the pants of the stock ROM. Any help with my bluetooth issue woud be greatly appreciated.

Hd2 froyo problems

I'm not sure where I need to post this info, but I've got some questions and a few bugs which I've found so far. Someone please help/guide me in the right direction.
Im using dan1j3l v1. and jmz dual boot
Problems I'm experiencing:
browsing is slow or has problems,
screen freeze after hitting screen lock button (power button),
when calling using speaker phone sounds distorted and sound will not revert back to normal.
I've searched for the answers, their not easy to find here or I'm just dumb one of the two. So, I'm sorry for the post....
hd2 batter issue
Oh yes, the battery is also an issue. No indication of battery level...
I've done everything on sd, therefore, I won't void my warranty...
mbsfield said:
I'm not sure where I need to post this info, but I've got some questions and a few bugs which I've found so far. Someone please help/guide me in the right direction.
Im using dan1j3l v1. and jmz dual boot
Problems I'm experiencing:
browsing is slow or has problems,
screen freeze after hitting screen lock button (power button),
when calling using speaker phone sounds distorted and sound will not revert back to normal.
I've searched for the answers, their not easy to find here or I'm just dumb one of the two. So, I'm sorry for the post....
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There are several, android threads, but what you are seeing is pretty normal for the stage that android is in ... it is alpha software, not even really into the beta stage.
radio 2.12
I've also downloaded the newest radio, but I'm not quite sure where it goes.
btw. Thnks for the info watchman.
mbsfield said:
I've also downloaded the newest radio, but I'm not quite sure where it goes.
btw. Thnks for the info watchman.
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You have to flash the radio, you should check some of the ROM flashing tuts , same thing for flashing a Radio, just make sure it is a compatible Radio or you could have a brand new HD2-PaperWeight ....
HD2 Froyo problems, continued...
Put it on my Indian purchased HD2 after installing the latest (dec 2010) HTC rom updates and...
1) Radio works!!! (never knew I had one)!!
1) Can't set alarms (nothing gets saved)
2) flashlight app only does highest setting (other are off)

[Q] rom that fixes a2dp skip / speed / pitch problem ?

I have tried the official roms, villainrom 12 (excellent!) and cronos 2.1.3 (also excellent!). All have the horrible bluetooth problem of skips in the music, then a speed up/slow down that results in pitch changes.
I saw that Darchdroid got it fixed in the CDMA version and wondered if there are any roms for the GSM version that have it fixed too? Just in case I missed it!
nobody in this forum seems to know how to fix it. I've asked but nobody knows, i believe the only sense rom that i never had the skipping was behnaam's legend port.
I am not experiencing this with VillainROM 12. Didn't have it with CyanogenMOD by Elemag either...
none of the Aosp based roms have this problem it seems to be only sense related. I've had this problem with villain,cronos,chocolateeclair,etc and nobody had any idea when i asked the same question. I actually am going to try to move the bluetooth firmware and files from the legend rom i mentioned above into another newer sense rom I just have to read up on resigning the zip, I'm a super noob to all that is linux.
Moved to Q&A as not development. Temporary redirect put in place.
ggrammer said:
nobody in this forum seems to know how to fix it. I've asked but nobody knows, i believe the only sense rom that i never had the skipping was behnaam's legend port.
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Thanks, although I have also tried Cronos 2.2 (Froyo) that doesn't have sense and it still did the pitch/speed change.
kosmiq said:
I am not experiencing this with VillainROM 12. Didn't have it with CyanogenMOD by Elemag either...
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Can I ask what car head unit or bluetooth headset you were using? It definitely does it with my Sony BT2600 car unit and both Cronos & Villainrom.
ggrammer said:
none of the Aosp based roms have this problem it seems to be only sense related. I've had this problem with villain,cronos,chocolateeclair,etc and nobody had any idea when i asked the same question. I actually am going to try to move the bluetooth firmware and files from the legend rom i mentioned above into another newer sense rom I just have to read up on resigning the zip, I'm a super noob to all that is linux.
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Could you let me know an AOSP rom to try that you know it works in please? - although I really like sense, I hate this issue and could live without it to get it fixed.
I'm pretty much a noob at this too but I'll help as much as I can!
like kosmiq mentioned Elemag's CMH rom doesn't seem to have this issue (I've used this rom alot and I have a 2010 Mazda3 and the bluetooth in the mazda is wonky at best and this rom works perfectly with it). As far as cronos froyo I haven't tried the bluetooth in that yet in my car but that is still an alpha development so if you need something more stable and complete then stay away from it, It is a great rom and the one I am running now but I am probably going to flash over to Maxisma's newest legend+WWE combo rom.
Good to see Maxisma back.

[Q] [RTFM] HD2 Desperation

Morning, Fellow Forumers!
I've been using my HD2 for a few months now, and every day my frustration grows. This thing is unstable as hell. It either stops responding completely, or the phone application hangs (sometimes it's impossible to hang up a call), or just the backlight works, or the UMTS stops working... PAIN AND MISERY! I have it upgraded to the latest official firmware, but it doesn't help at all. Tried the Touch Tools to turn off unneccesary stuff - still no good.
It's even worse when it's BT'd to my Audi MMI. Every 10 seconds or so it's completely stuck for like 2-3 seconds. It looks like the BT firmware has not been optimized at all and whenever it refreshes the phonebook/calls list/etc with my car, the GUI is dead. Fixing that would be great stuff.
So, I'm asking to point me in the right direction. I don't care about warranty or anything, just want this device to be stable! Since the official FAQ is like 10 pages long... is there a FAQ's FAQ?
Basically - what's my first step? Thanks in advance!
PS: It's a retail version (non-branded) purchased in Poland.
Your solution Must be somewhere here:
And Here:
As for me I am very happy with my stock Rom,so far...!!
I have no problems with stock and with most of cooked ROMs
Have you tried re flashing the latest stock rom off the htc website?
task29 can solve most problems, however if you have done all those steps and still getting problams, you may have a faulty unit and it might need to be sent back for repair/replacement.
Really sorry to hear about your problems. Wish I could give you a good solution, other than to do a hard reset and then upgrade to the latest ROM. I am running a stock ROM and the HD2 is the best phone I have ever had. And I have had a few. Good luck.
I used my hd2 on a stock rom for ages, and it was stable enough, with the odd crash occassionally. I recommend using a custom rom. Since a custom rom, my battery life has improved dramatically, my hd2 runs faster and is so stable, i cant crash it if i really try!
Duttys V9 is a personal favourite
Thanks for your help, guys. I decided to reflash to chuckyROM's wm + android 2.2. On android, everything works so much smoother. The only problem is in 80% of the cases, phone would crash when I try to perform a BT call. Might be a wrong radio version, will keep trying.
tompken said:
Thanks for your help, guys. I decided to reflash to chuckyROM's wm + android 2.2. On android, everything works so much smoother. The only problem is in 80% of the cases, phone would crash when I try to perform a BT call. Might be a wrong radio version, will keep trying.
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Bt calls are still unstable for everyone... work in peogress.....
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk

[Q] Best rom for ZTE V967S

I own a ZTE V967S and I would like to know your experience with the different custom roms for this phone. I have tried the one of Carliv (flavour max V2) and I am quite happy with that. Anyway I have a problem with GPS (I can not switch it off) and this is the reason why I am looking around for other roms.
Thanks in advance.
pierangelof said:
I own a ZTE V967S and I would like to know your experience with the different custom roms for this phone. I have tried the one of Carliv (flavour max V2) and I am quite happy with that. Anyway I have a problem with GPS (I can not switch it off) and this is the reason why I am looking around for other roms.
Thanks in advance.
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the question is not whether u could ask in development section.
Asking for the best rom in general is not appreciated in xda. developers put a lot of effort in making roms here. so please dont jude them. also different users will have different opinions of the same rom..
read through comments of previous users of the rom in the roms thread to see how their phones are performing with that rom.. then chose for urself..
MoonBlade said:
you cant post there because you have to complete 10 posts before posting in developers section..
Go HERE and complete 10 posts..
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Dude that is not the way it works
Spamming Offtopic is NOT the way to get ten posts :sly:
did you try many of these roms? All the S4 port roms run beautifully but they all have the same bug, when you dial when connect to bluetooth and try to change sound output method the sim turns off and you have to re-enter the sim lock pin and it comes up with the message 'radio off' anyone else get this problem?
I am with the max flow, very happy:laugh:
To OP: Have you tried Max Smart and how it handles GPS?
majorwedgy said:
did you try many of these roms? All the S4 port roms run beautifully but they all have the same bug, when you dial when connect to bluetooth and try to change sound output method the sim turns off and you have to re-enter the sim lock pin and it comes up with the message 'radio off' anyone else get this problem?
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I have the exact same problem.
I have stock 1.0.5 but I also tried MIUI 3.11.29 and the same problem persists.
The weird think is that my two best friends have the same phone (v967s) and use bluetooth.
When we speak with each other if only one changes the output to speaker or headset from bluetooth, the sims locks on both phones! (???? weird as hell, can not explain it technically ????)

