[Q] Best rom for ZTE V967S - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I own a ZTE V967S and I would like to know your experience with the different custom roms for this phone. I have tried the one of Carliv (flavour max V2) and I am quite happy with that. Anyway I have a problem with GPS (I can not switch it off) and this is the reason why I am looking around for other roms.
Thanks in advance.

pierangelof said:
I own a ZTE V967S and I would like to know your experience with the different custom roms for this phone. I have tried the one of Carliv (flavour max V2) and I am quite happy with that. Anyway I have a problem with GPS (I can not switch it off) and this is the reason why I am looking around for other roms.
Thanks in advance.
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the question is not whether u could ask in development section.
Asking for the best rom in general is not appreciated in xda. developers put a lot of effort in making roms here. so please dont jude them. also different users will have different opinions of the same rom..
read through comments of previous users of the rom in the roms thread to see how their phones are performing with that rom.. then chose for urself..


MoonBlade said:
you cant post there because you have to complete 10 posts before posting in developers section..
Go HERE and complete 10 posts..
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Dude that is not the way it works
Spamming Offtopic is NOT the way to get ten posts :sly:


did you try many of these roms? All the S4 port roms run beautifully but they all have the same bug, when you dial when connect to bluetooth and try to change sound output method the sim turns off and you have to re-enter the sim lock pin and it comes up with the message 'radio off' anyone else get this problem?

I am with the max flow, very happy:laugh:

To OP: Have you tried Max Smart and how it handles GPS?

majorwedgy said:
did you try many of these roms? All the S4 port roms run beautifully but they all have the same bug, when you dial when connect to bluetooth and try to change sound output method the sim turns off and you have to re-enter the sim lock pin and it comes up with the message 'radio off' anyone else get this problem?
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I have the exact same problem.
I have stock 1.0.5 but I also tried MIUI 3.11.29 and the same problem persists.
The weird think is that my two best friends have the same phone (v967s) and use bluetooth.
When we speak with each other if only one changes the output to speaker or headset from bluetooth, the sims locks on both phones! (???? weird as hell, can not explain it technically ????)


HTC HD2 Builds and Problems

I have just bought a HTC HD2 and have tried 3 different android builds and all seem to have there problems. But the most thing that is bugging me is the sound on all the builds is the same robot sound. I have looked through all the forums and threads and have not found a clear cut solution. I am hoping someone could help me to the best build and how to fix the sound problem while making and receiving calls.
I also changed the radio
Radio_2_12_50_02_2 (1)
Nileprince26 said:
I have just bought a HTC HD2 and have tried 3 different android builds and all seem to have there problems. But the most thing that is bugging me is the sound on all the builds is the same robot sound. I have looked through all the forums and threads (that is a lie as this was your first post and you have been signed up for at least 3 minutes!) and have not found a clear cut solution. I am hoping someone could help me to the best build and how to fix the sound problem while making and receiving calls.
I also changed the radio
Radio_2_12_50_02_2 (1)
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Learn to read, then learn to search...
It is a proven fact that the robot voice is related to your windows ROM.
Find one that is compatible and stop creating redundant threads please.
Try this.
What wm are you using?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
ROM Version
2.13.531.1 WWE
Nileprince26 said:
ROM Version
2.13.531.1 WWE
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There is your problem. Google it.
Could you point me in the right direction plz
Can you see post number 2? Click on the words 'Try this'.
I am assuming you know how to flash a ROM and Radio... if you don't, you might want to read this thread, see post number 2.
Do not rush this, or do anything you do not understand.
I just stick with the ChuckyROM. Probably the best one out there that gives you the least problems for android. I like the way Cruzer ROM looked, but I kept getting the robot voice when using android..
+1 for chukydroid , ZERO problems with this one, set excellsior android autoboot to 3 seconds and you don"t even have time to type your pin code in WM.
you can get it here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=734238
in the tools "menu" you ll find the "format sdcard" tool, never ha a problem using this one , and the "WM Storage" tool to activate USB sharing so you can copy your android build to the card
Nileprince26 said:
ROM Version
2.13.531.1 WWE
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This is your problem. You must at least have a custom ROM. Remember to flash compatible ROM tovyour phone, otherwise you will risk bricking your phone.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
You don't need a custom rom to run android on your htc hd2. The rom you need is the leaked t-mobile hd2 update. You can get that here...
The radio has been upgraded to and has fixed the robot voice that I ALSO have encountered in the past. Btw im using mattc leo v1.8. Im going on over 1 week without a freeze or mishap.
So flash this stock wwe rom and have android running the way it should.
Have fun!
Everything works great now thanks guys, one problem is the speaker is low on the speakerphone option and pretty much the volume in general is low even when turned all the way up.
Nileprince26 said:
Everything works great now thanks guys, one problem is the speaker is low on the speakerphone option and pretty much the volume in general is low even when turned all the way up.
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To increase the speakerphone's volume, you can turn on speakerphone and then turn it off and turn back on. The volume will increases.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Now my battery life is going down quick any ideas?
I didn't need to do any flashing or ROMs either. 2 builds had the robotic voice until I tried mattc's. Since then I've had no issues with the sound at all.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I had this same problem and had a hard time trying to fix it. Searching these forums is a pain, a clear and easy way to fix the issue should be posted and sticky it so that its easy to find.
so, learn to think.
stop this thread
it is good to help others but you can get all the info on an another thread called definitive guide for android on htc hd2 ,it has all the details.
if your phone is us htc hd2 then use us htc hd2 based wm6 roms like energy leo/elegancia/chucky rom along with 2 10 56 radio this is the be best for me i dont have any echo or robot voice, my htc hd2 is as follows
latest build of energy leo standard wm6 rom
darkstone froyo v 3.1
radio 2 10 56
Thread moved to Q&A.

an internet problem(new thread)

In short: after a while (I'm not sure how much can happen in an hour and can also within 6-10 ..) Internet just getting crazy and not work anymore, he decides not to work any more and even have signs of reception (also with full reception that is four bars) and even I connected to the quick (and the problem is not the network because it happens basically everywhere) I tried to fix it through the Recovery: <advence> toggle wifi premmision tried through the tarminal emulator things short, I can not find a solution and I'm sure the problem is the kernel that before I installed it and I just had the ROM with the web to work right without the kernel .. but this phone is worth 1 doller that the games barely moving .. so if possible I need a solution that will work on this kernel! Please Help
I have not officially released ROM CM7 of Mic
Franco kernel gamer kernelV20
Cell Phones: lg optimus one p500
sorry for bed english-google chrome translate
plz help ! i will be very gratitude to helpers!
please help some one?
Try a different rom or kernel maybe?
I use this ROM:
I've never had a problem with WiFi with it. If you keep having the problem, it may be your phone that is buggy and if you have a warranty you should have it fixed.
sirp0p0 said:
Try a different rom or kernel maybe?
I use this ROM:
I've never had a problem with WiFi with it. If you keep having the problem, it may be your phone that is buggy and if you have a warranty you should have it fixed.
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how games are running on this rom?multi touch is ebaled?
and its not a phone problem beacuse its happing just in my kernel... i tried to re install the rom (which mean the kernel return to stock) and the internet was fine
other help plz?
dokvader114 said:
other help plz?
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Please only post once, when someone can help you they will post a reply.
Anyway onto the main topic, Basically as said above by Sirp0p0, I would try another ROM, Personally I have no idea what kind of ROM to try, just off the top of my head GTR (Gamer - Talho - ROM), but that is only based on the screenshots, I personally have not tried it.
Just from my own experience, try out different ROMs, find the one that you personally like and suites your own style. If any bugs / issues are found, read the forum / previous posts there maybe updates or updates coming.
When you say it happens everywhere, please describe what you mean.. If you mean everywhere _in_ your house then it maybe a router problem / DHCP disconnecting you, it could also be a screen time out issue, I know that when I am connected VIA wifi to my net, if my screen locks, my internet disconnects (on stock p500 GB rom ver, 2.3.3).
In short it could be various things, to be able to help you can you give us some more information, your rom, build number, can you provide any screenshots? Also how are you trying to access the internet? Through what application exactly? It is also possible it's a buggy app? but these are just my thoughts and ideas, maybe some other XDA members will be able to help you or give you more info than me.
everywhere=my house..school ..friend house and stuff like this.. and what you are talking about is wifi sleep policy i turn it to never so it isnt my problem..but ty for trying
any body else?plz help?
Please help someone
resac said:
Please help someone
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dun use franco kernel it is a little buggy and wifi was one oem its bug
Sent from my LG-P500
but no other kernel are good for gaming like this one
SolNZ said:
Personally I have no idea what kind of ROM to try, just off the top of my head GTR (Gamer - Talho - ROM), but that is only based on the screenshots, I personally have not tried it.
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I've tried GTR, and it's pretty good. Based on CM7.

Radio Needed For Cyanogen And Samsung Galaxy S2?

Hello, I've flashed the Cyanogen mod for my Samsung Galaxy S2? I've been using it, it works fine.
I'm wondering, do I need to flash a radio? If so, which one? I've seen the links of radios from the Wiki page of Cyanogen under Support Downloads, just don't known which one to use or if I'm supposed to.
Thanks for your help.
Radio is not changed by CyanogenMod.
If you have no call, sms or data issues then i dont think you need to change
-Grift- said:
If you have no call, sms or data issues then i dont think you need to change
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OK, thanks for your help.
I have successfully installed this rom. I think it's the most amazing jelly bean rom for galaxy s2 at the moment. I like its smoothing and quick response. feel a bit warm at the back and the battery is losing 1% at every minute while wifi is on. Over all is great. Cheers!
Actually, I've been experiencing data connection problems. My phone works, but it won't connect to 2g/3g for internet.
Should I try switching radios?
If so, which one is recommended? Or do you just try them at random?
Thanks again
On first boot normally can't get mobile data to work because APN was not configured properly (or the list empty), after a reboot mobile data will work again. If it doesn't, then you have to key in the APN manually.
For radio/modem, since there are no changelog released and nobody know what are the differences among them, it is assumed that the latest one will be better.
HTCOrangeCat said:
Actually, I've been experiencing data connection problems. My phone works, but it won't connect to 2g/3g for internet.
Should I try switching radios?
If so, which one is recommended? Or do you just try them at random?
Thanks again
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first and foremost asking or recomending which ROM/KERNEL/MODEM ,is against XDA rules, since all phones are different due to various reasons , hence if u have a an issue with ur modem u have to try a cpl of them on ur own and see the one suits u the best.
link for the same below.
Modem Collection
OK. I'll try a few different radios. I see a list of links in the Cyanogen Wiki page of under Support Downloads.
Thanks for the quick replies!
HTCOrangeCat said:
OK. I'll try a few different radios. I see a list of links in the Cyanogen Wiki page of under Support Downloads.
Thanks for the quick replies!
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It sounds like your apn settings are messed up. Try to reboot twice and then try. If that doesn't work, you will have to find the settings and input them manually.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
After trying over 30 radios I always end up on nelp3. Best signal best data thoroughput and best for battery life.
Sent from my resurrection remixed GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Thanks everyone! The radio did it!
I flashed this radio:
Now, the data, 3G, works great.
I've been experiencing an issue and have read several post about RADIOS on the SGS2.
I flashed my mobile with the nightly 10.2 CM and after that it started to ask me for "SIM network UNLOCK" Which I can't unlocked, thought it was the version issue so I dl a the newest one and same issue, I tried the ICS stable 9.1 and same issue.
I've read something like radios on the CM support part. Which I dunno where is it yet . If I need to flash it and u guys can help me out to pick up the correct one I'll appreciate it. my model of SGS2 is the i777 from AT&T.
May I install NELP on my CM 9.1? how? where can I get the files to do it?
I777 modem collection
Sent from my GT-N7105 using xda app-developers app
Hello everyone. I tried many modems (XXLS8, NELP4, XXKI4, BVLP7 etc.) but each of them had some different issue. First was loosing network, with second the front speaker stopped working... Just noone worked fine :\ I don't know what to do yet! Any advices?
ac.dc.76 said:
Hello everyone. I tried many modems (XXLS8, NELP4, XXKI4, BVLP7 etc.) but each of them had some different issue. First was loosing network, with second the front speaker stopped working... Just noone worked fine :\ I don't know what to do yet! Any advices?
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What phone do you have? This is the thread for the i777 S2 variant, and at least one of the modems you mentioned are for the i9100 variant (don't recognize the others you list).
You can only use modems designed for your device, so if you have an i777 see the link directly above your post.
SteveMurphy said:
What phone do you have? This is the thread for the i777 S2 variant, and at least one of the modems you mentioned are for the i9100 variant (don't recognize the others you list).
You can only use modems designed for your device, so if you have an i777 see the link directly above your post.
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Sorry, wrong thread. Hadn't time to ask for delete my post :\

[Q] Trouble pairing some bluetooth devices on CM10.1

I just installed the May 2 build of CM10.1 on my Razr Maxx (XT912). My bluetoothe headset and obd2 dongle pair without problems.
My Polar H7 heart rate sensor, however, refuses to pair. (My Razr doesn't even see it.)
When running stock, I can pair it without problems. It also pairs easily with my laptop. So I'm pretty sure the device is okay.
According to Polar, this is a Bluetooth 4.0 device. They also mention it supports 'Bluetooth Smart', whatever that is.
I tried posting this in the CM10.1 development thread, but apparently I'm not allowed to post there. I also tried going to the CM10.1 bug tracker, but the page didn't load.
Is this a known issue with CM10.1? Or, does anyone know of a way to get the pairing to work? Thanks!!!
It could be a bad install try installing all over again fresh. Also you need 10 posts to post there so just hang around make some posts if you can and see if you can post again. I you can also read through the threads of cm 10 to see for a fix
Sent from my XT910 using Tapatalk 2
I believe cm10 still having some bugs including Bluetooth so try to flash different rom (full working ) that will resolve ya problem
Edit : i had the same problem with cm10 while it was ok with stock jellybean .
Read the cm10 op i think they have mentioned some issues around cm10.
So onwards try to flash full working custom ROM if ya don't wanna face this trouble in future
Hit the thx button if i helped ya in anyways
Thanks guys. I had already tried the suggestions from the CM10.1 thread, including clearing data for 'Bluetooth Share'. I agree that any of the ROMs based on the stock kernel probably have a better chance of success. Since the device does appear when I search for it when running the stock ROM.
I was just hoping maybe someone else ran into this and had a workaround. Or, at the very least, to let the developers know about the bug.
Thanks for taking the time to reply...
marksibert said:
Thanks guys. I had already tried the suggestions from the CM10.1 thread, including clearing data for 'Bluetooth Share'. I agree that any of the ROMs based on the stock kernel probably have a better chance of success. Since the device does appear when I search for it when running the stock ROM.
I was just hoping maybe someone else ran into this and had a workaround. Or, at the very least, to let the developers know about the bug.
Thanks for taking the time to reply...
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Clearing data worked for me
BOSS__DAWG said:
Clearing data worked for me
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Did you clear data for 'Bluetooth Share', or something else?

[Q] No sound making calls I9300

There seems to have been no resolution to this problem. I have the Galaxy SIII with no sound when I make a call and no one can hear me when I call. I can't hear on speaker phone or earphones but when I use the apps Skype or Vonage to make calls I hear fine.
Android ver= 4.1.2
Baseband ver= XXEMB6
Build no.=JZO54K.IXXEMC3
I have tried the Megawipe successfully many times and flashed 4-5 different Stock roms from sources in this forum and the problem is still there.
Is there an possible answer to this problem. I know others have this problem but I have not found any resolution to this strange problem.
Please can any one help here. It will be much appreciated.
If you've mega wiped and flashed a full stock rom using odin on your pc then it sounds like a hardware fault. Weird if speaker & microphone work in apps but not during calls.
Could be network / sim related. Worth swapping to make sure
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4
rootSU said:
Could be network / sim related. Worth swapping to make sure
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4
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Thanks for your reply. Yes I have swapped sim cards to no avail. Is is possible to flash the phone using adb for example how can I flash the modem or even the rom. Yes I know I can flash the rom or modem using odin. I have done that to no avail, but will I would like to flash using adb or Heimdall because if I use vonage or skype the speaker earphones work just fine. I am just experimenting to find a fix that is what guide can I follow to flash the modem or even the rom itself. I want to try to exhaust my possibilities if possible. It doesn't seem to be a hardware problem if it works on skype and vonage to make calls.
Thanks again for your help and others on this forum
i have the same problem i posted here but till now no one answering me >>>>:crying:
see my post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=44529739#post44529739
mohamedkenzo said:
i have the same problem i posted here but till now no one answering me >>>>:crying:
see my post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=44529739#post44529739
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You have been answered like i said stupid thread title nobody bothers with you .
Read this thread and try its posted fixes .
have you solved this issue?
I am having the same problem...
I thought it was my rom problem, but after I have flashed a variety of roms (cm 10.2, pa 3.97, cm10.1, cm9) and modems
and now running on stock rom im still having this problem...what confuses me is that applications like skype , hangout & viber
works fine but if i call or received a call, i cannot hear the other party. I have searched on the forums for a few days now but mostly points
to bugs on roms. but since i am now running stock, should i say it's already a hardware problem?

