[Q] Separate Email Notification for Different Emails - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

First - I like the similar threads (you dont see that on a lot of boards!)
I want to receive separate email notifications for both email accounts on my phone... i have an outlook account and a gmail account. I dont want to check my phone every 5 seconds to come upon a gmail email I dont need to read at the time. I do however need to check my outlook email more often....anyone know how to do this?


[Q] HTC EVO 3D E-mail notifications assistance please.

So here is my query, I have searched but did not find anything that remotely assisted me with my particular problem.
I have multiple e-mail accounts set up on my phone. 2 Gmail accounts, 2 yahoo accounts, and a pop3 email account for my website. It is also likely that I will have to set up my work e-mail on the phone too here in the not too distant future.
I currently get 1 email in any of the email boxes and I am constantly barraged with constant email alerts notifying me of new mail every 5 minutes it seems. Is there any way to change them to all only notify me of new mail and not just alert until I actually read the unread mail? It's not always possible for me to get right to it and to have those notifications continually coming in is a little annoying.. Is there a way to stop the multiple notifications and stick to alerting only on new messages for all accounts?
I should say I'm a recent convert from the iPhone 4 to the HTC EVO 3D and love every aspect about it except for this.
Thanks in advance from an HTC EVO 3D & Android Noob!
I'm not quite clear on your problem. Are you receiving multiple notifications because your using multiple email applications? Or are all your email accounts set up through the stock sense email app which provides separate notifications for each different account?
I have 5 email accounts. 4 are set up through gmail and the third is a pop3 account which I have forwarded to a gmail account.
I have my accounts set up through gmail and exchange activesync. I use the gmail app and the sense app because of its unified mailbox. I have the notifications disabled for each account on the sense app and just rely on gmail to notify me.
Another thing you can do is turn off the notification for the gmail app and customize the notifications for the sense app, since you can set peak and off peak hours. So for your less busy or less important accounts you can pull every 2 hours but for your important accounts you can set to push (if your set up through exchange.)
I don't know if this is any help. If you clarify a little I might be able to provide a more clear response.
parousia15 said:
I'm not quite clear on your problem. Are you receiving multiple notifications because your using multiple email applications? Or are all your email accounts set up through the stock sense email app which provides separate notifications for each different account?
I have 5 email accounts. 4 are set up through gmail and the third is a pop3 account which I have forwarded to a gmail account.
I have my accounts set up through gmail and exchange activesync. I use the gmail app and the sense app because of its unified mailbox. I have the notifications disabled for each account on the sense app and just rely on gmail to notify me.
Another thing you can do is turn off the notification for the gmail app and customize the notifications for the sense app, since you can set peak and off peak hours. So for your less busy or less important accounts you can pull every 2 hours but for your important accounts you can set to push (if your set up through exchange.)
I don't know if this is any help. If you clarify a little I might be able to provide a more clear response.
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Yes, I am using the built in sense email app for multiple mail accounts. I'm beginning to think that each time it reaches out and it sees an unread message on the server whether or not it has notified me of that single unread message. I'm not a fan of linking all of my accounts to one Gmail account on here as they all serve a separate purpose and I can prioritize them as needed by looking at the status bar notification.
I don't think I've touched the native Gmail app at all since I've had this thing. I have 3 accounts that are set up to reach out to get new mails at 5 minute intervals (1 Gmail, 1 yahoo & 1 pop3) and the rest I have moved to 30 minute intervals as they are not as time sensitive.
I just checked the native Gmail app and the notifications are set to off. I guess this is just something new to me since leaving AT&T and getting rid of my iPhone. I was hoping there was some kind of notify tweak that I was missing that would only prompt it to notify of new mails period. I can't always grab my phone to check mails immediately so that's how I noticed it..
I'm so green to this, I've only had my EVO3D for a week now.. I think I got too used to the iPhone but decided to lose AT&T and move back to Sprint. Any help or other ideas would be greatly appreciative.
And many thanks to you parousia15 for your assistance in this matter thus far...
In the Notification settings is there not an option similar to "Notify me Once"? I use this option in Gmail and also in Handcent SMS for notifications. I don't use the stock mail app so not sure it is there or not.
I checked that under the native mail notification settings and there is not one that I can find. I did just start with handscent so I"m trying to learn more about it as time goes on.. So far I love my phone.. I don't think I'll be changing any time soon...
I've tried to replicate your situation, unfortunately, when I get a new email through the native sense app, it beeps once and only once. It doesn't renotify me after any amount of time. I don't know what else to recommend. Sorry.
parousia15 said:
I've tried to replicate your situation, unfortunately, when I get a new email through the native sense app, it beeps once and only once. It doesn't renotify me after any amount of time. I don't know what else to recommend. Sorry.
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thanks for trying! I guess I'll have to try and see what I can figure out myself then..
I did recently find some complaints over on Android Central that were exactly the problem I'm having. These were from a year ago with the EVO 4G but no one had any constructive help there. UGH... My hunt shall continue tomorrow I guess..
I have yet to find a fix for this issue. I've come to the realization that the stock email app sucks with notifications. I just want a single notification of new emails not a notification every time it checks that I haven't read the previous email. Starting to miss my iPhone for this function!
Download the actual gmail and yahoo mail app for real time notification of new mail rather than unread mail. You can use the stock mail app for you pop3 account. That worked best for me.
As a mail server admin I have seen issues with POP3 clients (mobile and computer) where the client will not properly keep track of what is new.
Even more frustrating is that the server can cause this as well.
First thing is to methodically figure out if it is a certain type of email account. If it is the POP account then try connecting through IMAP instead.
The only real way to know is to sift through the server/device connection logs.
Worst case, to be less enjoying, you could turn off just the vibrate and sound part of the notifications and keep the icon.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
I'm having the same issue. I ended up muting the notification and just having the icon display the new e-mails. Though it would be nice to have it ring only once because I would like to actually be notified without the repeat every 5 minutes.
This is happening on my EVO 3D and also on my dad's Thunderbolt. Both using the default Sense mail client.
I actually did a little testing and it is in fact repeating only when it checks for mail. If the client checks for new e-mails every 10 minutes, it will notify you every 10 minutes. This most likely means that it's not actually a reminder alert but an alert that new mail is present like someone else said could be possible in this thread.
That being the case, there wouldn't be an option to change that in the settings unless something gets updated. What needs to happen is that the client must recognize the e-mail has already been downloaded previously so it doesn't notify again and again that there is a "new" e-mail.

[Q] Outlook Email to Android

I am new to Android and coming from a Blackberry. How can I sync the emails in outlook with my new phone? I don't have an exchange server and I would prefer to do it with the mail app that came with the phone. I would like the emails to delete from outlook when I delete them on the phone and show as read when I read them on the phone and vice versa. I would prefer not to have the emails and information sent into the "cloud" also if that is possible, but if it is the only way so be it.
I know that I can have the two different email addresses sent to my phone through the included mail app by setting them up separately, but would the emails show as read, deleted, etc in outlook if I did that?
If it makes a difference I have two email addresses that feed into outlook. One of them is pop and one is imap. The phone is an HTC Amaze.
Could I just convert my pop email to imap and set up the two email addresses separately on my phone? Wouldn't that make it so when I delete email from outlook or the phone, it will be deleted on the other?
The problem with this is my isp does not offer imap so I will have to use google email to sync with it and make it imap.
If I do this I will have to add the gmail account to outlook and my phone, but wouldn't I have to delete the pop account from outlook and the phone in order to avoid duplicate emails showing up? I think this might happen because right now if I check the pop account without using outlook the emails show up that were received after I last opened outlook. The issue with deleting the pop account from outlook and phone is I still want to be able to send emails from that address.

[Q] Sense Mail App Marks all Gmail as Unread

Hi, I searched the forums but could not find any thread that dealt with this issue (for any phone), so I apologize if it's already been posted. And since I don't know if this is just an issue with the Rezound, I'm posting it here.
When I set up my Rezound I entered in my Google account info, and the phone automatically set up my Gmail account both in the Gmail app and in the stock HTC Sense Mail app. The Gmail app seems to work fine, but the stock email app doesn't sync the read status of new messages. If I get any emails in Gmail during the day, even if I log into it on my computer and read the messages, they still show up as unread in the sense mail app. Refreshing the app doesn't change anything. In the Gmail app, the messages will be marked as read if I have viewed them anywhere else.
I can't figure out how to fix this, and there doesn't seem to be a way to edit any server settings for the account, as sense has it registered as a Gmail account in the stock mail app, and not as a pop/imap account.
Anybody having this problem, or know how to fix it? I'm a new android user, and have only had this phone for a few days. Thanks.
Just take the gmail email out of the htc mail and just use the gmail email app to get your gmail mail.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1
jbh00jh said:
Just take the gmail email out of the htc mail and just use the gmail email app to get your gmail mail.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1
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I would like to avoid doing this if possible. I like having all my mail in one place. Any way to fix the stock app?
Email htc/usa and ask them. It only takes one second to push the gmail app,that's what I do. I understand you don't want to do that. Htc should be able to tell you how to change the settings.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1
I got an official reply from HTC:
Thank you for contacting HTC Technical support about the issue you are having with your Gmail account on your device. I do apologize that you have this issue with your device and I will gladly assist you with this today. We recommend you delete your Gmail account from the mail application on your device and use the Gmail application for your Gmail account on your device. The issue you are having it with the way the Gmail POP3 servers work with the Mail application on the device and there is not a setting to make it sync up to have the mail show up read until you up it on your device.
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So it looks like, for whatever reason, the Gmail setting in the sense email app defaults to POP3, even though I have IMAP enabled in my gmail web settings. Unless anyone knows a way to fix this, I guess I will have to either set Gmail up as a regular IMAP account or just use the standalone application.
Thanks for the replies

Mail App vs. GMail App

I got this phone a few days ago. Setup the standard Mail app with a Gmail account. Everything worked just fine until I went to the Market. The phone asked me to login to my Google account, which is the same as my Gmail login, BTW.
After doing that, unbeknownst to me, apparently the GMail app was also configured by that action. All of a sudden, my Mail app generated failed authorization, etc. errors. But, the GMail app was fine.
I like the Mail app better because I have other POP accounts, so having my Gmail account in the Mail app is more convenient. I tried everything, including try to delete the Gmail account itself in the Mail app, but I would get yet another error.
Tried deleting the Gmail account from the Gmail Mail app, and of course that can't be done either, without wiping the phone. Called VZW, spent 2 hours on the phone with them. We tried everything. They gave up and issued an RMA for immediate replacement of the phone.
This morning I saw an update notification for the Gmail app, so I let it run. Lo and behold, this Gmail Mail update somehow allowed me to remove the account from my Mail app. I guess both apps are inter-related in some way. I was able to add the account back into the Mail app, but it appears the Gmail app is now Alpha-Dog. Whenever I get any Gmail mail it goes into the Gmail App. The only way I can get Gmail mail into the Mail app is to do a Refresh. And, yes, the Mail app's Gmail account is set to Push.
Does anyone know if there's a way to uninstall/disable the Gmail app so that the Mail app can get my Gmail mail via push again, the way it orginally worked?
Know that I have been struggling with this since last night. Wouldn't you know it, that right when I give up and asked for all your help, I figure it out.
Apparently, as usual with this OS, things are not organized sensibly. The new GMail update removes the most important options for managing how mail is to be handled under Settings. For some reason, you know have to go to Accounts and Sync and select Google Account. From there I told it not to sync mail. Go figure!
I was going to tell you to go to settings/accounts/(your Gmail account)/ and tap "sync Gmail".
And also, don't call verizon. Everyone here knows that they are idiots. If you ever have a problem, come here.
I think you can turn off sync for it, then just type your emails into the mail app... I think you have to have a Gmail account on your phone now but I'm not totally sure.
GrayTheWolf said:
I was going to tell you to go to settings/accounts/(your Gmail account)/ and tap "sync Gmail".
And also, don't call verizon. Everyone here knows that they are idiots. If you ever have a problem, come here.
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I didn't want to bug everyone here for what should have been simple tech support.
You know what, though? While the Gmail app pushes immediately, the Mail app's Push seems to not be reliable, and can take FOREVER to Push when it does work, like anywhere between 10 minutes and an hour (yes, I have it set to Push for both Peak and Off-Peak times). One test message I sent from another account never even came, even when I Refreshed the account in the Mail app. I then went into the Gmail app, and refreshed the account there, and the message came into the Gmail app. I went back to the Mail app and Refreshed again, and the message showed up! ???
Any further thoughts? Anybody on an ICS leak see that all this stuff is fixed? I sure hope so.
Why don't you use gmail as your client for all your mail including pop3? Then just use the gmail app for all your mail.....
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Oldsteel68 said:
Why don't you use gmail as your client for all your mail including pop3? Then just use the gmail app for all your mail.....
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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As far as I can tell, you can only use the GMail app for GMail accounts.
xv-6800 said:
You know what, though? While the Gmail app pushes immediately, the Mail app's Push seems to not be reliable, and can take FOREVER to Push when it does work, like anywhere between 10 minutes and an hour (yes, I have it set to Push for both Peak and Off-Peak times). One test message I sent from another account never even came, even when I Refreshed the account in the Mail app....
Any further thoughts? Anybody on an ICS leak see that all this stuff is fixed? I sure hope so.
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This is due to the built-in task-killer. Use K-9 mail, and you'll get your emails reliably pushed.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
xv-6800 said:
As far as I can tell, you can only use the GMail app for GMail accounts.
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Nope. Can use it for everything. Set everything up in gmail account from your pc browser and everything will reflect within the gmail app.
My gmail app is configured for my gmail and 5 of my business pop3 accounts. Works flawlessly.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Are you saying to setup my GMail account itself to pop my POP addresses, then just add the one GMail account to the GMail app on my phone? (I already have some being popped by that GMail account, so I already know how to do that.) Or, are you saying that the GMail app on my phone can be configured to pop my POP addresses, as well as my GMail account?
The one thing I like about the Mail app is that you can have multiple e-mail accounts of ANY type configured, and when you reply to a message, you can choose to have the reply sent from ANY accounts, regardless of which account it was sent to. To elaborate, the only reason I have a GMail account is for the push aspect. I have 3 businesses, some of which I have multiple e-mail addresses for, as well as have several personal e-mail accounts. I have the important business accounts and the personal accounts set to send copies of received mail sent to the GMail account so they get pushed to the phone, which saves a LOT of battery juice. So, when I receive an important message on, say Business A E-Mail Account 1, I receive it in the GMail account set up in the Mail app on my phone. With the Mail app, I can easily choose to have the reply sent from, say Business B E-Mail Account 3 that I also have setup on my Mail app (I don't even have to actually pop Business B E-Mail Account 3, either, I just have to have it setup, so the receive setting is set to manual, so that account never has to pop the account, thereby, preserving battery juice).
So, the recipient sees my reply coming from Business A E-Mail Account 1, as he/she should.
Can the GMail app handle that type of function as easily as the Mail app on the phone?
FWIW, it would be a lot easier if GMail itself would offer that functionality, but it doesn't. Even if I reply via GMail using my PC, replies take on the "default" account's info, so if I reply to a message that comes into Business B E-Mail Account 3, the From and Reply To on that reply shows Business A E-Mail Account 1, if in fact Business A E-Mail Account 1 is the default account in my GMail account. I hope that makes sense.
Oldsteel68 said:
Nope. Can use it for everything. Set everything up in gmail account from your pc browser and everything will reflect within the gmail app.
My gmail app is configured for my gmail and 5 of my business pop3 accounts.
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Same here.
WookieFan said:
This is due to the built-in task-killer. Use K-9 mail, and you'll get your emails reliably pushed.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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Beat me to it. Love k9 mail.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
merlin66676 said:
Beat me to it. Love k9 mail.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
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^^^ +3 this
jmorton10 said:
Same here.
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I just wanted to clarify for anyone else that might stumble across this thread that the GMail app on the phone only works with Google or GMail accounts. You can NOT setup any other type of e-mail address accounts in the GMail app. While you can go into your real GMail account, by going to GMail.com, and set your GMail account to POP other e-mail addresses, this does not offer the same benefits as having different accounts setup in a mail app, and depending upon your needs, may even give you undesirable results when you reply to messages received this way.
To add my 2 cents on this, if you are in need of any email accounts added to the mail app, if at all possible make sure they can be an exchange account, for the sake of battery life.
A huge battery killer is when your mail app is set to pull for new e-mail every 10-15 minutes. And on exchange it pushes your mail to your device when you have new mail, and only when you have something new, saving battery.
jazzyjames said:
To add my 2 cents on this, if you are in need of any email accounts added to the mail app, if at all possible make sure they can be an exchange account, for the sake of battery life.
A huge battery killer is when your mail app is set to pull for new e-mail every 10-15 minutes. And on exchange it pushes your mail to your device when you have new mail, and only when you have something new, saving battery.
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Good tip, but, not everyone has access to exhange server-based e-mail accounts. Not to fret, because below is how you can accommodate for e-mail accounts on servers that that don't have Push capabilities. (Please read all steps first before implementing, because your use could dictate in which order you'll want to add accounts in Step 2.)
1) Set up a GMail account to POP all other accounts.
2) In the Mail app, (not the GMail app), add all accounts (both GMail and non-GMail accounts).
3) For each of the non-GMail accounts, go to Settings and do the following:
In General settings, un-check Refresh on open.
In Send & Receive settings, click Update schedule, and under Frequency choose Manual for both Peak times and Off-peak times.
4) For the GMail account, go to Settings, select Receive settings, and under Update schedule choose Push Mail for both Peak times and Off-peak times.
Since the GMail account POPs the non-GMail accounts, any messages from the non-GMail accounts are pushed to the phone. Normally with G-Mail, both on the web and in the GMail app, if you reply to a message, the reply shows a that the reply is coming fron the GMail account, which you might not want, especially with work e-mails. But, in the Mail app you can actually reply reply from the account the message was originally sent to, even though it was pushed to your phone via your GMail account. Simply click Reply, then click From: at the top of your reply and choose the account you want the reply sent from. VOILA!
Tip: Note that accounts in the Accounts List are displayed in the order in which you add them; you CANNOT sort this list! Thus, if your use of this implementation is like mine, in which I always want to reply to messages via the same non-GMail address the message was originally sent to, add the non-Gmail accounts first, in order of your anticipated frequency of use. This way, when you click From: on your replies, your accounts are displayed in a sensible order. Over time it can be quite annoying to have to scroll down past a bunch of accounts to select an address you frequently use on replies. Ask me how I know.
Variation: Alternatively, in Step 1, instead of setting the GMail account to POP the other accounts, you could set all other accounts to forward to the GMail account. This would result in faster receipt of messages sent to those addresses because messages sent to GMail are pushed right away. On the other hand, GMail POPs accounts on an hourly basis which cannot be changed by the user. That said, having GMail set to POP the other accounts can be safer, especially when GMail has server problems (which they do). By checking Leave a copy of retrieved message on the server when setting up the POPping in your GMail account, the messages being POPped by your GMail account will remain in your other accounts.
I think these instructions should be a sticky. :good:
xv-6800 said:
I think these instructions should be a sticky.
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I agree 100%.
I didn't have time to type out all this, but this is great info.
Personally, I have always used your 2nd variation & that works perfectly for me.
xv-6800 said:
Good tip, but, not everyone has access to exhange server-based e-mail accounts. Not to fret, because below is how you can accommodate for e-mail accounts on servers that that don't have Push capabilities. (Please read all steps first before implementing, because your use could dictate in which order you'll want to add accounts in Step 2.)
1) Set up a GMail account to POP all other accounts.
2) In the Mail app, (not the GMail app), add all accounts (both GMail and non-GMail accounts).
3) For each of the non-GMail accounts, go to Settings and do the following:
In General settings, un-check Refresh on open.
In Send & Receive settings, click Update schedule, and under Frequency choose Manual for both Peak times and Off-peak times.
4) For the GMail account, go to Settings, select Receive settings, and under Update schedule choose Push Mail for both Peak times and Off-peak times.
Since the GMail account POPs the non-GMail accounts, any messages from the non-GMail accounts are pushed to the phone. Normally with G-Mail, both on the web and in the GMail app, if you reply to a message, the reply shows a that the reply is coming fron the GMail account, which you might not want, especially with work e-mails. But, in the Mail app you can actually reply reply from the account the message was originally sent to, even though it was pushed to your phone via your GMail account. Simply click Reply, then click From: at the top of your reply and choose the account you want the reply sent from. VOILA!
Tip: Note that accounts in the Accounts List are displayed in the order in which you add them; you CANNOT sort this list! Thus, if your use of this implementation is like mine, in which I always want to reply to messages via the same non-GMail address the message was originally sent to, add the non-Gmail accounts first, in order of your anticipated frequency of use. This way, when you click From: on your replies, your accounts are displayed in a sensible order. Over time it can be quite annoying to have to scroll down past a bunch of accounts to select an address you frequently use on replies. Ask me how I know.
Variation: Alternatively, in Step 1, instead of setting the GMail account to POP the other accounts, you could set all other accounts to forward to the GMail account. This would result in faster receipt of messages sent to those addresses because messages sent to GMail are pushed right away. On the other hand, GMail POPs accounts on an hourly basis which cannot be changed by the user. That said, having GMail set to POP the other accounts can be safer, especially when GMail has server problems (which they do). By checking Leave a copy of retrieved message on the server when setting up the POPping in your GMail account, the messages being POPped by your GMail account will remain in your other accounts.
I think these instructions should be a sticky. :good:
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Now I agree with those settings that you have are good, at my job before we switched from Novell Groupwise to Gmail based, I used to do that to my Gmail account, the main problem I found was the pulling from Gmail can take 5 minutes to a hour to get any e-mail on those accounts, which can be okay for some, just was rendered useless for me.
jazzyjames said:
Now I agree with those settings that you have are good, at my job before we switched from Novell Groupwise to Gmail based, I used to do that to my Gmail account, the main problem I found was the pulling from Gmail can take 5 minutes to a hour to get any e-mail on those accounts, which can be okay for some, just was rendered useless for me.
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Yes, I listed that variation at the bottom of the instructions, specifically to let people know that this might be a good option for time-sensitive communication.
As a matter of fact, I have all work-related e-mail accounts set to send a copy (not a forward) of all messages to my GMail address. So, as soon as they hit my work accounts they get sent to my GMail account, which immediately pushes to my phone. By copying to GMail instead of forwarding, the messages stay in those accounts for safety reasons. I didn't include that info, because not all work e-mail accounts allow users to customize settings to that degree for security reasons, as you often have to have server admin rights to do things of that nature.
On personal accounts that I use for communications that are not time-sensitve, I simply have my GMail account POP those accounts.

[Q] Best way to set up email accounts

I'm using ICS 4.0.3 and new to Android.
I have several email accounts Yahoo / Hotmail / Cablevsion / etc.
When setting up email accounts on my phone, is it best to setup a new email account for each of the above,
or is it better to setup Gmail to read them all and only view and send email through Gmail?
Joe_PDA said:
I'm using ICS 4.0.3 and new to Android.
I have several email accounts Yahoo / Hotmail / Cablevsion / etc.
When setting up email accounts on my phone, is it best to setup a new email account for each of the above,
or is it better to setup Gmail to read them all and only view and send email through Gmail?
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There is no "better" way to do this - you've got to do what suits you.
I do personally prefer to have all my emails picked up by Gmail though. I just find it easier having Gmail open on my PC for everything, getting all my emails effectively through one account. With incoming mail rules I can filter them to individual folders (labels), and even have notifications based on individual folders as well. For example, I don't get notifications for my work emails, but I can access them via Gmail. I do get notifications of all xda PMs and emails though.
That's just my preference though.
Archer said:
There is no "better" way to do this - you've got to do what suits you.
I do personally prefer to have all my emails picked up by Gmail though. I just find it easier having Gmail open on my PC for everything, getting all my emails effectively through one account. With incoming mail rules I can filter them to individual folders (labels), and even have notifications based on individual folders as well. For example, I don't get notifications for my work emails, but I can access them via Gmail. I do get notifications of all xda PMs and emails though.
That's just my preference though.
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Thanks for that reply. I was just wondering if best to have several icons on my device for each email account or if its best to let
Gmail do the work? I was looking for info from a users POV and appreciate your details.
So I guess you have no problem keeping track of sending and receiving from the various accounts, all through Gmail?
The labels (folders) are just on your desktop, or on both your mobile & desktop?

