[Q] Please, I need your help - TG01 General

Hi dear,
I have TG01 WM 6.5 and I'm trying to use headset WH-203 that came with the set. Once I connect it to TG01 the following massage appears:
(Unidentified USB Device
Enter the name of the device driver for this device. For information, see the device manufacturer's documentation.)
Note that this headset came with the set, so for sure it is compatible.
Do you have any idea to solve this problem?

try to hard reset the device

I did, but the poplem still exists.
any other idea.

Hi dear,
I have TG01 WM 6.5 and I'm trying to use headset WH-203 that came with the set. Once I connect it to TG01 the following massage appears:
(Unidentified USB Device
Enter the name of the device driver for this device. For information, see the device manufacturer's documentation.)
Note that this headset came with the set, so for sure it is compatible.
Do you have any idea to solve this problem?
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Go to Start > Settings > Connections > USB to PC. Check or uncheck Advanced network functionality. Now try to connect.
If this don't solve the issue, hard reset.
If that don't solve the issue, you have missing drivers which sounds very odd, as I use this USB cable all the time to connect my usb to it and never had any problems!

In fact, I tried hard reset, and I tried using the headset befor restoring my data from the backup, but the same massage appears.
I think there should be a driver associated with it which is not available.
Any one knows?
Thank you

In fact, I tried hard reset, and I tried using the headset befor restoring my data from the backup, but the same massage appears.
I think there should be a driver associated with it which is not available.
Any one knows?
Thank you
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When you connect to ActiveSync doesn't it automatically download drivers? :s Did you install Windows Device/Mobile Center using the CD that comes with the box? It generally downloads all your drivers on connection (or so I presume!)


Qtek 2020 stays in bootloader

Hi there,
I upgraded to WM5 but wanted to downgrade to WM2003. But halfways the downgrade the PDA hung. The only thing I can see in the screen is Serial at the top and v1.06 at the bottom. When I put the PDA in the cradle, Serial changes into USB. When I try to install firmware from a ROM, after a while I get an Error 101: Connection Error. I think that in some way the connection cannot be esthablished between cradle (PDA) and the computer.
Trying a soft or a hard reset doesn''t seem to do anything.
Can anyone help?
i have the same problem. it keeps on giving me a connection error. please can some one help.
the same problem with SPV M1000. anyone have the solution?
do a hard reset guyz by this method
HOLD DOWN UR POWER BUTTON+RESET (pin at bottom)..u will see 1.06 or what ever ur bootloader version is at bottom and at top u will see SERIAL..when u connect it to USB it will change to USB....and VOILA !!!
Happy Flashing
Same Problem
Did as you said and my computer doen't pick up the connection through the cradle. HELPPPPPPPP!!!!!!
HERE already tried to hardreset and then trying flashing
but can't sucess
The same problem..
we are on the same trouble...
until now, there's no way to resolve this problem,
the lucky if we can connect to PC,
i think its the connector problem,
maybe using a new sync cable rather then the cradle then
the cradle was always hit or miss for me
but i still had my wallaby cradle which always worked
Rudegar said:
maybe using a new sync cable rather then the cradle then
the cradle was always hit or miss for me
but i still had my wallaby cradle which always worked
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I have tried about 3 different cables and the cradle one.
and so tried to 3 different PC's to connect and got same error
btw, thanks...
From what I've seen so far problems can be caused by:
1. A firewall needs configuring or temporary disabling.
2. The usb connection shouldn't be through a hub but straight to the usb on the motherboard.
3. Dubious connection to the cradle.
rhilton said:
From what I've seen so far problems can be caused by:
1. A firewall needs configuring or temporary disabling.
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my firewall is active exception activesync service
some time disable
2. The usb connection shouldn't be through a hub but straight to the usb on the motherboard.
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i have modding motorola like e398, e1, e2, L7, v3i etc before
i never use USB-hub, i have 8 port USB straight to motherboard,
3. Dubious connection to the cradle.
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i dont understand about this (dubious ?)
when dopod 838 friend connected to my PC it was OK, no problem,
thanks rhilton
no pc usb connect
Have checked your phone connector? it happened to me once:1 pin was out and no way to sync !!!
imamlab said:
my firewall is active exception activesync service
some time disable
i have modding motorola like e398, e1, e2, L7, v3i etc before
i never use USB-hub, i have 8 port USB straight to motherboard,
i dont understand about this (dubious ?)
when dopod 838 friend connected to my PC it was OK, no problem,
thanks rhilton
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Pls help
Have d same problem and i've tried all these but no change. Any newer ideas ?
Pls help
Have d same problem and i've tried all these but no change. Any newer ideas ?
Pls help
Have d same problem and i've tried all these but no change. Any newer ideas ?


I am a bit embarrassed about writing this, I never thought I would make a brick of my Prophet during “upgrades”...
But here I am, with a phone that don't want to sync with any computer after I accidentally pressed cancel on an active sync dialog box asking for setup with a new device, during upgrade to the latest Touch VIII. Have upgraded several times with several different ROM’s before, but this time things went wrong.
If I choose to start my device normally, it goes trough the HTC screen and stops after the Qtek (HTC in Norway) screen listing the different versions of the hardware…
When I restart to boot loader (Cam button + reset) the 3 colours turn up ok, but when I put an USB cable in the device and the lower, left part of the screen shows USB, active sync will not recognise any new device no matter what I do.
I can still find the Prophet when I go to properties on the computer, but somehow active sync does not care about that.
Are there any way to use a program at the host computer to sync properly with the Prophet?
I would really appreciate any help that could rectify this problem.
Regards, Lars Norway
I believe the " WM6 Upgrade Guide" thread has the info you needed.
panda88 said:
I believe the " WM6 Upgrade Guide" thread has the info you needed.
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Tried the info there without success...
The guide assumes that you have connection with ActiveSync, but I can not seem to get connection.
So, I really need some advice about how to make a connection to the computer I will make the programming from, when ActiveSync is not working properly.
Have tried to restart both the device and the host computer, have reinstalled ActiveSync, have tried to start the different roms without having a connection to A.S., but no luck...
Have realized my mistake and bought a new Prophet, but would still like to get the old one working again.
it has nothing to do with activesync.
Not sure u really understand the below statement from the thread I mentioned.
1. Don't panic
2. Don't panic
3. Unplug the phone
4. Reset with stylus,and keep the Camera Button pressed.
5. A 3 color screen will appear(Bootloader Screen)
6. Connect your device with your PC,and run the NVID(no vendor) WM5 rom.
7. The device will be resetted after RUU(rom update utility)finishes
8. Repeat the WM6 upgrade,from STEP 5..
in case you can't NVID roms, you can still use those step1 roms mentioned by ROM gurus here.
panda88 said:
6. Connect your device with your PC,and run the NVID(no vendor) WM5 rom.
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Well, the problem is that I am not able to connect...
As far as I understand, the only way to connect is by using ActiveSync?
connect = the cable between prophet and your pc. after that just run the rom update utility. just dun bother the activesync (does it sound logical to u to establish activesync in bootloader mode?)
OK, I have tried it, but will try on some different computers also.
Posting in a couple of hours.
Thanks for your help so far!
then wish u good luck. happy un-bricking.
OK, same as before.
Depending on which ROM I try, the following messages are the result:
Error [300]: Invalid update tool.
Error [274]: Connection (The update utillity cannot connect to your PDA phone.)
If I try the Touch VIII direct, it stops in Initializing for a while, and then a message appears with the text: Cannot connect to device, Would I like to try again?
Besides, in the welcome screen during the "ROMUpdateUtility_NV_G4.exe" in the Prophet_PV_Temp program, step nr. 2. asks me to ""Establish an ActiceSync connection with your PDA phone."
So, no change from yesterday yet...
are you using windows vistA???
Have only been using computer with XP Pro installed.
Anybody of the opinion that the connection tools built into Vista might do a better job?
hifiasylum said:
Have only been using computer with XP Pro installed.
Anybody of the opinion that the connection tools built into Vista might do a better job?
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No, on the contrary. The best change you have is XP. Zeroed asked about Vista because it could be the reason of your troubles.
What I should do is just one detail different of what you have already tried:
Put the prophet in bootloader.
DISable "allow USB conection" in the conection-setting panel of ActiveSync
Connect your prophet with the USB cable
Run the NVID RUU again
If that is succesfull, you can upgrade to the WM6 ROM you like.
OK, will do.
Tried Vista just now, same errors and no luck.
Be posting in a minute...
OK, now I'm back.
Made a restart of the host computer, changed settings in ActiveSync, startet my device in Bootloader...
But unfortunately, no more success this time either.
Feel that the device must be more seriously defective/broken than others, this mishap happend at the end of the programming, when the 3 partitions were being written in the device. I was loading Touch VIII...
Anybody know if there is any more combination of buttons or reset methodes I could try?
Next step is to start opening the Prophet...
hifiasylum said:
OK, now I'm back.
Made a restart of the host computer, changed settings in ActiveSync, startet my device in Bootloader...
But unfortunately, no more success this time either.
Feel that the device must be more seriously defective/broken than others, this mishap happend at the end of the programming, when the 3 partitions were being written in the device. I was loading Touch VIII...
Anybody know if there is any more combination of buttons or reset methodes I could try?
Next step is to start opening the Prophet...
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Sorry, I'm out of options...
Thanks again for all help and support.
Really appreciated!
Regards, Lars
hifiasylum said:
Thanks again for all help and support.
Really appreciated!
Regards, Lars
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Just wondering if your computer detects prophet as a device at all? Does the normal plug device sound comes on when you plug in? Just a long shot, stick in a SD card and try with windows media player to see if it can sync or put files onto SD card. if so, get rom refreshed via SD card...
try few hard resets before you try this.
Not quite sure I understood what you suggested. I can get the device up in the host computers machine properties, but there is no way to get it up in any other program - like the Windows explorer.
Or are you saying that there is a way to boot the Prophet directly from a SD card? That would impress me!!!
hifiasylum said:
Not quite sure I understood what you suggested. I can get the device up in the host computers machine properties, but there is no way to get it up in any other program - like the Windows explorer.
Or are you saying that there is a way to boot the Prophet directly from a SD card? That would impress me!!!
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This sounds dumb, but try restarting your PC, closing all apps running in background (including firewalls), restarting Prophet (with stylus in reset hole). DO NOT TRY TO USE ACTIVE SYNC. Boot into bootloader (Three colours screen), connect USB cable and flash QTEK lastest official, or Jesterz AKU 3.3 (I have found this ROM to have magical powers of unbricking.)
Good luck!
hifiasylum said:
Thanks again for all help and support.
Really appreciated!
Regards, Lars
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Hmm this is wierd.I ran into problem earlier this month trying to flash a ROM but got stuck somewhere. So I followed the steps given in the sticky thread. Everything work smoothly. I am using XP SP2 and mine is a G3.
Let's make the assumption that your PDA is not faulty. Maybe you can try the steps again but this time :-
1. Change to another USB cable (or you may test the existing cable by connecting to a working pda)
2. Change to another USB port
3. Make sure you are not running any program that hogs the USB resource
4. If you are using USB hub, please don't connect using it. Make a direct connection to your computer.
that's all I can offer now...hope it helps.

error 608

Has anyone ever recieved the critical error 608? I cannot start communications with my device and the computer? Anyone have any ideas or ever seen this
Communications Error
Cannot start communications with desktop computer. Remote Networking could not start due to a critical error (Error 608).
Please reconnect your device. if the problem persists, restart your device using the instructions provided by the manufacturer.
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I have been here all day trying to solve this... no answers...
Using Windows 7!
yes i use 7 to
i try all :S
I am using Radio and ROM from Insomnia:360_2-21903-3G;
Also got this problem on XP.
Computer does detect my HTC, I have the latest and correct drivers.
Message that appears on my HTC is:
Communications Error
Cannot Communicate with the OC because of the following remote networking error: 608
Try to reconnect the device.
I already boot both PC, and HTC. Nothing!
me to, Radio and ROM from Insomnia:360_2-21903-3G;
and i try other rom and radio but same error
i do downgrade to WM 6.1 with bootloader [when you turn up device press cam but + power + reset and then insert usb and you can install other rom & radio] .....
and try to reinstall Windows Mobile Device Center but no help
Solved it... set all your IP connections to auto (in the Nikki of course).
shadowEOS said:
Solved it... set all your IP connections to auto (in the Nikki of course).
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how? Can you explain in more details

[Q] ActiveSync doesn't work anymore

Sounds like USB port is broken.
Hi all,
I've read a couple of threads for several days now, but none of the answers worked for me.
Problem is: I can connect from my HD2 to my desktop PC (win 7) initially, but when I try to install a new ROM (3.14.407_2), my HD2 restarts, shows the four colour screen and nothing more happens. After some minutes, my PC tells me that my phone isn't connected anymore.
It worked two months ago for the last ROM flash, but now nothing helps.
- rebooting PPC and PC several times
- deleting partnership and setting up a new one
- disabling "faster connect" for usb to PC settings - afterwards, PC doesn't recognize any connection at all
- hard reset on PPC
I have no idea what to try next.. I wanted to install HSPL2 and flash the ROM from my SD card, but can't install HSPL2 ... same problem.
Any suggestions?
I also tried several USB ports on my PC
You think the HD2 USB port is broken? But I was able to transfer data when connected as normal device without active sync.
Do I have any chance to check, whether you are right, without having to send my phone to HTC?
maybe running the update in compatibility mode will help?
I thought the microsoft mobile device center (or however it is called) was made for win7, as the actual activeSync tool cannot be used?
So I can't see a benefit from this, but anyway.. I will try.
You could try using BlueTooth with ActiveSync, thats what I do. I have a "micro" bluetooth adaptor for my laptop and it all works fine... just a bit slower.
Infyrana said:
I thought the microsoft mobile device center (or however it is called) was made for win7, as the actual activeSync tool cannot be used?
So I can't see a benefit from this, but anyway.. I will try.
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the compatibility mode for the ROM update file could help becasuse it is a separate application (no guarantee though as I have no way to check it on my PC)
compatibility mode didn't help.
don't have a bluetooth stick ...
no further suggestions?
Just found out, that windows tries to install driver "Qualcomm CDMA Technologies MSM" when I connect my HD2 after starting bootloader.
But it just searches and doesn't find anything. I searched by myself, but didn't find the driver anywhere ...
if you are really determined to update ROM, find the thread on ROM 3.14 here on xda forum, I recall seeing guidelines on installing ROM from SD Card
of course it will not solve your sync problem, but still...
Yah ... I wanted to install HSPL2 to be able to do install the ROM from the SD card (at least that's what I understood - that I need that first), but I can't install it, as I already wrote.
Finally.. in a forum somewhere in a forgotten corner of the internet.. someone gave an advice to uninstall the windows mobile device center and reinstall it.
After uninstalling, I had some trouble to find it again, but finally got it.
And guess what: it works now.
Windows managed to install the quadcomm driver and I could update my ROM.
Never had such a hard challenge with my HD2.
Thanks everyone who tried to help!

[Q] USB connection - Activesync Problem!

Firstly, sorry about my English.
I am using HTC HD2 about 6 months. I was able to connect my phone with my pc by USB. But nowadays, i can't do it.
My PC is using Windows 7 64-bit.
Now, my problem is:
When i connect USB cable, there is no notification or sound in my PC. (like "a device connected to PC" or "a new hardware found" etc.)
Phone can be charged via USB connection with PC but I can't use activesync.
Otherwise, when i connect PC and phone by Bluetooth, i can use WMDC.
I controlled "USB to PC" module in my phone. I tried "enable faster data synchronization" checked and unchecked. And i checked "Ask me first..." But there is no effect
And also, i tried it in another PC (which is Vista) and another USB Cable.
And when i shut down the device, and i open it while pressing volume down button, bootloader opened but in bootloader screen there wasn't a text like "USB". There is a text "Serial".
I make hard reset but it doesn't effect too.
What do you think about my problem? May it be about USB input of my phone?
I used to make HSPL in my phone and he has custom rom now.
If the problem is a hardware problem, is it out of warranty? :S
Please help me.
buraakk said:
Firstly, sorry about my English.
I am using HTC HD2 about 6 months. I was able to connect my phone with my pc by USB. But nowadays, i can't do it.
My PC is using Windows 7 64-bit.
Now, my problem is:
When i connect USB cable, there is no notification or sound in my PC. (like "a device connected to PC" or "a new hardware found" etc.)
Phone can be charged via USB connection with PC but I can't use activesync.
Otherwise, when i connect PC and phone by Bluetooth, i can use WMDC.
I controlled "USB to PC" module in my phone. I tried "enable faster data synchronization" checked and unchecked. And i checked "Ask me first..." But there is no effect
And also, i tried it in another PC (which is Vista) and another USB Cable.
And when i shut down the device, and i open it while pressing volume down button, bootloader opened but in bootloader screen there wasn't a text like "USB". There is a text "Serial".
I make hard reset but it doesn't effect too.
What do you think about my problem? May it be about USB input of my phone?
I used to make HSPL in my phone and he has custom rom now.
If the problem is a hardware problem, is it out of warranty? :S
Please help me.
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It maybe because you are using Win 7 64 bit. Try installing 32 bit as well and see if it cures your problem.
Also see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/946765
Thank you for your attention.
Unfortunately, i tried it, too. In another PC, whose OS is Vista 32-bit. There is no sound or notification at PC
Actually, i've searched so many topics in this forum.
And i am almost sure that my problem is a hardware problem.
Because i tried so many things in settings of PC and Phone but there is no change.
I just wanna ask you, guys, if i send my phone to service, is there any problem about my phone's HSPL and Custom ROM situtation??
So the problem is hardware problem and most probably my USP Port is damaged.
Do you think they tell me that "your phone is out of warranty bec. of HSPL!" ?
faulty cable or faulty usb port. search out the "stuck in car kit mode" thread and compare the symptoms.

