How do you obtain root with T9259UVJK6 firmware, I had root before i odin the T9259UVJK6 firmware. I tired rooting it with the OCLF and adb with a no go. Any suggestions?
It has a different recovery. You could flash back to JFD and install one of the other one that is prerooted.
And I was thinking it had a different recovery thing now, thanks man.
so i upgraded via kies mini and was just wondering if there is a specific way i have to root official ka6 froyo... its kinda giving me trouble. anything to do with the 3e recovery ?..
SuperOneClick will root, but not fix recovery (i.e clockworkmod and flashing roms)
To get a working clockworkmod, you'll have to use odin to flash on of the voodoo kernels because they have clockworkmod built in.
"if you amplify everything, nothing is heard"
this is so dumb, lol. oclf and z4 won't root it. ill try superoneclick. eugh.
So, I'm a little confused about the bootloader situation. My tab is locked, and not rooted yet. To root, I flash CWM using Odin, then flash the root files in CWM, correct? And can I still flash roms, kernels, and themes with the locked bootloader?
yes thats correct !
when you flash the ROM you'll lose root but you just have to follow the little Odin + CWM process again to get root back [because the ROMs are not pre rooted (yet)]
So flash CWM, root, flash rom, flash CWM, root again?
Hello everyone. There is one thing that I'd like to know before going ahead and rooting my gs2 (cf kernel).
That kernel installs the CWM recovery. Assume that I'm on stock KI4 now, then root it. If a new fw is released, and I'd like to move to say KJ1 frankenstein from intra, how should I flash that? Should I still use the same procedure that I've always used until now (odin), or should I flash it via CWM?
Also, what are the impacts of moving to the newer fw? Do I lose root and also the CWM recovery?
Yes, CF-Root installs CWM recovery, Superuser and enables root. So it's a super easy thing to do and very convenient.
If you are rooted and is on KI4, moving to a non-rooted frankenstein build(that's what you wanted), you will definitely lose root because the firmware is stock.
So if you flashed a stock frankenstein build, you will lose root AND CWM(loosing CWM will give you the stock recovery, which doesn't do much). You would need to flash a rooted kernel(e.g. CF-Root) using Odin to regain root. Depending on the firmware also, sometimes your data is wiped.
To preserve root, I recommend you to flash a rooted custom ROM. VillainROM is good to start with because it is close to stock. The closest to stock in my opinion is to root it with CF-Root. Feel free to experiment with custom ROMs.
With rooted custom ROMs, you will stay rooted when you flash them VIA Clockworkmod revovery.
P.S. Be sure to always do a backup in case something goes wrong! Do a full ROM backup via CWM so if anything happens, you can just revert.
Well i finally got around to updating my rezound to the newest ICS firmware. But afterwards I've lost my root and also have no recovery. I am S off, so hopefully you guys will lead me in the right direction to get back to installing custom roms... PLZZZZZ LOL
Amon Ra Recovery
TWRP Recovery
Follow the steps on either one of these threads in order to re-install a custom recovery. From there just follow the thread of any given Rom you want to install (especially steps for if you are S-ON or S-Off) and you will have root that way, Most, if not all Custom ROMs have root. Goodluck Buddy
if u still have root issues after trying the ones in recovery, try going to chainsdd website and get the flashable zip and that should work. i think all you will need is the binary file if you have the apk already
So after scearching thousands of threads i understand everything about kernel, custom roms, stock roms.
Im trying to get all together like a puzzle.
Ony thing i want to know but can't find the answer anywhere on the internet.
I have custom recovery TWRP with root.
Is it possible to temporary unroot the device with OTA rootkeeper app, flash stock recovery and than restore root back with the app.
So i can download future update flawless.
Edit ----------------------------------
Just flashed stock recovery and kept root, no any rootkeep apps needed for this.
Basically i have a Hox+ with:
Stock rom
Stock recovery
Unlocked bootloader
Stock kernel
And root