[Q] SIP Dialer / VoIP - Streak 5 Themes and Apps

Hi guys,
I asked this question prior and got no replies.... however I'll ask again.
Does anyone know of a good Sip dialer?... I currently use CsipSimple, which barely works... the call quality is horrid and it lags, even over Wifi.
Ive tried most, if not all, options in the settings, to no avail.
Does anyone else know of an app that works well and is reliable?
My knowledge of voip protocols and settings is not great.. thus any tips/tweaks will also be gladly accepted
Thanks in advance.
Sent from my Dell Streak - Optus® Australia

Errr.. wrong forum...
Please move me
Edit: Thanks for moving.
Also, to update my own post;
I downloaded the developer edition of cSip from the authors website.... seems to be a large improvement in quality and lag.
Also; I read that 2.3 (Gingerbread) will have native SIP support.
Sent from my Dell Streak - Optus® Australia

I have been using Sipdroid, which seems to be OK, but does have a few lag and volume isssues. When I am on Wifi I can call mobiles and fixed lines in Australia via gotalks sip service. I use a second sip supplier pfingo to call SIngapore. Both are OK but volume is low.

Yeah, mine seems to be going 'alright' now with that new release csipsimple.
I find the volume a tad low too, unless using a headset.
I use Exetel.
Dell Streak - Froyo 2.2 - Optus® Australia

I tried csipsimple, this is a great product, performance is far superior on the Streak to Sipdroid.


questions after upgrading to WM6

1. A2DP icon missing
I want to re-direct skype audio to my bluetooth earphone. How can I do that?
2. I can not login MSN/windows alive though skype can login without any problem via WIFI. Seems MSN try to get online through different connection setting? how/where can I define the connection setting for MSN?
3. Phone module die without any sign. All incoming call is diverted to voice mail automatically until soft reset. As if the phone is switched off.
(I am not sure whether this is WM6 related)
this means you might miss important call without any sign!
Does anybody have same experience?
1) I dont think that was ever a default thing? Did you install something and forget? have a cooked rom? There are A2DP solutions in this forum, "Use the Search luke."
2) No, its shagged. I installed the windowslive50.cab file I had on universal, it works now.
3) No idea, mine works fine. Hard reset? Check your sim?
I can get online with my WLM but it does sometimes take a resync of the whole account to do it.
Skype did say (unless changed recently) that they were still working on transferring calls to bt headsets. Which means, currently, that it does not work through anything other than headphones and the mic on the phone.
Comm Manager
It is possible to change the green color from the Comm Manager ?
French Keyboard
I have upgraded my french Advantage and all is OK apart for keyboard layout. On my old Universal (also french keyboard) I had changes the registry for hklm/software/oem/qwerty layout to 1040C (hex) and it had worked.
On the advantage this does not seem to change anything, any ideas?
Also has anyone got integrated VoIP working? I have used a CAB file from Universal to activate it and SIP Config Tool to do the set up but it does not allow me to select VoIP from today menu.
Anyone got this set up and working? Integrated VoIP is the reason I upgraded to WM6!
Messenger Etc....
Live Messenger stops working correctly after a soft reset. Initially it works fine. Contacts show as offline, although they are still able to contact me and vice-versa.
As far as I can ascertain push email still functions correctly.
I cannot confirm whether this is related to MS's side (rather than the program) as I haven't had chance to check if anyone else experiences the same problems.
Have tried installing the separate CAB file but I am subsequently told that I do not have the necessary permissions (or something like that).
This comes from tests on a T-Mobile branded Ameo (not the brand new one I'm selling, if anyone decides to cross-check!)
I haven't come across any other problems. Seems a bit less laggy than the original T-Mobile ROM, loads up web pages slightly faster too it seems.
No other issues as yet.
Ive had no probs at all since installing the messenger cab.
Still using it now.
Do we know what version of WLM is on this new ROM?
I've pulled \windows\wlmmessenger.exe to desktop and looked at the Version tab... is what comes out.
Pyrofer - can you do the same on your cabbed version and let me know what the version number says? Not always an accurate guide but worth a shot. Also the digital signature is 3rd May 07.
EDIT - never mind, just seen ur post in general Athena tab...10.6.0026.1400
I wonder what is different? If anything? I also wonder whether this is actually a final release of the ROM that's just been leaked early, as WLM is a pretty central component to web using Athena owners (myself very much included) and for it not to work after a soft reset...hmm.
Hi royalmail,
I've got exactly the same problem you mention about the phone.
I was unable to answer calls.
So I belive you've use the second file to upgrade to WM6 (HTC001 ... with ipl...).
You have to go back to WM5 WWE using the last ROM posted in the Athena upload folder in the XDA FTP. After flashing your Athena to WM5, Use the first ROM posted (the one with a readme file included).
And voila! No problem at all since I've done it this morning, everything works fine!
Hope this helps!
Hi Thibale,
I flashed with the t-mobile version. the phone dead only once so far, though i am not sure it's caused by WM6. Anyway, thx for sharing your info.
royalmail said:
1. A2DP icon missing
I want to re-direct skype audio to my bluetooth earphone. How can I do that?
2. I can not login MSN/windows alive though skype can login without any problem via WIFI. Seems MSN try to get online through different connection setting? how/where can I define the connection setting for MSN?
3. Phone module die without any sign. All incoming call is diverted to voice mail automatically until soft reset. As if the phone is switched off.
(I am not sure whether this is WM6 related)
this means you might miss important call without any sign!
Does anybody have same experience?
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See if this helps
Also, read through the forum regarding some of your other issues.
Try to disable your GPRS and see if your calls start coming through.
Pyrofer said:
Ive had no probs at all since installing the messenger cab.
Still using it now.
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Thanks for all the input.
@Pyrofer, could u upload yr WLM5.cab here? thanks in advance.

[Q] Internal speaker stopped working (twice)

After one day of use under Android 2.2 internal speaker stopped working. Bluetooth handsfree, wired handsfree, outer speaker all of them work flawless. Backing to Factory settings did not help. I install Android 2.1 O2 and after week of use the same sh*t happened. I have heard about it from several forums and Dell community, but there were not any decision. Please, help!
I did everything to make it working and suddenly after two days of silence it came back to life without any special action from my side. Now I can't understand why and when it stops or works.
Today, 24 hours later, speaker stopped working again. Does anybody use the same Android 2.1 O2, kernel 2.6.29-perf, build 8105?
I have major problems ringing certain people where I hear them and they don't hear me... is that the same problem as you? Its driving me mad! If they call me, it seems fine though?? Same kernel/build.
sent from my Dell Streak (rooted 2.2 v1.1.1 by dj_steve) using Tapatalk
I have opposite problem. I can't hear people, they can hear me.
I found how to make it work. During the conversation through bluetooth handsfree turn off the handsfree and call transfer to internal speaker and voila! it works again. Guess it is software issue and next official Android 2.2 back it to normal.
Ah, well done for finding out what it was there are a few Bluetooth headphone fixes and similar apps in the market, I had problems on my xperia x10 1.6 and the apps sorted it. Maybe worth a look? As for my problem... I have no idea?
sent from my Dell Streak (rooted 2.2 v1.0 by dj_steve) using Tapatalk
tina333 said:
As for my problem... I have no idea?
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Stupid question: is there no accidental tapping on MUTE button while talk? My screen does not go off every time when I bring it to the ear. Cheeks can push the same as fingers. I mute the phone a couple times.
skomorokhov said:
Stupid question: is there no accidental tapping on MUTE button while talk? My screen does not go off every time when I bring it to the ear. Cheeks can push the same as fingers. I mute the phone a couple times.
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I think it must have been a bug in the dj_steves 1.1 & 1.2 rom... I've downgraded to O2 uk 2.1 8105 and it seems fine now bb21 using rebelsim but I doubt that makes a difference...
Sent from my Dell Streak

Trouble while making outgoing calls. HELP!!

While on an outgoing call, I can hear my contacts, but my contacts cannot hear me... Anyone else has/had this problem and know of a solution? Btw, I'm on the 351 build and rooted. Thanks in advance!
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA Premium App
What steps have you taken to troubleshoot this?
Tried with the speakerphone on?
Tried with a wired headset?
Tried with a bluetooth headset?
Did you recently install any apps?
When did this start?
This started a few months ago (even with stock), but I always thought It had something to do with "Total Recall" (a phone recorder app)... but after finally uninstalling Total Recall and clearing cache, the problem continued. I also tried everything u mentioned and everything works perfectly. It's only when I use just the phone its self to make calls I run into this prob.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA Premium App
Btw, it's not all the time that this happens...
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA Premium App
Install StreakMod Recovery and make a nandroid backup.
Reset your phone using the reset in the settings under Privacy. Test the phone. If it works resinstall your apps one by one to check. If you still have the same problem after a reset with no apps installed I would suspect a hardware problem.
Will give it a shot. Thanks.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA Premium App
Do you ever just bump the mute button with your cheek? This is a good possibility if they can't hear you halfway through the conversation (sometimes my head falls off the light sensor causing the screen to turn on).
You know what?... that's a good possibility. Thanks
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA Premium App
Yes I have the same problem. I traded my HTc desire for dell streak stock rom not rooted. 5 inch is great, really great. But at leat one in seven calls I can hear the other person, but that person not me.
The lock screen is also unresponsive, same 1 out of 7, I just can't answer, because the slider won't slide.
Sometimes the screen is also unresponsive in general, especially the lower part, I have to change to landscape mode and then hit the kill all apps button, after wich the screen works fine again.
First I thought these were problems caused by the stock music player, but now I dunno anymore. (music quality is much better than on the desire by the way)
also bluetooth calling works really bad. People always complain about the echo of their voice. I tried 3 differents headsets. Bluetooth music works great though.
Maybe this streak is just bad model. No wonder The guy wanted to trade.
I faced the same issue on my Streak5. For almost 3 weeks i was chasing this issue and was absoultely fed-up. Actually i had recently changed the sim card for my telephone operator, and i thought that was the issue, so i fought with the telecom operator to get it changed but no difference. Then i suspected some software is screwing up, so i went through all the installed software and jotted down every software that had some audio/mic relation. Finally in the list i most suspected a call recorder software called "Call Recorder Free" by Clever Mobile and BOOM ! I uninstalled it and that was the culprit indeed ! My phone is working perfectly fine now ! Please beware of this or any such software.
you guys could try to use the olleh 407 ROM or use the custom ROM where usually custom ROM is the best alternative for streak...

[Q] Calls only work in one direction

My Streak has developed a serious problem; 90% of the time when I make a call I cannot be heard by the recipient. When I receive calls all is well; communication works in both directions. But whenever I instigate the call I can hear the second party clearly, but they cannot hear me. Is this a known problem, can anyone suggest any possible causes?
Many thanks.
I have the exact same problem sometimes. Thinking of going back to 360.
Sent via XDA Premium on Dell Streak
360? What's that?
360 is the version number of one of the stock ROMs available for the Streak and is the last official ROM Dell produced for unlocked Dell Streak units.
As for your problem, we need a few details such as what ROM you're running so we can attempt to troubleshoot a bit.
Ah yeah, of course. Thanks. My Streak is not rooted. It's an O2 phone in the UK, running Android 2.2.2 (OEM version GAUSB1A135100).
I'm going to recommend a factory reset. But, while you're at it, you might want to think about upgrading to 360 if you don't want to try one of the Gingerbread custom ROMs.
Thanks Strephon for the advice. I think I'll probably take that route.
Anyone who followed this thread may be interested to know that I've discovered the cause of my one-way-calls-only problem. I have the app "Sanity" installed which I use for recording phone calls. Despite popular belief to the contrary, it records calls very well and both parties can be easily heard. However, when I disabled the call record function of the programme my one-way calls problem stopped immediately.
AidanBell said:
Anyone who followed this thread may be interested to know that I've discovered the cause of my one-way-calls-only problem. I have the app "Sanity" installed which I use for recording phone calls. Despite popular belief to the contrary, it records calls very well and both parties can be easily heard. However, when I disabled the call record function of the programme my one-way calls problem stopped immediately.
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Same problem, different app (Auto voice recorder I think). Uninstalling solved my problem, thanks !

[Q] Low call volume using Voip-apps with Xperia Sola

Hello there,
I just got my Xperia Sola and wanted to use it for Voip calls using mobile voip. But the microphone volume is just too low for the opposite to properly understand me.
So I tried a bunch of other Voip apps, including the build-in one, Skype, and CsipSimple.
Always with the same issue, except that I can amplify the mic in CsipSimple, but this way the audibility is not much better since there is lot of noise.
Normal GSM calls work excellently, I also use the same internet connection and Voip Provider with my SIP landline phone or Notebook, and it always works perfectly. Mobile Voip also tells me I have excellent Network quality.
Is there any way to fix that or is it just something a Xperia Sola owner has to live with?
I have heard its a general android issue for pre 3.0 android phones. So there is hope it might work with the upcoming ICS update? If not what other similar phone would you recommend that definetly works? I was also thinking about getting an Xperia U or S instead since I still have time to return my sola but wonder if its not a general Sony xperia Issue.
Thanks for any reply in advance!
So I was trying it again and now see that the error is a simple one, still dont know how to fix it though.
If I use any VOIP app, not regular handset mic is used but the one on the back of the phone, that is i guess meant for videorecording. So if i turn the phone around and talk in there, the person on the other side can hear me just fine...
anyone else maybe ever tried any voip app with the sola and knows if this is a general issue or just a bug in my sola?
Also... maybe anyone an idea how to fix that, some hidden setting in Android system maybe?
This thread should have been started in the Q & A section, kindly post in the relevant section next time. Thread closed.

