[Q] How to install Android on TG01??? - TG01 General

hello, I state that my English is poor ... hoping that I apologize for that ...
are now asking if anyone explain to me how to install Android on my TG01 ... are at zero with linux, so it must be a simple explanation ...
Thank you so much for the help

Open your eyes !!
Hey dude !!
Take a look here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=672234
Before opening a new thread, please take a look at all the opened ones.

you're right, but I was not able to find it!
thanks for the suggestion

luckylu1977 said:
you're right, but I was not able to find it!
thanks for the suggestion
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It's right there in VERY FIRST POST in the thread indicated to you! I will be surprised and shocked if you couldn't find it!!
However, in case you really struggled, here is the WHOLE bit copied and pasted from that thread's first post.
Now to run Android properly in your phone !
1.Download any of the builds we have around here.
2.Do backup on your sdcard or if you have additional one use this one.
3.Extract the file with android in your sdcard.
4. Check all the files are inside (sdcard/Android/AndroidApps"folder", media"folder",root"folder",clrcad"file",rootfs"fil e",startup"file",system"file",zImage"file",init rd" file")
5. If you want you can take everything from Android folder and pest it in root of the sdcard but you have to change default text (set cmdline"rel_path=Android change to set cmdline"rel_path=" or set cmdline"rel_path=sdcard") tri with one if is not working try with the other one. I thing the best is leave all files and folder in default Android folder and just copy this folder to your sdcard.
6.Check your zImage and Startup is for Toshidroid :OP (TG01).
7.First RUN haret without CLRCAD.
8.It take no more than10 min to run for the first time.
9. If it take more time RESTART the phone by pressing the POWER BUTTON for 10/20 sec it will restart and back to windows.
11.Try to do the same one more time.
12.If it still not booting to Android and you receive any error messages. Check your sdcard if there is space left in it. Check error message if it say that it can find some file or it can't create a data.
13. Delete everything from your sdcard and format it to fat32.
14.Start from the beginning.
15. If it still not booting to Android then check if you have all files and all set how it has to be.
16. Don't forget you can broke your phone. And we are not responsible for any damage you cause to your phone.
17.It is all up to you.
19. If I forget something sorry about just ask there are other memebers who will try to help you if they can.
20. Sorry for my English mistakes. I'm trying to fix them. :OP
Thanks to all people who try their best to make that possible: Markinus, Arash18k,Bally3,Endrix,Nyl,Arnookie and all other.
Please don't feel bad or offended by any of our posts, but I think the response to you was correct at beginning and we all at XDA do appreciate that the number of threads are kept to minimum and you follow the rule of 'Search before asking' as this keeps it easy for moderators as well as other new members or current members to find something they are looking for in a single thread rather than 10 different threads! Imagine if every new member started opening a new thread!

when it is finished you can put in the NAND as the HD2?


New tool : Extended ROM manager

Hi - first major post so bear with me!
After 'cookin' my own extended ROM a few times, I realised that harvesting the various CABs was only the first step - I then had to trawl this (fabulously informative) forum (and wiki) and identify each CAB to see if I actually wanted it in this particular ROM – sometimes I’d find a picture (really helps), and sometimes not, either way I would always forget what something was and have to re-find it.
So I wrote a utility to help me - and I'm sharing with everybody else 'cos that's just the kinda guy I am. XtendROM scans a folder (I’m old-school so I still call ‘em directories, but I’m trying to speak windoze here) and treats that folder as the ‘library’ – it is from there one can select which CABs you want to include. I’ve set things up for the Himalaya (I have an XDAII) so the default extended ROM size is 64Mb, although it only warns you if you go over that.
The principal is simple - deliberately so. Information on the CAB files is stored in TXT files and the preview images are stored as GIFs, BMPs or JPGs (always the same name as the CAB file, with an extra file-extension). I’m thinking that we could post TXTs/images and maybe even CABs in this thread, thereby making cooking a ROM as easy as downloading the CAB/TXT/image, saving it to the ‘library’ and choosing it for your ROM.
Drag & drop should work (to some extent at least) and the ROM files can be moved up/down in the config.txt file easily enough – after all I made this for my own use and getting the information from the web-pages is sometimes the trickiest part. I’ve recently added an option to copy the selected CAB files into a separate folder, this way I can easily copy the new files into the new ROM without having to search manually (computers ARE here to make life easier – allegedly).
Um, I think that’s about it – consider this a first-release so I’ve undoubtedly missed stuff, and I’m pretty sure I’ve forgotten to save some settings into the registry (I’ve had to get on with some real work, but this version works okay – mostly). Of course, if this utility kills your system, turns into potted-plants or does anything else I’m not expecting then you’re on your own – if you have doubts then don’t use it, I ain’t getting sued just for sharing my stuff.
I'll be adding some TXTs/images/CABs here myself at some point - I'm just too busy with other stuff at the moment (patience, I'm told, is a virtue).
Any problems, comments, questions or thoughts then please post here – knowledge is a thing best shared.
:edit: - I forgot to mention above, but when a file is copied the file-extension is automatically checked and the approriate command inserted into the CONFIG.TXT - for example, copying a .EXE file will default to 'EXEC', whereas a .TXT file would generate a CPY1/CPY2 command (to copy into \Windows).
- StarFux -
Excellent, let's me try and I will post my feedback later.
Thank a lot.
cool program.... downloading now...
No further comments?
Just checkin'-in... so, no feedback? Must be just that good then ...
Thank you krab.. Let's me try..
Some TXT files to get things started
Attached are some TXT descriptions from xda-developers - the zip-files are named according to the username of the person who wrote the text (all credit to them, not me) - I've just compiled the data into a format that XtendROM will make use of.
yann.zip - from http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=6470
sin.zip - from http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=16916
Just unzip into your chosen library folder.
S'all - have fun.
besides of having one error on my first run .. just forgot wat it is .. i think you've done a greate job .. now its much easier to create config.txt and to avoid .. further error if i created it in notepad .. btw tnx for the tool m8 ..
...very nice looking tool )))
What a great application
Thanks for sharing
Now maybe we can create all huddle together and create a central library for all known extended ROMs so we can cook our own ExtROM
Thanks for all the positive feedback! - I'm working on some tweaks to cope with creating compressed ROMs at the moment (thanks to some great feedback) - I'll post here when I've sussed it
Thanks again!
Giving up
Hi all - well excessive demands on my time from work & home have meant I've been unable to tinker with my util, so I'm giving-up trying to find time and have decided to sleep more instead.
If anybody else wants to play with it (it's written in Delphi 7 & uses a few libraries but could be played with), then PM me and I'll send you the source so that you may continue development (if desired).
Hope everybody continues to enjoy the util anyway - L8rz.

XDA I - OSImageTool Version 1

Tried to make a copy of my ROM to SD Card. Dialog Box shows it copying but after completing in 6mins or so nothing shows on the card. I want to back up prior to copying XDA ROM and unlocking. Any advice would be appreciated.
you dont really need to save it on your sd card. You can just back it up in a file on your pc. click the browse button beside the combo box(ie the button with 3 dots) and select a name and a path. it would transfer the os to your pc and u can keep the back up there where its safer. :wink:
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I've already tried that and I just get an error message - Unsupported target filetype - don't know how to write destinationfile c:\Program Files\etc...
okay this is what you'll do :: put this line in the destination "c:\rom\os.nb1"; for the source select the combo box then select from device and it should work. if it doesnt then reply me asap. :roll:
Thanks again but unfortunately entering c:\rom\os.nb1 in the destination dialog didn't work. It returned: error opening c:\rom\os.nb1 for writing. The system cannot find the path specified. error opening target device.
PS. Should also add I didn't quite understand your reference to "for the source select the combo box then select from device and it should work. if it doesnt then reply me asap
PS. Should also add I didn't quite understand your reference to "for the source select the combo box then select from device and it should work. if it doesnt then reply me asap
check the image i just sent u. ull see what i asked you to click for the source.(Device Memory (current rom))
then for the destination clikc the 3 dots on its side and type in a name eg os.nb1 and lcick open. :!: :?:
Thanks, man. It looks like that's done the trick. It's currently copying. Once that's done I believe I need to load the XDA ROM to facilitate the unlock. Many thanks for your help.
no probs men. but i need to unlock some 2 more phones an am having a hell of a time. my bros samsung e700 and my dads hp6315. do u by any chance know how i can get that done
I wish I could reciprocate but unfortunately I don't know much about my Wallaby let alone those you've mentioned. I've just downloaded the XDA ROM and my device is not accepting it. Reading stuff on the forum to try to figure out what the problem is. Don't want to take away from your other problems with the Samsung and HP but let me know if you've heard of any problems as to why a device won't accept the XDA ROM. I'm probably doing something wrong.
Cheers for now.
okay i see you really do not know much. now all you have to do is get the special edition rom u get. then use the same program u used to backup your rom to upload the new one. i really want you to be 100% sure you have a back up. then duplicate the back up for safety reasons. Then extract the speacial edition rom. if its just the rom u got the use the program to do it. if its the whole installation u got a progamm called PROGRAMME A should open and it will guide you throught. Then i hope your phone is a wallaby/qtek 1010/ o2 xda/tmobile MDA they are all the same. else your better stop now. then why dont you lets chat i think it had be easier. yahoo ::nowoxi or msn ::[email protected]
Unfortunately, I haven't IM loaded currently. However, what you told me is a big help. I do have the MDA version of the phone so I'll try that when I get back as I have to leave right now. Thanks again and I'll keep you posted as to how it works out.
Hi nowoxi,
got a problem with OSImageTool, I did my own ROM copy but now how can I upload it to my device in case of need(mine is 2020..)? Do I need a SD card or I can do it directly from the xda image program? Many thanks
P.S. if you find a Yahoo mess request,well...it's me!
Didnt really get your compostition. I dont know where to start from or what to think. I know you have a problem and i know its with the ostool but i really dont get (understand) what your problem is. The rom u said u have. is it one you cooked up or the one on your phone before. then wher edo u wanna send stuff to. your phone or you wanna backup the one on your phone :?:
Sorry for the confusion, here's the story.
I'm the owner of an Orange SPV m1000, I received it last week and don't know much about PocketPC....my device is an English version, I'd like to convert it to an Italian one. I found an ITA ROM (it's for Qtek 2020 but it should work..) and soon I'd like to try to flash it. In case of need (maybe something wrong in the flashing...) I'd like to keep a copy of the original ROM installed in my device so I used XDAtools to get one, as you explained in this thread. Now I have this .nb1 file in my pc and the question is: can I upload it from my pc directly in case something goes wrong during the upgrade flashing? Or should I copy the .nb1 file to the SD card first and then try to flash from it ( but in what way?) ? Hope to made it clear now, thanks to your help!
P.S. Still looking the forum for a guide on using the imagetool....please be patient :wink:
Well you can restore it directly from your pc. just follow the steps in the thread. for source instead of selecting something in the combo box. click the 3 dots at the side then use your phone as destination. i hope that helps you out.
Sure thing!
Just one more question: what happen after I have finished upload the .bf1 file to my device with imagetools? It's a kind of autostart procedure or do I have to make some move? Thanks again, bye from Italy
I'm back and about to try to load the XDA ROM based on your instructions. However, question: do I have to removed the existing ROM from my device or will the XDA ROM simply overwrite it?
Hope you're around this Sunday evening/Monday morning!
The rom will be overwritten.

New HTC Keyboard

tried copying over to prophet but have not done any modification yet. Looks like we need more changes to make it work in our device. Guess I need help from experts here. Below is the screenshot of my failed attempt.
i hope someone will make it work well on our device !
can't wait to have this new keyboard, it seems awesome
there are two things that i need to do now...
1. get the mapping right...which I am trying figure out now
2. produce it as a cab file so that everyone here can use it...have to worry about this later since i have no experience creating a cab file
it's working on my prophet now but for some strange reason it only works in Word mobile I don't know why but I'm looking into it
It works in most apps but only when making a new file or document.
i had little success, suspecting picture files are not complete. if you looking at the entire sets of image file, you will probably see various file similar to those in http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=331155 and registry key may have point to the wrong files as well.
as for me, i managed to get to the stage same as shown in the thread. but after typing a few keys , it went haywire....sigh...
Try this http://www.cootek.com/ and quity wasting your time ...
thanks..i have mentioned that to fellow members before. maybe i shld wait for the official release by end of this month
the cootek software is pretty nice
too bad there's no multilanguage support yet

formatting these thread posts?

Rhaegon said:
Ty for all your help but i am lost ATM. I want to be thankful and pay homage to whom homage is DUE! So if i want to link some ones page im guessing i jst put @ before their name ? But how do i QUOTE your post on another thread or post And how do people make a post signature with their devices Rom and promote that rom I thought i knew alot about the internet and pcs but am humbled by this site THANKS for all you guys do been here since 2013 dont say much sry try to figure it out on my own been doing good so far. Thanks
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If you are trying to show the content from one post to another post of a separate thread:
select "reply"
copy the entire contents of the reply-window
navigate to wherever you want to use that quoted information, and paste it in the new thread/reply/whatever -->
Rhaegon said:
Noted, Done! Perfection! Zero FCs, Zero random reboots, and Zero Gapps issues! I usually have something go wrong on every Rom, but this was a success. Apparently I had garbage left over that could not be wiped from my recovery menu until I used http://d-h.st/szN
Thanks again!
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If you are simply trying to link to a specific post:
navigate to the post
-either right-click the post-number and copy link address
-or click the post-number, then copy the address from the address bar
now you can paste that link into whatever thread post/reply you want -->
There are some great format tools in the message creation window that easily allow you to
embed links as text
show text as quoted
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show the code behind what you're doing, without executing that code
and others.
I use the "preview post" button a lot when experimenting, and to ensure that everything is the way that I expect, and I suggest the same.
P.S. Always from a desktop. I don't go to such effort when working from the device.
Happy Flashing

[4.2.2][Fake GALAXY S5 mini][SM-G800][Translation] Useful notes on Translating

[INTRO](a little background)
This is a guide for those who want to have their phone in their language but the operating system does not have it built in. You can flash a new ROM that has it or install an app right? Not so much. There are reasons for these methods to fail or simply not work for your situation. My problem was that the bootlegged hardware was not supported by the official ROMs or the Android community. This forum is also riddled with threds that started by people who need to mod something about their phone but have no technical knowhow. There wouldn't be annything wrong with that exept that the awnsers in these threds are something along the lines "Oh you just need to do this thingnemabob" that's it one sentence pointing to a technical slang word that means nothing to anyone but a seasoned developer despite first post DIRECTLY STATES IT WAS MADE BY A PERSON ASKING FOR A STEP BY STEP SOLUTION OR A LINK TO A TUTORIAL!
List of necessary software:
Zipsigner (this goes on your phone)
text editor of choice( notepad++ recommended)
smali/backsmali (depeding on wether your system files are odexed more on that later)
[installing above software]
Why you need it?
As you modify your apk files their signature changes. Basically if you change anything about them the phone will no longer recognise these as "its" therfor you need to convince your phone that these are in fact okay with zipsigner.
how to install?
This is an app. If you ever installed anything from Google playstore before than you know how to install it. Go to your Google play store app on your phone. Search for Zipsigner and pick the top app. Agree to all the demands and tap on install
why you need it?
this is a command line piece of software. these might be very scary to use but don't worry follow the tutorial and you'll be okay. That aside what is it used for. ADB is a powerful tool but we will use it only to copy and paste files to and from Phone
how to install it?
ADB comes packed up with Android Development Kit so the easiest way to install it is to get the ADK
[STEP 1]
Okay so you want to translate your phone for one reason or another. Make backup! Backups are important. You want to have something when you fail to fall back on. Yes "When" you fail. Not "if" you fail. You will screw up but as long as you have a proper backup everything is okay.
You can back up your phone in few different ways.
[INTRO] (skip if you are not interrested in fluff)
For the past week I lived in Android Hell looking for what I thought would be a simple procedure and I wanted to share my expieriences somewhere so that no one else has to go through this flustrating expierience.
I got two phones (Galaxy S5 and Galaxy S5 mini)and I was taked with translating them. Well It should not be a problem I thought because it should be as easy as going into [settings]>>[region and langages] and choosing Polish. There is no Polish. So that was my first step towards the translating thiese.
[STEP 1]
First thing first backup. I am by no means a talented programmer or modder so I went with Samsung Kies but software didn't recognise neither phone. After fiddling with drivers and a back-and-forth with samsung costumer support we came to conclusion that phones are fake. IMEI of one identifies it as a Blackberry and other as Nokia >_< well okay they still have some sort of Android so there should be a way to translate them anyway. First thing on the agenda is still backup. So I went through a triall and error to get both roms dumped. I was successful with ANDROID AIO FLASHER which was a godsend after I failed time and again to push romdump's INSTALL into the phone. I managed to get one ROM off by now but other Phone still insists on denying me ability to dump the rom because of Segmentation error. but at least I have one rom backed up.
[STEP 2]
Okay I got myself ROM now what? I decided to make a transfusion. Why bother with getting down and dirty when you can just use the work of others. So I downloaded a ROM with same version of the Android OS and begun looking for language pack or something similar. No luck this is not how Android works. After some research I came to the conclusion that in order to make things work I need to basically decompile each and every APK file that refers to system functionality and translate Strings.xml by hand in order to ensure compatibility.
this is where I am now. all I wonder if there is a way to add a new file in the APKs with polish in it or should I just translate English "strings.xml" file and set langage to english?
Feel free to point out faults in my logic as well as provide tips and tricks for those of us who bought our phones on the cheap and just want to usethem with language they are comfortable with. I will build up this topic with factual information that I come across and try to make this into a universal guide to Android translation with resources to download. I do this because no one should be subjected to this and there is no decent step by step guide on this forum just disjointed and incompleate information in posths here and there. Belive me I looked both here and Google and after two weeks of finding nothing more than a hints I want to just give back to the community all I found.

