another way to freeze your Mozart - 7 Mozart General

1. set an alarm time at 7:00 am or whatever time in the morning at night before you go to bed.
2. when the alarm set off at the set time, do not touch it until a quite long time later, let's say, 9:00am.
3. then start the phone, try to slide the hood up using your finger. you can move it up, however it can sometimes only moves to halfway of the screen or completely. but either way, then you get it frozen there.
4. to use the phone you have to switch it off and restart it again although luckily WP7 starts up quite faster than those using WM6.5.
ps: in my case, i set the alarm at 8:30 am, but i didn't do anything when it alarmed until it became quiet itself. when i tried to use it at about 10:00am, it froze. until it happened to me quite a few times i realised that it could be a bug of it. it happens even after i did the hard reset.
by the way the ROM is from Orange, UK.

same here, every morning the alarm does not wake me up then when i wake up at look at the phone its frozen. and im guessing if i call orange they will ask me to hard reset the phone, lose all my settings and apps ( thatn sounds so iphone,....apps) for the problem to continue!!!! any one else want a rant about this problem.

no problem with mine
alarm set to 5:30am, 6:30am, 7:00am
and its orange uk too
works very ok
use it everyday

tori007 said:
no problem with mine
alarm set to 5:30am, 6:30am, 7:00am
and its orange uk too
works very ok
use it everyday
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Please try to do the same as i said using only one alarm time in my post instead of three times. And if interested, try the procedures in, too. Many thanks.

Actually: here's my whole story... kind of a lil different experience for me...
Scenario 1:
Created three alarms, each one 15 minutes apart... they helped me in walking up and i would click the dismiss button and such... but most of the time, even though the phone worked without any problems, NO AUDIO! Even when i played any song on the phone or got a call or anything... Plus, the Power button only unlocked but never shut-down the phone so had to take out the battery to reset... A few times though it wasn't frozen but while unlocking or going into a hub or something, it would end up freezing.
Scenario 2:
Disabled one of the alarms and by the time i wake up, i usually find the phone frozen and unresponsive... Sometimes it would work but same problem as before, no audio at all....
Scenario 3:
Only one alarm enabled now every noon ('coz i wake up at 1:00 PM), i always find the phone frozen and have to reset...!
Scenario 4:
No Alarms enabled! Phone works SUPER DUPER FRICKIN' AWESOME!!!! Well the only time i usually do end up resetting is when Marketplace crashes out on me and doesn't start back up (which has really happened only once in a while)
Call me crazy but despite this annoying bug i'm really loving my Mozart!
Not sure if this is a HTC issue (most-likely) but I do hope that these issues are ironed out in the January/February updates!!! Keeping my fingers crossed...
Salman Khalid.

been using my alarms ok just changed to the 3 alarms be cause i always used to ignore the first sound
was not freezing when it was one
not freezing now that i have three
only frozen once on market while downloading xbox live extras
my phone works perfectly what more can i say
fantastic device

Same problem here.
I've two ararlms, set 3 min apart. if i dimiss the first alarm before the second goes off, all works fine. but if the first is not dismissed then after the second alarm i need to restart the Mozart.
Agree with others that despite all these annoying things Mozart is a great device. I wish Microsoft releases the next update asap.

Similar problems here since day 1. My issue though was caused by hitting the snooze button each time the alarm went off (instead of actually getting out or bed or hitting the dismiss button).
After about half dozen "snoozes" the phone hangs and needs the battery removed (power button will not turn the device off, screen unresponsive to touch input, only the screen can be turned on and off with the power button).
Has anyone tried to replicate the issue with "vibrate" turned off under "ringtones & sounds" settings? I've turned this off which solved some occasional sound stuttering when receiving emails or sms, and I can't say that I've noticed this alarm bug since.
Maybe worth a try?

ZeeShh said:
I've two ararlms, set 3 min apart. if i dimiss the first alarm before the second goes off, all works fine. but if the first is not dismissed then after the second alarm i need to restart the Mozart.
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Reading this really makes me wonder, whether there was a decent Q&A involved...
Especially, since the WP7 runs way better than WM6 (or 6.1 or 6.5) - but fails in seemingly small applications.
(My problem regarding the jump-to-letter feature in the Zune application is purely based on the German language -.- . I've set my Mozart to English - just to try it - and suddenly the letters appear correctly and allow me to jump directly to a letter (like in the contacts) in the Zune application. If the language is set to German, all letters are grey and only the "#" is active...)
I really hope that these bugs will be fixed in the next update.
(Additionally, my phone has not crashed since I stopped using the alarm clock)

I had WM 5, 6, 6.1, 6.3 and 6.5 soon WP 7
I never used the windows alarm because it freeze my devices every time.
I have SPB Time it's very nice

I had set up like 8 alarms, and i have the same problem OP has.
If you don't dismiss your alarm, phone freezes when the next alarm goes.
I have T-Mobile 16GB Mozart. so it isn't orange related

I'm using my mozart every morning as an alarm clock - no problems until now. But normally I wake up and hit "dismiss".
I have a germany T-Mobile device...


Crashes every day between 9 to 10.30AM!

I have an XDA, and lately it has started crashing every single morning, but only in the mornings. I use it throughout every day and never have any problems except between 9am to 12. It never crashes during the night, always wakes me in the morning, always works on the way to my job, but it first crashes at some time between 9am and 10.30, when I turn it on it immediately shows the boot screen. It must be crashing before 10.30 because I have a system alarm set for 10.30 and I never hear it (I'm just using the standard PPC alarm program with the standard alarm sound). I used to always hear my 10.30 alarm, but a few weeks ago it has crashed every day. Then, it usually crashes at least once more time between 10.30 and 12. (I don't have any alarms set to occur during that time).
The obvious question is - have I installed any new software lately? - and the answer - unfortunately not, no new software, I wish I had because that would be a simple solution! Also I don't leave programs running in the background. I finally decided to upgrade to WM2003 since I heard it was more stable, but after doing that I still have the same exact problem!
Any suggestions? Thanks!
When u say crash, what do you mean?
At one stage, all of a sudden, my xda decided to lock up. Even on soft reboot, it would take forever to boot, and flash the backlight on and off intermittently. I noticed that it would not pick up the radio version number etc, on the boot screen.
The only thing i could do was to hard boot it. I did this several times, each time the problem came back after some time. On the third time, it was cured?!

Clock problem:Alarms going off that are not set, seen this anyone?

Hey guys,
I have been running this version of DCD's ROM for a very long time now basically because it has worked well and been stable for me, but the other day I noticed an anoying thing happen that I wonder if anyone has seen and maybe solved. I use my unit as my primary alarm clock and have set 1 of the 3 alarms to 9:00PM to get me up for work, another for 9:00AM for a daily conferance call, and the 3rd for 10:00PM to be sure I do not sleep too late for work. From time to time I have changed times and text titles for the alarms and all worked well until the other day when I set it to go off at 2M just for 1 day to get remind me of a phone call I had to make, which it did nicely, but then when I changed that alarm back to it's old settings it assumed the identity and time I set for it, but now every day at 2:00PM that alarm still goes off and I can not make it stop doing that because the entry is no longer there. Also I told it to stop the 9:00PM work wakeup alarm and it still goes off at 9:00PM even if I set that entry totally different. I have even shut off all alarms and set the sound to another sound, but still they persist. I have looked in the registry and found the clock utility and where it stores the 3 alarms and they change like they are supposed t, and there is no listings for these rouge alarms anywhere in the entire registry. Anyone seen this ?????? Thanks. I will continue to tweak on it and let yoy know if I find or fix it.
Are you running Home Customizer? This happened to me about two months ago and I re-installed the HC and the mystery alarms went away.

Need Help! Touch Pro freezes while charging

I wanted to see if this is a common issue. My Touch Pro has done this a few times so I know it has to be some sort of glitch and not just a one time fluke. I wake up to find my phone with the ring lit up solid (indicating full charge), but the phone will not turn on so I have to reset it. This is a problem because I use it as my alarm clock and it is just freezing at random. It does not freeze at all throughout the day.
Any help or enlightenment on this problem is greatly appreciated!
Are you using something like G-Alarm or the standard alarm on the phone? Also are you using S2U2? If so could be a setting in there.
my phone does this occasionally too without any alarms or anything set...
I have s2u2 installed, but not in use. I use Klaxon for the alarm which also sets the standard alarm for the phone. I use it every night, but it only freezes on occassion.
afed2005 said:
I have s2u2 installed, but not in use. I use Klaxon for the alarm which also sets the standard alarm for the phone. I use it every night, but it only freezes on occassion.
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Not too familar with that one, I use G-alarm which is pretty nice and it works with the standard alarm too and is pretty friendly with the HTC Touch Pro and Diamond IMO. I have never had my TP freeze using this alarm.
Mine does that if there is a bluetooth capable pc on in the same room at night. Strange thing. I just disable bluetooth on my pc and my phone stopped freezing.
Thanks, I'll try switching alarms and see if that helps. I doubt it will do much since I use Klaxon every night and it does not freeze that often.
Hmmm...the bluetooth thing is definitely weird. I rarely have bluetooth turned on on my phone, and I always shut down my computer at night. Did your phone do this even when bt was not on?
Mine does it also and I don't even use the alarm. (Verizon TP)
me too
i have had this happen and so has my girlfriend both sprint touch pro.
she uses the stock alarm i dont use the alarm at all
its only when charging overnight and only about once every 2 months
also we both dont have blue tooth active
i always assumed it was a random wm error
same issue with 6800
I had the same issue with my 6800 (I get the 6850 next week). It turns out that it was some conflict with my podcast software. When it was plugged in and trying to do an auto download it would freeze. I changed settings on how often it checked the net and bingo, the problem stopped.
I think some people have resolved this issue, by going into Today settings and under the Items tab unchecking the Today timeout.
Thanks, I have changed the setting. I will give it a little while and see if the problem persists. Thanks again for your help.
Ive heard of this happening on my ROM as well. It happaned to me once.... And it was on a stock ROM when it did. Dont know if there is a fix.
well so far so good....changed the today timeout under today screen settings, and the phone has not had the issue yet. I will update again after a little more time passes.
I also have this problem on the Verizon TP. I use G-alarm. The problem first happened after I set Sprite for automatic backup at 3 AM, so I thought it was related to that. I stopped automatic backup and went two weeks without a night time freeze, but this morning it happened again. I have just unchecked the Today timeout as suggested here, hopefully that helps. Does anybody have any more to report on the effectiveness of this fix?
No luck with the Today timeout check box. I unchecked on May 8, I once again had the TouchPro freeze while on charge overnight last night. Worked fine for 6 days then the problem recurred. Any other ideas?
this happened to me as i woke up this morning. i am using a far from stock setup with the rom thats listed in my sig & a bunch of other things. i would have a real hard time narrowing this down with all the extras i have going. but i would def like to figure it out. so i'm bumping this to keep people posted.
thanks guys
TP freeze
I am having the same freezing issue. It mostly happens over night while charging but it has happened during the day as well. hopefully someone finds the issue.
having the same problem here. Sprint on MightyRom 4.1x.
I only charge the phone from the AC brick. About once every couple weeks I come downstairs to a locked up phone.

[Q] HTC Mozart Problems!

So I got the Mozart yesterday and I have some problems!
First of all my windows live id.
I connected with my Xbox ID and everything works fine, but in the settings it is always written attention required and updates do not work, but I can download and install apps from the marketplace.
Secondly my battery barley lasts a day WIFI and 3G connection turned off. It has been on today for 3 houres and already 10% is used?? It has only been on standby any things I forgot to turn off?
And did someone manage to get the HTC flashlight working, as it says the mozart is not supported, and does someone have that awesome notes app from HTC i cant seem to find it in the marketplace. THere is only something called lists??
Thanks in advance!
I got my Mozart 3 days ago, but maybe I can give some answers.
HTC Notes: The easiest way is through Marketplace. Start Marketplace. On top of the list it says "HTC Apps". Tap on it, scroll down and there it is.
Or you start "HTC Hub". On bottom of first page it says "Weiter" or maybe "More". Tap on it. Do the same on next page. Under "Apps" sroll down and there it is. I prefer the first way.
Battery works fine for me. Starting in the morning at nearly 100% it goes down to about 50% in the evening. WLAN+BT turned of, 3G running the hole day. I have about 20 min. calltime and 30 min. internet. Mail download is set to 1 hour.
Update: Sorry, thought "Listen" was same as "Notes", but Notes seems not downloadable.
For battery life, don't keep push e-mail or GPS on.
battery life
and for best battery-life: turn phone off. I can't understand how feducing connectivity is accepted as the only way to keep a smartphone working throughout a single workday
The Battery Life is very good
I am seeing excellent battery life. A fully charged phone in the morning lets me run Wifi, Push email to my Exchange server, Positioning, Bluetooth and 3G all day with probably an average of 10 - 15 calls per day. Add to that, plenty of playing around, downloading, surfing and facebook etc and I think this would count as fairly decent daily usage. My battery is ausually round 30% by bed time when it is hooked up to Zune on my PC for a charge and a sync.
OK thanks guys it was soo weird after the 10 % it didnt move until I started playing again, but it was weird that the first 10 % were finished so fast and how do you turn of GPS? I did not find an option.
ipaqer64 said:
I got my Mozart 3 days ago, but maybe I can give some answers.
HTC Notes: The easiest way is through Marketplace. Start Marketplace. On top of the list it says "HTC Apps". Tap on it, scroll down and there it is.
Or you start "HTC Hub". On bottom of first page it says "Weiter" or maybe "More". Tap on it. Do the same on next page. Under "Apps" sroll down and there it is. I prefer the first way.
Battery works fine for me. Starting in the morning at nearly 100% it goes down to about 50% in the evening. WLAN+BT turned of, 3G running the hole day. I have about 20 min. calltime and 30 min. internet. Mail download is set to 1 hour.
Update: Sorry, thought "Listen" was same as "Notes", but Notes seems not downloadable.
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Yeah it is soo wierd on the trophy in the store it worked??
And the flashlight app also doesnt work with the mozart...
Anyone know if you can download it from somewhere and drag and drop it into zune?
The_lil said:
Yeah it is soo wierd on the trophy in the store it worked??
And the flashlight app also doesnt work with the mozart...
Anyone know if you can download it from somewhere and drag and drop it into zune?
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The flashlight app (if you mean one that would permanently turn on the camera flash to use it as a torch) will not work on the Mozart.
The Mozart has a Xenon flash, like a real camera. These can only be used for a very short time (e.g. when the flash goes off) and not turned on for a longer time.
All other Windows Phone 7 handsets use LED lights as their flash. These are not as bright when they just flash, but they can be turned on permanently without them burning out.
I don't think any Flashlight app will ever support the Mozart, because of this.
Dazzer said:
The flashlight app (if you mean one that would permanently turn on the camera flash to use it as a torch) will not work on the Mozart.
The Mozart has a Xenon flash, like a real camera. These can only be used for a very short time (e.g. when the flash goes off) and not turned on for a longer time.
All other Windows Phone 7 handsets use LED lights as their flash. These are not as bright when they just flash, but they can be turned on permanently without them burning out.
I don't think any Flashlight app will ever support the Mozart, because of this.
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Totally forgot about that XD
Still a bit stupid should have also built in a LED
Hi again.
Notes is now in Marketplace. Tap HTC Hub and you'll see it. But I don't think you have a chance to get it in zune. Just downloaded it, it's great.
HTC Notes is great but you can write free hand, only type?
and why we need HTC Notes as MS Office Note has the same functionality and its already installed on WM 7.
My problem is the power-Button. This button is too sensible. If i have the mozart in my pants, it could be that the phones turns off by walking.
Hirnteri said:
My problem is the power-Button. This button is too sensible. If i have the mozart in my pants, it could be that the phones turns off by walking.
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so you're saying that when the phone is locked it can be powered off without unlocking it first?
pikacz; said:
so you're saying that when the phone is locked it can be powered off without unlocking it first?
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Yes. This is more a software-problem... Or stay i alone with this problem?
I am not sure exactly what has happened to mine and I cant seem to find any similar scenarios on the net so far.
It cut out/turned off mid phone call this morning and it will not turn back on, have tried power button and camera button, pulled out/replaced battery, put it on charger (no charge light), only thing left is to try my gf's battery (my battery was >50%) but I don't think that is the problem. Not really looking for a solution here but will post back if I work it out so others can easier (will take it to the shop).
EDIT: Don't know if this will help anyone but I tried as a last resort a hard reset (you lose all your data) and for some reason the phone just turned on ( I didn't get a reset screen). I did this by holding the volume up and the volume down and briefly tapping the power button.
Has anyone have problems scrolling the pages up and down in internet explorer, it sometimes does not react to your finger, like it just freezes.
In dark rooms, sometimes my mozart makes blue pictures...
All of the problems above I have experienced and more, the OS at best is a first release, and depending on your software environment, what apps you have installed, you will experience a variety of problems. On the whole if you use mainstream apps, you should not have major problems. Battery life, is mainly down to your carrier, optimising their servers to deliver data to the phone in an economical way.
Hirnteri said:
Yes. This is more a software-problem... Or stay i alone with this problem?
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It true if you press the unlock button for a long time it turns off regardless of where you are in the OS.....
And the IE problems sometimes happens... No clue why but it sometimes also zooms in and out instead of scrolling.
These are normal ^^

Problems, issues, annoyances & bugs thread

Hello while I really love this phone it's got a few annoyances. I created this thread to see if I'm the only one and if anyone else reports any more.
Frequent FC of the Google and Google photos app
Random things happening if phone is not restarted frequently (eg all sound went quiet until restart)
Keyboard skin doesn't change for lock screen
Let me know if your having these issues or if you have any not listed.
Bugs I've had so far:
- one reboot while using snapchat
- sometimes it takes a lot of time for the device to wake up
- autobrightness is terrible in low light conditions(stuttering and inconsistence)
- while streaming audio with bluetooth in my car the radio somtimes shows audio paused while it's still playing. In this case remote controls also stop working
My xperience
I only had the phone for four days, because I found a dead pixel on my screen. I am currently expecting a replacement or a refund. During that time I noticed that changing the theme does not change anything else besides the home and lock screens. There were some random drops in wi-fi connection. I also noticed a couple of stutters here and there. Two or three apps crashed on exit. I also miss the picture album widget with the swiping pictures on screen. That is not present here.
So no one seems to be getting any issues like me ?
Sent from my Sony Xperia XZ1 using XDA Labs
kistigun said:
Bugs I've had so far:
- one reboot while using snapchat
- sometimes it takes a lot of time for the device to wake up
- autobrightness is terrible in low light conditions(stuttering and inconsistence)
- while streaming audio with bluetooth in my car the radio somtimes shows audio paused while it's still playing. In this case remote controls also stop working
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Agree about the autobrightness, it's inconsistent and keeps changing in low light conditions. Makes reading an absolute chore.
I'd also love a way to quick enable glove mode, my previous Samsung had that in the drawer menu.
for those of you who have owned sony phones, has there been timely updates to fix bugs like the ones being reported in this thread? some companies like to release updates with new features but without fixing bugs so im just making sure before i pull the trigger on an XZ1
thank you all!
I've had this issue after the recent update to build 47.1.A.2.324 . Google assistant doesnt work with Music ( default sony music app) . it used to work before this update, and it doesnt work anymore and asks me to set google music as the default music service.
WiFi signal drops when I hold my hand on the backside.
1. The phone seems to reboot itself frequently.
2. Sometimes no sound when alarm is going off. I overslept once because of this
3. Quite often no sound when phone is ringing. Need to reboot the phone for it to act normal again.
4. Crashing when picking up phone. Call goes to call waiting and phone rings again. When picking up there is a very loud biping sound throughout the conversation. This goes away when rebooting.
NockIt said:
1. The phone seems to reboot itself frequently.
2. Sometimes no sound when alarm is going off. I overslept once because of this
3. Quite often no sound when phone is ringing. Need to reboot the phone for it to act normal again.
4. Crashing when picking up phone. Call goes to call waiting and phone rings again. When picking up there is a very loud biping sound throughout the conversation. This goes away when rebooting.
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I've aso had problem 2 & 3. I also overslept myself 3 times over this, very anoying!!!
Edit: found this on the sony forum on how to get smart lock menu back:
Its a android 8 bug
Disable trusted agents on security settings.
Restart phone
Enable security settings. Thats it.
NockIt said:
1. The phone seems to reboot itself frequently.
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Oh god, i was going to change to the XZ1 this week after returning my Compact due to the rebooting, I thought they'd be different enough internals to not have the same issue. I guess its a Sony/Oreo issue then.
a freeze occourred waking up the phone from camera button. The camera button was set to "open and shot"
I had to reboot via vol+ and power...
Updated to 47.1.A.2.374 yesterday, sadly all bugs remain the same. And I can add one; the smart lock menu is empty and all smart lock function dont work anymore
kistigun said:
Updated to 47.1.A.2.374 yesterday, sadly all bugs remain the same. And I can add one; the smart lock menu is empty and all smart lock function dont work anymore
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Its a android 8 bug
Disable trusted agents on security settings.
Restart phone
Enable security settings. Thats it.
I can add another issue. That is bluetooth delayed when I watch video on youtube and play some games.
NockIt said:
1. The phone seems to reboot itself frequently.
2. Sometimes no sound when alarm is going off. I overslept once because of this
3. Quite often no sound when phone is ringing. Need to reboot the phone for it to act normal again.
4. Crashing when picking up phone. Call goes to call waiting and phone rings again. When picking up there is a very loud biping sound throughout the conversation. This goes away when rebooting.
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Similar problems here even on the latest build 47.1.A.2.374. Also Google assistant frequently stops responding and then the phone becomes unresponsive and eventually restarts without prompting. Never had problems like this on the XZ when that was released. Seems to be some issues with Google services on this Sony hardware. Suggest everyone having issues pound the send feedback option and hope that someone in Google or Sony are listening!
My notification tones keep going off at random intervals and nothing's in the status bar that could've set it off.
Can confirm random reboots.
Bought the phone from clove and Amazon.
Amazon was horrendous reboots during setting the phone up - returned.
The clove one had no reboots until today, several times.
Some fkd up kernal CPU bogusness going on here.
Sony need to sort this.
I'll check with matlog tomorrow if anything stands out
Phone Idle is always 1st entry of battery drain list, does anyone have similar situation?
roytam1 said:
Phone Idle is always 1st entry of battery drain list, does anyone have similar situation?
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same here.... battery life is suffering. Stock firmware was better

