Help Please! Can't Get To Download Screen! - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I was installing a ROM earlier that I didn't like, so I rolled back to a ROM Manager backup I'd made, which didn't work and I got stuck on the Samsung Vibrant screen.
I was following these instructions to get my device working again:
I had the phone plugged in, and the new files loading in through Odin when the power in my house went out (damn snowstorms). When it came back on, now my phone has a picture of a computer and a picture of a cellphone with a warning "!" sign between them on a black background, and I can't get the device into download mode.
The bible has a link to this post:
Which doesn't seem to exist anymore.
Can anyone help me get this resolved?

pull the battery before you do it. i cant remember if i put the battery back in or if i was able to get into download mode with it but that was the trick for me

SuaveCanadian said:
I was installing a ROM earlier that I didn't like, so I rolled back to a ROM Manager backup I'd made, which didn't work and I got stuck on the Samsung Vibrant screen.
I was following these instructions to get my device working again:
I had the phone plugged in, and the new files loading in through Odin when the power in my house went out (damn snowstorms). When it came back on, now my phone has a picture of a computer and a picture of a cellphone with a warning "!" sign between them on a black background, and I can't get the device into download mode.
The bible has a link to this post:
Which doesn't seem to exist anymore.
Can anyone help me get this resolved?
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I usualy do this:
1. pull out the battery and sd card.
2. load all your files in odin without the phone plugged in.
3. plug the usb cable to the phone and the computer.
4. hold both volume up and down and put the battery in while doing this.
that should get you to download mode, then just use odin like normal.

I remember the one moment that i had like yours
Then i did a massive search, spent months fiddling with my phone, then , xame to understand that there is only one brick you need to be scared of............THE LIFELESS BRICK! I was returning to stock in odin and it completed successfully and went to reboot and had a heart attack. NEVER BOOTED AGAIN....NO POWER....... I work for t mobile and have access to these phones so i knew that vibrant was toast. As for your problem, i do that three times a day playing with that universal lag fix recovery. Since i have no idea what those things mean, it can get troublesome. BUT NEVER FEAR. And post in the right forum. If you still really need help then pm me and i will walk you through it
SuaveCanadian said:
I was pooping on a ROM earlier that I didn't like and decided to roll back ROM Manager's backup I'd made, which didn't work cause my poo was stinky! and I got stuck on the chair with my pants down and rope around my neck. I was following these instructions to get my "device "working again: http://www.po
I had the phone plugged in to my BUTT, and the new files loading in through Odin's back door SLAMMA jamma when the power in my house went out (damn prostitutes). When it came back on, now my phone has a picture of a computer and a picture of a cellphone with a warning "!" sign between them on a black background, and I can't get the PROSTITUTES into download hoe.
The bible has a link to this post:
Which doesn't seem to exist anymore.
Can anyone help me get this resolved?
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If none of the suggestions here work for you, I know this will, but it's not for t3h [email protected]
I have one.
It's sweet.

Did any of this work for you? Are you still having problems?


Little odin quirk i found

I decided to flash the vibrant 9 rom onto my phone. I was going to try and put the stock tmobile back on. I can never get odin to start flashing so i have to disconnect and start all over again like 2 dozen times to get it to work. I have no clue why i have to do that, but anyway. I got to the phone computer screen, so i tried again. I forgot to put the files into odin and i clicked start. THE PHONE REBOOTED BACK TO WORKING ORDER. I dont know if this is known, but i found it a bit of a cool little accident i had. If this helps someone it helps. thanks
I never heard of that, but thats pretty cool, ill test that next time i F*** up in oidin.
tgrantjr said:
I decided to flash the vibrant 9 rom onto my phone. I was going to try and put the stock tmobile back on. I can never get odin to start flashing so i have to disconnect and start all over again like 2 dozen times to get it to work. I have no clue why i have to do that, but anyway. I got to the phone computer screen, so i tried again. I forgot to put the files into odin and i clicked start. THE PHONE REBOOTED BACK TO WORKING ORDER. I dont know if this is known, but i found it a bit of a cool little accident i had. If this helps someone it helps. thanks
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hmm i wish i came across this before i shipped my phone off lol
tgrantjr said:
I decided to flash the vibrant 9 rom onto my phone. I was going to try and put the stock tmobile back on. I can never get odin to start flashing so i have to disconnect and start all over again like 2 dozen times to get it to work. I have no clue why i have to do that, but anyway. I got to the phone computer screen, so i tried again. I forgot to put the files into odin and i clicked start. THE PHONE REBOOTED BACK TO WORKING ORDER. I dont know if this is known, but i found it a bit of a cool little accident i had. If this helps someone it helps. thanks
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So your phone was on the phone computer screen and you were able to plug it into the computer and get odin to fix it by flashing with out putting the files into odin?
speoples20 said:
So your phone was on the phone computer screen and you were able to plug it into the computer and get odin to fix it by flashing with out putting the files into odin?
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That is how it sounds to me. Odd to say the least.
Yeah when I tried to flash it constantly gets caught on cache.nfs. When i stop it like unplug it to try again if i try to boot it gives the phone/computer screen. I stopped and unplugged everything and pulled the battery. I held the volume buttons like normal and plugged the usb back in to get it to download mode, and completely forgot to add the phone and pda files. There were absolutely no files put into odin it basically looked at the phone and rebooted it. Vibrant came up and it booted like normal. I can try to make a video on monday if you want to see what im talking about.
tgrantjr said:
Yeah when I tried to flash it constantly gets caught on cache.nfs. When i stop it like unplug it to try again if i try to boot it gives the phone/computer screen. I stopped and unplugged everything and pulled the battery. I held the volume buttons like normal and plugged the usb back in to get it to download mode, and completely forgot to add the phone and pda files. There were absolutely no files put into odin it basically looked at the phone and rebooted it. Vibrant came up and it booted like normal. I can try to make a video on monday if you want to see what im talking about.
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Oh so you put your phone into download mode. I thought you were on the phone computer screen. Figured it might help with hardware locked phones.

help phone will not go past vibrant screen

My phone is stuck on the vibrant scree and nothing happens........ i am trying to use odin to flash back to stick and it is always stuck on file analysis.....please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Try this:
Well mine just sits on file analysis for 10 mins and nothing else happens...can someone please help me i have no phone.
Remove the USB from the phone, remove battery.
Place the battery back in your phone and get back into DOWNLOAD MODE
Close Odin
Run Odin as Administrator
Select the 512 PIT FIle
Select the T959UVJFD.tar file for PDA
Plug in your phone (Make sure you see a COM Port come up)
Start Flashing
rolf90 said:
Well mine just sits on file analysis for 10 mins and nothing else happens...can someone please help me i have no phone.
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as you i had the same problem and finally got it to work by watching this video on you tube:
1.go to you tube for flash vibrant
3.first video should be "Flashing Firmware with Odin on Samsung Vibrant" by ZDoomentral, its a 3:00 min video
(sorry can't post direct link but i a restricted since i am a new user)
pay close attention as to how he gets his phone into DOWNLOAD MODE, thats where i was going wrong, and just follow the directions of the video.
my phone is up and running with stock kernel and re-rooted it
man i just want to say i just had this same issue happen to be... im a truck driver and having my phone is serious... mainly to play games or what not...but i just got some from Minnesota and tried the odin method and saw that video on you which help give me a visual and its back up ... im very happy... sad to say it was a careless mistake somewhere but i did a back like i always do and it didnt work for some reason...i had a g1 before this vibrant and ive flashed a lots of roms... but anyway i wanna thank everyone one this forum ... i got my phone back
Does this restart the WHOLE THING? because I have information I didn't backup :/
Yes. It deletes EVERYTHING. Just like it's brand out of the box.
I recommend using Titanium Backup and back all your apps. ALWAYS ALWAYS, do a Nandroid backup before flashing ANYTHING.
scootatheschool1990 said:
Does this restart the WHOLE THING? because I have information I didn't backup :/
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If you have adb up and running & have the ability to get into recovery while you're bricked you can do aN adb pull before flashing
Adb remount
Adb pull /sdcard
After un-bricking you can adb push the folders back
When I did flash back to stock but I have titanium back up so mt phone is back to how I had it ...and I still have every thing else back on, like my movies music etc..
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I was trying to help my friend with his Vibrant and now it's stuck at the splash screen in a loop. I can't seem to get it to download mode or recovery or anything. I've pulled the battery, held down both vol keys while pushing power. Any time I connect the usb, it just starts up the boot loop without giving me a chance to do anything else. I can never get to the green charging battery. Any ideas?
I guess I could provide more info... We had rooted the phone multiple times, but Superuser would FC every time. So, we decided to flash eugene's froyo build ( That's when I got the boot loop. Odin said it was finished, and it did not go into recovery. It just started boot looping. Maybe I didn't wait long enough before hitting the power? I'm not sure. Anyway. I'm stuck.
EDIT: Unstuck now. I guess I just need to not panic and read more. I held both VOL keys in while connecting to USB and it went into downloading mode. SO, I flash a stock 2.1 ROM and it's back to the way it was. Calling works fine. No data though. Apparently, that was one of the issues before. I'll try rooting again, but it seems like there's another issue. Also... No settings survive reboots. Like turning on USB debugging... Strange.

[Q] Stuck at Vibrant screen, cannot access download mode, phone not HWL, $100 reward

EDIT : I am now offering a $100 reward via PayPal to anyone that can offer me a solution to this problem. If you do not have a PayPal account, I will mail you a check for $100. Those are my only methods for payment. I am 100% serious about this by the way. From what I'm told, Nandroid backups are stored on the internal SD card, so even once the replacement phone arrives, I could not restore the nandroid backups on the (currently) broken phone over to the new one. I absolutely HAVE to get to those backups, and it is well worth $100 to me. NOTE : to be eligible for the reward, you MUST read the entire thread. I have already exhausted many common solutions to problems like this one, and am getting tired of getting offered the same advice over and over. If you fail to read the thread and offer me a solution that I have already attempted, I will not give you the $100 reward, even if you later are the one that comes up with the solution to my problem.
Please delete my other threads, I can't edit the title on them and they are outdated now.
This is my situation in a nutshell.
Downloaded Obsidian v2, wiped and flashed it. (this is my girlfriend's phone) - she did not like 2.2, so I wiped data/cache and attempted to restore the nandroid backup I had made. After hanging on 'restoring data' for 30 minutes I rebooted the phone, and now I'm here. The phone boots to the Vibrant logo only, I can get absolutely no other logos to show up no matter what I do. I realize now that I needed to flash a 2.1 kernel prior to restoring the Nandroid backup, but on my Droid, when I restore a nandroid backup that includes the kernel, so I did not know this step was necessary.
I have downloaded Odin but I have NEVER used it, so I am completely lost there as well. As far as I know, I simply need to download Odin, and then follow one of the many methods to access download mode. I have tried about 15 different methods of holding the buttons on the phone, plugging in the USB cable at the right time, etc. etc. etc. None of the methods work. The phone boots up to the Vibrant logo each and every time, no matter what. I downloaded and installed the Kies software so the drivers should be installed.
What do I do now? The phone is not hardware locked because I've used the buttons to access recovery many times. Is there a step I'm missing when it comes to Odin or do I just download it and open it? PLEASE give me instructions as if I am a child, because obviously whatever I'm doing is not working. PLEASE no vague instructions. I do not know how to use adb, odin, or basically how to do anything at all with this phone. I am a Droid user, and after I get her phone back to the way it was I will never attempt to hack it again. Thank you.
edit : also, yes I have pulled the SD card/SIM card.
I'm ready to give up on this.. is it possible to return this phone to T Mobile for a replacement, and if so, will her nandroid backups and titanium backup info be stored on her SD card? Then I could just root her new phone and restore the nandroid backup and be done with it. I promise, once I find some kind of solution, I am never hacking a Vibrant again. Far too complicated to hack non-stock google phones.
use Odin 1.3 or maybe higher
velocity92c said:
I'm ready to give up on this.. is it possible to return this phone to T Mobile for a replacement, and if so, will her nandroid backups and titanium backup info be stored on her SD card? Then I could just root her new phone and restore the nandroid backup and be done with it. I promise, once I find some kind of solution, I am never hacking a Vibrant again. Far too complicated to hack non-stock google phones.
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I'm at work but do a search for odin 1.3 which worked for me. There is a thread that had all the files you need to get the phone back to stock kernel and all. If you haven't resolved the problem by tomorrow I'll try to find the thread for you or post the files if I can from my computer.
I'm already using 1.3 and I've already downloaded the all in one pack of files I need. Still can't get past the Vibrant screen to use Odin. I'm guessing since nobody has responded back with a way to fix this that I'm hosed, so can I take the phone to a TMO store and get a new one?
Download Mode
velocity92c said:
I'm already using 1.3 and I've already downloaded the all in one pack of files I need. Still can't get past the Vibrant screen to use Odin. I'm guessing since nobody has responded back with a way to fix this that I'm hosed, so can I take the phone to a TMO store and get a new one?
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Have you tried turning the phone off then while holding the volume down button only, have odin running and plug in the usb cable to the phone? It should power on into download mode like that.
Email me [email protected]
The best phone in the world
I have literally tried every possible combination of holding down buttons, powering up, usb cable in, out, etc. etc. I searched the forum and tried at least 30n different "surefire" methods. Odin always sits there and does nothing, and the phone just goes to the vibrant screen.
jaliscojorge said:
Have you tried turning the phone off then while holding the volume down button only, have odin running and plug in the usb cable to the phone? It should power on into download mode like that.
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I had to build an extremely ghetto Jig, which is just a 301kohm resistor going across pins 4 and 5 of a microusb plug. It sounds hard but its really not that bad, and unfortunately its the only way to get your phone into downloader mode if its hardware locked, like mine is.
As mentioned previously the phone is not hardware locked. I've accesssed recovery several times with the standard methods. Just got back from Tmobile and it will be a week before the new phone gets here. There has to be a way to fix this. Someone please help?
This is pretty weird because if the phone is not hardware locked, there's no reason that you can't get into download mode.
Just to be clear, so are you saying when you hold vol up + vol down ONLY, you will get vibrant screen?
Or when you hold volup + vol down THEN plug in the usb, it goes to Vibrant screen?
You need to be in download mode to use Odin, not recovery mode. Have you ever gotten into download mode via hardware? Was 'usb debugging' enabled? If so, go into download mode and follow Eugene's Froyo that doesn't brick.
I don't know how I can be anymore clear that the phone is not HWL and I cannot access download mode. I'm not trying to be an ass, it's just a very frustrating situation. I know you need to be in download mode to use Odin. I cannot get to download mode or this would be a cinch.
And to the poster before ^ this one, the phone goes to the Vibrant screen regardless of what button combination I press, or whether or not I hit any buttons at all. I've literally tried every combination possible, many many times.
I'm ready to throw this phone out the window. I have a hard time believing I am the only one to ever have this issue. It seems as though the answer to most problems is download mode + Odin but that does me no good.
Is there literally nothing else I can try?
From what I understand email thegreat520 he is supposed to be the guy to talk to I've heard it from a few posts
Still flashing
I know it can be frustrating, but excuse me for starting with the basics...
have you followed this youtube guide? I put it in the sticky because it was very helpful in my opinion.
Here is another way I have not seen before:
and why not post another
I had the same issue search my post I used a froyo Rom when the phone 1st came out I download then something went wrong will flashing a new Rom I tried and tried odin did not work bc NO download mode I had got my phone the day it came out I just sent it back to tmobile pm ill explain how
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Same issue
Used download mode many times, then did the same exact thing you did with the obsidian ROM. Now i cant get into download mode at all.
The method that worked 100% of the time previously (holding both volume buttons and then plugging the phone in while odin is runing) does not work. Tried a bunch of different methods and nothing.
There has to be a way to get around this.
OP, please try the method in the general sticky. It seems to fix the HWL issue.
Without even plugging anything in, I:
1) Turned phone off
2) Held Vol. Down + Home button + Power
And that got me into download mode. I will proceed to try flashing back to stock now.
I have tried all the methods in the videos, and the issue is not related to the phone being HWL. It is not HWL. I have used the buttons to access the modes before. So please give me something unique to try besides a button combination, because none of them work. Am I literally the only one in the world that has ever had this problem before? I will paypal someone 50 bucks if they can help me fix this and that's not a lie. Her new phone won't be here for weeks and she is currently without a phone. Maybe I'm doing SOMETHING wrong but it is definitely not a button combination. I have literally tried them all, including with the USB cable in and out, and plugging it in at certain times during the process. Don't you normally get a charging icon when you plug the phone into the computer? All I get is the vibrant screen. Even if the phone is off, if I plug it into a computer without hitting any buttons, it turns on and goes to the vibrant screen. 50 dollars via paypal. You can't beat that. If you don't have paypal I will mail you a check, and no this is not a joke.
So I'm pretty much screwed huh? Can someone tell me if nandroid backups are stored on the SD card on the Vibrant? I will just wait til the new phone gets here and put the old SD card in the new phone and restore it if so.

[Q] odin failed, flash recovery.bin cwm

i was trying to root a phone for someone and after odin completed it said it had failed.
the phone is a telus samsung t959d running froyo.
I followed the instructions from (I would post the url for the link but i am not allowed to.)cyanogenmod's wiki, after it failed I rebooted the phone and it got stuck on the screen in the attached pic. I have tried to boot back into download mode to no avail. From the screen it's stuck on I cannot get any tool to register the device as being present, adb, heimdall, zdiag, etc... I even tried fastboot out of desperation.Before I used odin I tried to get the phone to boot into the bootloader but it only ever went to either recovery or a normal boot and I tried every button press combo I could think of and found and nada.
Even running adb reboot bootloader just made the device boot normally. I think that if I could get it to boot to fastboot usb i could then try fastboot. I am new to rooting devices and have successfully rooted my HTC EVO3D and got s-off and simlock removed for any carrier. So I do know how to follow instructions properly, why flashing the recovery.bin failed I don't know and every fix I seem to find says BOOT TO DOWNLOAD MODE. if I could do that I wouldn't be having this problem lol. Anyway can someone please help me figure this out. Thanks. ANd if you need any further info please let me know. I don't want to have to give my friend my phone due to a software issue.
And YES I did pick PDA not anything else.
machv5 said:
i was trying to root a phone for someone and after odin completed it said it had failed.
the phone is a telus samsung t959d running froyo.
I followed the instructions from (I would post the url for the link but i am not allowed to.)cyanogenmod's wiki, after it failed I rebooted the phone and it got stuck on the screen in the attached pic. I have tried to boot back into download mode to no avail. From the screen it's stuck on I cannot get any tool to register the device as being present, adb, heimdall, zdiag, etc... I even tried fastboot out of desperation.Before I used odin I tried to get the phone to boot into the bootloader but it only ever went to either recovery or a normal boot and I tried every button press combo I could think of and found and nada.
Even running adb reboot bootloader just made the device boot normally. I think that if I could get it to boot to fastboot usb i could then try fastboot. I am new to rooting devices and have successfully rooted my HTC EVO3D and got s-off and simlock removed for any carrier. So I do know how to follow instructions properly, why flashing the recovery.bin failed I don't know and every fix I seem to find says BOOT TO DOWNLOAD MODE. if I could do that I wouldn't be having this problem lol. Anyway can someone please help me figure this out. Thanks. ANd if you need any further info please let me know. I don't want to have to give my friend my phone due to a software issue.
And YES I did pick PDA not anything else.
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I kept reading other threads and sadly I din't pully the battery first before disconnecting the usb and repartition may have been checked as I see that it does the as default for my version. Also i turned off ODIN as I was hoping a reboot of my computer might help. I will keep trying to find an answer till someone gets back to me. this post may not even show up if I can't do a second post if no one has replied first.
Everyone was a nub at one time wasn't it FUN hahahahahaha sob cry
machv5 said:
I kept reading other threads and sadly I din't pully the battery first before disconnecting the usb and repartition may have been checked as I see that it does the as default for my version. Also i turned off ODIN as I was hoping a reboot of my computer might help. I will keep trying to find an answer till someone gets back to me. this post may not even show up if I can't do a second post if no one has replied first.
Everyone was a nub at one time wasn't it FUN hahahahahaha sob cry
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I tried a jig and that didn't work. There must be some way of getting the device to give up on completing a task i no longer can give it due to ODIN being shut off.
Why is it that the "how to root/unlocks" never have the "if x fails then do these steps etc..." Had the how to had "pull the battery before disconnecting USB and don't reset or shut off ODIN" I wouldn't be in this mess. I realize that it's user beware but a few important steps like that in case of a fail would go a long way to you guys not shaking your heads. Instead of "silly nub hahahahahaha". No offence but I get that a lot and try to remember that when I teach someone how to use a computer. I am new at phones not at everything.
Further Developments Please can someone help?
I was giving someone a new memory card and they had a Samsung SGH-I896 it has an EB575152VA battery and the one I have the T959D has an EB575152VU battery. I exchanged my battery for hers by accident somehow and when I plugged my phone in it didn't go to the phone triangle computer logo screen it booted to recovery and said it couldn't charge the battery and kept rebooting to recovery. I got my battery back and it booted back to the phone triangle computer logo again. Grrrr....
The other thing I saw while the recovery screen was an error message that said
E:/data/fota not accessible
(may not be 100% accurate I don't have the battery to check right now but can get it again if need be) anyway I now see that there may be some light at the end of the tunnel. i have the correct stock firmware for the device I tried flashing it while in recovery but the phone kept rebooting before anything got done. My question is how can I get the dang phone to stop asking for Odin and go to recovery so I can flash stock firmware and ROM back to it? As I cannot as far as I know give it what it wants because I reset Odin and nothing seems to see that the phone is connected to the computer. I am going to try the other battery on a full charge to see what that does.
I am new at all this and want to get it fixed. I cannot afford to send it off to a service center and besides that I want to do it myself as I want to become a developer and droid technician. I would gladly donate to anyone but am still trying to get Google to accept my pay-as-you-go credit card and I don't have PayPal either. Which is really frustrating when it comes to giving back. I posted a Q&A on how to without PayPal or CC but as of the last time I checked no one has gotten back to me about it.
The CyanogenMod guide is flat out WRONG. I've tried to change it, but anything I do is reverted in an instant. I also tried to use it to install the ROM only, ended up bricking my phone and it took me hours to unbrick. That's how I became acquainted with XDA.
So, to get this straight:
1. you're using the stock USB cable
2. you remove the battery
3. you hold volume down
4. you plug in the usb cable
5. after a few seconds, you release volume down
6. the screen does not display a yellow triangle with an android
Posted from my Galaxy Tab with CM10
MultipleMonomials said:
The CyanogenMod guide is flat out WRONG. I've tried to change it, but anything I do is reverted in an instant. I also tried to use it to install the ROM only, ended up bricking my phone and it took me hours to unbrick. That's how I became acquainted with XDA.
So, to get this straight:
1. you're using the stock USB cable
2. you remove the battery
3. you hold volume down
4. you plug in the usb cable
5. after a few seconds, you release volume down
6. the screen does not display a yellow triangle with an android
Posted from my Galaxy Tab with CM10
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That is correct. If you think that my idea below is a bad one or if I downloaded the wrong firmware package please let me know and /or you have a fix that will work? ty
I have though come up with an idea that may work. I am going to charge the "wrong" battery in erm the right phone lol and then use it to trick the device into booting into recovery instead of the cellphone triangle computer (CTC, for want of a better acronym) The I896 battery ends in a V not an ? (sorry can't rem don't have it on me) from the I896 model I think it is, plugging it into USB with the power off sends it to recovery with the "battery cannot be charged " message instead of the CTC screen.
I tried it but the charge in the battery was too low and rebooted. I am hoping that with a full charge (as long as I don't power on the phone first as this will make it go to CTC logo again.
I am hoping that I can install the that I made by first unzipping the T959UVJFD_firmware.tar I downloaded then unpacked and then repacked into an as I don't think that it will read the package as a tar file and if it's not called The recovery is still stock. If I get the phone working I am not going to try unlocking and rooting it again. I will just post two separate adverts one as a carrier locked device and the other one (higher of course to cover buying the unlock from Telus) as carrier unlocked and then I will buy the unlock code if the blah blah you get the drift. sorry for rambling on.
oh and I can't rem if I said this or not, In recovery it "E:/data/fota not accessible" I don't know what that means yet I have been busy with other things and haven't looked it up yet.
Since you can get into at least some version of recovery, your bootloader is intact and you should be able to unbrick it. You ought to be able to get into download mode using a download jig. You can get one on ebay for a few bucks or you can make one yourself. There's a guide floating around here somewhere that lets you make one from a microusb cable.
Posted from my Galaxy Tab with CM10

Help! Phone is stuck like Ive never seen! Mobile Odin!

Hey guys, I'm really hoping someone can tell me of a solution Ive not though of.... So Ive got the note 3 from sprint. currently had 4.4.4. I shoulda just left wellenough alone, I realize, But I tried to flash just a modem via mobileOdin and upon reboot, it will say "recoverybooting" and then I get the blue android. Thats all. This was just over 6 hours ago I did this and Im dead in the water, Ive SEARCHED the internet high and low and there are other facing similar problems, but it seems like every mishap Ive read about EVENTUALLY gets fixed. This just will not do anthing with any button combo as far as recovery and/or download mode. I cant access download mode either. recovery never actually boots, just a forever frozen blue android.. Now, with the phone attached via usb to my PC, it DOES see it as COM7, BUT REGARDLESS what ive tried it just remains at the "recovery booting" spot then blue android until I pull the battery again. Please HELP.! IF ANYONE HAS ANY SUGGESTIONS I would be just delighted if you may have some other approaches to this matter. THANKS! Please let me know iTs DESPERATE!
Zscott87 said:
Hey guys, I'm really hoping someone can tell me of a solution Ive not though of.... So Ive got the note 3 from sprint. currently had 4.4.4. I shoulda just left wellenough alone, I realize, But I tried to flash just a modem via mobileOdin and upon reboot, it will say "recoverybooting" and then I get the blue android. Thats all. This was just over 6 hours ago I did this and Im dead in the water, Ive SEARCHED the internet high and low and there are other facing similar problems, but it seems like every mishap Ive read about EVENTUALLY gets fixed. This just will not do anthing with any button combo as far as recovery and/or download mode. I cant access download mode either. recovery never actually boots, just a forever frozen blue android.. Now, with the phone attached via usb to my PC, it DOES see it as COM7, BUT REGARDLESS what ive tried it just remains at the "recovery booting" spot then blue android until I pull the battery again. Please HELP.! IF ANYONE HAS ANY SUGGESTIONS I would be just delighted if you may have some other approaches to this matter. THANKS! Please let me know iTs DESPERATE![/QUOTE
Have you tried removing the battery for a couple of minutes ? If you have read a couple of my threads on NH7 4.4.4, once your there downgrading anything is risky. Here is a link to read . Here is a link for a recovery from a hard brick, by creating a boot image and then copy and paste it on a sdcard there are several sites on this type of fix, I just can't remember where they are. However, I do have something that may help, on one of those sites there was a link for someone who has already created a SM-N900P Unbrick img for Sprint and I downloaded it just in case. Here is the link my copy. From what I understand you need to format/erase your sd card then copy and paste the unbrick img to the sd card from a PC. Pull the battery and install the sdcard back in the device, then try and boot the phone into download mode. Here is another link I have not had to do this so you will have to do a little reading to be sure.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The fact that it still shows up as COM is a good sign.
Get a hold of ODIN 3.07+ I had issues with ODIN 3.06.
Here are a few things to try:
1.Take the battery out and hold all the buttons that you normally would to boot into recovery. While holding all the buttons, plug in the usb cable. If it boots into download mode, awesome, just put the battery in before you flash.
2. .Take the battery out and hold all the buttons that you normally would to boot into recovery. While holding all the buttons, plug in the battery. Hopefully it will boot into download mode.
3. try different cables, remember regular micro usb cables work with the note 3.
Make sure you put the modem file in the phone slot, and the rom/system tar in the pda slot.
Best of luck
Thanks for the suggestions guys! Iguess time is just what it needed. I actually fell asleep after trying for so long, and when I woke up I decided to try once more and VOILA... It let me into download mode! Went back to stock and have since been rebuilding . ha! Thanks again

