APK development Here
Usefull tool. And its awesome, as long as it doesnt use forum links. Maybe u could provide even downloadlinks to old versionst?
s0ftcorn said:
Usefull tool. And its awesome, as long as it doesnt use forum links. Maybe u could provide even downloadlinks to old versionst?
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Haaaaard work, I think why people want older versions?... well answered myself , but modding the way of software to read repository it's a pain in the ass. Maybe later, now im focused on other things
dude dark i have jst downloaded it and as i double click on it it just nothing happened, no window displayed. (but exist in task manager) so how to see the window shown in your screen shot. i am on xp
Thanks D4, good tool!
Just waiting for last FroyoComb 1.5!
shravanchoudhary9 said:
dude dark i have jst downloaded it and as i double click on it it just nothing happened, no window displayed. (but exist in task manager) so how to see the window shown in your screen shot. i am on xp
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You need to have last java version, other thing idk what could be happening, also OFC internet connection
EDIT: Please all users write if it works or not, only tested on my PC
D4rKn3sSyS said:
You need to have last java version, other thing idk what could be happening, also OFC internet connection
EDIT: Please all users write if it works or not, only tested on my PC
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can you please give me link for downloading java latest version, and also when 1.5 available on this version. thanks for new things.
very nice, very useful. thx
D4 it's working very nice tested on win7
Updated Repository with:
Froyocomb v1.5
Slade CM6 new Links
Nice tool its working flawlessly in my windows 7!
D4rKn3sSyS said:
Updated Repository with:
Froyocomb v1.5
Slade CM6 new Links
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Still error for FroyoComb 1.5!
Or do I need to download again the prog?
DanielFran said:
Still error for FroyoComb 1.5!
Or do I need to download again the prog?
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Just press update list file will be downloaded again
If still dont works, delete romList.rep
i am downloading this one is that right one.
D4rKn3sSyS said:
Just press update list file will be downloaded again
If still dont works, delete romList.rep
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Hi again,
only after deleting romList.rep file it works!
i deleted romList.rep and it's working for downloading your rom
Eyama said:
i deleted romList.rep and it's working for downloading your rom
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Fixing that ugly bug, thanks for reporting
installed latest java from the link i shared but still after double click nothing happenings only process showing in task manager. (i have extracted on desktop).
help please.
shravanchoudhary9 said:
installed latest java from the link i shared but still after double click nothing happenings only process showing in task manager. (i have extracted on desktop).
help please.
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@All: Uploaded new version with before mentioned bug fixed
a few things:
i have to click "Update" everytime... why? The file is on my hdd, so why download it again?
aaand yeah, captain obvious: the FroyoComb 1.5 download does not work. All the other stuff works good. But direct downloads and an integrated downloader would make the tool really usefull
Hey guys, I install Gingerbread and new market app with it. But I don't like it. Seems to work to slow on my legend. Is there any way to return old market?
Thank you in advance...
vintermut said:
Hey guys, I install Gingerbread and new market app with it. But I don't like it. Seems to work to slow on my legend. Is there any way to return old market?
Thank you in advance...
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if you are on ogo2 new sense rom you can try download the old market and installing it hoping it doesnt gives an error
if you updated the market by yourself, go to settings > applications > manage > all > search for market click if and select uninstall updates
Where I can find old market app?
vintermut said:
Where I can find old market app?
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here in attachment
i'm not sure if it will install but you can try
otherwise use "adb push Vending.apk /system/app" if you need more help on that lemme know
i'm not sure if they will work but if something goes wrong you can always undo it
Hitmax117 said:
here in attachment
i'm not sure if it will install but you can try
otherwise use "adb push Vending.apk /system/app" if you need more help on that lemme know
i'm not sure if they will work but if something goes wrong you can always undo it
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I try with adb push but I get "read only file system" error... Any solution?
vintermut said:
I try with adb push but I get "read only file system" error... Any solution?
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go into your clockworkmod recovery and mount /system then stay in recovery and do adb push again
Thank me if helped
It works like a charm.... Thank you so much. I must buy you a beer or two... )
Sent from my HTC Legend using XDA App
vintermut said:
It works like a charm.... Thank you so much. I must buy you a beer or two... )
Sent from my HTC Legend using XDA App
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No problem man, glad i could help
btw in the old market app, i have a lill bug that i can't see reviews (comments) do you have it to?
I can see it without problem. And, yes, you helped me a lot. New market is too slow for me. And there is no "just in" category...
I found this root android explorer for PC Windows! it's Amazing !! Make out a will!
Download :
MmegaMac said:
I found this root android explorer for PC Windows! it's Amazing !! Make out a will!
Download :
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Will it work for nonrooted phones
Maybe but most likely not
N'ayam Amarsh'e said:
Will it work for nonrooted phones
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Maybe but most likely not
you helped me ! thx
you are a LIFE SAVER. this program is great. saved me from having to do hours of work. thanks again.
its a zip with no exe files, what am i supposed to do with it?
Sorry for writing here but I am not authorized to write in the same post. I hope I could be able in near future
I need to know how to root the new MIUI 2.8.3 ?
Thanks for every one worked on it
sherifaly said:
Sorry for writing here but I am not authorized to write in the same post. I hope I could be able in near future
I need to know how to root the new MIUI 2.8.3 ?
Thanks for every one worked on it
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is there any application that called superuser or supersu ?
On the home screen you will see tools folder, open it then find permission (the icon like paper script) open that then choose manage root permission
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
nom051205 said:
On the home screen you will see tools folder, open it then find permission (the icon like paper script) open that then choose manage root permission
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
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I did that but it doesnt work , Also I flashed the superuser in this thread
It always says superuser deny the apps.
Also regaridng battery I see you mention that it stays for only 5 hours , it stays with me for 20 hours with regular conditions & I am using battery deffender.
If I have any other comments I will mention it but we must root it
Again thanks for the good job
This rom is already pre-rooted no need to flash any thing as we generally do in stock roms.......
I think you have flashed some i think you need to re- flash the rom-(***do make a clean rom flash asper rom developer***)
Now after rom instal just instal root explorer......
Now as soon as u open root explorer a menu popup will apear it is just like superuser pop up ...(only the diffrence is this pop up will apear for 20sec...and contains so many warning message all u need to click next every time) (****refer attached images ****)
After this step you can see root folder .....
For every application which asks for root permission. U need to do this .....
sherifaly said:
I did that but it doesnt work , Also I flashed the superuser in this thread
It always says superuser deny the apps.
Also regaridng battery I see you mention that it stays for only 5 hours , it stays with me for 20 hours with regular conditions & I am using battery deffender.
If I have any other comments I will mention it but we must root it
Again thanks for the good job
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Now that weird, I have no issue with su on mine, maybe you should reflash the rom?
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
nom051205 said:
Now that weird, I have no issue with su on mine, maybe you should reflash the rom?
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
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I followed what jyeshta001 mentioned and it goes fine with me.
The point now that the screen turnes with some colors ( you can enter VPN and you will see it ). also it is very laggy and it make many restarts. aslo headset problem still exists,the automatic brightness & buttons lighting during press on it.
I have a question abour RAM as most of time it works with 100MB free only ( can we make any thing with that )
Finally Thanks to jyeshta001 for his replay.
Thanks to nom051205 for the rom and we hope to see further development
I have some time to support but I dont have any experince in roms editing so if you can advice with some links I could support.
Best regards
sherifaly said:
I followed what jyeshta001 mentioned and it goes fine with me.
The point now that the screen turnes with some colors ( you can enter VPN and you will see it ). also it is very laggy and it make many restarts. aslo headset problem still exists,the automatic brightness & buttons lighting during press on it.
I have a question abour RAM as most of time it works with 100MB free only ( can we make any thing with that )
Use rom tool box pro / a strong startup manager so that u can control unwanted application running form the begining for startup.....
For head set one use a wedget called "toggle to head set" from playstore.
For lagness use any CPU tool like set CPU and set frequency as "1xx to 1xxx " and the governor to "on demand" (but drains battery)
For button lights "root dim " aPK. Will help u to some extend ......
For random colours on screen we will have to w8 "Nom bro" will bring a patch ....soon .....
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jyeshta001 said:
sherifaly said:
I followed what jyeshta001 mentioned and it goes fine with me.
The point now that the screen turnes with some colors ( you can enter VPN and you will see it ). also it is very laggy and it make many restarts. aslo headset problem still exists,the automatic brightness & buttons lighting during press on it.
I have a question abour RAM as most of time it works with 100MB free only ( can we make any thing with that )
Use rom tool box pro / a strong startup manager so that u can control unwanted application running form the begining for startup.....
For head set one use a wedget called "toggle to head set" from playstore.
For lagness use any CPU tool like set CPU and set frequency as "1xx to 1xxx " and the governor to "on demand" (but drains battery)
For button lights "root dim " aPK. Will help u to some extend ......
For random colours on screen we will have to w8 "Nom bro" will bring a patch ....soon .....
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Thanks my friend I will try all
But now the market is mentioning the device is not compatible with this app , what shall I do ??? knowing that I changed the resoluation to 180 DPI.
Thanks in advance
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sherifaly said:
jyeshta001 said:
Thanks my friend I will try all
But now the market is mentioning the device is not compatible with this app , what shall I do ??? knowing that I changed the resoluation to 180 DPI.
Thanks in advance
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Open the build.prop(this file is in system folder) in text editor of root explorer and add following lines at the end of build prop page ...
Then save &exit ....after that you should do a reboot.
Now check ur market compatability .... if this is not working then change the model number and manufacture name to some other one..... on above lines....
Give us the feedback if it is not working.....ok
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jyeshta001 said:
sherifaly said:
Open the build.prop(this file is in system folder) in text editor of root explorer and add following lines at the end of build prop page ...
Then save &exit ....after that you should do a reboot.
Now check ur market compatability .... if this is not working then change the model number and manufacture name to some other one..... on above lines....
Give us the feedback if it is not working.....ok
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Thanks again my friend it works fine.
I will check the mentioned progarms & give my feed back.
Best regards
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sherifaly said:
jyeshta001 said:
Thanks again my friend it works fine.
I will check the mentioned progarms & give my feed back.
Best regards
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Regarding market also LCD density modder pro willl solve the problem
New problem appears , Viber & Tango are not working after searching I found some body mentioned a problems with mic ( in custom roms)
Any ideaes about that
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sherifaly said:
sherifaly said:
Regarding market also LCD density modder pro willl solve the problem
New problem appears , Viber & Tango are not working after searching I found some body mentioned a problems with mic ( in custom roms)
Any ideaes about that
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yes viber, tango, skype not working only on those custom roms which are based on 2.3.7 and also all ics roms
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citric_acid said:
sherifaly said:
yes viber, tango, skype not working only on those custom roms which are based on 2.3.7 and also all ics roms
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who says skype not working? you better search carefully... there are workaround for 2.3.7 already...
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deysmacro said:
citric_acid said:
who says skype not working? you better search carefully... there are workaround for 2.3.7 already...
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okay, so did you try that trick, i think after trying you shouldn't have said that, even though what about those who does'nt want to credit there accounts, also ive mentioned about 4.0.4 roms, i know that they won't work on them since they're still on development stage so its better to stay on 2.3.3 for frequent voiper's
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citric_acid said:
deysmacro said:
okay, so did you try that trick, i think after trying you shouldn't have said that, even though what about those who does'nt want to credit there accounts, also ive mentioned about 4.0.4 roms, i know that they won't work on them since they're still on development stage so its better to stay on 2.3.3 for frequent voiper's
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Yes also viber is orking in 2.3.7 I tries it in Longhorn & others
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i know that andydroid comes with superuser pre-installed but its not actually rooted.
So anyone know how to root it?
NeelAryan said:
i know that andydroid comes with superuser pre-installed but its not actually rooted.
So anyone know how to root it?
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Follow the instructions here: (see url in the attachment) - I can confirm it works.
Andy's own website is not helpful when it comes to support / tweaks. I am not impressed that they chose FB groups as their choice for Support. Andy itself is brilliant! Love it.
PS: I have too few posts and cant paste a URL in the reply, hence the attachment. Someone with link posting privileges please can you post the link in a reply, it will be easier for other users / searchable etc. Thanks!
aeroknight said:
Follow the instructions here: (see url in the attachment) - I can confirm it works.
Andy's own website is not helpful when it comes to support / tweaks. I am not impressed that they chose FB groups as their choice for Support. Andy itself is brilliant! Love it.
PS: I have too few posts and cant paste a URL in the reply, hence the attachment. Someone with link posting privileges please can you post the link in a reply, it will be easier for other users / searchable etc. Thanks!
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Jhon998 said:
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Dude, can you show the instructions, because the post in FB is missing. Thanks
Galvaneyes said:
Dude, can you show the instructions, because the post in FB is missing. Thanks
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Crap, i don't have a copy of it lol.
Hi, guys. Here is the updated link to any root.
*with the support of Xalos Tek
in case the link is removed again
Andy RootKit 3.0 is ready!
Now with frequently installed root applications! It should also work better than the previous version.
1. Extract the .zip to anywhere
2. Run AndyRootkit30.exe
3. Pick the apps you want to install if you are rooting
4. Choose whether to root or unroot
mikeday said:
Andy RootKit 3.0 is ready!
Now with frequently installed root applications! It should also work better than the previous version.
1. Extract the .zip to anywhere
2. Run AndyRootkit30.exe
3. Pick the apps you want to install if you are rooting
4. Choose whether to root or unroot
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I have installed following the instructions but no longer works.
There is a new version?
geo.carlo90 said:
I have installed following the instructions but no longer works.
There is a new version?
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h t t p s : / /!xY9kzYDT!_3OPO-JOec3pA-CdB7SzCfpmK3PKsInapJg6DOsbXpc
PippoPapero said:
h t t p s : / /!xY9kzYDT!_3OPO-JOec3pA-CdB7SzCfpmK3PKsInapJg6DOsbXpc
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Hello, I am having this problem as well and I have everything up-to-date, such as AndyRootkit35 and AndyEmulator 4.3 but it still doesn't work. Help please
-Thank You Kindly
i'm on mac. so do anyone know how to root andyroid on mac?
Any Mac solution for andy root ?
zzynxx said:
i'm on mac. so do anyone know how to root andyroid on mac?
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Same problem , any news ?
I've found "Rootkit v3.5" working fine.
Found it from here:
Attached a bit modified version of it, without the extra APKs.
You can also use my app to remove all of the system apps you don't want.
PippoPapero said:
h t t p s : / /!xY9kzYDT!_3OPO-JOec3pA-CdB7SzCfpmK3PKsInapJg6DOsbXpc
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I'm going to try this out for size. Thanks for sharing it. I certainly hope it works for me.
Tested with 0.45
https ://!FRUQwZAT!sOZCkM-mKAM4PkDprTiRrUguKFBr5luozZlCmanCKTk
holzfaeller said:
Tested with 0.45
https ://!FRUQwZAT!sOZCkM-mKAM4PkDprTiRrUguKFBr5luozZlCmanCKTk
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Didn't work for 0.45.5 (current as of now').
Tried multiple times, it does simply nothing...
if anyone wants to check my channel, i have a fix for root on both windows and mac, latest version of andyroid.
rabbidninja said:
if anyone wants to check my channel, i have a fix for root on both windows and mac, latest version of andyroid.
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Awesome, this works...thanks a bunch. :good::laugh:
After the adb shell, when I type in su it says 'not found' need help urgently, noob here
New Version of AndyDroid is released - did someone rooted it yet? It seems that Root 4.0 isn't working anymore!