Hello guys, I just bought LG Optimus P500. and I want to remove useless application like Bollywoodji, news and weather, PNR status checker etc. Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance
Do you know how to work with android?
If you are noob in this matter please read about android and it's ROM's.
Don't do that if you don't know what you're doing
Yes, I'm noob.
Zecanilis said:
Do you know how to work with android?
If you are noob in this matter please read about android and it's ROM's.
Don't do that if you don't know what you're doing
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+1. Before you get into playing with stuff, you should do some reading.
Just to get you started, you need to get "admin" level access of the phone to delete stuff. For this you need to root the phone. Read about rooting (GOOGLE it up) and if you think you are comfortable with it, just follow this forum and you should get a good idea about how to go about it.
But be warned that you may mess up and the phone might not even start.
Best of luck.
Hey guys, when you're telling someone like "go read" or something, please use the old fashion method and give us a link. It's really hard for Android newbs to understand everything.
The easiest way to root your Optimus One Android 2.2 is to use Z4root
But still, I don't know what to do next..
There's some information: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=855654&highlight=uninstall
And here's how you can do it too: http://jaxov.com/2010/09/how-to-remove-stock-default-android-apps-easily/
After installing z4root.
Install Titanium Backup from the market.
Open z4root, select Temporary Root, run Titanium Bakcup and uninstall the apps you don't wan't!
Hi, I just got my Samsung Fascinate today, and I was looking forward to rooting it. It's my first Android device, and I've only used dumbphones until today. I've seen the rooting threads yet still have no clue how to root my phone.
Can anyone please take me step by step (starting with what apps I would need, if any) in order to root my phone successfully? Thank you very much!
i dont post much over here at xda but since iv had my d2 and now gal s iv been here much more so please dont think im a super noob (still a noob) but you really should just play with you STOCK phone for a one or two weeks and get to know it before u go and root it and the endless fun that comes after. i say this more or so because your coming from a "dumb phone" you really should get to know android and all of its fun ins and outs. enjoy your new phone and ur new addiction..prob should have tried heroin first
i've played with the captivate quite a bit, and i just want to root my phone so i can get rid of bing and stuff
can anyone help me please??
peterkim89 said:
i've played with the captivate quite a bit, and i just want to root my phone so i can get rid of bing and stuff
can anyone help me please??
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Well, let the big kids figure out how to remove Bing and make some tools that will make it easier for you to root, give it a week or so and we will have them
peterkim89 said:
Hi, I just got my Samsung Fascinate today, and I was looking forward to rooting it. It's my first Android device, and I've only used dumbphones until today. I've seen the rooting threads yet still have no clue how to root my phone.
Can anyone please take me step by step (starting with what apps I would need, if any) in order to root my phone successfully? Thank you very much!
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I posted a more in depth tutorial over here. If there is anything unclear please post a comment and I will fix it and help you out.
The first links for the drivers aren't working!!
once i started doing adb push su /sdcard/su, it says "failed to copy 'su' to '/sdcard/su': Permission denied."
i'm so lost.
Someone Else posted a link to a guide with a small update to it's instructions,
The Post is in the same forum as this one topic name is Rooted, page 3, user eleazar123 posted it..
I would just drop a link to it, but Apparently i am not verified and can not post any links :-(
hey guys.
first im really sorry for my english, im not coming from an english speaking country.
well heres my problem:
my phone (optimus one) is new and i still have insurance from the company.
i really want to root my phone in order to install overclocking app because as you know this phone is not that quick.
anyways, people told me that first i need to downgrade my device and than root it with some softwares and to be honest i don't know **** about those stuff.
i would really like someonee here, who knows how to do those things, to help me though skipe or msn and take me though those steps without destroing my android.
my msn: ok i cant write my msn here than just know that the name is Wizarflesh and the mail is gmail.
my skipe: omri.haim
huge thanks to anyone who can help me root my phone.
at least post some info l
like what is your firmware version?
where do i find it? what is a frimware?
i meant it when i said i dont know **** about those stuff.
i am from israel and i bought the O1 from orange company in hebrew languang.
it is 2.2.1 android
Settings ---> About Phone ---> Software Version
Only v10b is root-able. If you have other version you gotta downgrade to v10b.
can one of you guys help me do all those steps? otherwise i will probably screw my phone
I believe you can do it with Superoneclick
WFdesign said:
i am from israel and i bought the O1 from orange company in hebrew languang.
it is 2.2.1 android
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you cannot root 2.2.1
you can find all the info here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=875881
basically find an original LG firmware for your country that is 2.2 (v10b). Then flash phone using flash tool from emergency mode with firmware.
Once you have the original 2.2 rom on the phone, grab Z4root app and then easy to root phone.
Next step is custom rom like cyanogenmod 7 etc if you want real performance! start reading! (alot)
Has anyone tried SuperOneClick to root the O1? They say that it can root any version of Android. Is that true with O1?
No,only 2.2 is rootable for now
I suggest that you read the thread given below
The instructions are well explained there.
WFdesign said:
hey guys.
first im really sorry for my english, im not coming from an english speaking country.
well heres my problem:
my phone (optimus one) is new and i still have insurance from the company.
i really want to root my phone in order to install overclocking app because as you know this phone is not that quick.
anyways, people told me that first i need to downgrade my device and than root it with some softwares and to be honest i don't know **** about those stuff.
i would really like someonee here, who knows how to do those things, to help me though skipe or msn and take me though those steps without destroing my android.
my msn: ok i cant write my msn here than just know that the name is Wizarflesh and the mail is gmail.
my skipe: omri.haim
huge thanks to anyone who can help me root my phone.
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Once you root your phone immediately install the recovery. Don't play with a rooted handset if it is not having recovery. Otherwise you will end up in a boot loop and its really hard to get phone back in working condition(in case something goes wrong).
Be very carefull while installing recovery. Crosscheck twice before you push anything to handset.
Chat with me on g talk my I'd is [email protected]....
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
you can root with this. I did it
Yup... its been tested and proven that you can root 2.2.1 using Gingerbreak (dont u guys read the news??? ), though i havent done it myself... rooted mine long time back before Gingerbreak came
use gingerbreak....
can you install CM or amon recovery and and custom rom on P350?
I've got a Serioux gotab s700 with android 2.3.3 and it has moves very slowly and I can't install the market aplication. Any ideas why and what to do? or how to tweak it to perform better? Thanks in advance
stefan_gav said:
I've got a Serioux gotab s700 with android 2.3.3 and it has moves very slowly and I can't install the market aplication. Any ideas why and what to do? or how to tweak it to perform better? Thanks in advance
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I have the same tablet. Sadly, i can only use it as a cheap color eReader. Everything else is just deadslow. Gmail or any google app will not work (can install apk but will not run).
Been looking for rooting advice too but haven't found anything usefull.
Thanks for the reply, I was starting to think that I am the only one with this tablet on the forum. About rooting this tablet I tried to root it with superoneclick
( i tried to put a link for you, but I am a new user, just search superoneclick on google and you will find it ) but after restart it frozen at the android screen and I had to hard reset it to make it work. Can anyone tell me why it freeze? Sorry for my english
stefan_gav said:
Thanks for the reply, I was starting to think that I am the only one with this tablet on the forum. About rooting this tablet I tried to root it with superoneclick
( i tried to put a link for you, but I am a new user, just search superoneclick on google and you will find it ) but after restart it frozen at the android screen and I had to hard reset it to make it work. Can anyone tell me why it freeze? Sorry for my english
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LOL... so much time passed...
I just bought the same... I'm pretty sure Serioux have their tablets rooted.
Mine is and they said that warranty is not voided
Hi all,
This is my first post on the forum so iI would appreciate if the moderators reallocates this in case I am in the wrong forum.
I bought a Verykool S735 running Android 2.3.6 yesterday. This is my first Android phone and I decided to try using Android with an unexpensive phone before deciding to leave iOS definitely and buying a more complete/expensive Android device.
Well, I am trying to root the phone but every method I have tried so far is useless (tried using Simple One Click, installing stuff like Z4root and so).
Can anyone help me to get this phone rooted? Please let me know if you need more details to answer.
Thanks a lot for your help,
any help with that?
I need to root my s735 too, as it has whasapp preinstalled as system app, and dont let me upgrade or delete it.
if you got luck with a answer please tell me...
necao said:
any help with that?
I need to root my s735 too, as it has whasapp preinstalled as system app, and dont let me upgrade or delete it.
if you got luck with a answer please tell me...
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Hi there,
Unfortunately, no.
I ended up selling it some weeks after I bought it and got a Motorola XT890 It's a good phone for the price (you can get good deals at eBay).
necao said:
any help with that?
I need to root my s735 too, as it has whasapp preinstalled as system app, and dont let me upgrade or delete it.
if you got luck with a answer please tell me...
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You could try one of these tools to root this device:
If any of them doesn't work you could use SuperOneClickv1.7-ShortFuse or SuperOneClickv2.3.3-ShortFuse.
Root Verykool S735
Sorry for the delay on this topic,
I rooted a verykool S735 phone using eroot 1.3.4
still can not get a rom for it, using stock.
but could unistall whatsapp with the root...
Anybody Find a way to become the super user specifically for ZTE Max Duo LTE on straight talk? Model number Z963vl? The one clicks don't work. Im too nervous to do it manually ( I have the right drivers on my PC, I do belief) because I can't find anyone else who has tried it for this specific phone. I asked for help once and got send a link to another thread for ZTE phones. It was a very good guide but wouldn't help for my phone. I don't know if its because its this type of device or my intelligence level. Any help for this specific device would be great!! please be nice.:crying::crying:
P.S. Z962BL is the same phone but different carrier.
Same problem here. I should be able to brick this $200 Walmart purchase if I so choose. There is a thunderous silence on the internet regarding this thing (Z962BL) and being able do what I want. I OWN the phucker. NOT Straight Talk!! NOT ZTE!!! NOT WALLYWORLD!!!! WTF??? C'MON forum dwellers. Help us out here and at least gives us an "I dunno".
N963 VL root help
I'm with you guys. Trying to root this zte phone. I'm wanting to learn how to do it manually, no one click program or any program at all really... I know it has to be possible to manually root any device on the market. Just have to find the knowledge . one of you recognized devs help me please we all have to start somewhere....
gooch1006 said:
I'm with you guys. Trying to root this zte phone. I'm wanting to learn how to do it manually, no one click program or any program at all really... I know it has to be possible to manually root any device on the market. Just have to find the knowledge . one of you recognized devs help me please we all have to start somewhere....
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I'm in the same boat as you guys I can get kingroot to work till reboot the no root but after I install and run king root I can use root apps like titanium backup and cmp toolbox but no permanent root any ideas guys please help I'm sorry to ask but I'm lost and so frustrated not everyone can spend 500 bucks on a premium phone so for the poor guys and gals as well as the people who didn't have the chance to go to school and learn how to program someone take some pitty on us and help thanks and sorry for the rant
Maybe TWRP + SuperSU.zip?