ATPluginInstaller was a great idea-but we missed some things-and TICS can do it -especially installing a .plg in EACH .cpr!
TICS is short for Titanium Installator Controller Saver
TICS is upward-compatible to ATPluginInstaller in its Doing - but will do much more.
To introduce it, a little example to call TICS_installer, so you can already see, what's now possible:
TICS_installer.exe -addchange -plg:\\Internal Storage\\Sandbox\\default.plg -cpr:currentPortrait -silent
but also possible:
TICS_installer.exe -addchange -plg:\\Internal Storage\\Sandbox\\test.plg -cpr:\\Internal Storage\\Sandbox\\Titanium_480x640.cpr
TICS_installer.exe -delete -plugin:Test -cpr:currentLandscape
Direct Download of TICS_installer - new RC3.1
Now, you have seen the "specials" of TICS - but the first question of te Plugin-Makers will be: "what about the setup.dll?"
And that's very easy: ATPluginInstaller installed or uninstalled only the default.plg in Titanium_<res>.cpr - so it was possible.
TICS has to much options for this - and so you need another interface -but you already have it:
The Setup.dll from Mortscript calls "install.mscr" after installing a cab - and "uninstall.mscr" before uninstalling a cab.
The only MUST is: the Mortscript.exe, TitaniumRefresh.exe and the both mscr-Files and TICS_installer.exe must be installed in your main Directory of your Plugin.
But so we can also be asure, that each Plugin has now its right MortScript-Version - and everybody of us has a simple-to-use interface.
I will post an example for an install.mscr in Post #2
But now the Syntax of TICS-installer(and 4 now it's changeable, after Release no more! It can only be expanded - but each Skinner, Themer, Plugin-Developer,... must rely on, that the Parameters from TICS_installer always be upward-compatible)
TICS_installer.exe -addchange -plg:<absolutePathToPlg> -cpr:currentPortrait|currentLandscape|<absolutePathToCpr> [-silent]
TICS_installer.exe -delete -plugin:<PluginName> -cpr:currentPortrait|currentLandscape|<absolutePathToCpr> [-silent]
The Example in Post #2 will show the same thing as that was ATPluginInstaller did... almost... because "current" is the ative cpr - e.g. if you are using NeoTitanium - then TICS will install the .plg in NeoTitanium...
For whom it is needful to use TICS in future?
For the Users of course - no more problems to install Skins to whatever he uses in Titanium
For Developers of Plugins: their Plugins can now be used in each Titanium-Theme without adapting of the Theme-Makers - only depends from the ideas of the Skinners. Also they have a new interface after installing/before uninstalling a .cab - and Mortsript-knowledge would be enough
For Titanium-Theme-Makers: Now they can get help from the Skinners and the Plugin-Makers for a specific Plugin and no more for a whole cpr. Also the additional Parameters will help them, too
For Skinners: Much more possibilities to skin now Only by making that, what they can: Making great .plg's and Images!
TICS is free - like ATPluginInstaller - for each non-profit CHome-/Titanium-Plugin - so I'm only interested in enjoying this new possibilities of ech of you, too
Some important explanations:
- TICS_installer will only write in "ExtensibilityXML", "DefaultXML" and "Plugins" to CHome-Registry, if the Parameter for CPR is a "current..."-Parameter
- but then in "HKCU/Software/TICS" - with "newExtensibilityXML","new..."
- TICS uses "ExtensibilityXML" and "CPRFile" from CHome-Registry to identify the current CPR - it's automatically set by Windows-system because of ExtensibilityXML
- and you can use them by simple Registry-Copy in install.mscr or your Program like you need it for your Plugin
- You must set the <Position> in .plg - but if the Plugin already exists, then TICS ignores the Position in .plg - because it assumes, that the User has moved the Plugin to a better place for him (e.g. with CHome-Editor) - so it's more User-friendly
- TICS has definite Error-Messages and Number - which you can capture&handle while Installing a .plg - everything to find in "HKCU/Software/TICS"
- TICS recognizes your current resolution of your device - and only installs in the .cpr of this Resolution - no more in the other unused one
- Code optimization fast&small
- TICS makes a different between portrait and landscape in the .plg - so you have to call TICS twice if you want the same behaviour like ATPluginInstaller- but so you can also handle the different Sizes or can install different .plgs to Landscape and portrait... nice opportunity for Skinners
- it creates two temporary files direct in MainStorage "tempTitaniumLandscapeCpr.txt" and "tempTitaniumPortraitCpr.txt" which are the output files of - also a successful like a buggy call, too - of TICS - so you can handle it without need to copy something from Windows-Directory.
Of course will TICS change the current .cpr, too. And overwrite the temporary Files after next call of TICS
Everything else is already explained with ATPluginInstaller - but don't forget: CESetupDLL = "setup.dll" in TICS! :
Only a summary of the new advantages of TICS:
- fast - written in C with MSDN - nothing else! Needs only 20ms for a complete operation on a .cpr
- You can handle EACH .cpr now The most important of all
- .plg can be everywhere - you can also save the .plg in Internal Storage together with the Images to copy full Skins to your Plugins
- Post-Installation-Hook - you can handle everything which you need for yor Plugin now while installing the cab (install.mscr)
- Pre-Deinstallation-Hook - you can handle everything which you need for yor Plugin now before uninstalling the cab (uninstall.mscr)
- in pre- and post- un/installation you can handle everything also before calling TICS and also after calling TICS
-Detailed Error Messages and Numbers to handle them
- Special support-parameters for JMLToday & TitaniumRSS and some other Plugins
- Silent-Mode - TICS can suppress the Error-Messages and only write them to Registry - and you can handle them on your own
- Change View of Titanium to TitaniumListView or BronzeListView (disabled in Beta)
- Makes differences between portrait and landscape - and so the possibiity to have abolutely different Skins in this directions
- only installs in your Resolution - so it's fast and need less storage in your Windows-Directory
- User-friendly (e.g. Position - see above)
- Let you handle the both last calls of TICS by providing everything about them in Registry.
Download attached
Please: It's a RC: Before you try it - save your .cpr and the Values "ExtensibilityXML" and "Plugins" in Registry of CHome.
First File is Mortscript.exe (4.2-feel free to use,what you want) , TitaniumRefresh.exe, the setup.dll and an example for install.mscr and uninstall.mscr
Second File is TICS_installer.exe itself as zip
last change 3.1:
- "-change" to TitaniumListView bugfix
Thanx to Mort for providing the Setup.dll!!!
And AppStar for his great initial concept of ATPluginInstaller!!!
And I'm looking forward to new Themes & Skins, which are now much easier possible
Cheers & Thanxs
Like my work? For a new device to test, motivation, better developing environment and especially coffee - to spend much more nights, you can donate a cup of coffee for me.
Short Description: HowTo easily change your Plugin from ATPluginInstaller to TICS_installer (for Plugin-Developers) - needs only some minutes :
1. use the attached install.mscr and uninstall.mscr from Post #1 ("SetupDll_and_Mort.zip")
2. In install.mscr only put these Lines:
instPath = SystemPath( "ScriptPath" )
callParameter="-addchange -plg:"&plgPath&" -cpr:currentPortrait"
RunWait(instPath\"TICS_installer.exe", callParameter)
callParameter="-addchange -plg:"&plgPath&" -cpr:currentLandscape"
RunWait(instPath\"TICS_installer.exe", callParameter)
If you use another .plg - not default.plg - just change second line to the name of the .plg you want to install with .cab
3. In uninstall.mscr only put these Lines:
instPath = SystemPath( "ScriptPath" )
RunWait(instPath\"TICS_installer.exe", "-delete -plugin:[I]YourPlugin[/I] -cpr:currentLandscape")
RunWait(instPath\"TICS_installer.exe", "-delete -plugin:[I]YourPlugin[/I] -cpr:currentPortrait")
Only replace "YourPlugin" with the name of yourPlugin - e.g. "CNitrogen"
4. Put this install.mscr, uninstall.mscr, TICS_installer.exe, setup.dll, MortScript.exe (don't forget! use Version, you want) and CHomeRefresh.exe to your Main Directory of your Plugin. Delete "ATPluginInstaller.exe" and "CEsetupDLL.dll"
5. Add the new Files to your .inf-File
6. Change in [DefaultInstall]-Section of your inf the Line to: CESetupDLL = "setup.dll"
7. Cab your Plugin - ready - now your Plugin works with TICS - and therefore for all Themes
Longer Example MortScript:
Here's the Mortscript, what would almost do the same while installing a cab for a Titanium Pluing like ATPluginInstaller,
but with the difference: In the current (=active) CPR - it's also attached as example in Post #1 as download
### Sample: Installation for TICS - called by setup.dll
instPath = SystemPath( "ScriptPath" )
### Code before call of TICS_Installer ###
# empty
### TICS_Installer call portrait ###
callParameter="-addchange -plg:"&plgPath&" -cpr:currentPortrait"
RunWait(instPath\"TICS_installer.exe", callParameter)
### Handle here returned Error-Code: portrait ###
errorcode=RegRead("HKCU", "Software\TICS","ErrorNumber")
if (errorcode ne "0")
messagetext="Portrait Installation failed: "& RegRead("HKCU", "Software\TICS","ErrorDescription")
### TICS_Installer call landscape ###
callParameter="-addchange -plg:"&plgPath&" -cpr:currentLandscape"
RunWait(instPath\"TICS_installer.exe", callParameter)
### Handle here returned Error-Code: portrait ###
errorcode=RegRead("HKCU", "Software\TICS","ErrorNumber")
if (errorcode ne "0")
messagetext="Landscape Installation failed: "& RegRead("HKCU", "Software\TICS","ErrorDescription")
### Code after call of TICS_Installer ###
An example for uninstallation (parly) - it will uninstall your Plugin with the Name "Test" - replace it with the Name of your Plugin and it will work
RunWait(instPath\"TICS_installer.exe", "-delete -plugin:Test -cpr:currentLandscape")
RunWait(instPath\"TICS_installer.exe", "-delete -plugin:Test -cpr:currentPortrait")
Some other possible calls - e.g. also from C-/C++/-C#-/Whatever-Program:
// LPCWSTR ganzPar= L"-addchange -plg:\\Interner Speicher\\Sandbox\\test.plg -cpr:\\Interner Speicher\\Sandbox\\Titanium_480x640.cpr" ;
// LPCWSTR ganzPar = L"-addchange -plg:\\Interner Speicher\\Sandbox\\test.plg -cpr:currentPortrait";
// LPCWSTR ganzPar = L"-addchange -plg:\\Interner Speicher\\Sandbox\\test.plg -cpr:currentLandscape -isTICSSystemCall";
// LPCWSTR ganzPar = L"-delete -plugin:JMLToday -cpr:\\Interner Speicher\\Sandbox\\Titanium2_480x640.cpr";
// LPCWSTR ganzPar = L"-delete -plugin:Test -cpr:currentPortrait";
// LPCWSTR ganzPar = L"-delete -plugin:Test -cpr:currentLandscape";
// LPCWSTR ganzPar = L"-delete -plugin:Testplugin -cpr:all";
// LPCWSTR ganzPar = L"-delete -plugin:Testplugin -cpr:\\Interner Speicher\\Sandbox\\Titanium_480x640.cpr";
And here the Listings of the Registry-Keys in HKCU/Software/TICS :
callAction: Last kind of Call, e.g. addchange
callCPR: full-qualified path of CPR which should be changed
callOrgDefaultXML/callOrgExtXML/callOrgPlugins: Saves the DefaultXML/ExtensibilityXML/Plugins before Changing
callOverall: All Parameters which were given to TICS_installer
callPLG: full-qualified path of PLG which should be injected
callTypeCPR: direct or current
ErrorDescription: Long description of Error Message
ErrorNumber: Number of the Error
last...: The same as above for the Call before
new...: The changes of TICS in Registry - with "current" also in your Titanium - otherwise only here, so you can copy it after installation e.g. in install.mscr
Nice day 4 U
Changelogs of former Versions:
changelog ReleaseCandidate 3.1:
- -change to TitaniumListView now works (not necessary to update from RC3.0 if you are a Plugin-Developers, who doesn't use "-change")
changelog ReleaseCandidate 3.0:
- Wrong Upload - therefore RC2.0 no more exists
- Bugfix: in seldom constallations other Plugins disappeared
- Added 2 more understandable Error Messages
changelog ReleaseCandidate 1.0
- added "ForbiddenList"
- added check of ExtensibilityXML to get the correct cpr-Name
- added possibility to change a cpr to TitaniumListView / BronzeListview
- increased speed - reduced filesize
Changelog Beta2:
- Made a Fix to Compiler-Options - in the optimization it made something wrong sometimes in .exe
- Some Bugfixes because of Feedback (now it's stable with changing the Windows-CPR)
- Implemented this to JMLToday-cab and tested it: All works - and if this works, so we can be very sure, that it works for all Plugins instead of ATPluginInstaller
- added Parameters:
-- The Version-Number of TICS will alway be transmitted to Registry HKCU/Software/TICS:Version
-- "-nochangechomereg" : Independent from -current..., TICS_installer won't change the Registry of CHome - only create the key in HKCU/Software/CHome, which you can copy or use afterwards.
-- "-nochangecpr" : Independent from -current..., TICS won't write back the cpr-File to the original and will only provide the temp-File, which you can use by your install-script
-- "-isTICSSystemCall": This will be a reserved Parameter for the whole TICS-System - and you can never rely on,what it does-so never use it - it's only for "C" and "S" of TICS - and can change its behaviour
- Some small optimizations in code
- Tested it very hard
OK - I must go now for today - thanx for Feedback, how we can alltogether get it appropriate for each special wishes of the Themers, Skinners and Plugin-Developers.
Have Fun with TICS-Checking
Nice, now if someone wants a specific plugin for say my NeoTitanium or the Windows 7 Titanium or any other Titanium skin that uses custom named CPR's, the developer can make the layout or any skinner can make their own. Will make my job a lot easier, Thank you!!!
Enjoy your coffee, it's well earned.
Unique Transaction ID #4HH62607UX4580321
You have really outdone yourself Micha, that is great.
I am no skinner and also cannot program, but i will dig into this to understand it fully as it very interesting and opens a lot of possibilities.
Thank you! I'm looking forward to everything what the Skinners will do with your NeoTitanium
Thanx, too, Claus! You had so much effort increating and providing your cpr's for all resolutions and themes - I hope it's now much easier for you.
And hey - there's no need to programming - only using the Parameters
I hope some Plugins will test soon the changing of the files (setup.dll, TICS_installer.exe) - and the most of them can overtake almost blind (only changing the PluginName) the install.mscr and uninstall.mscr of the download (and shown in Post #2) - it would almost do the same as PluginInstaller before - but now for each Titanium-Theme - and I think that's interesting for all Plugin-Developers.
I will insert it also in JMLToday andsend it to JMHL afterwards - but there will be much more needed than only the Installation-Part.
The same later on with TitaniumRSS (because TitaniumRSS has already since the first Release TICS inside for changing to FullView and some more things- so I learned, what's important).
I want to explain some additional Parameters here - only to discuss, if they would be necessary for you:
- The Version-Number of TICS will alway be transmitted to Registry - better then a "-version"-Parameter - ok?
- There will be a "-change" - Parameter - e.g. then with "-cprchange:titaniumlistview|bronzelistview" - I don't think I have to explain, what it means
- Perhaps some Parameters there in "-change" which changes the Action-Areas and some more (proposals... we will see)
- "-nochangechomereg" : Independent from -current..., TICS_installer won't change the Registry of CHome - only create he key in HKCU/Software/CHome, which you can copy or use afterwards.
- "-nochangecpr" : Independent from -current..., TICS won't write back the cpr-File to the original and will only provide the temp-File, which you can use by your install-script
- "-isTICSSystemCall": This will be a reserved Parameter for the whole TICS-System - and you can never rely on,what it does-so never use it - it's only for "C" and "S" of TICS - and can change its behaviour
I didn't write this proposals of the Parameters to Post #1 (some of them are already implemented, but disabled in Beta) - not toconfuse to much - they would be seldom used - and the most important for Plugin-Developers,Skinners, Theme-Makers,... are in Post #1
But nevertheless: If you want something special of functionality for your Theme oder your Plugin or to help for skinning .plg's - it's the best now before Iwill open the Release-Thread of TICS.
Later on - I will add each Betas here - and the Releases with the official implemented and upward-compatible functionalities in the Release-Thread of the whole TICS-Suite.
Especially from Theme-Makers and Plugin-Developers: I hope you have a look at the Parameters of Post #1 - and can tell me, what you would like to have for your Plugin.
Ok - thanx for the Feedbacks (better here in Thread as via PN - so I would see it much faster)
I have changed the things - and deleted Beta1 from Download and added Beta2 in Post #2
I have tested it hard - and I already integrated it in JMLToday.cab to see, if everything will work (JMLToday is very complex in installing and using .plg) - and it's stable with TICS Beta2 - so you can test it also with your Plugins.
Also I had to optimize the code a little bit and added some of the Parameters, I mentioned.
I only want to run it with some further informations - therefore the .exe is a little bit bigger now. But no bad effect on the speed.
I also have put each "Beta"-Status out of the Beta - no limitations and also no more messages and Silent-Mode is activated, if set.
The Message - if activated - are now also shown in Foreground
Works really stable to integrate it.
So - Beta2 is also Release Candidate 1
Please Feedback for wishes,...
It would be nice to have a replacement for CHomeRefresh
After each CHomeRefresh, some keys I deleted from the registry get restored, amongst other things.
We could perhaps call it via:
TICS_Installer.exe -refresh
You now already have a replacement, adwin - because it's only called from the mortscripts
I did it on purpose So everybody can choose if he wants to handle the Return-Values before or make a Refresh.
So - TICS.exe will NEVER call a Refresh by itself - you can rely on
So you can use RedrawToday from Mortscript or RefreshToday.exe or nothing (or something else - there are some more programs). What's better for you (Therefore also the additional parameters, which only write to shadows)
Don't forget - now you have an Interface while installing/uninstalling the cab. So I had no reason to integrate the Refresh into the TICS-exe.
And because of the Restored Keys after Refresh - Beta2 also sets DefaultXML now - just uploaded some minutes before to Post #1
OK so?
mind realeasing the jmltoday version with this
n if possible have it take the red f the main clock in the bliss theme
Yes - but please: TICS is for all Plugins and Themes - and so please ask in the Plugins and Themes you use, if the could integrate TICS, so that everybody can enjoy each Plugin in each Theme.
I can only provide the Files - and it's simple to swap ATPluginInstaller.exe with TICS_installer.exe and also the cesetupdll.dll with setup.dll and add the 2 Scripts and only make a few simple modifications to them (which .plg - I set in Scripts still default.plg as example).
So each Plugin would automatically work with each themes - without anything more to do.
The Tests are fine - and ok - JMLToday - I'm involved and already made the new cab with TICS - but that must also be published according with JMHL. (and you were not the first who asked for JMLToday with TICS - I won't forget it, sure )
But it works for all Plugins & Themes - so please ask them also direct in their Thread.
@Micha : You can publish your version of JMLToday5.4 with TICS (no problem).
I have lot of work (business-work, plugins in progress....) and i have not time to make all...
OK - I've uploaded it meanwhile, until you have more Time:
JMLToday 5.4 installed by TICS as cab - Download-Post :
Then everybody can begin with making Skins for all the other Themes, like Bliss, NeoTitanium,...
ok,thanx for the messages.I would only now need a feedback from somebody with QVGA or WQVGA-device. indifferent if you only inserts a single .plg or tried the link above from jmltoday.
But it's really an app for Developers,Theme-Makers to check it.
Like wished, I will add the "ForbiddenList" ((I will explain it) and then I will release TICS_installer as first app from the TICS-Suite.
Works fine so far
Thanx for the Feedbacks (I still don't understand, why you don't make it here in Thread...)
I added the wishes - I didn't changed the main features - so description is still the same to replace ATPluginInstaller with TICS_Installer - here are the adds of the First Release Candidate:
- added "ForbiddenList"
If you have a special .cpr - and you want to prevent it temporary from changes by Plugin-Installations - you only have to add the name of the cpr to /HKCU/Software/TICS -> "ForbiddenList" - enclosed with semicolons,
e.g. ForbiddenList=";TitaniumRSS;;Specialcpr;"
Then TICS would also if "currentPortrait" or "currentLandscape" is set for cpr - only make the temporary Files for this cpr and also the temporary Registry-Entries - but wouldn't change the Titanium system.
- added check of ExtensibilityXML to get the correct cpr-Name
TICS uses normally "CPRFile" in CHome to identify the current cpr - but now it also looks into ExtensibilityXML - and if there is another cpr-Name - then TICS uses this CPR-Name and also sets "CPRFile" this name (it's really better for TitaniumSystem- that both settings are switched, also if you think, that ExtensibilityXML would be enough)
- added possibility to change a cpr to TitaniumListView / BronzeListview
TICS_installer.exe -change -view:TitaniumListView -cpr:currentPortrait
the current protrait cpr would be change to TitaniumListView - so that e.g. JMLPanex would also work with Titanium7Project.
TICS_installer.exe -change -view:BronzeListView -cpr:currentPortrait
it would be switched back
- increased speed - reduced filesize
you will see it .exe is now 35kb - and also for big cpr-Files very fast.
I don't want to add new functionalities for 1.0 now - but this Beta-Thread will remain also after Release - to add this things to next versions.
But the main-calls to -addchange and -delete, which are in 1.0 - will remain forever in each next update - so only expansions ae possible after Release.
So you can be sure, tht all Plugins, which are installed by TICS - remain upward-compatible for the future.
Please tell me, if you'd see any bug in RC1 - but it was good tested and has almost no differences to Beta2 in the MainStream (but faster &smaller) - so it's not necessary to wait too long until RC1 will be 1st Release.
Please report anything, what you see in trial.
Thanx & have fun with making your Plugins installable for all Titanium-Themes
BTW: If you need a further example how to use TICS RC1 - it's used inside this .cab :
and still runs fine - otherwise just write it here (no more by PN please )
Thanx for the hint, Tb1502!
I wrote in Post #1 that:
CESetup.DLL = "setup.dll" should be the .inf-Entry for a Plugin, but it should be of course without the . :
CESetupDLL = "setup.dll"
in .inf to use the new setup.dll
Thanx again & Sorry
OK - after Feedback: RC1 is also first Release - all works fine.
I won't make a new Thread at the moment for the Release - think I will make this Thread after I have the most implemented "C" and "S" of TICS for the users.
I have added a short description to Post #2, how to change your Plugin from ATPluginInstaller to TICS_Installer. A few simple steps - takes only some minutes:
1. use the attached install.mscr and uninstall.mscr from Post #1 ("SetupDll_and_Mort.zip")
2. In install.mscr only put these Lines:
instPath = SystemPath( "ScriptPath" )
callParameter="-addchange -plg:"&plgPath&" -cpr:currentPortrait"
RunWait(instPath\"TICS_installer.exe", callParameter)
callParameter="-addchange -plg:"&plgPath&" -cpr:currentLandscape"
RunWait(instPath\"TICS_installer.exe", callParameter)
If you use another .plg - not default.plg - just change second line to the name of the .plg you want to install with .cab
3. In uninstall.mscr only put these Lines:
instPath = SystemPath( "ScriptPath" )
RunWait(instPath\"TICS_installer.exe", "-delete -plugin:[I]YourPlugin[/I] -cpr:currentLandscape")
RunWait(instPath\"TICS_installer.exe", "-delete -plugin:[I]YourPlugin[/I] -cpr:currentPortrait")
Only replace "YourPlugin" with the name of yourPlugin - e.g. "CNitrogen"
4. Put this install.mscr, uninstall.mscr, TICS_installer.exe, setup.dll, MortScript.exe (don't forget! use Version, you want) and CHomeRefresh.exe to your Main Directory of your Plugin. Delete "ATPluginInstaller.exe" and "CEsetupDLL.dll"
5. Add the new Files to your .inf-File
6. Change in [DefaultInstall]-Section of your inf the Line to: CESetupDLL = "setup.dll"
7. Cab your Plugin - ready - now your Plugin works with TICS - and therefore for all Themes
OK - the Tests were all ok - some Plugins use it meandwhile - and hey.. you are using Beta2 - But RC1 is the new one!
It's running faster and is smaller - I think I will make sooner a Release Thread,than I wanted
But in Release - it will be the same as RC1 - so please use this (Just compare the changelog - the main functions are the same, but there's some differences between older Beta2 and RC1 - for special use - if you need it)
And Beta2 is good tested, but RC1 is better tested, because it's already running in some Pugins
Okay here comes FIRST ROOT for X10
It was done by Jerpelea, biktor_gj and Bin4ry!
Thanks go out to : ( No meaning of order )
McKebapp for Hosting the private Forum
Goroh_Kun for providing the flasher
Also to:
This is Idiot proof in 3 steps (thanks Jerpelea for that )
Be sure that you have Seus installed and your phone was detected in Flashmod by Seus!
This is essential, because SEUS installes the drivers and the DeviceID gets written in Registry!
Look also in Posts 2-6 for additional informations
Files to download:
New Root (2/3 Step) Version download:
If you want update to R2BA026 download the files from post #4 -> Link
The guide stays the same!
Rapidshare: (X10a_Missing Files included)
X10a_Only Missing Files (just extract):
On 64-Bit Systems download this file too please:
On Itanium64 Systems:
Old Files, don't download! We just want to list them!
HOTFILE: [OLD Version 1]
Step 1 for flashtool:
http://rapidshare.com/files/408965479/step1_devid.rar 32-Bit
http://rapidshare.com/files/408965469/step1_dev_64.rar 64-Bit
This is automatic DeviceID Finder. Please extract it into step1 folder (this is folder where X10flash.bat is located) and overwrite Files. This will detect the DeviceID automatically and saves it to DeviceID.txt
Step 1 for Omnius:
(Step 2-5)
Step5 R2 FIX & Market Fix: 06.07.2010
Step 0
Extract the file to a desired folder!
Please extract it to a folder without spaces.
For example:
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Rooting is not good!
If you are running a 64-Bit System you should have downloaded the additional file!
Please extract it and copy the "DevID"-folder in "Step1"-Folder AND in "X10a"-Folder! Just overwrite the existing files!
Step 1
Now you must run the first flash Process.
To do it just run the file: "1_downgrade_flash.cmd".
It will give you a screen like this:
If you see that you have to connect your X10 in Flashmode now!
Connecting in flashmode is easy:
Shutdown your phone -> Connect USB Cable TO PHONE -> Push and HOLD the Back-Button -> CONNECT USB Cable to PC.
If you see the green LED in the upper right corner you are in Flashmode!
Now quick press ENTER (you have ~5sec until X10 boots up and leaves flashmode)
If you done everything right you should see a lot of commands running in your Dosbox. It will look like this:
You have to wait a few minutes until you get this Message:
Congrats! Now you completed Step1! Please disconnect phone from PC an take your Battery out for ~5 sec.
Step 2
First startup the Phone and activate USB-Debugging:
Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB Debugging!
This looks like this:
Now execute the file named: "2_root_system.cmd" !
After you executed you should the this :
If you got a Error your USB-Debug mode doesnt work well. You have to reinstall new Pc-Companion! (Best is that you install thisone which your phone offers you)
If this step worked you should see this Screen at your phone after a few seconds:
run step 2 and select "update from sdcard" on phone. Be patient and don't push the button again! It will take a few seconds!
After it's done you should see this screens at your phone:
All you have to do now is wait until this finishes. The phone seems to restart 4-5 times.
If everything is done your phone will bootup automatically!
Now after your phone rebooted, please check again if USB-Debugging is still active!
If it's active you have to switch back to the open Command Prompt windows and Push any key to finish the step! This will install the rest of the software including the su and superuser.apk!
It will look like this if the step runs well:
Congrats you have finished step2!
If you have a X10i you are done here!
Step 3 - X10a Only!
Okay now you have to complete the conversion from X10i to X10a!
For this is step3!
To do it please run the file named: "3_patch_X10a_only.cmd"
After the copying is done you will see a similar window as in step1. It will tell you that you should connect your X10 in flashmode!
Please do it like in step 1. Connect the phone an press any button. The process will flash the baseband of X10a R2!
Now you are done
Thank to ghidda for the nice pictures
So this is easy and first root for X10!
Total Donations: 1.270,76 EUR (NOTE PayPal takes a little fee of every Donation!)
To Anonymous users or if someone feels he is missing. Please contact me. Maybe i mad a mistake!
This are the Donators:
RODRIGOFD 15$ 06J98464VT910682D 27.06.2010
not.implemented.yet 30€ 50N11276B9304011P 27.06.2010
felidaey 7€ 0DT07436YF5503602 27.06.2010
fFRiKiNFRoG 20$ 6UJ948350A321524V) 27.06.2010
harrisck 10$ 2BK72903YE2390821 27.06.2010
rog0978 20$ 4MK127800T3755305 27.06.2010
finalmoksha 10$ 20N15993V82360006 27.06.2010
jerpelea 20$ 9L3664332U727430M 27.06.2010
frankbonatelli 25$ 1D746812P66717504 27.06.2010
Diabolico 15$ 4TP89677PY871400L 27.06.2010
Kevin_R 20€ 5FG92103CA8400329 27.06.2010
hondaguy 10$ 79933428DW659271G 27.06.2010
MrKingLouie 10€ 351795438H723080V 27.06.2010
TheAccomplice88 10$ 6CY462401X259614F 28.06.2010
Tulips 10$ 96Y04341C27989227 28.06.2010
biktor_gj 50€ 4RS246581A370602C 28.06.2010
chowdarygm 10€ 80D57303PH617033C 28.06.2010
freco 20€ 28.06.2010
Gerain 10$ 7EH71269L76629146 28.06.2010
freco 20€ 07P43397DU764793U 28.06.2010
HushH 10$ 1XT933926B1112942 28.06.2010
ratheen 10$ 3D830936NH5769009 28.06.2010
marco (pocketpc.ch) 50€ 70H01815GK3080018 28.06.2010
lcqbweb 20$ 9JF334982A366113Y 28.06.2010
Nimche 50$ 0BY45164GF206354S 28.06.2010
30$ 1UH11414N4310115T 29.06.2010
Total 80$
Iornova 10€ 7KR039944W176160J 28.06.2010
tum.osx 40 GBP 6XL59795CE1482328 28.06.2010
JustC 70$ 50S03787MA1192512 28.06.2010
mattiL 10€ 0GK46140HG7485409 28.06.2010
darrab2002 10€ 88N67817BE3660523 28.06.2010
cangui 20€ 2BG18180VU9977011 28.06.2010
dpdp_x10 10$ 1WT7939218797823B 28.06.2010
Evostance 5 GBP 3Y235279B1581691G 28.06.2010
leobg 10 $ 4X919098NP151705B 28.06.2010
noblackthunder 50 $ 9UY139584E051911A 28.06.2010
gfgodoy 10 $ 9XJ11214NM998304M 28.06.2010
Deimos 10 $ 79933428DW659271G 28.06.2010
charlie42 10 $ 5M371024X41993705 29.06.2010
ranblv 15 $ 5PK31938RJ949254S 29.06.2010
kikamal 26 € 9YL979651A7701511 29.06.2010
Gerad21 10 $ 9967383784446225V 29.06.2010
jimsey 20$ 0T800119N8845764H 29.06.2010
brunswick000 26 $ 08B12343AU5809053 29.06.2010
geraldkw 10 € 31F44761YF977433E 29.06.2010
ssjowowo 40 € 7YL97439YY2231725 29.06.2010
brodos123 10 $ 4WH88483FM913091U 29.06.2010
jymdman 10 € 7E9044845M558720C 29.06.2010
Astral07 20€ 8WC63838G5060254W 30.06.2010
gyl0119 15 $ 3KC98033E7070661V 30.06.2010
chandyperry 10 $ 81759964DJ512850H 30.06.2010
CharlesW123 10 $ 06P1808980579670X 30.06.2010
chewitt 5 GBP 7GF70018HG061062L 30.06.2010
asmanthebell 15 GBP 3AT01267SM742590X 30.06.2010
mmxsaro 20 $ 57A7874318385323H 30.06.2010
majik8ball 15 $ 1JG488449B916040Y 30.06.2010
tranced_ 3 $ 3UY35025967026849 30.06.2010
guywithjeep 20 $ 0SC60337U02338350 01.07.2010
xixem 10 $ 1FK99527G0598154A 01.07.2010
PeteGraham 10 GBP 79D30137RH375703F 01.07.2010
[BBC|one] 10 € 24V417125H057035W 01.07.2010
sergiu84 10 GBP 0PD523502K336602J 02.07.2010
Guachanchoya 10€ 6N660384RE7062016 03.07.2010
oavon 20 € 77880919XA747424J 03.07.2010
Varming 10 € 75594431PE403302N 04.07.2010
NotBillable 15 $ 3VT64457LE1637605 05.07.2010
frostdream 15 € 8B3166633Y831992V 06.07.2010
oferta.cerere 0,50€ 0K559690UM620541S) 09.07.2010
saltorio 15 $ 5JX286206G3853425 12.07.2010
Lewisskinner 10 GBP 8MN7576630026183V 16.07.2010
Gurre 10 $ 7U640392JB975441X 16.07.2010
ANONYMOUS 10 $ 1F067183UT6197112 22.07.2010
ANONYMOUS 20 $ 1MK77435AJ450081F 21.07.2010
ANONYMOUS 10 € 21W99837UT4063531 16.07.2010
ANONYMOUS 5 $ 1TN117323J160103W 16.07.2010
ANONYMOUS 15 $ 2B786767JR7063848 14.07.2010
ANONYMOUS 10 $ 3R211947718514918 11.07.2010
ANONYMOUS 10 $ 3R211947718514918 11.07.2010
ANONYMOUS 10 $ 21B850609X728400W 08.07.2010
ANONYMOUS 20 $ 8XX1827390716240N 07.07.2010
ANONYMOUS 10 € 6HL399299W607160K 06.07.2010
ANONYMOUS 5 € 0DD05934DV833364X 03.07.2010
ANONYMOUS 5 € 043618802R3710441 02.07.2010
ANONYMOUS 5 € 9CY76074PB5345943 01.07.2010
ANONYMOUS 11,11$ 28796341K67597050 30.06.2010
ANONYMOUS 10 € 21A90737VY109982H 30.06.2010
ANONYMOUS 10€ 6JF08057726474035 30.06.2010
ANONYMOUS 14€ 8AP292277E198933C 30.06.2010
Anonymous 10$ 20N15993V82360006 27.06.2010
ANONYMOUS 20 $ 9DA61165DW158602S 28.06.2010
ANONYMOUS 20€ 1Y0686051C927644G 28.06.2010
ANONYMOUS 10$ 18P47216M40389633 28.06.2010
ANONYMOUS 2,5€ 601406784N3425319 28.06.2010
ANONYMOUS 20$ 58464123LJ027961G 28.06.2010
ANONYMOUS 10$ 2JB11726AY3788446 28.06.2010
ANONYMOUS 15$ 73353072EJ412324N 28.06.2010
ANONYMOUS 10$ 97C07925W7027371C 28.06.2010
ANONYMOUS 5$ 5VS95413LL327614Y 28.06.2010
ANONYMOUS 10$ 3AR68546DW992142E 29.06.2010
ANONYMOUS 5 $ 98P0989377021314F 29.06.2010
ANONYMOUS 10 $ 8YN65713PY5581030 29.06.2010
ANONYMOUS 5 $ 8AE7044330961144M 29.06.2010
ANONYMOUS 5 $ 1LA85376V3002573R 29.06.2010
Have fun with root!
Bin4ry, Jerpelea and Biktor_gj
Marketfix for R2BA023 Standalone:
If you having problems to follow the tutorial you can checkout one of the VideoGuides or User-Tutorials!
Video-Tutorial of Rooting R2: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=714038
User-Tutorial to Root: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=714004
Newb-Guide to Root: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=717949
Videoguide of removing apps: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=714021
64bit Java FIX Videguide: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=713457
Thanks to the Users which are helping with these Nice Guides
Best Regards
Errors of X10Flash:
INFO: start
java.io.IOException: Unable to open channel, GetLastError=0
at com.sonyericsson.cs.usbflashnative.impl.USBFlashNativeImpl.openChannel(Native Method)
If you get this error you have added WRONG device ID. Maybe you have not only ONE in registry. Try finding another one!
If all don't work. Please install SEUS one time and this far SEUS wants you to connect XPERIA in flashmode.
After this is done you should find your Device ID! (Because SEUS found it and installed drivers! )
There is another Erro regarded to 32bit and 64bit Systems!
If you got this Error, please uninstall Java -> Reboot
Download Sun JRE 32bit -> install -> Reboot.
Now you should be fine.
even if files look the same or have same name
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS IS NOT ROM OR ROOT RELEATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
keyboard not showing
1.goto settings->regional->htc IME - enter and exit that menu
2.open an imput filed that requires keybord ->select ime ->select Keyboard
keyboard will show anytime from now!
return to shipped rom
1.download flash tool/unbrick
2.download desired rom
Some things to know...
WARNING: If your phone starts rebooting, doing strange things, or gets stucked in the middle of firmware update or rooting process, check if the back of the phone or the battery is overheated.
I found on my phone, when internal battery temp is above 38ºC, the phone starts rebooting when there's a lot of network traffic or when the cpu is working hard (when it boots, when updating firmware or when installing a lot of applications in parallel). If you see this behaviour, first turn off your phone, take out the battery, and let it cool down. After a few minutes try again. Or, if you can not wait, put it in fron of an air conditioner and repeat the operation
(not joking, where I live there are 30-36ºC these days and my last root attempt required my car's air conditioner blowing up at 16ºC. After 7 tries all crashing, this last time the process went smoothly).
You can check battery temperature by launching Dialer application and typing: *#*#4636#*#* and then on the menu, tap on battery information.
Applications that aren't _absolutely_ required:
I have done a bit of cleaning in this last rom. So far everything is working fine, no problems with audio of any kind, freezing or strange behaviour. These are the applications I have removed from /system/app:
Feel free to try for yourself, but before you do a 'rm', I would advise you to do a folder inside of system/app, and simply move all you don't want there. For example:
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system
cd system/app
mkdir Temp
mv mediascape* Temp/
After you checked there aren't any problems, simply do rm -rf Temp.
P.S.: Mediascape is NOT required to correct audio routing between speaker & headphones. This problem was caused by differences on the kernel module that controls audio routing and the newer baseband. With last root version you shouldn't have any problems using Android's original Music app.
First of all...THANK YOU GUYS. Secondly, if I am on a X10a should I skip step3.bat?
EDITED: Now that its been a few days, just wanted to edit this post and emphasize that everything is running great on my X10a. Never thought I'd see the day where this thing was rooted! Nicely done.
great news! what about x10a versions? i have a rogers x10a in canada (running brazilian R1FB001) and want to root it. if i can also root mine i will be happy to donate too
For X10a skip step 3 or exchange files with files from X10a Firmware
I update the first post later!
You can use step 3 for 10a
We will provide special files for x10a
The download file is unavailable for me, anyone else having this prob
So was downloading the other firmwares in preparation of the root as well as downloading flashtool unecessary?
*looks annoyingly at his phonebill*
LUV you guys. Downloading...
This is great!!
Have been reading threads since i brought the x10 but never posted because i felt i can not contribute anything... This is a great way to start posting in this amazing forum with amazing guys like you.
Thank you ..
Nice one, England may have lost but at least theres some good news to cheer me up today!
Super work guys - can't wait to try this!
I cannot log with my paypal acocunt on the donation page, why? And an englishpage would also help to understand
Congrats on the achievement guys, downloading now.
Is it possible to go back to stock ROM after applying this?
Waiting battery to charge and will try the rooting, i hope some day will see froyo on my x10
Any chance of just posting the files changed from the stock updates or are the images themselves modified?