Ways to improve your battery Life - Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini

Hi All,
After googling lot on improving the battery life.. I found many ways to improve the battery life. Sharing it with you..
1. Use Auto Killers - Kill all the background processes. *
2. Use in Aeroplane Mode - while you are in out of signal area. ****
3. UnderClocking - Apps available like setCPU, OverClockWidget, cpuTuner.. sets the clock frequency to lower values when screen is off. ****
4. Undervolting - make processor to work below the standard voltage. This is kernel level configuration.. not sure how to implement..
5. Use a powerful battery - there are some batteries with more mAh which last longer. ***
6. Proper Charging - ****
turn off the phone, plug it in, preferably overnight.
boot the phone up while still plugged in.
delete the batterystats.bin file ether through adb, Root Explorer or terminal
drain the battery fully, until it powers down. wait a min or two and reboot it to completely drain it.
then your phone now knows correct voltage values for 100% and dead.
Remember: Flashing a new Android build erases the battery stats, and automatically rebuilds them based on voltages it see's.so must recondition after each flash to get max battery life.
Please Reshare your view and observation...

I was out of WCDMA range for a week over Christmas (just GSM network available) and using my phone with Wifi and a bit of Bluetooth Audio (and even a bit of angry birds!) The battery lasted for.. wait for it..
5days, 3h, 27min 29sec (I put it on Charge at 23% capacity!!) so I think I could have got 6 or even 7 days out of it (not that I would let the battery get that low on purpose)!
must be some kind of record!
and in reply to the above post about discharging the battery.... (I don't want to bore people on here with another one of my Li-po Battery care rants so I will keep it short this time)
I wouldn't recommend discharging Li-Po batteries too often, they hate it and it can significantly reduce the over all life of the battery (which would suck for the mini) I say leave the charging up to the phone and just top up regularly using a low Amp charger (USB is good or other 500mA charger, I feel the 850mA charger that came with the phone is a bit over powered) try not to let the phone discharge until it shuts off (this is triggering a safety switch to protect the battery from damage, and its not good for it)
That is all.. carry on.

whats battery duration for x10 mini pro?
with a normal / litle intensive usage, my battery must be charged every day.
Is this normal?

bitmovel said:
whats battery duration for x10 mini pro?
with a normal / litle intensive usage, my battery must be charged every day.
Is this normal?
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I usually get 2 or 3 days. On days that I skype, I have to recharge. It depends a lot on usage. I guess that, if you don't use the smartphone capabilities, you will get an even longer battery time.
More info about the battery on the wiki.

I was just rereading the comment of kiwi braad worst, and he might have a good point on using a low amp charger. I mostly use the charger from the usb. When I use the charger that came with the phone (850mA) I get less battery. Though, that could be placebo effect.
Sent from my U20i using XDA App

bitmovel said:
whats battery duration for x10 mini pro?
with a normal / litle intensive usage, my battery must be charged every day.
Is this normal?
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My experience with the X10 Mini (not PRO) is that the battery life gets better over time. It's worth discharging and recharging the battery fully a couple of times and then resuming a 'normal' charge routine - let it drop below 20 or 15% and charge it until it's 80%+ charged. When I first got my phone it needed a charge every day. Now it needs one every three or more on average. I've also found that turning off the 3G aerial (allowing GSM only) and manually selecting the network operator (preventing regular polling) helped extend the time between recharges. There are widgets available that will allow quick access to those functions when needed. I will say that I'm not an 'always-on' kinda user. It's mostly a phone/music player to me, but once or twice a day I check email, browse web etc

Try Juice Defender

The two biggest things on my battery use is the display and the cell standby.
So the best way to save battery would be not to use it that often....
sucks but that is pretty much the truth about it.

spence91 said:
The two biggest things on my battery use is the display and the cell standby.
So the best way to save battery would be not to use it that often....
sucks but that is pretty much the truth about it.
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I Turned the brightness down and that gave me abit extra.

One very good way to save battery power is to disable vibration if possible. Vibration uses two times more battery power than ringtones due to the low frequency required by the speaker. Disable vibration and save batter power.
Use an application that can edit cpufreq, like Overclock Widget and SetCPU to reduce battery power when screen turns off
Overclock widget can set different cpu max and min speeds for when screen turned on or off.
Battery Diviner can record patterns in battery usage and change performance according to your usage.


battery Never really hits 100% anymore

Ok so Here's the deal
When I flash a rom I charge the phone till it hits 100%. I then reset the battery stats and go on about my day. With in a few minutes of being off the charger my battery has now dropped down to about 96 %. I do realize that batteries do not stay at 100% but this is crazy. I've only deep cycled my battery once for fear that it may damage my battery.
I Am using Teamwhiskeys ultra awesome bionix-v rom with ttabals oc kernal. I know I am to expect a slightly more rapid drain but this is crazy. I have even tried to lower the vcore and I slowed down the cpu to 800mhz. It still drains just as fast.
The odd thing to me is If i turn my phone off and let it fully charge to 100 percent reset stats then turn on phone It will show full for a minute then drop down to to 96 or 95 percent.
I personally think my battery is damaged but spare parts shows that it is ok.
So i am rather confused by this .
I know I should probably use the stock kernal but it seems like its just as bad with that.
I have looked at the threads about battery life and I am not expecting it to be amazing just hoping it will be ok!
Tell me what ya think !
mt battery play tricks on me too when my phone doesent see that im lookin at it it shows 90 when i look at it and phone notice it bounces to 85 like it hates me , lol but dont take my words for it P
Spare parts would show that too. I remember when I had my G1 spare parts would tell me it was fine. But a 3 hour full battery doesn't seem fine does it? Id suggest getting it replaced.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Ill probably nurse it... but I am having major ocd type problems about it.
I cannot stress this part enough, so I'm putting at the top, do not do the following often, as it can have a negative effect on Li batteries if done too much.
You want to try what is known as a bump charge. With your phone off, charge to 100 percent. You will see the green battery icon with "100" on it once it reaches full. Unplug from the charger for a minute, then plug it back in, phone still off, and let it reach 100 again. If you want you can do this a third time, do keep in mind, bump charging too much or with any type of frequency can have negative effects on your battery, but doing it once in a great great while helps with with what you are experiencing.
thanks Br1cK'd and those who replied.
I have tried the bump charging method. I am affraid that my efforts to repair my battery are causing it more harm than good.
ok i just restored bionix v and had it charge to 100 percent
spare parts says
battery level 100
battery scale 100
battery health good
battery voltage says 4243mv
battery temp 30.0
hazard99 said:
Ok so Here's the deal
When I flash a rom I charge the phone till it hits 100%. I then reset the battery stats and go on about my day. With in a few minutes of being off the charger my battery has now dropped down to about 96 %. I do realize that batteries do not stay at 100% but this is crazy. I've only deep cycled my battery once for fear that it may damage my battery.
I Am using Teamwhiskeys ultra awesome bionix-v rom with ttabals oc kernal. I know I am to expect a slightly more rapid drain but this is crazy. I have even tried to lower the vcore and I slowed down the cpu to 800mhz. It still drains just as fast.
The odd thing to me is If i turn my phone off and let it fully charge to 100 percent reset stats then turn on phone It will show full for a minute then drop down to to 96 or 95 percent.
I personally think my battery is damaged but spare parts shows that it is ok.
So i am rather confused by this .
I know I should probably use the stock kernal but it seems like its just as bad with that.
I have looked at the threads about battery life and I am not expecting it to be amazing just hoping it will be ok!
Tell me what ya think !
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There is one thing you are messing up. If you flash your phone on a 100% charge then you DO NOT need to wipe battery stats. You only have to wipe battery stats if you flash when your battery is not at 100%!
hazard99 said:
Ok so Here's the deal
When I flash a rom I charge the phone till it hits 100%. I then reset the battery stats and go on about my day. With in a few minutes of being off the charger my battery has now dropped down to about 96 %. I do realize that batteries do not stay at 100% but this is crazy. I've only deep cycled my battery once for fear that it may damage my battery.
I Am using Teamwhiskeys ultra awesome bionix-v rom with ttabals oc kernal. I know I am to expect a slightly more rapid drain but this is crazy. I have even tried to lower the vcore and I slowed down the cpu to 800mhz. It still drains just as fast.
The odd thing to me is If i turn my phone off and let it fully charge to 100 percent reset stats then turn on phone It will show full for a minute then drop down to to 96 or 95 percent.
I personally think my battery is damaged but spare parts shows that it is ok.
So i am rather confused by this .
I know I should probably use the stock kernal but it seems like its just as bad with that.
I have looked at the threads about battery life and I am not expecting it to be amazing just hoping it will be ok!
Tell me what ya think !
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It's not out of the ordinary for a battery indicator to show a few percent drop rather quickly on a LiIon battery. Secondly you should take a battery indicator with a rather large grain of salt. Expecting precision in single digit percentages from the indicator is unrealistic and nearly impossible to rely on given the nature of discharge of a battery. Batteries do not charge or discharge in a linear manner, and people do not use battery powered devices in a linear way either.
It is a visual guide, not a precise and accurate indicator. Many custom roms have a percent accurate indicator, but don't mistake this with being dead-on accurate. It is merely an attempt to make it a BETTER visual GUIDE.
To evaluate battery life properly is moderately time consuming, though rather obvious. Use your device as you would normally. Pay attention to how long it stays charged. If it's not staying alive for a reasonable amount of time (12-24 hours depending on what you are doing of course), then it's time to dig deeper. Apps that wake up and generate unnecessary Partial Wake usage, a lot of background application syncing or apps with short sync intervals, being in an area with poor data/voice signal....these are the usual culprits.
Apart from situations where people are playing around with experimental kernels (i9000 derived kernels tend to vampirically drain battery a few percent an hour regardless), the things that drain your battery are....things that "use" your phone. The more you do (and the more your phone is doing with your permission while it's in your pocket) the less battery you will have.
In the end it comes down to asking yourself some questions. Do you need to automatically update facebook, myspace, twitter feeds constantly when you can manually update them and be inconvenienced by a 10-20 second wait? Do you really need to update 35 rss feeds in Google Reader?
Most people's power related issues come down to three things.
1). Apps that wake up without your knowledge and waste battery for no good reason (I'm looking at you Media Hub!!)
2).All those other apps and widgets that are updating inside your pocket when your not reading, watching, or caring about them.
3). Being in an area with poor data/voice signal, forcing your phone to "hunt" excessively for a better connection.
Apps that wake up and do god knows what without your knowledge can either be removed, disabled, or frozen. Examining partial wake usage can give you insight into what may be going on in that scenario. Apps can be "Frozen" with Titanium Backup Pro (paid) or App Freezer (free).
The other part that is within your control are all the apps/widgets you actively use, and your decisions about how often (or even if) they update themselves.

How to drain battery at EXTREME rates?

I want to do a few battery cycles. My problem with just letting it die overnight is when I'm at school it will die. But if I CHARGE it overnight, it doesn't die by bedtime. And vice versa tada...
So what's a REALLY fast way to drain it all within an hour so I can charge it from 0% so I can recondition?
nothing will make it happen in an hour.
Download Dungeon Defenders, and start playing it. OR go into your files DUNDEF/FILMS/ watch one of the tutorials and keep replaying it.
if you replay that for a hour, your battery life will go from 100 to 20
thats how i do it anyways.
always full brightness
if you can't do that, find some 1080p video and keep replaying it over and over again
Go to the market and download "ghost radar"
It will activate every sensor your phone has...plus its fun to play with
I ran it at full charge and it completely wiped the battery in 3 hrs (i was also txting and surfin the web)
Also it wouldn't hurt to turn widow tethering on and just let that run for a while if you have it, turn on gps and bluetooth that will help and run graphically intensive programs. Personally I font think its the best idea to compeletely drain your battery just because lithium ion batteries can get damaged by doing so. In any case hope this helps
Courtesy of my Axura powered Voodoo enabled SGS
shreddintyres said:
Also it wouldn't hurt to turn widow tethering on and just let that run for a while if you have it, turn on gps and bluetooth that will help and run graphically intensive programs. Personally I font think its the best idea to compeletely drain your battery just because lithium ion batteries can get damaged by doing so. In any case hope this helps
Courtesy of my Axura powered Voodoo enabled SGS
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hmm really?
I was always led to believe that in order to "condition" a battery that you had to go through a few cycles.
I'm in the process of doing that right now (just got the sedio 3200 with case) and it takes a looong time to drain that thing down to 0
Open up a bunch of apps and put your phone on loudest setting and turn on some screamo
Nothing will kill the life of a lithium-ion battery faster than draining it til it dies.
Draining it at an extreme rate is only going to make the battery stats less accurate, you should be trying to use it normally and just charge it when it's convenient.
_Dagan_ said:
hmm really?
I was always led to believe that in order to "condition" a battery that you had to go through a few cycles.
I'm in the process of doing that right now (just got the sedio 3200 with case) and it takes a looong time to drain that thing down to 0
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I use high end lithium ion and lithium manganese batteries for model planes and airsoft rifles and I've always been instructed by the manufacturer to never allow the battery to fully discharge. I personally have never allowed the battery to fully drain and I easily get 25 hours per charge.
True or False? Android phones shut down with a few .xx% left so it doesn't allow the battery to competely die?

[Guide]Battery Problems- Solved & Battery Saving Tips[Newbie Friendly]

I have seen lots of threads about people complaining about very poor battery life after flashing roms. Sometimes battery charges to 100% quickly and discharges very quickly.
So, these are the solutions. These solutions are IN ORDER. If the first one has no effect, then try the next one. If the second one doesn't work, then try the third one.
1) Try reflashing your ROM.
2) If reflashing your current ROM doesn't work, that probably means the ROM itself has poor battery life and you should change it. Stock ROM's have the best battery life.
3) If you are on stock ROM and still having problems, switch off your phone, take off the back cover and remove the battery. If the battery is swollen or the shaped weirdly, this means your battery is dead and almost useless. You need to buy a new one.
I recommend buying only stock batteries manufactured by Samsung because other batteries can be fake, incompatible, or just used batteries sold to you. Don't buy anything else unless you're absolutely sure of what you're doing.
Hopefully I helped.
Re: Solutions to Battery Problems[Newbie Friendly]
General tips for saving your battery-
1) Switch off mobile data whenever you're not using the internet.
2) Change your wifi sleep policy. This can be done by going to wifi settings, pressing menu button and then select advanced.
You can change your sleep policy so that your wifi sleeps when the screen is off.
3) Decrease your brightness! Your screen is responsible for most of the battery drain. Increase your brightness only when you are in bright sunlight or when you're watching videos etc.
4) Switch off GPS. Keeping it on all the time also drains a lot of battery.
5) There is an app called 'Greenify' which hibernates the apps running in the background. This app has increased my battery life. Here a link https://play.google.com/store/apps/...e=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_term=greenify
6) Don't charge your phone when it's at 70%. Wait till it is between 20-30% and then charge it continuously till it reaches 100%.
7) Let your battery completely discharge once every month.
8) Don't use task killers. They use more battery life than they save.
9) NEVER charge your phone overnight. Your phone takes only about 4 hours to charge. Overcharging reduces your battery life
10) If you use a Bluetooth headset, switch off Bluetooth whenever not in use.
11) Using setCPU profiles. This is one of the most effective ways of saving battery. You all know about overclocking, but do you know about underclocking or undervolting? Using profiles, You decrease the clock speed of your CPU when certain conditions are met. These profiles can be on the basis of time, screen off/on, battery etc. So when my screen is off, it automatically reduces the clockspeed which saves battery
chalak said:
General tips for saving your battery-
1) Switch off mobile data whenever you're not using the internet.
2) Change your wifi sleep policy. This can be done by going to wifi settings, pressing menu button and then select advanced.
You can change your sleep policy so that your wifi sleeps when the screen is off.
3) Decrease your brightness! Your screen is responsible for most of the battery drain. Increase your brightness only when you are in bright sunlight or when you're watching videos etc.
4) Switch off GPS. Keeping it on all the time also drains a lot of battery.
5) There is an app called 'Greenify' which hibernates the apps running in the background. This app has increased my battery life. Here a link https://play.google.com/store/apps/...e=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_term=greenify
6) Don't charge your phone when it's at 40%. Wait till is below 10% and then charge it continuously till it reaches 100%.
7) Let your battery completely discharge once every month.
8) Don't use task killers. They use more battery life than they save.
9) NEVER charge your phone overnight. Your phone takes only about 4 hours to charge. Overcharging reduces your battery life
10) If you use a Bluetooth headset, switch off Bluetooth whenever not in use.
Using these tips, I have gotten almost 2 days of battery life on stock Roms and a whole day of battery life on custom roms like CM10.1 and CM7
If you have your own battery saving tips, please share and help expand this list.
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I'm interested in the greenify app, the only problem is that it does not support stock gingerbread which can give the most juice. Do you have any other recommendations of similar apps?
stevenkyk said:
I'm interested in the greenify app, the only problem is that it does not support stock gingerbread which can give the most juice. Do you have any other recommendations of similar apps?
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Greenify is a unique app and I am yet to come across a similar app.
You can try this one but it is paid - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.elsdoerfer.android.autostarts
Sent from my pet - Megatron™
6) Don't charge your phone when it's at 40%. Wait till is below 10% and then charge it continuously till it reaches 100%.
9) NEVER charge your phone overnight. Your phone takes only about 4 hours to charge. Overcharging reduces your battery life
Are you sure about these? Because I've read that phones only take how much ever charge that they need, so charging overnight isn't a problem. And i've also heard that letting the battery charge fall below 40% actually reduces the life over time.
Ajayr64 said:
6) Don't charge your phone when it's at 40%. Wait till is below 10% and then charge it continuously till it reaches 100%.
9) NEVER charge your phone overnight. Your phone takes only about 4 hours to charge. Overcharging reduces your battery life
Are you sure about these? Because I've read that phones only take how much ever charge that they need, so charging overnight isn't a problem. And i've also heard that letting the battery charge fall below 40% actually reduces the life over time.
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Yes, I am sure and it is something I have verified.
Overcharging kills the battery.
I saw a video once of an evo 3d. The battery almost completely died after it was charged for 3 days
And you should always charge only when your battery is low.
This will ensure longer battery life
chalak said:
Overcharging kills the battery.
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Normally, when the battery is fully charged, the chip that controls the charging process reduce the current exponentially to 0: this avoid the overcharging.
I think all smartphones have the charging chip control integrated (an USB cable is simply a power source, not a battery charger), so I hope we can leave the phones on charge all the night without any problem. I do that always and never had problems.
Clearing battery stats has no effect whatsoever on battery life ...
Prawesome said:
Clearing battery stats has no effect whatsoever on battery life ...
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Well, if you see again, I never mentioned that clearing battery stats saves battery. It is for those people whose phone charges very quickly with big increments, which typically happens after changing ROM's.
Sent from my pet - Megatron™
smanq said:
Normally, when the battery is fully charged, the chip that controls the charging process reduce the current exponentially to 0: this avoid the overcharging.
I think all smartphones have the charging chip control integrated (an USB cable is simply a power source, not a battery charger), so I hope we can leave the phones on charge all the night without any problem. I do that always and never had problems.
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It seems both of us have read conflicting and contradicting things.
Sent from my pet - Megatron™
chalak said:
Well, if you see again, I never mentioned that clearing battery stats saves battery. It is for those people whose phone charges very quickly with big increments, which typically happens after changing ROM's.
Sent from my pet - Megatron™
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Quoting Dianne Hacborn(Android Framework Engineer):
"Today's myth debunking:
"The battery indicator in the status/notification bar is a reflection of the batterystats.bin file in the data/system/directory."
No, it does not.
This file is used to maintain, across reboots, low-level data about the kinds of operations the device and your apps are doing between battery changes. That is, it is solely used to compute the blame for battery usage shown in the "Battery Use" UI in settings.
That is, it has deeply significant things like "app X held a wake lock for 2 minutes" and "the screen was on at 60% brightness for 10 minutes."
It has no impact on the current battery level shown to you.
It has no impact on your battery life.
Deleting it is not going to do anything to make your more device more fantastic and wonderful... well, unless you have some deep hatred for seeing anything shown in the battery usage UI. And anyway, it is reset every time you unplug from power with a relatively full charge (thus why the battery usage UI data resets at that point), so this would be a much easier way to make it go away."
Its just a myth mate..
And also, it's a myth that you should let ur phone charge reach 10% or get fully discharged before charging. This actually leads to decrease in the battery life over time.
Prawesome said:
Quoting Dianne Hacborn(Android Framework Engineer):
"Today's myth debunking:
"The battery indicator in the status/notification bar is a reflection of the batterystats.bin file in the data/system/directory."
No, it does not.
This file is used to maintain, across reboots, low-level data about the kinds of operations the device and your apps are doing between battery changes. That is, it is solely used to compute the blame for battery usage shown in the "Battery Use" UI in settings.
That is, it has deeply significant things like "app X held a wake lock for 2 minutes" and "the screen was on at 60% brightness for 10 minutes."
It has no impact on the current battery level shown to you.
It has no impact on your battery life.
Deleting it is not going to do anything to make your more device more fantastic and wonderful... well, unless you have some deep hatred for seeing anything shown in the battery usage UI. And anyway, it is reset every time you unplug from power with a relatively full charge (thus why the battery usage UI data resets at that point), so this would be a much easier way to make it go away."
Its just a myth mate..
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I am aware of what you are saying and I fully agree.
But I have never mentioned that clearing battery stats increases battery life!
Tips to increase battery life are in the 2nd post. I simply said that if you clear your battery stats, UI will show you battery which is more accurate to the actual battery level.
Why are you arguing over something I never said?
Sent from my pet - Megatron™
Ajayr64 said:
And also, it's a myth that you should let ur phone charge reach 10% or get fully discharged before charging. This actually leads to decrease in the battery life over time.
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Think of your battery as a person working out and charging is like taking rest. If the person's ability is to do 100 reps yet he takes rest after only 60 reps and keeps doing that continuously, he won't be able to do 100 reps after a few weeks!
Look at the logic mate.
Sent from my pet - Megatron™
chalak said:
I am aware of what you are saying and I fully agree.
But I have never mentioned that clearing battery stats increases battery life!
Tips to increase battery life are in the 2nd post. I simply said that if you clear your battery stats, UI will show you battery which is more accurate to the actual battery level.
Why are you arguing over something I never said?
Sent from my pet - Megatron™
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I am not arguing :/
I am just trying to help make your guide more Informative. Read what I have put in bold letters mate. It doesn't affect the battery level shown to you
Prawesome said:
I am not arguing :/
I am just trying to help make your guide more Informative. Read what I have put in bold letters mate. It doesn't affect the battery level shown to you
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Sorry if I sounded rude.
And thank you for your advice.
Sent from my pet - Megatron™
Sent from my pet - Megatron™
(I was Chalak)
Thanks for tips
You misunderstood me :'D
Clearing battery stats does not:
Affect battery life
Affect the battery level displayed to you
The only thing it does is, it wipes the history of battery consumption by each app. I am talking about the battery consumption by each app shown to you in Settings>About phone. If you clear the battery stats.bin file, the only thing that geta erased is this
Prawesome said:
You misunderstood me :'D
Clearing battery stats does not:
Affect battery life
Affect the battery level displayed to you
The only thing it does is, it wipes the history of battery consumption by each app. I am talking about the battery consumption by each app shown to you in Settings>About phone. If you clear the battery stats.bin file, the only thing that geta erased is this
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This! Anything about wiping battery stats is not a myth anymore, so please stop misleading people,
Also "6) Don't charge your phone when it's at 40%. Wait till is below 10% and then charge it continuously till it reaches 100%."
Not true! Charging your battery around 50% is the most efficient way to keep lithium battery alive longer. A discharge once a month is also recommended.

[Q] Battery Drain

My x10 is losing all of its juice in maximum of 5 hours , I've bought a new battery from SE showroom but the brand new battery is also giving me the same bitter taste ..... I have tried various ROMs and presently flashed my fave ROM DONUT HD2 ROM based on GB......I also flashed stock GB 2.3 with new batterty but the same battery issue is noticed.
Its music port also stopped working from the day im experiencing this battery issue.
I calibrated the batteries , but also NO use.
In battery stats it shows that the maximum battery consumption is for Display and Cell Standbuy. NOW I have no idea what the hell is my phone problem , but i love it , so wanna fix it ANYWAY.
Please suggest me your valuable ideas.
Mugen Power 1800mAh battery
vignan said:
My x10 is losing all of its juice in maximum of 5 hours.
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What screen display timeout do you have? I have mine set to 2minutes.
What screen brightness do you have? I have mine set to the lowest setting as I'm indoors mostly.
However, it doesn't really matter if you have a short screen timeout.
Do you have 3G mobile data, Wifi, Bluetooth, GPS and Google Maps with Latitude/location tracking all turned on?
The battery can be drained in low/poor mobile cell areas.
The phone boosts the receiver to get a signal which all takes power.
If you have no or very poor 3G mobile data signal, it'd be best to disable 3G mobile data when in poor signal area(s).
In the battery History display (Settings->About->battery use), tap on the graph to display battery status.
This will show you the signal strength of the battery over the time from the last full charge.
If the phone signal strength indicates red/yellowish that's not good, dark grey/green is good.
A new battery should be charged to 100% and left to continue charging for approx 8-12 hours.
The charging cuts out at 100% and then drops back to ~93% and then charges again.
Leaving it for 8-12 hours on the first 4-5 charges help the battery find it's maximum charge.
Any new battery may not provide it's maximum charge for the first 4-5 charges.
I found Google Play Store GSam Battery Monitor a very good indicator of process and battery usage. Also shows percentage of cell signal strength state.
Look for "View time held awake" and "View number of times waking device" in the applications section.
If you have root access, you can run something like Google Play Store SetCPU and have a screen-off profile which can under-clock the CPU when the screen is not on. Using a Powersave Governor can massively improve battery life when the phone is in standby state and/or not in use.
You can use Google Play Store CPU Spy Plus to verify that when the screen is off the phone is going into 'deep sleep' for most of the time.
I get approx 60-70% of the time spent in 'Deep Sleep'.
I know on my 1800mAh battery in my XPERIA X10i gets 3hrs 17mins when CPU is at 100% and screen on 100% brightness, with 19% of the battery still left.
In 'normal' operation I get from 1 - 5 days of battery life.
I have had 10 days when I didn't use the phone, with WiFi forced active at 8:00am once a day and email(5 accounts), whatsApp and weather widget active.
In 24hr period when not using my phone, it uses approx 7-9% of battery(1800mAh).
should CPU rate decreased????
I set my Network Mode to ONLY GSM , switched OFF location services (GPS,Maps,G altitude,etc etc) and my screen Brightness is ZERO , time out is 30 seconds. And i've been living in the same place since 3 years and it is not the problem of the network.
From your suggestions it is clear that , we (x10 users) should not use x10's at 100% CPU.I should NOW try this.
I got a 1500mAh battery in the box when I bought my x10 and the battery I bought when i messed up with old battery (I thought that the old one is damaged) ) was also a same 1500mAh battery.
The apps(EXCEPT GSAM battery Monitor) you have suggested me were also used by me in the past and Im actually fedup with the battery.
Now i will try to underclock the CPU rates at screen OFF mode and use GSAM battery monitor App.
vignan said:
From your suggestions it is clear that , we (x10 users) should not use x10's at 100% CPU.I should NOW try this.
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The 100% CPU was an AnTuTu battery stress test know as Google Play Store AnTuTu Tester
This tests the battery use from 100% down to ~20%, calculating how long it would last.
Using a 1500mAh battery the AnTuTu Tester should return approx 2hrs 45mins on a battery operating at the same capacity as my 1800mAh battery.
I still really enjoy my XPERIA X10i and use it daily, probably helped by the fact I have a 64GB SanDisk Ultra card in it.

Phone turning off early after battery change

Couple of weeks ago I changed battery on my phone and everything was fine until phone was at 20 percent and thats when it turns off it is happening since I replaced battery and since then I found that battery is actually 5000mah instead of 4000mah on orginal battery that came with phone. So I tought that maybe phone turns off because it thinks it is on 0 percent charge because the phone is set to use 4000mah battery and I was wondering If there is any way to modify capacity to match with the new battery and maybe that way stop the issue
I doubt it's 5000 mAh unless it's physically larger than the original or a different battery type.
Allow it to run till auto shutdown then charge to 100% three times.
Is your SOT good now? That's what really matters. If so I wouldn't worry too much about it. 20% is a good low cut off voltage as it reduces the strain on the battery.
Check the cell's full charge and auto shutdown voltages. Is the battery itself shutting down prematurely?
blackhawk said:
I doubt it's 5000 mAh unless it's physically larger than the original or a different battery type.
Allow it to run till auto shutdown then charge to 100% three times.
Is your SOT good now? That's what really matters. If so I wouldn't worry too much about it. 20% is a good low cut off voltage as it reduces the strain on the battery.
Check the cell's full charge and auto shutdown voltages. Is the battery itself shutting down prematurely?
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It is different type of battery than original new one is dual cell and SOT is better now also did charge it from shutdown to 100 three time already full charge when left charging overnight showed capacity of little less than 5000 but dont know how to check autoshutdown voltage and if battery is shutting down prematurely
Dzonins said:
It is different type of battery than original new one is dual cell and SOT is better now also did charge it from shutdown to 100 three time already full charge when left charging overnight showed capacity of little less than 5000 but dont know how to check autoshutdown voltage and if battery is shutting down prematurely
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Best to always go with OEM or as close a match as you can. No reason a dual cell parallel connected be superior to a single cell unless it's a different battery type. That could throw off the preset power controller values. An interesting mystery.
If your SOT is the same or better than the original battery when new I wouldn't worry about it. Especially if it causes no operational issues. Battery voltage can be seen with various 3rd party apps like DevChek and Accubattery.
blackhawk said:
Best to always go with OEM or as close a match as you can. No reason a dual cell parallel connected be superior to a single cell unless it's a different battery type. That could throw off the preset power controller values. An interesting mystery.
If your SOT is the same or better than the original battery when new I wouldn't worry about it. Especially if it causes no operational issues. Battery voltage can be seen with various 3rd party apps like DevChek and Accubattery.
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Yeah but sadly there were no single cell in the shop and voltage is 3.8 but i find it little frustrating when it turns off 20 percent instead of 1 it just a little inconvenience

