2.1 Update caused WiFi problem, Restore? - Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini

I recently updated my X10 Mini Pro to 2.1(O2 UK) and since my WiFi connects to my router and works initially, but after a few mins it will stop downloading data although the WiFi is still connected so in theory it should still work. My wife has the exact same phone, but still running 1.6 and she does not have any WiFi problems, in fact it is much faster than mine when it is working. I have seen this problem posted up here and other forums, but as yet no solutions. What does the update alter to stop the WiFi working properly?
I have tried root, WiFi apps, factory reset(still on 2.1) etc, but it is still the same.
Could I create a backup of my wifes phone(root & xrecovery) then copy this to mine and restore it? Would this return my phone to 1.6 software?
My other option is to flash the generic UK software. Is this reversible? Also does the UK firmware still come loaded with the Nordic keyboard layout?
I'm pretty new to playing with android, but so far I've had a play with adb and root programs so I'm willing to give anything a go.
Any help is much appreciated as I've already spent a bundle using my 3g

FW Version 2.1 Update 1
Kernel 2.6.29 [email protected] #1
Build No. 2.0.A.0.504

Well I flashed it using the UK FW, but it's still causing the same problems. Does this sound like a software issue or a phone issue? It worked fine on 1.6 FW.
My other option is to flash it to 2.0.2.A.0.24 and see if the issue remains, but if it is a phone issue I want to be able to return it.
Could I take a backup from another phone(wifes) and restore this to mine?

I had the same problem with 1.6, then i disappeared upgrading to 2.1, 504, and came back with the 0.24 update.. it sucks :/
- Sent by my X10 Mini Pro using Tapatalk Pro.

Me Facing The Same Problem With Wi-Fi On My Xperia X10 Mini With Latest UP2DATE Firmware And Rooted Also
Wi-Fi Working Fine On My iPhone & iPod Touch
Can Any Suggest Me Wat To Do ???
Waiting 4 Quick Response...


X10, I love you on paper. But not in ever day situations

I've tried all the roms. 2.2 x10free, 2.3.2 gingerbread, 2.3.1, generic 2.1s.
I had some success with the 2.1 generic. But for the life of me, I have no idea why I can't get good connection to my network in New Zealand. It is a Telecom NZ phone. X10a. I'm yet to find a 1.6 install to take it back to where it once was.
I can't return it to 1.6 in Seus, or PC companion. What to do.. ugh
Sometimes I think I may as well have bought a ipod touch. I essentially have a android 4inch pad.
Funky_Trogdor said:
I've tried all the roms. 2.2 x10free, 2.3.2 gingerbread, 2.3.1, generic 2.1s.
I had some success with the 2.1 generic. But for the life of me, I have no idea why I can't get good connection to my network in New Zealand. It is a Telecom NZ phone. X10a. I'm yet to find a 1.6 install to take it back to where it once was.
I can't return it to 1.6 in Seus, or PC companion. What to do.. ugh
Sometimes I think I may as well have bought a ipod touch. I essentially have a android 4inch pad.
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If you are having 2.1 generic then you should have better performance......anyway if you wants to return back to 1.6...then you can do it by flash tool....go to dev section, from there you can download the 1.6 FW with flash tool. follow the below link...
I have got the ROOT_F3v1 going on my phone, 1.6
I now have network and can call and send texts.
Just out of no where my 2.1 stopped working, showing full bars but wouldn't connect to the network.
Funky_Trogdor said:
I have got the ROOT_F3v1 going on my phone, 1.6
I now have network and can call and send texts.
Just out of no where my 2.1 stopped working, showing full bars but wouldn't connect to the network.
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You can try one thing-
Before flashing 2.1, wipe system data...& after flashing select GSM only in NW selection option. not GSM & WCDMA both.
hope ur prob will be solved...

[Q] Strangest problem MINI PRO

Hi everyone,
I have the strangest problem with my U20a, from Chile (ENTEL).
The latest firmware from Entel is .504, and using the build.prop method y can get up to 2.1.1.A.0.6, but it reboots itself like once an hour, tried with the custom kernel, and I loose the touchscreen. So tried to flash CM7, but it tells me I dont have the right baseband.
Maybe the problem is that the baseband doesnt get changed with the update?
So I downgraded to .24 with flashtool, and everything now goes fine.
Does somebody knows what the problem might be?
So, nobody has suffered this problem?
I retried flashing 2.1.1.a.0.6, the baseband is 015, installed GingerDx, and reboots are getting each time more usual.
I have had this problem phone reboots when i try to use camera. Not always but occasionally when camera is not used for a couple of hours it happens. Is this a usual problem with all x10 mini and mini pros ??

[Q] Why Can't I Connect To Mobile Network ?

I turned my phone on and had no service, it had been working fine on WB's
V 4.0 GB, stock kernel.
My questions are:
1: Has my X10 somehow lost some files needed for network communication? And if so, what files are they, and how can I replace them?
2: Does anyone know how to check to see if the radio is operable, or not.
My notifacation bar shows an X over grey bars. I have downloaded settings for APN via wifi.
I have downgraded to 2.1 and back to 4.0 and to 6.0, no change. Also flashed kernel again.
I keep thinking it's a software issue, the phone has always worked flawlessly and it's never been dropped, wet, or mistreated in any way.
Everthing else works fine.
I could use some help
did u check whether the baseband is ryt ??
Yes... 2.1.71

[Q] wifi problems sk17i

hi, my wireless on my phone always gets disconnected by itself and reconnect by itself again. this problems occur especially when im browsing on a google play, or appbrain market. and most likely to occur when im downloading big files.
what do you think the cause of this problem?
is it router problem, or just firmware problem?
give your opinions.
im sick of my phone wifi always gets disconnected especially when im downloading big data (50mb-200mb+).
anyway to fix this? im currently on stock .58. while i was on .42 long ago, i flashed it with flashtool, this problem started to happen. i thought by flashing to a newer firmware (.58) this problem will be gone but its still there.
but this was never happen while i was on pure original stock firmware (the day i bought mini pro) if im not mistaken the firmware is before .58 i forgot maybe .42, i have non those problem, but when i downgrade to .42 and .58 using flashtool for the sake to root. this wifi problems started.
what is the mystery behind this ****ing problem??

[Q] "Camera not available" problem - Desperately need solution

First I want to thank all members that have invested precious time and effort to help everyone! You are doing an amazing job!
Second thing I want to say is that I've searched the hell out of the Xperia X10 forum to find solution for my problem. But everything I found and tried was so far unsuccessful. After 1 week of unsuccessful trials, today I decided to join and open this thread as a final effort to seek for answers and a possible solution.
Problem: Every time I open camera application I receive message: "Camera not available"
Tested solutions:
1. I tried SEUS and upgraded to latest firmware: - Phone wont start, gets stuck on camera icon.
2. I tried Sony PC companion, update mode: Same as number 1. Then I tried repair mode: Same as 1.
3. I tried Re-installing a dozen of stock firmwares, 1.6 , 2.1 , 2.3. From branded to Global: - Phone works perfectly, but "Camera not available".
4. I rooted, installed xrecovery, tried several solutions, changed files. no progress.
5. Installed custom rom: Donut HD2.2.6 - Phone works amazingly, but "Camera not available"
Phone info:
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10i
Baseband: 2.1.71
Kernel version: 2.6.29-00054-g5f01537 [email protected] #1
Build number: DonutHD2.2
ETS is ******-8
Currently rooted and installed CWM and Xrecovery.
Cant unlock bootloader since it doesn't recognize certificate
I had a SD card problem before. Solved it by formating sd card with HP disk format software.
I hope someone could help me with this. I don't want to believe that the camera is dead because the phone is in perfect condition. But this would eventually be the final answer.
Thank you!
Have you try this:
I don't know if that is solution for your problem, but you may try.
Sent from my X10i using xda premium
Dzufa said:
Have you try this:
I don't know if that is solution for your problem, but you may try.
Sent from my X10i using xda premium
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Unfortunately I'm not able to try and test this solution because I requires a rooted stock android 2.1 (eclair).
My phone doesn't start up on any of the 2.1 stock versions. So far I flashed around 7-8 different 2.1 versions from global to branded etc. but no luck.
Camera with arrow on screen icon appears after which "Sony Ericsson" screen appears and phone gets stuck here and phone temperature rises.
This happens with all 2.1 versions and also when I update with SEUS latest X10 android version.
Only 2.3.3 functions properly on my phone and amazingly battery lasts for 2-3 days even with constant usage of wifi, calls, music and gaming.
But when I tried your suggested solution with the rooted 2.3.3 it gave me some errors in the CMD. Which I tried resolving by running "runme" file as administrator. But another error appears. This is I suppose because of the different android version. The guy says that it works only on a rooted stock 2.1 firmware.
Is there any other way I could test his solution on 2.3.3 rooted stock firmware ?
Thanks again for the reply!
I appreciate it!

