[Q] Why Can't I Connect To Mobile Network ? - XPERIA X10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I turned my phone on and had no service, it had been working fine on WB's
V 4.0 GB, stock kernel.
My questions are:
1: Has my X10 somehow lost some files needed for network communication? And if so, what files are they, and how can I replace them?
2: Does anyone know how to check to see if the radio is operable, or not.
My notifacation bar shows an X over grey bars. I have downloaded settings for APN via wifi.
I have downgraded to 2.1 and back to 4.0 and to 6.0, no change. Also flashed kernel again.
I keep thinking it's a software issue, the phone has always worked flawlessly and it's never been dropped, wet, or mistreated in any way.
Everthing else works fine.
I could use some help

did u check whether the baseband is ryt ??

Yes... 2.1.71


2.1 Update caused WiFi problem, Restore?

I recently updated my X10 Mini Pro to 2.1(O2 UK) and since my WiFi connects to my router and works initially, but after a few mins it will stop downloading data although the WiFi is still connected so in theory it should still work. My wife has the exact same phone, but still running 1.6 and she does not have any WiFi problems, in fact it is much faster than mine when it is working. I have seen this problem posted up here and other forums, but as yet no solutions. What does the update alter to stop the WiFi working properly?
I have tried root, WiFi apps, factory reset(still on 2.1) etc, but it is still the same.
Could I create a backup of my wifes phone(root & xrecovery) then copy this to mine and restore it? Would this return my phone to 1.6 software?
My other option is to flash the generic UK software. Is this reversible? Also does the UK firmware still come loaded with the Nordic keyboard layout?
I'm pretty new to playing with android, but so far I've had a play with adb and root programs so I'm willing to give anything a go.
Any help is much appreciated as I've already spent a bundle using my 3g
FW Version 2.1 Update 1
Kernel 2.6.29 [email protected] #1
Build No. 2.0.A.0.504
Well I flashed it using the UK FW, but it's still causing the same problems. Does this sound like a software issue or a phone issue? It worked fine on 1.6 FW.
My other option is to flash it to 2.0.2.A.0.24 and see if the issue remains, but if it is a phone issue I want to be able to return it.
Could I take a backup from another phone(wifes) and restore this to mine?
I had the same problem with 1.6, then i disappeared upgrading to 2.1, 504, and came back with the 0.24 update.. it sucks :/
- Sent by my X10 Mini Pro using Tapatalk Pro.
Me Facing The Same Problem With Wi-Fi On My Xperia X10 Mini With Latest UP2DATE Firmware And Rooted Also
Wi-Fi Working Fine On My iPhone & iPod Touch
Can Any Suggest Me Wat To Do ???
Waiting 4 Quick Response...

[Q] Baseband understanding

My basic understanding is that the baseband is like the firmware that makes the radio in your phone work (calls, mobile internet, wifi etc) right? But that is where my knowledge ends.
Just recently the mobile internet on my streak stopped working. The indicator for mobile internet still shows in the notification bar but any attempts to reach a web site or other connection just times out and fails. Wifi still works perfectly. It's not an issue with the carrier as I have never had to set anything up it has just worked out of the box each time I have updated anything. In any case for info my network is 3uk.
Now I have dropped this phone a few times, admittedly this could be what has caused the damage. On the other hand something might have become corrupted.
So assuming something might have got corrupted I'm thinking it could be the baseband but as I don't know much about them I'm not sure.
I have used QDL tool many times and had various versions of streakdroid on my streak. I have just about mastered the recover/restore/install procedure however in my ignorance you might say I have not learned much about basebands. I always try to learn the things I need as I go along and till now have not had to worry.
Here's the dumb questions I need answers to:
Do basebands come with each build of android? I mean rom downloads either official or streakdroid. I got the impression they did but not sure. I normally use streakdroid since v1.5.1
If they don't come with the roms where can I download an up to date baseband to see if it will fix my problem?
So far I have used QDL tool using the guide on streakdroid. Following that I install streakmod then use that to install streakdroid 1.9.0
Should I try installing any other rom?
Any other suggestions or tips of how I could get my mobile internet working?
Thanks in advance for any help!!
Have you looked at your APN settings?
Select Settings>Wireless & Networks>Mobile networks>Access Point Names
(might not be the exact name of the menus) but i know its under Wireless & Networks. Might need to reset the APN to default or search and reselect it.
Hi Thanks for the reply.
Yes I have tried to do the search to reselect it but it just searches for a long time as if its hung. Reset to default didn't change anything. (3 three.co.uk stayed putt)
Also I have completely reset my phone to factory default and back to latest streakdroid a few times. In the past I've not had to touch APN it just works after installing whatever rom.
I think I've already tried the most obvious things.
Would flashing the latest baseband help? Assuming it doesn't already come with the latest streakdroid. If it does then its looking like I am screwed unless there is anything else I could look at??
Have you tried your USIM in another phone. 3 may have blocked your Internet access as you are using a non-3 phone.
What does your about screen say for your baseband version and stuff?
Baseband version
Regarding "non-3 phone" I hope thats not the case. I've never had an actual "3 phone" I always use unlocked phone's. Prior to this one an omnia and prior to that a k850i neither of which are 3 phones. I will try the sim in another phone see what happens now. Let you know.
Baseband File Download:
Primary Download Site: http://downloads.streakdroid.com/djsteve/amss.mbn
Mirror 1: http://mirror2.streakdroid.com/amss.mbn
I guess u missed this part when flashing 1.9. The recommended baseband for 1.9 is 318.
Delltech you are right I did overlook that. However going back to your last point that 3 may have blocked my internet access. I think your right!! I just tried my sim in another phone and that can't connect to the internet.
Anything I can do if they have blocked my internet??
Call them and speak to tech support, they've got a bunch of cool techies who'll sort it out right away.
Will do.... Thanks!

NO more 3g no matter what i do. after 2.3.3 upgrade

I was looking to upgrade my x10 to the actual version of x10. the 2.3.3 version it was not out in my country, so i got the worldwide version (the .ftf file). i flashed it with flashtool. it worked perfectly, but the 3g wont turn on no matter what i do, im with rogers, i choose 3g-rogers. it connects, my data is on, roaming is on, but it just doesnt turn on, doesnt show in the statu/notification bar, that it is on like it did before. so i used the pc companion and put the 2.1 back in, it still has the same problem, i put the latest wolf rom, 2.3, and it dont work, no matter which rom I choose. Please help me, give me any suggestions, i need 3g for my work, etc. thanks!
Check your apn settings, if they are not present then you'll have to enter them manually. Use Google or search the forms here for the proper Rogers apn settings.
Sent from my X10i using xda premium
Or try the Sony Ericsson tab from the settings menu, you can download your courier's apn settings there.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
I had the same problem, flashing to a stock 2.3.3 ROM and then the data connexion wouldn't work. What I did was to install Wolfbreak's TW Custom ROM then immediately applying a custom kernel patch. It worked fine from there.
I don't know if this will help at all but i had the same problem a month ago. what was causing my problem is that my limit of my package was over and i did not have any more credit on my phone (prepaid contract). so 3G would not connect unless i had credits (That's what my carrier told me). so i put credit on my phone but 3G still would not connect. it was kind of "stuck" because my credit was out. so i kept my credit and flashed a new rom (WB's rom). i put the APN manually and my problem was fixed.
So my problem was caused by my credit limitation. once i let my phone without credit 3G would not connect again unless i put credit and reflash the rom again... Crazy huh?
Every case is specific, however i hope it helps you in any way...
haszan1172 said:
I was looking to upgrade my x10 to the actual version of x10. the 2.3.3 version it was not out in my country, so i got the worldwide version (the .ftf file). i flashed it with flashtool. it worked perfectly, but the 3g wont turn on no matter what i do, im with rogers, i choose 3g-rogers. it connects, my data is on, roaming is on, but it just doesnt turn on, doesnt show in the statu/notification bar, that it is on like it did before. so i used the pc companion and put the 2.1 back in, it still has the same problem, i put the latest wolf rom, 2.3, and it dont work, no matter which rom I choose. Please help me, give me any suggestions, i need 3g for my work, etc. thanks!
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You need to set up your wireless apn go to menu/settings/sony ericsson/settings download then wait a few you will see it flash on then go to back button/wireless & networks/mobile networks/network mode/gsm/wcdma preferred (click it)/access point name there should be two, one wireless/one mmsc. if for some reason you have three make sure that the top one (the house icon 3g) is checked or you will be roaming
And always remember to backup your Settings an APNs,and anything else you need to keep.
Although some of these are free it is always the best to get the pro/key of the apps for more functions and to support the Developers.
Apn backup and restore
ASTRO File Manager (what's nice about this app is you can send the APKs to your email and then put the apps in the flashtool apps File and just flash them to your phone at the end)
Root Explorer File Manager
Titanium Backup root
haszan1172 said:
I was looking to upgrade my x10 to the actual version of x10. the 2.3.3 version it was not out in my country, so i got the worldwide version (the .ftf file). i flashed it with flashtool. it worked perfectly, but the 3g wont turn on no matter what i do, im with rogers, i choose 3g-rogers. it connects, my data is on, roaming is on, but it just doesnt turn on, doesnt show in the statu/notification bar, that it is on like it did before. so i used the pc companion and put the 2.1 back in, it still has the same problem, i put the latest wolf rom, 2.3, and it dont work, no matter which rom I choose. Please help me, give me any suggestions, i need 3g for my work, etc. thanks!
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Is the phone an x10i or x10a? It could be a radio problem, like mine in which I have an x10a but I'm on T-Mobile which only supports EU bands of the x10i.

[Help] XWLPD] internet issues?

Right to start my story.
I updated my phone through KIES up to the latest firmware.
Baseband - XXLPW
kernel : XWLPD
Android : 4.0.3
Worked fine. Figured I wanted root back. Flashed CF-root XX-NEE-LPD v.5.5 Kernel onto it from chainfires topic. Everything seemed to work fine except mobile internet. Wifi works fine, but it wont for the love of it, connect to mobile internet. The icon is just not there and everything says its not connected when Wifi is turned off.
So i flashed the Stock Kernel back to it from the Stock kernel / firmware thread.
At this point it still won't connect to Mobile Internet. However Wifi works fine. Which is great and all, but I really would like to use the internet in non wifi able areas. Like work.
So I flashed the complete XEN Stock package (mine is unbranded) for the netherlands. and Still no Mobile internet.
I added the access points for Rabo Mobiel each time with every setting from there website. But it wont connect. Data transfer mode is turned on so that is not the issue.
What could be causing this issue? and How do I fix it?
Syrellaris said:
Right to start my story.
I updated my phone through KIES up to the latest firmware.
Baseband - XXLPW
kernel : XWLPD
Android : 4.0.3
Worked fine. Figured I wanted root back. Flashed CF-root XX-NEE-LPD v.5.5 Kernel onto it from chainfires topic. Everything seemed to work fine except mobile internet. Wifi works fine, but it wont for the love of it, connect to mobile internet. The icon is just not there and everything says its not connected when Wifi is turned off.
So i flashed the Stock Kernel back to it from the Stock kernel / firmware thread.
At this point it still won't connect to Mobile Internet. However Wifi works fine. Which is great and all, but I really would like to use the internet in non wifi able areas. Like work.
So I flashed the complete XEN Stock package (mine is unbranded) for the netherlands. and Still no Mobile internet.
I added the access points for Rabo Mobiel each time with every setting from there website. But it wont connect. Data transfer mode is turned on so that is not the issue.
What could be causing this issue? and How do I fix it?
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Try flashing just the modem again or flash another modem.
I think I have isolated the issue. I went and took a gamble and flashed an old official Gingerbread Firmware I still had stored away on the pc.
When I went back in to add my phone providers internet settings etc, it had 3 options and connection type. Internet, Internet+MMS and just MMS. I noticed my ICS earlier did not have those options and just had a blank space where one could type.
So No I am going to upgrade back to ICS using Kies Once again, if it is still a blank space one can fill in that clearly its an issue with the XEN Samsung ICS firmware. In that case ill just mod CM9 on it and see if I can get it to work in that. If not...back to gingerbread I go
Well I found out how to fix it -.-
Appearently with ICS comes a new APN setting in which the type of accespoint is no longer Just Internet, MMS or a Internet + MMS.
To get it to connect to the internet one has to type in default instead.
Oh well. This can be locked.
Thread closed
Situation resolved, thread closed per the original poster's request.

wifi not working after updating to ics 4.0.3

phone came with gingerbread 2.3.4 ,then i updated through ota to 4.0.3, after first boot wifi cannot connect to home wifi, after secnd reboot it connects into the wifi but internet is still not working
phone is not rooted
current android version
basebank version
kernel version
[email protected] #3
Build number
xiobnb said:
phone came with gingerbread 2.3.4 ,then i updated through ota to 4.0.3, after first boot wifi cannot connect to home wifi, after secnd reboot it connects into the wifi but internet is still not working
phone is not rooted
current android version
basebank version
kernel version
[email protected] #3
Build number
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try reflashing the stock rom with odin and check if the issue still persist
neerajganga said:
try reflashing the stock rom with odin and check if the issue still persist
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i has the same problem and make a reinstall with odin, and every thing is working nice although a did some test with a firm of argentina (I9100AROLP4) and this one are perfect.:good:
Just root your device and change your kernel can save your problem.I hope so.
Known problem; http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=28036. Rooting, installing Fardjad's WiFix, setting a country code (GB in my case) and increasing /proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes from 3606 to 16384 fixed it for me. None of that should be necessary on the stock firmware of a consumer appliance, though.
EDIT: Actually, if WiFi connects, it might not be this issue after all. It is a problem in many (all?) official ICS 4.0.3, though. If by "internet is still not working" you mean the stock browser force closes before you can do anything with it, you'll need to go into settings->applications->all->[browser name] and clear cache and data. You'll lose your bookmarks, history and cache, so back those up first if you want to keep them.
Hi , I updated to this same build version today (form the first post), and I did notice that the wifi is working, however the download arrow of the wifi icon on the notification bar keeps blinking all the time. Is this normal?
jlito said:
Hi , I updated to this same build version today (form the first post), and I did notice that the wifi is working, however the download arrow of the wifi icon on the notification bar keeps blinking all the time. Is this normal?
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Are you on about the up and down arrows on the Wifi icon? This is normal this just shows the up arrow as uploading and the down arrow as downloading data. All part of the ICS UI.
Piece of advice root your phone install custom kernel and Rom. You will not go back to stock ever again!!!
Thx for the reply. Yes those are the arrows I'm refereing to, but the thing that seems odd is that whenever the wifi is connected the down arrow keeps blinking regardless if I'm using anything (apps or browsing) on the internet or not.
As for the custom roms/root, I will get to those yet.. First I'll try rooting and then I might move to a custom rom. I actually got very used to the stock rom, but I know once I start changing it will be a one way road.. lol
I had a similar problem when I updated to ICS 4.0.3. I did a factory reset on my router which sorted it out.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
In my case it doesn't seem to be draining more battery, its just the blinking that I found curious...
Not sure the router has anything to do with it but I will keep this in mind for possible fixes...
jlito said:
Thx for the reply. Yes those are the arrows I'm refereing to, but the thing that seems odd is that whenever the wifi is connected the down arrow keeps blinking regardless if I'm using anything (apps or browsing) on the internet or not.
As for the custom roms/root, I will get to those yet.. First I'll try rooting and then I might move to a custom rom. I actually got very used to the stock rom, but I know once I start changing it will be a one way road.. lol
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Your Wifi always looks for the router hence the down arrow downloading data which is very minimal. Your router gives you an IP address which lets you have internet. Your wifi checks for internet even if you are not using it. This is why its best to turn wifi off if you are not using it as it does drain your battery. Custom kernels have sorted this out when your phone "sleeps" it doesnt wake up even if your wifi is on.
Root first, Backup backup backup second, then install a custom kernel (this is the most important part of the phone) and then a custom rom. Seriously stock hasn't nothing on Mod. Think about it.....

