[Q] Baseband understanding - Streak 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

My basic understanding is that the baseband is like the firmware that makes the radio in your phone work (calls, mobile internet, wifi etc) right? But that is where my knowledge ends.
Just recently the mobile internet on my streak stopped working. The indicator for mobile internet still shows in the notification bar but any attempts to reach a web site or other connection just times out and fails. Wifi still works perfectly. It's not an issue with the carrier as I have never had to set anything up it has just worked out of the box each time I have updated anything. In any case for info my network is 3uk.
Now I have dropped this phone a few times, admittedly this could be what has caused the damage. On the other hand something might have become corrupted.
So assuming something might have got corrupted I'm thinking it could be the baseband but as I don't know much about them I'm not sure.
I have used QDL tool many times and had various versions of streakdroid on my streak. I have just about mastered the recover/restore/install procedure however in my ignorance you might say I have not learned much about basebands. I always try to learn the things I need as I go along and till now have not had to worry.
Here's the dumb questions I need answers to:
Do basebands come with each build of android? I mean rom downloads either official or streakdroid. I got the impression they did but not sure. I normally use streakdroid since v1.5.1
If they don't come with the roms where can I download an up to date baseband to see if it will fix my problem?
So far I have used QDL tool using the guide on streakdroid. Following that I install streakmod then use that to install streakdroid 1.9.0
Should I try installing any other rom?
Any other suggestions or tips of how I could get my mobile internet working?
Thanks in advance for any help!!

Have you looked at your APN settings?
Select Settings>Wireless & Networks>Mobile networks>Access Point Names
(might not be the exact name of the menus) but i know its under Wireless & Networks. Might need to reset the APN to default or search and reselect it.

Hi Thanks for the reply.
Yes I have tried to do the search to reselect it but it just searches for a long time as if its hung. Reset to default didn't change anything. (3 three.co.uk stayed putt)
Also I have completely reset my phone to factory default and back to latest streakdroid a few times. In the past I've not had to touch APN it just works after installing whatever rom.
I think I've already tried the most obvious things.
Would flashing the latest baseband help? Assuming it doesn't already come with the latest streakdroid. If it does then its looking like I am screwed unless there is anything else I could look at??

Have you tried your USIM in another phone. 3 may have blocked your Internet access as you are using a non-3 phone.

What does your about screen say for your baseband version and stuff?

Baseband version
Regarding "non-3 phone" I hope thats not the case. I've never had an actual "3 phone" I always use unlocked phone's. Prior to this one an omnia and prior to that a k850i neither of which are 3 phones. I will try the sim in another phone see what happens now. Let you know.

Baseband File Download:
Primary Download Site: http://downloads.streakdroid.com/djsteve/amss.mbn
Mirror 1: http://mirror2.streakdroid.com/amss.mbn
I guess u missed this part when flashing 1.9. The recommended baseband for 1.9 is 318.

Delltech you are right I did overlook that. However going back to your last point that 3 may have blocked my internet access. I think your right!! I just tried my sim in another phone and that can't connect to the internet.
Anything I can do if they have blocked my internet??

Call them and speak to tech support, they've got a bunch of cool techies who'll sort it out right away.

Will do.... Thanks!


[Q] WPA + AES = problem ?

Hi everyone.
I have recently upgraded my SGA from original 2.2.1 to 2.3.3 XXKPE and i have detected an issue when i try to use the WPA + AES combination. The phone detects the wifi but it tries to validate the password a few times and then it is disconnected...
When i tried to connect with the older firmware (Froyo 2.2.1) i could connect the first time but when i lost the connectivity my wifi changed it's state to error and the only way to reconnect was restarting the phone.
No issue detected with WEP or WPA + TKIP.
Anyone else has the same problem? If not, can you tell me your firmware version?
Many thanks in advance
Same situation: S5830 + ASUS WL500W works only with WPA TKIP. But with TKIP speed is limited to 54mbps. Android OS 2.3.4
Just picked up a Samsung Galaxy Ace running stock Android 2.3.4 (baseband S5830LUBKP7, kernel [email protected] #1), and seem to be having this same problem.
My home wifi is set to WPA2 Personal+AES, and when the correct passphrase is entered, the Ace just continuously cycles through "Connecting... Disconnected", over and over.
If I drop back to WPA Personal+AES, I get the exact same thing. *However*, if I drop to WPA Personal+TKIP, the phone connects immediately.
I really don't want to use TKIP, as it has known exploits. Is there a known FOTA update for a US-market, unbranded Galaxy Ace that fixes this, or is there any known workaround except "don't use AES"?
try DDKQ6
after flashing DDQK6, reboot phone and enter PIN
then reboot again but in recovery and install CWM5
reboot and wipe data/cache/dalvik and reboot
evilxdeadly said:
try DDKQ6
after flashing DDQK6, reboot phone and enter PIN
then reboot again but in recovery and install CWM5
reboot and wipe data/cache/dalvik and reboot
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Thanks for the info. I'm new to flashing phones, would kinda like to stay stock if possible, since this is my wife's phone, not my own. Am I correct in thinking DDQK6 is an Indian firmware? If so, what would differ from US-market firmware, and would I potentially lose any features or cause any unusual behavior by switching to it?
knoxploration said:
Thanks for the info. I'm new to flashing phones, would kinda like to stay stock if possible, since this is my wife's phone, not my own. Am I correct in thinking DDQK6 is an Indian firmware? If so, what would differ from US-market firmware, and would I potentially lose any features or cause any unusual behavior by switching to it?
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Just update it over the air from setting -> about/phone -> update.
Make sure you have backed up the data like contacts and sms.
Hey, hey!! Problem with wifi? I'm an expert on this But I came with bad news, though.
What I found out:
There's indeed a bug that prevents us from connecting to this kind of wireless (eduroam, in my case). Everything seems to come from a buggy version of wpa_supplicant, everything goes well but then, in the second phase, it seems to "forget" the password or something (I'm not an expert, sorry, can't explain any better) I've been trying to change it, but no luck.
I've tried most of the stock firmwares, and custom roms as well. No luck, still the same bug.
There's an app that claims to fix the problem. wifi ace if I remember well (advanced config editor). But it didn't fix anything for me. You may want to give it a try.
I was expecting for samsung to fix it, but I've lost my faith on it. Neither google seems to be doing anything, as the bug remains on android 4.0.
I can provide you with some links, in case you want to read more about. And please, let me know if you find something.
[More in Spanish. I'm not posting it since they say more or less the same]
alexnm said:
Hey, hey!! Problem with wifi? I'm an expert on this But I came with bad news, though.
What I found out:
There's indeed a bug that prevents us from connecting to this kind of wireless (eduroam, in my case). Everything seems to come from a buggy version of wpa_supplicant, everything goes well but then, in the second phase, it seems to "forget" the password or something (I'm not an expert, sorry, can't explain any better) I've been trying to change it, but no luck.
I've tried most of the stock firmwares, and custom roms as well. No luck, still the same bug.
There's an app that claims to fix the problem. wifi ace if I remember well (advanced config editor). But it didn't fix anything for me. You may want to give it a try.
I was expecting for samsung to fix it, but I've lost my faith on it. Neither google seems to be doing anything, as the bug remains on android 4.0.
I can provide you with some links, in case you want to read more about. And please, let me know if you find something.
[More in Spanish. I'm not posting it since they say more or less the same]
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Check the OP date?
Oops, didn't see that, sorry :$
alexnm said:
Oops, didn't see that, sorry :$
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No need to be sorry. You're replying to a thread that's current, in that I replied to it with my own problem. (And I did so because it was the only thread that came up in the Ace forum on a search for AES, which seems to be specific to the problem. Didn't seem to make sense to start a new thread when this one covers the same topic.)

[Q] WiFi Error, not allowing connection after Litening Rom installation

Hi guys
I recently put Litening Rom 1.5 on my SGS 2.
Prior to this the WiFi was working fine and I believe shortly thereafter (can't be sure). Now though the phone defaults to 3G. Under Settings > Wireless and Network > Wi-Fi settings the Wi-Fi box is unchecked with the word "error" underneath "WiFi". Whenever you try checking it, it says "turning on" for about 10seconds before returning to "error".
Anyone else experienced this or any suggestions, all pointers very much appreciated?
Thank you
flash back your CF-Root and your wifi should be working again...
Will try that when I get back home.
Does this mean though that I can't have Litening 1.5? I've not heard of other people experiencing this. The file I oriinally downloaded had 4 parts. Three were pretty obvious in terms of where to sync with Odin i.e. had CSC in the title, TAR file and one called PIT. However, I presumed I should insert all 4 in the relevant boxes of Odin. Was this wrong?
Thaks for the advise so far.
no you can use litening....your step is correct...just try to flash back your cf-root if u using for rooting.....
btw couple of user have same problem in which after flashing modified rom sometimes the wifi not working....so when they flash back cf-root kernel, wifi works again
gchildz said:
... couple of user have same problem in which after flashing modified rom sometimes the wifi not working....so when they flash back cf-root kernel, wifi works again
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+1 for me. reflashing kernel worked fine
Well the good news is that reflashing the CF Root worked and I got the WiFi back again. The bad news is, that when I put the phone down and picked it up again 20 mins later, it had gone back to it's old bad habits.
Tried reflashing CF Root again but this time no result.
Looking through the phone I'm wondering if it could be either a confliction between system operations or a dodgy app (less likely this one).
The reason I say this is because at present I have to ways of quickly turning Wi-Fi on and off. 1 is the swipe down action from the top of the home screen, which gives the Litening Blue toggling buttons and the other is residing on my 2nd home screen which are the green toggling buttons which were their before Litening. I could be wrong but both with the problem occurring are not illuminated. Attempting turn WiFi on only illuminates one of these temporarily. Therefore just wondering if on is cancelling out the other?
What would you suggest trying next, perhaps Villian Rom incase it's a Litening thing? If not, any other setting I should try adjusting both on the SGS2 or in Odin etc
i believe your issue is down to installing a corrupt rom...why i say corrupt coz you didnt clear the calvik cache, wipe data when flashing the room etc...well my advise is to start everything from fresh..root your phone with CF-Root and boot in CWM mode..follow the basic step
start clearing cache, wipe data etc and install back the custom rom. or you may try back with official rom see if u face similiar issue...
another option is to upgrade / downgrade your baseband modem....i'm using XXKF2 which is the best in my setup in my country, signal more stable and good connectivity compare to KE7...some user in different country prefer KE7.......coz they got issue with KF2
Thanks Gchildz for your continued assistance.
Ref stable baseband modem what would you suggest in my case: I live in the UK but spend much of my working time in Europe, Middle East and former Soviet Republics? I appreciate that residing in one country would be much easier to determine the baseband but as a frequent traveller, is there a baseband that is all things to most of the places mentioned? To be fair, most of the accommodation is in the middle to upper end of the spectrum and therefore they WiFi I'd be using would usually be setup by an independant company with a reasonable budget, rather than a flee pit hotel with a cheap and nasty router.
Further to last, it would seem that I'm really not having much luck with this.....
I reinstalled CF-Root, then flashed to Villain 1.4 and still the Wi-Fi is not working. I even put on top the optional Modem file and again nothing but this darn "Error".
If I could, I would change the original thread title to "Error msg when trying to turn on WiFi" as it would appear to not be peculiar only to Litening now.
BTW Regarding the corrupted ROM I did clear the cache, factory reset etc 100% this time around. I thought I had last time but could be 100% posititve. I'm using Odin v.183, that shouldn't make a difference should it?

[Q] Urgent! Data Won't Work on Any Rom, Even Stock!

I recently acquired this galaxy S after my HD2 stopped functioning. When I got it, it had Cynaogenmod on it; however, I wanted MIUI. So, I reverted the phone to stock configurations and loaded MIUI on there.
I used the methods posted in this thread and loaded the revamped SS-6 MIUI rom (I tried all the way up to SS-8). I later found that this was an outdated method and used the suggestions made by the rom creator. Both times I loaded the OS successfully. Unfortunately, the data wasn't working. It showed that I was connected and had full bars with 3G or H connection... but all apps that required data still failed to connect.
I always got a message saying "Data connectivity problem: Server failed to communicate. Please try again later." So, I reverted the phone back to stock JFD using ODIN. I still have the data issue -- nothing connects. The bars are still full and the 3G symbol is still there... it just won't work.
The phone info is:
Model Number: SGH-T959
Firmware Version: 2.1-update 1
Baseband Version: T959UVJFD
Kernel Version: 2.6.29
Build Number: ECLAIR
The "Mobile Network Type" reads "HSDPA" and the "Mobile Network State" reads "connected".
Just to clarify, I can still text and call. I just have no data. Wifi works. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated; I'm completely stumped here. Thanks!
You saw the answer in the other thread, right?
Nope, I've been looking for an answer. Is there a thread that has a solution?
The one titled: "Miui completely ignores Data settings". It's a problem with the latest MIUI.
Check out the second post in the GingerZen thread. Follow the steps and ODIN using Eugene's Froyo That Does Not Brick. It should give you a fresh start. As a bonus, it re-roots your phone in the process. Note: only check re-partition for the second flash.
Awesome! Thanks, I'll try it. So, I just use the PIT file that comes with vibrant AIO?
You could grab the one from s15274n's "Noob Guide" too.
Then save all 3 files on your desktop for the next time you have to ODIN.
zephyranthesiii said:
I recently acquired this galaxy S after my HD2 stopped functioning. When I got it, it had Cynaogenmod on it; however, I wanted MIUI. So, I reverted the phone to stock configurations and loaded MIUI on there.
I used the methods posted in this thread and loaded the revamped SS-6 MIUI rom (I tried all the way up to SS-8). I later found that this was an outdated method and used the suggestions made by the rom creator. Both times I loaded the OS successfully. Unfortunately, the data wasn't working. It showed that I was connected and had full bars with 3G or H connection... but all apps that required data still failed to connect.
I always got a message saying "Data connectivity problem: Server failed to communicate. Please try again later." So, I reverted the phone back to stock JFD using ODIN. I still have the data issue -- nothing connects. The bars are still full and the 3G symbol is still there... it just won't work.
The phone info is:
Model Number: SGH-T959
Firmware Version: 2.1-update 1
Baseband Version: T959UVJFD
Kernel Version: 2.6.29
Build Number: ECLAIR
The "Mobile Network Type" reads "HSDPA" and the "Mobile Network State" reads "connected".
Just to clarify, I can still text and call. I just have no data. Wifi works. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated; I'm completely stumped here. Thanks!
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Your APN settings are screwed up. You'll need to reset your APN settings. Do not go flashing random software to fix your APN settings.
Hey, thanks for the suggestion. I followed the steps, but I'm still experiencing the data failure. :-\
I expected that to restore all settings. Google the correct APN settings as suggested. Hope that's it.
(But keep the EFTDNB files handy. They aren't exactly random and will usually get you out of a bind.)
I'm pretty sure I have the correct APN settings. At least, they seem to match what everyone else has posted. I noticed that the arrows around the data symbol (3G or H) only light up on the left side. This to me seems to show that I'm sending data; I'm just not receiving it.
Edit: Solution Found! It was on T-Mobile's end. Apparently, the data package from my HD2 was not compatible with this device. So, they set me up with the "Android equivalent" and "presto!", it works. Thanks for all the assistance!

Bell SGS2 3G Data Connectivity Issues

Ok so I've been reading around in a few threads about this but haven't quite found a solution in my case and I think I need a second opinion. I've also posted in other on going threads but it just gets lost in the rabble so.... it now gets it's own thread.
Bought a brand new Bell SGS2 from a dude on Kijiji. It was brand new, still in the box with the plastic all on it. I SIM unlocked it (which required rooting it) and dropped my Rogers SIM chip in.
I can send/receive txt's but 3G data drops frequently and usually happens once I initiate a data session. My test case uses SpeedTest. I've only seen it complete a full test cycle twice... most of the time, it will get the ping, start the download test and 10% in, the data connection drops and 3G/H+ icon disappears. It takes about 1-2 mins for the data connection to return. I've tried market access or web browsing and same thing happens once a data session initiates.
I've installed a slew of modem/ROM combinations via Odin from XXKH3 to XXKI4... nothing... same issue. Seemed worse with KI4 too!
I've tried different APN settings, disabling fast dormancy and specifically trying to enable only HSPA bands. Nothing. Same problem.
I've since reverted back to stock BELL firmware and tried a friends Bell SIM chip and noticed THE SAME thing happening! So this would definitely tell me it's a hardware problem. It's been more than 15 days so Bell won't even talk to me as the return period has passed and I'm not a bell user so screw them.
I guess at this point, I should test my luck with Samsung but it's been rooted and even though I've un-rooted the binary counter shows 2 which means.... I'm screwed for warranty right?
U can reset the binary counter after flashing back to it original state by using jig. Google for galaxy s2 jig
Btw, why dont u just flash original samsung I9100XXKI3 rom? Which provide good modem. Check my signature, 'boot loop', theres a link lead u to installation guide with download link provided. All is there.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
I personally found XXKI3 Modem to be best for Bell's SGS2 (currently using it on Telus).
Tried all the modems' including KI3... didn't work.
In recovery mode, fix permission, reboot and check the 3g again.
Try another method, flash cm7 nightly latest version #16. If the problem still exist, thats mean its related to phone's hardware.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
neobirdrio said:
In recovery mode, fix permission, reboot and check the 3g again.
Try another method, flash cm7 nightly latest version #16. If the problem still exist, thats mean its related to phone's hardware.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Well I got it new out of the box but I had to SIM unlock it which required rooting and etc....
I did power-volume up-home... got into recovery mode and... there is no option to fix permissions. Keep in mind this is the stock ROM I put back on.
CM7 is another idea.... not against that.
Well. Maybe some failure occured during rooting your phone before. Install rommanager app from the market, open then select flash recovery mode, then select your phone model.. This will give u recovery v4 which will give u more option on recovery mode. This is the easiest way to get more option cwm. U will have fix permission option when u done.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
i have the same problem i.e data loses connection. after a fresh flash of stock rom and factory reset , it starts working fine for a week or so and then the shyt happens again . i can tell u , its not a hardware issue, it more like a software issue.
i m not good at android but wen i used to run squid on a linux machine as a proxy server , i recall i had to clear a log file to make data flow possible every few days. i think android has a similar issues some logs files build up or some **** like that.

Using Cyanogenmod and lost access to mobile data (3g)? Read here and reply.

Fixing mobile data (3g) after installing Cyanogenmod 7 (nightly)
Hello all. I'm writing this as a long-time lurker and custom ROM / kernel user, who has been helped along greatly by this forum.
I had a long-standing issue that I couldn't find any clarity on: my mobile data access didn't work after switching to custom Roms/Kernels from LG's original Froyo Rom.
After months of thinking it was just an odd bug, and something to live with (since I rarely use data), I decided to look a little deeper into the problem. I found it difficult to even find information on the problem - there's a lot of bad information, and a lot of hard-to-read information from friendly, but not perfectly fluent English speakers.
In short, I'm hoping that others who are struggling with this issue will find this post with some Googling, and won't have to be as confused as I was.
After doing the following, I have everything working perfectly and here's how I did it:
1) I knew that the right baseband (under About Phone, in Settings) had something to do with mobile connections, including 3g data authentication and transfer. I found that v10 (and older) basebands are considered the 'old' baseband, while v20 basebands are considered 'new' basebands.
2) Cyanogenmod often reports the baseband incorrectly, so finding out what baseband you're on is unreliable through the About Phone menu, if you're already on CM7.
3) There are some scary sounding techniques to update your baseband (one involves using a poorly documented program called 'LGMDP-v1.5.exe'). These techniques can apparently brick your phone, so I avoided them. I might be wrong on some of the details here, so let me know!
4) I instead obtained the latest baseband by simply letting the LG update software (in my case from LG.ca) update my phone to Android 2.3. I noticed that I now had baseband v20. My mobile data worked!
5) I then re-rooted the phone, using SuperOneClick.
6) Installed the latest CM7 nightly. Mobile data no longer worked
6.5) I should mention, I tried other ROM/Kernel combinations and ended up having crashes and hangs on boot - thankfully I could use 'adb reboot recovery' to get back to Clockwork Recovery, when even holding various keys on reboot to do this didn't work).
7) Installed the wonderful ta-gb 1.1 kernel (thanks to all of the devs who worked on this and others like it).
8) And lastly (and possibly most importantly) I came across this:
It's a list of APN information, which corresponds to different carriers, and appears to be necessary for mobile data connections. My carrier (Koodo) was not listed here, and therefore appears to not be included in even the latest Cyanogenmod 7 (as of Feb 2012).
9) This led me to find this: http://code.google.com/p/cyanogenmod/wiki/APNlist
Which happened to include the APN information for my carrier that I needed to put in, under Mobile Networks > Access Point Names.
Inputting that information made my 3g connection start up instantly. I was able to check that things looked good by typing *#*#4636#*#* in the dialer, and looking under Phone Information.
Maybe you're a veteran CM7 user, and think this is obvious newb stuff, but I want to leave this thread here for any other users who were stuck as long as I was.
If you fixed this issue with a different method, please share what you did here. If you're a ROM/Kernel dev with more insight on anything that I covered, please comment.
Are you doing this on v20 baseband?
I also have trouble with data on nightly's. I know DJ posted on the cyanogen forum today, saying Adam got a new Sim (128k, the ones causing problems) for testing. There should be a fix soon, fixing this problem.
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
Paulenski said:
Are you doing this on v20 baseband?
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Yes. Is your carrier's APN information available to try all that I wrote above?
bambu85 said:
Fixing mobile data (3g) after installing Cyanogenmod 7 (nightly)
Hello all. I'm writing this as a long-time lurker and custom ROM / kernel user, who has been helped along greatly by this forum.
I had a long-standing issue that I couldn't find any clarity on: my mobile data access didn't work after switching to custom Roms/Kernels from LG's original Froyo Rom.
After months of thinking it was just an odd bug, and something to live with (since I rarely use data), I decided to look a little deeper into the problem. I found it difficult to even find information on the problem - there's a lot of bad information, and a lot of hard-to-read information from friendly, but not perfectly fluent English speakers.
In short, I'm hoping that others who are struggling with this issue will find this post with some Googling, and won't have to be as confused as I was.
After doing the following, I have everything working perfectly and here's how I did it:
1) I knew that the right baseband (under About Phone, in Settings) had something to do with mobile connections, including 3g data authentication and transfer. I found that v10 (and older) basebands are considered the 'old' baseband, while v20 basebands are considered 'new' basebands.
2) Cyanogenmod often reports the baseband incorrectly, so finding out what baseband you're on is unreliable through the About Phone menu, if you're already on CM7.
3) There are some scary sounding techniques to update your baseband (one involves using a poorly documented program called 'LGMDP-v1.5.exe'). These techniques can apparently brick your phone, so I avoided them. I might be wrong on some of the details here, so let me know!
4) I instead obtained the latest baseband by simply letting the LG update software (in my case from LG.ca) update my phone to Android 2.3. I noticed that I now had baseband v20. My mobile data worked!
5) I then re-rooted the phone, using SuperOneClick.
6) Installed the latest CM7 nightly. Mobile data no longer worked
6.5) I should mention, I tried other ROM/Kernel combinations and ended up having crashes and hangs on boot - thankfully I could use 'adb reboot recovery' to get back to Clockwork Recovery, when even holding various keys on reboot to do this didn't work).
7) Installed the wonderful ta-gb 1.1 kernel (thanks to all of the devs who worked on this and others like it).
8) And lastly (and possibly most importantly) I came across this:
It's a list of APN information, which corresponds to different carriers, and appears to be necessary for mobile data connections. My carrier (Koodo) was not listed here, and therefore appears to not be included in even the latest Cyanogenmod 7 (as of Feb 2012).
9) This led me to find this: http://code.google.com/p/cyanogenmod/wiki/APNlist
Which happened to include the APN information for my carrier that I needed to put in, under Mobile Networks > Access Point Names.
Inputting that information made my 3g connection start up instantly. I was able to check that things looked good by typing *#*#4636#*#* in the dialer, and looking under Phone Information.
Maybe you're a veteran CM7 user, and think this is obvious newb stuff, but I want to leave this thread here for any other users who were stuck as long as I was.
If you fixed this issue with a different method, please share what you did here. If you're a ROM/Kernel dev with more insight on anything that I covered, please comment.
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You should be able to get all your apn information from your carrier provider even if cyanogenmod doesnt have it.
Apn is nothing to do with being a veteran cm user or that, you used to always have to enter that kind of stuff in the old phones when you used g and 3g, in my case my carrier would sms me the settigs automatically, such as it still does for my nokia e63
deniso177 said:
You should be able to get all your apn information from your carrier provider even if cyanogenmod doesnt have it.
Apn is nothing to do with being a veteran cm user or that, you used to always have to enter that kind of stuff in the old phones when you used g and 3g, in my case my carrier would sms me the settigs automatically, such as it still does for my nokia e63
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Good to know!
I have installed the nightlyfoure v3.8 and I am not getting 3g.I am getting edge connection. When I activate 3g it shows I have only gprs. I live in a place where 3g is available and I have v20g baseband.
Can you also tell us the procedure to edit/overwrite the original apns-config.xml if you did so? Thank you dude
geoemm said:
I have installed the nightlyfoure v3.8 and I am not getting 3g.I am getting edge connection. When I activate 3g it shows I have only gprs. I live in a place where 3g is available and I have v20g baseband.
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Is your carrier listed in either of the links I posted about in step 8 or 9?
TheBlackHawkJr said:
Can you also tell us the procedure to edit/overwrite the original apns-config.xml if you did so? Thank you dude
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I didn't edit 'apns-conf.xml', but I did find my carrier information in the link I posted in step 9) and typed it in manually into Access Point Names.
I suppose you could edit the apns-conf.xml file either in the source code, and compile CM7 yourself (time consuming). Or you could use the adb program that comes with the Android developer kit, and shell into the rooted phone (to see it, do: adb shell; cd /etc; ls). You could then probably edit it in place (might be risky), or pull the file, edit it, and then push it back with various adb commands that you can google
The code.google.com link I posted above might be the best way to request your APN details get added to the file in the next CM7 release.
bambu85 said:
I didn't edit 'apns-conf.xml', but I did find my carrier information in the link I posted in step 9) and typed it in manually into Access Point Names.
I suppose you could edit the apns-conf.xml file either in the source code, and compile CM7 yourself (time consuming). Or you could use the adb program that comes with the Android developer kit, and shell into the rooted phone (to see it, do: adb shell; cd /etc; ls). You could then probably edit it in place (might be risky), or pull the file, edit it, and then push it back with various adb commands that you can google
The code.google.com link I posted above might be the best way to request your APN details get added to the file in the next CM7 release.
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Perfect, thanks but wait wait wait! You also faced the "not able to save APNs" problem? Also, I've just found out that my carrier (Vodafone IT) is listed among other carriers in APNlist you've linked... what's the deal?
(please be patient with me dude, I might seem really dumb but... I'm learning as I go )
My provider's APN is already added.
But sometimes, it fails to connect to DATA let it be 2G/3G.
Reboot solves it....
TheBlackHawkJr said:
Perfect, thanks but wait wait wait! You also faced the "not able to save APNs" problem? Also, I've just found out that my carrier (Vodafone IT) is listed among other carriers in APNlist you've linked... what's the deal?
(please be patient with me dude, I might seem really dumb but... I'm learning as I go )
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Same issue.. pushed the updated apn-conf.xml to /etc but in my settings where the apns should show up do not. I also can not save the apn when i manually input it. (tmobile)
TheBlackHawkJr said:
Perfect, thanks but wait wait wait! You also faced the "not able to save APNs" problem?
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I did not encounter this problem. Does anyone else have any input on this issue?
Thank you bambu85 I was stuck in the same situation for the longest time. I am using oxygen mod and your post helped me greatly. Data is now working! Sure the information might already be there but for us koodoers it's not so easy to decipher. Thanks
bambu85 said:
I did not encounter this problem. Does anyone else have any input on this issue?
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Plus one when putting in the apn manually and press save it does not save it I only had this problem with new baseband ROMs
Sent from my HTC sensation 4g using Tapatalk

