Bell SGS2 3G Data Connectivity Issues - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ok so I've been reading around in a few threads about this but haven't quite found a solution in my case and I think I need a second opinion. I've also posted in other on going threads but it just gets lost in the rabble so.... it now gets it's own thread.
Bought a brand new Bell SGS2 from a dude on Kijiji. It was brand new, still in the box with the plastic all on it. I SIM unlocked it (which required rooting it) and dropped my Rogers SIM chip in.
I can send/receive txt's but 3G data drops frequently and usually happens once I initiate a data session. My test case uses SpeedTest. I've only seen it complete a full test cycle twice... most of the time, it will get the ping, start the download test and 10% in, the data connection drops and 3G/H+ icon disappears. It takes about 1-2 mins for the data connection to return. I've tried market access or web browsing and same thing happens once a data session initiates.
I've installed a slew of modem/ROM combinations via Odin from XXKH3 to XXKI4... nothing... same issue. Seemed worse with KI4 too!
I've tried different APN settings, disabling fast dormancy and specifically trying to enable only HSPA bands. Nothing. Same problem.
I've since reverted back to stock BELL firmware and tried a friends Bell SIM chip and noticed THE SAME thing happening! So this would definitely tell me it's a hardware problem. It's been more than 15 days so Bell won't even talk to me as the return period has passed and I'm not a bell user so screw them.
I guess at this point, I should test my luck with Samsung but it's been rooted and even though I've un-rooted the binary counter shows 2 which means.... I'm screwed for warranty right?

U can reset the binary counter after flashing back to it original state by using jig. Google for galaxy s2 jig
Btw, why dont u just flash original samsung I9100XXKI3 rom? Which provide good modem. Check my signature, 'boot loop', theres a link lead u to installation guide with download link provided. All is there.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

I personally found XXKI3 Modem to be best for Bell's SGS2 (currently using it on Telus).

Tried all the modems' including KI3... didn't work.

In recovery mode, fix permission, reboot and check the 3g again.
Try another method, flash cm7 nightly latest version #16. If the problem still exist, thats mean its related to phone's hardware.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

neobirdrio said:
In recovery mode, fix permission, reboot and check the 3g again.
Try another method, flash cm7 nightly latest version #16. If the problem still exist, thats mean its related to phone's hardware.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Well I got it new out of the box but I had to SIM unlock it which required rooting and etc....
I did power-volume up-home... got into recovery mode and... there is no option to fix permissions. Keep in mind this is the stock ROM I put back on.
CM7 is another idea.... not against that.

Well. Maybe some failure occured during rooting your phone before. Install rommanager app from the market, open then select flash recovery mode, then select your phone model.. This will give u recovery v4 which will give u more option on recovery mode. This is the easiest way to get more option cwm. U will have fix permission option when u done.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

i have the same problem i.e data loses connection. after a fresh flash of stock rom and factory reset , it starts working fine for a week or so and then the shyt happens again . i can tell u , its not a hardware issue, it more like a software issue.
i m not good at android but wen i used to run squid on a linux machine as a proxy server , i recall i had to clear a log file to make data flow possible every few days. i think android has a similar issues some logs files build up or some **** like that.


[Q] WiFi Error, not allowing connection after Litening Rom installation

Hi guys
I recently put Litening Rom 1.5 on my SGS 2.
Prior to this the WiFi was working fine and I believe shortly thereafter (can't be sure). Now though the phone defaults to 3G. Under Settings > Wireless and Network > Wi-Fi settings the Wi-Fi box is unchecked with the word "error" underneath "WiFi". Whenever you try checking it, it says "turning on" for about 10seconds before returning to "error".
Anyone else experienced this or any suggestions, all pointers very much appreciated?
Thank you
flash back your CF-Root and your wifi should be working again...
Will try that when I get back home.
Does this mean though that I can't have Litening 1.5? I've not heard of other people experiencing this. The file I oriinally downloaded had 4 parts. Three were pretty obvious in terms of where to sync with Odin i.e. had CSC in the title, TAR file and one called PIT. However, I presumed I should insert all 4 in the relevant boxes of Odin. Was this wrong?
Thaks for the advise so far.
no you can use litening....your step is correct...just try to flash back your cf-root if u using for rooting.....
btw couple of user have same problem in which after flashing modified rom sometimes the wifi not when they flash back cf-root kernel, wifi works again
gchildz said:
... couple of user have same problem in which after flashing modified rom sometimes the wifi not when they flash back cf-root kernel, wifi works again
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+1 for me. reflashing kernel worked fine
Well the good news is that reflashing the CF Root worked and I got the WiFi back again. The bad news is, that when I put the phone down and picked it up again 20 mins later, it had gone back to it's old bad habits.
Tried reflashing CF Root again but this time no result.
Looking through the phone I'm wondering if it could be either a confliction between system operations or a dodgy app (less likely this one).
The reason I say this is because at present I have to ways of quickly turning Wi-Fi on and off. 1 is the swipe down action from the top of the home screen, which gives the Litening Blue toggling buttons and the other is residing on my 2nd home screen which are the green toggling buttons which were their before Litening. I could be wrong but both with the problem occurring are not illuminated. Attempting turn WiFi on only illuminates one of these temporarily. Therefore just wondering if on is cancelling out the other?
What would you suggest trying next, perhaps Villian Rom incase it's a Litening thing? If not, any other setting I should try adjusting both on the SGS2 or in Odin etc
i believe your issue is down to installing a corrupt rom...why i say corrupt coz you didnt clear the calvik cache, wipe data when flashing the room etc...well my advise is to start everything from fresh..root your phone with CF-Root and boot in CWM mode..follow the basic step
start clearing cache, wipe data etc and install back the custom rom. or you may try back with official rom see if u face similiar issue...
another option is to upgrade / downgrade your baseband modem....i'm using XXKF2 which is the best in my setup in my country, signal more stable and good connectivity compare to KE7...some user in different country prefer KE7.......coz they got issue with KF2
Thanks Gchildz for your continued assistance.
Ref stable baseband modem what would you suggest in my case: I live in the UK but spend much of my working time in Europe, Middle East and former Soviet Republics? I appreciate that residing in one country would be much easier to determine the baseband but as a frequent traveller, is there a baseband that is all things to most of the places mentioned? To be fair, most of the accommodation is in the middle to upper end of the spectrum and therefore they WiFi I'd be using would usually be setup by an independant company with a reasonable budget, rather than a flee pit hotel with a cheap and nasty router.
Further to last, it would seem that I'm really not having much luck with this.....
I reinstalled CF-Root, then flashed to Villain 1.4 and still the Wi-Fi is not working. I even put on top the optional Modem file and again nothing but this darn "Error".
If I could, I would change the original thread title to "Error msg when trying to turn on WiFi" as it would appear to not be peculiar only to Litening now.
BTW Regarding the corrupted ROM I did clear the cache, factory reset etc 100% this time around. I thought I had last time but could be 100% posititve. I'm using Odin v.183, that shouldn't make a difference should it?

[Q] no 3G

hi guys, just about 2 days ago i rooted my phone. problem is after rooting my phone can't seem to get a 3G signal anymore. only GPRS which is so slow! need help tried reflashing with a stock ICS ROM and still no go.
EDIT: here are the things i did before i noticed the disappearance of 3G
1. downloaded recovery and kernel from tegrak's website.
2. booted into download mode and flashed the recovery.tar file
3. booted to recovery mode and flashed the .zip file
4. installed Tegrak Kernel & Superuser from Play Store
*this is when i noticed that i can only get GPRS/1x signal
what i did after was kept flashing a stock ICS ROM. nothing happened to fix the 3G problem.
searched the forums and none of the method works. tried reflashing stock ROM still a no go.
cptnappy said:
searched the forums and none of the method works. tried reflashing stock ROM still a no go.
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Mabey there is an outage, you can always go back to stock with odin
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
Android The Greek said:
Mabey there is an outage, you can always go back to stock with odin
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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already did sir, still no 3G signal. i'm 200% sure my area has 3G.. it even reaches 3.5G on my other phones.
okay.. just noticed minutes ago that my other phones are getting up to 4G signals too. and my Galaxy Note can't even get to 4G? its really stuck at GRPS speeds. the root must've messed up something because this is my 3rd reflash of a stock ICS ROM and still stuck with a G signal when data network is turned on.
EDIT: been lurking around xda-developers forums now, even tried other websites... is it possible that a kernel flash could change the radio of the device? reflashing for the 5th time did not do anything for me. after 5 tries (i know, that's too many to figure it out that it doesn't work), i've given up. if anyone has a solution to this problem please message me.
ok guys after a few days of testing. i finally figured it out.
for some very odd reason, this particular sim of mine says "network type: GPRS"
i tried different sim cards of the same carrier (i repeat, the same carriers) and it says "network type: UMTS"
even tried different sim cards from other networks and it says "network type: HSDPA"
so that is very odd. did flashing ruin something on this simcard? i can't really pin point?
anyway for me this problem is solved. i'm getting another sim card hehe. hello again 3G/4G!
EDIT: I FOUND A SOLUTION! its not the simcard, its the band setting! i just switched from GSM to WCDMA and it worked for that sim! there is a secret SKT Telecom menu for the Korean android phones that lets you change the band.ΓΌ

GS3 Freezes after disconnecting from WiFi

I recently flashed CWM onto my uncles GS3 and rooted his current rom. I made a backup and then tried out a new AOSP rom, which we decided not to keep because my uncle did not like it. But now, returning to the old rooted stock rom, every time the phone disconnects from wifi, it completely freezes up on the lock screen. Pressing the lock button does not shut off the screen and instead just locks it. You are unable to unlock it as the phone completely freezes up. The only way to get into the phone is to double tap home to get into the voice commands, and then go to home from there.
But even after that the phone continues to freeze. I tried another ROM on his phone today, but the problem still persisted a while later. It all happens when the phone is connected to wifi, and you walk out of range. After which the phone starts to freeze up.
I'm totally unsure whats going on. I just flashed the rom again, and we are trying a clean slate with no restoring of any data. It may have started to happen after we installed root browser (just as a guess), but we could be completely wrong.
If this continues again on this rom as well (which is Revolution HD) Im going to go back to completely stock (rom & recovery), and hope it still doesn't persist there. If not then I am out of options, and I have no clue what to do.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. We spent so many hours today trying to resolve this.
Usualy WiFi problems are kernel related. Have you tried Siyah or another custom kernel?
If this will not help than returning to stock with all wipes is the best idea, this should resolve your problem. If not, than you can try to reset router or set static IP for s3. Also try to remove WiFi setting for your home network in the phone and set it again manualy or via WPS mode.
i9.0.1.3k galaxy imperator
SirKunon said:
Usualy WiFi problems are kernel related. Have you tried Siyah or another custom kernel?
If this will not help than returning to stock with all wipes is the best idea, this should resolve your problem. If not, than you can try to reset router or set static IP for s3. Also try to remove WiFi setting for your home network in the phone and set it again manualy or via WPS mode.
i9.0.1.3k galaxy imperator
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Thanks for the reply. This issue has been occurring between two different roms, so can the kernal still be an issue? Its happened with the absolute stock rom (w/ root) and Android HD Revolution.
My uncle said he would play around with the phone and let me know if it freezes again by tomorrow. If it does im going to wipe and stock.
Can anyone show me where to get the stock roms for the i9300?
I've downloaded and tried 3 different ones, but the phone never manages to boot up!
JitinDhillon said:
Can anyone show me where to get the stock roms for the i9300?
I've downloaded and tried 3 different ones, but the phone never manages to boot up!
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Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
JitinDhillon said:
Can anyone show me where to get the stock roms for the i9300?
I've downloaded and tried 3 different ones, but the phone never manages to boot up!
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Same problem on Galaxy Note N7000, did your problem resolve by reverting back to stock because I've tried every possible option, to no avail?
juliobahar said:
Same problem on Galaxy Note N7000, did your problem resolve by reverting back to stock because I've tried every possible option, to no avail?
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Go into recovery and wipe the cache, I believe that was my problem.

[Q] Galaxy S2 unable to register to network, no signal

I'm facing this major problem with my handset.
When I insert a SIM card to my mobile, it registers with the network (VODAFONE IN) with signal strength of 12asu and then gradually decreases to 5asu and then 1asu when my phone shows no signal afterwards. The carrier is shown as Unknown and service as out of service.
If I put the same SIM in another phone, it works. So no problem with the SIM or Network.
I have tried the following:
1) Flashed various modems
2) Flashed various ROMS (CM9, CM10, Official Stock)
3) Did complete WIPE. Factory Reset, Clear cache, Clear Dalvik cache, Format /system
4) I also restored by efs to a backup I had of my efs(taken when I first got the phone in 2011).
5) Also used Repair Galaxy S2 app which basically fixes RW permissions of the EFS folder.
6) Also used EFS Pro to repair my .nav files
7) Also used GetRIL tool to check if the drivers are matching.
Even after doing everything, the problem is same. When I first insert the sim card, it gets signal for around 5 minutes and then suddenly it goes to 1asu with no signal forever. I also kept my phone as it is for one whole day, but nothing: my phone is unreachable and there's no signal.
I had never dropped my phone and possibility of any physical damage to the receiver is very low.
The only reason I can see is this:
I was on DilDroid ICS and everything was fine until one day, I went to Recovery and fixed permissions. (Btw, DilDroid ICS used Siyah kernal)
And I think that was the last thing I did after which my phone couldn't receive signals.
I think some files have been corrupted and even after factory reset etc. it remains and the next time I flash another ROM, the files are still there.
Can someone tell me a way to completely clean my galaxy s2 and then start off by flashing a new ROM.
Or any other solution. Kindly help.
deathfrag said:
I'm facing this major problem with my handset.
When I insert a SIM card to my mobile, it registers with the network (VODAFONE IN) with signal strength of 12asu and then gradually decreases to 5asu and then 1asu when my phone shows no signal afterwards. The carrier is shown as Unknown and service as out of service.
If I put the same SIM in another phone, it works. So no problem with the SIM or Network.
I have tried the following:
1) Flashed various modems
2) Flashed various ROMS (CM9, CM10, Official Stock)
3) Did complete WIPE. Factory Reset, Clear cache, Clear Dalvik cache, Format /system
4) I also restored by efs to a backup I had of my efs(taken when I first got the phone in 2011).
5) Also used Repair Galaxy S2 app which basically fixes RW permissions of the EFS folder.
6) Also used EFS Pro to repair my .nav files
7) Also used GetRIL tool to check if the drivers are matching.
Even after doing everything, the problem is same. When I first insert the sim card, it gets signal for around 5 minutes and then suddenly it goes to 1asu with no signal forever. I also kept my phone as it is for one whole day, but nothing: my phone is unreachable and there's no signal.
I had never dropped my phone and possibility of any physical damage to the receiver is very low.
The only reason I can see is this:
I was on DilDroid ICS and everything was fine until one day, I went to Recovery and fixed permissions. (Btw, DilDroid ICS used Siyah kernal)
And I think that was the last thing I did after which my phone couldn't receive signals.
I think some files have been corrupted and even after factory reset etc. it remains and the next time I flash another ROM, the files are still there.
Can someone tell me a way to completely clean my galaxy s2 and then start off by flashing a new ROM.
Or any other solution. Kindly help.
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do a full wipe and install another rom and see
1) Wipe data/Factory reset
2) go to 'mounts and storage' and wipe data and system there.
3)wipe Cache partition as well as Dalvik in advance.
then install the rom zip file
and again do all wipes except system and then check for issue's
ps- before that try with a different netwrk sim on the phone and see if the issue persists or not
Sun90 said:
do a full wipe and install another rom and see
1) Wipe data/Factory reset
2) go to 'mounts and storage' and wipe data and system there.
3)wipe Cache partition as well as Dalvik in advance.
then install the rom zip file
and again do all wipes except system and then check for issue's
ps- before that try with a different network sim on the phone and see if the issue persists or not
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Hi Sun90,
I've tried flashing different ROM after complete wipe. I also wiped system. But never wiped data. Doing it now.
I tried your approach, but still facing the same problem. Please help.
Hello everyone.
I got exactly the same problem. I had my I9100 for over a year. I flashed lots of roms. Now i got this problem. I cannot connect to the service of my carrier. I got realy bad connection or no connection at all. The sim works on different Galaxys and its not a problem with the apn and or my IMEI. Evereything is ok there.
what have I done so far:
flashed several roms
flashed several modems
went back to original rom
several whipes
Now I have a nice MP3 player with some WIFI at home
What im thinkin about could be the problem but I dont know how to fix it:
I think i got a wrong CSC and there is something rotten with my partitions...
deathfrag said:
Hi Sun90,
I've tried flashing different ROM after complete wipe. I also wiped system. But never wiped data. Doing it now.
I tried your approach, but still facing the same problem. Please help.
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Aton88 said:
Hello everyone.
I got exactly the same problem. I had my I9100 for over a year. I flashed lots of roms. Now i got this problem. I cannot connect to the service of my carrier. I got realy bad service or no service at all. The sim works on different Galaxys and its not a problem with the apn.
what have I done so far:
flashed several roms
flashed several modems
went back to original rom
several whipes
Now I have a nice MP3 player with some WIFI at home
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have u guys tried with a differnet netwrk's Sim other than the one ur into and checked for the same issue?
Sun90 said:
have u guys tried with a differnet netwrk's Sim other than the one ur into and checked for the same issue?
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Haven't tried that, but what will that prove? My SIM works perfectly okay on different mobile.
Sun90 said:
have u guys tried with a differnet netwrk's Sim other than the one ur into and checked for the same issue?
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yes i tried another networks's sim as well. sim was recognised. sim-pin ok. but no service/connection. on manual carrier choice the galaxy said something like connected to service. but there is no internet and if i try to make a call there is the "no service" popup again.
i dont think its a problem with the HW because sometimes i see the different carriers. i just cannot connect to them!
as I said before: I think its a SW problem around CSC and/or somethin is ****ed up with my phones partitions...
Aton88 said:
yes i tried another networks's sim as well. sim was recognised. sim-pin ok. but no service/connection. on manual carrier choice the galaxy said something like connected to service. but there is no internet and if i try to make a call there is the "no service" popup again.
i dont think its a problem with the HW because sometimes i see the different carriers. i just cannot connect to them!
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That's true. If I sometime connect to my network, I can quickly make a call & for the duration of the call, it remains okay. Pretty strange. I can goto flight mode and then back and sometimes I get the signals back for around 2-3 minutes before again going to no signal.
@Aton88, Were you by any chance on Siyah kernal or DilDroid ROM or went outside India? Just asking. Trying to find a pattern here.
deathfrag said:
Haven't tried that, but what will that prove? My SIM works perfectly okay on different mobile.
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rather trying to know whether it prove a thing' isn't of much importance compared to giving it a try and see for any hardware issue
Sun90 said:
rather trying to know whether it prove a thing' isn't of much importance compared to giving it a try and see for any hardware issue
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That's true, I'll try that with my friend's SIM tomorrow. Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.
deathfrag said:
That's true, I'll try that with my friend's SIM tomorrow. Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.
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yeh sure, give it a try
and by the way creating more threads for the same issue doesn't bring about any goodthing to u for sure, hence stick to the rules of XDA, rather than doing this and getting Infracted by the mods for the same
take my words this is for ur own good
Sun90 said:
yeh sure, give it a try
and by the way creating more threads for the same issue doesn't bring about any goodthing to u for sure, hence stick to the rules of XDA, rather than doing this and getting Infracted by the mods for the same
take my words this is for ur own good
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Thanks for the advice. I shall make sure I don't create duplicate threads. Btw, I even checked if my phone is locked but it's not. Everything is OFF.
I even checked the validity of my IMEI and it seems to be valid.
I'm really running out of ideas to check what's wrong.
I tried a different provider's SIM and even that doesn't work.
Can someone tell me how to do a complete clean install.
Are these steps complete or any steps are missing:
1. Factory Reset
2. Clear cache
3. Clear Dalvik Cache
4. Clear Battery stats
5. Wipe /system
6. Wipe /data
Then Goto Odin: Flash the official Stock Firmware for India.
Am i missing anything? I want a complete WIPE, so that no previous corrupted files are present. Please help.
deathfrag said:
I tried a different provider's SIM and even that doesn't work.
Can someone tell me how to do a complete clean install.
Are these steps complete or any steps are missing:
1. Factory Reset
2. Clear cache
3. Clear Dalvik Cache
4. Clear Battery stats
5. Wipe /system
6. Wipe /data
Then Goto Odin: Flash the official Stock Firmware for India.
Am i missing anything? I want a complete WIPE, so that no previous corrupted files are present. Please help.
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u can give it a try with those steps but no4 is not necessary
i have a similar the about section my network is displayed correctly but under "service state" it says out of service... BUT the internet works fine....when i try to make a call it says "not registered on network" ...the sim works fine in other phones.....the IMEI is also fine.
heres what i have tried :
1) change sim card
2) change roms
3) go back to stock GB that phone came with
4)wipes (all)
now i think i messed up something with the ril cause i changed it and i think thats where the problem started.
i got backups of the efs but i dont wana go there unless absolutely sure that the problem is there.
(is there a way to i dont know like check the integrity of tue efs or something)
I'm having a similar problem with my s2
Sent from my X10i using xda premium
if someon could plz check this for me.
i went into the service mode menu *#197328640#..then option 2 which is version info ...then option 1 which is SW version....then option 1 which is READ IMEI when i selected that it said IMEI :NOT SUPPORTED
i dont know if thats if someone could please try this and let me know..i would be extremely thankful
ok so i did a lil experiment :
i purposely messed up my IMEI to that generic one with lots of zeros ...and suprisingly the calling function is back and i can use the phone normally except ofcourse the fact that the IMEI is messed....
Then i restored to get my own IMEI ...and together with my IMEI ..the problem came back too....
(oh and once again if someone could plz confirm the thing i asked about in previous post thanks)
My imei says not supported "/
Sent from my X10i using xda premium
Network signal issues
Have you tried checking network operators and manually searching and selecting the Network provider?
also have you tried flashing a different radio ?

[Q] Galaxy S III i9305 Wifi Problem

Good day,
I have a samsung galaxy s3 i9305 LTE and I have been using this device without problems for around 2 years now. It runs on Jellybean 4.3 baseband version i9305zhucnb1. It has been running on this firmware for a couple months now ever since it has been rolled out. The problem is, the WIFI suddenly stopped working. Never had this problem before and I actually never had any problems with this device ever. Whenever I turn on WIFI, it detects my home networks and other networks wherever I go but whenever I try to connect, it just shows saved secured, and sometimes authentication error after a couple of attempts. I have other WIFI devices at home and all are working perfectly. I tried forgetting the networks and I am positive that the WIFI password is correct. I tried to restore the device to facroty settings hoping that it would work. I tried accessing my router and I'm sure my device isn;t blocked. I even configured my routers to only accept the mac address of my device and block all others but still wouldn't connect. I tried rooting my device via odin but my device blocks root access and shows the error message "an application attempted to access system on your device without authorization. this attempt has been blocked.". I tried rooting it to try flashing custom roms. I also tried dialling *#0011# to configure my wifi but it still does not work. I don't think that the problem is my firmware because I had it for months and it didn't update before the issue occured. I was also about to try downgrading it to an ICS stock rom since I can't root it to try custom ROMs. I've been trying to fix this for days now. Can you guys give me a step by step instruction on how to fix this if it is at all possible? And maybe give me a link where I can download ICS or lower stock ROM's for this device. I think I have to use a TGY firmware, though I don't have an idea what it means. Thanks!
Wifi module
Maybe you've dropped your phone and the WIFI module loosened, and it can't work correctl?
riunoob1 said:
Good day,
I have a samsung galaxy s3 i9305 LTE and I have been using this device without problems for around 2 years now. It runs on Jellybean 4.3 baseband version i9305zhucnb1. It has been running on this firmware for a couple months now ever since it has been rolled out. The problem is, the WIFI suddenly stopped working. Never had this problem before and I actually never had any problems with this device ever. Whenever I turn on WIFI, it detects my home networks and other networks wherever I go but whenever I try to connect, it just shows saved secured, and sometimes authentication error after a couple of attempts. I have other WIFI devices at home and all are working perfectly. I tried forgetting the networks and I am positive that the WIFI password is correct. I tried to restore the device to facroty settings hoping that it would work. I tried accessing my router and I'm sure my device isn;t blocked. I even configured my routers to only accept the mac address of my device and block all others but still wouldn't connect. I tried rooting my device via odin but my device blocks root access and shows the error message "an application attempted to access system on your device without authorization. this attempt has been blocked.". I tried rooting it to try flashing custom roms. I also tried dialling *#0011# to configure my wifi but it still does not work. I don't think that the problem is my firmware because I had it for months and it didn't update before the issue occured. I was also about to try downgrading it to an ICS stock rom since I can't root it to try custom ROMs. I've been trying to fix this for days now. Can you guys give me a step by step instruction on how to fix this if it is at all possible? And maybe give me a link where I can download ICS or lower stock ROM's for this device. I think I have to use a TGY firmware, though I don't have an idea what it means. Thanks!
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I just charged it overnight and when i woke up, it just stopped working. where is the wifi module? the wifi does turn on and it detects wifi. it just doesnt connect. whenever i try to connect to a network, it shows saved, secured and sometimes authentication error.
riunoob1 said:
I just charged it overnight and when i woke up, it just stopped working. where is the wifi module? the wifi does turn on and it detects wifi. it just doesnt connect. whenever i try to connect to a network, it shows saved, secured and sometimes authentication error.
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Maybe it's time for factory reset? I know that's the easy solution and most complicated but you should do it from time to time.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
Perform a complete factory reset
andjeomilosrdja said:
Maybe it's time for factory reset? I know that's the easy solution and most complicated but you should do it from time to time.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
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Well, i think this may be the time to perform a complete factory reset ! try backing up your data and perform a complete factory reset.
already tried factory reset, already flashed stock rom. already reset wireless router and the router is a non-issue because i tried on several networks.
riunoob1 said:
already tried factory reset, already flashed stock rom. already reset wireless router and the router is a non-issue because i tried on several networks.
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Then it's a hardware problem.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
i decided to have it checked by a local technician and according to them, this was still a software issue. i dont know what to do anymore. they insisted that i should just keep flashing stock roms to fix these. already tried flashing the 4.3 tgy jellybean stock rom so i was thinking of flashing other version stocks. can anyone give e a good link where i can download tgy stock roms 4.1.2 or even ICS stock roms. I also am having problems with rooting the device. it gives me error message "an application attempted to access system on your device without authorization. this attempt has been blocked." after flashing autoroot in odin. my knox is not installed. thanks.
riunoob1 said:
i decided to have it checked by a local technician and according to them, this was still a software issue. i dont know what to do anymore. they insisted that i should just keep flashing stock roms to fix these. already tried flashing the 4.3 tgy jellybean stock rom so i was thinking of flashing other version stocks. can anyone give e a good link where i can download tgy stock roms 4.1.2 or even ICS stock roms. I also am having problems with rooting the device. it gives me error message "an application attempted to access system on your device without authorization. this attempt has been blocked." after flashing autoroot in odin. my knox is not installed. thanks.
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If they think it's a software problem,why didn't they fix it?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
dont know
the first time i brought this to them is when i attempted to flash an incompatible firmware. they also did not fix it. they said they dont have any available stock rom for i9305 and told me to download and flash one. mayba im just gonna have to look for a different technician when i have free time. so for the mean time, im trying to look for other fixes. btw, i tried downloading a tgy 4.1.2 stock rom and it does not flash successfully. for now i'm thinking of rooting and flashing custom roms. but whenever i flash auto root. it gives me the error message "an application attempted to access system on your device without authorization. this attempt has been blocked.". i tried updating supersu still the same thing. i manually installed root checker and says it does not have root access and it shows the said error message again. what should i do with that? Thanks

