Wifi Calling. Am I stuck on the same Rom forever? - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Long Story short I would have to walk down the block to use my phone at work. Wifi calling is a necessity. When I got my phone it was already flashed to a ROM that to this day I have no clue what it is. I know it is some version of JK6. Anyways Wifi calling is decently stable though I am having some minor issues with wifi connection and my battery is awful. If I flash a new modem would this interfere with the wifi calling's stability?
And having that in mind is there a list of what ROMS include wifi calling? (or can it be installed on any ROM, because I would really like to try Axura or Nero) but I can not go without it on my phone.

vlcano57 said:
Long Story short I would have to walk down the block to use my phone at work. Wifi calling is a necessity. When I got my phone it was already flashed to a ROM that to this day I have no clue what it is. I know it is some version of JK6. Anyways Wifi calling is decently stable though I am having some minor issues with wifi connection and my battery is awful. If I flash a new modem would this interfere with the wifi calling's stability?
And having that in mind is there a list of what ROMS include wifi calling? (or can it be installed on any ROM, because I would really like to try Axura or Nero) but I can not go without it on my phone.
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I'm sure it can work with axura, I've tried it, not sure about nero, but it should work.
The devs removed wifi calling from roms because its a HUGE battery hog, but I'm sure you can find a .apk on xda, or 4 shared.

I'm running Nero V3 and Wificalling works fine. It even seems to work better then my old JK2 based ROM. I'm using the .apk linked from the slightly better gingerbread theme found here in the vibrant themes section.

Flash a new rom and if the rom does not have the .apk just d/load it... no issues at all with the new roms.

Thanks guys I wasnt sure if the program was ROM Specific or required certain files/settings blah blah blah. But if it should work with any newer Rom I guess I should just get over this fear of flashing and pull the trigger. monkey1911 Ill give that a search right now so at least I can put it in my arsenal. Ill let y'all know my results. Thanks for the help!

I finally took the leap tonight and flashed nero 4.1 (maybe ill do 5 eventually but I like this for my first flash.)
I installed wifi calling and it works great. Had a struggle restoring my contacts because what's on google contacts is not correct and it wants to override what I restored using titanium which is correct so I had to shut it off and re restore the contacts after.
Only issue I am having is my camera advises me the firmware is not current and says continue yes or no. Any fix for this? Thanks for the help guys I am finally glad I got the audacity to flash
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App


Anyone help me identify my rom?

I got my vibrant running 2.2 in early December unfortunately I don't know what rom I am running. I have been wanting to install black froyo theme but it says not compatible with Jk6 I really am hesitant about flashing a rom so on figure I start with a theme and get comfortable but i really don't know what rom is on this phone. I know it was flashed before I got the phone and if i do get any rom I need wifi calling and all i know is this runs it decently stable so I am happy with it since I need it.
This is what it says under about
Firmware 2.2
Baseband T959UVJK6
Build number FROYO. UVJK6
So I really don't know of I am compatible with black froyo that is the one for non Nero listed under themes
On the sd it seems there are multiple zip files with rom names so this makes it even more difficult here is what's on the sd
That seems to be it. Yes i am rooted and I did titanium back up last night I feel like I am getting a little more audacious to finally do this and maybe sometime soon flash a new rom I just do. That's want to lose my wifi calling and is there way to get the phone exactly the way it is now if I screwed up? I been reading up 2 noob guides and it doesn't seem hard at all but i figure I start small. Thanks for any help in advance
Sent from my Vibrant using XDA App
Just upgrade your modem. I know you are hesitant but it's relatively easy and there are better modems out from the JK6.
pick one and go to town. I can personally verify it working on JL1,4,and 5.
why not just DL Nero v3? Then you know its compatible..
Nero3 does not have wifi calling. I absolutely need that on my rom.
Blizzard you can confirm that blackfroyo is working on your JI5 or you mean wifi calling on JI5? sorry my eyes are crossing here.
I am still trying to get a handle on what has what effect. Id flash Nero3 in a heartbeat if I knew wifi calling worked on it. Same with Axura but it doesnt look like its offered on either one

[Q] WIFI Calling and TEXT Problems

I flashed to:
2.2.1 T959UVKB1
Darky's V. 9.3 XWJS5 Extreme _Edition
using a Samsung T959 Vibrant Model Phone
Everything is running well, Awesome ROM, the only two issues I'm having is there seems to be no WIFI calling and I cant receive any text now!
I searched the threads for info on this and this was all I found was A response from a thread responder:quote "Sweet honey is the smoothest out of Bionix and Darkys. At least in my opinion only item not working on it is WIFI calling" unquote
Also need an answer or suggestion on the texting issue as well!
The reason I need the WIFI calling so bad is I live so far out in the country, That I cant get a strong enough signal from T-Mobile's nearest tower to receive or call out, and when I was running the stock Froyo 2.2.1 I was able to call using the WIFI calling with my Broadband connection at my house! And I need the texting for business correspondence as well!
If there anyway to correct this and still use Darkys ROM? And IF NOT! Then what other similar ROMS to Darky's have the WIFI calling, and with no text issues!
Dont want to go back to stock If its avoidable, otherwise if there are no ROMS or fix's then I obviously have no other choice but to go back to Stock Flavor again! Which would be very sad and disappointing!
It is my understanding that none of the 2.2.1 roms are capable of running WIFI calling as of yet. There are a lot of 2.2 roms out by EDT and TW that you can run WIFI calling on. I'm currently on Trigger 2.7.2 and used the bloater app to install WIFI calling and it works like a champ. I was also having some issues with texting as well on one or two of the 2.2.1 roms as well, but not all and couldn't track down the problem. Hope this helps!
So with the Trigger 2.7.2 are you up and running with the text and good telephony using a WIFI AP ??? With 0 defects???
And How is the GPS aquisition capabilities with trigger and what modem does it use?? I Need good GPS routing when I travel for work, just as important as the other agenda's!
If this ROM can provide all Ive asked, then it seems a winner to me, I havent seen any pic's of it though and was wondering if it looks good, also how is the speed with the kernnel it runs on??
I know alot of questions, but still trying to find the right flavor I can stay satisfied with, and stop tweaking for awhile! LOL!!
Anyways thank you for your time and effort. Appreciate YA!
dseldown said:
So with the Trigger 2.7.2 are you up and running with the text and good telephony using a WIFI AP ??? With 0 defects???
And How is the GPS aquisition capabilities with trigger and what modem does it use?? I Need good GPS routing when I travel for work, just as important as the other agenda's!
If this ROM can provide all Ive asked, then it seems a winner to me, I havent seen any pic's of it though and was wondering if it looks good, also how is the speed with the kernnel it runs on??
I know alot of questions, but still trying to find the right flavor I can stay satisfied with, and stop tweaking for awhile! LOL!!
Anyways thank you for your time and effort. Appreciate YA!
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Yep, the WIFI app from the bloater app works great, no problems with calls or texts. GPS also works great, outside get a lock usually 9/11 birds and with using the navigation app, or maps its usually spot on. GPS on the vibrant is never perfect. Trigger is KB1 base with KB1 voodoo kernel and KB1 modem. After flashing Overstock, using quadrant, which isn't an accurate benchmark but can be used for comparisons, it scored mid 1700 to low 1800. Stock kernel scored mid 1400 to low 1500. Keep in mind, all hardware is different and you may not get the same results, and whenever flashing anything, be sure you know how to odin back to stock and read the OP fully! Good luck and hopefully this helps you out!
Also, I do flash the s.gps fix that is posted in the development section.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

[Q] Stock Vibrant rebooting and dropping signal

Hey fellow xda members,
I have to check out my sisters vibrant this weekend.... (she is so not tech friendly)
Its her 3rd vibrant and all had same issues... Rebooting, dropping signal and data and the whole not sending sms and mms messages.... She talked to tmobile and they had no clue and essentially gave up on her....
What are my options to trying to get this working for her. And/or what can/should say to T-mobile about resolving this issue... They offered her an exchange at one time but it was a very low end phone... Not a good deal if u ask me..
1. Tried rooting on her first phone-wasnt successful...(i didnt root it so not sure)
2. Possible bad kernel or radio causing these issues... Hard to believe that 3 phones .
3. Still running stock software as tmobile told her not to update phone to latest software . (she did that with her 2nd phone and same result)
4. Could rooting and a finished rom resolve some or most of her issues?
(I have had several android phones and all were rooted so i know)
5.... CLUELESS....
Well if your trying to update your phone to froyo id recomend you to flash a custom rom from the vibrant developement if you dont know how to root your fone download the vibrant toolbox on your pc and it has like 10 steps (all of them are in order so you wont get confused and since your phone its not rooted theres and option that says ROOT YOUR PHONE start from that step.. click on that box and it tells you the steps and what you should do but you must have usb debbugin ebabled
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Naw its all good I know how to root just not too sure if a custom rom would correct the issues she is having.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
Try it if its still the same go to SETTINGS, WIRELESS AND NETWORKS, MOBILE NETWORKS make sure that the USE PACKET DATA box is checked and if motbtry to contact one of the devs one of them could be WHITEHAWKS or somethin lik that... they are gona tell you what to do
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
Odin to 2.1 then d/l rom manager then root then get Biwinning or Trigger or ZenDroid all are Froyo roms all will resolve you problems
The problem you are having is a result of human action......... the chances of 3 phones all having the same problem is like winning the Lotto.......
Human action I love it!!!! Lol will show my sister that. . Lol
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
I went over to my families house the other day and my sister said, "look its doing it again". When I looked over the phone was shutting down and rebooting. I asked her if it did that alot and she said it had just started in the past few days. She did not mention dropping data connection or having problems with sms or mms. A while back I rooted her phone and added MobileAP but that is all. Everything else is still stock and no official updates were applied either.
My plan is to backup all her stuff this weekend and flash something onto it. I told her we would find a good stable ROM for her and some theme options she would like and just do it all on sat or sun. I'm not sure if that is gonna fix her problem as I wanna believe its a hardware defect but she doesn't wanna exchange it just yet and I'm done arguing with her. If that doesn't werk I told her we would have to put it back to stock and call T-mobile. That's our plan, hope it helps on ur decision. Good luck!
@kawika thanks it didnt help lol
Im going to root her phone and install Iunno looking at a 2.2 rom maybe...Trigger rom.
I cant believe that three phones later she has same issues.. Specially since her hubby and daughter have a Cliq xt and have better reception then hers...
? do i need to install a new modem/radio as well as flashing rom? And how do I know which is the right one?
twiztidnutzzzzz said:
@kawika thanks it didnt help lol
Im going to root her phone and install Iunno looking at a 2.2 rom maybe...Trigger rom.
I cant believe that three phones later she has same issues.. Specially since her hubby and daughter have a Cliq xt and have better reception then hers...
? do i need to install a new modem/radio as well as flashing rom? And how do I know which is the right one?
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And you stated in the OP, she is on stock software. For sure? The rebooting when signal dropped low was a bug in the services.jar of our initial i9000, android 2.2.1 ports. This was of course patched by Eugene373 with further work by birgertime (and some fumbling by myself) in the official ports of 2.2.1 for the Vibrant. If she is definitely on stock software with no mods though, then that doesn't apply, but was my first instinct.
Most roms we have out now, with the exception of GingerCloneR3, come bundled with modems. They are most likely the modem that the rom chef/dev likes the best, but you can always flash a new modem on top of a custom rom. Different users in different areas have different results with different modems. Gotta test them to see what works the best for her.
Flashable modems are all here, courtesy of scrizz: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=868774
Those can be flashed over any rom, just make sure you grab a 2.2 modem for froyo, or 2.1 for eclair respectively.
You might want to start with running Odin to flash her back to stock software, and then go from there. If you are going to do that, I recommend a modded Odin package by Eugene, available here: http://eb-productions.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=samsungsgs&action=display&thread=3 . Its stock-ish JK2 Froyo for the Vibrant, already rooted, with superuser and busybox, and modded 2e recovery so you can easily flash and install Clockwork Recovery if you choose to do so. That file is my go to, when all else fails and I need to get back to stock.
Good luck with your endeavors, hope some of this helps.
she is def on stock 2.1 for sure.!.
thanx... will keep yaz informed heading on the road now.. b there in 5plus hours
This sounds very familiar to problems my Vibrant was having. It turned out to be a flakey SIM card. I went to my local T-Mobile store and they swapped it for a new one at no charge. That fixed all of my SMS & connectivity issues. It might be worth a try, it definitely wouldn't hurt anything to get a new SIM card put in.
Lol she had one replaced as well and same issue..
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Constant Phone issues on ALL JB ROMS

On every Jellybean rom, I have calling issues. On some roms, call audio wont work. On the rom I just flashed, it would not make or receive calls all together. Also, this happens only after a certain period of time. And it goes from sporadic occurances to permanent. It takes about a day or two for these issues to start appearing. This is so god damn frustrating because in the beginning the rom works perfectly, I spend all my time setting it up, and then a day or so later, I get these issues that make the phone completely unusable. Its absolutely ridiculous, and If anyone has any ideas, please please let me know. I love the JB roms but they all seem to make my phone unusable after a short time.
Please help....
JB roms are still a work in progress. And your problems could be caused/made worse by your setup (apps, widgets, tweaks, etc...). If you are using different kernels/radio, it can also contribute to problems. There are just too many variables.
My answer : use an ICS rom. ICS roms are alot more stable on our phone right now.
H0rn3t920 said:
On every Jellybean rom, I have calling issues. On some roms, call audio wont work. On the rom I just flashed, it would not make or receive calls all together. Also, this happens only after a certain period of time. And it goes from sporadic occurances to permanent. It takes about a day or two for these issues to start appearing. This is so god damn frustrating because in the beginning the rom works perfectly, I spend all my time setting it up, and then a day or so later, I get these issues that make the phone completely unusable. Its absolutely ridiculous, and If anyone has any ideas, please please let me know. I love the JB roms but they all seem to make my phone unusable after a short time.
Please help....
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I am observing similar issues. I didn't used to happen before. I mean it did happen but it was a rare thing. But now it is more often. Almost everyday I have to reflash because of loosing phone audio.
I was rocking AOCP 3.1 , Worked really sweet and then decided to update to go for AOCP 4.1 and since then no rom that I tried have saved me. In fact I had to revert back to stock. What rom are you using?
People, it's a known issue on all JB Roms.
Don't open a thread about it.
xaragen said:
I am observing similar issues. I didn't used to happen before. I mean it did happen but it was a rare thing. But now it is more often. Almost everyday I have to reflash because of loosing phone audio.
I was rocking AOCP 3.1 , Worked really sweet and then decided to update to go for AOCP 4.1 and since then no rom that I tried have saved me. In fact I had to revert back to stock. What rom are you using?
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I have the exact same issue now, It doesnt look like any rom is saving me right now.. my phone wont make calls or receive texts at all. I was running cookies and cream 4.1.2 and everytime i flash a JB rom it just seems to get worse and worse...
EDIT: I got it back on ICS. I guess I will just have to wait to use any JB roms... its unfortunate cause I love the JB roms hahaha
I have had issues with JB as well. I, just like the OP, would experience a perfectly working phone for a day or two then **** would hit the fan for no apparent reason. The phone would start locking up, randomly rebooting, apps would fail or not load, etc etc etc.
On most ROM's I didn't even have anything installed outside of the stock apps that CAME with the ROM.
Since then I have moved to a deoxed stock ICS ROM and honestly am not looking back. ICS is fast, stable, feature packed, and JUST WORKS.
My thing with JB was it's speed...but I was also comparing a barebones JB to the stock Gingerbread that came with the phone. I wasn't aware of how fast ICS was or I would have just gone with it long before hand!
But yeah, either way it goes, for me, no matter the ROM, JB always seemed to mess up at one point or another. Got annoying. Been going with ICS for over a week now with ZERO issues what so ever. No reboots, no crashes, no freezing, no nothing.
NEVERMIND..... ICS worked for one call, and now no calls work... great....
ICS roms are very stable.
You may have flashed your rom/kernel/radio incorrectly, or made some tweaks, or installed incompatible apps... There are too many variables.
Revert back to completely stock setup and see if the problems persist.
H0rn3t920 said:
NEVERMIND..... ICS worked for one call, and now no calls work... great....
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I'll take a stab, what gapps? Do you use a call blocker of any kind?
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Same. I think it's the same for a lot of people, and I think the ones who say things run great either ignore the problems or are just extremely lucky.
Switch to Padawan. It's rock solid and you get all the fanciness of jelly bean. Since switching to it I've completely lost the itch to try out random JB ROMs. I have cool animations, Google Now, and ICS Browser+. And until I rebooted earlier to mess with stuff, I was at 142 hours uptime without any problems.
I'm not calling anyone a liar, though. I just think some people ignore more or are, as stated, lucky. I've done wiped everything, went back and wiped stuff post ROM, ran 3rd party (3rd ROM party) kernels and the ones that come with it. I've set cron to fix permissions on boot. And other than gapps -- which I always flash what the dev says to -- I run about ten 3rd party apps, and that's mostly made up of solid apps -- dropbox, exdialer, ics browser+.. etc..
Padawan, or even Nebula.
These ROMs are by the same dev, and the only difference is that Nebula is based off of Canadian version, which has even less bloat. It is better than stock.
I have been on Nebula for about a week, and no random reboots, no lockup, no phone problems. Everything just works.
ddochi11 said:
Padawan, or even Nebula.
These ROMs are by the same dev, and the only difference is that Nebula is based off of Canadian version, which has even less bloat. It is better than stock.
I have been on Nebula for about a week, and no random reboots, no lockup, no phone problems. Everything just works.
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I like padawan, and Im on it now. But i still am getting this random issue where calls do not go through. Its so aggravating that Im about to smash my phone against the wall. Its happening all the time now and when I need to make a call, I cant. god damnit
have you flashed the most recent modem?
Yes, that was my next question.
Have you at any point flashed a different kernel/radio/modem? If you have, or if you do not know, search for stock kernel/radio/modem and flash them to see if it helps.
yes, uclf6 modem but eventually it just gives out.. idk what the issue is here everything works fine for a few days and out of the blue when I need my phone i cant receive or make calls anymore its INFURIATING
yes, uclf6 modem but eventually it just gives out.. idk what the issue is here everything works fine for a few days and out of the blue when I need my phone i cant receive or make calls anymore its INFURIATING
Revert back to complete stock and see if the issue still exists.
Mobile Network Type
Ltilt2 said:
People, it's a known issue on all JB Roms.
Don't open a thread about it.
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I have had a similar issue with the JB rom's...so far I've tried only two and seem to find the aokp_quicyatt_jb_milestone-1 rom. I have noticed issues with my phone and LTE network coverage...meaning, I can see the signal go from 4G LTE to 3G to H, then gone...I looked at the phone status settings and noticed the mobile network type with this rom is LTE:13 and with the stock ICS rom (prior to rooting and flashing) it was LTE:14...is there a way that I can change it via terminal? Thank you in advance for any help on this. The one big difference I can see so far is the battery life...much better. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Issues are known....Thread Closed & Thank You.

unable to get gps to lock

Update: nevermind, i just flashed back to the rooted stock rom amd gps is working correctly..i guess i'm done with custom roms..they don't work as well as stock =).
Hey guys, I am currently running the black star xi rom. I'm having trouble getting my gps to lock. I have used the tools available in the system setting to install the att gps config and stock gps config, but both of those don't lock the gps when i running navigation. So, im unable to get voice navigation going. I would have posted this on the black star xi thread...but i don't meet the 10 posts requirement to post there.
simiwizard said:
Update: nevermind, i just flashed back to the rooted stock rom amd gps is working correctly..i guess i'm done with custom roms..they don't work as well as stock =).
Hey guys, I am currently running the black star xi rom. I'm having trouble getting my gps to lock. I have used the tools available in the system setting to install the att gps config and stock gps config, but both of those don't lock the gps when i running navigation. So, im unable to get voice navigation going. I would have posted this on the black star xi thread...but i don't meet the 10 posts requirement to post there.
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Haven't had any issues with really anything but the new camera not showing on SOA build 3. I was on Padawan v8 which was a really stable and nice and fast rom. No GPS issues ever and do not seem to have any on this new rom I just installed yesterday. Hopefully the official JB will be out soon we'll see.
For some reason none of the AOSP or AOKP ROMs (which sadly is a majority of them) work very well for the Note GPS. The only ROMs I have found with good GPS support for the NOTE have been either Stock ROMs or custom ROMs which were derived from a Stock ROM.
d00mz said:
For some reason none of the AOSP or AOKP ROMs (which sadly is a majority of them) work very well for the Note GPS. The only ROMs I have found with good GPS support for the NOTE have been either Stock ROMs or custom ROMs which were derived from a Stock ROM.
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Good to know. Which is why I guess Padawan v8 was so stable for me. Thanks for that info.
Demmonnixx said:
Good to know. Which is why I guess Padawan v8 was so stable for me. Thanks for that info.
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Honestly it kills me too. I LOVE the new features on ROMs like JellyBeer and other CyanogenMod types, but I'm a nerd and use GPS everyday, and it keeps pushing me back to the other ROMs for the GPS performance.
d00mz said:
Honestly it kills me too. I LOVE the new features on ROMs like JellyBeer and other CyanogenMod types, but I'm a nerd and use GPS everyday, and it keeps pushing me back to the other ROMs for the GPS performance.
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I understand that. Probably fixing to switch back to Padawan v8 if I cannot get the new camera options to work properly in SOA build 3.
Well idk if i should ask here or put a new thread sorry im such a noob! But i have the same problem but with ebery singls rom at this point! Even stock. Ive tried flashing radios, gps test apps to remove agps data, and almost every fix i could find but none work! I even flash from rom to rom the weurd thing is its just navigationaps can locate me easily as well as any app needing my location. Help? Please and thank you.
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carol7611 said:
Well idk if i should ask here or put a new thread sorry im such a noob! But i have the same problem but with ebery singls rom at this point! Even stock. Ive tried flashing radios, gps test apps to remove agps data, and almost every fix i could find but none work! I even flash from rom to rom the weurd thing is its just navigationaps can locate me easily as well as any app needing my location. Help? Please and thank you.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app
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Maybe start by reposting your issue so others can understand it. If I understand what you wrote, you have the same problem but your navigation apps locate you easily. And that doesn't make sense. Are you trying your GPS outside??
Srry i type fast n misspelle loll (idk how to spell misspelle) okay so wat i meant was that the only app that just keeps sayin "searchin for gps" is the navigation app. The maps app pinpoints my location easily as dies fb n any other app requesting my location. Ive tried every fix i could find on the web and nothing has worked for me! Ive seen fixes with flashing a stock gb radio it didnt work. The gps test app fix didnt work. Ive flashed countless roms from gb to jb n still same issue. N yes im outside ive even been on the roof! (seriously ive been up there am terrified of heiqhts n was stuck for hours didnt think it throuqh lol) thnx for any help.
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---------- Post added at 09:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 PM ----------
So I finally got it to work I actually just pryed up the antennas a little bit just so that they would make contact with a top antennas as well I just thought I'd let you guys know in case you guys ever came across this problem as well thanks for all your help!
「¡sent from my phone cuz its better than my computer!」

