[Q] WIFI Calling and TEXT Problems - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I flashed to:
2.2.1 T959UVKB1
Darky's V. 9.3 XWJS5 Extreme _Edition
using a Samsung T959 Vibrant Model Phone
Everything is running well, Awesome ROM, the only two issues I'm having is there seems to be no WIFI calling and I cant receive any text now!
I searched the threads for info on this and this was all I found was A response from a thread responder:quote "Sweet honey is the smoothest out of Bionix and Darkys. At least in my opinion only item not working on it is WIFI calling" unquote
Also need an answer or suggestion on the texting issue as well!
The reason I need the WIFI calling so bad is I live so far out in the country, That I cant get a strong enough signal from T-Mobile's nearest tower to receive or call out, and when I was running the stock Froyo 2.2.1 I was able to call using the WIFI calling with my Broadband connection at my house! And I need the texting for business correspondence as well!
If there anyway to correct this and still use Darkys ROM? And IF NOT! Then what other similar ROMS to Darky's have the WIFI calling, and with no text issues!
Dont want to go back to stock If its avoidable, otherwise if there are no ROMS or fix's then I obviously have no other choice but to go back to Stock Flavor again! Which would be very sad and disappointing!

It is my understanding that none of the 2.2.1 roms are capable of running WIFI calling as of yet. There are a lot of 2.2 roms out by EDT and TW that you can run WIFI calling on. I'm currently on Trigger 2.7.2 and used the bloater app to install WIFI calling and it works like a champ. I was also having some issues with texting as well on one or two of the 2.2.1 roms as well, but not all and couldn't track down the problem. Hope this helps!

So with the Trigger 2.7.2 are you up and running with the text and good telephony using a WIFI AP ??? With 0 defects???
And How is the GPS aquisition capabilities with trigger and what modem does it use?? I Need good GPS routing when I travel for work, just as important as the other agenda's!
If this ROM can provide all Ive asked, then it seems a winner to me, I havent seen any pic's of it though and was wondering if it looks good, also how is the speed with the kernnel it runs on??
I know alot of questions, but still trying to find the right flavor I can stay satisfied with, and stop tweaking for awhile! LOL!!
Anyways thank you for your time and effort. Appreciate YA!

dseldown said:
So with the Trigger 2.7.2 are you up and running with the text and good telephony using a WIFI AP ??? With 0 defects???
And How is the GPS aquisition capabilities with trigger and what modem does it use?? I Need good GPS routing when I travel for work, just as important as the other agenda's!
If this ROM can provide all Ive asked, then it seems a winner to me, I havent seen any pic's of it though and was wondering if it looks good, also how is the speed with the kernnel it runs on??
I know alot of questions, but still trying to find the right flavor I can stay satisfied with, and stop tweaking for awhile! LOL!!
Anyways thank you for your time and effort. Appreciate YA!
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Yep, the WIFI app from the bloater app works great, no problems with calls or texts. GPS also works great, outside get a lock usually 9/11 birds and with using the navigation app, or maps its usually spot on. GPS on the vibrant is never perfect. Trigger is KB1 base with KB1 voodoo kernel and KB1 modem. After flashing Overstock, using quadrant, which isn't an accurate benchmark but can be used for comparisons, it scored mid 1700 to low 1800. Stock kernel scored mid 1400 to low 1500. Keep in mind, all hardware is different and you may not get the same results, and whenever flashing anything, be sure you know how to odin back to stock and read the OP fully! Good luck and hopefully this helps you out!

Also, I do flash the s.gps fix that is posted in the development section.
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Wifi Calling. Am I stuck on the same Rom forever?

Long Story short I would have to walk down the block to use my phone at work. Wifi calling is a necessity. When I got my phone it was already flashed to a ROM that to this day I have no clue what it is. I know it is some version of JK6. Anyways Wifi calling is decently stable though I am having some minor issues with wifi connection and my battery is awful. If I flash a new modem would this interfere with the wifi calling's stability?
And having that in mind is there a list of what ROMS include wifi calling? (or can it be installed on any ROM, because I would really like to try Axura or Nero) but I can not go without it on my phone.
vlcano57 said:
Long Story short I would have to walk down the block to use my phone at work. Wifi calling is a necessity. When I got my phone it was already flashed to a ROM that to this day I have no clue what it is. I know it is some version of JK6. Anyways Wifi calling is decently stable though I am having some minor issues with wifi connection and my battery is awful. If I flash a new modem would this interfere with the wifi calling's stability?
And having that in mind is there a list of what ROMS include wifi calling? (or can it be installed on any ROM, because I would really like to try Axura or Nero) but I can not go without it on my phone.
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I'm sure it can work with axura, I've tried it, not sure about nero, but it should work.
The devs removed wifi calling from roms because its a HUGE battery hog, but I'm sure you can find a .apk on xda, or 4 shared.
I'm running Nero V3 and Wificalling works fine. It even seems to work better then my old JK2 based ROM. I'm using the .apk linked from the slightly better gingerbread theme found here in the vibrant themes section.
Flash a new rom and if the rom does not have the .apk just d/load it... no issues at all with the new roms.
Thanks guys I wasnt sure if the program was ROM Specific or required certain files/settings blah blah blah. But if it should work with any newer Rom I guess I should just get over this fear of flashing and pull the trigger. monkey1911 Ill give that a search right now so at least I can put it in my arsenal. Ill let y'all know my results. Thanks for the help!
I finally took the leap tonight and flashed nero 4.1 (maybe ill do 5 eventually but I like this for my first flash.)
I installed wifi calling and it works great. Had a struggle restoring my contacts because what's on google contacts is not correct and it wants to override what I restored using titanium which is correct so I had to shut it off and re restore the contacts after.
Only issue I am having is my camera advises me the firmware is not current and says continue yes or no. Any fix for this? Thanks for the help guys I am finally glad I got the audacity to flash
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the best modem for a rom???

I want to know of all the modems out there wich one is the best for a rom??
look at this thread:
there is not the best modem yet imho, nothing is perfect, but for froyo (2.2) many found that ka5 modem is the most efficient, reliable and fast so far.. modem performance can vary depending on where you are, how good your signal strengths is, what kinds of interference there may be.. so on. try flashing each one yourself - it's pretty quick - and see which one works best for you
jaetm83 said:
look at this thread:
there is not the best modem yet imho, nothing is perfect, but for froyo (2.2) many found that ka5 modem is the most efficient, reliable and fast so far
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Im asking cause someone told me to flash Nero V5 told me that rom was one of the most stable and great for everything i have tried out i guess every rom, and by far i can say tha Bionix V and Axura are the most impressive and then the Flagship. But im just searching and testing, to see what i like most.
daworship said:
Im asking cause someone told me to flash Nero V5 told me that rom was one of the most stable and great for everything i have tried out i guess every rom, and by far i can say tha Bionix V and Axura are the most impressive and then the Flagship. But im just searching and testing, to see what i like most.
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sorry i misunderstood and thought you were just looking for all the modems out there- as i edited in my post i think you should really try each one for yourself.. people get various results no matter how new the modem may be.. i got bad results from the initial bionix-v with ka7 modem. no luck with kb1 either. but as soon as i updated to bionix-v v1.2 that comes with ka5 modem, my download/upload speed over 3g and wifi picked up again
jaetm83 said:
sorry i misunderstood and thought you were just looking for all the modems out there- as i edited in my post i think you should really try each one for yourself.. people get various results no matter how new the modem may be.. i got bad results from the initial bionix-v with ka7 modem. no luck with kb1 either. but as soon as i updated to bionix-v v1.2 that comes with ka5 modem, my download/upload speed over 3g and wifi picked up again
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Thanks the thing is im from Puerto Rico, and where im at right now i dont have 3g cause the towers arent near, so im judging most of the rom from my wifi signal and of course quality of sound voice, apps, etc etc, with every rom. So that's why im trying to find something that could give my phone the boost to work great
daworship said:
Thanks the thing is im from Puerto Rico, and where im at right now i dont have 3g cause the towers arent near, so im judging most of the rom from my wifi signal and of course quality of sound voice, apps, etc etc, with every rom. So that's why im trying to find something that could give my phone the boost to work great
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off topic but i wanna talk a bit about sound quality.. i just can't wait to see tw implementing the kernel eugene is testing right now. because of the source code eugene came up with he was able to add support for voodoo sound v4 which will significantly boost sound quality of our handsets. i read hundreds of pages of discussions in i9000 forum regarding supercurio's voodoo lagfix/sound projects, and only heard good things about it although i have not yet tried eugene's kernel myself amidst fear for messing up and being lazy. hopefully teamwhiskey will release a new stable version of bionix with eugene's froyo 2.2.1 kernel with voodoo sound.. it's so exciting already!

Which Radio?

I am currently running the Evil Fascinate 3.6 Rom. With the official ED04 radio. Really havent had many missed calls issues but seem to not get the best signal and seem to lose gps location sometimes. Anyone recommend a better radio i should flash through ODIN to help for that and maybe anything else?
That's my golden question too... I have tried every modem from ec01 to ed04 (and all versions in between) and now ec09. I seem to miss about 1 or 2 calls a week on all of them with the same data and gps performance. So, for my phone, there doesn't appear to be any noticeable differences. But when you look around you will notice some people getting differing results.
I suggest giving each modem a test drive to see how your phone reacts. Good luck
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what is the best of the best

i was wondering what everybody was running? Im still on evil fascinate, ed04 (which sucks), with a standard volt kernel running overclocked at 1.24 or it gets all glitchy and force closes. Im wondering what rom, kernel, radio combo works the best these days. Ive been reading all sorts of stuff and am just not oo sure what to go with. I use my phone alot for web surfing, a few games, music, etc. I also wondered if my aftermarket extended battery will work. any insight is greatly appreciated. Thanks to all the devs that make this possibel cause without them this phone really sucks ass.
I have been searching for a great daily and after trying the cm7.1 Rom I thought it was great, the only deal breaker for me was the sound issues with speakerphone. So i tried powerwashed and think is great, very stable and reliable.
Hope that helps, try it see what you think.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
benfikaman said:
I have been searching for a great daily and after trying the cm7.1 Rom I thought it was great, the only deal breaker for me was the sound issues with speakerphone. So i tried powerwashed and think is great, very stable and reliable.
Hope that helps, try it see what you think.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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honestly im not sure how you could consider the speakerphone echo a deal breaker on cm7.1... thats a very minimal issue at best imo, but to each is own. I do agree pwbg is a great rom aswell.
After constantly bouncing around ROMs, this is honestly the best setup I have had thus far: PWGB ROM with the Adrenaline Shot, fixpermissions.zip, EC09 radio, and the GeeWiz 2.1 kernel (very basic kernel, flashed to remove hotspot monitoring). I have tried the custom kernels but they remove a lot of stability for me. Also check out the sweet honeycomb theme for it!
do i just odin the eho9 radio? i have ed04 and i have trouble with having 3g or any signal for that matter. would eh09 be better? will it work with cm7, miui, or powerwsahed?
Yes Odin the ec09 modem...much better than ed04 IMO. Getting 1.3mb down on speakeasy.
I'm still running EC01, even with PWGB. Never had a data/call problem, ever.
I use my speakerphone a lot, so for me it is a deal breaker, it's a great Rom nonetheless
For powerwashed i restored back to original since i had to use the pit file to repatriation, think is great so far.
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And here is why you have to try all the roms yourself. i was on powerwashed GB rom and i hated it. Very glitchy and the touchscreen would freeze. Tried everything to try and cure it, adrenaline shot, turning off the 100mhz setting. To make matters worse something in that rom borked my connection to a PC, I couldnt get it to recognize my phone. I tried for 3 days finally got a connection and i dumped that pile. CM7.1 and been pretty good so far tho all roms have glitches you just have to try out what works best for you.
BTW best data connection I ever got was on the EB01 radio, I was getting 1.5 meg down. EC09 was horrible I got around 200k down. I'm on ED05 now will see how it does.
Im set up on powerwashed now and my screen freezes and im constantly takeing screenshots. I think im gonna give espresso a try. Thanks to everyone whos giveing their two cents on this. Greatly appreciated but I guess its trial and error. I do like to see everbodys feedback tho.
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Well what I have seen here lately is that their are multiple ways to root. But on top of that all the roms have different glitches. So I'm still stuck with debating and fixing my phone constantly. I'm running an old miui and can't really see a way to try the new 1.10.14.
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once the glitch kernel implements Jt's GPS fix, cm7.1 and glitch will be the best and fastest! It's the most overclock and also You can under-volt more than another kernel.
exzacklyright said:
once the glitch kernel implements Jt's GPS fix, cm7.1 and glitch will be the best and fastest! It's the most overclock and also You can under-volt more than another kernel.
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Glitch already is imo... I just use gps booster from market until the fix is implemented. Getting the same gps results as jt's kernal this way.

Best type of ROM's for fewest apps? 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 or 4.0?

Hello everyone
Just a quick question to the individuals who know the technicals of how map caching apps and Android work in General. Im planning on turning my Vibrant into a dedicated hiking GPS using two apps, Maverick and BackCountry Navigator. Both apps cache topographic and satellite map data. I also plan on having a short list of games on it as well for when I get bored sitting around the campsite.
My concern is currently the map data seems slow when cached, while the rom and most other apps seem fast. Im using CM7 with Streamline currently which is one of the better setups on my phone, speed and stability wise. But since I will be reducing the phones functions down to a dedicated GPS device I am wondering if any one ROM type would work better for this single function? Phone will have no sim and be in airplane mode 24/7, but it will be connected via Bluetooth to a dedicated GPS receiver "Qstarz QT818XT". So I do not need a rom with good internal GPS function although that would be ideal. My internal GPS is aweful and never really worked correctly so that's why I use several different external models. Again a good gps rom is not my concern, but the speed and stability of just a few apps and retrieving cached mapping data is.
So, has anyone had any good luck with one rom/kernel over the other in regards to the speed at which cached map data is drawn on the screen?
Thanks for any insight anyone can provide. Going to try stock JFD first and then bump up to Bionix for a test. Maybe even ICS but that seems to slow my vibrant down currently.
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No ideas anyone? Any rom that you tried that made you say "Wow my mapping/driving/hiking app runs great on this rom" lol
SkOrPn said:
No ideas anyone? Any rom that you tried that made you say "Wow my mapping/driving/hiking app runs great on this rom" lol
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I've flashed a lot of roms. Froyo, GB and ICS. For stability, great battery and excellent GPS try Bionix fishmanmod final 2: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1441976
I get a gps lock in seconds, and accuracy down to about 5 - 10 meters.
There are some GB and ICS roms with decent GPS, but none have been as good for me as Bionix/Froyo.
Ok great that is the sorta info I am looking for. I will just need to find a good bluetooth app to bridge the gap since bionix does not support BT GPS connections.
Thanks for sharing your experience with me.
Anyone else have any experience with GPS apps running great on a particular rom???
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Ok I am on Bionix fishmanMod now and its better than I had expected. Still in early stages of device transformation but fishmanMod is sending me a slimmed down version of his mod as we speak.
Thanks for the suggestion glad someone spoke up. Lol
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I gotta agree with the above - if GPS is the primary function, you're gonna have to go with Froyo. Even though they may be mostly functional, I wouldn't rely on GPS in ICS roms yet.
Bionix seems to be the 2.2 rom of choice, although I've always preferred Bi-winning and Trigger myself.

