[Q] SGS Tools - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So im looking at the screen in SGS tools and im curious as to what certain things are. Just a quick question. Under upgrade stock apps, the Upgrade TW Launcher... is that the colored/see through tw launcher from obsidian?

why dont you try it?
theres a restore_twlauncher in the restore thing i think and you can do that if anything happens, so make sure theres another launcher in case this doesn't work.

Don't do the Upgrade Touchscreen firmware...

jmcghee1973 said:
Don't do the Upgrade Touchscreen firmware...
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I dont see a touch screen uograde, just the tw launcher upgrade
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[Q] Updated vibrant doesnt hav froyo lock screen

I just upgraded my vibrant through kies mini, but it doesnt have the froyo lock creen or home screen looks exactly like before. is this normal?
It is normal. It is just stock touchwiz.
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how do I know its stock touchwiz?
how can I get the froyo lock screen instead of the touchwize one
Its stock tw. Look at it. Dl the asop deodexed ka7.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
ok, so how do i get to look like froyo?
-Get a custom rom
-Root then change some framework res in the files
-WidgetLocker app
but wasnt that suppose to come with the update?
I'm pretty sure TouchWiz is a T-Mobile theme basically, that's why you need a custom ROM to get the real Froyo look.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Surprised they don't have stock lock screen, my galaxy tab has the stock froyo lock screen but came with tw home
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
oh is their another way with out rooting the phone?
Ram1500 said:
oh is their another way with out rooting the phone?
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No, you need to root....simplest way:
Google z4root, put it on your phone and run it.
Then flash ClockWork Recovery
Download KA7 deodexed, install
does this rom hav any bugs or issues?
Ram1500 said:
does this rom hav any bugs or issues?
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Probably, but it is the leak straight from Samsung, just deodexed, nothing else.
Ram1500 said:
does this rom hav any bugs or issues?
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Probably better than KA6 though. Consider KA6 2.2 and KA7 or 2.2.1, some things are probably better than the stock KA6
troby86 said:
I'm pretty sure TouchWiz is a T-Mobile theme basically, that's why you need a custom ROM to get the real Froyo look.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
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All the US Galaxy S phones run touchwiz.
Sent from my SGH-T959
troby86 said:
I'm pretty sure TouchWiz is a T-Mobile theme basically, that's why you need a custom ROM to get the real Froyo look.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
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Tw is samsung. Like sense is htc . Its on most samaung android phones stock. If you wanr vanilla android on tmo the g2 and nexus s is the best bet.
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[MOD][LAUNCHER] TouchWiz 4.0 for KB5 Froyo [EDT][5.10.2011]

Hello everyone! I have something new for you all to play with. I bring to you Touchwiz 4.0 for KB5 froyo! This is a port of fr4gg0r's modded version with customizable options from this thread here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1061883
Flash zip at bottom through recovery like normal. Reboot will take about 5 minutes as this wipes the dalvik-cache. Anyways... enjoy!
Oh, and edits had to be made to the framework.jar for the launcher to work. Framework.jar still supports power menu so there is nothing to worry about as far as breaking other mods.
MIRRORS! - http://www.multiupload.com/WTWCXKVKJU
~ On reboot launcher will FC
UPDATE 5/11/2011 - Added version for JPK 2.2.1 roms (aka Bi-Winning)
Will it work with trigger 3.2
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Should work on ANY rom based on KB5 (and probably KB1 as well).
good job little guy.
ugonnax said:
Will it work with trigger 3.2
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Yea I was wondering the same thing so I checked and yes Trigger 3.2 is based off the KB5 rom.
so in other words, yes this should work =)
im debating on just trying it out! I just love launcher pro so much but gahhh
what does that mean
Oh, and edits had to be made to the framework.jar for the launcher to work. Framework.jar still supports power menu so there is nothing to worry about as far as breaking other mods
Good work man, Much appreciated.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
Amazing! Works flawlessly! except for the samsung widgets....but I don't use em....I'm sure they'll hack the widgets from the galaxy s 2 system dump
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Didn't work on kb5 aosp vanilla version by viksfan4life
Thanks!!!!! If there was a thanks button for the phone to see I'd hit it many times lol.
Great work!!! Btw...did I say Thanks?!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!
Flashed on Trigger 3.2 and it works! As stated, widgets don't work yet.
wanna try it too
It's so buttery smooth....i don't understand why 3.0 wasn't this smooth
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boot loop on bi winning..dem
Djapatos said:
what does that mean
Oh, and edits had to be made to the framework.jar for the launcher to work. Framework.jar still supports power menu so there is nothing to worry about as far as breaking other mods
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it means for everyone with a modded power menu, it wont change it.
like if you have a custom rom and hold the power button it has more options like "reboot", "download", etc.
so are we flashing this thru CWM or any other recovery?
EDIT: Oh wow I missed that line in the OP. haha my bad.
After flashing will you be able to switch back to a different launcher if you don't like it? Say using home switcher?
Trigger 3.2
of course you will
GreggoryD502 said:
After flashing will you be able to switch back to a different launcher if you don't like it? Say using home switcher?
Trigger 3.2
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it's just a regular launcher
PhilUSAF21 said:
Didn't work on kb5 aosp vanilla version by viksfan4life
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I believe it will because its 2.2 not 2.2.1
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GreggoryD502 said:
After flashing will you be able to switch back to a different launcher if you don't like it? Say using home switcher?
Trigger 3.2
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yea i just got home switcher to switch from launcher pro to this haha. thanks for mentioning it haha d-('.')-b

Check this out!!!!

I was digging for new themes for our JVP/JVQ GB Roms and found this.... I'm going to be trying these ASAP
Note that these themes are NOT GUARANTEED to Work on all roms,,, Flash at your own risk. Naturally make backups
Good find, thanks.
I believe the themes have to have the same number of lockscreens to work on our vibrants.
Dattack said:
I believe the themes have to have the same number of lockscreens to work on our vibrants.
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I have heard this also... I just flashed the deep purple theme and all worked well except the phone app was gone for some reason.... it only had 5 lock screens though... mine had 9 originally
It will work fine unless you chose a lockscreen that you don't have coding for, then you've just bought a ticket to bootloop city
bfranklin1986 said:
It will work fine unless you chose a lockscreen that you don't have coding for, then you've just bought a ticket to bootloop city
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can you elaborate on that? I flashed the LEGEND X theme and I got in a boot loop. i had the puzzle lockscreen on before the flash
I have no idea how to check for this before hand but say if you were on the puzzle lockscreen and then you flash a theme that edits some .xmls then you might have a situation where the lockscreen is looking for an .xml that doesn't work it anymore (or maybe is completely missing) and BAM your phones figurative brain explodes and sends you into bootloops. That's my understanding anyways so anybody feel free to correct me.
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Theme port
deleted gingerbread themes
This is very useful for somebody like me! I download all the themes I like and then extract it all and use all the png files I like to customize my vibrant . bro ninjamorph, root explorer and my laptop are my best friends!
Yeah...its a really nice finding....I tried one jvq rom I'm my SH4.0...It worked.thanx.
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nuwanmw1988 said:
Yeah...its a really nice finding....I tried one jvq rom I'm my SH4.0...It worked.thanx.
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Which one?
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Majin_X said:
Which one?
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Sphinx02's theme...yeah...it worked...but later found that it has a prob with lock screens...
Couldn't change the lock screen..so flashed back to original SH theme.
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I've been using the gingerway blue ocean theme for a few days and everything seems to work good
nuwanmw1988 said:
Sphinx02's theme...yeah...it worked...but later found that it has a prob with lock screens...
Couldn't change the lock screen..so flashed back to original SH theme.
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The obsession one has 10 lock screens. I'm going to try it anyway
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I think everyone that tries one needs to report back if everything worked or not and we need to start a list of which ones actually work for us.
I would use the standard android lockscreen since its in pretty much all themes and roms. To avoid possible bootloops or worse.
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bfranklin1986 said:
I think everyone that tries one needs to report back if everything worked or not and we need to start a list of which ones actually work for us.
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that's what I've been going for as well. Great idea. So far the deep purple one worked for SH 4.0... It looked nice but the phone app was gone for some reason. And the legend x one put me in a boot loop.
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Hey guys im facing an issue using launcherpro.
I can't set custom icons ?? As soon i select custom icon and find it in gallery and tap on it i get an fc ?.
Can it be the fact that the icons extension are .png ?
Thanks in advance folks
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what rom are you on?
EffectX said:
what rom are you on?
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Latest miui made by cobrato but i don't think that could affect it.could it?
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shahkam said:
Latest miui made by cobrato but i don't think that could affect it.could it?
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Possibly I'm not sure the only MIUI that I have used is Blackwatch and Alex's and LP seemed to work fine with custom icons on there
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Ive used miui for along time, never had luck with any of them when using different launchers, they seem to conflict with the stock miui launcher. It might help to use titanium backup and delete the stock launcher, just make a backup first so you dont end up with a black screen if you uninstall your new selected launcher.
Bugly Astard said:
Ive used miui for along time, never had luck with any of them when using different launchers, they seem to conflict with the stock miui launcher. It might help to use titanium backup and delete the stock launcher, just make a backup first so you dont end up with a black screen if you uninstall your new selected launcher.
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Will try lets hope this thread won't die i really want custom icons whit lpp
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Galaxy SII Lock screen

Is there any way that we can get this masterpiece? I'm kind of tired of having the old ICS/JB lock screen.
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Try out WIDGETLOCKER and then go here
and look for a thread full of widget locker themes- shouldn't be too hard to find a SGS2 lockscreen
It wasn't there. But thanks for trying.
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this locker u will get with helly bean (any jb for that matter) .......its not s2 lockscreen .......weather and calander is enabled on the lock screen ...thats it .........if u flash helly bean u will get this ........i have tried all the lockscreens in playstore none of them will match to it
akarshfrevr said:
this locker u will get with helly bean (any jb for that matter) .......its not s2 lockscreen .......weather and calander is enabled on the lock screen ...thats it .........if u flash helly bean u will get this ........i have tried all the lockscreens in playstore none of them will match to it
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I know. I just thought someone would be able to make the standard touchwiz lock screen. I enjoy touchwiz a lot, and would like some of the aspects for JB. The ICS/JB lock screen is just so plain and hate how it's in a fixed location.
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Fumblez said:
I know. I just thought someone would be able to make the standard touchwiz lock screen. I enjoy touchwiz a lot, and would like some of the aspects for JB. The ICS/JB lock screen is just so plain and hate how it's in a fixed location.
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If you just like the touchwiz icons etc. There's a theme for CM10 that looks fairly close to Touchwiz, its what I use.
also just found this app
try it out, may work
xriderx66 said:
If you just like the touchwiz icons etc. There's a theme for CM10 that looks fairly close to Touchwiz, its what I use.
also just found this app
try it out, may work
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Well I like everything about touchwiz basically. I love the way the SGSII unlocks and wondering if it would be possible to get that on the vibrant?
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Fumblez said:
Well I like everything about touchwiz basically. I love the way the SGSII unlocks and wondering if it would be possible to get that on the vibrant?
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According to one of the posts on the widget locker thread, SGS2 lockscreen is not possible (idk why) but the poster did state that this app
can do it for you (i don't know how, but I assume you install app and it has a theme section)
xriderx66 said:
According to one of the posts on the widget locker thread, SGS2 lockscreen is not possible (idk why) but the poster did state that this app
can do it for you (i don't know how, but I assume you install app and it has a theme section)
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I meant like stock SGSII. But thanks!! I really like this launcher for some reason
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Try MIUI roms or Mi Locker you can get plenty of lockscreen
Running hellybean and my lockscreen is identical to screenshot.
sent from the depths of helly bean

