[Q] Updated vibrant doesnt hav froyo lock screen - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I just upgraded my vibrant through kies mini, but it doesnt have the froyo lock creen or home screen looks exactly like before. is this normal?

It is normal. It is just stock touchwiz.
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how do I know its stock touchwiz?

how can I get the froyo lock screen instead of the touchwize one

Its stock tw. Look at it. Dl the asop deodexed ka7.
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ok, so how do i get to look like froyo?

-Get a custom rom
-Root then change some framework res in the files
-WidgetLocker app

but wasnt that suppose to come with the update?

I'm pretty sure TouchWiz is a T-Mobile theme basically, that's why you need a custom ROM to get the real Froyo look.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

Surprised they don't have stock lock screen, my galaxy tab has the stock froyo lock screen but came with tw home
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oh is their another way with out rooting the phone?

Ram1500 said:
oh is their another way with out rooting the phone?
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No, you need to root....simplest way:
Google z4root, put it on your phone and run it.
Then flash ClockWork Recovery
Download KA7 deodexed, install

does this rom hav any bugs or issues?

Ram1500 said:
does this rom hav any bugs or issues?
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Probably, but it is the leak straight from Samsung, just deodexed, nothing else.

Ram1500 said:
does this rom hav any bugs or issues?
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Probably better than KA6 though. Consider KA6 2.2 and KA7 or 2.2.1, some things are probably better than the stock KA6

troby86 said:
I'm pretty sure TouchWiz is a T-Mobile theme basically, that's why you need a custom ROM to get the real Froyo look.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
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All the US Galaxy S phones run touchwiz.
Sent from my SGH-T959

troby86 said:
I'm pretty sure TouchWiz is a T-Mobile theme basically, that's why you need a custom ROM to get the real Froyo look.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
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Tw is samsung. Like sense is htc . Its on most samaung android phones stock. If you wanr vanilla android on tmo the g2 and nexus s is the best bet.
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[Q] Which Rom are you using on your Vibrant?

Just curious with all the options that are available, Which ROM is on your Vibrant and why do you like it?
Stock JK2 because there is no "give and take" and I can customize it to my liking.
ianh2o said:
Just curious with all the options that are available, Which ROM is on your Vibrant and why do you like it?
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Put this in q/a right now
Onyx V3 -- mostly because the install instructions were super easy and I really like the black theme. don't like touchwhiz, so I sided with Onyx over Obsidian
I prefer Bionix for 2.1 ROM, and been using McNut for the 2.2 ROM...
But after trying Masters Axura 2.0.2 I found my new favorite! I love the look and feel of it.
I now run Axura 2.0.2 with eugenes kernel#802 and Ryanza's one click lag fix and ive never been happy with my phone. 2000+ quadrant benchmarks and 17mflops. You should give it a try.
My Custom ROM is...
Love this ROM! It's clean, fast, and everything works without a single problem.
I use a rom called the general section made by xda, you should try it.
I guess this is in the wrong place. to those of you that answered thanks. to anyone else, how do I move this to the correct location? Didn't mean to break the rules, just trying to learn from this great community.
ianh2o said:
Just curious with all the options that are available, Which ROM is on your Vibrant and why do you like it?
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if you're going to do a thread like this why not make it a poll?
the best rom i use
Axura 2.0.3 the best rom for my vibrant ever 100 plus
Great idea! seeing that this is my 1st thread, this is what I came up with. but I love the idea of a poll, maybe I'll try that in the right location. thanks.
I prefer ROMs with better battery life. Now it's Obsidian V3 - 0.2-0.4% per hour in sleep.
Thanks Lorendoll Battery life is important to me too
Currently using obsidian v4 (Snagged it before it was taken down. Works great for me, but will probably reflash when it goes back up.)
I use ADW Launcher because I hate tw, but I find i'm addicted to some of the samsung apps that won't run on onyx.
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PoeMTX said:
Currently using obsidian v4 (Snagged it before it was taken down. Works great for me, but will probably reflash when it goes back up.)
I use ADW Launcher because I hate tw, but I find i'm addicted to some of the samsung apps that won't run on onyx.
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yeah, i'm kinda missing the daily briefing and memo apps
Bionix Final here as it has fantastic battery life. Tried a couple 2.2 ROMS and the battery life on them were pathetic.
Staying with Final until a 2.2 rom with acceptable (IE: more than a day) battery life comes along.
wrenchmonkey26 said:
Love this ROM! It's clean, fast, and everything works without a single problem.
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i have tried almost every rom except axura and honestly i always come back to AOSPish 1.1. its super smooth and fast. no touchwiz and no lag. paired with eugenes OC kernel and OCLF its ****ing awesomeee
PoeMTX said:
Currently using obsidian v4 (Snagged it before it was taken down. Works great for me, but will probably reflash when it goes back up.)
I use ADW Launcher because I hate tw, but I find i'm addicted to some of the samsung apps that won't run on onyx.
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I got v4 to before it got pulled v4.1 should be up any time. Viva Team Whiskey.
ps. I love touchwiz
Fear the beard...
Axura is beautiful. Battery is great. Theme is just freakin cool. Very stable and no lag.
SeXed by Axura

[Q] Looking for vanilla AOSP FroYo Rom

Sorry if this is a duplicate, search has failed me.
I'm looking to flash as close to AOSP foyo on my vibrant as I can get.
Most importantly I really want AOSP Contact/Dialer
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I know how to use CWMOD, and ODIN so any kind of rom will be fine.
Thank you in advance.
The closest thing your gonna get is vibrant aosp ish 1.1 jk11 I would link you but I can't right now (on xda app) its should be on second or third page in dev section
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is there a froyo theme to work on Nero v3?
Not that im aware of, but froyo is outdated honeycomb is where its at now
hoawrang said:
is there a froyo theme to work on Nero v3?
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T.C.P said:
The closest thing your gonna get is vibrant aosp ish 1.1 jk11 I would link you but I can't right now (on xda app) its should be on second or third page in dev section
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That was where I started my search, but it has touchwiz contacts/dialer
Thanks though may be where I wind up going if nothing else turns up...
daropedia said:
That was where I started my search, but it has touchwiz contacts/dialer
Thanks though may be where I wind up going if nothing else turns up...
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you can always try this , but its buggy

[Q] SGS Tools

So im looking at the screen in SGS tools and im curious as to what certain things are. Just a quick question. Under upgrade stock apps, the Upgrade TW Launcher... is that the colored/see through tw launcher from obsidian?
why dont you try it?
theres a restore_twlauncher in the restore thing i think and you can do that if anything happens, so make sure theres another launcher in case this doesn't work.
Don't do the Upgrade Touchscreen firmware...
jmcghee1973 said:
Don't do the Upgrade Touchscreen firmware...
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I dont see a touch screen uograde, just the tw launcher upgrade
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[MOD][LAUNCHER] TouchWiz 4.0 for KB5 Froyo [EDT][5.10.2011]

Hello everyone! I have something new for you all to play with. I bring to you Touchwiz 4.0 for KB5 froyo! This is a port of fr4gg0r's modded version with customizable options from this thread here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1061883
Flash zip at bottom through recovery like normal. Reboot will take about 5 minutes as this wipes the dalvik-cache. Anyways... enjoy!
Oh, and edits had to be made to the framework.jar for the launcher to work. Framework.jar still supports power menu so there is nothing to worry about as far as breaking other mods.
MIRRORS! - http://www.multiupload.com/WTWCXKVKJU
~ On reboot launcher will FC
UPDATE 5/11/2011 - Added version for JPK 2.2.1 roms (aka Bi-Winning)
Will it work with trigger 3.2
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Should work on ANY rom based on KB5 (and probably KB1 as well).
good job little guy.
ugonnax said:
Will it work with trigger 3.2
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Yea I was wondering the same thing so I checked and yes Trigger 3.2 is based off the KB5 rom.
so in other words, yes this should work =)
im debating on just trying it out! I just love launcher pro so much but gahhh
what does that mean
Oh, and edits had to be made to the framework.jar for the launcher to work. Framework.jar still supports power menu so there is nothing to worry about as far as breaking other mods
Good work man, Much appreciated.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
Amazing! Works flawlessly! except for the samsung widgets....but I don't use em....I'm sure they'll hack the widgets from the galaxy s 2 system dump
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Didn't work on kb5 aosp vanilla version by viksfan4life
Thanks!!!!! If there was a thanks button for the phone to see I'd hit it many times lol.
Great work!!! Btw...did I say Thanks?!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!
Flashed on Trigger 3.2 and it works! As stated, widgets don't work yet.
wanna try it too
It's so buttery smooth....i don't understand why 3.0 wasn't this smooth
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
boot loop on bi winning..dem
Djapatos said:
what does that mean
Oh, and edits had to be made to the framework.jar for the launcher to work. Framework.jar still supports power menu so there is nothing to worry about as far as breaking other mods
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it means for everyone with a modded power menu, it wont change it.
like if you have a custom rom and hold the power button it has more options like "reboot", "download", etc.
so are we flashing this thru CWM or any other recovery?
EDIT: Oh wow I missed that line in the OP. haha my bad.
After flashing will you be able to switch back to a different launcher if you don't like it? Say using home switcher?
Trigger 3.2
of course you will
GreggoryD502 said:
After flashing will you be able to switch back to a different launcher if you don't like it? Say using home switcher?
Trigger 3.2
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it's just a regular launcher
PhilUSAF21 said:
Didn't work on kb5 aosp vanilla version by viksfan4life
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I believe it will because its 2.2 not 2.2.1
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GreggoryD502 said:
After flashing will you be able to switch back to a different launcher if you don't like it? Say using home switcher?
Trigger 3.2
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yea i just got home switcher to switch from launcher pro to this haha. thanks for mentioning it haha d-('.')-b

[Q] Froyo ROM for Vibrant

I considered rooting and flashing to a Gingerbread ROM but apparently there are problems with battery life. Battery life is important to me so I will not be going for a Gingerbread ROM.
Which Froyo ROM offers the stock experience? No customization or modifications, just pure stock Google Froyo. I want to make my phone snappier and to get rid of TouchWiz.
Are there bugs with these Froyo ROMs?
None of them. If you want a raw android experience, flash CM7.
We don't have a Google stock Froyo. You only have 2 choices, choose a TW rom or a CM rom.
Try to wait for this weekend we MIGHT have a gingerbread leak according to samfirmware.
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Go bionix 1.3.1 or go home.
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ipetloudog said:
Go bionix 1.3.1 or go home.
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YEAH! What he said!
(But you CM guys rock 'n roll too!)
Steprock said:
YEAH! What he said!
(But you CM guys rock 'n roll too!)
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What they said! And battery life for me is 26 hours max
(I'm on cm but I was on bionic for a while)
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Gingerclone is as close to aosp as you can get while still being on 2.2
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Trigger 3.2 or 3.3 beta is the best of the 2.2 ROMs in my opinion, also if you want to go to 2.2.1, Bi-winning V3 is the other recommendation. Both will give you complete and accurate functionality of the phone, in other words everything works just right. Go to Gingerbread or CM7 and while they are nice roms you loose functionality of certain features due to the lack of drivers (gps, accelerometer are the main features you loose).
cm7 is good when it comes to stock 2.3 gingerbread experience bionix 1.3.1 tried to minic it with the themes but its not stock like cm7 is. i was on cm7 now im on the bionix 1.3.1

