[Q] Froyo ROM for Vibrant - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I considered rooting and flashing to a Gingerbread ROM but apparently there are problems with battery life. Battery life is important to me so I will not be going for a Gingerbread ROM.
Which Froyo ROM offers the stock experience? No customization or modifications, just pure stock Google Froyo. I want to make my phone snappier and to get rid of TouchWiz.
Are there bugs with these Froyo ROMs?

None of them. If you want a raw android experience, flash CM7.

We don't have a Google stock Froyo. You only have 2 choices, choose a TW rom or a CM rom.
Try to wait for this weekend we MIGHT have a gingerbread leak according to samfirmware.
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Go bionix 1.3.1 or go home.
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ipetloudog said:
Go bionix 1.3.1 or go home.
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YEAH! What he said!
(But you CM guys rock 'n roll too!)

Steprock said:
YEAH! What he said!
(But you CM guys rock 'n roll too!)
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What they said! And battery life for me is 26 hours max
(I'm on cm but I was on bionic for a while)
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Gingerclone is as close to aosp as you can get while still being on 2.2
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Trigger 3.2 or 3.3 beta is the best of the 2.2 ROMs in my opinion, also if you want to go to 2.2.1, Bi-winning V3 is the other recommendation. Both will give you complete and accurate functionality of the phone, in other words everything works just right. Go to Gingerbread or CM7 and while they are nice roms you loose functionality of certain features due to the lack of drivers (gps, accelerometer are the main features you loose).

cm7 is good when it comes to stock 2.3 gingerbread experience bionix 1.3.1 tried to minic it with the themes but its not stock like cm7 is. i was on cm7 now im on the bionix 1.3.1


[Q] Which Rom are you using on your Vibrant?

Just curious with all the options that are available, Which ROM is on your Vibrant and why do you like it?
Stock JK2 because there is no "give and take" and I can customize it to my liking.
ianh2o said:
Just curious with all the options that are available, Which ROM is on your Vibrant and why do you like it?
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Put this in q/a right now
Onyx V3 -- mostly because the install instructions were super easy and I really like the black theme. don't like touchwhiz, so I sided with Onyx over Obsidian
I prefer Bionix for 2.1 ROM, and been using McNut for the 2.2 ROM...
But after trying Masters Axura 2.0.2 I found my new favorite! I love the look and feel of it.
I now run Axura 2.0.2 with eugenes kernel#802 and Ryanza's one click lag fix and ive never been happy with my phone. 2000+ quadrant benchmarks and 17mflops. You should give it a try.
My Custom ROM is...
Love this ROM! It's clean, fast, and everything works without a single problem.
I use a rom called the general section made by xda, you should try it.
I guess this is in the wrong place. to those of you that answered thanks. to anyone else, how do I move this to the correct location? Didn't mean to break the rules, just trying to learn from this great community.
ianh2o said:
Just curious with all the options that are available, Which ROM is on your Vibrant and why do you like it?
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if you're going to do a thread like this why not make it a poll?
the best rom i use
Axura 2.0.3 the best rom for my vibrant ever 100 plus
Great idea! seeing that this is my 1st thread, this is what I came up with. but I love the idea of a poll, maybe I'll try that in the right location. thanks.
I prefer ROMs with better battery life. Now it's Obsidian V3 - 0.2-0.4% per hour in sleep.
Thanks Lorendoll Battery life is important to me too
Currently using obsidian v4 (Snagged it before it was taken down. Works great for me, but will probably reflash when it goes back up.)
I use ADW Launcher because I hate tw, but I find i'm addicted to some of the samsung apps that won't run on onyx.
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PoeMTX said:
Currently using obsidian v4 (Snagged it before it was taken down. Works great for me, but will probably reflash when it goes back up.)
I use ADW Launcher because I hate tw, but I find i'm addicted to some of the samsung apps that won't run on onyx.
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yeah, i'm kinda missing the daily briefing and memo apps
Bionix Final here as it has fantastic battery life. Tried a couple 2.2 ROMS and the battery life on them were pathetic.
Staying with Final until a 2.2 rom with acceptable (IE: more than a day) battery life comes along.
wrenchmonkey26 said:
Love this ROM! It's clean, fast, and everything works without a single problem.
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i have tried almost every rom except axura and honestly i always come back to AOSPish 1.1. its super smooth and fast. no touchwiz and no lag. paired with eugenes OC kernel and OCLF its ****ing awesomeee
PoeMTX said:
Currently using obsidian v4 (Snagged it before it was taken down. Works great for me, but will probably reflash when it goes back up.)
I use ADW Launcher because I hate tw, but I find i'm addicted to some of the samsung apps that won't run on onyx.
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I got v4 to before it got pulled v4.1 should be up any time. Viva Team Whiskey.
ps. I love touchwiz
Fear the beard...
Axura is beautiful. Battery is great. Theme is just freakin cool. Very stable and no lag.
SeXed by Axura

CELB ROM Screenshots ?

I am currently running the kaosfroyo v39 ROM and was thinking of flashing to the CELB v4.3 ROM but on the thread there are no screenshots. Don't want to flash to it if i'm not gonna like it so I was just wondering if someone could post some screenshots of it so I can see if I would like it. Tried to post this in the Android Development thread but got an error saying I can't because I haven't posted more than 10 times on here so far. LOL Any screenshots would help, Thanks guys !
its a vanilla CM rom, it looks the same as the rest of the vanilla CM roms like kaosfroyo, vanilla tazz, FroShedYo Vanilla, ect ect. And make a Nand backup before you flash incase you dont like it
Still tells me nothing. So as I posted above, is there any way someone could post some screenshots of this ROM ? Just want to SEE what it looks like before I download and flash to it.
Sent from my FroyoEris using XDA App
it basically looks like the one on this link
[ROM] [GPL] [10-11-10] Vanilla 2.0.4 [Pure AOSP 2.1, OC, A2SD, CFS, Cache2Cache] FAST
CELB Froyo is 2.2.1 and I believe it it defaulted to use ADW.Launcher
Thx man !
Sent from my FroyoEris using XDA App
Just go to Cyanogenmod's site and check out the screenies. CELB is pure, stock. Cyanogen.
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Here is a few. Im running 4.3 and love it. Only running three screens right now.
rickyjohn said:
Here is a few. Im running 4.3 and love it. Only running three screens right now.
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FWIW to the OP, those screen shots are not precisely what CELB looks like by default. It's basically the same thing as Kaos Froyo - as in two of those screenshots, white notification bar, green battery charge indicator, translucent notifications, the same dialer, contacts, messenger, browser apps as Kaos. ADW is the default launcher, but obviously you can install your own.

Latest fastest STOCK rom?

What is the latest most stable and fastest stock touchwiz rom available? I don't want any whacky themes, or all the overclocking just stock touchwiz with stablitity and without the lag...
I just odin'd back to JFD from gingerbread rom which was crashing too much and too much rainbow screens for my taste...
Bionix 1.3.1 by team Whiskey. For sure!
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why you want stock touch wiz is beyond me but you could just flash most recent kb1 (all current 2.2 roms are based off it) and flash a voodoo kernel afterwards.
It's jvk, absolutely no doubt about
Sent from my GTI9000 using XDA App, gingerbread 2.2.3 rooted, ADW launcher + gingerbread theme
Bi-Winning Beta is a fast and smooth Touchwiz Rom. I haven't found any bugs or lack of functionality.
Funny you ask I'm rocking ZSJPJ 2.2.1 with the EDT tweeks and Overstock 1.5.1. Kind of been on a tw kick lately and this is silky smooth and with the GPS fix its just everything I want and need. I also used the included SGS tools app to add the 5 icon dock with colored tiles to enable the landscape mode on the homescreen. I very well might be settled until we have 2.3..... maybe.
Bi-Winning Beta 2, its amazing how brilliant this rom really is.
Yeah, try bi-winning beta 2. It's amazingly quick for TW, and if you flash tigers blood kernel, you get OC/UV, Voodoo sound v6, and more!
Sent from my GT-i9000/Vibrant.
JediDru said:
Funny you ask I'm rocking ZSJPJ 2.2.1 with the EDT tweeks and Overstock 1.5.1. Kind of been on a tw kick lately and this is silky smooth and with the GPS fix its just everything I want and need. I also used the included SGS tools app to add the 5 icon dock with colored tiles to enable the landscape mode on the homescreen. I very well might be settled until we have 2.3..... maybe.
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This. Jpj.
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Im on bionix 1.3.1 overstocked 1.2ghz and its smoother than ever... Ive been meaning to try bi winning but who knows if you want simple and stable... Head over to teamwhiskey.com
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Stock 2.2.1.. runs fairly well.
Yeah I pretty much did that... flashed KA7 and Overstock kernel + voodo.
avio07 said:
Yeah I pretty much did that... flashed KA7 and Overstock kernel + voodo.
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This is 2.2.1 for the i9000, it's a different beast.

Best ROM?

Which ROM are you guys running, and prefer?
Touch on the most stable, and I had a personal quesiton, are there any that are de-blurred? aka very stock, more CM7 like
I've been running yayrom since release and have had not one hiccup. The new ext4 rom has caught my eye though. Might flash that soon but I'm unsure if the performance increase will be substantial.
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I really liked the Alien 1.1 ROM, but had to clear it because it killed the data when on 3G/4G, so I'd be aware of that. Once fixed, it's great and does improve speed and battery life. It is not de-blurred though.
Best rom= stock rom + launcher 7.
kennypowders said:
Best rom= stock rom + launcher 7.
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Agree with launcher7.
I am using star wars 2.6 with the alien theme. Works great. I will be switching to the ext4 rom once the problem of fc on email notifications is fixed. If you don't use the email app, only Gmail I would recommend that.
Alien theme will get you close to stock gingerbread look.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
I am using star wars rom, alien theme, and then I dunno lol theme over that. I like it alot. Much like ginger bread.
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk

Stock based vs CM7.2 based custom roms :)

Guys i've started this thread to discuss about stock and cm based custom roms
1)which is better in what way
2)battery life
3)gaming performance
4)tweaks available for each
i felt that there is no thread related to this that's why started one
for battery, stock is the best
Stock FTW
Better battery,stable,camera,dialer,music and mms are very good.
Personally I miss tw goodies like integrated task manager button,camera and music player in CM7 so Stock is better for me
Yeah stock is stable, but so is cm7.
However, you miss out on the newer features offered in the cm9/ cm10 /aokp/ paranoid android roms.
I'm using PAC by nims11.
The main reason I personally prefer cm7 over stock is multitasking. On stock if I am using one application and switch to another, then switch back, my place is lost and often the first app has been killed and has to restart. That might be why cm7 supposedly uses more battery (I don't notice a difference personally, but I use my phone a lot)
I'm also not a fan of touchwiz and prefer the customization of cm7.
I love trying new roms no matter what the android version; 2.3.6, 2.3.7, 4.0 or 4.1
Kudos to all the Dev's working hard to make my old crappy ace awesome!
121C4 said:
The main reason I personally prefer cm7 over stock is multitasking. On stock if I am using one application and switch to another, then switch back, my place is lost and often the first app has been killed and has to restart. That might be why cm7 supposedly uses more battery (I don't notice a difference personally, but I use my phone a lot)
I'm also not a fan of touchwiz and prefer the customization of cm7.
I love trying new roms no matter what the android version; 2.3.6, 2.3.7, 4.0 or 4.1
Kudos to all the Dev's working hard to make my old crappy ace awesome!
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exactly man!! i fell cm7 is the best in terms of multitasking
and ofcourse the themechooser!! i feel cm7 is better..
pradeepjoshua said:
exactly man!! i fell cm7 is the best in terms of multitasking
and ofcourse the themechooser!! i feel cm7 is better..
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Apple VS Mango i see
i can add taskmanager button to recent panel
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DeadSp1d3r said:
i can add taskmanager button to recent panel
Sent from my ST25i using xda premium
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How to man? ?can you share??
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madman said:
Apple VS Mango i see
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Lol I like it
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I miss my CM7 themes
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CM7 is best..
A little bit battery drain than stock but has more costomization for daily use..also has no bugs.. all the things is working and stable..
Actually our opinions always have a touch of personal experience. Some people use the stock based just the way they are & some people tweak it more. I've seen that the sgs II v10.1 has a great multi tasking capability ( atleast for me...) . Kranti.ace has really brought out a revolution as his name says. His rom is pretty smooth & he's promising further improvisation. What else to expect? Just the devs to bring out the better of what's already best...
I used to have beautiful life before. Now I'm in engineering...!
Completely correct.
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