[Q] Index/Multimedia limit - Gen8, Gen9, Gen10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I asked this question on another forum (ArchosFans) but it was never solved or even remotely figured out. Anyways, I have a very large music collection (about 26,000 songs) and I bought the 250gb model of the Archos 70 so I could hold it all on the device. However, once it scans the media (which takes around an hour for that many songs) it mentions it can only index 20,000 items. Is this a limit by Android or Archos? Have any of the custom ROM/Kernels changed this limit, or is it possible by editing a system file with a rooted device?
There's also the problem that some bands don't even show up in the library but do in the storage, has this been solved in any way? Is it because of the ID3 tag type? Most of my tags are IDE3v2.3 (IDE3v1 IDE3v2.3) or something along those lines.
Thanks for your time and I hope this wasn't already asked/answered somewhere, I did a few searches but didn't find anything.

I have exactly the same problem with the 20,000 limit - I contacted Archos tech support about this yesterday (saturday) and they replied today (sunday - good service guys!) saying that they're working on a solution, so I'm hopeful that this limit will get removed, or at least extended - but I don't know how long it will take them to find, implement and ship a solution. It's also still not clear to me if this is a core Android issue, or something Archos did. I can well imagine that this is the first, or one of the first Android devices with enough storage to actually exceed 20,000 songs.
As far as files not appearing after scanning - I've found that files which have a different "artist" tag to the "album artist" tag seem to get indexed under artist "Various Artists" rather than either the artist or album artists tag - so perhaps some of your files are in there, and not where you're expecting them? Other than that, maybe they were amongst the 6000 songs that didn't get scanned, as clearly only 20000 of your 26000 will have been indexed.

Hey thanks a lot for sharing this info with me, if they are looking for a solution I'm assuming it's an Android limit, probably implemented before companies expressed interest in Android on tablets, and especially with that 250gb limit. I'm also assuming there's a possibility Archos didn't have over 20,000 songs to experiment with.
I ended up going through and removing a bunch of songs, and I think it put me somewhere around 19,000, but the device still indexed 24-25 thousand files, which is weird, I don't have any pictures or videos on the device, and I made sure to delete every folder.jpg file in the music collection. Any ideas which folders and file extensions it scans for?
I might toss Archos a quick email regarding the issue like you did. I'm not expecting a different reply, but I'm hoping they're the kind of company that will prioritize features/fixes that are more often reported since they know it's an issue more users are experiencing.
Thanks again for the reply, I'd appreciate any further information you find out if you for some reason remember this post.


[Q] Media scan not completing

Hi all,
Newbie Archos 70 250Gb owner here - back with Archos after a long period in the iPod wilderness
I'm generally pleased with the A70 but there's one thing which is a bit of a showstopper for me at the moment. I specifically bought the A70 with the big disk because I'm a music junkie - I have 150Gb or so of mp3s, and I add 3-4 albums per month.
I've copied all my music to the A70's hard disk (something like 22,000 songs), but the media scanner has only found a small fraction of them. I can sit and watch it run, and it gets to about 3200 files before quitting. This is repeatable - if I rerun "update multimedia library" it never gets beyond this point.
Anyone got any clues as to how I can track down the problem? I'm wondering if I have one dodgy mp3 which is causing it to fail perhaps? Without knowing which one it is, it's going to be tough to fix this - I can't manually remove each one of 22,000 files and keep retrying! Are there some system logs somewhere I can check?
I beginning to wonder if I'm going to have to roll my own media scanner - I'm an experienced Java programmer but very light on Android skills so it might take me a while.. so I'd rather not if I don't have to - I'm not even sure if I get that level of access to the system.
According to several folks over at the ArchosFans forums, the media scanner has a problem with tracks that have a "#" symbol in the name. Since I cannot post links yet, go to forum dot archosfans dot com, and search for "media scan hash pound #" and that should take you to the right thread.
That said, a custom media scanner might not be such a bad thing; it seems to be a source of unhappiness for a number of folks.
Same problem here, i found that doing a 'rebuild media database from scratch' option in repair&fornatting menu did eventually (after about 1day of scanning) found all my files.
Be sure to keep your archos awake during the scan, use for example the pictureframe app so the device stays awake.
Hope this helps
Sent from my A70H using Tapatalk
Thanks guys - that's two things to try, I'll let you know how I get on.
Status update: clearing out the media library and re-running the scan didn't work - it still fails, and this time leaves me with an empty library.
So, i rolled a very simple scanning app, which I can point at a single directory (i.e. a single artist). It imports some things fine, but guess what - when importing files with a "#" in them the media scanner apparently falls over - silently, unfortunately, nothing gets reported to my little app when it happens. The thread referenced above also mentions issues where the "artist" tag doesn't match the "album artist" tag - I'll keep an eye open for those too.
This is the built-in Android media scanning service that is failing, as far as I can tell - it's not clear to me if Archos modified it or not, but it's pretty shoddy not being able to handle a valid filename.
So, I'm going to keep going with my little app (maybe this thread needs to move to the dev forum?) but right now the best I can make it do is to not scan files with a hash in them, or perhaps rename the files on disk (but that would really screw up my synch mechanism, as I don't want to have to rename a whole bunch of stuff in iTunes which I also use..)
This is all disappointing - I was an early adopter of Archos stuff with a JB6000 and JBR20 (still got it somewhere!) back in the day and they've always been pretty decent at the music side of things - this is not what I would expect from them and makes it difficult for me to know what to do next as this is my primary use of the device...
EDIT: for info: the # problem only occurs with the filename, not the tags - so renaming the file appears to solve the problem while leaving the tags intact - I'll go down that route for a bit, see if I can fix things that way.
20,000 song limit(!)
So it turns out that the scanning problem is all about hash symbols in filenames - once I removed all the hash symbols from file names the scan got all the way to the end, but hung on "Finishing scan" indefinitely. I realised I still had playlist files referencing the original filenames with hashes. Once I got rid of those, the scan completed just fine, but presented me with this:
Maximum multimedia library size reached: Only the first 20000 audio files have been indexed​
Well that's a bit of a showstopper isn't it. I'm struggling to understand why someone would ship what is basically an enhanced media player with 250Gb of space, and then restrict the media library so you can't make use of it all. Even my iPod Classic 160Gb can take more songs than that!
I'll take this over into the developers forum to see if there's any way around this limit - I'm assuming it won't be anything simple. Argh!

Shelves - does it work for you?

SHELVES looks like a great app to keep inventory of DVDs, games, books, etc. - similar to Delicious Library for iPhone.
Unfortunately, Shelves doesn't work on my Streak (USA 2.2). When I scan a barcode to add a DVD movie, it says "Couldn't add movie. You might already have it". Needles to say, there are zero movies in my library.
However, the program works great with books - scan the code and it find the correct book and adds it to the shelf.
Am I missing something in the settings? Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you!
ZodiacPhoto said:
SHELVES looks like a great app to keep inventory of DVDs, games, books, etc. - similar to Delicious Library for iPhone.
Unfortunately, Shelves doesn't work on my Streak (USA 2.2). When I scan a barcode to add a DVD movie, it says "Couldn't add movie. You might already have it". Needles to say, there are zero movies in my library.
However, the program works great with books - scan the code and it find the correct book and adds it to the shelf.
Am I missing something in the settings? Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you!
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This sounded like an awesome idea to me when I saw this post.
I have about 500 DVDs in my collection and keeping them straight in my head has been a hassle for me for a couple of years now. This sounded like just the solution.
So, I put it on my Streak to test it. And, had the same exact issue you are seeing with it so far as my DVDs are concerned. Didn't even try the books. Only a hundred or two of them, and no problems remembering yet.
I get the same issues using DJ 1.7. Bummer looked like an interesting app.
Unfortunately, the last update for Shelves killed the app for many handsets - found it on apps feedback om the Market.
I could not find where to get the older version of the app - is it possible at all?
However, I am using a different app now, PackRat, free on the Market.
Not as visually attractive as as Shelves would be, but it works great!
I'm in the same boat with many of you guys. Lots of DVDs and Shelves only returns the BS might already be in your library error for me as well.
On edit- I downloaded Packrat and it does take a long time to get results, but it does get results. However, out of 18 DVDs it couldn't find 3 of them (3:10 to Yuma, Adventureland, and Hot Tub Time Machine). Also, out of 12 books it couldn't find 2 of them. Google goggles was able to find all the ones that Packrat was missing. Between the speed and the fact that I have hundreds of books and DVDs to catalog, I'm not sure this will work for me. The miss percentage is too high. I tried putting one DVD in manually, but I see no way to add a picture and adding potentially 100 DVDs manually would take forever.
Second edit- I've now attempted to use packrat to scan 50 more DVDs. It was able to find 26 of them. Again, these aren't indie titles, but mainstream titles like the ones I mentioned above. And, again, Goggles was able to find them. I'm done with Packrat.and still searching for an alternative to Shelves.
have you spoken to the developer of shelves?
most developers are more than happy to go through issues with you and try and resolve them if you're polite and thorough, and willing to help them with testing

[Q] Hierarchical structure in Stock MP3 Player - unfunctional? (PowerAmp comparison)

Hey XDA crew!
I´m impressed by the sound of our new SGSIII (bla, bla, worshipping the S3 etc. ).
BUT what I really dislike (and what I´m hating on many audiosoftware products like e.g. the M$ Media Center as well) is the following:
When you are using e.g. PowerAmp, you can see that there is a well organized hierarchical structure when scrolling through your mp3-tagged audio library. For example, when I´m sorting my music by genre, the following screen (after tapping on genre) gives me a list of all artists IN that genre...tapping on an artist there gives me a list of all his/their albums. Easy, neatly arranged, clear.
And this is what it's like in the SGSIII stock player:
Tapping on genre --> the following screen gives my a CHAOTIC messed up list with all the single songs of all albums of all artists in that genre!
Well, perhaps I´m just kind of a geek here, but this is not how to listen to music. Good example: I´m somewhere, wanting to listen to an audiobook. Okay, so lets choose "Audio Books" in the genre. And now everybody should know what I mean: For example, "the hobbit" consists of ~200 single mp3 files...and I have to search them within all the other 1000 mp3 files on my own.
So, the question is: Is there ANY chance of enhancing the stock player with a normal, intuitive hierachical structure?
Nvm thread changed already
I´ve got the same issue here and i find it very unhelpful, that all tracks are in chaotic order when you choose music by the category "Artist".
But its funny, that the tracks are in correct order when you select music by the category "Album".
Problem is that i have nearly 300 Albums and it is very stressing to scroll through all albums to find the correct one. I´d like to have it sorted by "Artist" and select then an Album.
The Stock Player of SGS and SGS2 doesn´t show this issue.
Didn´t find any solution to this. maybe i stick to a different player until samsung fixes this.
Mate...I can´t believe my eyes...finally someone who finds this system confusing as well
Yeah, for now I´m on PowerAmp again. Considering the lack of interest on this topic (as can be seen here in the thread), I think this will not change in near future^^
Posted this issue on different forums but no one seemed to notice the lack of sorting. For a moment i thought i was allone with this. Even posted this on the Samsung Forum directly, baut they blamed it on the filenames, which i allready checked. Even tried stuff with the tags.
Wrote an Email to Samsung Support. But no answer today.
I think its a simple issue that can be corrected within the next firmwareupdates, because no other model has this problem.
Splatter665 said:
Posted this issue on different forums but no one seemed to notice the lack of sorting. For a moment i thought i was allone with this.
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Ha, you are not!
Splatter665 said:
Even posted this on the Samsung Forum directly, baut they blamed it on the filenames, which i allready checked. Even tried stuff with the tags.
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Reminds me of service agents in general. Always knowing what they are talking about
Splatter665 said:
I think its a simple issue that can be corrected within the next firmwareupdates, because no other model has this problem.
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Hmm I don´t think that this will be changed unless there are more people like us...it is the very same situation on all samsung devices (including the S2 and the note). But let´s be optimistic, hope never dies!
Now i figured out, that the player sorts the Titels by filename, but only when your use "Artist" category.
Tried different things and compared some other albums. When you put a Tracknumber before the Title, the player sorts it like this.
But this leads to a problem regarding Albums with more than 10 tracks, because the order is "1-10-11-12-2-3-4".
You can compensate this with an unorthodox method, something like "101 - Title"
Which leads to another problem, the complete rewrite of the filenames of my entire collection.
But still im wondering why the player sorts in "Artist" by Filename and in "Album" by Track ID. This is very unproductive

[Q] character limit in contacts notes field

I've found other threads about a similar issue, but not for the SG III
The character limit in Android contacts notes field, THAT CAN BE EDITED DIRECTLY IN THE PHONE seems to be about 1000, (968 according to some users)
This also seems to be related only to SAMSUNG version of contacts.
Has anyone found a workaround to this limit?
The bad news are that if you sync with Outlook, you may end up with a loss of information.
I know, I know: 1000 is a lot, contacts is not a CRM program, etc, but any help will be really wellcome.
Contacts notes field character limitations
This issue of a limited notes field in the contacts app - while it seems like such a small one to most people - greatly affects many of us who utilize the contacts in our Gmail accounts to store a great deal of information (usually, I have found, due to the kind of work we do). Frankly, for me the limitation is important enough that it has affected and continues to affect which phones and tablets I purchase.
There are only a few Android phones that do not have this limitation. Fortunately, the HTC One M8 and M9 don't have character limits in the notes field of the contacts app. (If you've stood in a store and copied and pasted many times over to test this, you'll want to know that there's a simple tell I've found - the name of the contacts app. If it's called "People," as is the case with the Samsung phones, so far everyone I've tested has had the limitation. If, instead, it's called "Contacts," as is the case with the HTC phones, then there's no limitation.
Some have theorized to me that the phone manufacturers include this limitation knowingly in order to keep phones from being overburdened by data. I have a difficult time believing this, partly because I have approximately 10,000 contacts, and in the accompanying notes fields I store everything from copies of correspondence to research to articles related to the contacts. I've never come close to any data storage space issues related to this particular issue. By the way, there's a bit of a work around with regard to this issue, though it's nowhere near helpful enough to change my feature priorities when looking for a new phone - something I do every six months or so. You can use a PC to do your major notes field creating and editing - and as long as you don't need to make any changes via your mobile device, you can get along OK. That is, while you can edit the notes field using unlimited characters space on your laptop, then read everything in the app on the phone, any editing on your mobile device done in notes which exceed the limit is limited by the character limitation.
I love my HTC, but I probably would be using a Samsung were it not for this issue. I've spent some considerable time - and many different times - on the phone with people at Samsung about this issue. Most of the time, after lengthy back and forth conversations (most people don't fully understand the issue initially; then, once they do, their usual responses range from some level of disinterest to judgments about why no one should ever need to reach much less exceed the maximum), I rarely can get anyone in either support or development to even agree to mention the issue to the development teams with which they at least share company benefits.
This issue is one of several that restrict the phones I buy. Unlike many (I'm guessing, based on the number of phones built with the relevant specs), a micro SD card is important to me. The importance to me of that one feature narrows the phones in my market considerably. In fact, based on very unscientific research, I believe my desire/need for a phone with a micro SD card and unlimited space in the notes field of the contacts app limits me currently to precisely two phones - the HTC One M9 (my current phone) and the Sony Xperia Z. As to high-end tablets, I own a Google Nexus 7 because it doesn't limit the notes field, but I just bought a Sony Xperia z2 tablet (because it also has a micro SD card).
Fortunately for me, both the HTC One M9 smartphone and the Sony Xperia z2 tablet are top-notch pieces of hardware. I used to own a Motorola Droid Razr M - when it included an SD card - because it, too, didn't limit the notes field. But it no longer has an SD card.
Surely there is some way for the phone manufacturers to get rid of what seems to be a spurious limitation. I know, for me, at least it would give me the opportunity to purchase from a less limited market.
Thanks so much for your comment that I absolutly agree with.
My Contactc list is about 5000, with the same issues and use as yours.
I'm also commited to devices supporting external SD cards, it has saved my day a few times already
Just to be fair, I've to comment some "news" on the issue.
I'm actually on LG band (LG G-III to be more precise) and It's both a capable and excellent performer, with less limitations tan current Samsung devices (not to mention the iPhone-likes S6 family)
Regarding the notes field, LG (Or KitKat/Lollipop, not sure) has a different approach, though a bit cumbersome:
When you open in your device an existing contact from your Contacts list, in the Notes field (NOT created by default on new contacts, you have to manually add it) the number of characters SHOWN is limited to about 1000 characters.... this limit applies ONLY to how many characters are DISPLAYED.
BUT if you enter the edit mode inside the contact ... .¡THERE IS NO LIMITATION! NO LOSS OF INFORMATION EITHER IN THE PROCESS OF SYNCING. you read/edit the NOTES field in FULL with no limitations.
As soon as you "Save" or "exit" the edit mode, you are back to the restricted character display, but the "rest of the info" is there.
IN SHORT: The LIMIT is in the number of characters displayed NOT in the STORED info.
It may help you broaden your device buying options as it did with mines.
I don't know if this applies to other devices.
Give it a try if you like.
Simpler problem for my s4 is not enough characters in the contact name field...only 17 characters doesn't cut it. Also curious why I don't have the plus/minus symbols for adding another number to a contact (say they had home/office/fax/etc). What did I turn off that affected the plus/minus symbol?
asdfasfd said:
Simpler problem for my s4 is not enough characters in the contact name field...only 17 characters doesn't cut it. Also curious why I don't have the plus/minus symbols for adding another number to a contact (say they had home/office/fax/etc). What did I turn off that affected the plus/minus symbol?
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Never heard of such a thing, it has to be a different issue. Maybe you should reset your device to get a fresh Contact manager start-up.
Sorry not being able to help.

Music library filled with empty tracks with strange names

Today I noticed something very strange and disturbing on my daughter's phone. The music library is suddenly filled with empty tracks with names (artist, album & track) that seem to be auto-generated. They are readable and sound some how Italian or Romanian like this "Pamideta Nani", "Tivifala Lavi" or "Abfa de Mamobra". They are certainly no data garbage from flipped bits / destroyed file system. There is always exactly one album per artist and each album has exactly ten tracks. These tracks exist only in the music app and in the file browser under "Music". Detailed information reveals that it's only meta data (tags) in the media content provider without any corresponding (mp3) file.
The phone is a Galaxy 4 running LOS 16 with microG. It has no SIM card. Recently there were some problems with the SD card being "lost". The SD card used to be formatted as external and now suddenly is formatted internal. But I suspect this is unrelated and indeed a hardware problem (card or connector) and my daughter pushed a wrong button one day, maybe when the SD card was "rediscovered". My daughter has some apps (games) installed via aurora store and she does it by herself when ever she has Wifi. So, I am not sure if the dubious "music" is due to some new app. But I doubt it. What malicious app would make itself being noticed in such an obvious way? Also, the only other (unresolved) occurrence of this phenomenon, that I could find, reports (in 2018) that he didn't change much on his phone (LOS 14) and was almost never online. I cannot post the link but its on androidpit and can be found with these keywords: "ploetzlich, unbekannte, ordner, musik, virus", unfortunately it's in German.
What could this be? It's definitely cause by some deliberate action. But what app would do this? Is it maybe some code to fill the library for testing purposes. But why was it triggered?
Any serious comments or hints welcome. Please no speculation about viruses unless it's proven that a virus exists that does this or concrete advise how to find out more. I will probably clean install the device in any case. If I can supply any further info, please let me know.

