[Q] Plz Help me.....Plz.......... - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a vibrant and I was rooted my cell phone when the phone's version was 2.1 eclair
I tried to upgrade to 2.2 froyo by official updating
After updating my phone did not show any screen so i tried to return original rom by odin.........
However, odin did not work for the phone... Always stopped when odin tried to install modem.bin.............
And now my phone does not work and even I cannot turn downloading mode or recovery mode........ It is just not work like when the phone's battery is done....
Plz if someone know how to fix it, explain me...........

Not sure what's going on here, but a few more pieces of information might help others figure it out:
First, what ROM were you running? Given the fact that you officially updated, I'm guessing rooted stock? Not sure if this is relevant to your problem, but were you running a lagfix of any kind?
Second, how did you enter Download Mode? Did you select it from a Shutdown menu? Or did you use the Volume buttons while plugging in the phone? EDIT: Forgive my stupidity. You obviously used the buttons, as you entered Download Mode after bricking.
Third, what version of Odin are you using? Did or didn't you select repartition?
Finally, which stock file did you use when restoring?

Take out battery , plug usb into comp. Then while holdin vol up and down plug in usb.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

I rooted the phone before I tried to upgrade official update.
And I did not use any custom rom, I just used legfix
And I tried to use T959UVJFD this rom to restore my phone....
and I used odin v1.7

i tried to click or non click repartition both but when I did first trying
I did not check repatition and I used volume down button to join dowloarding mode.

try to Odin with Eugene's froyo that doesn't brick THEN Odin back to stock. Link should be in the Bible thread at the top.
This method has helped me in a brick before.

lol i swear im explainin this second time this issue already today , go hook up your phone to wall cahrger for 5 min , unplug cabole from chsrger and unplug phone from cable hook up cable to computer remove battery from your phone hold vol up vol down hook up usb cable that is already hooked up to computer connect it to phone while still holding vol up vol down bam u got it there if it didnt work hook up phone to wall charger to 10 min instead of 5 trust me i went thru same storry .

i went with every imaginable story of brickin my vibrant lol

i thinkk chance of you brickin that phone to the point that wont ever turn back on is like one in 1000 if not more unles u fried the phone and i dont know id thats possible P

First, make sure you have at least Odin3 v1.3 when attempting this. This version includes a Samsung specific .dll that is required to get a successful load with Odin. Then follow these instructions to flash back to stock.
from there, just root, install Clockwork Mod Recovery, flash and enjoy.

I used 5 different roms to restore my phone..... but it still stop when odin try to install modem.bin............ I do not understand and very bad.... how can i fix it...
and I tried to find eugene's froyo rom... but I cannot find download link........
plz help me.... I will appreciate every guys......

ss10823 said:
I used 5 different roms to restore my phone..... but it still stop when odin try to install modem.bin............ I do not understand and very bad.... how can i fix it...
and I tried to find eugene's froyo rom... but I cannot find download link........
plz help me.... I will appreciate every guys......
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Then its odin. Try to find an older version. Yep I said that. I run 1.3 still because it works every single time.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

I'm just grasping at straws here, but you might try using every version of Odin (as has already been suggested by several posters above). Also, make sure you remove your SIM and sd card. Lastly, run Odin as an administrator. I don't think the admin part is related, but it can't hurt to try.
Look for Eugene's froyo on Android Spin. I DLed it a few days ago.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App


[Q] pc will not see phone in dl mode

So sorry to bother you people with my little problems but as long as my phone is in dl mode the pc says device not recognized any other screen and its fine. Recovery, galaxy screen so how do I flash back to jfd from were I'm at or are there other options. I really am at my ropes end. 3 days I've fought with this thing. Thank you for any help you can give
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
I'm going to grab at air here, but do you have Odin up before you stick it in download mode? it should be..... try unpluging usb and plugging it back in while in download mode with odin running... (DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT unplug while actually flashing with Odin... it will soft brick your phone) just saying.. if it hangs while flashing it can still be recovered.. of course.. but the first time i softbricked my phone i was like OH SH1T!!!! my wife gonna kill me.... lol
Out of curiosity, is your usb port 2.0? Mine would never get recognized on older computers that didn't have usb2.0.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I had the same problem a while back... what you have to do is make sure you have all of the correct driver's for ur vibrant installed on your computer in order for your computer to recognize it. go to samsung's website at this link ( http://www.samsung.com/us/support/downloads/ ) and enter your phone info in. When the next screen comes up, click on the "Software" tab at the top of the screen. You then need to click on the second one down (Device(Install) (Software) (ver.10095.9) ) and download/install that to your computer. Make sure you open it after you install it to make sure you have all of the driver's installed (it should do this automatically). after you reboot your computer, open odin, and connect you phone to your pc in download mode, it should now see it. let us know if this works for you...
web_ninja said:
I'm going to grab at air here, but do you have Odin up before you stick it in download mode? it should be..... try unpluging usb and plugging it back in while in download mode with odin running... (DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT unplug while actually flashing with Odin... it will soft brick your phone) just saying.. if it hangs while flashing it can still be recovered.. of course.. but the first time i softbricked my phone i was like OH SH1T!!!! my wife gonna kill me.... lol
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First off the wifey don't know yet I told her I was testin this mytouch I found. Lol second. I've tried every whichaway. But I am thankful for the input.
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
reinstaling drivers while hphone is connected to computer with debug on helped me
also you may want to make sure you have Odin v1.3. v1.0 was complete doo-doo.
I did use the doodoo version. But as u guys can see by the signature below all the advise worked...many thanks to all of you who helped...thank you soo much. I still need to update to 2.2
P.s. wife never found out I broke my phone...WIN!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

( Q ) 100% bricked vibrant

My phone is 100% bricked, I was flashing blitzkrieg bootloader to flash his ROM and something went wrong.
Now my phone wont turn on, wont nothing. . .
So the Question is: has anyone went out of this? I now the jig method, but I searched and didnt find anything.
eif you borked the bootloader there is a good chance there isnt much you can do besides a jtag reset, now a jig wouldnt hurt to try but i wouldln't count on it working. i personally will always stay away from bootloaders until i get my own jtag rig.
Goodluck bro hopefully the jig works.
if the vibrant is originally yours you could make a warranty claim with samsung stating you were attempting to flash 2.2 through keis and your phone wont work now, otherwise like said jig maybe, Jtag almost assuredly, will fix your phone.
If you are actually considering a JTAGing, search in the forum for connexion2005. He have lots of experience doing it and have a website and everything.
Its sad, but you remembered me why i shouldn't mess with the bootloader. Goodluck with your phone bro...
What happened during the bootloader flash? I just flashed the GB bootloader and the whole process was over in less than 10 seconds, not much room for error..
anthonys2r said:
What happened during the bootloader flash? I just flashed the GB bootloader and the whole process was over in less than 10 seconds, not much room for error..
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I do not why (dont ask) I added the stock .pit file! ... i think there was the error...
anthonys2r said:
What happened during the bootloader flash? I just flashed the GB bootloader and the whole process was over in less than 10 seconds, not much room for error..
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I am actually considering a Jtag, but I'm in México so I had to find someone who does that here. . . actually only found 2 people lol
power off phone
pull out battery
GRAB THIS STUFF : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1047087
turn on odin
attach phone to pc with usb cable
now while holding down both volume buttons put battery back in.
now you should be in download mode and go back to stock with odin from here!
make sure u put the proper .pit and .pda file in there proper places on odin and ur set to go.
Enjoy and also make sure u have the proper samsung drivers
shreddintyres said:
eif you borked the bootloader there is a good chance there isnt much you can do besides a jtag reset, now a jig wouldnt hurt to try but i wouldln't count on it working. i personally will always stay away from bootloaders until i get my own jtag rig.
Goodluck bro hopefully the jig works.
if the vibrant is originally yours you could make a warranty claim with samsung stating you were attempting to flash 2.2 through keis and your phone wont work now, otherwise like said jig maybe, Jtag almost assuredly, will fix your phone.
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I couldn't agree more with everything in this post. Nice community situation here
- The Samsung Kies killed my phone excuse has gotta be the ultimate life saver, but over time I'm starting to agree with others that it's probably not something I should endorse. As I root more and more of my friends devices I'm starting to find that 1) I hate them. and 2) NOBODY will read an OP all the way through!
kawika said:
As I root more and more of my friends devices I'm starting to find that 1) I hate them. and 2) NOBODY will read an OP all the way through!
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I thought i was the only one who felt that way about my friends!! Really how hard is it to read a op!
kawika said:
I couldn't agree more with everything in this post. Nice community situation here
- The Samsung Kies killed my phone excuse has gotta be the ultimate life saver, but over time I'm starting to agree with others that it's probably not something I should endorse.
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I wholly agree with you that this method is something that should be avoided if at all possible, however I know jtag services can be hard to find as well as sometimes quite costly.
@op let us know how it all turns out for you
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
Your battery probably died.
You dont have to flash a pit with it because it uses the phones native pit when flashing the bootloader.
Also, the OP for the gb Bootloader states that it CHANGES the key mapping. volume up and power gets you dl mode. Try that before jtag. I had this problem trying to flash the rom because i couldnt figure out recovery. Turns out I didn't read it right. I read it through, just didn't interpret it correctly.
PabxH said:
My phone is 100% bricked, I was flashing blitzkrieg bootloader to flash his ROM and something went wrong.
Now my phone wont turn on, wont nothing. . .
So the Question is: has anyone went out of this? I now the jig method, but I searched and didnt find anything.
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As mentioned I'm able to JTAG your phone back to life as well as any other bricked Vibrants. PM me if you need any help with this...
plug usb cable and press vol up+vol down.. then use odin.. samsung phones are never bricked..
movieaddict said:
power off phone
pull out battery
GRAB THIS STUFF : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1047087
turn on odin
attach phone to pc with usb cable
now while holding down both volume buttons put battery back in.
now you should be in download mode and go back to stock with odin from here!
make sure u put the proper .pit and .pda file in there proper places on odin and ur set to go.
Enjoy and also make sure u have the proper samsung drivers
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omg thank you for that i thought my phone was BRICKED and hten i was soo sad so i was looking through hte post andd i saw ^^^that one and i thought it wont hurt to try one last time so i did and it worked
very unfortunate to tell u i m also suffering same problem and dont hav idea abt jtag.. plz let me know i know abt odin cwm kies update processes will used them b4.. but watz jtag
movieaddict said:
power off phone
pull out battery
GRAB THIS STUFF : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1047087
turn on odin
attach phone to pc with usb cable
now while holding down both volume buttons put battery back in.
now you should be in download mode and go back to stock with odin from here!
make sure u put the proper .pit and .pda file in there proper places on odin and ur set to go.
Enjoy and also make sure u have the proper samsung drivers
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Thank You so much. I was trying to flash back to stock using odin and forgot to put in the pda file. I was only using pit and it bricked. No download mode, left it off for hours, pure blackness. Until I tried your method of plugging in the usb and holding the volume buttons then plugging in the battery. Thank you.
Fazeh said:
Thank You so much. I was trying to flash back to stock using odin and forgot to put in the pda file. I was only using pit and it bricked. No download mode, left it off for hours, pure blackness. Until I tried your method of plugging in the usb and holding the volume buttons then plugging in the battery. Thank you.
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Great news and nice tip from the OP. However, if that tip works, you were not fully hard bricked...
Ok, last update: I got it repaired!
JTAG was the only solution for this.
My phone was:
Thank you all!!
Glad to hear you got it sorted out be careful flashing those boot loaders
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
bricked my phone vibrant
I faced the same issue when my phone got bricked.
1. odin back to jfd
2. GB bootloader installed.
3. updated to 2.2 froyo via kies...
after that the phone never turned onn...BRICKED...
sending it to connection2005 for JTAG...
hope that resolves the issue.

[Q] Can't aquire Root?

Okay guys, never let me down before, lets see if you can keep a perfect score
This is not my first time rooting, i've rooted at least 3 phones thus far, and I am trying to root my Samsung Fascinate. I've tried z4root, Superoneclick and adb. None of them took. I believe it may be something with my drivers, but before I get into specifics, let me give you my information:
Hardware version: I500.04
Model SCH-I500
Firmware: 2.2.2
Kernel version:
Build Number: SCH-I500.ED05
Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 3.
Ok so now that's out there, what am I doing wrong? when I tried z4root 1.3.0, it got the point where it said "acquiring root shell, then the phone vibrated 3 times and the app closed. Super one click, the prompt got stuck on "waiting for phone" ADB, the device won't even show up in the list of devices. I can't seem to find the right drivers anywhere.
It may be important to note that I am using my data cable from my optimus v, and when I plug it in, the micro-usb dongle doesn't go all the way into the port on the fascinate. However, the fascinate gives me the notification that usb mode can be activate and that debugging is on, etc.
I made sure that mock locations, and usb debugging were both on.
Any help?
Follow these steps in link:
Ive always used ADB and pushed over the files and such.
However are you going to flash another rom? If so just Odin recovery, flash the rom and be done with it.
I have to have root for that right? My drivers aren't working, is there a way to flash it with out a computer
OhioYJ said:
Ive always used ADB and pushed over the files and such.
However are you going to flash another rom? If so just Odin recovery, flash the rom and be done with it.
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Sent from my LG Optimus V running Sense 3.0
You need a REAL cable... If computer doesn't see the phone via the drivers, nothing is going to work.
OhioYJ said:
However are you going to flash another rom? If so just Odin recovery, flash the rom and be done with it.
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agreed! If you want a different rom, alot of the steps in that link I posted a not needed. Just odin the proper recovery for the rom you intend on flashing. boot into recovery and wipe data,cache,dalvik, then install rom.zip from sd card. reboot and the phone should be rooted.
droidstyle said:
Follow these steps in link:
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Downloaded everything in the link, installed drivers, I'm on my friends laptop now, still xp. I got to the step where I have to find CWM3 Voodoo in Odin, and the instructions say that one of the boxes should have turned yellow, but it didn't. I went on ahead and clicked the pda button, but it just said success 0/failure 0. What do I do? Do I have to have vista?
That means odin is not recognizing the phone. Im not sure if odin works with xp or vista... I only use 7 these days. Actually if my memory serves right, odin dont work with xp, don't quote me tho. You could try heimdall but I have no experience with it.
Still can't squire root.I've factory rest 3 times now and still nothing. Can no one help?
Sent from my LG Optimus V running Sense 3.0
If u can't get odin or heimdall to work, you won't be able to root. Do you not have windows 7
droidstyle said:
If u can't get odin or heimdall to work, you won't be able to root. Do you not have windows 7
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as stated in the op, I explicitly said I am using windows xp, media center 2002, service pack 3 to be specific. So your telling me I'm S.O.L.?
first, get a real cable
then, go to official samsung website and install the correct fascinate drivers
download and open odin v3 1.30 (I have xp and it works)
plug in phone in download mode, wait for odin box to turn yellow
pick file in pda
and press start
then just go into cwm via 3 fingers and flash rom
dragon1357 said:
first, get a real cable
then, go to official samsung website and install the correct fascinate drivers
download and open odin v3 1.30 (I have xp and it works)
plug in phone in download mode, wait for odin box to turn yellow
pick file in pda
and press start
then just go into cwm via 3 fingers and flash rom
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I have my cable from my samsung intercept, would that work? By the way thanks for being so informative. Could you pm the drivers you used, if you have them?
Sent from my LG Optimus V running Sense 3.0
I'm not saying that you shouldn't be doing this but I think you need to slow down and read some more before trying. While this phone is pretty dang hard to brick without physical damage, lacking basic knowledge can put you down got a while if something goes wrong.
A good place to start is the qa stickies. Again I'm not saying don't, just maybe give it another day or two. Really sucks rushing in soft bricking and having to learn after with no phone in the mean time.
XDA Prem app Running UKB w PBJ
MattRussNC said:
I'm not saying that you shouldn't be doing this but I think you need to slow down and read some more before trying. While this phone is pretty dang hard to brick without physical damage, lacking basic knowledge can put you down got a while if something goes wrong.
A good place to start is the qa stickies. Again I'm not saying don't, just maybe give it another day or two. Really sucks rushing in soft bricking and having to learn after with no phone in the mean time.
XDA Prem app Running UKB w PBJ
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Not trying too be an ass or anything but 1.) This is my 5th or 6th time rooting. I have more than basic knowledge. 2.) This is a spare phone I picked up dirt cheap for development. 3.) I checked every place possible trying to find out why my drivers weren't working including q&a.
That aside, I'm trying it on my friends laptop with vista. Wish me luck.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

[SOLVED]Odin not flashing my Vibrant

I had put MIUI ROM on my Vibrant and recently thought of reverting back to the stock ROM.
So I went to download mode, selected the pit file and T959UVJFD.tar and started the process.
The process started and never progressed from caches.rfs. After waiting for an hour, I removed the cable. Now if I turn on the device, it just shows the image of a mobile device, an arrow and a computer.
I tried to flash it again. I can successfully go to download mode, Odin still recognize the device on COM port, but never flashes! Its stuck at the cache part.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I was trying to flash the device from a Windows 7 machine. I did not run Odin as admin at first(forgot actually), but further attempts were using admin privileges.
Tried with Heimdall also, but nothing happened.
Please help...
easy~ ^_^ This happened to me many times, it just wouldn't flash... gets stuck at one of the sequences.
1 - take battery out [put it back in but don't power on]
2 - turn on odin
3 - Press volume +/- and plug usb cable.
4 - Try flashing again.
ps - if something still gets stuck, try a different usb port
ps2 - THERE IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT ^_^ You wont brick it. I have gotten all kinds of weird signs.
Dont Worry its happen
Just giving u the Links ... Might be ur Drivers are not installed correctly or there is some problem which can be figured...
Just try this link first
Its a Best Software for the beginners and for Pros
the steps are easy
Else wise u can also check this one too it will also help u
Somethin else for consideration. What version of odin are you using? I had a problem way back when useing some version, try a different one. I dont have any problems with version 1.7.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
Make sure you do a restart and possibly try a different USB port. I've had this happen on my PC and my Macbook Pro.
Thanks guys
Downloaded the Vibrant toolbox, reinstalled the drivers and flashed again...
Worked this time...
What a relief!


Hi, I'm pretty new to Android and stuff, but I bricked my SGP 5.0 with a mod.. At first I was able to go into download mode but then I think I flashed the wrong firmware and now the device is completely unresponsive. Any advice on what to do would be great. I also already checked out all the forums on here but none have been able to work for me. Thanks in advance!
Yup. I was in the same boat as you. Exact same one actually. However i managed to get best buy to to switch mine out because i said it was "defective". I tried the linux tutorial with resurrector and nothing as well. And i also tried.... Well everything. From my thread i posted I gathered that no one (at leasr on xda) knows how to unbrick these damn things. So until these get more popular. Your sunk. Sorry pal:/
try the resurrector.. it's worked for me on a few occasions. it brought mine back from not even being able to turn on.
one thing that's not incredibly obvious with it though is you have to hold "vol up" for download mode while the program is doing its thing. if you don't hold the button it wont work.
Tried it.
I tried that already though and it wouldn't let me unbrick it, but I'll give it another try with what you said about the Vol.+Up keys! Thanks!
I don't have a 4.0 player but my 5.0 player was bricked initially the first time I tried to root... To get it into Download mode you need to hold Vol-(Vol down) button and Power button as the unit is powering up. Hold both for a few seconds until you see the yellow download mode picture.
Good luck
Are you able to get to the download mode? If so I have a simple solution. If not, start a download of Ubuntu to have the proper stuff to fix your problem.
I'm running Ubuntu with the Unbrickable Mod and I have it in download mode and I have virtualmachine installed with windows and sammy drivers but my player wont show up in odin3. Any ideas to get it shwoing?
Either, shutdown VM and see if usb device shows up in windows. If it still does not then unplug usb from pc and then plug it back in, or transfer usb back to host in VM.
I tried that already.. It still doesn't show up in Odin3.
Check device manager for vm drivers for usb and remove them?
Sent from my YP-G70 using XDA App
Hmmm.... I don't really understand what you mean.. Sorry!
When you attach a usb device to a VM the vm software replaces the drivers of the USB device on the host with virtual drivers that redirects IO from the USB device to guest If the original driver does not get put back in during a detach then IO never goes back to the host.
I know that sounds complicated but I do not know how else to explain it...
Sent from my YP-G70 using XDA App
Okay, i fixed that. I have it in download mode, i uploaded the bootloaders that adamoutler has. I uploaded the stock rom you have. Odin3 said pass. But its still in download mode, autoreboot was checked. when i try turning it on, the download screen appears but the icon for download goes all over the screen then stops. Its still recognizeable in odin3 too. Any ways to get this thing going?
My stock rom does not include bootloaders and adam outler's bootloaders are only a temporary solution. What you need to do is flash a full international rom that has bootloaders. Then flash my stock rom to fix the capacitive buttons.
Sent from my YP-G70 using XDA App
Alright I see what you mean!! Where can I get a full stock rom though?
Well, I'm not exactly sure. I used to get mine from samfirmware.com but they have recently changed their site. You might try rumirands stock recovery in the dev section. You'll want to open it up and look for files like: boot.bin and Sbl.bin . These are the bootloader files. This will verify that you have a rom with bootloaders in it.
Sent from my YP-G70 using XDA App
Alright thanks a lot! Ill try rumirands stock and if that doesnt work ill go to samfirmware.com. Ill be back with the results in a few hours!!
Well Rumirands ROM did not. work. samfirmware.com only has the French and Chinese Rom versions so that doesnt help either. I downloaded a .tar.md5 from here : http://www.4shared.com/file/zhZjh0EY/package_us235tar.html..... Should I flash this by itself or do I need a pit file too?
The language of the ROM does not matter. What matters is that is has the boot loaders. Flashing my Stock ROM over it will fix language and capacitive buttons.
Make sure you have followed AdamOutler's intructions precisely. I don't recall having to use a pit file other than the one in his intructions but if comes to it, it is another troubleshooting point.
Realyy? Hm alright so what your saying is that when I have it in download mode, and with, lets the the chinese firmware, I flash that, turn on my sgp to see if it loads and then put it in download mode again and flash your stock rom, that it might work fine again???

