[SOLVED]Odin not flashing my Vibrant - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I had put MIUI ROM on my Vibrant and recently thought of reverting back to the stock ROM.
So I went to download mode, selected the pit file and T959UVJFD.tar and started the process.
The process started and never progressed from caches.rfs. After waiting for an hour, I removed the cable. Now if I turn on the device, it just shows the image of a mobile device, an arrow and a computer.
I tried to flash it again. I can successfully go to download mode, Odin still recognize the device on COM port, but never flashes! Its stuck at the cache part.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I was trying to flash the device from a Windows 7 machine. I did not run Odin as admin at first(forgot actually), but further attempts were using admin privileges.
Tried with Heimdall also, but nothing happened.
Please help...

easy~ ^_^ This happened to me many times, it just wouldn't flash... gets stuck at one of the sequences.
1 - take battery out [put it back in but don't power on]
2 - turn on odin
3 - Press volume +/- and plug usb cable.
4 - Try flashing again.
ps - if something still gets stuck, try a different usb port
ps2 - THERE IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT ^_^ You wont brick it. I have gotten all kinds of weird signs.

Dont Worry its happen
Just giving u the Links ... Might be ur Drivers are not installed correctly or there is some problem which can be figured...
Just try this link first
Its a Best Software for the beginners and for Pros
the steps are easy
Else wise u can also check this one too it will also help u

Somethin else for consideration. What version of odin are you using? I had a problem way back when useing some version, try a different one. I dont have any problems with version 1.7.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium

Make sure you do a restart and possibly try a different USB port. I've had this happen on my PC and my Macbook Pro.

Thanks guys
Downloaded the Vibrant toolbox, reinstalled the drivers and flashed again...
Worked this time...
What a relief!


[Q] Plz Help me.....Plz..........

I have a vibrant and I was rooted my cell phone when the phone's version was 2.1 eclair
I tried to upgrade to 2.2 froyo by official updating
After updating my phone did not show any screen so i tried to return original rom by odin.........
However, odin did not work for the phone... Always stopped when odin tried to install modem.bin.............
And now my phone does not work and even I cannot turn downloading mode or recovery mode........ It is just not work like when the phone's battery is done....
Plz if someone know how to fix it, explain me...........
Not sure what's going on here, but a few more pieces of information might help others figure it out:
First, what ROM were you running? Given the fact that you officially updated, I'm guessing rooted stock? Not sure if this is relevant to your problem, but were you running a lagfix of any kind?
Second, how did you enter Download Mode? Did you select it from a Shutdown menu? Or did you use the Volume buttons while plugging in the phone? EDIT: Forgive my stupidity. You obviously used the buttons, as you entered Download Mode after bricking.
Third, what version of Odin are you using? Did or didn't you select repartition?
Finally, which stock file did you use when restoring?
Take out battery , plug usb into comp. Then while holdin vol up and down plug in usb.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I rooted the phone before I tried to upgrade official update.
And I did not use any custom rom, I just used legfix
And I tried to use T959UVJFD this rom to restore my phone....
and I used odin v1.7
i tried to click or non click repartition both but when I did first trying
I did not check repatition and I used volume down button to join dowloarding mode.
try to Odin with Eugene's froyo that doesn't brick THEN Odin back to stock. Link should be in the Bible thread at the top.
This method has helped me in a brick before.
lol i swear im explainin this second time this issue already today , go hook up your phone to wall cahrger for 5 min , unplug cabole from chsrger and unplug phone from cable hook up cable to computer remove battery from your phone hold vol up vol down hook up usb cable that is already hooked up to computer connect it to phone while still holding vol up vol down bam u got it there if it didnt work hook up phone to wall charger to 10 min instead of 5 trust me i went thru same storry .
i went with every imaginable story of brickin my vibrant lol
i thinkk chance of you brickin that phone to the point that wont ever turn back on is like one in 1000 if not more unles u fried the phone and i dont know id thats possible P
First, make sure you have at least Odin3 v1.3 when attempting this. This version includes a Samsung specific .dll that is required to get a successful load with Odin. Then follow these instructions to flash back to stock.
from there, just root, install Clockwork Mod Recovery, flash and enjoy.
I used 5 different roms to restore my phone..... but it still stop when odin try to install modem.bin............ I do not understand and very bad.... how can i fix it...
and I tried to find eugene's froyo rom... but I cannot find download link........
plz help me.... I will appreciate every guys......
ss10823 said:
I used 5 different roms to restore my phone..... but it still stop when odin try to install modem.bin............ I do not understand and very bad.... how can i fix it...
and I tried to find eugene's froyo rom... but I cannot find download link........
plz help me.... I will appreciate every guys......
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Then its odin. Try to find an older version. Yep I said that. I run 1.3 still because it works every single time.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I'm just grasping at straws here, but you might try using every version of Odin (as has already been suggested by several posters above). Also, make sure you remove your SIM and sd card. Lastly, run Odin as an administrator. I don't think the admin part is related, but it can't hurt to try.
Look for Eugene's froyo on Android Spin. I DLed it a few days ago.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

[Solved] Help reverting to stock rom?

I am using the UCKH7 one click w/root tool.
I start download mode by holding volume up and down while plugging in USB. I click the start button but the program hangs at 'factoryfs.img'
Please help. Thanks.
AT&T galaxy s2
Deenybird said:
I am using the UCKH7 one click w/root tool.
I start download mode by holding volume up and down while plugging in USB. I click the start button but the program hangs at 'factoryfs.img'
Please help. Thanks.
AT&T galaxy s2
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I use heimdall personally. Never had any problems with it. Do you have all the sgs2 drivers installed?
Also check md5 sums to make sure your download is ok.
Sent from my SGH-I777
I'll try heimdall. Drivers should be fine as kies is installed. Rom should be good as I've tried 2 different download sources
Make sure you install the libusb drivers for heimdall before flashing. The instructions are in the heimdall readme. Good luck
Sent from my SGH-I777
Just wanted to post that my problem is solved.
Summary: My AT&T Galaxy SII showed an error on boot (software upgrade failed. connect to kies...). Kies wouldn't even recognize the device so that route was a no go. So as everyone's recommended method of last resort, I decided to flash the device back to stock via odin. I entered download mode (volume up + volume down and plug in usb) and Odin would recognize the device, I would load the stock rom in the PDA slot and hit start and it would begin normally, but it would always fail after a few seconds on 'NAND write start', or 'factoryfs.img'. So I got a 1 click download solution using odin for reverting my phone back to stock. Same thing, it would recognize the phone, but stall out and fail. I also tried flashing clockworkmod via odin but and same problem. People recommended I try heimdall. It would recognize my device, and then fail after 'kernel 100%'.
I tried both programs on 3 different computers, and must have tried 12 different USB slots amongst all of them. I'm fairly handy with this stuff and I worked for hours on it.
xtra info: I had successfully used odin on my computer to flash a kernel just a week ago so I know my stock usb cable was working etc...
Resolution: So I hung my head and drove to the ATT store. After pressing a few buttons on the device and not getting anywhere they sent me to a nearby Device Support Center. I told the girl at the counter that my phone booted to this error screen and that connecting it to Kies did nothing. She asked if it was ok that in the case that she couldn't fix it she would offer me a replacement. I said that was fine and after 10 minutes in the back room she came out with a replacement (free of charge).
Well that was the good news. For the bad news, unfortunately I still don't know how to fix the problem I had, and don't really know how to avoid it in the future. I thought phone's could only get truly bricked if you messed with PIT files and such. There didn't seem to be anything more I could do than flash with odin or heimdall as those were already last resorts. I know I had the right files, the right drivers, and working usb. No matter how crazy I got with my iphone, a full restore was only a click away by plugging in to iTunes. Somehow I messed up my phone so bad that even the device support center couldn't fix it....? Shouldn't have had to be like that.
Thank yous: Thanks to ATT for having a walk-in store and for so easily offering up a replacement. Thanks to the many people on the web who offered remedies.
tl;dr - phone broke, att replaced, still a mystery

[Q] Need help to unbrick, can´t even get to download mode

Hello guys,
I really really need your help, I have spend like two weeks reading articles and possible solutions to my problem and none of them worked.
My cell is the international version GT-I9100 and my PC has W7 Ultimate installed
I have my phone in USB debug mode and have installed USB drivers with KIES
2 weeks ago I was able to get to download mode by using the 3 buttons method with no problems... so I decided to try to install the latest ICS I9100XXLPQ with ODIN
Odin did recognized the cellphone and the yellow label appeared and show the message accepted... so far so good, put the I9100XXLPQ file in PDA, check the Auto Reboot and F. Reset Time options and hit the Start button but the problem started there.... it just sits at setup connection and wont do a thing. wait for more than 30 mins and nothing just sits there.
So I unplugged the cellphone from the cable thinking that it would be ok since Odin didn´t started with the flashing process (or at least that what i thought)... there´s the problem, now my cellphone does not came up and I´m not even able to get into download mode. I just get a black screen (see attachment)
I have tried with the 3 buttons, with One-Click Unbrick and with the Jig cable and none of them worked, I just keep getting the same screen.
(by the way... i tried with One-Click Unbrick but it still saying that the drivers are not installed properly so it keep installing the drivers over and over and I have not been actually able to use it.)
Odin is still able to recognized the cellphone so I tried to re-flash the cellphone doing the same thing this time it passed the connection setup and seems that it will worked but after 5 to 10 mins it failed but with no error message. I guess that it wont do anything since the cell is not in download mode.
Any ideas or suggestions would be more than appreciate!
I once had the same problem. When odin sees the mobile even if its not in download mode. This means its connected but the bootloader is broken.
To fix this u need to use some program called hamedal or hamidal or something. I used it to unbrick my galazy tab. you can flash the boot section (bootloader image) manually thru it and it will fix your mobile.
Try to google about it and how to use it. If you don't find anything. Pm me and I will try to help u .
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
try to use a JIG,it will force the phone to enter the download mode
fearkillerr said:
I once had the same problem. When odin sees the mobile even if its not in download mode. This means its connected but the bootloader is broken.
To fix this u need to use some program called hamedal or hamidal or something. I used it to unbrick my galazy tab. you can flash the boot section (bootloader image) manually thru it and it will fix your mobile.
Try to google about it and how to use it. If you don't find anything. Pm me and I will try to help u .
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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I think that you are taking about Heimdall
One Click Unbrick is the same thing.... (Heimdall One-Click project)
I tried that already... but thanks
I haven't worked much with i9000 or i777 to figure out heimdall compatibility. Your option is Odin right now.
Your only solution is a USB JIG.
shesho07 said:
I think that you are taking about Heimdall
One Click Unbrick is the same thing.... (Heimdall One-Click project)
I tried that already... but thanks
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Just open that program, install the usb drivers for it while connecting your phone and try to flash the zimage.img into the phone manually. I believe it will work. I've fixed many bricked galaxy devices with that.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

[GUIDE][REF]Basic Trouble Shooting Steps for ODIN FAILURE

So, you've been flashing stuff and now for whatever reason, your phone won't boot.
Now you're trying to save your poor phone's life with Odin but odin keeps failing.
Here are a few basic steps to go over to try and get Odin to cooperate:
First things First, if the device shows no signs of life whatsoever, you press the power button and it just sits there blank,
i am sorry to inform you, you are bricked and at a point beyond the help of odin. this will require JTAG to fix.
if you are in a bootloop or the phone freezes at some point of the boot sequence, this is what odin can fix.
if you do not have odin, get it HERE
here are the USB DRIVERS
i will not provide links to stock firmwares to use, those are ALL OVER the forum,
this is to help get those flashed not to completely hold your hand
only thing i'll add about which to use is:
Use USB ports connected to MOTHERBOARDno front panel ports, hubs etc...
Use a Known good usb data cable preferably OEM, you may want to have 1 or more spare just in case
right click odin and run as administrator
Have odin ready to go before you touch your phoneAll files in the proper place, now boot to DL mode and connect
If this is still Failing try:
Exiti Odin
Uninstall USB drivers
Reboot PC
Reinstall USB drivers
Switch usb port being used on pc
Rinse and Repeat until either it works or all ports exhausted
If after trying all motherboard ports odin is still cursing at you from Asgard, try one of those spare cables i mentioned earlier.
Sometimes PCs just don't wanna work, if you have the availability of another pc ANYWHERE (even the library or something) try these steps on that machine.
If its still failing on multiple pcs, clean out the usb port on the phone with Q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol
then blowing it out with compressed air and let dry.
still nothing? you may have a hardware failure in the usb port on the phone.
Standard disclaimer: I AM NOT responsible for anything you've done or will do to your device.... this is merely a reference for you to use to get yourself out of a bind.
thank you, you're welcome, Good luck and happy flashing.
Nice work Studa .... had to fight the urge to quote the op so you knew what I was talking about.
Bubbajoe40356 said:
Nice work Studa .... had to fight the urge to quote the op so you knew what I was talking about.
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I kind of like seeing everything written out several times . . . it's like deja-vu all over again.
Good job cris, lets hope this gets used!
Lol... I kinda made it for me to use.
I've typed this out a couple dozen times... now I can just link to here
studacris said:
So, you've been flashing stuff and now for whatever reason, you're phone won't boot.
Now you"re trying to save your poor phone's life with Odin but odin keeps failing.
Here are a few basic steps to go over to try and get Odin to cooperate:
First things First, if the device shows no signs of life whatsoever, you press the power button and it just sits there blank,
i am sorry to inform you, you are bricked and at a point beyond the help of odin. this will require JTAG to fix.
if you are in a bootloop or the phone freezes at some point of the boot sequence, this is what odin can fix.
if you do not have odin, get it HERE
here are the USB DRIVERS
i will not provide links to stock firmwares to use, those are ALL OVER the forum,
this is to help get those flashed not to completely hold your hand
only thing i'll add about which to use is:
Use USB ports connected to MOTHERBOARDno front panel ports, hubs etc...
Use a Known good usb data cable preferably OEM, you may want to have 1 or more spare just in case
right click odin and run as administrator
Have odin ready to go before you touch your phoneAll files in the proper place, now boot to DL mode and connect
If this is still Failing try:
Exiti Odin
Uninstall USB drivers
Reboot PC
Reinstall USB drivers
Switch usb port being used on pc
Rinse and Repeat until either it works or all ports exhausted
If after trying all motherboard ports odin is still cursing at you from Asgard, try one of those spare cables i mentioned earlier.
Sometimes PCs just don't wanna work, if you have the availability of another pc ANYWHERE (even the library or something) try these steps on that machine.
If its still failing on multiple pcs, clean out the usb port on the phone with Q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol
then blowing it out with compressed air and let dry.
still nothing? you may have a hardware failure in the usb port on the phone.
Standard disclaimer: I AM NOT responsible for anything you've done or will do to your device.... this is merely a reference for you to use to get yourself out of a bind.
thank you, you're welcome, Good luck and happy flashing.
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I unlike bubba will quote the op nice work friend
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
What does it mean to Odin? I kdd....great work
rquiett said:
I unlike bubba will quote the op nice work friend
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
Awesomeness bump. Great read.
Sent from The Bacon Pope's Oppo Find 5
Phone stuck
Hi, I'm hoping maybe someone can help me figure out what the problem is.
I'm trying to flash CWM Recovery on GTI9105p. I've actually done this before on the same device, but this time it doesn't work. Odin seems to work fine and shows PASS! after 32 seconds, but my phone stays on "Downloading..." with the blue bar full. If I manually reboot the device and try to go to recovery, it stays on Samsung model logo. Otherwise I can boot the phone just fine. What could be the issue?

[Q] Bricked GT-P7510 not recognized by various PC's

Hey all.... Long time lurker and reader here. I usually find all my answers through previous posts but I'm a little stuck here and cannot find the appropriate guide to help me out.
I have a GT-P7510 which has always been rooted and has had a few ROM lifes, so I'm no stranger to CWM and download mode, Odin Etc... (But I'm certainly no expert by any means)
Last week I tried a flash and ended up bricked. (Soft brick) I tried several times to flash back to stock with the current as well as last known good firmware from SamFiles, but ODIN would fail partially through the flash. I got the message "Can't open the specified file. (Line: 1876)", so I checked here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1370433 But that didn't help me.... And now, my tab is not recognized in any of the laptops or desktops I plug it into. (WinXP, WinVista, Win7 -- Kies drivers all fresh from Samsung)
I can get into Download mode. I can get into recovery, (I have done a wipe/re-format Factory reset in recovery a few times now) but nothing seems to help. I'd be willing to learn how to probe around with ADB, but haven't tried for lack of a driver being recognized. I have a few Linux boxes here at the house and haven't tried them. I wouldn't know where to start if the device was recognized by them.
Any suggestions on how to get the device recognized? Or, maybe what I can do from CWM (Sideload?). or even if I get an ADB connection from one of my linux boxes, would I be able to re-flash the firmware?
Thanks in advance.
first thing is to check your cable, then your pc drivers, if u can get in to cwm, try a new cable and mount the usb from there, put in a new rom, and flash it.
hope this helps, dude. Good luck.
If you foobarred the tab by a failed flash using Odin as you described logic would dictate that it has absolutely nothing too do with pc drivers suddenly not being good if they worked before, same for pc and cable.
You need to reinstall using Odin as you say you can get into download, using a .pit file, ticking repartition, and a stock firmware file. If that works you can go on to play another day....
If you're not sue about stuff you're using, good version of Odin (not all versions flash the 7510 properly) for 7510 and drivers are here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1518895
I'll put a .pit file up here when I get to a computer and get yourself a STOCK rom from samfirmware to flash thro Odin and you should be good to go
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
stinky73 said:
If you foobarred the tab by a failed flash using Odin as you described logic would dictate that it has absolutely nothing too do with pc drivers suddenly not being good if they worked before, same for pc and cable.
You need to reinstall using Odin as you say you can get into download, using a .pit file, ticking repartition, and a stock firmware file. If that works you can go on to play another day....
If you're not sue about stuff you're using, good version of Odin (not all versions flash the 7510 properly) for 7510 and drivers are here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1518895
I'll put a .pit file up here when I get to a computer and get yourself a STOCK rom from samfirmware to flash thro Odin and you should be good to go
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
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That sounds great man.... THANKS! I do have the correct Odin, and I have a clean firmware from SamFiles. But I have tried looking for a pit for the 7510 and haven't had much luck. If you could post one, I'd be forever in your debt.
Here y'are
stinky73 said:
Here y'are
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Thank you brother! I'll report back in a day or so.
Good luck!
sent from my still superb Google I/O 7510
stinky73 said:
Good luck!
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Back to the drawing board I guess... I have a new cable on-order. However I was able to get the driver loaded by utilizing the dreaded "Plug - Unplug" routine several times until I just got lucky.
Odin can see it as COM5, and I used your pit (Again, TY!) I tried using the "P7510XABLPL_P7510UELPL" file I got from Samsung, but Odin is locked up at this point. (See screen cap)
I'll keep beating my head against this wall
Odin 1.85 is just about the most random version of the prog when it comes to the 7510...
Try the one I have posted below (v1.3) it has never let me down (whereas 1.85 often has done to me what it is doing to you)
Worth a try
stinky73 said:
Odin 1.85 is just about the most random version of the prog when it comes to the 7510...
Try the one I have posted below (v1.3) it has never let me down (whereas 1.85 often has done to me what it is doing to you)
Worth a try
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Yes. Sorry I forgot to mention that.
I saw your other post and did grab that 1.3 version. However, When I get the drivers loaded (When windows "sees" the tablet after plugging and unplugging numerous times) It will show up as COM3 or COM5 in any version of odin Except 1.3.
I tried various versions of Odin and when they all see the com port, 1.3 does not. Truly bizarre to me.... With 1.85 and or 1.7 I was successful in just loading the pit file, but if I try to load a PDA, it just freezes.
I installed Android SDK and started playing with ADB yesterday. I haven't had much success in addressing the Tablet. Also, I cannot get into recovery any more. It appears that the tablet is stuck in download mode, as if it's in a loop. ('the device states that it's downloading even after a reboot with no cable attached.)
My new cables will be here in a couple of days. Until then, I'm letting the battery die completely and will try again with the new cables.
P-tek said:
Yes. Sorry I forgot to mention that.
I saw your other post and did grab that 1.3 version. However, When I get the drivers loaded (When windows "sees" the tablet after plugging and unplugging numerous times) It will show up as COM3 or COM5 in any version of odin Except 1.3.
I tried various versions of Odin and when they all see the com port, 1.3 does not. Truly bizarre to me.... With 1.85 and or 1.7 I was successful in just loading the pit file, but if I try to load a PDA, it just freezes.
I installed Android SDK and started playing with ADB yesterday. I haven't had much success in addressing the Tablet. Also, I cannot get into recovery any more. It appears that the tablet is stuck in download mode, as if it's in a loop. ('the device states that it's downloading even after a reboot with no cable attached.)
My new cables will be here in a couple of days. Until then, I'm letting the battery die completely and will try again with the new cables.
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That's an odd one for the download reboot.... As normally you should get choice of recovery or download as first step... Would tend to signal a failed download
I've often seen people say here "have you tried a different computer?" and scoffed a bit at that but maybe in your case...
However to be scientific you should only change one variable at a time so as to know where the result comes from, so start with the cable and we can see where you go from there
sent from my still superb Google I/O 7510 (xda hd)
stinky73 said:
That's an odd one for the download reboot.... As normally you should get choice of recovery or download as first step... Would tend to signal a failed download
I've often seen people say here "have you tried a different computer?" and scoffed a bit at that but maybe in your case...
However to be scientific you should only change one variable at a time so as to know where the result comes from, so start with the cable and we can see where you go from there
sent from my still superb Google I/O 7510 (xda hd)
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Thank you again for all your help!
My new cables arrived and appeared to be at the center of the issue. Once plugged in, the drivers properly loaded and I was successful with Odin. I used the pit you gave me for a re-partition, and the UELPL PDA from Samfiles.
It was initially stuck in a boot loop after the successful flash, but I was able to reboot to recovery, F/R, wipe and clean it up and now it's ALIVE! :victory:
Yeeee. Haaaaah!!!!
sent from my still superb Google I/O 7510 (xda hd)

