[Q]problem with app2sd with my phone storage??? - Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini

I have a problem with app2sd.saya have installed app2sd to u20i after that I install another application. my phone memory is reduced slightly. but not the point. why after I install my application to delete (not app2sd) continues I install more memory on my phone continues to decrease. I tried many times with one application and continues to decrease. what is the problem?

I have the same problem as well. My phone keeps telling me that it is low on memory which is really annoying considering all apps are installed on my sd card.
I recall reading a post a while back which says although app2sd is installed, the phone makes a backup of the installed apps which is why the phones memory is decreasing. Simply go to the backup folder in the phone's memory and delete the apps. Wish I could remember where the backup was kept?

nah, the internal memory decreases because some apps don't have app2sd support, and can only be installed in the internal memory, a lot of them actually. if you want a lot if space in the internal memory, move the dalvik cache to the sd card. look for the "how to" in the forum, or google.
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[Q] how to know darktremor app2sd enabled?

Hey guys someone said darktremor app2sd is included in the megatron rom. but to enabled it you must partition your sd card and upgrade ext2 to ext3 and so on. i have done that. but after i installed facebook for android, i check in the manage apps in settings, my fb for android "move to sd" are still grayed? i havent test on other apps though. or maybe the fb for android are meant to stay in the phone memory? or maybe i did wrong in the partition thing?
btw, my O1 are now finally back to normal for four days. im happy. so please confirm asap before i need to format my memory card in re install my apps over and over again.
The option is still there since it just tricks the system into thinking that the app is still in the internal memory. The app's data files are symlinked from the memory card to the internal memory.
Try installing an adequately huge app and see how much the internal memory goes down.
Hmm, my twitter and atk "move to sd card" is grayed too. am i doing something wrong or what
For the last time:
if the ROM developer said it has app2sd, then it has it. You don't have to do anything. The apps appear to be installed in the internal memory, but physically they are stored on the SD card, in that ext3 partition.
Some apps cannot be moved to SD card - apps that run as services and widgets. That's why their "Move to SD card" button is grayed. But if you installed them yourself, they went to the ext3 partition.
masteryx said:
For the last time:
if the ROM developer said it has app2sd, then it has it. You don't have to do anything. The apps appear to be installed in the internal memory, but physically they are stored on the SD card, in that ext3 partition.
Some apps cannot be moved to SD card - apps that run as services and widgets. That's why their "Move to SD card" button is grayed. But if you installed them yourself, they went to the ext3 partition.
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I just want to move the apps that i installed from the market. thats it. hmm now im installing restaurant story and ibeer let see if my internal memory decreasing or not. i post the result soon
Hmm its decreasing but only 1mb from 164mb to 163mb. both apps is 10mb+. i think my app2sd has been enabled after all
hmm after installing bakery and farm story, my internal memory decrease to 150mb. LOL now im not sure
App2sd will sym link and keep program data on sd card. But dalvik cache will remain on internal memory and it will increase everytime when you install something. Thus you will see decrease in internal memory. You can also move dalvik to sd but io would reccomend to keep it on internal memory.
vault1965 said:
App2sd will sym link and keep program data on sd card. But dalvik cache will remain on internal memory and it will increase everytime when you install something. Thus you will see decrease in internal memory. You can also move dalvik to sd but io would reccomend to keep it on internal memory.
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how to move the dalvik to sd card, and why u recoomend to keep it in internal..????

app2sd vs link2sd

app2sd vs link2sd?
link2sd, you can keep application on intern storage, so you can unplug µsd card
Blouw73 said:
link2sd, you can keep application on intern storage, so you can unplug µsd card
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yes, but the linked apps might get messed up, if you pull the µsd card out, while the phone is turned on. better do that when your phone is turned off.
Once app2sd is installed, every app gets installed to SD. With link2sd, you only move apps of your choice to sd.
I chose to leave Titanium Backup, Root Explorer and Fancy Widget in system memory. Every other app I moved to SD.
Edit: It is an application so you just install it like any other .apk (and with your ext* partition). You can choice the applications you want to link to your sd
I'd installed App2SD before seeing link2sd appeared around the internet.
I have no intention of reverting everything just for the sake of link2sd since both working the same principle only that link2sd have the option to choose which app to install where..
However, all my apps specially titanium backup, root explorer, fancy widget and etc are running fine even they all were installed in the sdcard. All I do is assuming I have that extra storage by default(app2sd installed) and leave it anonymously in the background.
This is just based on my experience and Opinion.
Link2SD hassle free, user configurable.
App2SD hassle to install, all apps are moved to SD(not user configurable)
Link2sd, no doubt
I prefer Link2SD !
Before I've trying to install app2sd but when I reboot (I use a class 2 SDcard ><') my home doesn't launch and my phone was unusable because of the forceclosed of Launcherpro... But now with Link2SD I let my home on the phone and link all the other applications
Finally Link2SD is a software ! you can remove it easier and safer than app2SD
Link2sd , without hesitation .
link2sd, I need to have the choice
Prefer Link2SD,have choice on my side.
another argument here: Link2SD can move apk and dex files only. Data folders remains on the phone. you will notice that the more apps you install, even though you move them to ext*, your internal storage will eventually get smaller.
App2sd moves everything, so you will save more space that way.
preference then. if you need more internal space, go for app2sd. if you need some apps on the internal storage like i do (widgets, utility tools like root explorer, call meter, poweramp), use Link2sd.
I use link2sd and it works well. I know on my phone storage is such an annoyance. So I am quite happy to use it.
I have a couple questions for you all.
I had the fat partition of my card become unreadable by my phone but the ext was fine but trying to reformat the fat partition I messed up the ext partition because without being able to mount the sd through the phone I could not get the computer to recognize it correctly to use a program like EASUS Partition Master and fearing regular windows format would kill both so I tried the phones format and it did the whole card too...a shame.
Is there an easy way to back up the fat and ext partition of your sd cards?
What is the highest class card that makes a difference on performance of apps?
When a card is linked to sd and data is still on phone is the cache as well and is there program that can link caches to sd card or something like that?
necrohades said:
another argument here: Link2SD can move apk and dex files only. Data folders remains on the phone. you will notice that the more apps you install, even though you move them to ext*, your internal storage will eventually get smaller.
App2sd moves everything, so you will save more space that way.
preference then. if you need more internal space, go for app2sd. if you need some apps on the internal storage like i do (widgets, utility tools like root explorer, call meter, poweramp), use Link2sd.
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This is just my opinion regarding the app2sd and link2sd.
I think the argument is like more on a performance vs space argument,
though link2sd only move apk and dex, since data is on a fast storage. the performance will not be affected.
I think you will not benefit much on app2sd, performance wise if you are using class 4 or lower sd. and might even force close application on class 2.
its not likely you'll install 90 to 100+ apps on your phone anyway.
but in end, its still a matter of preference.
no doubt , link2sd better
if you use like 80+ apps
i recommend apps2sd for 1 reason
backup and restore using apps like MyBackup pro is done easily by only one touch
BackUp app with Astro BackUp Manager and Link2SD functionary like a charm.
both apps are awesome but for my needs, link2sd is more practical......

[Q] Link2SD - I don't get it

I used to use DT A2SD and never had problems, but since I moved to Link2SD, something is wrong.
I have most apps set to link to sd, and I have it set to automaticlaly install all new apps to sd, linking them to the internal memory, but my internal memory was constantly decreasing, and now I can't install anything more, because I am out of it.
The only thing that frees the internal space is going into Link2SD, select some apps that have 'Linked to SD' status, and get them 'Move to SD', which is absurd, because they should not be in the internal memory in the first place.
Bumpitty bump.

[Q] its good idea to install apps2sd???

i just rooted my sgs2 and i got 16gb external sd card, i have seen lots of good apps and i want to install them but before that i have read that some people recomend to install apps2sd to save space on the phone but other said that with that amount of space you dont need to install this app, also i readed that some roms dont support the app, so its good idea to install apps2sd???
I really like apps and i will check 3 or 5 roms. If its a good a idea, should i install first, before any other app??
Greetings from MX
skaarax said:
i just rooted my sgs2 and i got 16gb external sd card, i have seen lots of good apps and i want to install them but before that i have read that some people recomend to install apps2sd to save space on the phone but other said that with that amount of space you dont need to install this app, also i readed that some roms dont support the app, so its good idea to install apps2sd???
I really like apps and i will check 3 or 5 roms. If its a good a idea, should i install first, before any other app??
Greetings from MX
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I don't know apps2sd.
But it sounds like it moves your apps to the external sd card.
That can also be done with stock Android system: Setting > Applications > SD card.
Then click on the app you want to move and say move to sd card.
I had some apps on my external sd card, but some apps are loaded a little bit later/slower, when they are on the external sd card.
So, I recommend that all apps, which you need very often and especially direct after booting the phone, should stay on the internal sd card.
And after flashing some "early" ICS Rom versions, I lost my apps which were on the external sd card.
I had to re-install them from Play store.
But this was only an issue of some ICS ROMs/kernels, and should be fixed now.
Anyway, that caused me to move all apps back to the internal sd card.
I just want to be on the "safe side" ;-)
you should absolutely not install app2sd (the app of that name), because the functionality is already present in all roms.
in settings -> apps you can move apps.
however, in contrast to the previous post, apps are moved between the /data/ partition of the internal sd card and the /sdcard/ partition of the internal sd card.
as you might know, /data/ has 2GB, /sdcard/ has about 12GB. You can check on your current storage space occupation in settings -> storage.
if you have enough free space on data, leave your apps there, as sdcard is a universal storage space, that can also contain music, photos, videos and so on and since this space is also accessible to users that are not rooted, it is more versatile and therefor more valuable.
Since both partitions are on the same sd card, you don't have to worry about speed differences.
After moving some apps using apps2sd I had to restore a nandroid because it messed up my system.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
great i wont install apps2sd, but now what kind of files or info is recommended to be in the external SDcard?
I have on the external sd card my movies, music, photos and videos recorded with the phone camera, my titanium backup folder, few custom rom zip files, nandroids etc.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
^Ditto. Keep your media and big files on external SD, keep your apps on the internal app memory if you can (its around 2gb in size, unless you go over that there is no need to put apps on SD).
Sent from the Milky Way
Pretty much a obvious question for most people . Do install it ! It moves apps to SD ( wow ) , clearing space for many many other stuff . So , why not install it ?
Thank me if i helped ~
well iam fully loaded an my opinion is the app notifies u wen u install a app,but on the hard core side wen many apps r moved to sd ,ive crashd sometimes..i think it was better if there was a option to store apps directly on the ext sd card instead of phone or int sd card...
Try GL to SD from the market, posted a threat like this a month ago and someone recommend me this.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA

[Q] Internal memory usage increases even after linking app to sd through Link2SD

I have a rooted/Jailbreaked Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830i in which I have literally linked all my installed apps to SD. The available internal memory became around 130 MB now. While I install Skype & Instagram, even after linking these apps to SD card, the size of the internal memory decreased and the available free IM is 112 MB. I checked the SDcard EXT2 folder through RootExplorer and all linked apps are present there. But while I check the Root directory- Data/app, I see the same app present there.
Now can anyone please explain, why on earth these apps are present in two locations? Is that the reason my internal space is utilized and reduced?
Every time I install a new app, Link2sd automatically link the apk to SD card. But at the same time, my internal memory is reduced. Am I missing something here ?
Please Help !!
What you did was just linking them, but not moving entire app to your sdcard. I couldn't give you further explanation due to lack of android knowledge. Actually you can move your entire app to sdcard with link2sd but I find some of them unstable after moving.
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda app-developers app
Applications' data isn't linked, that's what taking up space.
You can move all the apps to micro SD using link2SD that'll increase your internal memory, but you can't create any link of apps to SD which are already installed in SD card. If you do, the apps will automatically be moved to internal & then they'll link to SD. In that case some apps takes more internal memory. Maybe that's what causing your problem.
So, I'll suggest you to move the apps to SD card one by one & if one can't be moved then link it to SD card, disable auto link to SD & select install location to SD card.
Vía xÐÆ Øffícíal™
mydrandroid said:
You can move all the apps to micro SD using link2SD that'll increase your internal memory, but you can't create any link of apps to SD which are already installed in SD card. If you do, the apps will automatically be moved to internal. Maybe that's what causing your problem.
So, I'll suggest you to move the apps to SD card one by one & if one can't be moved then link it to SD card, disable auto link to SD & select install location to SD card.
Vía xÐÆ Øffícíal™
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That's wrong, they're moved to internal storage then linked automatically.
The storage info might take a while to update, though.
GermainZ said:
That's wrong, they're moved to internal storage then linked automatically.
The storage info might take a while to update, though.
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What's wrong ?? After apps are moved to Internal, yeah then they do get linked to SD. Sorry I didn't mention that
But I didn't say anything wrong, did I ??
Vía xÐÆ Øffíçíal™
Thank you all for the help. Im trying to make the default installation location as SD card.Then move all app to SD. Hope that will increase the internal memory.Isn't it ?
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda app-developers app
Not Helping !
mydrandroid said:
You can move all the apps to micro SD using link2SD that'll increase your internal memory, but you can't create any link of apps to SD which are already installed in SD card. If you do, the apps will automatically be moved to internal & then they'll link to SD. In that case it takes more internal memory. Maybe that's what causing your problem.
So, I'll suggest you to move the apps to SD card one by one & if one can't be moved then link it to SD card, disable auto link to SD & select install location to SD card.
Vía xÐÆ Øffícíal™
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I did a factory reset, installed Link2sd to check available memory. It showed IM used as 30 MB. I moved Google Play to SD card, IM now used is 20 MB.
So, as u said, I installed new app to SD by default. Simultaneously, my IM is also reduced. By the time I installed almost all my required apps to SD, IM used became near to 50 MB.
I am totally confused. Is Link2SD meant for this ?
guys u r wrong!
just link the app you want, doesn't matter if its installed in internal or in the SD card,
if you find that the free internal space decreased instead of increasing (and that happens a lot with Link2SD), just reboot your phone, and you will find that it have been fixed.
-dun forget to press tnx if I helped -
Even if you move the apps 2 sd some of the apps data will stay on internal & that will decrees your internal slowly.
Ok... Let me give you guys some practical example ( try them on your devices )
1. UC browser :
» linked 2 sd - takes 10.08 mb of internal
» moved 2 sd - takes 4.19 mb of internal
2. XDA Official app :
» linked 2 sd - 4.70 mb of internal
» moved 2 sd - 1.57mb of internal
Vía xÐÆ Øffíçíal™
Finally !!
mydrandroid said:
Even if you move the apps 2 sd some of the apps data will stay on internal & that will decrees your internal slowly.
Ok... Let me give you guys some practical example ( try them on your devices )
1. UC browser :
» linked 2 sd - takes 10.08 mb of internal
» moved 2 sd - takes 4.19 mb of internal
2. XDA Official app :
» linked 2 sd - 4.70 mb of internal
» moved 2 sd - 1.57mb of internal
Vía xÐÆ Øffíçíal™
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Finally, I linked all my apks' to SD and now, I got 150 MB IM free. It is reducing slowly when I use Instagram n Skype. Once I close those, I manually go to Link2sd and clear the cache. It brings back the free IM.
Somehow, it is fixed, atleast for now. My phone now runs smooth...
Gracias !!
mydrandroid said:
What's wrong ?? After apps are moved to Internal, yeah then they do get linked to SD. Sorry I didn't mention that
But I didn't say anything wrong, did I ??
Vía xÐÆ Øffíçíal™
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Here's what you originally said:
mydrandroid said:
You can move all the apps to micro SD using link2SD that'll increase your internal memory, but you can't create any link of apps to SD which are already installed in SD card. If you do, the apps will automatically be moved to internal. Maybe that's what causing your problem.
So, I'll suggest you to move the apps to SD card one by one & if one can't be moved then link it to SD card, disable auto link to SD & select install location to SD card.
Vía xÐÆ Øffícíal™
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The parts in bold, as well as your suggestions, make it sound like you didn't even mean that, not just didn't mention it.
Arus Chandran said:
Finally, I linked all my apks' to SD and now, I got 150 MB IM free. It is reducing slowly when I use Instagram n Skype. Once I close those, I manually go to Link2sd and clear the cache. It brings back the free IM.
Somehow, it is fixed, atleast for now. My phone now runs smooth...
Gracias !!
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The cache is usually cleared when needed tho, so you don't have to keep doing that. If it's not, there are many apps that take care of automatically clearing the cache every now and then. Otherwise you could write a little script and have it run at startup.
Gracias !
GermainZ said:
Here's what you originally said:
The parts in bold, as well as your suggestions, make it sound like you didn't even mean that, not just didn't mention it.
The cache is usually cleared when needed tho, so you don't have to keep doing that. If it's not, there are many apps that take care of automatically clearing the cache every now and then. Otherwise you could write a little script and have it run at startup.
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Thank You Very Much for the support !!!
increase your internal memory
flash a kernel with init.d support, partition sd, install a2sd choose partition n enjoy your new space, stop suffering!:good:
err, im confused
Hi there, I am in a problem, please help !
I use a samsung galaxy ace s5830i phone, and I have recently rooted it. I had no idea what a root is though. I did it to increase my phone's memory for installing apps which my phone has a very low internal memory. After I rooted the phone, I installed link2sd app as one of my friend suggested me to. . So, after this I opened the app and tried moving the apps to the sd card, yes it moves them, not a big deal, I thought but I went back to check the phone's free internal memory, it still is the same, and the link2sd says I need a second partition to link the app to sd card, what is this? I have no idea how to make a partition of sd. And I still have a question, even if I did partition, will it free my internal memory?
agleetizer said:
Hi there, I am in a problem, please help !
I use a samsung galaxy ace s5830i phone, and I have recently rooted it. I had no idea what a root is though. I did it to increase my phone's memory for installing apps which my phone has a very low internal memory. After I rooted the phone, I installed link2sd app as one of my friend suggested me to. . So, after this I opened the app and tried moving the apps to the sd card, yes it moves them, not a big deal, I thought but I went back to check the phone's free internal memory, it still is the same, and the link2sd says I need a second partition to link the app to sd card, what is this? I have no idea how to make a partition of sd. And I still have a question, even if I did partition, will it free my internal memory?
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Here is the guide on how to setup Link2SD,
[Guide] partition and link2sd [pictures included for each step]
With Link2SD, you can link the app and its data to ext partition of the SD Card. You will still have few link on the internal memory which takes up some space but the rest is moved to ext partition of SD Card. While using Link2SD, if you want to check your storage, just use Link2SD>Storage Info. If you go to Settings> Storage of your phone, it will just show you the usual memory. Hope I Helped
agleetizer said:
Hi there, I am in a problem, please help !
I use a samsung galaxy ace s5830i phone, and I have recently rooted it. I had no idea what a root is though. I did it to increase my phone's memory for installing apps which my phone has a very low internal memory. After I rooted the phone, I installed link2sd app as one of my friend suggested me to. . So, after this I opened the app and tried moving the apps to the sd card, yes it moves them, not a big deal, I thought but I went back to check the phone's free internal memory, it still is the same, and the link2sd says I need a second partition to link the app to sd card, what is this? I have no idea how to make a partition of sd. And I still have a question, even if I did partition, will it free my internal memory?
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Go to cwm recovery and make second partition and use link to sd plus app for link apps..link to sd plus is linking data also
Sent from my GT-S5830i using Tapatalk 2
Hi, I am using a rooted Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830i with Jellyblast Rom. I have linked all my apps to sd card after moving them to the 2nd partition of my sd card as well.
I also linked the application data, expecting to free up my internal storage.
This significantly reduced the memory usage, but not completely.
For example, my whatsapp earlier consuming 30mb now consumes only 10 mb of internal.
But why that 10 also, when it should not be using up any of the internal storags? What's wrong here?
Just Simple!!!
jasliau said:
What you did was just linking them, but not moving entire app to your sdcard. I couldn't give you further explanation due to lack of android knowledge. Actually you can move your entire app to sdcard with link2sd but I find some of them unstable after moving.
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda app-developers app
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Just simply boot to recovery mode. And wipe cache partition..
And reboot ur device.
Note: Dont wipe dalvik cache partion since it will resets all the application that are installed.
And its only for rooted phones
Battery problem
Guyz when im linking apps to sd card my battery is draining.Keeps my phone awake.When not linking and turn normal it's fine.Do u guyz know why? Thanks btw.

