[Q] Screen Scratch Turmoil - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Firstly, a warm greeting to the xda community for all your wonderful contributions to the push for education about these amazing devices we've come to know as smart phones. Truly learned so much through this site. However, I came to this page not eagerly seeking new info on the latest phone or newfound wisdom on my own, but heartbroken. At only four days old, the beauty of my newly purchased Vibrant has been marred by a small but deep scratch in the middle of the amoled. The means by which the scratch came about are, well, surprising to me even still. Was using the phone night before last, pinched in to zoom on a link while browsing the net. Apparently I had a bit of a hangnail on my thumb which literally dug in and carved out a scratch in the screen in front of my eyes. Now, I've perused this site and others thoroughly looking for a solution & am well aware of the flag-wavers for Corner and their gorilla glass technology. I'm not here to start a war or debase the company, simply looking for a viable solution to a problem which has really impaired use of this new phone outside of replacing the entire screen, something I cannot afford. Thanks in advance to anyone who's taken to time to read this tangent and actually respond, regards

lol a hangnail scratched it? sounds crazy. anyways i read somewhere that it can be polished out. not sure how true that is.

If you have access to a dremel you might be able to polish it out using some sort of scratch remover. You may have to do some digging but a while back another member on here wrote a very detailed thread on removing a scratch. Good luck.

Damn man.. a buddy I work with and I have literally tried to scratch it with keys.. even a friggin razorblade, NO JOKE! A hangnail.. you must be kidding, right? If you aren't, and you bought it legit, make sure it is under warranty and break it in a way that should work. I would be able to break mine happily if a razorblade didn't scratch it, but a hangnail did, lol!
But seriously, this is the first phone I don't have a screenprotector on, and I leave it in my pocket with things that should have tore it up, yet it is still as new looking as the day I got it. Hell, you may be able to return it just because that sounds like a defect.

Heres a link to the thread I was referring to!! Hope it helps!

I was gonna ask why you are posting at 2:30AM but then I saw your name....
Good luck with the scratch.

Can you feel the scratch?
Once I thought I had messed my screen up pretty bad. I saw several light "scratches" and tryed to rub them out thinking maybe they were streaks. Nothing worked, until I put a Zeiss Lens Cleaning Wipe to it and they came right out.
I don't use screen protectors, I use my phone every day, it's scratch free. I'm also a guitar player with long nails... just sayin.

Do you have a screen protector?
It really seems unlikely that you scratched the glass with a fingernail.
Are you sure that there isn't a screen protector on, and you scratched that?

MintJulep said:
It really seems unlikely that you scratched the glass with a fingernail.
Are you sure that there isn't a screen protector on, and you scratched that?
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Can understand why you'd assume I'm making some obvious misconception. Sadly, no, there was no screen protector on. The scratch is deep, the pixels inside it are reflected, giving a distracting warped look to them against any solid color other than black & it can be felt when running your finger across the screen. Though it seems unlikely, I saw it happen. If anything, hope this thread is another supporting opinion towards putting a screen protector on your phone asap. Gorilla Glass is Not impervious, my phone is physical proof. Thank very much for the suggestions and link, after further research it appears that a dremel, quality glass polish & some elbow grease is the only option I have. Hoping it works!

Please do not polish as someone else suggested.
You will make matters worse, and cause swirl marks, and a complete mess.
There was a thread somewhere with pics of someone polishing and repairing their scarted screen, it looked scarry. Don't even attempt it.

I have heard of using toothpaste and non abrasive cloth may work. I have lots of scratches on my camera lens, which is worse.
I also have scratches all over the screen (bought mine used on Craigs). This may sound stupid, but I put a screen protector on, and the scratches are harder to see.
Side note - most people with screen protectors on put up with much worse visibility as the protector gets used more. Most of the discomfort with the scratch is mental. Put on a protector and put in your mind it's the protector scratched up, and you will feel better. I know this from experience with the same phone.

Who are you, Wolverine?

tjdmobile said:
I have heard of using toothpaste and non abrasive cloth may work. TD
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Do NOT use toothpaste on your screen. It will only cause more MICRO scratches which will annoy the heck out of you outside in the sun or in bright lighting.
Trust me, I tried that. (But I got a replacement due to a malfunctioning earpiece.)

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scratches on the screen?

How does one go about removing them? I've done a google and XDA-Forums search and found that there are numerous answers all seemingly discounted by any number of people:
toothpaste, no good for capacitive screens
Displex sure, THEY say it's good for the TP2, but so many people say not
So, anyone have any ideas.
And, yes, I know, screenguards are great and the holy grail. I don't have one. So, please, I know I am asking for a cause that I probably could have prevented, but every time I put a screenguard on my device, it was much too mushy and I tried a lot of them.
Thanks in advance.
I would also like to know how to remove the scratches on the screen. The screen guards make the touch screen less sensative. Theres got to be some type of wax or something.
I've used the screen guard that came with my TP2 since day one. My screen is still pretty darn sensitive....
I have skinomi on my tp2 and although it takes alot of patience to put it works flawlessly...ive tried scratching it with keys and the thing just wont scratch!! its awesome..its a bit on the expensive side if you get the entire skin for the phone like i did but its worth the money in my opinion.
go to skinomi.com
I guess T-Cut might work, i used it on my dads samsung and it cleared up the screen some.
When i was a kid we used to wear swatch watches which always got scratched up, we used to use Duraglit made by Brasso which is a metal polish wadding...kinda like cotton wool with a light abrasive in it, which worked wonders!
Something with very light abrasive properties(like toothpaste) should do it but watch out for any solvents and chemicals in the product that may react with or even MELT the plastic!!!!!
most things like T-Cut scratch remover just take a lot of time and patience.
I anything works for you re-post and let us know!
Actually Displex tells you not to use its product on resistive touch-screens.
Anyway, I just ordered iDrops about a week ago and have been trying it for the last day with no results, at all. I've tried variable amounts of pressure, dozens of applications as the instructions say and I've only hurt my phone. All it does it put a strange texture on your phone that makes it grainy and more susceptible to scratches. Even my stylus scratches the phone, now! I had to use a wet cloth to get the graininess away.
My recommendation is not to bother with iDrops. It seems to not work for the TP2.
Hmm, its just an idea but I've been repairing my windscreen today using special resin that cures in direct sunlight. I must say it works pretty well, it's hard to notice the repair. I would try t-cut or other mild abbrasive to get rid of light scratches and fill really bad ones with that resin. Next comes a good screen protector to hide any imperfections.
thanks, but WHAT website
spammmer said:
if your touch screen is very scratch or broken, you can just buy the new touch screen and then replace it, it is easy to do. I also has instruction. you can visit my website.
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I see your post, yet, I have no idea what website to which you refer. Nevermind, didn't realize it was in your header.
Why do you not send instructions with the order? IF you're selling replacement parts why then must a customer have to contact you for replacement instructions?
He is just advertising himself. Just find the best price on buy it, you can find the HTC service manual on google.
Not disputing that fact
petard said:
He is just advertising himself. Just find the best price on buy it, you can find the HTC service manual on google.
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Just questioning that if they sell the parts, why must the instructions be emailed separately?
Bumping because I need the same thing resolved...
1) Anyone know a good, semi-reputable site to replace the front screen.
2) Is the front plastic considered part of the LCD Screen, or do they come apart separate? (The scratch on my phone is purely on the outer-most section of the screen, with no damage to the image display) -- I ask as some phones i've seen have an "LCD Display" followed by a "Cover Screen")
3) Regardless of #2's answer, what am I looking to buy (The technical/semi-technical name)? Closest I've seen is LCD Digitizer, but I'm not sure if i need that component or the LCD Screen.... cover.... portion..
Unfortunately the part i saw was $124, and I happen to have insurance on the phone if it does indeed get that expensive, but I just hope the parts are separate ;-)
BBM-Lee said:
Bumping because I need the same thing resolved...
1) Anyone know a good, semi-reputable site to replace the front screen.
2) Is the front plastic considered part of the LCD Screen, or do they come apart separate? (The scratch on my phone is purely on the outer-most section of the screen, with no damage to the image display) -- I ask as some phones i've seen have an "LCD Display" followed by a "Cover Screen")
3) Regardless of #2's answer, what am I looking to buy (The technical/semi-technical name)? Closest I've seen is LCD Digitizer, but I'm not sure if i need that component or the LCD Screen.... cover.... portion..
Unfortunately the part i saw was $124, and I happen to have insurance on the phone if it does indeed get that expensive, but I just hope the parts are separate ;-)
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I am nearly positive you do not need to replace the LCD. You only need a new digitizer (that is the name of the layer that recognizes touch) which you can find for around $25 online!
petard said:
I am nearly positive you do not need to replace the LCD. You only need a new digitizer (that is the name of the layer that recognizes touch) which you can find for around $25 online!
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Correct me if I'm wrong but changing this digitizer would void warranty if I were to change it myself ? ?
Go to At&t and see if they will replace it for you if you buy the digitizer. If not ask At&t or find a reputable place that does, ive seen for around $50 which was suggested to me by at&t. It's worth the money trust me! When I had my old LG Incite, I tried replacing the digitizer because my screen was scratched and ended up breaking the lock and camera buttons as well as the touch screen. Since then every phone i've had gets a case and screen protector from the day I lay eyes on it. If the case and screen protector are their after I get my phone I wont use it till their on. Scratches just annoy me but I guess i'm just odd lol.

[Q] screen protectors

Ok, maybe I'm not a genius, but I would have thought the search function would have helped here, but alas either Im too simple or its too complicated.
I have seen DOZENS of screen protectors, ranging from $15 to $50.
What I have noticed is that MOST folks have said that the water applied ones are to be avoided (ok, applying water to your screen I can see that), then the one for $15 got such HORRIBLE reviews, starting with 4+week deivery times, Im thinking THATS not good either,.
So, for those of you who have invested in them, maybe a stickey that will help direct the rest of us to where you got youres what you paid and why you like Or dislike it.
would be GREATLY appreciated.
Yes, I agree
The Skinomi one is a wet application protector but if you follow the directions you will be fine and definitely happy with it. Read up on the thread for it at the Accessories section.
You don't spray the screen; you wet the protector before application. Read up so you'll know how not to screw it up and be patient after you've applied it to allow for proper drying before you turn the gTab back on.
I'm very happy with it.
thanks for your reply, youre the 1st one I;ve seen who HAS been happy with the wet ones.
and I guess this WOULD have been better in accessories huh?
My search probably would have turned up more eh?
well I said I wasnt a genius.....
The skinomi one sucks IMHO. It's rubbery and hard to get the blobs out, also if you push too hard you can dent it. And it is hard to play games on, there is too much "grip" when sliding your finger around.
I am still trying to find a decent hard screen protector that matches the one I use from SGP for my IPhone. Unfortunately they aren't making one, have no plans to make one, and don't even make one big enough to cut down to size.

[Q] Chrome bezel replacement - nightmare job or not that bad?!

Hi all,
Ok, so i've had a small disaster. As you probably guessed already i've dropped my phone. I thought the story was quite amusing (or just plain unfortunate!) so i'll you tell that before I ask for some advice!!
I got myself a white Galaxy S2 on upgrade through Vodafone. Gorgeous piece of kit so I ordered myself a nice case and screen protector to keep it nice and tidy.
Unfortunately the case got 'lost in the post' and as such the phone was unprotected. So, with some foresight I ordered a plain white cheap one off eBay (£2 inc. postage) just to see me through the 3-5 days I needed before the case I wanted was resent.
However what was sent what not white at all - it was the most hideous case with a rather disgusting floral effect all over it. I was going out for a night in town and had no choice, I had to take it with me.
Unfortunately later that eve I was stood at the bar, and my phone went off. So to save any embarrassment I slid the phone out of it's hideous case, and proceeded to read the message. Then it happened. The slippery son of a ***** jumped out of my hand, bounced off my foot and hit the deck.
It only has a couple of dings in the chrome bezel (the chrome effect rubbed off in two places to reveal black (the plating is obviously really thin)) - everything else was ok. Phew. But i'm still gutted and annoyed with myself
So, lesson learnt. I should have left the disgusting garish floral case on and it would have saved my phone. It was only 'de-sheathed' for a second and I managed to drop it, classic.
As a temporary solution, I coloured in the affected areas of the bezel with a silver permanent marker, and used some clear nail varnish over the top to stop the pen coming off. It seems to work well actually, and it looks much better than the black marks.
So, to my question - how do I change the chrome bezel for a new one?
I have read many threads, and watched many videos, and it looks to me like a nightmare job (eg as well as taking off the back and all components, you have to prise off the screen which is glued on, disconnect digitiser, etc). Can anyone confirm this, or has anyone tried it?
I can't find any videos of changing the bezel - they all seem to only go as far as taking off the back.
I've found a couple of sellers which sell the housing in white for only £20-30, so if it's an easy-ish job i'd have a stab at it. However i'm thinking I might as well just forget it ever happened and not be so precious about keeping the phone in A1 condition - it's a phone after all and it's going to encounter some scrapes now and then, even with a case on. And I plan on keeping it for 18 months anyway.
Opinions, anyone?
Movisman said:
Hi all,
Ok, so i've had a small disaster. As you probably guessed already i've dropped my phone. I thought the story was quite amusing (or just plain unfortunate!) so i'll you tell that before I ask for some advice!!
I got myself a white Galaxy S2 on upgrade through Vodafone. Gorgeous piece of kit so I ordered myself a nice case and screen protector to keep it nice and tidy.
Unfortunately the case got 'lost in the post' and as such the phone was unprotected. So, with some foresight I ordered a plain white cheap one off eBay (£2 inc. postage) just to see me through the 3-5 days I needed before the case I wanted was resent.
However what was sent what not white at all - it was the most hideous case with a rather disgusting floral effect all over it. I was going out for a night in town and had no choice, I had to take it with me.
Unfortunately later that eve I was stood at the bar, and my phone went off. So to save any embarrassment I slid the phone out of it's hideous case, and proceeded to read the message. Then it happened. The slippery son of a ***** jumped out of my hand, bounced off my foot and hit the deck.
It only has a couple of dings in the chrome bezel (the chrome effect rubbed off in two places to reveal black (the plating is obviously really thin)) - everything else was ok. Phew. But i'm still gutted and annoyed with myself
So, lesson learnt. I should have left the disgusting garish floral case on and it would have saved my phone. It was only 'de-sheathed' for a second and I managed to drop it, classic.
As a temporary solution, I coloured in the affected areas of the bezel with a silver permanent marker, and used some clear nail varnish over the top to stop the pen coming off. It seems to work well actually, and it looks much better than the black marks.
So, to my question - how do I change the chrome bezel for a new one?
I have read many threads, and watched many videos, and it looks to me like a nightmare job (eg as well as taking off the back and all components, you have to prise off the screen which is glued on, disconnect digitiser, etc). Can anyone confirm this, or has anyone tried it?
I can't find any videos of changing the bezel - they all seem to only go as far as taking off the back.
I've found a couple of sellers which sell the housing in white for only £20-30, so if it's an easy-ish job i'd have a stab at it. However i'm thinking I might as well just forget it ever happened and not be so precious about keeping the phone in A1 condition - it's a phone after all and it's going to encounter some scrapes now and then, even with a case on. And I plan on keeping it for 18 months anyway.
Opinions, anyone?
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Sorry to hear...similar happened to my HTC Desire...however this should help...if you buy the kit off Ebay...
0semaj0 said:
Sorry to hear...similar happened to my HTC Desire...however this should help...if you buy the kit off Ebay...
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Thanks for the information - I had a look at this tutorial yesterday, and although it's very good, it looks like this person has replaced the entire led panel/digitiser/housing in one go, rather than just the housing?
My screen is just fine, so I only need to replace the housing part.
The hardest bit looks like separating the screen from the housing from what i've read, and this is what I can't find a tutorial for, only some images on youtube suggesting to use a hairdryer to help with the proceedings!!
Movisman said:
Thanks for the information - I had a look at this tutorial yesterday, and although it's very good, it looks like this person has replaced the entire led panel/digitiser/housing in one go, rather than just the housing?
My screen is just fine, so I only need to replace the housing part.
The hardest bit looks like separating the screen from the housing from what i've read, and this is what I can't find a tutorial for, only some images on youtube suggesting to use a hairdryer to help with the proceedings!!
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Yea, the link is for the whole unit, but would give you some pointers. I am not as familar with the Samsung build, but with the HTC I know that between the LCD housing and the LCD/digitiser itself is applied through adhesive (most phones are) that is put into a temperature oven for 10 minutes to soften the adhesive. This is based on the HTC Official Service videos. I am not sure if the same will apply to Samsung phones.
But then again, as it is an expensive phone, it may be ideal for you to also get a quote from your local SSC or mobile phone repair agent to consider.
0semaj0 said:
Yea, the link is for the whole unit, but would give you some pointers. I am not as familar with the Samsung build, but with the HTC I know that between the LCD housing and the LCD/digitiser itself is applied through adhesive (most phones are) that is put into a temperature oven for 10 minutes to soften the adhesive. This is based on the HTC Official Service videos. I am not sure if the same will apply to Samsung phones.
But then again, as it is an expensive phone, it may be ideal for you to also get a quote from your local SSC or mobile phone repair agent to consider.
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Yep, good point. I'd be interested to hear actually what the cost would be to replace the front bezel only. It's only £30 on eBay for the front and rear housing, but i'd be willing to pay more on top for an authorised repairer to carry out the job.
That tutorial is definitely one of the more detailed ones I have seen so far though. Doesn't look like many people have tackled changing the bezel only...
Movisman said:
Yep, good point. I'd be interested to hear actually what the cost would be to replace the front bezel only. It's only £30 on eBay for the front and rear housing, but i'd be willing to pay more on top for an authorised repairer to carry out the job.
That tutorial is definitely one of the more detailed ones I have seen so far though. Doesn't look like many people have tackled changing the bezel only...
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Hey Movis,
What did you end up doing for your dropped phone?
I too have dropped my phone on its corner and the chrome along with the plastic is now dented.
Another one with the same problem here. I managed to create a bump on the chrome bezel.
Can I bump this post as I've also just noticed a ding in the corner of the chrome bezel was wondering if anyone had found a solution to this yet.? short of replacing the LCD/digitiser which like OPs phone are working fine. It's just cosmetic damage.
I once was in a bad mood and snapped a screen and backing/housing in half.I can't remember exactly,but I'm thinking the chrome bit may be part of the thin metal casing/housing that is glue taped onto the screen.
You separate the screen from the housing by using a hot air gun sparingly.
If you look back at a motherboard thread I was involved in,a person on here called Roger put up a great video tutorial link that may answer all your questions...
Sent from my GT-I9100
Ah cheers for the reply. Had a look at the mobo post you were involved in followed it to the link and coincidentally that's the exact video I watched last night. Very good video good detail and instructions. But its the black one he is stripping down so he makes no reference to the bezel which afaik is only used on the white ones.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
I've not seen the chrome bit listed separately,so I guess its part of the metal top housing that the LCD is glued to.I've got a white one and its got a ding on it too.
You could email Samsung to see if you can get the part,but I think its not worth risking cracking the screen and you probably couldn't resuse / would get that stupid gluey tape stuff.
Sent from my GT-I9100
Appreciate it's been a while, but this seems to be the only post that matches what happened to me, so figured I'd update with my experience.
As above, dropped and dented the bezel, screen was perfectly intact, but the dent was so severe, it actually lifted a corner of my screen up. I have intentions to sell on so I wanted to fix this and pass on.
I followed this disassembly , apart from the bit about not worrying about damaging the screen as you prise it away. The housing I ordered off ebay came with a little kit, so I warmed the screen with hairdryer for a couple of minutes, then slowly prised it away, from top to bottom, inserting the tool right down the middle as the video mentions there is a large adhesive right down the middle.
Following the vid all the way to the removal of all components, this is where I ditched my current bezel/housing and reassembled into the newly ordered one. Judging by the assembly, there is no way that a bezel could be replaced without replacing the housing, it's one whole unit, and I very much doubt the build would be that drastically different for the white SGS2.
Some things to note:
Be very careful removing the vibrate motor, the connector and natural pivot point is the weakest part (new module ordered from ebay
If you are transplanting the screen like me, have some adhesive pads in your kit as most tutorials are for new screens, and as can be seen on the vid, these come with pads intact, ready to apply
Try do it in daylight
Hope that helps anyone in a similar situation.
vyks10 said:
Appreciate it's been a while, but this seems to be the only post that matches what happened to me, so figured I'd update with my experience.
As above, dropped and dented the bezel, screen was perfectly intact, but the dent was so severe, it actually lifted a corner of my screen up. I have intentions to sell on so I wanted to fix this and pass on.
I followed this disassembly , apart from the bit about not worrying about damaging the screen as you prise it away. The housing I ordered off ebay came with a little kit, so I warmed the screen with hairdryer for a couple of minutes, then slowly prised it away, from top to bottom, inserting the tool right down the middle as the video mentions there is a large adhesive right down the middle.
Following the vid all the way to the removal of all components, this is where I ditched my current bezel/housing and reassembled into the newly ordered one. Judging by the assembly, there is no way that a bezel could be replaced without replacing the housing, it's one whole unit, and I very much doubt the build would be that drastically different for the white SGS2.
Some things to note:
Be very careful removing the vibrate motor, the connector and natural pivot point is the weakest part (new module ordered from ebay
If you are transplanting the screen like me, have some adhesive pads in your kit as most tutorials are for new screens, and as can be seen on the vid, these come with pads intact, ready to apply
Try do it in daylight
Hope that helps anyone in a similar situation.
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Hi, will the heat actually damage the screen? I saw some posts mentioning about putting it into the oven and such. It sounded very intense but if it works without damaging the screen, i might give it a try. Facing the same situation as yours. Scratches and dents all over my front chrome bezel.

[Q] 10.1 Gorilla Glass

So apparently I lent the tablet to my sister to get the hang of it (I know what they say about women and technology) but yeah soon to regret, After cleaning up and making the screen all shiny I noticed a rather long 1" scratch on the screen, I thought it was something that a little damp cloth can wipe off turns out it's actually scratched the screen. I've never dropped the tablet but I can't say the same when women handle it (No offense ladies, if ever)
I wouldn't mind if the sides got dented, but that 1" of deep scratch shattered my heart to pieces. So question is, I thought the glass was GorillaGlass, dafuq samsung? I've had a 3Gs for almost a year or more, and there isn't a single dent/scratch on that screen despite the heavy usage on it, same with my 8 month old Galaxy S.
They say it's Gorilla Glass, but what's that really mean?
Just wondering if she wears any rings, such as diamonds? Maybe it got dragged across the screen. Just a thought or do you know what caused it already?
Really sorry to hear, cause I would be going nuts about it. Not at her per say, but just having that scratch would make me nuts.
Just another quick thought. If it was for her to get used to, I would ask for hers before she scratches it. Surely have yours convinced her she can't live without her own.
If you can read this it was sent using my GT-P7510.
Misledz said:
So apparently I lent the tablet to my sister to get the hang of it (I know what they say about women and technology) but yeah soon to regret, After cleaning up and making the screen all shiny I noticed a rather long 1" scratch on the screen, I thought it was something that a little damp cloth can wipe off turns out it's actually scratched the screen. I've never dropped the tablet but I can't say the same when women handle it (No offense ladies, if ever)
I wouldn't mind if the sides got dented, but that 1" of deep scratch shattered my heart to pieces. So question is, I thought the glass was GorillaGlass, dafuq samsung? I've had a 3Gs for almost a year or more, and there isn't a single dent/scratch on that screen despite the heavy usage on it, same with my 8 month old Galaxy S.
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*grumble. the thanks button is way too close to the quote button....
It's gorrilla glass, but unfortunately, it's made of glass, not gorrillas. But yes, it's the same stuff as used in lots of consumer electronics. Ask Du Pont if you want more info. Scratch resistant, not scratch proof...
Misledz said:
So apparently I lent the tablet to my sister to get the hang of it (I know what they say about women and technology) but yeah soon to regret, After cleaning up and making the screen all shiny I noticed a rather long 1" scratch on the screen, I thought it was something that a little damp cloth can wipe off turns out it's actually scratched the screen. I've never dropped the tablet but I can't say the same when women handle it (No offense ladies, if ever)
I wouldn't mind if the sides got dented, but that 1" of deep scratch shattered my heart to pieces. So question is, I thought the glass was GorillaGlass, dafuq samsung? I've had a 3Gs for almost a year or more, and there isn't a single dent/scratch on that screen despite the heavy usage on it, same with my 8 month old Galaxy S.
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Yes, it's gorilla glass. Yes, it's resistant to scratches. No, it's not immune to them. It WILL get scratched if you chop your vegetables on it, it will get broken if you drop it from 2 meters, it will look like Swiss cheese if you shot at it with a minigun.
On a more realistic note, it can also get scratched by diamond rings, by putting it on the floor/table face-down, by pulling it in and out of a tight case if some sand somehow gets in the case, ...
Lending my device to other people is why I always have it in a case and why I have a screen protector on it.
If you're sure your sister is the one who made the scratch, and she is buying her own one, I'd ask her to trade the devices or something.
There are also some products around that claim they can remove scratches, but I don't have any experience with them.
Putting a screen protector on might just change the flow of light in a way that'll hide the scratch, but it can also do it in a way that'll make it even more visible/annoying. I believe The Invisible Shield was also said to be very good with hiding scratches, some people say that you can barely see any big scratches after it's on for a week or two. But again, no experience with that so I can't really say...
nightmarebadger said:
Yes, it's gorilla glass. Yes, it's resistant to scratches. No, it's not immune to them. It WILL get scratched if you chop your vegetables on it, it will get broken if you drop it from 2 meters, it will look like Swiss cheese if you shot at it with a minigun.
On a more realistic note, it can also get scratched by diamond rings, by putting it on the floor/table face-down, by pulling it in and out of a tight case if some sand somehow gets in the case, ...
Lending my device to other people is why I always have it in a case and why I have a screen protector on it.
If you're sure your sister is the one who made the scratch, and she is buying her own one, I'd ask her to trade the devices or something.
There are also some products around that claim they can remove scratches, but I don't have any experience with them.
Putting a screen protector on might just change the flow of light in a way that'll hide the scratch, but it can also do it in a way that'll make it even more visible/annoying. I believe The Invisible Shield was also said to be very good with hiding scratches, some people say that you can barely see any big scratches after it's on for a week or two. But again, no experience with that so I can't really say...
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I'd love to put on a screen protector but it kinda kills the whole idea of "Gorilla Glass" I don't know if you watched the initial release before the 2G iPhone came out and they kept talking about how Gorilla Glass was one of the best inventions and so the praise went on, the had some live demo's and it was amazing (2 years ago). I don't really know if the glass on the tablet is not thick enough? or it's just a really thin glass pane? I do appreciate the feedback and thank you @slack for the free "thanks" hahaha, then again I too have a leather case (for the 7510 series) but people often mistake it for "ZOMG IS DAT AN IPAD?" and that disappointment on apple sheeps when you tell them it's a Galaxy Tab, they go like, "what's that?"..*FLIP TABLES AND *****
Putting on a protective screen is like wearing a condom while attempting to get a woman knocked up or better yet, giving a bulletproof vest to a tank, Best example I could think of so far, sorry . I'm not dissing android but putting on screen protects kinda adds another layer at which the device makes it harder to read your "touch" or electric impulses are they call it, I had one that came free with my initial Galaxy S and it was horrible, worst thing ever. Touch was less responsive and you had to press it hard enough like them old school vending machines.
Misledz said:
I'd love to put on a screen protector but it kinda kills the whole idea of "Gorilla Glass" I don't know if you watched the initial release before the 2G iPhone came out and they kept talking about how Gorilla Glass was one of the best inventions and so the praise went on, the had some live demo's and it was amazing (2 years ago). I don't really know if the glass on the tablet is not thick enough? or it's just a really thin glass pane? I do appreciate the feedback and thank you @slack for the free "thanks" hahaha, then again I too have a leather case (for the 7510 series) but people often mistake it for "ZOMG IS DAT AN IPAD?" and that disappointment on apple sheeps when you tell them it's a Galaxy Tab, they go like, "what's that?"..*FLIP TABLES AND *****
Putting on a protective screen is like wearing a condom while attempting to get a woman knocked up or better yet, giving a bulletproof vest to a tank, Best example I could think of so far, sorry . I'm not dissing android but putting on screen protects kinda adds another layer at which the device makes it harder to read your "touch" or electric impulses are they call it, I had one that came free with my initial Galaxy S and it was horrible, worst thing ever. Touch was less responsive and you had to press it hard enough like them old school vending machines.
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Yes, I've watched a lot of stuff about gorilla glass, but I've also done some live testing at my university (we got a batch of pieces to compare it to normal glass). I even have the specific results somewhere ...
All in all yes, it's a great improvement. It is seriously resistant to scratches, it's much much (and I mean MUCH) harder to break, but still, it isn't perfect.
I wouldn't say your bulletproof vest - tank example is completely appropriate here, since a bullet shot at a tank wouldn't compromise the tanks usability (at least not mostly, there are some extreme cases when it might, but let's leave that stuff to Hollywood) - but a scratch on the screen of a tablet definitely would. And a screen protector does help against scratches from diamond rings.
I have an Ultra Crystal SGP and I haven't noticed the screen responsiveness to lower. The only thing that is bad about it is that it gets dirtier faster and seems to reflect light a bit more. I also don't have to press any harder then I had to without the protector, as soon as I touch it (actually a little bit before ) the touch is recognised. If you feel your screen responsiveness diminishes, you can also applications to raise the "touchscreen sensitivity".
Thanks for the feedback mate, once again
I might think about getting one of those "Armor" screen protectors. Hopefully when sharing the tablet among family or friends I can atleast be assured the tablet is safe.
Diamond ring would do it if someone brushed the screen with back of their hand
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium
Misledz said:
I'd love to put on a screen protector but it kinda kills the whole idea of "Gorilla Glass" .
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Disagree, Mate, I have a Zagg protector and a case as well. For the expense of a 32GB 10.1, I'm not about to risk damage. Other poster is right: it is made of glass afterall not gorillas.
Also, like another thing best kept covered; there's very little loss of sensitivity when its covered.
Don't be penny wise and pound foolish.
Cheers lads!
Im usually not a fan of screen protectors on my phones but when i bought my tab at best buy they had the zagg invisibleshield for $15. It wasnt easy to put on and it looked pretty bad at first but once it dried out It pretty much disappeared. I dont even notice it anymore. A 10" screen is bound to get scratched up. Im glad i did it.
I got a scratch on my screen, and It had to be a scratch because I couldn't wipe it off even with a few different cleaners.
A few months later - the scratch is gone!!!
Yes, I'm saying it healed itself. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I have a scratch that just appeared on my Tab... I am the only one who uses it, and I keep it in a cover, didnt put the screen just to get mad, ordered one today..., 1 question: is it realy Gorila GLASS?, I dont think so!
Sent from my GT-P7500 using XDA
Having a screen protector does defeat the purpose of the gorilla glass. However, I would rather have that extra measure of protection and just replace the screen protector every few months.
I wonder how much does a replacement screen cost from the local showrooms?
Misledz said:
I wonder how much does a replacement screen cost from the local showrooms?
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I am waiting for a price quote I asked for, when I get it I'll share it. It will be for the Portuguese market but anyways a reference price...
i use a screen 'protector' but really it is more of an anti glare filter
InTents said:
Having a screen protector does defeat the purpose of the gorilla glass. However, I would rather have that extra measure of protection and just replace the screen protector every few months.
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animatechnica said:
i use a screen 'protector' but really it is more of an anti glare filter
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That as well
Used to have an invisibleSheild on an older phone but I hated the feel of the thing. Feels rubery, very unpleaseant!
I don't know for other brands but I'd realy go for something that repels the finger prints... I always have to clean the thing :|
t1mman said:
Used to have an invisibleSheild on an older phone but I hated the feel of the thing. Feels rubery, very unpleaseant!
I don't know for other brands but I'd realy go for something that repels the finger prints... I always have to clean the thing :|
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I was about to say that, as good as it protects, it's more like a condom on the phone, a dry one.
What ticks me off about it is when you sweat through your jeans the whole screen becomes a mess and the phone (The one I had it on) could barely read my touch.

Repair for scratched screen?

Anyone have a surefire repair for a scratched screen?
Has anyone had success with the watch repair guys that fix the watch faces in the mall?
I'm depressed that my 2 day old Note has a scratch and I'd like to be happy again.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
wow ...never heard of anyone getting a scratch repaired or buffed out...I don't believe you can....its not a tv where the glass could possibly get smooth out or buffed.....under that light film is many electroids that make current for the touch....the ditigizer.....do u have insurance on it?.....and have that film that came on the phone stock?.....say it don't charge or ssomething...put the film back on and send it out.. lol....that's what I try...what's the worst it happen....say it got damaged in shipping....lol....it will get placed on a self till a tech gets a work order to fix it by then..it will be forgotton and you'll have a replacement....these screens have issues anyways I look at it that way......lol blacks are grey....
Im wondering if one of the scratch removing liquids would work.? I think they sell it at hardware stores, its sold as a car windshield scratch remover...
depending how deep and big the scratch is filling it with liquid glass fixer...would he loose touch in that area?...how big is the scratch anyways and how deep you think?
edit...there is a liquid filler and scratch fixer for acrylics we used to at work...it goes on liquid and dries clear...for minor cracks but that depends how bad it is,then we would buff the scratch out..but I don't know if that work on these screens..might cause more harm then good..
I've got the Best Buy Black Tie coverage but as silly as it seems, they will only take it back if the screen is completely cracked. Plus, I just got done modding the heck out of this thing so I'd like to keep it. The scratch is deep enough to feel with your finger nail and can be easily seen in the right angles. It's annoying enough that I stare at it. Ive already tried polishing compound for car paint and seen no improvement. Someone told me there are kiosks at the mall where watch repair people fix watch faces. It sounds like a good idea but after reading a post by a guy who redid his Captivate screen, I'm not so hopeful.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
I read a post on here somewhere where a guy sanded and polished his own screen to remove a lot of scratches. It was a very detailed post. Actually I think the thread was a link to a post in the Vibrant forum or something. I don't remember which subforum it was in though. I'll try to look and find it again.
lactardjosh said:
I read a post on here somewhere where a guy sanded and polished his own screen to remove a lot of scratches. It was a very detailed post. Actually I think the thread was a link to a post in the Vibrant forum or something. I don't remember which subforum it was in though. I'll try to look and find it again.
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Thanks. I saw that post and thats what I was eluding to. VERY detailed and way too indepth for me to handle.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
Try going back to AT&T store and see if they'll swap it for you since you're still in the first 30 days. I traded my black Note for a white one, just had to pay $35.
A cotton cloth and toothpaste or metal polish will get it out after many hours of rubbing.
Almost any screen protector over top should instantly improve the look and feel.
The Touch Digitizer Screen cover is hard to get now at a good price, but they will most likely drop to $50 before too long.

