Suggestions for future Steve builds - Streak 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I really am pleased with the work you have done so far Steve and have donated already. I wanted to make a request for yahoo messenger video chat to get the front facing camera option like you did for oovoo if its an easy fix. Also if Skype can recognize video chat. 1.7 Runs very smooth and I had to do a factory reset whithin 1.7 to get it working fully. I kept getting stuck in wifi or 3g and could not go to the other. In case someone is experiencing the same issue. always willing to support and will donate again in the future.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App

I Also am having difficulty pulling up my work contacts when sending a e-mail with the new keyboard. It just freezes when trying to retrieve the contact from the server.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App

I would be eternally grateful if Master Steve could provide us with a dialer (Gingerbread/GalaxyTab/dontknowwhatelse...) that supports native video calls.
I do not know if this is possible without Dell's help, but i would really really love this feature that even 50 euro cellphones have nowadays.

I think it would be awesome to get a rip of the new "Facebook phone" apk and build it in. Or hell, just the rip would be fine!


Req: for WinMo

Hi has anyone got the beta version of this which is supposed to be available or a working version of this or something similar? I went on to their website and put in my email and all it said was thanks for your interest which was useless.
If you're not sure what it is, it's an app that reads out text messages and emails while you're driving. I need something like this as always seem to get texts while I'm in my car.
they might just be testing the water asking people to send there email so they can see if it's worth developing for this platform thanks for the share i will also be keeping an eye on this one

Video Call?

Ok, we know that Fring and Qik are the two that we can use the front facing camera for any video call per say, but that is only between two phones. How about phone to computer or vice versa? Fring used to offer the skype video call add-on but it is blocked now.
Thanks in advance
Sorry to highjack thread, but I can't get Qik to even recognize the front camera on my 1.6 Streak.. will Fring?
sniffs said:
Sorry to highjack thread, but I can't get Qik to even recognize the front camera on my 1.6 Streak.. will Fring?
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Yes, Fring uses the front facing camera but sadly QIK doesn not recognize the front camera.
Google voice has skype-like functionality, doesn't it? I haven't really tried it myself yet (waiting for my data plan to upgrade the beginning of next month), but considering how ubiquitous gmail is becoming it might be a possibility.
I'm pretty new here but have been a google voice user for a while now amd it is not like skype basically it just gives you a new number and makes you have to go through them to make calls and send texts.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
sniffs said:
Sorry to highjack thread, but I can't get Qik to even recognize the front camera on my 1.6 Streak.. will Fring?
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Same on 2.1, the option to switch camera in settings is greyed out. Gonna email qik tomorrow and see if they plan an update to support our devices.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
fone_fanatic said:
Same on 2.1, the option to switch camera in settings is greyed out. Gonna email qik tomorrow and see if they plan an update to support our devices.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
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Let us know if you hear back. Thanks.
Finally got a reply from qik, heres what the email says:
Sorry to keep you waiting.
We are expanding on the range of phones that Qik will support. There are already some Dell Streak users who have written to us, and we are developing the features now. It would be helpful if you could offer us your feedback on how to make Qik work better for you on the Dell Streak.
Thank you for writing to us, have a great day
Best regards,
Kelly Dannhaus
Product Specialist
Qik, Inc.
For more support, check out our Help Page at!
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Gonna reply and tell them that the option to use front camera needs to be enabled and also maybe to adjust the front camera's brightness?
I noticed when i video call using fring with my friend that has an iPhone 4, his is much brighter than mine which is almost black in a dark room...

VOIP apps - any of them are working?

Was anyone able to successfully use any VOIP app on this phone?
I tried several of them, i can her the other party fine but all they hear is some distortion.
I tested with Skype, Line2, Sipdroid, Fring.
Fring and Sipdroid are totally unusable.
It seems like Motorola screwed up the voice API's on the phone so no VOIP app works..
You try CSipsimple?
This is a serious let down for me. I was looking forward to being able to use Skype on my phone after many years of crappy WinMo phones. This SUCKS
Skype works fine for me!
Over wifi only!
does anybody know how to bypass the message in skype that states somethin about MAKING CALLS ONLY OVER WIFI, anybody know how to do that?
Agree, voip sucks. I'm coming from iphone 4 and this is one major thing that I miss. There were so many voip apps in ios, they all worked perfectly.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
I literally tried every single free (and two paid) voip apps on the market yesterday. Nothing works on this phone like it should. Either the mic is all messed up or the audio is choppy, Motorola really messed something up here.
Same here. I've tried several of them and none works right. The same apps work perfectly on my Galaxy Tab so my assumption is that this is a Motorola mess-up.
Did you guys ever stop to think that it's the applications that don't support the phone, not the phone itself? Blaming Motorola for a third party app not working is the most ludicrous thing I've heard all day.
Ririal said:
Did you guys ever stop to think that it's the applications that don't support the phone, not the phone itself? Blaming Motorola for a third party app not working is the most ludicrous thing I've heard all day.
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Interesting. But if Motorola had confidence their phone worked, would they not have included an app on it?
dicksteele said:
Interesting. But if Motorola had confidence their phone worked, would they not have included an app on it?
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Click to collapse That doesn't even make any sense. There isn't some magical "voip support" that a phone manufacturer codes into their device. Be patient and wait for developers to update their apps to support new hardware that's barely been out 2 weeks.
Ririal said: That doesn't even make any sense. There isn't some magical "voip support" that a phone manufacturer codes into their device. Be patient and wait for developers to update their apps to support new hardware that's barely been out 2 weeks.
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I have used many voip apps now (free and paid) and can confirm that there is some problem with this phone when it comes to VoIP apps. I've used same apps on nexus one and they work absolutely fine. Now i m back in Sweden and no way to return this phone in ATT store
Yes, I'm not blaming motorola, however, when this phone has a dual core processor then why is it still unable to do voip?
It was the similar problem with nexus one and nexus s that I had. I guess it's android then. They barely made the support for voip without tweaking it's performance. I never faced this problem with ios. I hate apple products because they are not open source but I can't stop my self from appreciating the good things in their os.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
ceo.mtcl said:
Yes, I'm not blaming motorola, however, when this phone has a dual core processor then why is it still unable to do voip?
It was the similar problem with nexus one and nexus s that I had. I guess it's android then. They barely made the support for voip without tweaking it's performance. I never faced this problem with ios. I hate apple products because they are not open source but I can't stop my self from appreciating the good things in their os.
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In the XDA Atrix subforum some where I found links to skype and that version of Skype works okay with Atrix (i dont say it works as good as it does on iPhone but bearable). Here is the link in case you didnt find it. I wish Nimbuzz works too.
I've been using qik for atrix and i works perfectly.
loztboy said:
I've been using qik for atrix and i works perfectly.
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Outside US not many ppl can use Qik for video chat and it doesnt support cross platform very well. Hence I stay away from the as much as possible. But I will check Qik and see if it works. Thanks.
ceo.mtcl said:
Yes, I'm not blaming motorola, however, when this phone has a dual core processor then why is it still unable to do voip?
It was the similar problem with nexus one and nexus s that I had. I guess it's android then. They barely made the support for voip without tweaking it's performance. I never faced this problem with ios. I hate apple products because they are not open source but I can't stop my self from appreciating the good things in their os.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
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Again, it's pretty obvious you just don't understand how this works. It's application specific support for the PHONE. There is nothing on the phone, Android or otherwise, that makes voip possible or not possible. It's all in the app itself. The new hardware hasn't been out for very long, so give the APPLICATION DEVELOPERS time to update their software to support the device. It's the same reason some games don't work on the Atrix yet. It's not because Motorola decided not to support the game, it's because the game doesn't yet support the device.
Please stop spreading misinformation.
Ririal said:
Again, it's pretty obvious you just don't understand how this works. It's application specific support for the PHONE. There is nothing on the phone, Android or otherwise, that makes voip possible or not possible. It's all in the app itself. The new hardware hasn't been out for very long, so give the APPLICATION DEVELOPERS time to update their software to support the device. It's the same reason some games don't work on the Atrix yet. It's not because Motorola decided not to support the game, it's because the game doesn't yet support the device.
Please stop spreading misinformation.
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No sir. Its pretty obvious YOU don't know how this works.
If every VOIP app on the market does not work ONLY on the the atrix, but works well on every other phone i tested, and even honeycomb - then there is a problem specific to the atrix and NOT the app itself.
If it is just one single app that does not work - then it is an app issue.
In our case, ALL the voip apps are not working because Motorola changed something in the way they are routing the audio and using the Android standard audio API's that those app need to work correctly. Any app that is trying to access the mic or the earpiece fails on this phone either with stuttering audio, crashes or static noise. it is like that with every single voip app and i tested them all.
The atrix is not running some new version of android that these apps just don't know how to support or there is a new android is 2.2 we are talking about here and i don't see how each and every developer can fix his app just for the atrix.
The only way i see this getting resolved is by a firmware update from Motorola to fix what they have changed and get the phone to work with normal android standards.
clubtech said:
No sir. Its pretty obvious YOU don't know how this works.
If every VOIP app on the market does not work ONLY on the the atrix, but works well on every other phone i tested, and even honeycomb - then there is a problem specific to the atrix and NOT the app itself.
If it is just one single app that does not work - then it is an app issue.
In our case, ALL the voip apps are not working because Motorola changed something in the way they are routing the audio and using the Android standard audio API's that those app need to work correctly. Any app that is trying to access the mic or the earpiece fails on this phone either with stuttering audio, crashes or static noise. it is like that with every single voip app and i tested them all.
The atrix is not running some new version of android that these apps just don't know how to support or there is a new android is 2.2 we are talking about here and i don't see how each and every developer can fix his app just for the atrix.
The only way i see this getting resolved is by a firmware update from Motorola to fix what they have changed and get the phone to work with normal android standards.
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You're halfway there, now put it all together.
The Atrix has a Tegra 2 chipset that does things differently than every other phone out there, correct. I bet you anything when a newer chipset comes out, we'll see the same cycle again. The reason it works on every other phone is because they're using established hardware. The Atrix is new, so it's up to Skype and Fring and whatever other VOIP apps out there to update their software to support the new hardware. Motorola patching in a hack to let it work with outdated architecture is the most stupid thing I've heard all day. The Atrix is unique right now, A LOT of developers will need to update their apps to support it.
BE PATIENT. Let developers update their apps to support the new hardware that's barely been out 2 weeks. Motorola doesn't need to do anything. App developers do.

SIP Client/Voip on Lumia

Hi All,
I am just 2days away from ordering my Lumia and I do a check to find my essential apps I used on my android phones.
One BIG app that I rely upon is a SIP client to make voip calls. This is really a deal breaker for me because I call upto 30mins a day internationally and cannot spend a fortune on it. I looked up everywhere and cannot find it for Mango.
Is it possible that I am mistaken, please someone help me with this and find an app that can be configured with a SIP provider like Actionvoip or Freecall.
I hope someone proves me wrong
chaihg said:
Hi All,
I am just 2days away from ordering my Lumia and I do a check to find my essential apps I used on my android phones.
One BIG app that I rely upon is a SIP client to make voip calls. This is really a deal breaker for me because I call upto 30mins a day internationally and cannot spend a fortune on it. I looked up everywhere and cannot find it for Mango.
Is it possible that I am mistaken, please someone help me with this and find an app that can be configured with a SIP provider like Actionvoip or Freecall.
I hope someone proves me wrong
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Don't think it's completely what you require but how about Voxofon?
Hi just saw that app but they are a voip provider with their own app. So you cannot use their app for any voip service.
That's really sad news . Thanks for the help though.
anyone else pleaaaaaaseeeeeeee
there's a Gtalk client I believe...
Reply from Counterpath Bria :-
Currently there is no plan to develop any client for WP7. There are some issues with WP7 platform for VOIP applications (that may be the reason why there are no SIP apps currently).
Customer Support
CounterPath Corporation
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pLUSpISTOL said:
Reply from Counterpath Bria :-
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ricep said:
there's a Gtalk client I believe...
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Oh No. That answers the biggest problem. There is an app called Gchat but I think it is more like a Jabber client which does not have any way to even buy credit from Google and use it for outgoing calls on data
Ok since there is no client available I had to find a work around to do international calls. Only thing that I found worthy of mention was this provider called Rebtel which uses your local calls plus their local access number to make international calls.
I tried it and the voice clarity sounds fantastic. Only that I will need to spend on the local minutes too while I spend some money on their international rates. Even then call rates remain nominal and not something like 30c/min.
I will stick to this until MS brings out the required API for voip. Damn Microsoft come on bring out something. At least Skype so that I can buy credit and call from there
I'm using Freecall with MobileVoip installed from Marketplace, it work fine except the voice is on speaker.
chanvi93 said:
I'm using Freecall with MobileVoip installed from Marketplace, it work fine except the voice is on speaker.
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Great advice then. My Lumia arrives tomorrow and I am going to try configuring my SIP settings of Actionvoip.
Meanwhile can you tell me if that speaker voice can be routed into Earphones when I plug it in?
At least that way we can have a good work around and a solution to this problem.
im using mobile voip app (free from market) with Voip Stunt but the quality is very bad..
I wish there are more apps like Fring, Nimbuzz or Skype. Microsoft promised Skype since september and still hasnt come out yet.
Yeah it is a damm shame. This is the one app that I miss from my Symbian days, I sure hope Microsoft steps up the plate and makes sip clients possible on WP7, preferrably before my next big holiday in october, otherwise I will be forced to take my Nokia N82 as well !

Baffled by Hangouts

I am completely blown away with how terrible hangouts is. Other than aesthetics, the app is horrible.
1. No clean buddy list for GTalk friends. This one blows my mind. There is also not a separate list for phone contacts, which again, numbs my brain.
2. Much like the "most contacted" feature in gmail (I use the term "feature" sarcastically) you cannot change who is on your top list, nor do you have an option to hide it. You cant even erase who is listed there. This is absolutely garbage and needs to be removed.
1. Obviously, make a GTalk buddy list view.
2. Remove the "most contacted" area of hangouts. Stop being presumptuous and putting an ex-girlfriend on my most contacted list, who is no longer even in my phone or contacts list on Google...
psufan5 said:
I am completely blown away with how terrible hangouts is. Other than aesthetics, the app is horrible.
1. No clean buddy list for GTalk friends. This one blows my mind. There is also not a separate list for phone contacts, which again, numbs my brain.
2. Much like the "most contacted" feature in gmail (I use the term "feature" sarcastically) you cannot change who is on your top list, nor do you have an option to hide it. You cant even erase who is listed there. This is absolutely garbage and needs to be removed.
1. Obviously, make a GTalk buddy list view.
2. Remove the "most contacted" area of hangouts. Stop being presumptuous and putting an ex-girlfriend on my most contacted list, who is no longer even in my phone or contacts list on Google...
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couldnt agree with you more, thank god i nandroided before installing hang outs... no clean buddy list and no clean statuses... what a joke, a shame to bc the ui is beautiful.
What happened to voice call?
In google talk you could voice call someone without the video feature running concurrently. Do you always have to video chat with someone in order to communicate via audio? Am I missing something here. The voice only feature in Talk seemed to work a lot better especially with slow connections. How can I download the old Google Talk(last version) without have to do an OS reinstall on my phone and tablet? It really sucks that Google removed Talk from my devices under the guise of upgrading the program.
Beggers can't be choosers.
Sent from my SPH-P100 using Tapatalk 2
zappacat said:
In google talk you could voice call someone without the video feature running concurrently. Do you always have to video chat with someone in order to communicate via audio? Am I missing something here. The voice only feature in Talk seemed to work a lot better especially with slow connections. How can I download the old Google Talk(last version) without have to do an OS reinstall on my phone and tablet? It really sucks that Google removed Talk from my devices under the guise of upgrading the program.
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Go to Settings>Apps>Hangouts>Uninstall updates
you'll get your gtalk back
I know that current version is not upto the mark
but we can expect great additions later . After all its developed by those who developed Gtalk in the first place !
Also you can send your feedback , that will always help to improve your experience in the future :thumbup:
Sent from my GT-S5670 using xda premium
soham jambhekar said:
I know that current version is not upto the mark
but we can expect great additions later . After all its developed by those who developed Gtalk in the first place !
Also you can send your feedback , that will always help to improve your experience in the future :thumbup:
Sent from my GT-S5670 using xda premium
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The current version sucks. Why take away something I'm already using that works and replace it with something that doesn't have the current features I'm enjoying? If you want to beta test their software go ahead.
psufan5 said:
Stop being presumptuous and putting an ex-girlfriend on my most contacted list, who is no longer even in my phone or contacts list on Google...
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Hahaha, this. So much this.
To be fair, it's not just Google that does this sort of thing, the Windows 8 People Hub is even worse. Interesting that communication applications that allegedly put the user first don't make allowances for a tragically common component of regular human interaction - the break-up.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium

