[Q] someting about the urukdroid 0.7 - Gen8, Gen9, Gen10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hi everyone here
i am a new guy here,my device is the archos 101 16G.after i install the urukdroid 0.7 in the internal stock(16G),it run well.
i also found its " Available space" become 735MB.not casual 256MB.however,its "free memory" for running apps is just 110MB(when i kill most of services and apps).concequently,after three or four web pages opend(especially flash on),the browse collapse!,i think it is killed dued to lack of free memory.
so .who can tell me why? "735MB" just a fiction?

No fiction, just missinformation on your side.
"Available space" equals to the space left on the /data partition. This is the space you have for installing Apps an their private data.
This has nothing to do with the amount of memory the processor has to operate.
This stays at 256 MB.
After Android is started you probably have around 100MB left of that.
If you need more memory, you have to enable swapping and/or compcache.

thanks for your help,
i wonder is it stable to SWAP "256Mb" in my SDcard?
and the"swap swappiness" value should be "10" or "60" or other?
addtionally,is it any way swapping in the internal stock? i mean the infernal 16G
thanks too

This is a good question, but we can not answer this really.
1. Swappiness means the lower the value the harder the kernel tries not to swap.
2. You can put the swapfile onto the internal drive, BUT as you constantly run out of mem ( by your description ) you will have alot of writecycles.
And a SD has a limitted write contingent so your internal drive might age faster, and because you can't change that i personaly would not use it for swap.
But there are some reports that normal SD cards sometimes give a freeze.
If you use Dolphin Browser you can decide to put the cache onto SD.

ok,thanks a lot,
seems that i have to use the dolphin and age my SDcard both

by the way,anyone could give me some tips how to swap in sdcard?
is it neccessally to repartition sdcard and how?

Swapper 2 is pretty easy.
Swapper 2 (for Root users)
To put the Swap partition on your sdcard go to; settings - Swap place - and enter.
You can also change - Swappiness - and - Swap Size - in settings if you choose to.
After changing settings go back to home page and push ON button. It will then create the swap on your sdcard, be patient this takes a few seconds. You can see the Swap file on your sdcard using file manager. It automatically turns itself on after reboots.
To use USB you have to turn Swap on your sdcard off by simply going to Swapper 2 and press the OFF button.
When finished using USB simply turn it back on or it will turn back on after your next reboot.


Linux-Swap without App2SD???

Hi everyone,
A relatively noob question here.
I am running the Official ROM 2.76.405.5 on an unbranded Hero, and want to give Linux-Swap a try. But I don't want Apps2SD; I might move certain apps cache to the SD after rooting, but like the Apps themselve on the internal memory though. How can I go about it? What do I need to do?
1) Can I format my SD card so that it has a fat32 and a linux-swap partition but NO "ext" partition?
2) If I do make an EXT partition, what patch/fix should I do to make only swapping work, without Apps2SD? Modaco's Hero patch as well as his custom ROMs come with Apps2SD. Is there a way to get rid of it?
3) Will I need "busybox" to make swapping work? Or is "Swapper" alone going to be enough?
4) If I make my custom update.zip file from Modaco's Hero patch.zip, from which I delete A2SD, and then falsh that update.zip via the recovery mode, will it work?
5) And what swap size do you recommend? Some people use as large as 256MB... while the default in most cases is 32MB. Is the larger the better?
Please help a non-developer here. Many thanks in advance!
OK, I have done it and it seems right. I made all three partitions (fat32, ext3, and linux-swap) and then pushed busybox by Modaco's method via "adb shell". That means I have the ext3 partition but no Apps2SD, so my apps would stay on the internal memory. Am I right?
Now I have also installed Swapper and so far it has not given me any error. Via Advanced settings, I have told it to use Swap "partition" instead on swap file. My swap partition is 256MB
My questions now are:
1) If I kill swapper by taskkiller, will swapping end?
2) How much swappiness should I choose?
3) How do I know that it is working and what improvements should I expect to see? How can I test that my phone is functioning faster??
Please reply
Would anyone like to share their comments on this, please?!?
One more thing, Hero comes with a 288MB RAM, but the total available system memory (RAM) shown by Swapper app is 197MB. Why such discrepancy??
Your views will be much appreciated!
Very well asked questions. Some masters respond to them please so we don't disturb you about these questions within every thread of yours
to format your sdcard (i'm assuming you know how to use parted and have only 1 partition) resize your fat32 partition, for example, with my 7948 MB sdcard:
(parted) resize 1 0 7850 (where 7850 is the maximum size of your sd-card minus the amount you wish to allocate for swap, in this case, 98 MB)
wait for it to finish re-sizing, doing it this way prevents data loss, after it's done;
(parted) mkpartfs primary linux-swap 7850 7900
(parted) mkpartfs primary linux-swap 7900 7948
(parted) rm 2
(parted) resize 3 7850 7948
(parted) quit
you basically create two linux-swap partitions (the second partition can be anything, but I use linux-swap because it can be any size in MB) so that the third one gets asigned a p# of 3, then remove the second one, and then resize the third one to take up the whole space left after your fat 32 partition, that way you don't waste any space. You can always
(parted) print
to make sure your fat 32 partition has a p# of 1 and your linux-swap has a p# of 3
About why there's only 197MB left on your device? Radio and GPU take the other 96 MB and the system has no access to that memory. Don't worry, it's still enough for you to run hero, pity us dream users with only 96 MB working RAM.
===edit====(answer more questions)
If by "official rom 2.73.405.5" you mean the one you can download from MoDaCo, then I don't even think it has root. There are four 2.73.405.5 roms there, the RUU, which you should avoid like the plague, the Official one which is only the RUU but packaged in OTA format, the Official one with Radio update, and the Official rooted one. You wan't to use the rooted one. Also, you do need busybox (you're already done it). I think that in the official rooted there are no scripts running at boot, so you won't get A2SD forced upon you (always a good thing, soon as I buy my Hero I'm using that build too as a base for my build), no compcache, no swap-file usage, nothing, just a stock rom with root. Anyway, you already have busybox, and that's all swapper requires, so you're good. For extra credit, you could learn how to unpack boot.img and edit the init.rc to call on your own script from bin and have it do swap automagically instead of using swapper (plus you can do nifty things like using mmcblk0p2 instead of p3, among other things).
I don't know how swapper works exactly, but I think all it does is echo settings to the VM to set up swap, so killing the app should do nothing (it's just a front-end to what other roms do automatically) and swap should stay working after you kill it. You can try, just kill the app and then open up the terminal and type
# busybox free
that will tell you how much memory you have and how much swap you have, you should still have swap even after killing swapper.
About swap size?... depends who you ask. If you ask me, you have a hero with 198 MB working ram and you shouldn't even have to bother with swap at all. If you still want to, maybe try to set up a 32 MB compcache setup (you have enough ram where compcache makes sense) with a swappiness of 0 (this keeps the memory pages for Rosie in swap and even after heavy usage, you can always go back to rosie w/o reloads).
Having a swap-file on your sdcard makes no sense if you don't have a class 6 sdcard as it will hurt performance, so, if you do, anywhere between 64 MB and 198 MB (to match the whole working memory space of the device) with a swappiness of 60 should suffice.
I wish I had a hero...
Thanks jubeh, thanks soo much. It was really helpful After reading your answer, I completely understand how to make only fat32 and linux-swap partitions and save space by not having an ext3.
I am afraid I don't quite understand the compcache thing; I think I have to do more reading/homework on this before I ask further questions
I did install the Official ROM which I downloaded from HTC website as an RUU >> flashed Amon_RA's recovery image via flashrec >> rooted by pushing "su" and "Superuser.apk" via ADB shell, and then also pushed Busybox (from Modaco's 2.2 ROM, I think it is version 1.5.1).
I am using a Sandisk 8GB class 6 card... it is fine so far (except the photo thumbnails not being generated in the ".thumbnails" forlder, but that's a different story). I have noticed that after the ROM upgrade, a folder called "rosie_scroll" get automatically created on the SD card... may be it's a kind of built-in swap?!?! Am not too sure.
Moreover, at the moment, I have set swappiness to 60. When most of the apps are open, the hero functions quite well but I see that about 190-194MB of the internal memeory is being uesd at times and heavy use and the area of occupied swap partition gradually increases. I think it is because only thise apps will swap which are kind of sleeping or dozing in the background. Am I right?
Just another question, if you unzup MCR 2.2, you see in the xbin folder, a file called "dexopt-wrapper", an addition to busybox. What does it do? Its function?
Will having lots off apps open in the background and swapping them continuosly have a deleterious effect on the battery life??
Thanks again
Best regards.
having many apps open means using ram a lot. if you add swapping, it means not only ram sucking battery, but also reading/wirtting sd, which is pretty much battery sucker itself.
so yes, if you want to lengthen your battery life, keep your apps loaded atst to a minimum.
if what you want is a comparison for battery life between swapping and not swapping.. you should check if you have your phone always on or off and some other factors (keeping ram alive in hibernation mode wastes more battery than static sd memory, ie).
Thanks sik_gerar I understand where you are coming from.

Apps2SD + VillainROM 6.2 Problem

I've noticed a very weird and particular problem with my Apps2SD on VillainROM 6.2. I've partitioned the SD card as recommended with no swap space and 512MB for ext2 partition and the rest left fat32 one. It is said that it should work automatically.
But after installing ~100 apps maybe less I'm left with 15MB of internal storage left and an information that I cannot install nothing no more due to low space.
I've run appscheck or whatever that script's called (you know the one) and it says: "apps2sd is working without dalvik-cache"
Clearly it should be working then but it's not. I understand that the space should be going down a bit one way or another but having installed less than a 100 apps I should not run out of it especially that most of them were quite small. That said I just wanna add that Android Commander shows up ext2 partition greyed out when I access my mobile with it - so, it sort of prooves that there's something wrong.
Is there a way to fix it, so I could fully enjoy my phone?

[HOWTO] [REF] Prevent Bootloops when using App2sd+ / Data2sd / whatever2sd-ext

Above the hood​
Well today I intended to answer voyager's problem which was stated in the interactive data2sd thread located here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=23744977#
and then i think that after i have gathered so much information from the other parts of the world into this little post it would be a waste if it is pushed away by regular posts in the thread. so, i opened this thread here in the general forum so all people with similar confusion can read about it.
YES, there are SO MANY WORDS TO READ. but in order to use a2sd+ or data2sd+ you MUST read them all
you will never know how frustrated i was when i was encountering the bootloop problem for the ENTIRE month.​
my report thread - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1239063
my help-seeking in the darktremor thread which was answered by famous developer temasek - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=17232233​
my target was originally voyager the person but now its to all of you, please ignore my incorrect pronouns, if there are any ​
OH FINALLY i luckily found the very useful reference that i have read before!! after reading these you will understand everything
tobydjones said:
Some phones, eg the Desire, don't have enough internal memory (NAND). A2SD and other 'init.d scripts' fool Android into storing various things on the SD card instead of internal memory to free up space. They can move either apps, the Dalvik cache (a pre-compiled copy of each app) and/or app data. And they can move them to either the 1st (only) partition of the SD card (formatted as FAT or FAT32) or a 2nd partition of the SD card (formatted as ext3 or ext4).
As there's so many different scripts doing different things, I had to make a table to sort it all out. Please let me know if I've made any mistakes, or if you can answer any of my questions in italics.
script ................ apps . Dalvik . data .. comment
A2SD pre Froyo ........ SD ... int .... int ... Made to move app data to SD {or was it already ext?}
Froyo A2SD/"move to SD" SD<1>. int<9> . int ... Built in
Gingerbread A2SD ...... SD.... int .... <6> ... Built in. As Froyo but a bit more space.
apps2sd app (on market) ....................... App to make Froyo/Gingerbread "move to SD" easier, not a script
Force2SD (on market) .. ....................... As apps2sd + move system apps>SD {does apps2sd also do this?}
A2SD/AS2D+ (or apps2SD) ext<8> in/ex<2> int ... Various implementations<7> some move Dalvik (manual/auto)
Darktremor A2SD/DT-A2SD ext .. in/ex... int ... Move Dalvik. Used to be auto, now command line (or use A2SDGUI)
MIUI_Au PC-A2SD ....... ext .. ext .... int ... Allows android to boot if SD Card broken/removed. With logs
Link2SD (on market) ... ext .. ext .... <6> ... Moves apps individually
Sibere DATA2SD ........ ext .. ext .... ext<3>. Moves whole /data folder to ext for more space <4><5>
DATA2EXT .............. ext .. ext .... ext ... {another implementation of DATA2SD? how does it differ?}
data2whatever/DATA2WE . ext .. ext .... ext ... Can use ext2-4 plus variety of unusual filesystems eg B(RT?)FS
<1> The SD card is mounted very late in the boot up process, so background apps and widgets won't work. Also apps on SD aren't available when SD card is used as a disk ('mounted')
<2> Dalvik on SD/ext may wear out SD card a bit quicker {not a big issue compared with int memory wearing out?}
<3> Data on ext wears out SD card faster because of data writes {how much of an issue is this?}
<4> Data2SD on Sense ROMS - possible corruption during battery pull or forced reboot
<5> Data2SD on ASOP ROMS - corruption when turning off phone due to unclean dismount {or is this fixed now?}
<6> GB doesn't move all of data, but does move app libs (/data/data/<appname>/Lib)
<7> There's a lot of confusion what AS2D, AS2D+ and apps2sd refer to, and the distinction between them, as those names been used for many things, including an app on the market! The + appeared after Froyo was released and often means the Dalvik cache can be moved (not always automatically)
<8> Unlike moving apps to SD, you can move widgets to ext, and apps are available when SD card is used as a disk
<9> If Dalvik cache is on int, number of apps is still limited as pre-compiled copy of each app held in cache
Updated 01/10/11. Thanks to rootSU, fllash & rmcsilva for corrections and additions
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neoKushan said:
Ok, so here's the deal, in a very longwinded way that should hopefully explain everything and answer ALL questions.
You have an SD card in your phone and, a bit like normal PC Hard Drives, you can "partition" them (split them into two or more sections of different filesystems). Normally, your SD card is just one big FAT32 partition, which is fine for storing your pics, messages, emails, etc.
Now, other then your Phone's SD card, your phone will have its own internal flash memory (or "NAND") storage. Tradditionally with Android, you could only install applications to this NAND storage, you cannot install them onto your SD card. So if you have an empty 32GB SD card, but only 5Mb of internal phone storage, you still wont be able to install many apps, if any at all.
This was done to protect the apps from things like piracy - it's not easy to access the location where apps are installed on your phone's internal storage (normally impossible without root), so you can't for example buy an app, copy it, refund it, then install it again.
Still, this is no good for those of us who like to install lots and lots of apps, legitimately, as we run out of internal storage very quickly.
So Google came up with a way to install apps to the SD card. A folder is created called something like .android_secure and this stores (I believe) encrypted versions of applications, but there's a few catches:
1) Apps aren't automatically stored here, you have to manually "move" them
2) Not all apps are capable of being moved, in fact most apps aren't, the developer needs to update their app and allow it. Some apps aren't and wont be updated and some developers may not want to allow it for whatever reason.
3) Not all app data is moved, most of it is but some data is left on your phone so many people still run out of internal storage quickly.
4) You can force ALL apps to be moved to this area by default, but it breaks incompatible ones - such as Widgets, which are unable to load due to the SD card not being "prepared".
So that's Froyo's version. Before Froyo existed, some very clever people came up with a thing called "Apps2SD". Remember I said that your SD card normally is one big FAT32 partition? Well, Apps2SD works by having your SD card patitioned into TWO filesystems. A normal FAT32 partition for your usual stuff and a secondary "EXT" partition. EXT is just a filesystem, like FAT32 or NTFS, but it's the filesystem used by Android internally. The SD card is normally FAT32 because it's a "universal" filesystem, that just about any machine will be able to read, whereas EXT filesystems are generally Linux only, but I digress.
EXT has several different versions. The most common one you'll see is ext3. The main difference between ext2 and ext3 is "journaling", which is just a fancy way of saying that should an operation (such as copying, writing or reading) be interrupted unexpectedly (say, by you turning your phone off), then no data should be lost or corrupted. You know how when you turn your phone on, it says "preparing SD card"? It takes a few minutes, but what it's actually doing is checking that the FAT32 partition hasn't been damaged, because FAT does NOT have journaling. If you used a computer back in the Windows 98 days, you may remember that lovely blue "Scandisk" screen that had to run every time you didn't shut your computer down correctly - that's the same thing. But then Windows 2000/XP came along with NTFS, which also has journaling, meaning you had less chance of loosing data. But I digress once more.
So you have your SD card partitioned into EXT and FAT32. Generally it doesn't matter if it's ext3 or ext4, but you don't get any real advantage with ext4 over ext3 in this instance. Apps2SD then runs a special script on your phone which "symbolically links" the folder from your phone's internal storage where your apps are normally stored, to the ext partition on your SD card. A symbolic link is a bit like a shortcut for folders, except it's transparent to the OS: In other words, Android doesn't know that when it's installing it's apps to the internal phone storage, it's actually being stored on the SD card. This effectively boosts your internal phone memory from the previous 5mb that you had in my example above, up to whatever size you made the ext partition on your SD card (often 512Mb or 1Gb, but it depends on how many apps you install).
Plus, because it's "journaled", it doesn't need to be "prepared", meaning it's ready to go as soon as the phone starts - so your widgets and apps work immediately (unlike "forced" Froyo Apps2SD, where widgets disappear).
The catch with Apps2SD is that whatever space the ext partition takes up is taken away from the SD card. So if you have a 4Gb card (with something like 3.5Gb of actual storage) and you make a 512Mb ext partition, your SD card will "shrink" to 3Gb. The space isn't actually lost, it's just being used by the ext partition. If you reformat your card, you'll get it back.
Finally, there's a difference between "Apps2SD" and "Apps2SD+". Remember I said that your apps are stored on a special folder inside your Phone's NAND storage? Well, that was a bit of a lie. It's actually stored in TWO places. There's a second area which is called the Davlik Cache. You don't really need to worry about what this is for (Hint: IT's to do with the Java runetime your phone uses to run apps), all you need to know is that apps use it to store data, which also eats up internal phone memory. Apps2SD+ moves davlik cache to the ext partition on your SD card as well, freeing up even more space. Some people believe that this may come at the cost of performance, as the internal NAND memory should be faster than your SD card (Which is why you also get people arguing over which "class" SD card is better for Apps2SD - the logic being that a faster SD card means less impact from this move), but the truth of the matter is that your applications will be running from your Phone's RAM anyway, so performance isn't really impacted at all. Since most apps are only a few hundred Kb's in size, or a couple of MB at the most, it's a non-issue.
Finally, any recent version of Apps2SD/Apps2SD+ should work with an SD card that is or isn't formatted with an ext partition. It'll check for this partition when your phone first boots and if it's not there, just use internal phone storage.
Having an ext partition WITHOUT Apps2SD+ shouldn't cause any issues, either, so you can format your SD card whenever you're ready.
So in summary:
Apps2SD "fakes" your phone's internal memory and puts it all on a hidden section of your SD card.
Apps2SD+ pushes even more content to the SD card, freeing up even more space on the phone itself.
"Froyo" Apps2SD has various limitations that "old" apps2SD does not, but is much easier to handle as it doesn't involve any kind of "partitioning".
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first, please consider the wording "app2sd+" used above can also be applied to "data2sd+" which should be the main purpose of this thread, because they are similar as they both use the sd-ext partition to store things. the only different is that app2sd+ only moves /data/app and dalvik cache but data2sd+ moves the entire /data partition
now based on my experience of how did i solve my bootloop problems even i install over 300 apps, is, not to integrate Froyo app2sd and app2sd+(or your data2sd+) then things will be fine.
as ive seen that voyager you have "moved all apps to sd" with froyo app2sd while you are TOGETHER using the script of app2sd+(or data2sd+). from the above explanation, your apps and data are now SHARED among /sd-ext and /sdcard/.android_secure which MAY lead to problems on our phones when it enters the process system after going through the bootanimation.
still remember the days and things we have discussed? it was in november when we first known each other i think my founding still applies to data2sd+
voyager20021 said:
For bootloops on Miks CM7 fist post he says
If you get bootloop or stuck at LG logo do next:
Sometimes Recovery can't format /system so you need to clear /system manually. You can do it with this zip (flash as always in recovery), or in mounts menu (clockworkmod recovery only), or with adb:
1. Mount /system in recovery.
2. adb shell rm -rf /system/*
You get 1 error. This is ok.
Will update if I found this bug.
Anyone tried that zip or adb fix? I am not so familiar with adb shell. The zip i think is incompatible or smth.
Franco, do you know if this has something to do with random reboots caused by moving too many apps to sd?
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Miasmic said:
that successfully wiped system partition and 2 months ago i did full wipe (including /system) and reinstall everything then do the same thing, and i got the same results - bootloop
please go to darktremor's main thread (nexus one dev forum) and scroll a few pages back, ive been yelling there for help and they did a lot to help me especially temasek(u know who? a famous n1 developer)....
but finally we got no conclusions trying everything, even switching to s2e had ****ed up my phone.
what solution i can tell is that
fk kernel + mik + dt a2sd script
+ apps staying on /EXT (shown "on phone")
= no problems
fk kernel + mik + dt a2sd script
+ apps staying partly on /EXT and partly on /android.secure (shown "on SD card")
= after booting (seen lockscreen) for about 3mins, the phone goes back to bootanimation and boot again
[im sure voyager is asking about this]
p.s. fk kernel + mik + dt beta4
will result in LG logo stuck every 2 reboots. wipe /system no help.
hope my info is useful and yeah, take alook at the dt thread
until now the only solution is not to move apps partly to /android.secure
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
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franciscofranco said:
Why move apps to sd card instead of /ext? doesn't make any sense............. No wonder **** happens...
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Miasmic said:
Yea I agree with your point, moving the app only to /ext is apparently a safer method than dividing it into /ext and /android.secure
But however this method (using darktremor together with froyos a2sd feature) can save even more internal storage on our phones because darktremor doesn't move 100% of the "app" to /ext. Except "app data" , a small portion of "app" is also occupying the internal storage when using dartremor.
Say angry birds, despite its ~500kb /data size, when using darktremor, 18mb its "app" is moved to /ext while 2mb of it is staying in the internal storage. When using froyos a2sd feature, this 2mb is moved to /android.secure therefore even more internal space is free-ed.
According to the main darktremor thread, a user named bassmadrigal and even temasek himself, has stated that integrating darktremor "move to EXT" and froyos "move to FAT" does not produce any problems (at least on their nexus one) and can save even more space.
Well its not a problem for me as I only move 4 of my biggest apps to FAT and not having issues now.
I think voyagers attempting to move a lot of his apps (partly as they still partly stay at /ext) to /android.secure (as I tried before) and he got ****ed up like me before.
Hmmph I am not quite sure, voyager have you tried the same procedure (restore titanium and move them to FAT) without flashing Franco.kernel and only with the ROM (ans default kernel) and darktremor script installed? In that way we can see whether the "issue"(not at all but just an disadvantage of not supporting a feature) is about Franco's kernel or about our phones. cheers!!
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
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franciscofranco said:
Just don't mess with the part that stays in the phone, if you do you're on your own, it's just too damn obvious to waste my time with it, sorry :/
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Miasmic said:
yea, i definitely dont think it is of any priorities to request you to dig on this stuff and please dont, lol
was just telling my experiences to others and esp. voyager
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
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yea, franco also said we shouldn't use the froyo app2sd function when we have already moved stuffs to the /sd-ext using app2sd+/data2sd+
therefore to prevent such abnormal behaviours on our phones we should treat our phones as Android 2.1 or before which does not have the capabilities to use froyo app2sd function to move things to /sdcard/.android_secure instead we should just let them be moved to the /ext partition.
i can confirm that yes there will still be decrease in internal storage because even you got data2sd+, there are something that cannot be moved from the internal storage to /sd-ext and we dont know what. JUST be fuxking sure that all your apps are stayed in "internal storage" (thats a way to fake the phone! you know) and they will be very safe in /sd-ext.
you may also like to install app2sd app but reverse the original concept of this app, i.e. to confirm NO APPS ARE EXISTING IN THE 2nd TAB (ON "SD CARD" with froyo function)
so, to test this out quickly, you may simply:
make proper partitions
wipe properly
flash rom
flash your a2sd+/data2sd+ script
boot phone
run the proper commands (for dt now i would dl a2sdgui and apply stuffs and let it reboot)
now restore titanium backup with INSTALL LOCATION set as "internal storage"
(in CM7 settings > application you may also choose "internal storage" to make sure everything is PURELY moved to /sd-ext instead of sharing among /sdcard/.android_secure with the froyo a2sd function) (however what i can tell you that this CM7 function is not working properly at least with my DT a2sd+ script therefore we have to double check whether it is in "INTERNAL STORAGE" when we install a new app) so now app2sd app came in handy remember is to reverse all apps to internal but not move them to so-called sd which was the original purpose of this app.
ok hope you understand what i meant and now you should not have bootloops
Under the hood​
however, some users have reported that they have NO problems at all when they share their apps among /sd-ext and /sdcard/.android_secure. an example was bassmadrigal (located in the darktremor official thread)
maybe, it is phone specific. maybe, they have shared a less amount of apps as i myself can also confirm that the bootloop problems only occur if we SHARE A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF APPS among the two places.
and for your safety, at least to first eliminate the bootloops problems before doing any experiments, still follow the above and MOVE ALL OF THEM TO so-called "INTERNAL" (pure /sd-ext)
so you mean to say that keep all the apps in internal memeory and it will be safe in sd-ext with any a2d script rather than moving into sdcard?
There is one script i am tryingvhttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1342387. I dont have any script installed.But it is still giving me bootloops.
williamcharles said:
so you mean to say that keep all the apps in internal memeory and it will be safe in sd-ext with any a2d script rather than moving into sdcard?
There is one script i am tryingvhttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1342387. I dont have any script installed.But it is still giving me bootloops.
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yes, the message i would like to bring is rather simple and easy but most of the users are confused about "move to ext" and "move to FAT" and the BUTTON in the application manager of our phones show "MOVE TO SD" which is moving PART of the app to SD-FAT (android.secure) so they are now SHARED and will produce PROBLEMS.
This important point is what most of the script developers have forgotten to warn their users.
Remember to check your settings and ROM/kernels/partitions/scripts compatibility with each other before regarding the script solely as the cause of any problematic behaviour (best way to prove is to see whether there are someone using the same combination without problems
then, install the script, and start installing apps only into "internal storage" (to fake your phone as they actually goes to /sd-ext) and NEVER EVER touch the button "Move to SD" in the application manager then you should be fine as said in my first post, double check they are in the internal storage after you have grabbed a new app from market it will be fine to move it back to "internal storage" as long as you havnt reboot the phone.
Miasmic said:
yes, the message i would like to bring is rather simple and easy but most of the users are confused about "move to ext" and "move to FAT" and the BUTTON in the application manager of our phones show "MOVE TO SD" which is moving PART of the app to SD-FAT (android.secure) so they are now SHARED and will produce PROBLEMS.
This important point is what most of the script developers have forgotten to warn their users.
Remember to check your settings and ROM/kernels/partitions/scripts compatibility with each other before regarding the script solely as the cause of any problematic behaviour (best way to prove is to see whether there are someone using the same combination without problems
then, install the script, and start installing apps only into "internal storage" (to fake your phone as they actually goes to /sd-ext) and NEVER EVER touch the button "Move to SD" in the application manager then you should be fine as said in my first post, double check they are in the internal storage after you have grabbed a new app from market it will be fine to move it back to "internal storage" as long as you havnt reboot the phone.
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Miasmic said:
yes, the message i would like to bring is rather simple and easy but most of the users are confused about "move to ext" and "move to FAT" and the BUTTON in the application manager of our phones show "MOVE TO SD" which is moving PART of the app to SD-FAT (android.secure) so they are now SHARED and will produce PROBLEMS.
This important point is what most of the script developers have forgotten to warn their users.
Remember to check your settings and ROM/kernels/partitions/scripts compatibility with each other before regarding the script solely as the cause of any problematic behaviour (best way to prove is to see whether there are someone using the same combination without problems
then, install the script, and start installing apps only into "internal storage" (to fake your phone as they actually goes to /sd-ext) and NEVER EVER touch the button "Move to SD" in the application manager then you should be fine as said in my first post, double check they are in the internal storage after you have grabbed a new app from market it will be fine to move it back to "internal storage" as long as you havnt reboot the phone.
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Much simpler explained. We'll have to test your theory. Only now i use ungaze's script which is something like "everything2sd". The button reading move to sd or move to internal has no influence at all. And still having bootloops at some point. Only now the sd ext is 2Gb max, though it never got to fill it without that damn bootloop.
Thanks again MIASMIC for addressing one of the biggest remaining problems which keep us away from having a PERFECT AND COMPLETE O1, now when we are close to having the stable official CM7 and official or not CM9 which will bring so many and awsome STABLE ROMs based on those 2.

Use all internal memory

So I put Carbon on my wife's tablet after not touching it for over a year. Amazing that I can come here and get exactly what I need. What a great community!
I do have a question. I have a 16gb model and a 16gb card. I can see and use the card, no problem.
Using astro or other file manager, the directories seem weird. That's not a problem. The problem is, I can only use 1gb of internal storage - is there a way to get at the balance of that? Or is it lost forever?
Sounds like your NT has the BN's old 1GB allocation for the user-media partition instead of the new 8GB.
To get a 8GB allocation, you can restore the NT to stock ROM and take it to a B&N store to have the repartition done; or you can (Google) search for a repart.img SD-based tool which also does the repartition (and in the process restore the NT to stock ROM). Either way, you can use CWM recovery to back up your current Carbon ROM before the operation and then restore it afterward.
Ah, I completely forgot about this little point. Thank you for the reminder and the options!
One more question from me about this, does it make sense in CM to have two internal storages anyway? Couldn't I just reformat it to have only one partition?
I know how to use parted, so this isn't why I am asking. I just wanted to ask here about potential other side effects.
I already reformatted that my internal memory is about 4GB and my sdcard0 storage is 10GB, but now I installed a huge app in internal memory which can't be moved to SD for some reason, and I want to at least reformat it the other way around or the default 12GB sdcard0 + 1GB internal
All apps are installed in the first internal memory anyway I have figured, so I don't know why this first sdcard0 does make sense at all? I first thought that would be used for apps, but currently there are 10 unused Gigabytes....
I am using a real sdcard in the device ( which is per default mounted as sdcard1 ), maybe that is the reason nothing is put on the internal sdcard0 ??
Any comments on this?
I'd also like to know if this can be done. I've read the posts that explain how to resize partition 10 (media) and 11 (user data), but I would like to know if it is possible to combine partition 10 and 11 into a single partition so that all available space that isn't used by the system can be used for apps and other data. Is this not possible because of different file systems or is there a way to do it?
I've also noticed that even though the Nook Tablet 16 GB physically has 1 GB RAM only 672 MB is recognized and the other 332 MB or so seems to be used as some type of virtual SD Card (this can be seen in Settings -> Apps -> On SD Card). Is there a way to make the entire 1 GB recognized and utilized? I have not been able to find any information on this anywhere.
I am running CM 10.1 on Nook Tablet 16 GB.
bluesock said:
One more question from me about this, does it make sense in CM to have two internal storages anyway? Couldn't I just reformat it to have only one partition?
I know how to use parted, so this isn't why I am asking. I just wanted to ask here about potential other side effects.
Any comments on this?
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Combining the two partitions without tweaking the ROM will likely result in errors when the system at boot time attempts to mount the partition you eliminate, and when some apps reference the file-system that supposedly resides on that eliminated partition. To avoid these errors, the eliminated partition would have be removed from boot-time auto-mount list, and its file-system root would have to be mapped (e.g., symbolically linked) to the mount point of the remaining partition.
skelnik said:
I've also noticed that even though the Nook Tablet 16 GB physically has 1 GB RAM only 672 MB is recognized and the other 332 MB or so seems to be used as some type of virtual SD Card (this can be seen in Settings -> Apps -> On SD Card). Is there a way to make the entire 1 GB recognized and utilized? I have not been able to find any information on this anywhere.
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The 'missing' RAM is what the OS needs to keep the device going. 672 MB RAM free sounds very reasonable. What you see in the list as apps on sd card is the virtual sd card in storage, not RAM.
Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk 4
The "missing" RAM is actually shared memory for the GPU (the SGX540). Video cards need RAM to load textures and whatnot.
You might have noticed that desktops without a dedicated GPU have much lower system RAM than advertised. Ex: my laptop with 3GB of system RAM actually shows something like 2970MB RAM (instead of 3096MB). The 100 odd MB of RAM is shared by the GPU (Intel GMA). If I had a dedicated GPU in my laptop, something like the GTX M GPUs with its own RAM, I would see and be able to use the full 3096MB of system RAM. It's the same thing with mobile devices, they share system RAM with the GPU.
That makes sense about the shared resources for the system and graphics. Thank you for the explanation!
Okay, if that is all, probably changing /system/etc/vold.fstab after repartitioning/removing the emmc-sdcard-partition and symlinking the other of the partitions should do it already? Or how does the storage settings things finds the storage memories? Or is there even something a bit more deeply buried, e.g. inside the kernels initrd or something like that? Does someone know those details?
@skelnik as written in the other thread something more here ...
It probably isn't completely beginner friendly to do all this just by this information here, but I might attempt to do this too, and then will share the information as step-wise as possible. But might take some weeks until I have a bit time left...
And be aware! There probably will be some downsides when not using a physical/external sdcard at all: You will not have the internal storage accessible as a usb storage device anymore (not sure about mtp or ptp mode, but these don't access everything anyway) - so if you screw up something it might become harder to recover. You should then probably have at least some 2gb sdcard you can use, just in case. But my opinion is that you should just pay those $5 for a physical sdcard (should even give you 4 or 8GB already...) and then there won't be these problems.
Use Ineternal Storage as sdcard on Nook Tablet
bluesock said:
@skelnik And be aware! There probably will be some downsides when not using a physical/external sdcard at all: You will not have the internal storage accessible as a usb storage device anymore (not sure about mtp or ptp mode, but these don't access everything anyway)
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Actually you will still have access from the PC (Windows OS at least) to this partition after using the internal storage as an sdcard. You need to go into the USB Connection Settings under Storage and change it to "USB Mass Storage" mode. Also USB Debugging needs to be unchecked in order for you to get prompted to enable USB Connection to PC. After that you will be able to transfer data to and from your PC to the internal partition being used like an sdcard on your Nook Tablet. That partition is set to 10GB for me so that is a huge benefit and allows me to swap out multiple external sdcards any time without disabling any apps.
skelnik said:
Actually you will still have access from the PC (Windows OS at least) to this partition after using the internal storage as an sdcard. You need to go into the USB Connection Settings under Storage and change it to "USB Mass Storage" mode. Also USB Debugging needs to be unchecked in order for you to get prompted to enable USB Connection to PC. After that you will be able to transfer data to and from your PC to the internal partition being used like an sdcard on your Nook Tablet. That partition is set to 10GB for me so that is a huge benefit and allows me to swap out multiple external sdcards any time without disabling any apps.
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Are you sure you mean the same thing as me? I am talking about removing one of the partitions and just making one large partition where both /data and a link from /sdcard into that will be. As far as I understood, Android does not do a virtualization of a path but really makes one of it's partitions accessible as usb storage? Or can you also format in ext4 and still read it in Windows?
If that works I am probably not right, otherwise read on:
All your configuration data and everything is on /data and would be removed from being accessible by the system as long as it is connected as usb storage (also all installed apps, ...), and besides that you would need to use the FAT filesystem for Windows compatibility, which is also probably not the best idea, security-wise (any app being able to read sdcard would for example be able to read your wifi configuration, maybe google account login data, etc. etc.).

[GUIDE] Increase Internal Storage! SD-EXT [NOOB FRIENDLY] [ROOT]

Hello Folks! Did you ever wanted to increase internal storage? Well you came to the right place! Today I will show you the RIGHT way of increasing internal storage and allowing you to install more apps and games!
Note: You will need to be running an custom ROM before attempting to increase storage. Also root and superuser permissions will be needed. This method best works on gingerbread as it is more stable, I have tried it on ICS and JB but they may soft brick your device.
Step 1: Download and install MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition [DO NOT USE THE WINDOWS PARTITION AS IT DOES NOT SUPPORT EXT FORMATS]
Step 2: Plug your device in and make sure its mounted. Open MiniTool Partition Wizard, now you should see your SD card. [Back everything up before continuing]
Step 3: Right click on the SD card and click on "Format". This may take a while.
Step 4: Right click again and wipe the partition. Once that is done, split the partition. If you have a 8GB SD card I recommend you give 900MB for SD-EXT and the rest for SD.
Step 5: Before you apply, make the second partition (sd-ext) EXT 3 format. Do not touch the larger partition. Once your done you can unplug your device from the computer.
It should look like this:
Step 6: Go over to the Play Store and download "Mounts2Sd"
Step 7: Run the application and it should ask for super user rights
Step 8: Hopefully you will be presented with a screen like this.
Step 9: Press the menu button then tap on "Application Settings." Then tap "Install Mounts Script"
Step 10: Once step 9 is complete, tap the wrench icon and select apps and dalvik cache. (best effective way to increase internal storage)
Step 11: Scroll down and find "Driver" tap on that and select "Auto Detect"
Step 12: Restart! [NOTE: Boot may take a little longer than usual] [The speed on boot up now mainly depends on your SD card]
Now you are done! Here it what mine looks like now! So what ever you install, will go into the SD-EXT partition. Dalvik Cache is also now in SD-EXT!
I hope I helped you!
Just wondering...
Hi there, I have a s5830 as well. I installed quite a number of apps in it but the internal storage is almost full. I have found this way of increasing the internal storage on many sites. But my question is, will it really work? I have read comments about this method. Most of the people say it just spoils your sd card. Let me know what you think. Thanks
leongkaixiang said:
Hi there, I have a s5830 as well. I installed quite a number of apps in it but the internal storage is almost full. I have found this way of increasing the internal storage on many sites. But my question is, will it really work? I have read comments about this method. Most of the people say it just spoils your sd card. Let me know what you think. Thanks
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Isn't this pretty similar to Link2SD?
Wait I'm getting confused. Are these two the similar thing? If so how do you configure it? I installed link2sd and have partitioned my sd card. From here what are the procedures to expand your internal storage? Thx
Thank you friend! Helped me a lot!
About your statement...
Still man even you want it with mount2sd or link2sd still can't fully free up your internal memory coz still left some private apk that cost more on internal even that's been moved with any you named it mount2sd link2sd app2sd or with script and blahx2.... etc still there is no best method that work on freeing memory that also don't forget about statement that more app u can install more that u build cache or dalvik cache even that running front or background that also consumed your RAM issued even after you swap RAM To sd card that's finally broke your SD so That"s the end of it so if you have better solutions could you please send me email to [email protected] Thanks again.... cheers....
Zerien said:
Wait I'm getting confused. Are these two the similar thing? If so how do you configure it? I installed link2sd and have partitioned my sd card. From here what are the procedures to expand your internal storage? Thx
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These two are similar in that they could make use of the partitioned sector of the sd card (known as the sd-ext) to act as additional "internal storage" for installing apps and works similarly as the phone internal memory. With the additional storage you could install more apps.
The above two are also similar in that they require init.d support and busy box. Most custom ROM normally are init.d supported and stock ROM's init.d support could be tested or added with app as per this tutorial: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1933849
Here are tutorials for Mount2SD and Link2SD.
Mount2SD Tutorial: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2389501
Link2SD Tutorial: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1614700
Samsung Galaxy Ace memory related problem
Dear All,
I have a problem to solve regarding my Samsung Ace S-5830 (with built in 270 MB !!! internal memory) installed on a CM11.
Small description:
SD card partitioned (1st: 5.7 GB FAT32, 2nd: 1.4GB ext2) into the device (all memory: 270 MB, internal: 178MB !!!) I have already installed Link2SD application, linked a few applications (App. cache cleaner, disk usage, Google play services, Total commander) -> SD card
My storage usage status according to Link2SD:
internal (/data) 130/178 MB
SD card (storage/sdcard0: 97% free
SD card 2nd part (/data/sdext2): 90% free
system (/system): 205/206 MB 0% free -> it seems to me it completely full. I think the install script determines the space, I don't know whether it is the proper status
cache(/cache):4/24 Mb 82 %
I have already cleaned caches a few times. When I want to install a 20 MB or so application (i.e Accuweather ) from Google Play than the application downloaded, the install procedure seemingly finished, but at the end of the process the error message:
Can't install app
Insufficient storage available
Which storage insufficient? Where is the app downloading to? Where is the Google play store cache? Is it configurable? How can I solve/improve the situation?
In general devices have remarkable internal memory (at least 1-2GB) instead of Samsung Ace. How can I overcome this disadvantage? Thank you for your valuable support.

