[Q] alert LED on while on call? - Thunderbolt Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Picked up a Thunderbolt and tonight while making a call at night I noticed the alert LED glows dim red and kinda flickers whenever I'm on a call. Can anyone verify that this is normal behaviour or do I have a defective phone?

The only thing that changes color is my notification bar. Is your phone plugged in?

no, not plugged in- i first noticed it while taking a walk. on second look it's a dim, somewhat flickery orange.

yeah i see that too. maybe thats the proximity sensor? idk.

I went to the Verizon store and Best Buy also and looked at the demo models- all 3 appeared to behave the same as mine with the faint orange/red LED on while on a call, so I'm guessing that's normal behavior. The salesman thought it was the screen that was lighting up the LED, but I turned off the screen and you could still see the LED was on.


Screen is NOT turned off actually by proximity sensor during phone call 2.1

Hi, may be it's just my x10i, but last night when I was making phone call in the dark I noticed that the screen is NOT turned off actually by the proximity sensor.
Yes the display went black if you put your finger in front of the sensor. This prevents any mistyping on the phone which is good. However, the back light of the display is still on. By this I mean, the screen is black but it's still bright, which made me feel very strange as it will continue to drain the battery. Anyone else discovered this? Any solutions?
hmm, mine doesnt turn off at all during calls, it will however turn off after 7-8 sec in call.
are you on 1.6 or 2.1?
shvyue said:
Hi, may be it's just my x10i, but last night when I was making phone call in the dark I noticed that the screen is NOT turned off actually by the proximity sensor.
Yes the display went black if you put your finger in front of the sensor. This prevents any mistyping on the phone which is good. However, the back light of the display is still on. By this I mean, the screen is black but it's still bright, which made me feel very strange as it will continue to drain the battery. Anyone else discovered this? Any solutions?
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I've noticed the same on both UK Generic and Global Generic 2.1, the screen goes black but the backlight is still on!!!
Here is a thread covering the same issue, search is your friend. =)
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[Q] Dat Light...?

I'm unsure if anyone tackled or even noticed this one yet, but I noticed that after I unlocked the bootloader via htcdev.com, whenever I make a call, there's a little red light that sits above the HTC branding (left of the notification LED) that flickers repeatedly whenever I make any phone calls. Is this a unlocked bootloader indicator, malfunction, or normal function of the phone? Also, can someone tell me what that light is for if it's not an indicator of a call?
daeboe said:
I'm unsure if anyone tackled or even noticed this one yet, but I noticed that after I unlocked the bootloader via htcdev.com, whenever I make a call, there's a little red light that sits above the HTC branding (left of the notification LED) that flickers repeatedly whenever I make any phone calls. Is this a unlocked bootloader indicator, malfunction, or normal function of the phone? Also, can someone tell me what that light is for if it's not an indicator of a call?
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I don't ever get the red indicator light unless my battery level is low.
In fact I don't have any LED light while I'm on a call at all.
Binary100100 said:
I don't ever get the red indicator light unless my battery level is low.
In fact I don't have any LED light while I'm on a call at all.
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I'm not saying the notification LED. It's a separate light to the left of it. It's located conveniently right above the right side of the T in the HTC branding. It's very very faint. The only reason I noticed it was because I was in the dark and I pulled the phone away from my face to look at it.
daeboe said:
I'm not saying the notification LED. It's a separate light to the left of it. It's located conveniently right above the right side of the T in the HTC branding. It's very very faint. The only reason I noticed it was because I was in the dark and I pulled the phone away from my face to look at it.
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I'm in the dark right now. I just made a call to my work phone. There is no light.
That's a sensor. It turns the screen off when the phone is by your face..(having a brain fart of what that sensor is called) lol
Edit: proximity sensor
Sent by accident from my Amaze using Tapatalk
Double0EK said:
That's a sensor. It turns the screen off when the phone is by your face..(having a brain fart of what that sensor is called) lol
Edit: proximity sensor
Sent by accident from my Amaze using Tapatalk
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So when that sensor is active, you can see the red flashing it does?
Edit: Well, you seem to have won the cookie. I don't know why my proximity sensor is actually visible. I just tested it with my thumb. Turns out that that is indeed the proximity sensor.
Mine does the same thing only its completly random. I'll look over and it'll be flashing. I decided to just ignore it a few weeks ago.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G
Mines doing it to, its really very faint and wouldn't have noticed it had I not read this.
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I noticed this a while a ago it is the proximity sensor, its not next to the left of the ambient light sensor and it is NOT the led!!, go into a dark room and make a call it'll start blinking...or any app that uses proximity sensor...Also if you have the option of pocket mode it'll probably be running all the time but i'm not sure, it should technically run when you receive a call, but you will definitely notice that it'll blink very very rapidly while you're in a call...proximity sensor!!
Whats weird that I noticed also is that when my HTC amaze fell on the floor board of my truck I reached down to pick it up and passed it in front of my Radar detector the L band went off on the radar detector I though maybe a cop out but nope every time i put the phone in the radar detectors view it started going off, pretty weird just wondering if anyone can explain that, it might be the reason its giving off that red glow
It emits infrared light. Some peoples' eyes are better attuned to see it than others. In other words, some people cannot see the light at all, and other people can see it just find - it all depends on how sensitive your eyes are to the infrared spectrum.
yeah i thought i was the only one with this problem. whenever i make calls the light goes crazy even after the call!
hey so after reading this, because i was also trying to find out what it is myself.. i now know what it is..
but recently i noticed that my phone freaked out, and shut itself off, and that red light stayed on.. my phone wouldnt charge nor turn on until
i took the battery out and out it back in.. has that happened to anyone??
Yea I've seen it to
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Thread Moved.
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"
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[Q] What is the top left sensor?

So maybe somebody can help me out. I know the top two sensors on top left of the amaze are proximity and light sensor. Which one is the one on the left of those two?
Last question, the top left sensor is flickering a dim red color. Is this normal? It even stays on when I turn off the screen. It's noticeable in the dark. It goes away if I restart the phone. Anyone also have this problem?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA App
It's the light that emmits if the phone is near your face or far to turn off or on the screen.. you supposed to get that effect when your on call mode and when your not it should turn off automatically..
I think why it kepps blinking because the red light if it is near on your face the red light bounce back to the sensor telling that the phone is on your face thus why the screen turn off..
Well It's blinking when I'm not on a call. It's staying on till I notice it and trun off my phone or restart it.
I do notice if I'm on a call for more than 5 mins I have to hit my power button to get the screen to show up to end a call. Shouldn't the screen com back on once its away from my face? Maybe I have a bad sensor.....
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA App
bmbrad said:
So maybe somebody can help me out. I know the top two sensors on top left of the amaze are proximity and light sensor. Which one is the one on the left of those two?
Last question, the top left sensor is flickering a dim red color. Is this normal? It even stays on when I turn off the screen. It's noticeable in the dark. It goes away if I restart the phone. Anyone also have this problem?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA App
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its normal all the phones do that, its the proximity sensor, tells your phone when your face is near the phone so the screen goes off to save battery and also prevent accidental pushing of buttons. If you have in pocket mode checked (always checking to see if its in your pocket to increase the ringtone) in the settings it's probably always on which wastes battery, you could turn in off under settings--> sound.
I swear I saw a post just like this like a month ago.
If you're wondering what it is I'll save you the trouble.
Proximity sensor.

[Q] LED Brightness Decreased after JB

Hi. 2-3 days before I did a Jelly Bean 4.1.1 update to my S3 from kies. (My country has DLJ1 release of JB). After the update i noticed some LED problem. When plugged my phone to plug, i noticed that my LED's Brightness has decreased (the red one, while plugged in). I plug out and plug in lots of times and only few of them shows bright LED. Also these bright LEDs loose it brightness again in 1-2 mins.
I tried the LED on notifications also. The same problem occurs again. Most of times the brightness is low from its usual.
Firstly i though it was a hardware problem and open test of my s3 from *#0*# and test my LEDs lots of time. In "EVERY" of the test, the LEDs are bright as sun and bright as usual before. So i start thinking that is a software/firmware problem.
Note: I also read a comment in another forum, someone also complain about this issue on "Charging Battery problem on JB.
So is this problem is usual and known or what. Do you know the reason and solution. How can i fix it? Thank you for your replies...
This is surely a widespread problem, I've found it too. As soon as I flashed official JB, I noticed the LED wasn't as bright. I suppose it's not a serious problem, but it isn't right.
Happens the same here, with DLIJ4 ROM.
Only affects the red charging notification and is a feature, not a problem. Less glare.
You make it sound like the end of the world... how sad.
Firstly i though like that but: If it is a feature why i can see very bright red LED while charging sometimes. As I said before, 90% times the brightness is low. However also as i said before in few times I saw bright red LED after a moment its gone again. If it is feature, is it normal ?
Also this happens in blue (notification) LED sometimes..
So i dont think as it is feature...
Not seen it on other colours, red is always dimmer than it was on ICS. I recall seeing somewhere that it was deliberate...
This is a feture. The LED brightness is now regulated automatically, depending on surrounding light.
I also tried in very dark room and also tried in under the lamp. But brigthness of LED is not change anyway I dont understand this ...
It seems that the surrounding light level is checked only when the charger is plugged-in and then in rather long interval.

Question Is it possible to lower the brightness of the charging LED?

It is quite bright, especially at night. Is there a way to control its brightness?
My Xperia 1 III is rooted if that's needed.
Thank you.
I just put the phone screen facing down
This is a technical forum and expects technical response to the asked question.
That's weird. My xqbc62-v notification LED is dim and has a narrow viewing angle. I can only see it at night.
I think there are multiple hardware revisions of this phone. My first phone was purple and crashed constantly. I returned it and bought a new one later. It's purple, but so dark that it looks back except under direct sun.
I see what you mean now. The BC62 notification LED used to track ambient light and it was always relatively dim. Starting with the Android 12 update, it's max brightness all the time. It's annoying at night.
Yep I can confirm that the LED is much brighter after A12 update. I charge the phone wirelessly at night beside my bed so putting it face-down is not an option. ;-)
What I have found to work is completely unscientific but works every time for me. I use a cable so not sure if it will do the same for wireless. After I plug it in I too notice that the LED is too bright. So I wait a minute or more and unlock the phone with my fingerprint (while the charging cable is still plugged in) and then double tap the screen to relock the phone. I use Nova Prime as my launcher which allows me to double tap to lock. Usually doing this makes the LED dim down considerably. Sometimes I have to do it 2 or 3 times but it always ends up working. YMMV
Anyone knowing a 2ay to disable the LED while charging? Maybe via adb command?

